import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import Governikus.Global 1.0 SectionPage { id: baseItem property string remoteDeviceId: "" signal pinEntered() onVisibleChanged: { pinField.text = "" if (state !== "PIN_NEW_AGAIN") { pinField.inputConfirmation = "" } } ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent Item {/*spacer*/ Layout.fillHeight: true; width: parent.width } RowLayout { spacing: Constants.component_spacing width: parent.width Item {/*spacer*/ Layout.fillWidth: true; height: parent.height} Image { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter width: Utils.dp(58) height: width // because RowLayout uses implicitHeight that is based on sourceSize we have to explicitly set the sourceSize sourceSize.height: baseItem.state === "REMOTE_PIN" ? Utils.dp(58) : 143 Layout.maximumWidth: width source: baseItem.state === "REMOTE_PIN" ? "qrc:///images/icon_remote.svg" : "qrc:///images/NFCPhoneCard.png" fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit } Text { anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.maximumWidth: Math.ceil(implicitWidth) wrapMode: Text.WordWrap font.pixelSize: text.length > 150 && !PlatformConstants.is_tablet? Utils.dp(15) : Constants.header_font_size font.bold: true color: { if (!pinField.confirmedInput || !!numberModel.inputError || baseItem.state === "CAN" || baseItem.state === "PUK") { } else { } } text: (!pinField.confirmedInput ? qsTr("The entered PIN does not match the new PIN. Please correct your input.") : !!numberModel.inputError ? numberModel.inputError : baseItem.state === "CAN" ? qsTr("You have entered the wrong PIN twice. Prior to a third attempt, you have to enter your six-digit card access number first. You can find your card access number on the front of your ID card.") : baseItem.state === "PUK" ? qsTr("You have entered a wrong PIN three times. Your PIN is now blocked. You have to enter the PUK now for unblocking.") : baseItem.state === "PIN_NEW" ? qsTr("Please enter a new 6-digit PIN of your choice.") : baseItem.state === "PIN_NEW_AGAIN" ? qsTr("Please enter your new 6-digit PIN again.") : baseItem.state === "PIN" ? qsTr("Please enter your personal PIN.") : baseItem.state === "REMOTE_PIN" ? qsTr("Enter the pairing code shown on your other device to use it as a card reader.") : /*"PIN_OR_TRANSPORT_PIN"*/ qsTr("Please enter your current PIN or your initial transport PIN first.") ) + settingsModel.translationTrigger } Item {/*spacer*/ Layout.fillWidth: true; height: parent.height} } Item {/*spacer*/ Layout.fillHeight: true; width: parent.width } PinField { id: pinField anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter state: baseItem.state Layout.preferredWidth: width } Item {/*spacer*/ height: Constants.component_spacing; width: parent.width } PinPad { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter state: baseItem.state Layout.preferredWidth: width Layout.preferredHeight: height submitEnabled: pinField.validInput deleteEnabled: pinField.text.length > 0 onDigitPressed: pinField.append(digit) onDeletePressed: pinField.removeLast() onSubmitPressed: { switch(baseItem.state) { case "PIN": /* fall through */ case "PIN_OR_TRANSPORT_PIN": = pinField.text baseItem.pinEntered() break case "PIN_NEW": pinField.inputConfirmation = pinField.text pinField.text = "" baseItem.state = "PIN_NEW_AGAIN" break case "PIN_NEW_AGAIN": numberModel.newPin = pinField.text baseItem.pinEntered() break case "CAN": numberModel.can = pinField.text baseItem.pinEntered() break case "PUK": numberModel.puk = pinField.text baseItem.pinEntered() break case "REMOTE_PIN": remoteServiceModel.connectToServer(remoteDeviceId, pinField.text) baseItem.pinEntered() break } } } Item {/*spacer*/ Layout.fillHeight: true; width: parent.width } } }