Added first (untested) version of a CUDA API

Cedric Nugteren 2017-10-11 23:16:57 +02:00
parent 9224da19ef
commit b901809345
10 changed files with 3874 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -30,6 +30,23 @@ option(TESTS "Enable compilation of the correctness tests" OFF)
option(NETLIB "Enable compilation of the CBLAS Netlib API" OFF)
option(CUBLAS "Enables performance comparison against cuBLAS on NVIDIA GPUs" OFF)
# Select between an OpenCL API (default) or a CUDA API (beta)
option(OPENCL "Build CLBlast with an OpenCL API (default)" ON)
option(CUDA "Build CLBlast with a CUDA API (beta)" OFF)
message(FATAL_ERROR "No API selected, choose from OpenCL (-DOPENCL=ON) or CUDA (-DCUDA=ON)")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Multiple APIs selected, choose either OpenCL (-DOPENCL=ON -DCUDA=OFF) or CUDA (-DCUDA=ON -DOPENCL=OFF)")
message("-- Building CLBlast with OpenCL API (default)")
message("-- Building CLBlast with CUDA API (beta)")
# Compile in verbose mode with additional diagnostic messages
option(VERBOSE "Compile in verbose mode for additional diagnostic messages" OFF)
@ -123,8 +140,18 @@ set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${CFLAGS}")
# Package scripts location
set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "${clblast_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules/")
# Requires OpenCL. It is found through the included "FindOpenCL.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.
find_package(OpenCL REQUIRED)
# Requires OpenCL. It is found through the included "FindOpenCL.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.
find_package(OpenCL REQUIRED)
# For CUDA, the "FindCUDA.cmake" is part of CMake
find_package(CUDA REQUIRED)
set(API_LIBRARIES cuda nvrtc)
# Locates the CLTune library in case the tuners need to be compiled. "FindCLTune.cmake" is included.
@ -161,11 +188,6 @@ set(KERNELS copy_fast copy_pad transpose_fast transpose_pad xaxpy xdot xger
xgemm xgemm_direct xgemv)
set(DATABASES copy pad padtranspose transpose xaxpy xdot
xgemm xgemm_direct xgemv xgemv_fast xgemv_fast_rot xger)
set(SAMPLE_PROGRAMS_CPP sgemm sgemm_batched)
set(SAMPLE_PROGRAMS_C sasum dgemv sgemm haxpy cache)
set(LEVEL1_ROUTINES xswap xscal xcopy xaxpy xdot xdotu xdotc xnrm2 xasum xamax)
set(LEVEL2_ROUTINES xgemv xgbmv xhemv xhbmv xhpmv xsymv xsbmv xspmv xtrmv xtbmv xtpmv xtrsv
xger xgeru xgerc xher xhpr xher2 xhpr2 xsyr xspr xsyr2 xspr2)
@ -173,6 +195,16 @@ set(LEVEL3_ROUTINES xgemm xsymm xhemm xsyrk xherk xsyr2k xher2k xtrmm xtrsm)
set(LEVELX_ROUTINES xomatcopy xim2col xaxpybatched xgemmbatched)
set(PRECISIONS 32 64 3232 6464 16)
set(SAMPLE_PROGRAMS_CPP sgemm sgemm_batched)
set(SAMPLE_PROGRAMS_C sasum dgemv sgemm haxpy cache)
# ==================================================================================================
@ -184,14 +216,10 @@ set(SOURCES
src/routines/levelx/xinvert.cpp # only source, don't include it as a test
set(HEADERS # such that they can be discovered by IDEs such as CLion and Visual Studio
@ -209,13 +237,19 @@ set(HEADERS # such that they can be discovered by IDEs such as CLion and Visual
set(SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/clblast_netlib_c.cpp)
set(HEADERS ${HEADERS} include/clblast_netlib_c.h)
set(SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/clblast.cpp src/clblast_c.cpp)
set(HEADERS ${HEADERS} include/clblast.h include/clblast_c.h src/clpp11.hpp)
set(SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/clblast_netlib_c.cpp)
set(HEADERS ${HEADERS} include/clblast_netlib_c.h)
set(SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/clblast_cuda.cpp)
set(HEADERS ${HEADERS} include/clblast_cuda.h src/cupp11.hpp)
set(SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/routines/level1/${ROUTINE}.cpp)
@ -249,14 +283,14 @@ else(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS)
add_library(clblast STATIC ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS})
target_link_libraries(clblast ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(clblast ${API_LIBRARIES})
