const assert = require('assert').strict const loader = require('../src/loader') const logging = require('../src/logging') const expect = require('chai').expect const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') logging.init(-1) const commands = loader.load() describe("gen command", () => { const test_spec = { name: 'test-service', description: 'Description for service.', baseurl: '', namespace: 'de.nclazz' , quiet: true } it('throws an error on missing name', () => { expect(() =>{ quiet: true })).to.throw('Name must not be empty!') }) it('throws an error on missing description', () => { expect(() =>{ name: 'testename', quiet: true })).to.throw('Description must not be empty!') }) it('generates a spec', () => { let spec =; expect(spec).to.not.equal(null) expect(spec).to.not.equal(undefined) expect(spec).to.not.equal({}) }) it('includes [name, description, base_url, namespace] as top level properties', () => { let spec =; expect(spec).to.have.ownProperty('name') expect(spec).to.have.ownProperty('description') expect(spec).to.have.ownProperty('base_url') expect(spec).to.have.ownProperty('namespace') }) it('correctly propagates [name, description, base_url, namespace] to spec', () => { let spec =; expect('test-service') expect(spec.description).to.equal('Description for service.') expect(spec.base_url).to.equal('') expect(spec.namespace).to.equal('de.nclazz') }) it('does not creates a file in quiet mode', () => { let spec ={ ...test_spec, out: './test-spec.json' }); expect(fs.existsSync('./test-spec.json')).to.equal(false) }) it('creates a file with valid json spec', () => { let spec_path = path.join(__dirname, 'test-spec.json'){ ...test_spec, out: spec_path, quiet: false }); expect(fs.existsSync(spec_path)).to.equal(true) let spec_json = require(spec_path) expect(spec_json).to.have.ownProperty('name') expect(spec_json).to.have.ownProperty('description') expect(spec_json).to.have.ownProperty('base_url') expect(spec_json).to.have.ownProperty('namespace') fs.unlinkSync(spec_path) }) })