2017-07-03 09:30:10 +02:00

63 lines
2 KiB

import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2
import "global"
Item {
property TitleBarMenuAction leftTitleBarAction: TitleBarMenuAction {}
property TitleBarAction headerTitleBarAction: TitleBarAction {}
property Item rightTitleBarAction: Item {}
property color titleBarColor:
/* if the header component has a property named titleBarOpacity, use it, otherwise use default value*/
readonly property real titleBarOpacity: headerLoader.item && typeof(headerLoader.item.titleBarOpacity) != "undefined" ? headerLoader.item.titleBarOpacity : 1
property alias header: headerLoader.sourceComponent
property alias content: contentLoader.sourceComponent
property alias contentY: flickable.contentY
property bool disableFlicking: false
Flickable {
property real startContentY: 0
id: flickable
clip: true
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
contentWidth: flickableContent.width
contentHeight: flickableContent.height
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: parent.width
/* if a header is set, it is shown as background of the TitleBar, so we need to expand the height*/
height: headerLoader.item ? parent.height + Constants.titlebar_height : parent.height
onMovementStarted: {
startContentY = contentY
onContentYChanged: {
if (disableFlicking || contentY < 0) { contentY = 0 /* prevent flicking over the top */}
if (!headerLoader.item || typeof(headerLoader.item.stopFlickOn) === "undefined") {
if (startContentY > headerLoader.item.stopFlickOn && contentY < headerLoader.item.stopFlickOn) {
contentY = headerLoader.item.stopFlickOn
if (startContentY < headerLoader.item.stopFlickOn && contentY > headerLoader.item.stopFlickOn) {
contentY = headerLoader.item.stopFlickOn
Column {
id: flickableContent
Loader {
id: headerLoader
readonly property alias contentY: flickable.contentY
Loader {
id: contentLoader
readonly property alias contentY: flickable.contentY