# Includes directories: CLBlast and OpenCL
target_include_directories(clblast PUBLIC
# Sets the proper __declspec(dllexport) keyword for Visual Studio when the library is built
@ -267,11 +301,15 @@ endif()
# Installs the library
install(TARGETS clblast EXPORT CLBlast DESTINATION lib)
install(FILES include/clblast.h DESTINATION include)
install(FILES include/clblast_c.h DESTINATION include)
install(FILES include/clblast_half.h DESTINATION include)
install(FILES include/clblast_netlib_c.h DESTINATION include)
install(FILES include/clblast.h DESTINATION include)
install(FILES include/clblast_c.h DESTINATION include)
install(FILES include/clblast_netlib_c.h DESTINATION include)
install(FILES include/clblast_cuda.h DESTINATION include)
# Installs the config for find_package in dependent projects
@ -291,19 +329,21 @@ endif()
# Downloads the cl.hpp file from Khronos
file(DOWNLOAD ${clblast_SOURCE_DIR}/samples/cl.hpp)
file(DOWNLOAD ${clblast_SOURCE_DIR}/samples/cl.hpp)
# Adds sample programs (C++)
add_executable(clblast_sample_${SAMPLE} samples/${SAMPLE}.cpp)
target_link_libraries(clblast_sample_${SAMPLE} clblast ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(clblast_sample_${SAMPLE} clblast ${API_LIBRARIES})
install(TARGETS clblast_sample_${SAMPLE} DESTINATION bin)
# Adds sample programs (C)
add_executable(clblast_sample_${SAMPLE}_c samples/${SAMPLE}.c)
target_link_libraries(clblast_sample_${SAMPLE}_c clblast ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(clblast_sample_${SAMPLE}_c clblast ${API_LIBRARIES})
install(TARGETS clblast_sample_${SAMPLE}_c DESTINATION bin)
@ -324,7 +364,7 @@ if(TUNERS)
# Adds tuning executables
foreach(KERNEL ${KERNELS})
add_executable(clblast_tuner_${KERNEL} ${TUNERS_COMMON} src/tuning/kernels/${KERNEL}.cpp)
target_link_libraries(clblast_tuner_${KERNEL} clblast ${CLTUNE_LIBRARIES} ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(clblast_tuner_${KERNEL} clblast ${CLTUNE_LIBRARIES} ${API_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(clblast_tuner_${KERNEL} PUBLIC ${CLTUNE_INCLUDE_DIRS})
install(TARGETS clblast_tuner_${KERNEL} DESTINATION bin)
@ -429,7 +469,7 @@ if(CLIENTS)
target_link_libraries(clblast_client_${ROUTINE} clblast ${REF_LIBRARIES} ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(clblast_client_${ROUTINE} clblast ${REF_LIBRARIES} ${API_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(clblast_client_${ROUTINE} PUBLIC ${clblast_SOURCE_DIR} ${REF_INCLUDES})
install(TARGETS clblast_client_${ROUTINE} DESTINATION bin)
@ -481,7 +521,7 @@ if(TESTS)
target_link_libraries(clblast_test_${ROUTINE} clblast ${REF_LIBRARIES} ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(clblast_test_${ROUTINE} clblast ${REF_LIBRARIES} ${API_LIBRARIES})
install(TARGETS clblast_test_${ROUTINE} DESTINATION bin)
target_include_directories(clblast_test_${ROUTINE} PUBLIC ${clblast_SOURCE_DIR} ${REF_INCLUDES})
add_test(clblast_test_${ROUTINE} clblast_test_${ROUTINE})
@ -492,7 +532,7 @@ if(TESTS)
add_executable(clblast_test_${MISC_TEST} ${TESTS_COMMON}
target_link_libraries(clblast_test_${MISC_TEST} clblast ${REF_LIBRARIES} ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(clblast_test_${MISC_TEST} clblast ${REF_LIBRARIES} ${API_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(clblast_test_${MISC_TEST} PUBLIC
@ -501,7 +541,7 @@ if(TESTS)
# CLBlast diagnostics
add_executable(clblast_test_diagnostics ${TESTS_COMMON} test/diagnostics.cpp)
target_link_libraries(clblast_test_diagnostics clblast ${REF_LIBRARIES} ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(clblast_test_diagnostics clblast ${REF_LIBRARIES} ${API_LIBRARIES})
target_include_directories(clblast_test_diagnostics PUBLIC

View File

@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
// Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file contains the special CUDA interface to the CLBlast BLAS routines. It also contains the
// definitions of the returned status codes and the layout and transpose types. This is the header
// users of the CUDA API of CLBlast should include and use.
