// /** // * File: Program.cs // * Author: haraldwolff // * // * This file and it's content is copyrighted by the Author and / or copyright holder. // * Any use wihtout proper permission is illegal and may lead to legal actions. // * // * // **/ using System; using Renci.SshNet; using ln.skyscanner.identify; using System.Net; using System.Collections.Generic; using ln.snmp.types; using System.IO; using ln.snmp; using ln.snmp.endpoint; using System.Diagnostics; using ln.perfdb.storage; using ln.logging; using System.Security.Cryptography; namespace ln.skyscanner { class MainClass { private static void DumpPerfValues(PerfValue[] perfValues) { int n = 0; Logging.Log("----------------------------------------------"); Logging.Log("Dumping {0} perfValues:", perfValues.Length); foreach (PerfValue perfValue in perfValues) { Logging.Log("PerfValue: [{1,6}] {0}", perfValue, n); n++; } Logging.Log(""); } public static void Main(string[] args) { //PerfFile perfFile = new PerfFile("test.lnpv"); //perfFile.Open(); //if (perfFile.FirstSection == null) //{ // PerfFile.PerfFileSection section = new PerfFile.PerfFileSection(perfFile, null, 1440, 60, AggregationMethod.AVERAGE); // section = new PerfFile.PerfFileSection(perfFile, section,1728,300, AggregationMethod.AVERAGE); // section = new PerfFile.PerfFileSection(perfFile, section, 2016, 900, AggregationMethod.AVERAGE); // section = new PerfFile.PerfFileSection(perfFile, section, 1344, 3600, AggregationMethod.AVERAGE); // section = new PerfFile.PerfFileSection(perfFile, section, 1344, 10800, AggregationMethod.AVERAGE); //} //int n = 10; //for (long ts = 1000; ts < 160000; ts += 60) //{ // perfFile.Write(ts, n++); //} //PerfValue[] dump = new PerfValue[perfFile.FirstSection.nRecords]; //perfFile.FirstSection.ReadRecords(dump, 0, 0, dump.Length); //DumpPerfValues(dump); //DumpPerfValues(perfFile.QueryTime(3600, 0)); //DumpPerfValues(perfFile.QueryTime(3600 * 24, 0)); //DumpPerfValues(perfFile.QueryTime(3600 * 24, 3600)); //perfFile.Close(); //return; SNMPEngine.DEBUG = true; SNMPEngine engine = new SNMPEngine(); engine.Timeout = 4000; SnmpV1Endpoint v1endpoint = new SnmpV1Endpoint(engine, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 161), "ghE7wUmFPoPpkRno"); SnmpV2Endpoint v2endpoint = new SnmpV2Endpoint(engine, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 161), "ghE7wUmFPoPpkRno"); USMEndpoint v3endpoint = new USMEndpoint(engine, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 161)); v3endpoint.AuthMethod = SnmpV3AuthMethod.SHA; v3endpoint.AuthKeyPhrase = "qVy3hnZJ2fov"; //v3endpoint.AuthKeyPhrase = "maplesyrup"; v3endpoint.Username = "skytron"; SnmpEndpoint intf = v3endpoint; Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Sequence[][] ifTable = intf.snmpWalk(new String[] { "", "", "", "", "" }); stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Time for table walk: {0}ms", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); foreach (Sequence[] sequences in ifTable) { foreach (Sequence sequence in sequences) { Console.Write("{0}\t", sequence?.Items[1].Value); } Console.WriteLine(""); } engine.Close(); //NodeIdentifier identifier = new NodeIdentifier(IPAddress.Parse("")); //identifier.Identify(); //foreach (KeyValuePair hint in identifier.Hints) //{ // Console.WriteLine("{0:16} = {1}", hint.Key, hint.Value); //} } } }