Francis Lachapelle eb90760b39 Use address books search fields in Contacts module
Searches can now be scoped to one or multiple fields. Those fields are
now dynamic and can be defined using SearchFieldNames in external
contacts sources (SQL and LDAP).
2017-11-21 15:56:16 -05:00

509 lines
16 KiB

/* UIxContactFoldersView.m - this file is part of SOGo
* Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Inverse inc.
* This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#import <Foundation/NSValue.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/NSException+HTTP.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOContext+SoObjects.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WORequest.h>
#import <NGObjWeb/WOResponse.h>
#import <NGExtensions/NSNull+misc.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoPermissions.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoSystemDefaults.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUser.h>
#import <SOGo/SOGoUserSettings.h>
#import <SOGo/NSArray+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSDictionary+Utilities.h>
#import <SOGo/NSString+Utilities.h>
#import <Contacts/SOGoContactFolders.h>
#import <Contacts/SOGoContactGCSFolder.h>
#import <Contacts/SOGoContactSourceFolder.h>
#import "UIxContactFoldersView.h"
Class SOGoContactSourceFolderK, SOGoGCSFolderK;
@implementation UIxContactFoldersView
+ (void) initialize
SOGoContactSourceFolderK = [SOGoContactSourceFolder class];
SOGoGCSFolderK = [SOGoGCSFolder class];
- (id) init
if ((self = [super init]))
contextIsSetup = NO;
return self;
- (NSString *) modulePath
return @"Contacts";
- (void) _setupContext
SOGoUser *activeUser;
NSString *module;
SOGoContactFolders *clientObject;
if (!contextIsSetup)
activeUser = [context activeUser];
clientObject = [self clientObject];
module = [clientObject nameInContainer];
us = [activeUser userSettings];
moduleSettings = [us objectForKey: module];
if (!moduleSettings)
moduleSettings = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[us setObject: moduleSettings forKey: module];
[moduleSettings release];
contextIsSetup = YES;
- (void) setCurrentContact: (NSDictionary *) _contact
currentContact = _contact;
- (NSDictionary *) currentContact
return currentContact;
- (NSString *) currentContactClasses
return [[currentContact objectForKey: @"c_component"] lowercaseString];
- (NSArray *) personalContactInfos
SOGoContactFolders *folders;
id <SOGoContactFolder> folder;
NSArray *contactInfos;
folders = [self clientObject];
folder = [folders lookupPersonalFolder: @"personal" ignoringRights: YES];
if (folder && [folder conformsToProtocol: @protocol (SOGoContactFolder)])
contactInfos = [folder lookupContactsWithFilter: nil
onCriteria: nil
sortBy: @"c_cn"
ordering: NSOrderedAscending
inDomain: nil];
contactInfos = nil;
return contactInfos;
- (id <WOActionResults>) mailerContactsAction
selectorComponentClass = @"UIxContactsMailerSelection";
return self;
- (NSString *) selectorComponentClass
return selectorComponentClass;
- (WOElement *) selectorComponent
WOElement *newComponent;
newComponent = [self pageWithName: selectorComponentClass];
return newComponent;
- (BOOL) hasContactSelectionButtons
return (selectorComponentClass != nil);
- (id <WOActionResults>) allContactSearchAction
id <WOActionResults> result;
SOGoFolder <SOGoContactFolder> *folder;
NSString *searchText, *mail, *domain;
NSDictionary *data;
NSArray *folders, *contacts, *descriptors, *sortedContacts;
NSMutableArray *sortedFolders;
NSMutableDictionary *contact, *uniqueContacts;
unsigned int i, j, max;
NSSortDescriptor *commonNameDescriptor;
BOOL excludeGroups, excludeLists;
searchText = [self queryParameterForKey: @"search"];
if ([searchText length] > 0)
// NSLog(@"Search all contacts: %@", searchText);
excludeGroups = [[self queryParameterForKey: @"excludeGroups"] boolValue];
excludeLists = [[self queryParameterForKey: @"excludeLists"] boolValue];
domain = [[context activeUser] domain];
folders = nil;
folders = [[self clientObject] subFolders];
/* We need to specifically test for @"SOGoDBException", which is
raised explicitly in SOGoParentFolder. Any other exception should
be re-raised. */
if ([[localException name] isEqualToString: @"SOGoDBException"])
folders = nil;
[localException raise];
max = [folders count];
sortedFolders = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
uniqueContacts = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
folder = [folders objectAtIndex: i];
/* We first search in LDAP folders (in case of duplicated entries in GCS folders) */
if ([folder isKindOfClass: SOGoContactSourceFolderK])
[sortedFolders insertObject: folder atIndex: 0];
[sortedFolders addObject: folder];
