Jean Raby d1af8b7801 Imported implements the client side of the managesieve protocol
Added sieve tests (vacation, forwarding and simple sieve scripts)
Added some caldav scheduling tests cases and resources planning tests.
Added new variables to for sieve resources planning tests.

Monotone-Parent: d3ab72b923ee1d1bbd604ea5e7e14b54346aa0b3
Monotone-Revision: 53dfb1b04415248644ed626184df1362cd4ee2f1

Monotone-Date: 2011-05-03T12:37:34
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2011-05-03 12:37:34 +00:00

632 lines
22 KiB

"""Sieve management client.
A Protocol for Remotely Managing Sieve Scripts
Based on <draft-martin-managesieve-04.txt>
__version__ = "0.4.2"
__author__ = """Hartmut Goebel <>
Ulrich Eck <> April 2001
import binascii, re, socket, time, random, sys
import ssl
ssl_wrap_socket = ssl.wrap_socket
except ImportError:
ssl_wrap_socket = socket.ssl
__all__ = [ 'MANAGESIEVE', 'SIEVE_PORT', 'OK', 'NO', 'BYE', 'Debug']
Debug = 0
CRLF = '\r\n'
OK = 'OK'
NO = 'NO'
# authentication mechanisms currently supported
# in order of preference
# todo: return results or raise exceptions?
# todo: on result 'BYE' quit immediatly
# todo: raise exception on 'BYE'?
# Commands
commands = {
# name valid states
# bogus command to receive a NO after STARTTLS (see starttls() )
### needed
Oknobye = re.compile(r'(?P<type>(OK|NO|BYE))'
r'( \((?P<code>.*)\))?'
r'( (?P<data>.*))?')
# draft-martin-managesieve-04.txt defines the size tag of literals to
# contain a '+' (plus sign) behind the digits, but timsieved does not
# send one. Thus we are less strikt here:
Literal = re.compile(r'.*{(?P<size>\d+)\+?}$')
re_dquote = re.compile(r'"(([^"\\]|\\.)*)"')
re_esc_quote = re.compile(r'\\([\\"])')
class SSLFakeSocket:
"""A fake socket object that really wraps a SSLObject.
It only supports what is needed in managesieve.
def __init__(self, realsock, sslobj):
self.realsock = realsock
self.sslobj = sslobj
def send(self, str):
return len(str)
sendall = send
def close(self):
class SSLFakeFile:
"""A fake file like object that really wraps a SSLObject.
It only supports what is needed in managesieve.
def __init__(self, sslobj):
self.sslobj = sslobj
def readline(self):
str = ""
chr = None
while chr != "\n":
chr =
str += chr
return str
def read(self, size=0):
if size == 0:
return ''
def close(self):
def sieve_name(name):
# todo: correct quoting
return '"%s"' % name
def sieve_string(string):
return '{%d+}%s%s' % ( len(string), CRLF, string )
"""Sieve client class.
Instantiate with: MANAGESIEVE(host [, port])
host - host's name (default: localhost)
port - port number (default: standard Sieve port).
use_tls - switch to TLS automatically, if server supports
keyfile - keyfile to use for TLS (optional)
certfile - certfile to use for TLS (optional)
All Sieve commands are supported by methods of the same
name (in lower-case).
Each command returns a tuple: (type, [data, ...]) where 'type'
is usually 'OK' or 'NO', and 'data' is either the text from the
tagged response, or untagged results from command.
All arguments to commands are converted to strings, except for
However, the 'password' argument to the LOGIN command is always
quoted. If you want to avoid having an argument string quoted (eg:
the 'flags' argument to STORE) then enclose the string in
parentheses (eg: "(\Deleted)").
Errors raise the exception class <instance>.error("<reason>").
IMAP4 server errors raise <instance>.abort("<reason>"),
which is a sub-class of 'error'. Mailbox status changes
from READ-WRITE to READ-ONLY raise the exception class
<instance>.readonly("<reason>"), which is a sub-class of 'abort'.
"error" exceptions imply a program error.
"abort" exceptions imply the connection should be reset, and
the command re-tried.
"readonly" exceptions imply the command should be re-tried.
