/* * \copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Governikus GmbH & Co. KG */ #include "PdfCreator.h" #include "AppSettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace governikus; bool PdfExport::exportHistory(const QString& pFileName) { if (pFileName.isEmpty()) { return false; } PdfCreator pdf(pFileName); QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString date = dateTime.toString(tr("MM/dd/yyyy")); QString time = dateTime.toString(tr("hh:mm AP")); pdf.setHeadline(tr("At %1 %2 the following data were saved:").arg(date, time)); pdf.initTable(3, {180, 80}, {tr("Date"), tr("Details")}); auto history = AppSettings::getInstance().getHistorySettings().getHistoryEntries(); for (int i = 0; i < history.size(); ++i) { pdf.addTableRow({history.at(i).getDateTime().toString(tr("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm AP")), tr("Provider:"), history.at(i).getSubjectName()}); pdf.addTableRow({QString(), tr("Purpose:"), history.at(i).getPurpose()}); pdf.addTableRow({QString(), tr("Data:"), history.at(i).getRequestedData()}); pdf.toggleRowColor(); } pdf.save(); return QDesktopServices::openUrl(pdf.getFileUrl()); } void PdfCreator::closeTable() { mContent += QLatin1String(""); mColumnCount = 0; } PdfCreator::PdfCreator(const QString& pFilename) : mFilename(pFilename) , mColoredRow(false) , mColumnCount(0) , mHeadline() , mContent() { if (!mFilename.endsWith(QLatin1String(".pdf"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { mFilename += QLatin1String(".pdf"); } } PdfCreator::~PdfCreator() { } QUrl PdfCreator::getFileUrl() { return QUrl(mFilename); } void PdfCreator::setHeadline(const QString& pHeadline) { mHeadline = pHeadline; } void PdfCreator::initTable(int pColumnCount, const QList& pWidth, const QStringList& pValues) { if (!mColumnCount) { mColumnCount = pColumnCount; mContent += QLatin1String(""\ ""); for (int i = 0; i < mColumnCount; ++i) { const auto& width = i < pWidth.size() ? QStringLiteral(" width='%1'").arg(pWidth[i]) : QString(); const auto& value = i < pValues.size() && !pValues[i].isEmpty() ? pValues[i] : QLatin1String(" "); mContent += QStringLiteral("").arg(width, value); } mContent += QLatin1String(""); } } void PdfCreator::addTableRow(const QStringList& pValues) { mContent += mColoredRow ? QLatin1String("") : QLatin1String(""); for (int i = 0; i < mColumnCount; ++i) { const auto& value = i < pValues.size() && pValues[i] != "" ? pValues[i] : QLatin1String(" "); mContent += QStringLiteral("").arg(value); } mContent += QLatin1String(""); } void PdfCreator::toggleRowColor() { mColoredRow = !mColoredRow; } void PdfCreator::save() { closeTable(); QPrinter printer; printer.setOutputFileName(mFilename); QRect printer_rect(printer.pageRect()); QString company_header; company_header += QStringLiteral("

" "
" "%2" "
" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
" "

" "%1 - %2" "

" "

" "%3" "

" "" "
" "
" "

" "%4" "

" "
").arg( tr("History"), QApplication::applicationName(), tr("AusweisApp2 is a product of Governikus GmbH & Co. KG - on behalf of the Bundesministerium des Innern (Federal Ministry of the Interior)."), mHeadline); QString company_footer; company_footer += QLatin1String("

") % tr("For further information, please see https://www.ausweisapp.bund.de/") % QLatin1String("

"); //Setting up the header and calculating the header size QTextDocument document_header; QSvgRenderer renderer(QStringLiteral(":/images/npa.svg")); QImage image(768, 768, QImage::Format_ARGB32); image.fill(0x00FFFFFF); QPainter imagePainter(&image); renderer.render(&imagePainter); document_header.addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl(QStringLiteral("pdflogo")), image); document_header.setPageSize(printer_rect.size()); document_header.setHtml(company_header); QSizeF header_size = document_header.size(); //Setting up the footer and calculating the footer size QTextDocument document_footer; document_footer.setPageSize(printer_rect.size()); document_footer.setHtml(company_footer); QSizeF footer_size = document_footer.size(); //Calculating the main document size for one page QSizeF center_size(printer_rect.width(), (printer.pageRect().height() - header_size.toSize().height() - footer_size.toSize().height())); //Insert HTML in main document QTextDocument main_doc; main_doc.setHtml(mContent); main_doc.setPageSize(center_size); //Setting up the rectangles for each section. QRect headerRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), document_header.size().toSize()); QRect footerRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), document_footer.size().toSize()); QRect contentRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), main_doc.size().toSize()); // Main content rectangle. QRect currentRect = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), center_size.toSize()); // Current main content rectangle. QPainter painter(&printer); while (currentRect.intersects(contentRect)) { //Loop if the current content rectangle intersects with the main content rectangle. //Resetting the painter matrix co-ordinate system. painter.resetMatrix(); //Applying negative translation of painter co-ordinate system by current main content rectangle top y coordinate. painter.translate(0, -currentRect.y()); //Applying positive translation of painter co-ordinate system by header hight. painter.translate(0, headerRect.height()); //Drawing the center content for current page. main_doc.drawContents(&painter, currentRect); //Resetting the painter matrix co ordinate system. painter.resetMatrix(); //Drawing the header on the top of the page document_header.drawContents(&painter, headerRect); //Applying positive translation of painter co-ordinate system to draw the footer painter.translate(0, headerRect.height()); painter.translate(0, center_size.height()); document_footer.drawContents(&painter, footerRect); //Translating the current rectangle to the area to be printed for the next page currentRect.translate(0, currentRect.height()); //Inserting a new page if there is still area left to be printed if (currentRect.intersects(contentRect)) { printer.newPage(); } } }