for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
folder = [sortedFolders objectAtIndex: i];
//NSLog(@" Address book: %@ (%@)", [folder displayName], [folder class]);
contacts = [folder lookupContactsWithFilter: searchText
onCriteria: nil
sortBy: @"c_cn"
ordering: NSOrderedAscending
inDomain: domain];
for (j = 0; j < [contacts count]; j++)
contact = [contacts objectAtIndex: j];
mail = [contact objectForKey: @"c_mail"];
//NSLog(@" found %@ (%@) ? %@", [contact objectForKey: @"c_name"], mail,
// [contact description]);
if (!excludeLists && [[contact objectForKey: @"c_component"]
isEqualToString: @"vlist"])
[contact setObject: [folder nameInContainer]
forKey: @"container"];
[uniqueContacts setObject: contact
forKey: [contact objectForKey: @"c_name"]];
else if ([mail length]
&& [uniqueContacts objectForKey: mail] == nil
&& !(excludeGroups && [contact objectForKey: @"isGroup"]))
[uniqueContacts setObject: contact forKey: mail];
if ([uniqueContacts count] > 0)
// Sort the contacts by display name
commonNameDescriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey: @"c_cn"
descriptors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: commonNameDescriptor, nil];
[commonNameDescriptor release];
sortedContacts = [[uniqueContacts allValues]
sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: descriptors];
sortedContacts = [NSArray array];
data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: searchText, @"searchText",
sortedContacts, @"contacts",
result = [self responseWithStatus: 200];
[(WOResponse*) result appendContentString: [data jsonRepresentation]];
result = [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus: 400
reason: @"missing 'search' parameter"];
return result;
- (void) checkDefaultModulePreference
SOGoUserDefaults *ud;
if (![self isPopup])
ud = [[context activeUser] userDefaults];
if ([ud rememberLastModule])
[ud setLoginModule: @"Contacts"];
[ud synchronize];
- (BOOL) isPopup
return [[self queryParameterForKey: @"popup"] boolValue];
- (BOOL) isPublicAccessEnabled
// NOTE: This method is the same found in Common/UIxAclEditor.m
return [[SOGoSystemDefaults sharedSystemDefaults] enablePublicAccess];
- (NSArray *) contactFolders
SOGoContactFolders *folderContainer;
NSMutableDictionary *urls, *acls;
NSMutableArray *foldersAttrs;
NSString *userLogin, *owner;
NSArray *folders, *allACLs;
NSDictionary *folderAttrs;
id currentFolder;
BOOL objectCreator, objectEditor, objectEraser, synchronize;
int max, i;
userLogin = [[context activeUser] login];
folderContainer = [self clientObject];
folders = [folderContainer subFolders];
max = [folders count];
foldersAttrs = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: max];
urls = nil;
for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
currentFolder = [folders objectAtIndex: i];
owner = [currentFolder ownerInContext: context];
// We extract URLs for this address book
if ([currentFolder respondsToSelector: @selector(cardDavURL)])
urls = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[currentFolder cardDavURL], @"cardDavURL",
if ([self isPublicAccessEnabled])
[urls setObject: [currentFolder publicCardDavURL] forKey: @"publicCardDavURL"];
// We extract ACLs for this address book
allACLs = ([owner isEqualToString: userLogin] ? nil : [currentFolder aclsForUser: userLogin]);
objectCreator = ([owner isEqualToString: userLogin] || [allACLs containsObject: SOGoRole_ObjectCreator]);
objectEditor = ([owner isEqualToString: userLogin] || [allACLs containsObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEditor]);
objectEraser = ([owner isEqualToString: userLogin] || [allACLs containsObject: SOGoRole_ObjectEraser]);
acls = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithBool: objectCreator], @"objectCreator",
[NSNumber numberWithBool: objectEditor], @"objectEditor",
[NSNumber numberWithBool: objectEraser], @"objectEraser", nil];
if ([currentFolder isKindOfClass: SOGoGCSFolderK])
synchronize = [currentFolder synchronize];
synchronize = NO;
if ([[currentFolder nameInContainer] isEqualToString: @"personal"])
synchronize = YES;
// NOTE: keep urls as the last key/value here, to avoid chopping the dictionary
// if it is not a GCS folder
folderAttrs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@", [currentFolder nameInContainer]], @"id",
[currentFolder displayName], @"name",
[NSNumber numberWithBool: synchronize], @"synchronize",
owner, @"owner",
[NSNumber numberWithBool: [currentFolder isKindOfClass: SOGoGCSFolderK]], @"isEditable",
[NSNumber numberWithBool: [currentFolder isKindOfClass: SOGoContactSourceFolderK]
&& ![currentFolder isPersonalSource]], @"isRemote",
[NSNumber numberWithBool: [currentFolder isKindOfClass: SOGoContactSourceFolderK]