// =================================================================================================
#include <cstdlib> // For size_t
#include <string> // For OverrideParameters function
#include <unordered_map> // For OverrideParameters function
#include <cuda.h> // CUDA driver API
#include <nvrtc.h> // NVIDIA runtime compilation API
// Exports library functions under Windows when building a DLL. See also:
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(CLBLAST_DLL)
#if defined(COMPILING_DLL)
#define PUBLIC_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define PUBLIC_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define PUBLIC_API
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================
// Status codes. These codes can be returned by functions declared in this header file. The error
// codes match either the standard CUDA driver API error codes or the regular CLBlast error codes.
enum class StatusCode {
// Status codes in common with the OpenCL standard
kSuccess = 0, // CUDA_SUCCESS
kInvalidLocalNumDimensions = -53, // CL_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION: Too many thread dimensions
kInvalidLocalThreadsTotal = -54, // CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE: Too many threads in total
kInvalidLocalThreadsDim = -55, // CL_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE: ... or for a specific dimension
// Status codes in common with the clBLAS library
kNotImplemented = -1024, // Routine or functionality not implemented yet
kInvalidMatrixA = -1022, // Matrix A is not a valid OpenCL buffer
kInvalidMatrixB = -1021, // Matrix B is not a valid OpenCL buffer
kInvalidMatrixC = -1020, // Matrix C is not a valid OpenCL buffer
kInvalidVectorX = -1019, // Vector X is not a valid OpenCL buffer
kInvalidVectorY = -1018, // Vector Y is not a valid OpenCL buffer
kInvalidDimension = -1017, // Dimensions M, N, and K have to be larger than zero
kInvalidLeadDimA = -1016, // LD of A is smaller than the matrix's first dimension
kInvalidLeadDimB = -1015, // LD of B is smaller than the matrix's first dimension
kInvalidLeadDimC = -1014, // LD of C is smaller than the matrix's first dimension
kInvalidIncrementX = -1013, // Increment of vector X cannot be zero
kInvalidIncrementY = -1012, // Increment of vector Y cannot be zero
kInsufficientMemoryA = -1011, // Matrix A's OpenCL buffer is too small
kInsufficientMemoryB = -1010, // Matrix B's OpenCL buffer is too small
kInsufficientMemoryC = -1009, // Matrix C's OpenCL buffer is too small
kInsufficientMemoryX = -1008, // Vector X's OpenCL buffer is too small
kInsufficientMemoryY = -1007, // Vector Y's OpenCL buffer is too small
// Custom additional status codes for CLBlast
kInvalidBatchCount = -2049, // The batch count needs to be positive
kInvalidOverrideKernel = -2048, // Trying to override parameters for an invalid kernel
kMissingOverrideParameter = -2047, // Missing override parameter(s) for the target kernel
kInvalidLocalMemUsage = -2046, // Not enough local memory available on this device
kNoHalfPrecision = -2045, // Half precision (16-bits) not supported by the device
kNoDoublePrecision = -2044, // Double precision (64-bits) not supported by the device
kInvalidVectorScalar = -2043, // The unit-sized vector is not a valid OpenCL buffer
kInsufficientMemoryScalar = -2042, // The unit-sized vector's OpenCL buffer is too small
kDatabaseError = -2041, // Entry for the device was not found in the database
kUnknownError = -2040, // A catch-all error code representing an unspecified error
kUnexpectedError = -2039, // A catch-all error code representing an unexpected exception
// Matrix layout and transpose types
enum class Layout { kRowMajor = 101, kColMajor = 102 };
enum class Transpose { kNo = 111, kYes = 112, kConjugate = 113 };
enum class Triangle { kUpper = 121, kLower = 122 };
enum class Diagonal { kNonUnit = 131, kUnit = 132 };
enum class Side { kLeft = 141, kRight = 142 };
// Precision scoped enum (values in bits)
enum class Precision { kHalf = 16, kSingle = 32, kDouble = 64,
kComplexSingle = 3232, kComplexDouble = 6464, kAny = -1 };
// =================================================================================================
// BLAS level-1 (vector-vector) routines
// =================================================================================================
// Generate givens plane rotation: SROTG/DROTG
template <typename T>
StatusCode Rotg(CUdeviceptr sa_buffer, const size_t sa_offset,
CUdeviceptr sb_buffer, const size_t sb_offset,
CUdeviceptr sc_buffer, const size_t sc_offset,
CUdeviceptr ss_buffer, const size_t ss_offset,
CUstream* stream);
// Generate modified givens plane rotation: SROTMG/DROTMG
template <typename T>
StatusCode Rotmg(CUdeviceptr sd1_buffer, const size_t sd1_offset,
CUdeviceptr sd2_buffer, const size_t sd2_offset,
CUdeviceptr sx1_buffer, const size_t sx1_offset,
