#!/usr/bin/env python import sys if sys.version_info < (3, 1): print("Python 3.1 or greater is required") sys.exit(1) import os import tempfile import urllib.request import subprocess import shutil import time if len(sys.argv) is not 2: print('Please provide address of jenkins server') print('Example: buildautentapp:8090') sys.exit(1) if not shutil.which('java'): print('Cannot find java') sys.exit(1) filename = "jenkins-cli.jar" jenkinsJar = tempfile.gettempdir() + '/' + filename if not os.path.isfile(jenkinsJar): try: url = 'http://' + sys.argv[1] + '/jnlpJars/' + filename print('Download ' + url) jenkinsJar, headers = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, jenkinsJar) except Exception as e: print('Cannot download ' + filename + ': ' + str(e)) sys.exit(1) else: print('Use existing: ' + jenkinsJar) def systemCall(cmd, content = None): print('Calling: ' + cmd) try: result = str(subprocess.check_output(cmd, stdin=content, shell=True), 'UTF8').strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print('Got error: ' + str(e.output, 'UTF8')) return 'code: ' + str(e.returncode) print('Got: ' + result) return result def callJenkins(cmd, content = None): return systemCall('java -jar ' + jenkinsJar + ' -noKeyAuth -s http://' + sys.argv[1] + ' ' + cmd, content) def installPlugin(plugin): return callJenkins('install-plugin ' + ' '.join(plugin) + ' -restart') initialSessionId = callJenkins('session-id') alreadyInstalledPlugins = callJenkins('list-plugins') plugins = [] plugins.append('build-timeout') plugins.append('categorized-view') plugins.append('cobertura') plugins.append('copyartifact') plugins.append('cppcheck') plugins.append('depgraph-view') plugins.append('description-setter') plugins.append('envinject') plugins.append('extra-columns') plugins.append('google-play-android-publisher') plugins.append('greenballs') plugins.append('heavy-job') plugins.append('htmlpublisher') plugins.append('jenkins-multijob-plugin') plugins.append('jenkins-reviewbot') plugins.append('jobConfigHistory') plugins.append('job-dsl') plugins.append('mercurial') plugins.append('msbuild') plugins.append('naginator') plugins.append('nodelabelparameter') plugins.append('parameterized-trigger') plugins.append('show-build-parameters') plugins.append('sloccount') plugins.append('sidebar-link') plugins.append('tasks') plugins.append('text-finder') plugins.append('timestamper') plugins.append('valgrind') plugins.append('warnings') plugins.append('ws-cleanup') plugins.append('xunit') installPlugins = [] for plugin in plugins: if plugin not in alreadyInstalledPlugins: print('Try to install plugin: ' + plugin) installPlugins.append(plugin) if installPlugins: print('Try to install plugins... show progress at http://' + sys.argv[1] + '/updateCenter/') if 'code: ' in installPlugin(installPlugins): print('Cannot install plugins!') print('Maybe you need to configure a proxy in your jenkins to get update server?') sys.exit(1) print('Wait until jenkins is restarted...') while 1: time.sleep(5) result = callJenkins('session-id') if result != initialSessionId and 'code: ' not in result: break print('Wait...') print('Jenkins restarted...') content = open('config.xml', "r") if not 'code: ' in callJenkins('create-job _Seeder_', content): callJenkins('build _Seeder_')