&& [currentFolder listRequiresDot]], @"listRequiresDot",
acls, @"acls",
urls, @"urls",
[currentFolder searchFields], @"searchFields",
[foldersAttrs addObject: folderAttrs];
return foldersAttrs;
* @api {get} /so/:username/Contacts/addressbooksList Get address books
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiName GetAddressbooksList
* @apiGroup Contacts
* @apiExample {curl} Example usage:
* curl -i http://localhost/SOGo/so/sogo1/Contacts/addressbooksList
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Object[]} addressbooks List of address books
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} AddressBook ID
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} Human readable name
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} addressbooks.owner User ID of owner
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} addressbooks.synchronize 1 if address book must be synchronized in EAS
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} addressbooks.listRequiresDot 1 if listing requires a search
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Number} addressbooks.isRemote 1 if address book is a global source
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {Object[]} urls URLs to this address book
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} [urls.cardDavURL] CardDAV URL
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} [urls.publicCardDavURL] Public CardDAV URL
- (WOResponse *) addressbooksListAction
NSDictionary *data;
WOResponse *response;
data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [self contactFolders]
forKey: @"addressbooks"];
response = [self responseWithStatus: 200 andJSONRepresentation: data];
return response;
// - (NSString *) currentContactFolderId
// {
// return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/%@", [currentFolder nameInContainer]];
// }
// - (NSString *) currentContactFolderName
// {
// return [currentFolder displayName];
// }
// - (NSString *) currentContactFolderOwner
// {
// return [currentFolder ownerInContext: context];
// - (NSString *) currentContactFolderClass
// {
// return (([currentFolder isKindOfClass: SOGoContactSourceFolderK]
// && ![currentFolder isPersonalSource])
// ? @"remote" : @"local");
// }
// - (NSString *) currentContactFolderAclEditing
// {
// return ([currentFolder isKindOfClass: SOGoGCSFolderK]
// ? @"available": @"unavailable");
// }
// - (NSString *) currentContactFolderListEditing
// {
// return ([currentFolder isKindOfClass: SOGoGCSFolderK]
// ? @"available": @"unavailable");
- (NSString *) verticalDragHandleStyle
NSString *vertical;
[self _setupContext];
vertical = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"DragHandleVertical"];
return ((vertical && [vertical intValue] > 0)
? (id)[vertical stringByAppendingFormat: @"px"] : nil);
- (NSString *) horizontalDragHandleStyle
NSString *horizontal;
[self _setupContext];
horizontal = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"DragHandleHorizontal"];
return ((horizontal && [horizontal intValue] > 0)
? (id)[horizontal stringByAppendingFormat: @"px"] : nil);
- (NSString *) contactsListContentStyle
NSString *height;
[self _setupContext];
height = [moduleSettings objectForKey: @"DragHandleVertical"];
return ((height && [height intValue] > 0)
? [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%ipx", ([height intValue] - 27)] : nil);
- (WOResponse *) saveDragHandleStateAction
WORequest *request;
NSString *dragHandle;
[self _setupContext];
request = [context request];
if ((dragHandle = [request formValueForKey: @"vertical"]) != nil)
[moduleSettings setObject: dragHandle
forKey: @"DragHandleVertical"];
else if ((dragHandle = [request formValueForKey: @"horizontal"]) != nil)
[moduleSettings setObject: dragHandle
forKey: @"DragHandleHorizontal"];
return [self responseWithStatus: 400];
[us synchronize];
return [self responseWithStatus: 204];
- (id) defaultAction
// NSString *check;
// WOResponse *response;
// static NSString *etag = @"\"contacts-ui\"";
[self checkDefaultModulePreference];
// check = [[context request] headerForKey: @"if-none-match"];
// if ([check length] > 0 && [check rangeOfString: etag].location != NSNotFound) /* not perfectly correct */
// response = [self responseWithStatus: 304];
// else
// {
// response = [context response];
// [response setHeader: etag forKey: @"etag"];
// response = (WOResponse *) [super defaultAction];
// }
// return response;
return [super defaultAction];
@interface UIxContactViewTemplate : UIxComponent
@implementation UIxContactViewTemplate
@interface UIxContactEditorTemplate : UIxComponent
@implementation UIxContactEditorTemplate