Note: to use this module, you must read the RFCs pertaining
to the IMAP4 protocol, as the semantics of the arguments to
each IMAP4 command are left to the invoker, not to mention
the results.
class error(Exception): """Logical errors - debug required"""
class abort(error): """Service errors - close and retry"""
def __clear_knowledge(self):
"""clear/init any knowledge obtained from the server"""
self.capabilities = []
self.loginmechs = []
self.implementation = ''
self.supports_tls = 0
def __init__(self, host='', port=SIEVE_PORT,
use_tls=False, keyfile=None, certfile=None): = host
self.port = port
self.debug = Debug
self.state = 'NONAUTH'
self.response_text = self.response_code = None
# Open socket to server.
self._open(host, port)
if __debug__:
self._cmd_log_len = 10
self._cmd_log_idx = 0
self._cmd_log = {} # Last `_cmd_log_len' interactions
if self.debug >= 1:
self._mesg('managesieve version %s' % __version__)
# Get server welcome message,
# request and store CAPABILITY response.
typ, data = self._get_response()
if typ == 'OK':
if use_tls and self.supports_tls:
typ, data = self.starttls(keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile)
if typ == 'OK':
def _parse_capabilities(self, lines):
for line in lines:
if len(line) == 2:
typ, data = line
assert len(line) == 1, 'Bad Capabilities line: %r' % line
typ = line[0]
data = None
if __debug__:
if self.debug >= 3:
self._mesg('%s: %r' % (typ, data))
self.implementation = data
elif typ == "SASL":
self.loginmechs = data.split()
elif typ == "SIEVE":
self.capabilities = data.split()
elif typ == "STARTTLS":
self.supports_tls = 1
# A client implementation MUST ignore any other
# capabilities given that it does not understand.
def __getattr__(self, attr):
# Allow UPPERCASE variants of MANAGESIEVE command methods.
if commands.has_key(attr):
return getattr(self, attr.lower())
raise AttributeError("Unknown MANAGESIEVE command: '%s'" % attr)
#### Private methods ###
def _open(self, host, port):
"""Setup 'self.sock' and 'self.file'."""
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.sock.connect((, self.port))
self.file = self.sock.makefile('r')
def _close(self):
def _read(self, size):
"""Read 'size' bytes from remote."""
data = ""
while len(data) < size:
data += - len(data))
return data
def _readline(self):
"""Read line from remote."""
return self.file.readline()
def _send(self, data):
return self.sock.send(data)
def _get_line(self):
line = self._readline()
if not line:
raise self.abort('socket error: EOF')
# Protocol mandates all lines terminated by CRLF
line = line[:-2]
if __debug__:
if self.debug >= 4:
self._mesg('< %s' % line)
self._log('< %s' % line)
return line
def _simple_command(self, *args):
"""Execute a command which does only return status.
Returns (typ) with
typ = response type
The responce code and text may be found in <instance>.response_code
and <instance>.response_text, respectivly.
return self._command(*args)[0] # only return typ, ignore data
def _command(self, name, arg1=None, arg2=None, *options):
Returns (typ, data) with
typ = response type
data = list of lists of strings read (only meaningfull if OK)
The responce code and text may be found in <instance>.response_code
and <instance>.response_text, respectivly.
if self.state not in commands[name]:
raise self.error(
'Command %s illegal in state %s' % (name, self.state))
# concatinate command and arguments (if any)
data = " ".join(filter(None, (name, arg1, arg2)))
if __debug__:
if self.debug >= 4: self._mesg('> %r' % data)
else: self._log('> %s' % data)
self._send('%s%s' % (data, CRLF))
for o in options:
if __debug__:
if self.debug >= 4: self._mesg('> %r' % o)
else: self._log('> %r' % data)
self._send('%s%s' % (o, CRLF))
except (socket.error, OSError), val:
raise self.abort('socket error: %s' % val)
return self._get_response()
except self.abort, val:
if __debug__:
if self.debug >= 1:
def _readstring(self, data):
if data[0] == ' ': # space -> error
raise self.error('Unexpected space: %r' % data)
elif data[0] == '"': # handle double quote:
if not self._match(re_dquote, data):
raise self.error('Unmatched quote: %r' % data)
snippet =
return re_esc_quote.sub(r'\1', snippet), data[]
elif self._match(Literal, data):
# read a 'literal' string
size = int('size'))
if __debug__:
if self.debug >= 4:
self._mesg('read literal size %s' % size)
return self._read(size), self._get_line()
data = data.split(' ', 1)
if len(data) == 1:
return data
def _get_response(self):
Returns (typ, data) with
typ = response type
data = list of lists of strings read (only meaningfull if OK)
The responce code and text may be found in <instance>.response_code
and <instance>.response_text, respectivly.
