/*! * \copyright Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Governikus GmbH & Co. KG, Germany */ #include "UpdatableFile.h" #include "Downloader.h" #include "SecureStorage.h" #include #include #include #include #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG #include #endif using namespace governikus; Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(fileprovider) namespace { const QLatin1Char Sep('/'); } // namespace const QString& UpdatableFile::getName() { return mName; } QDateTime UpdatableFile::cacheTimestamp() const { const QString timestampFormat = QStringLiteral("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); const int timestampFormatSize = timestampFormat.size(); const QString pathInCache = cachePath(); // The path must contain at least 1 character for the filename, // the '_' separator, and the timestamp. if (pathInCache.size() < 2 + timestampFormatSize) { return QDateTime(); } return QDateTime::fromString(pathInCache.right(timestampFormatSize), timestampFormat); } const QString& UpdatableFile::getSectionCachePath() const { return mSectionCachePath; } QString UpdatableFile::qrcPath() const { const QString prefix = QStringLiteral("updatable-files"); const QString path = QStringLiteral(":/") + prefix + Sep + mSection + Sep + mName; return QFile::exists(path) ? path : QString(); } QString UpdatableFile::cachePath() const { QDir folder(mSectionCachePath); const QStringList nameFilter = QStringList({mName + QStringLiteral("_*")}); const QStringList matchingFiles = folder.entryList(nameFilter, QDir::Files, QDir::Name | QDir::Reversed); // Files are saved in the cache with the suffix _, where // the timestamp has the format "yyyyMMddhhmmss". // Therefore, the first matching file in the list has the newest timestamp. return matchingFiles.isEmpty() ? QString() : mSectionCachePath + Sep + matchingFiles.first(); } QUrl UpdatableFile::updateUrl(const QString& pSection, const QString& pName) { const QUrl updateServerBaseUrl = SecureStorage::getInstance().getUpdateServerBaseUrl(); const QString section = pSection.isEmpty() ? QString() : Sep + pSection; return QUrl(updateServerBaseUrl.toString() + section + Sep + pName); } QString UpdatableFile::dirtyFilePath() const { return mSectionCachePath.isEmpty() ? QString() : mSectionCachePath + Sep + mName + QStringLiteral(".dirty"); } QString UpdatableFile::sectionCachePath(const QString& pSection) const { const QStringList cachePaths = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation); if (cachePaths.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(fileprovider) << "No cache paths found!"; return QString(); } const QString cacheBasePath = cachePaths.first(); if (cacheBasePath.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(fileprovider) << "Cache base folder is invalid (empty)."; return QString(); } return cacheBasePath + Sep + pSection; } QString UpdatableFile::makeSectionCachePath(const QString& pSection) { QString sectionFolderPath = sectionCachePath(pSection); #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG if (QCoreApplication::applicationName().startsWith(QLatin1String("Test"))) { static QTemporaryDir testDir; Q_ASSERT(testDir.isValid()); sectionFolderPath = testDir.path() + Sep + pSection; } #endif const QDir sectionFolder(sectionFolderPath); if (sectionFolder.exists()) { return sectionFolderPath; } if (sectionFolder.mkpath(sectionFolderPath)) { qCDebug(fileprovider) << "Created cache folder:" << sectionFolderPath; return sectionFolderPath; } qCWarning(fileprovider) << "Cannot create cache folder:" << sectionFolderPath; return QString(); } void UpdatableFile::cleanupAfterUpdate(const std::function& pCustomAction) { Downloader* const downloader = Env::getSingleton(); disconnect(downloader, &Downloader::fireDownloadSuccess, this, &UpdatableFile::onDownloadSuccess); disconnect(downloader, &Downloader::fireDownloadFailed, this, &UpdatableFile::onDownloadFailed); disconnect(downloader, &Downloader::fireDownloadUnnecessary, this, &UpdatableFile::onDownloadUnnecessary); pCustomAction(); mUpdateRunning = false; } void UpdatableFile::onDownloadSuccess(const QUrl& pUpdateUrl, const QDateTime& pNewTimestamp, const QByteArray& pData) { if (pUpdateUrl == mUpdateUrl) { const QString