Implemented the XHAD Hadamard product routine

Cedric Nugteren 2018-02-02 21:18:37 +01:00
parent ae66782eab
commit 69ed46c8da
6 changed files with 241 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
Development (next version)
- Added non-BLAS level-1 routines:
* SHAD/DHAD/CHAD/ZHAD/HHAD (Hadamard element-wise vector-vector product)
Version 1.3.0
- Re-designed and integrated the auto-tuner, no more dependency on CLTune
- Made it possible to override the tuning parameters in the clients straight from JSON tuning files

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@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ In addition, some extra non-BLAS routines are also supported by CLBlast, classif
| IxAMIN | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
| IxMAX | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
| IxMIN | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
| xHAD | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | (Hadamard product)
| xOMATCOPY | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
| xIM2COL | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ This file gives an overview of the main features planned for addition to CLBlast
| [#207]( | Dec '17 | CNugteren | ✔ | Tuning of the TRSM/TRSV routines |
| [#195]( | Jan '18 | CNugteren | ✔ | Extra GEMM API with pre-allocated temporary buffer |
| [#95]( & #237 | Jan '18 | CNugteren | ✔ | Implement strided batch GEMM |
| [#224]( | Jan-Feb '18 | CNugteren | | Implement Hadamard product (element-wise vector-vector product) |
| [#224]( | Jan-Feb '18 | CNugteren | | Implement Hadamard product (element-wise vector-vector product) |
| [#233]( | Feb '18 | CNugteren | | Add CLBlast to common package managers |
| [#223]( | Feb '18 | CNugteren | | Python OpenCL interface |
| [#169]( | ?? | dividiti | | Problem-specific tuning parameter selection |

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@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
// Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file contains the Xhad kernel. It contains one fast vectorized version in case of unit
// strides (incx=incy=incz=1) and no offsets (offx=offy=offz=0). Another version is more general,
// but doesn't support vector data-types. Based on the XAXPY kernels.
// This kernel uses the level-1 BLAS common tuning parameters.
// =================================================================================================
// Enables loading of this file using the C++ pre-processor's #include (C++11 standard raw string
// literal). Comment-out this line for syntax-highlighting when developing.
// =================================================================================================
// A vector-vector multiply function. See also level1.opencl for a vector-scalar version
INLINE_FUNC realV MultiplyVectorVector(realV cvec, const realV aval, const realV bvec) {
#if VW == 1
Multiply(cvec, aval, bvec);
#elif VW == 2
Multiply(cvec.x, aval.x, bvec.x);
Multiply(cvec.y, aval.y, bvec.y);
#elif VW == 4
Multiply(cvec.x, aval.x, bvec.x);
Multiply(cvec.y, aval.y, bvec.y);
Multiply(cvec.z, aval.z, bvec.z);
Multiply(cvec.w, aval.w, bvec.w);
#elif VW == 8
Multiply(cvec.s0, aval.s0, bvec.s0);
Multiply(cvec.s1, aval.s1, bvec.s1);
Multiply(cvec.s2, aval.s2, bvec.s2);
Multiply(cvec.s3, aval.s3, bvec.s3);
Multiply(cvec.s4, aval.s4, bvec.s4);
Multiply(cvec.s5, aval.s5, bvec.s5);
Multiply(cvec.s6, aval.s6, bvec.s6);
Multiply(cvec.s7, aval.s7, bvec.s7);
#elif VW == 16
Multiply(cvec.s0, aval.s0, bvec.s0);
Multiply(cvec.s1, aval.s1, bvec.s1);
Multiply(cvec.s2, aval.s2, bvec.s2);
Multiply(cvec.s3, aval.s3, bvec.s3);
Multiply(cvec.s4, aval.s4, bvec.s4);
Multiply(cvec.s5, aval.s5, bvec.s5);
Multiply(cvec.s6, aval.s6, bvec.s6);
Multiply(cvec.s7, aval.s7, bvec.s7);
Multiply(cvec.s8, aval.s8, bvec.s8);
Multiply(cvec.s9, aval.s9, bvec.s9);
Multiply(cvec.sA, aval.sA, bvec.sA);
Multiply(cvec.sB, aval.sB, bvec.sB);
Multiply(cvec.sC, aval.sC, bvec.sC);
Multiply(cvec.sD, aval.sD, bvec.sD);
Multiply(cvec.sE, aval.sE, bvec.sE);
Multiply(cvec.sF, aval.sF, bvec.sF);
return cvec;
// =================================================================================================
// Full version of the kernel with offsets and strided accesses
__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(WGS, 1, 1)))
void Xhad(const int n, const real_arg arg_alpha, const real_arg arg_beta,
const __global real* restrict xgm, const int x_offset, const int x_inc,
const __global real* restrict ygm, const int y_offset, const int y_inc,
__global real* zgm, const int z_offset, const int z_inc) {
const real alpha = GetRealArg(arg_alpha);
const real beta = GetRealArg(arg_beta);
// Loops over the work that needs to be done (allows for an arbitrary number of threads)
for (int id = get_global_id(0); id < n; id += get_global_size(0)) {
real xvalue = xgm[id*x_inc + x_offset];
real yvalue = ygm[id*y_inc + y_offset];
real zvalue = zgm[id*z_inc + z_offset];
real result;
real alpha_times_x;
Multiply(alpha_times_x, alpha, xvalue);
Multiply(result, alpha_times_x, yvalue);
MultiplyAdd(result, beta, zvalue);
zgm[id*z_inc + z_offset] = result;
// Faster version of the kernel without offsets and strided accesses but with if-statement. Also
// assumes that 'n' is dividable by 'VW' and 'WPT'.
__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(WGS, 1, 1)))
void XhadFaster(const int n, const real_arg arg_alpha, const real_arg arg_beta,
const __global realV* restrict xgm, const __global realV* restrict ygm,
__global realV* zgm) {
const real alpha = GetRealArg(arg_alpha);
const real beta = GetRealArg(arg_beta);
if (get_global_id(0) < n / (VW)) {
#pragma unroll
for (int _w = 0; _w < WPT; _w += 1) {
const int id = _w*get_global_size(0) + get_global_id(0);
realV xvalue = xgm[id];
realV yvalue = ygm[id];
realV zvalue = zgm[id];
realV result;
realV alpha_times_x;
alpha_times_x = MultiplyVector(alpha_times_x, alpha, xvalue);
result = MultiplyVectorVector(result, alpha_times_x, yvalue);
zgm[id] = MultiplyAddVector(result, beta, zvalue);
// Faster version of the kernel without offsets and strided accesses. Also assumes that 'n' is
// dividable by 'VW', 'WGS' and 'WPT'.
__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(WGS, 1, 1)))
void XhadFastest(const int n, const real_arg arg_alpha, const real_arg arg_beta,
const __global realV* restrict xgm, const __global realV* restrict ygm,
__global realV* zgm) {
const real alpha = GetRealArg(arg_alpha);
const real beta = GetRealArg(arg_beta);
#pragma unroll
for (int _w = 0; _w < WPT; _w += 1) {
const int id = _w*get_global_size(0) + get_global_id(0);
realV xvalue = xgm[id];
realV yvalue = ygm[id];
realV zvalue = zgm[id];
realV result;
realV alpha_times_x;
alpha_times_x = MultiplyVector(alpha_times_x, alpha, xvalue);
result = MultiplyVectorVector(result, alpha_times_x, yvalue);
zgm[id] = MultiplyAddVector(result, beta, zvalue);
// =================================================================================================
// End of the C++11 raw string literal
// =================================================================================================

