const objectPath = require('object-path'); function required() { return (path, input, msgs) => { if(!input) { msgs.push(`Property '${path}' must be set! value=${input}`) } } } function length(min, max=-1) { return (path, input, msgs) => { if(min > 0 && input.length < min) { msgs.push(`Property '${path}' must have at least ${min} characters! actual=${input.length}`) } if(max > 0 && input.length > max) { msgs.push(`Property '${path}' must not have more than ${max} characters! actual=${input.length}`) } } } function regex(regex) { return (path, input, msgs) => { if(!input.match(regex)) { msgs.push(`Property '${path}' must only comply to pattern ${regex}! value=${input}`) } } } const linterMappings = [ { path: 'name', linters: [ required(), length(4), regex(/^[a-z0-9_-]+$/) ] }, { path: 'description', linters: [ required(), length(4), regex(/^[A-Z]{1}[a-z0-9_-]+\.$/) ] } ] module.exports.lint = function(spec) { let messages = []; linterMappings.forEach(element => { let value = objectPath.get(spec, element.path); element.linters.forEach(linter => { linter(element.path, value, messages); }); }); return messages; }