const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const os = require('os') const linter = require('../linter') const internal_templates = [ 'default.json', 'info.json', 'annotations.json' ] function prepareUserDir(config) { console.trace('cmd.gen.prepareUserDir') let user = {} let apicli_dir = path.join(os.homedir(), '.apicli') user.dir = apicli_dir user.templatedir = path.join(apicli_dir, 'templates') user.template = (name) => path.join(user.templatedir, name) if(!fs.existsSync(apicli_dir)) { console.debug(`Create user directory at ${apicli_dir}`) fs.mkdirSync(user.templatedir, { recursive: true }) } internal_templates.forEach(template_name => { console.debug('Copy template files to user dir') let local_path = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'templates', template_name) let target_path = user.template(template_name) if(!fs.existsSync(target_path)) { console.trace(`Copy ${local_path} to ${target_path}`) fs.copyFileSync(local_path, target_path) } }) config.user = user } function prepareData(config) { console.trace('cmd.gen.prepareData') let data = {} let templates = {} = || undefined data.description = config.args.description || undefined data.base_url = config.args.baseurl || undefined data.namespace = config.args.namespace || undefined templates.base = config.args.template || config.user.template('default.json') = || config.user.template('info.json') templates.annotations = config.args.annotations || config.user.template('annotations.json') config.output = config.args.out || path.join(process.cwd(), `${}.json`) = data config.templates = templates } function checkPreconditions(config) { console.trace('gen.cmd.checkPreconditions') if(! { throw `Name must not be empty!` } if(! { throw `Description must not be empty!` } } function generateTemplate(config) { console.trace('cmd.gen.generateTemplate') console.log(`Generate Service spec for service ${} to ${config.output}`) let template = require(config.templates.base) let info = require( let annotations = require(config.templates.annotations) template = { ...template,, info, annotations } console.trace(template) return template } function writeToFile(config, template) { console.trace('cmd.gen.writeToFile') console.debug(`Write to ${config.output}`) fs.writeFileSync(config.output, JSON.stringify(template, null, '\t')) } function prepare(config) { console.trace('cmd.gen.prepare') prepareUserDir(config) prepareData(config) checkPreconditions(config) console.trace('config:', config) return config } module.exports = { description: 'Generate a new api spec from a template.', usage: { options: { '--interactive, -i': 'Interactive mode. Generate spec with interactive input from user. (optional)', '--name ': 'Name of the service.', '--description ': 'Description of the service.', '--namespace ': 'Namespace of the service. (optional)', '--baseurl ': 'Base URL of the service. (optional)', '--store-default': 'Store the generated spec as new user template. (optional)', '--template ': 'Path to a template spec to use for generation. (optional)', '--info ': "Path to an info template. (optional)", '--annotations ': "Path to an annotations template. (optional)", '--out ': "Path to output the generated template. (optional)", '--quiet, -q': "Do not create the spec file, just output it to stdout. (optional)", '--skip-linting': "Skip the linting process. (optional)" } }, run(args) { let config = prepare({ args }) let spec = generateTemplate(config) if(!args['skip-linting']) { linter.lint(spec) } if(!args.q && !args.quiet) { writeToFile(config, spec) } return spec } }