Harald Wolff b617a7539e WIP
2019-04-16 18:23:05 +02:00

70 lines
2 KiB

// /**
// * File: PerformanceValue.cs
// * Author: haraldwolff
// *
// * This file and it's content is copyrighted by the Author and / or copyright holder.
// * Any use wihtout proper permission is illegal and may lead to legal actions.
// *
// *
// **/
using System;
using ln.perfdb.storage;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace ln.skyscanner.checks
public class PerformanceValue
public string[] PerfPath { get; private set; }
public string PerfName => string.Join("/", PerfPath);
public double LastValue { get; set; }
public double WarnLower { get; set; } = Double.MinValue;
public double WarnUpper { get; set; } = Double.MaxValue;
public double CritLower { get; set; } = Double.MinValue;
public double CritUpper { get; set; } = Double.MaxValue;
private PerformanceValue()
public PerformanceValue(string[] perfPath,double wLower = Double.MinValue,double wUpper = Double.MaxValue, double cLower = Double.MinValue, double cUpper = Double.MaxValue)
PerfPath = perfPath;
LastValue = 0;
WarnLower = wLower;
WarnUpper = wUpper;
CritLower = cLower;
CritUpper = cUpper;
public void WritePerfValue(double value)
LastValue = value;
PerfFile perfFile = SkyScanner.Instance.Checker.GetPerfFile(PerfPath);
lock (perfFile)
perfFile.Write(DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(), value);
public CheckState CheckState
if ((LastValue < CritLower) || (LastValue > CritUpper))
return CheckState.CRITICAL;
if ((LastValue < WarnLower) || (LastValue > WarnUpper))
return CheckState.WARN;
return CheckState.OK;