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ template <typename T>
Xhad<T>::Xhad(Queue &queue, EventPointer event, const std::string &name):
Routine(queue, event, name, {"Xaxpy"}, PrecisionValue<T>(), {}, {
#include "../../kernels/level1/level1.opencl"
#include "../../kernels/level1/xaxpy.opencl"
#include "../../kernels/level1/xhad.opencl"
}) {
@ -45,6 +45,62 @@ void Xhad<T>::DoHad(const size_t n, const T alpha,
TestVectorY(n, y_buffer, y_offset, y_inc);
TestVectorY(n, z_buffer, z_offset, z_inc); // TODO: Make a TestVectorZ function with error codes
// Determines whether or not the fast-version can be used
const auto use_faster_kernel = (x_offset == 0) && (x_inc == 1) &&
(y_offset == 0) && (y_inc == 1) &&
(z_offset == 0) && (z_inc == 1) &&
IsMultiple(n, db_["WPT"]*db_["VW"]);
const auto use_fastest_kernel = use_faster_kernel &&
IsMultiple(n, db_["WGS"]*db_["WPT"]*db_["VW"]);
// If possible, run the fast-version of the kernel
const auto kernel_name = (use_fastest_kernel) ? "XhadFastest" :
(use_faster_kernel) ? "XhadFaster" : "Xhad";
// Retrieves the Xhad kernel from the compiled binary
auto kernel = Kernel(program_, kernel_name);
// Sets the kernel arguments
if (use_faster_kernel || use_fastest_kernel) {
kernel.SetArgument(0, static_cast<int>(n));
kernel.SetArgument(1, GetRealArg(alpha));
kernel.SetArgument(2, GetRealArg(beta));
kernel.SetArgument(3, x_buffer());
kernel.SetArgument(4, y_buffer());
kernel.SetArgument(5, z_buffer());
else {
kernel.SetArgument(0, static_cast<int>(n));
kernel.SetArgument(1, GetRealArg(alpha));
kernel.SetArgument(2, GetRealArg(beta));
kernel.SetArgument(3, x_buffer());
kernel.SetArgument(4, static_cast<int>(x_offset));
kernel.SetArgument(5, static_cast<int>(x_inc));
kernel.SetArgument(6, y_buffer());
kernel.SetArgument(7, static_cast<int>(y_offset));
kernel.SetArgument(8, static_cast<int>(y_inc));
kernel.SetArgument(9, z_buffer());
kernel.SetArgument(10, static_cast<int>(z_offset));
kernel.SetArgument(11, static_cast<int>(z_inc));
// Launches the kernel
if (use_fastest_kernel) {
auto global = std::vector<size_t>{CeilDiv(n, db_["WPT"]*db_["VW"])};
auto local = std::vector<size_t>{db_["WGS"]};
RunKernel(kernel, queue_, device_, global, local, event_);
else if (use_faster_kernel) {
auto global = std::vector<size_t>{Ceil(CeilDiv(n, db_["WPT"]*db_["VW"]), db_["WGS"])};
auto local = std::vector<size_t>{db_["WGS"]};
RunKernel(kernel, queue_, device_, global, local, event_);
else {
const auto n_ceiled = Ceil(n, db_["WGS"]*db_["WPT"]);
auto global = std::vector<size_t>{n_ceiled/db_["WPT"]};
auto local = std::vector<size_t>{db_["WGS"]};
RunKernel(kernel, queue_, device_, global, local, event_);
// =================================================================================================