dateFormat = QStringLiteral("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); const QString filePath = mSectionCachePath + Sep + mName + QLatin1Char('_') + pNewTimestamp.toString(dateFormat); if (writeDataToFile(pData, filePath)) { Q_EMIT fireUpdated(); } else { qCCritical(fileprovider) << "Could not write downloaded file" << filePath; } cleanupAfterUpdate([&](){ clearDirty(); }); } } void UpdatableFile::onDownloadFailed(const QUrl& pUpdateUrl, GlobalStatus::Code pErrorCode) { if (pUpdateUrl == mUpdateUrl) { cleanupAfterUpdate([ = ](){ qCCritical(fileprovider) << "Download failed with error code:" << pErrorCode; }); } } void UpdatableFile::onDownloadUnnecessary(const QUrl& pUpdateUrl) { if (pUpdateUrl == mUpdateUrl) { cleanupAfterUpdate([&](){ clearDirty(); }); } } bool UpdatableFile::writeDataToFile(const QByteArray& pData, const QString& pFilePath, bool pOverwrite) { QFile file(pFilePath); if (!pOverwrite && file.exists()) { qCCritical(fileprovider) << "File already exists, aborting writing file:" << pFilePath; return false; } if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { qCCritical(fileprovider) << "File could not be opened for writing:" << pFilePath; return false; } if (file.write(pData) != pData.size()) { qCCritical(fileprovider) << "Not all data could not be written to file:" << pFilePath; file.close(); return false; } qCDebug(fileprovider) << "Data written to file:" << pFilePath; file.close(); return true; } UpdatableFile::UpdatableFile(const QString& pSection, const QString& pName, const QString& pDefaultPath) : mSection(pSection) , mName(pName) , mDefaultPath(pDefaultPath) , mSectionCachePath(makeSectionCachePath(pSection)) , mUpdateUrl(updateUrl(pSection, pName)) , mUpdateRunning(false) { if (mName.isEmpty() && mDefaultPath.isEmpty()) { qCWarning(fileprovider) << "Both name and default path are empty!"; Q_ASSERT(false); } } QUrl UpdatableFile::lookupUrl() { QString path = lookupPath(); if (path.startsWith(QLatin1String(":/"))) { return QStringLiteral("qrc://") + path.midRef(1); } else { return QStringLiteral("file://") + path; } } QString UpdatableFile::lookupPath() { if (mName.isEmpty()) { return mDefaultPath; } QString result; const QString pathInCache = cachePath(); if (pathInCache.isEmpty()) { const QString pathInQrc = qrcPath(); result = pathInQrc.isEmpty() ? mDefaultPath : pathInQrc; } else { result = pathInCache; } if (isDirty()) { update(); } return result; } void UpdatableFile::setDefaultPath(const QString& pPath) { if (mDefaultPath != pPath) { mDefaultPath = pPath; } } const QString& UpdatableFile::getDefaultPath() const { return mDefaultPath; } void UpdatableFile::update() { qCDebug(fileprovider) << "Update Triggered for Name:" << mName << " with URL:" << mUpdateUrl; if (!mUpdateRunning && !mName.isEmpty()) { mUpdateRunning = true; Downloader* const downloader = Env::getSingleton(); connect(downloader, &Downloader::fireDownloadSuccess, this, &UpdatableFile::onDownloadSuccess); connect(downloader, &Downloader::fireDownloadFailed, this, &UpdatableFile::onDownloadFailed); connect(downloader, &Downloader::fireDownloadUnnecessary, this, &UpdatableFile::onDownloadUnnecessary); const QDateTime timestamp = cacheTimestamp(); if (timestamp.isValid()) { downloader->downloadIfNew(mUpdateUrl, timestamp); } else { downloader->download(mUpdateUrl); } } } bool UpdatableFile::isDirty() const { if (mName.isEmpty()) { return false; } return QFile::exists(dirtyFilePath()); } void UpdatableFile::clearDirty() const { if (mSectionCachePath.isEmpty() && !mName.isEmpty()) { qCCritical(fileprovider) << "Cannot clear invalid file:" << mSection << Sep << mName; return; } const QString filePath = dirtyFilePath(); QFile file(filePath); if (file.exists() && !file.remove()) { qCCritical(fileprovider) << "Cannot remove file:" << filePath; } } void UpdatableFile::markDirty() const { if (mName.isEmpty()) { return; } if (mSectionCachePath.isEmpty()) { qCCritical(fileprovider) << "Cannot mark invalid file:" << mSection << Sep << mName; return; } const QString filePath = dirtyFilePath(); QFile file(filePath); if (!file.exists()) { if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { qCCritical(fileprovider) << "Cannot create file:" << filePath; } file.close(); } }