response-deletescript = response-oknobye
response-authenticate = *(string CRLF) (response-oknobye)
response-capability = *(string [SP string] CRLF) response-oknobye
response-listscripts = *(string [SP "ACTIVE"] CRLF) response-oknobye
response-oknobye = ("OK" / "NO" / "BYE") [SP "(" resp-code ")"] [SP string] CRLF
string = quoted / literal
quoted = <"> *QUOTED-CHAR <">
literal = "{" number "+}" CRLF *OCTET
;; The number represents the number of octets
;; MUST be literal-utf8 except for values
--> a response either starts with a quote-charakter, a left-bracket or
"quoted" CRLF
"quoted" SP "quoted" CRLF
[A-Z-]+ CRLF
data = [] ; dat = None
resp = self._get_line()
while 1:
if self._match(Oknobye, resp):
typ, code, dat ='type','code','data')
if __debug__:
if self.debug >= 1:
self._mesg('%s response: %s %s' % (typ, code, dat))
self.response_code = code
self.response_text = None
if dat:
self.response_text = self._readstring(dat)[0]
# if server quits here, send code instead of empty data
if typ == "BYE":
return typ, code
return typ, data
## elif 0:
## dat2 = None
## dat, resp = self._readstring(resp)
## if resp.startswith(' '):
## dat2, resp = self._readstring(resp[1:])
## data.append( (dat, dat2))
## resp = self._get_line()
dat = []
while 1:
dat1, resp = self._readstring(resp)
if __debug__:
if self.debug >= 4:
self._mesg('read: %r' % (dat1,))
if self.debug >= 5:
self._mesg('rest: %r' % (resp,))
if not resp.startswith(' '):
resp = resp[1:]
if len(dat) == 1:
resp = self._get_line()
return self.error('Should not come here')
def _match(self, cre, s):
# Run compiled regular expression match method on 's'.
# Save result, return success. = cre.match(s)
if __debug__:
if is not None and self.debug >= 5:
self._mesg("\tmatched r'%s' => %s" % (cre.pattern, ``))
return is not None
if __debug__:
def _mesg(self, s, secs=None):
if secs is None:
secs = time.time()
tm = time.strftime('%M:%S', time.localtime(secs))
sys.stderr.write(' %s.%02d %s\n' % (tm, (secs*100)%100, s))
def _log(self, line):
# Keep log of last `_cmd_log_len' interactions for debugging.
self._cmd_log[self._cmd_log_idx] = (line, time.time())
self._cmd_log_idx += 1
if self._cmd_log_idx >= self._cmd_log_len:
self._cmd_log_idx = 0
def print_log(self):
self.self._mesg('last %d SIEVE interactions:' % len(self._cmd_log))
i, n = self._cmd_log_idx, self._cmd_log_len
while n:
i += 1
if i >= self._cmd_log_len:
i = 0
n -= 1
### Public methods ###
def authenticate(self, mechanism, *authobjects):
"""Authenticate command - requires response processing."""
# command-authenticate = "AUTHENTICATE" SP auth-type [SP string] *(CRLF string)
# response-authenticate = *(string CRLF) (response-oknobye)
mech = mechanism.upper()
if not mech in self.loginmechs:
raise self.error("Server doesn't allow %s authentication." % mech)
if mech == AUTH_LOGIN:
authobjects = [ sieve_name(binascii.b2a_base64(ao)[:-1])
for ao in authobjects
elif mech == AUTH_PLAIN:
if len(authobjects) < 3:
# assume authorization identity (authzid) is missing
# and these two authobjects are username and password
authobjects.insert(0, '')
ao = '\0'.join(authobjects)
ao = binascii.b2a_base64(ao)[:-1]
authobjects = [ sieve_string(ao) ]
raise self.error("managesieve doesn't support %s authentication." % mech)
typ, data = self._command('AUTHENTICATE',
sieve_name(mech), *authobjects)
if typ == 'OK':
self.state = 'AUTH'
return typ
def login(self, auth, user, password):
Authenticate to the Sieve server using the best mechanism available.
for authmech in AUTHMECHS:
if authmech in self.loginmechs:
authobjs = [auth, user, password]
if authmech == AUTH_LOGIN:
authobjs = [user, password]
return self.authenticate(authmech, *authobjs)
raise self.abort('No matching authentication mechanism found.')
def logout(self):
"""Terminate connection to server."""