const CUdeviceptr sy1_buffer, const size_t sy1_offset,
CUdeviceptr sparam_buffer, const size_t sparam_offset,
CUstream* stream);
// Apply givens plane rotation: SROT/DROT
template <typename T>
StatusCode Rot(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
const T cos,
const T sin,
CUstream* stream);
// Apply modified givens plane rotation: SROTM/DROTM
template <typename T>
StatusCode Rotm(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUdeviceptr sparam_buffer, const size_t sparam_offset,
CUstream* stream);
template <typename T>
StatusCode Swap(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
template <typename T>
StatusCode Scal(const size_t n,
const T alpha,
CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
template <typename T>
StatusCode Copy(const size_t n,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Vector-times-constant plus vector: SAXPY/DAXPY/CAXPY/ZAXPY/HAXPY
template <typename T>
StatusCode Axpy(const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Dot product of two vectors: SDOT/DDOT/HDOT
template <typename T>
StatusCode Dot(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Dot product of two complex vectors: CDOTU/ZDOTU
template <typename T>
StatusCode Dotu(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Dot product of two complex vectors, one conjugated: CDOTC/ZDOTC
template <typename T>
StatusCode Dotc(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr dot_buffer, const size_t dot_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Euclidian norm of a vector: SNRM2/DNRM2/ScNRM2/DzNRM2/HNRM2
template <typename T>
StatusCode Nrm2(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr nrm2_buffer, const size_t nrm2_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Absolute sum of values in a vector: SASUM/DASUM/ScASUM/DzASUM/HASUM
template <typename T>
StatusCode Asum(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr asum_buffer, const size_t asum_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Sum of values in a vector (non-BLAS function): SSUM/DSUM/ScSUM/DzSUM/HSUM
template <typename T>
StatusCode Sum(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr sum_buffer, const size_t sum_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Index of absolute maximum value in a vector: iSAMAX/iDAMAX/iCAMAX/iZAMAX/iHAMAX
template <typename T>
StatusCode Amax(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Index of absolute minimum value in a vector (non-BLAS function): iSAMIN/iDAMIN/iCAMIN/iZAMIN/iHAMIN
template <typename T>
StatusCode Amin(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr imin_buffer, const size_t imin_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Index of maximum value in a vector (non-BLAS function): iSMAX/iDMAX/iCMAX/iZMAX/iHMAX
template <typename T>
StatusCode Max(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr imax_buffer, const size_t imax_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Index of minimum value in a vector (non-BLAS function): iSMIN/iDMIN/iCMIN/iZMIN/iHMIN
template <typename T>
StatusCode Min(const size_t n,
CUdeviceptr imin_buffer, const size_t imin_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// =================================================================================================
// BLAS level-2 (matrix-vector) routines
// =================================================================================================
// General matrix-vector multiplication: SGEMV/DGEMV/CGEMV/ZGEMV/HGEMV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Gemv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
const size_t m, const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// General banded matrix-vector multiplication: SGBMV/DGBMV/CGBMV/ZGBMV/HGBMV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Gbmv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t kl, const size_t ku,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Hermitian matrix-vector multiplication: CHEMV/ZHEMV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Hemv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Hermitian banded matrix-vector multiplication: CHBMV/ZHBMV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Hbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n, const size_t k,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Hermitian packed matrix-vector multiplication: CHPMV/ZHPMV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Hpmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Symmetric matrix-vector multiplication: SSYMV/DSYMV/HSYMV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Symv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Symmetric banded matrix-vector multiplication: SSBMV/DSBMV/HSBMV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Sbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n, const size_t k,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Symmetric packed matrix-vector multiplication: SSPMV/DSPMV/HSPMV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Spmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Triangular matrix-vector multiplication: STRMV/DTRMV/CTRMV/ZTRMV/HTRMV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Trmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
