using System; using ln.logging; using ln.http; using System.Net; using ln.skyscanner.http; using System.IO; using ln.skyscanner.crawl; using ln.types.threads; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; using ln.skyscanner.checks; using ln.skyscanner.import.skytron; using System.Linq; using ln.skyscanner.entities; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using; using ln.application; using ln.application.service; using; using Renci.SshNet.Messages; using System.Threading; using ln.http.resources; using ln.types.rpc; namespace ln.skyscanner { [JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter))] public enum ComponentState { STOPPED, INITIALIZED, STARTED, FAILED, STOPPING } public class SkyScanner : Application { public static SkyScanner Instance { get; private set; } public String BasePath { get; private set; } public Pool ConveniencePool { get; } public HTTPServer HTTPServer { get; private set; } public Crawler Crawler { get; private set; } public SkyEntities Entities { get; private set; } public SkyChecker Checker { get; private set; } public bool OptionDisableChecker { get; private set; } public String OptionCrawlVendor { get; private set; } public SkyScanner() { if (Instance != null) throw new NotSupportedException("only one SkyScanner may be created"); Instance = this; Arguments .Add(0, "base-path", Path.GetFullPath("/var/cache/ln.skyscanner")) .Add(0, "import-skytron", null) .Add(0, "benchmark", null) .Add(0, "debug-check", null) .Add("disable-checker") .Add(0, "crawl-vendor", null) .Add(0, "crawl", null) ; Logging.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "SkyScanner: Constructor"); BasePath = Arguments["base-path"].Value; Logging.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "SkyScanner: BasePath={0}", BasePath); ConveniencePool = new Pool(); } public override void PrepareStart() { base.PrepareStart(); if (Arguments["import-skytron"].IsSet) { SkytronImport si = new SkytronImport(Arguments["import-skytron"].Value); si.Import(); } if (Arguments["benchmark"].IsSet) { switch (Arguments["benchmark"].Value) { case "odb": BenchmarkODB(); break; default: Logging.Log(LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown Benchmark: {0}", Arguments["benchmark"].Value); break; } throw new Exception("Quitting after benchmarking"); } /* if (crawlHost != null) { CrawlHost(crawlHost); throw new Exception("Quitting after --crawl"); } if (debugCheckNode != null) { DebugCheck(debugCheckNode); throw new Exception("Quitting after --debug-check"); } */ ServiceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.From(true)); ServiceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.From(true)); ServiceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.From(true)); ServiceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.From(true)); } public class Service : ApplicationServiceBase { public WebSocketInterface webSocketInterface { get; private set; } public RPCContainer RPCContainer { get; private set; } public Service() : base("SkyScanner Application Service") { RPCContainer = new RPCContainer(); } public override void ServiceMain(IApplicationInterface applicationInterface) { String BasePath = "."; Resource rootResource = applicationInterface.HTTPApplication.RootResource; String TemplatesBasePath = Path.Combine(BasePath, "templates", "static"); /* Development hint */ if (Directory.Exists("../../templates/static")) TemplatesBasePath = Path.Combine(BasePath, "..", "..", "templates", "static"); DirectoryResource staticTemplates = new DirectoryResource(rootResource, TemplatesBasePath); staticTemplates.ResourceTypeHook = ResourceTypeHook; staticTemplates.DefaultResource = staticTemplates.GetResource("index.html"); rootResource.DefaultResource = staticTemplates; webSocketInterface = new WebSocketInterface(rootResource, this); RPCContainer.Add("", new SkyScannerRpc(this)); long nextCycle = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(); while (!StopRequested) { while ((nextCycle - DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()) < 0) nextCycle += 1000; try { int timeOut = (int)(nextCycle - DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds()); if (timeOut > 0) Thread.Sleep(timeOut); } catch (ThreadInterruptedException) { if (StopRequested) break; } /* Send Application State to WebSockets */ JObject msg = new JObject(); JObject stateObject = new JObject(); stateObject["currentTime"] = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds(); msg["state"] = stateObject; webSocketInterface.Broadcast(msg); } } private Resource ResourceTypeHook(DirectoryResource directoryResource, FileInfo fileInfo) { if (fileInfo.Extension.Equals(".html")) return new TemplateResource(directoryResource, fileInfo.FullName); return null; } class SkyScannerRpc { Service skyscannerService; public SkyScannerRpc(Service skyscannerService) { this.skyscannerService = skyscannerService; } public string GetServerString() { return "SkyScanner 0.1a"; } } } public void BenchmarkODB() { int maxIterations = 10000; for (int i = 0; i < maxIterations; i++) { int n = 0; Logging.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "Benchmark ODB: Iteration {0} of {1}", i, maxIterations); foreach (SkyCheckState checkState in SkyScanner.Instance.Entities.SkyCheckStates.ToArray()) { SkyScanner.Instance.Entities.SkyCheckStates.Upsert(checkState); n++; } Logging.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "Saved {0} SkyCheckStates", n); } } public void CrawlHost(IPv4 ip) { Logger.ConsoleLogger.MaxLogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUGFULL; CrawledHost crawledHost = new CrawledHost(); crawledHost.Name = ip.ToString(); crawledHost.PrimaryIP = ip; crawledHost.IPAddresses = new IPv4[] { ip }; Crawl crawl = new Crawl(Crawler, crawledHost); crawl.Prepare(); crawl.RunJob(); Logging.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "CrawledHost: {0}", JObject.FromObject(crawledHost).ToString()); } public void DebugCheck(String uniqueID) { Logger.ConsoleLogger.MaxLogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUGFULL; Node node = Entities.NodeCollection.Query("uniqueIdentity", uniqueID).FirstOrDefault(); if (node == null) { Logging.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "DebugCheck(): Node not found: uniqueIdentity={0}", uniqueID); } else { Logging.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "DebugCheck(): Node: {0}",JObject.FromObject(node).ToString()); CheckJob checkJob = new CheckJob(node); Logging.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "Prepare..."); checkJob.Prepare(); Logging.Log(LogLevel.INFO, "Check..."); checkJob.RunJob(); } } } }