Wolfgang Sourdeau 2c1c56956f Monotone-Parent: 3539ecd8be9d6a343ed36dd75849ea9713497066
Monotone-Revision: 1b12beb00e557f3ecfec3bb87a586b501981fced

Monotone-Date: 2006-12-19T17:06:07
Monotone-Branch: ca.inverse.sogo
2006-12-19 17:06:07 +00:00

117 lines
2.6 KiB

// $Id: UIxCalView.h 720 2005-07-12 13:56:19Z znek $
#ifndef __SOGo_UIxCalView_H__
#define __SOGo_UIxCalView_H__
#include <SOGoUI/UIxComponent.h>
Superclass for most components which render a set of appointments coming from
a SOPE clientObject (which usually is an SOGoAppointmentFolder).
@class NSString, NSArray, NSDictionary, NSMutableDictionary, NSCalendarDate, SOGoAptFormatter;
@class SOGoAppointmentFolder;
@interface UIxCalView : UIxComponent
NSArray *appointments;
NSMutableDictionary *componentsData;
NSArray *tasks;
NSArray *allDayApts;
id appointment;
NSCalendarDate *currentDay;
SOGoAptFormatter *aptFormatter;
SOGoAptFormatter *aptTooltipFormatter;
SOGoAptFormatter *privateAptFormatter;
SOGoAptFormatter *privateAptTooltipFormatter;
struct {
unsigned isMyApt : 1;
unsigned canAccessApt : 1;
unsigned RESERVED : 30;
} aptFlags;
/* config */
- (void)configureFormatters;
/* accessors */
- (NSArray *) appointments;
- (void) setAppointments: (NSArray *) _apts;
- (void) setTasks: (NSArray *) _tasks;
- (NSArray *) tasks;
- (NSArray *)allDayApts;
- (id)appointment;
- (BOOL)isMyApt;
- (BOOL)canAccessApt; /* protection */
- (BOOL)hasDayInfo;
- (BOOL)hasHoldidayInfo;
- (BOOL)hasAllDayApts;
- (NSDictionary *)aptTypeDict;
- (NSString *)aptTypeLabel;
- (NSString *)aptTypeIcon;
- (SOGoAptFormatter *)aptFormatter;
- (NSString *)shortTextForApt;
- (NSString *)shortTitleForApt;
- (NSString *)tooltipForApt;
- (NSString *)appointmentViewURL;
- (id)holidayInfo;
/* related to current day */
- (void)setCurrentDay:(NSCalendarDate *)_day;
- (NSCalendarDate *)currentDay;
- (NSString *)currentDayName; /* localized */
/* defaults */
- (BOOL)showFullNames;
- (BOOL)showAMPMDates;
- (unsigned)dayStartHour;
- (unsigned)dayEndHour;
- (BOOL)shouldDisplayWeekend;
- (BOOL)shouldDisplayRejectedAppointments;
- (NSCalendarDate *)referenceDateForFormatter;
- (NSCalendarDate *)thisMonth;
- (NSCalendarDate *)nextMonth;
/* fetching */
- (NSCalendarDate *)startDate;
- (NSCalendarDate *)endDate;
- (NSArray *) fetchCoreAppointmentsInfos;
- (NSArray *) fetchCoreTasksInfos;
/* date selection */
- (NSDictionary *)todayQueryParameters;
- (NSDictionary *)currentDayQueryParameters;
/* calendarUIDs */
- (NSString *)formattedCalendarUIDs;
- (SOGoAppointmentFolder *) calendarFolderForUID: (NSString *) uid;
/* CSS related */
- (NSString *)aptStyle;
/* protected methods */
- (NSDictionary *) _dateQueryParametersWithOffset: (int) daysOffset;
#endif /* __SOGo_UIxCalView_H__ */