const size_t n,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Triangular banded matrix-vector multiplication: STBMV/DTBMV/CTBMV/ZTBMV/HTBMV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Tbmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
const size_t n, const size_t k,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Triangular packed matrix-vector multiplication: STPMV/DTPMV/CTPMV/ZTPMV/HTPMV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Tpmv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
const size_t n,
const CUdeviceptr ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Solves a triangular system of equations: STRSV/DTRSV/CTRSV/ZTRSV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Trsv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
const size_t n,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Solves a banded triangular system of equations: STBSV/DTBSV/CTBSV/ZTBSV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Tbsv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
const size_t n, const size_t k,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// Solves a packed triangular system of equations: STPSV/DTPSV/CTPSV/ZTPSV
template <typename T>
StatusCode Tpsv(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
const size_t n,
const CUdeviceptr ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUstream* stream);
// General rank-1 matrix update: SGER/DGER/HGER
template <typename T>
StatusCode Ger(const Layout layout,
const size_t m, const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// General rank-1 complex matrix update: CGERU/ZGERU
template <typename T>
StatusCode Geru(const Layout layout,
const size_t m, const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// General rank-1 complex conjugated matrix update: CGERC/ZGERC
template <typename T>
StatusCode Gerc(const Layout layout,
const size_t m, const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Hermitian rank-1 matrix update: CHER/ZHER
template <typename T>
StatusCode Her(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Hermitian packed rank-1 matrix update: CHPR/ZHPR
template <typename T>
StatusCode Hpr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUdeviceptr ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
CUstream* stream);
// Hermitian rank-2 matrix update: CHER2/ZHER2
template <typename T>
StatusCode Her2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Hermitian packed rank-2 matrix update: CHPR2/ZHPR2
template <typename T>
StatusCode Hpr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUdeviceptr ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
CUstream* stream);
// Symmetric rank-1 matrix update: SSYR/DSYR/HSYR
template <typename T>
StatusCode Syr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Symmetric packed rank-1 matrix update: SSPR/DSPR/HSPR
template <typename T>
StatusCode Spr(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
CUdeviceptr ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
CUstream* stream);
// Symmetric rank-2 matrix update: SSYR2/DSYR2/HSYR2
template <typename T>
StatusCode Syr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Symmetric packed rank-2 matrix update: SSPR2/DSPR2/HSPR2
template <typename T>
StatusCode Spr2(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
CUdeviceptr ap_buffer, const size_t ap_offset,
CUstream* stream);
// =================================================================================================
// BLAS level-3 (matrix-matrix) routines
// =================================================================================================
// General matrix-matrix multiplication: SGEMM/DGEMM/CGEMM/ZGEMM/HGEMM
template <typename T>
StatusCode Gemm(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Symmetric matrix-matrix multiplication: SSYMM/DSYMM/CSYMM/ZSYMM/HSYMM
template <typename T>
StatusCode Symm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t m, const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Hermitian matrix-matrix multiplication: CHEMM/ZHEMM
template <typename T>
StatusCode Hemm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle,
const size_t m, const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Rank-K update of a symmetric matrix: SSYRK/DSYRK/CSYRK/ZSYRK/HSYRK
template <typename T>
StatusCode Syrk(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose,