# command-logout = "LOGOUT" CRLF
# response-logout = response-oknobye
typ = self._simple_command('LOGOUT')
self.state = 'LOGOUT'
return typ
def listscripts(self):
"""Get a list of scripts on the server.
(typ, [data]) = <instance>.listscripts()
if 'typ' is 'OK', 'data' is list of (scriptname, active) tuples.
# command-listscripts = "LISTSCRIPTS" CRLF
# response-listscripts = *(sieve-name [SP "ACTIVE"] CRLF) response-oknobye
typ, data = self._command('LISTSCRIPTS')
if typ != 'OK': return typ, data
scripts = []
for dat in data:
if __debug__:
if not len(dat) in (1, 2):
self.error("Unexpected result from LISTSCRIPTS: %r" (dat,))
scripts.append( (dat[0], dat[1] is not None ))
return typ, scripts
def getscript(self, scriptname):
"""Get a script from the server.
(typ, scriptdata) = <instance>.getscript(scriptname)
'scriptdata' is the script data.
# command-getscript = "GETSCRIPT" SP sieve-name CRLF
# response-getscript = [string CRLF] response-oknobye
typ, data = self._command('GETSCRIPT', sieve_name(scriptname))
if typ != 'OK': return typ, data
if len(data) != 1:
self.error('GETSCRIPT returned more than one string/script')
# todo: decode data?
return typ, data[0][0]
def putscript(self, scriptname, scriptdata):
"""Put a script onto the server."""
# command-putscript = "PUTSCRIPT" SP sieve-name SP string CRLF
# response-putscript = response-oknobye
return self._simple_command('PUTSCRIPT',
def deletescript(self, scriptname):
"""Delete a scripts at the server."""
# command-deletescript = "DELETESCRIPT" SP sieve-name CRLF
# response-deletescript = response-oknobye
return self._simple_command('DELETESCRIPT', sieve_name(scriptname))
def setactive(self, scriptname):
"""Mark a script as the 'active' one."""
# command-setactive = "SETACTIVE" SP sieve-name CRLF
# response-setactive = response-oknobye
return self._simple_command('SETACTIVE', sieve_name(scriptname))
def havespace(self, scriptname, size):
# command-havespace = "HAVESPACE" SP sieve-name SP number CRLF
# response-havespace = response-oknobye
return self._simple_command('HAVESPACE',
def capability(self):
Isse a CAPABILITY command and return the result.
As a side-effect, on succes these attributes are (re)set:
# command-capability = "CAPABILITY" CRLF
# response-capability = *(string [SP string] CRLF) response-oknobye
typ, data = self._command('CAPABILITY')
if typ == 'OK':
return typ, data
def starttls(self, keyfile=None, certfile=None):
"""Puts the connection to the SIEVE server into TLS mode.
If the server supports TLS, this will encrypt the rest of the SIEVE
session. If you provide the keyfile and certfile parameters,
the identity of the SIEVE server and client can be checked. This,
however, depends on whether the socket module really checks the
# command-starttls = "STARTTLS" CRLF
# response-starttls = response-oknobye
typ, data = self._command('STARTTLS')
if typ == 'OK':
sslobj = ssl_wrap_socket(self.sock, keyfile, certfile)
self.sock = SSLFakeSocket(self.sock, sslobj)
self.file = SSLFakeFile(sslobj)
# MUST discard knowledge obtained from the server
# Some servers send capabilities after TLS handshake, some
# do not. We send a bogus command, and expect a NO. If you
# get something else instead, read the extra NO to clear
# the buffer.
typ, data = self._command('BOGUS')
if typ != 'NO':
typ, data = self._get_response()
# server may not advertise capabilities, thus we need to ask
if self.debug >= 3: self._mesg('started Transport Layer Security (TLS)')
return typ, data