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@ -21,12 +21,43 @@
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================
template <typename T>
StatusCode RunReference(const Arguments<T> &args, BuffersHost<T> &buffers_host) {
for (auto index = size_t{0}; index < args.n; ++index) {
const auto x = buffers_host.x_vec[index * args.x_inc + args.x_offset];
const auto y = buffers_host.y_vec[index * args.y_inc + args.y_offset];
const auto z = buffers_host.c_mat[index]; // * args.z_inc + args.z_offset];
buffers_host.c_mat[index] = args.alpha * x * y + args.beta * z;
return StatusCode::kSuccess;
// Half-precision version calling the above reference implementation after conversions
template <>
StatusCode RunReference<half>(const Arguments<half> &args, BuffersHost<half> &buffers_host) {
auto x_buffer2 = HalfToFloatBuffer(buffers_host.x_vec);
auto y_buffer2 = HalfToFloatBuffer(buffers_host.y_vec);
auto c_buffer2 = HalfToFloatBuffer(buffers_host.c_mat);
auto dummy = std::vector<float>(0);
auto buffers2 = BuffersHost<float>{x_buffer2, y_buffer2, dummy, dummy, c_buffer2, dummy, dummy};
auto args2 = Arguments<float>();
args2.x_size = args.x_size; args2.y_size = args.y_size; args2.c_size = args.c_size;
args2.x_inc = args.x_inc; args2.y_inc = args.y_inc; args2.n = args.n;
args2.x_offset = args.x_offset; args2.y_offset = args.y_offset;
args2.alpha = HalfToFloat(args.alpha); args2.beta = HalfToFloat(args.beta);
auto status = RunReference(args2, buffers2);
FloatToHalfBuffer(buffers_host.c_mat, buffers2.c_mat);
return status;
// =================================================================================================
// See comment at top of file for a description of the class
template <typename T>
class TestXhad {
// The BLAS level: 4 for the extra routines
// The BLAS level: 4 for the extra routines (note: tested with matrix-size values for 'n')
static size_t BLASLevel() { return 4; }
// The list of arguments relevant for this routine
@ -34,7 +65,7 @@ public:
return {kArgN,
kArgXInc, kArgYInc,
kArgXOffset, kArgYOffset,
kArgAlpha, kArgBeta};
static std::vector<std::string> BuffersIn() { return {kBufVecX, kBufVecY, kBufMatC}; }
static std::vector<std::string> BuffersOut() { return {kBufMatC}; }
@ -134,19 +165,6 @@ public:
// =================================================================================================
template <typename T>
StatusCode RunReference(const Arguments<T> &args, BuffersHost<T> &buffers_host) {
for (auto index = size_t{0}; index < args.n; ++index) {
const auto x = buffers_host.x_vec[index * args.x_inc + args.x_offset];
const auto y = buffers_host.y_vec[index * args.y_inc + args.y_offset];
const auto z = buffers_host.c_mat[index]; // * args.z_inc + args.z_offset];
buffers_host.c_mat[index] = x * y * args.alpha + z * args.beta;
return StatusCode::kSuccess;
// =================================================================================================
} // namespace clblast