const size_t n, const size_t k,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Rank-K update of a hermitian matrix: CHERK/ZHERK
template <typename T>
StatusCode Herk(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose,
const size_t n, const size_t k,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Rank-2K update of a symmetric matrix: SSYR2K/DSYR2K/CSYR2K/ZSYR2K/HSYR2K
template <typename T>
StatusCode Syr2k(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose ab_transpose,
const size_t n, const size_t k,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
const T beta,
CUdeviceptr c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Rank-2K update of a hermitian matrix: CHER2K/ZHER2K
template <typename T, typename U>
StatusCode Her2k(const Layout layout, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose ab_transpose,
const size_t n, const size_t k,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
const U beta,
CUdeviceptr c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Triangular matrix-matrix multiplication: STRMM/DTRMM/CTRMM/ZTRMM/HTRMM
template <typename T>
StatusCode Trmm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
const size_t m, const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUdeviceptr b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Solves a triangular system of equations: STRSM/DTRSM/CTRSM/ZTRSM
template <typename T>
StatusCode Trsm(const Layout layout, const Side side, const Triangle triangle, const Transpose a_transpose, const Diagonal diagonal,
const size_t m, const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUdeviceptr b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// =================================================================================================
// Extra non-BLAS routines (level-X)
// =================================================================================================
// Scaling and out-place transpose/copy (non-BLAS function): SOMATCOPY/DOMATCOPY/COMATCOPY/ZOMATCOPY/HOMATCOPY
template <typename T>
StatusCode Omatcopy(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
const size_t m, const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
CUdeviceptr b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
CUstream* stream);
// Im2col function (non-BLAS function): SIM2COL/DIM2COL/CIM2COL/ZIM2COL/HIM2COL
template <typename T>
StatusCode Im2col(const size_t channels, const size_t height, const size_t width, const size_t kernel_h, const size_t kernel_w, const size_t pad_h, const size_t pad_w, const size_t stride_h, const size_t stride_w, const size_t dilation_h, const size_t dilation_w,
const CUdeviceptr im_buffer, const size_t im_offset,
CUdeviceptr col_buffer, const size_t col_offset,
CUstream* stream);
template <typename T>
StatusCode AxpyBatched(const size_t n,
const T *alphas,
const CUdeviceptr x_buffer, const size_t *x_offsets, const size_t x_inc,
CUdeviceptr y_buffer, const size_t *y_offsets, const size_t y_inc,
const size_t batch_count,
CUstream* stream);
template <typename T>
StatusCode GemmBatched(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
const T *alphas,
const CUdeviceptr a_buffer, const size_t *a_offsets, const size_t a_ld,
const CUdeviceptr b_buffer, const size_t *b_offsets, const size_t b_ld,
const T *betas,
CUdeviceptr c_buffer, const size_t *c_offsets, const size_t c_ld,
const size_t batch_count,
CUstream* stream);
// =================================================================================================
// CLBlast stores binaries of compiled kernels into a cache in case the same kernel is used later on
// for the same device. This cache can be cleared to free up system memory or in case of debugging.
StatusCode PUBLIC_API ClearCache();
// The cache can also be pre-initialized for a specific device with all possible CLBLast kernels.
// Further CLBlast routine calls will then run at maximum speed.
StatusCode PUBLIC_API FillCache(const CUdevice device);
// =================================================================================================
// Overrides tuning parameters for a specific device-precision-kernel combination. The next time
// the target routine is called it will re-compile and use the new parameters from then on.
StatusCode PUBLIC_API OverrideParameters(const CUdevice device, const std::string &kernel_name,
const Precision precision,
const std::unordered_map<std::string,size_t> &parameters);
// =================================================================================================
} // namespace clblast

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
# clblast.cpp
# clblast_c.h
# clblast_c.cpp
# clblast_cuda.h
# clblast_cuda.cpp
# clblast_netlib_c.h
# clblast_netlib_c.cpp
# wrapper_clblas.h
@ -41,9 +43,11 @@ FILES = [
HEADER_LINES = [122, 21, 126, 24, 29, 41, 29, 65, 32]
FOOTER_LINES = [25, 3, 27, 38, 6, 6, 6, 9, 2]
HEADER_LINES = [122, 21, 126, 24, 29, 41, 29, 65, 32, 94, 21]
