Francis Lachapelle 2e02380a93 Initial drag'n'drop support in Calendar module
- drag'n'drop in month's view;
- drag to create an all-day event;
- drag'n'drop to a calendar in the sidenav;
- touchscreen gestures support.
2015-11-06 15:15:37 -05:00

182 lines
5.7 KiB

/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
(function() {
/* jshint validthis: true */
'use strict';
* sgCalendarScrollView - scrollable view that contains draggable elements
* @memberof SOGo.SchedulerUI
* @restrict attribute
* @param {string} sgCalendarScrollView - the view type (multiday, multiday-allday, or monthly)
* @example:
<md-content sg-calendar-scroll-view="multiday">
sgCalendarScrollView.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$window', '$document', '$q', '$timeout', '$mdGesture', 'Calendar', 'Component'];
function sgCalendarScrollView($rootScope, $window, $document, $q, $timeout, $mdGesture, Calendar, Component) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
type: '@sgCalendarScrollView'
controller: sgCalendarScrollViewController,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var view, scrollView, type, lastScroll, deregisterDragStart, deregisterDragStop;
scrollView = element[0];
type = scope.type; // multiday, multiday-allday, monthly, unknown?
lastScroll = 0;
// Listen to dragstart and dragend events
deregisterDragStart = $rootScope.$on('calendar:dragstart', onDragStart);
deregisterDragStop = $rootScope.$on('calendar:dragend', onDragEnd);
// Update the "view" object literal once the Angular template has been transformed
// Deregister listeners when destroying the view
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
deregisterDragStop();'mouseover', updateFromPointerHandler);
angular.element($window).off('resize', updateCoordinates);
function initView() {
var quarterHeight;
// Quarter height doesn't change if window is resize; compute it only once
quarterHeight = getQuarterHeight();
view = {
type: type,
quarterHeight: quarterHeight,
scrollStep: 6 * quarterHeight,
maxX: getMaxColumns(),
// Expose a reference of the view element
element: scrollView
// Compute coordinates of view element; recompute it on window resize
angular.element($window).on('resize', updateCoordinates);
function getQuarterHeight() {
var hour0, hour23, height;
hour0 = document.getElementById('hour0');
hour23 = document.getElementById('hour23');
height = ((hour23.offsetTop - hour0.offsetTop) / (23 * 4));
return height;
function getDayWidth(viewLeft) {
var width, offset, nodes, domRect;
width = 0;
offset = 0;
nodes = scrollView.getElementsByClassName('day0');
if (nodes.length > 0) {
domRect = nodes[0].getBoundingClientRect();
width = domRect.width;
offset = domRect.left - viewLeft;
return [width, offset];
function getMaxColumns() {
var max = 0;
//if (type == 'multiday') {
max = scrollView.getElementsByClassName('day').length - 1;
return max;
// View has been resized;
// Compute the view's origins (x, y), a day's width (dayWidth) and the left margin (daysOffset).
function updateCoordinates() {
var domRect, dayWidth;
domRect = scrollView.getBoundingClientRect();
dayWidth = getDayWidth(domRect.left);
angular.extend(view, {
coordinates: {
x: domRect.left,
dayWidth: dayWidth[0],
daysOffset: dayWidth[1]
function onDragStart() {
element.on('mouseover', updateFromPointerHandler);
function onDragEnd() {'mouseover', updateFromPointerHandler);
Calendar.$view = null;
// From SOGoScrollController.updateFromPointerHandler
function updateFromPointerHandler() {
var scrollStep, pointerHandler, pointerCoordinates, now, scrollY, minY, delta;
scrollStep = view.scrollStep;
pointerHandler = Component.$ghost.pointerHandler;
if (pointerHandler) {
pointerCoordinates = pointerHandler.getContainerBasedCoordinates(view);
if (pointerCoordinates) {
// Pointer is inside view; Adjust scrollbar if necessary
Calendar.$view = view;
now = new Date().getTime();
if (!lastScroll || now > lastScroll + 100) {
lastScroll = now;
scrollY = pointerCoordinates.y - scrollStep;
if (scrollY < 0) {
minY = -scrollView.scrollTop;
if (scrollY < minY)
scrollY = minY;
scrollView.scrollTop += scrollY;
else {
scrollY = pointerCoordinates.y + scrollStep;
delta = scrollY - scrollView.clientHeight;
if (delta > 0) {
scrollView.scrollTop += delta;
sgCalendarScrollViewController.$inject = ['$scope'];
function sgCalendarScrollViewController($scope) {
// Expose the view type to the controller
// See sgCalendarDayBlockGhost
this.type = $scope.type;
.directive('sgCalendarScrollView', sgCalendarScrollView);