Connection Details

Mining Pool Address:

Mining Ports

Starting Difficulty:

For Windows users new to mining

You can Download and run cryptonote-easy-miner which will automatically generate your wallet address and run CPUMiner with the proper parameters.

Mining Apps

App Name Architecture Downloads Discussion Source Code
XMR-Stak-CPU (by fireice_uk) CPU Github Reddit Github
Example: xmr-stak-cpu Please edit config.txt file to suit your needs.
XMR-Stak-AMD (by fireice_uk) OpenCL (AMD) Github reddit Github
Example: xmr-stak-amd Please edit config.txt file to suit your needs.
CPUMiner (forked by LucasJones & Wolf) CPU Github BitcoinTalk Github
Example: minerd -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://: -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p x
YAM Miner (by yvg1900) CPU MEGA Twitter Proprietary
Example: yam -c x -M stratum+tcp://YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS:x@:/xmr
Claymore CPU Miner CPU MEGA BitcoinTalk Proprietary
Example: NsCpuCNMiner64 -o stratum+tcp://: -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p x
Claymore GPU Miner OpenCL (AMD) MEGA Discussion Proprietary
Example: NsGpuCNMiner -o stratum+tcp://: -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p x
ccminer (forked by tsiv) CUDA (Nvidia) Github BitcoinTalk Github
Example: ccminer -o stratum+tcp://: -u YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -p x