FOOTER_LINES = [25, 3, 27, 38, 6, 6, 6, 9, 2, 25, 3]
@ -224,6 +228,10 @@ def main(argv):
if i == 8:
if not routine.batched:
body += cpp.clblast_netlib_c_cc(routine)
if i == 9:
body += cpp.clblast_h(routine, cuda=True)
if i == 10:
body += cpp.clblast_cc(routine, cuda=True)

View File

@ -36,19 +36,19 @@ HEADER = NL + SEPARATOR + """
def clblast_h(routine):
def clblast_h(routine, cuda=False):
"""The C++ API header (.h)"""
result = NL + "// " + routine.description + ": " + routine.short_names() + NL
result += routine.routine_header_cpp(12, " = nullptr") + ";" + NL
result += routine.routine_header_cpp(12, " = nullptr", cuda) + ";" + NL
return result
def clblast_cc(routine):
def clblast_cc(routine, cuda=False):
"""The C++ API implementation (.cpp)"""
indent1 = " " * (15 + routine.length())
result = NL + "// " + routine.description + ": " + routine.short_names() + NL
if routine.implemented:
result += routine.routine_header_cpp(12, "") + " {" + NL
result += routine.routine_header_cpp(12, "", cuda) + " {" + NL
result += " try {" + NL
result += " auto queue_cpp = Queue(*queue);" + NL
result += " auto routine = X" + routine.plain_name() + "<" + routine.template.template + ">(queue_cpp, event);" + NL
@ -60,14 +60,22 @@ def clblast_cc(routine):
result += " return StatusCode::kSuccess;" + NL
result += " } catch (...) { return DispatchException(); }" + NL
result += routine.routine_header_type_cpp(12) + " {" + NL
result += routine.routine_header_type_cpp(12, cuda) + " {" + NL
result += " return StatusCode::kNotImplemented;" + NL
result += "}" + NL
for flavour in routine.flavours:
indent2 = " " * (34 + routine.length() + len(flavour.template))
result += "template StatusCode PUBLIC_API " + routine.capitalized_name() + "<" + flavour.template + ">("
result += ("," + NL + indent2).join([a for a in routine.arguments_type(flavour)])
result += "," + NL + indent2 + "cl_command_queue*, cl_event*);" + NL
arguments = routine.arguments_type(flavour)
if cuda:
arguments = [a.replace("cl_mem", "CUdeviceptr") for a in arguments]
result += ("," + NL + indent2).join([a for a in arguments])
result += "," + NL + indent2
if cuda:
result += "CUstream*"
result += "cl_command_queue*, cl_event*"
result += ");" + NL
return result

View File

@ -802,22 +802,38 @@ class Routine:
"""Retrieves a list of routine requirements for documentation"""
return self.requirements
def routine_header_cpp(self, spaces, default_event):
def routine_header_cpp(self, spaces, default_event, cuda=False):
"""Retrieves the C++ templated definition for a routine"""
indent = " " * (spaces + self.length())
arguments = self.arguments_def(self.template)
if cuda:
arguments = [a.replace("cl_mem", "CUdeviceptr") for a in arguments]
result = "template <" + + ">\n"
result += "StatusCode " + self.capitalized_name() + "("
result += (",\n" + indent).join([a for a in self.arguments_def(self.template)])
result += ",\n" + indent + "cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event" + default_event + ")"
result += (",\n" + indent).join([a for a in arguments])
result += ",\n" + indent
if cuda:
result += "CUstream* stream"
result += "cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event" + default_event
result += ")"
return result
def routine_header_type_cpp(self, spaces):
def routine_header_type_cpp(self, spaces, cuda=False):
"""As above, but now without variable names"""
indent = " " * (spaces + self.length())
arguments = self.arguments_type(self.template)
if cuda:
arguments = [a.replace("cl_mem", "CUdeviceptr") for a in arguments]
result = "template <" + + ">\n"
result += "StatusCode " + self.capitalized_name() + "("
result += (",\n" + indent).join([a for a in self.arguments_type(self.template)])
result += ",\n" + indent + "cl_command_queue*, cl_event*)"
result += (",\n" + indent).join([a for a in arguments])
result += ",\n" + indent
if cuda:
result += "CUstream* stream"
result += "cl_command_queue*, cl_event*"
result += ")"
return result
def routine_header_c(self, flavour, spaces, extra_qualifier):

View File

@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
#include <string>
#include "utilities/utilities.hpp"
#include "cache.hpp"
#include "routines/routines.hpp"
#include "clblast.h"
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================

src/clblast_cuda.cpp 100644

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

src/cupp11.hpp 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
// Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file implements a bunch of C++11 classes that act as wrappers around OpenCL objects and API
// calls. The main benefits are increased abstraction, automatic memory management, and portability.
// Portability here means that a similar header exists for CUDA with the same classes and
// interfaces. In other words, moving from the OpenCL API to the CUDA API becomes a one-line change.
// This file is taken from the CLCudaAPI project <> and
// therefore contains the following header copyright notice:
// =================================================================================================
// Copyright 2015 SURFsara
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =================================================================================================
#ifndef CLBLAST_CUPP11_H_
#define CLBLAST_CUPP11_H_
// C++
#include <algorithm> // std::copy
#include <string> // std::string
#include <vector> // std::vector
#include <memory> // std::shared_ptr
#include <cuda.h> // CUDA driver API
#include <nvrtc.h> // NVIDIA runtime compilation API
// Exception classes
#include "cxpp11_common.hpp"
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================
// Max-length of strings
constexpr auto kStringLength = 256;
// =================================================================================================
// Represents a runtime error returned by a CUDA driver API function
class CLCudaAPIError : public ErrorCode<DeviceError, CUresult> {
explicit CLCudaAPIError(CUresult status, const std::string &where):
ErrorCode(status, where, "CUDA error: " + where + ": " +
GetErrorName(status) + " --> " + GetErrorString(status)) {
static void Check(const CUresult status, const std::string &where) {
if (status != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
throw CLCudaAPIError(status, where);
static void CheckDtor(const CUresult status, const std::string &where) {
if (status != CUDA_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "CLCudaAPI: %s (ignoring)\n", CLCudaAPIError(status, where).what());
std::string GetErrorName(CUresult status) const {
const char* status_code;
cuGetErrorName(status, &status_code);
return std::string(status_code);
std::string GetErrorString(CUresult status) const {
const char* status_string;
cuGetErrorString(status, &status_string);
return std::string(status_string);
// Represents a runtime error returned by a CUDA runtime compilation API function
class CLCudaAPINVRTCError : public ErrorCode<DeviceError, nvrtcResult> {
explicit CLCudaAPINVRTCError(nvrtcResult status, const std::string &where):
ErrorCode(status, where, "CUDA NVRTC error: " + where + ": " + GetErrorString(status)) {
static void Check(const nvrtcResult status, const std::string &where) {
if (status != NVRTC_SUCCESS) {
throw CLCudaAPINVRTCError(status, where);
static void CheckDtor(const nvrtcResult status, const std::string &where) {
if (status != NVRTC_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "CLCudaAPI: %s (ignoring)\n", CLCudaAPINVRTCError(status, where).what());
std::string GetErrorString(nvrtcResult status) const {
const char* status_string = nvrtcGetErrorString(status);
return std::string(status_string);
// Exception returned when building a program
using CLCudaAPIBuildError = CLCudaAPINVRTCError;
// =================================================================================================
// Error occurred in CUDA driver or runtime compilation API
#define CheckError(call) CLCudaAPIError::Check(call, CLCudaAPIError::TrimCallString(#call))
#define CheckErrorNVRTC(call) CLCudaAPINVRTCError::Check(call, CLCudaAPINVRTCError::TrimCallString(#call))
// Error occurred in CUDA driver or runtime compilation API (no-exception version for destructors)
#define CheckErrorDtor(call) CLCudaAPIError::CheckDtor(call, CLCudaAPIError::TrimCallString(#call))
#define CheckErrorDtorNVRTC(call) CLCudaAPINVRTCError::CheckDtor(call, CLCudaAPINVRTCError::TrimCallString(#call))
// =================================================================================================
// C++11 version of two 'CUevent' pointers
class Event {
// Note that there is no constructor based on the regular CUDA data-type because of extra state
// Regular constructor with memory management
explicit Event():
start_(new CUevent, [](CUevent* e) { CheckErrorDtor(cuEventDestroy(*e)); delete e; }),
end_(new CUevent, [](CUevent* e) { CheckErrorDtor(cuEventDestroy(*e)); delete e; }) {
CheckError(cuEventCreate(start_.get(), CU_EVENT_DEFAULT));
CheckError(cuEventCreate(end_.get(), CU_EVENT_DEFAULT));
// Waits for completion of this event (not implemented for CUDA)
void WaitForCompletion() const { }
// Retrieves the elapsed time of the last recorded event
float GetElapsedTime() const {
auto result = 0.0f;
cuEventElapsedTime(&result, *start_, *end_);
return result;
// Accessors to the private data-members
const CUevent& start() const { return *start_; }
const CUevent& end() const { return *end_; }
Event* pointer() { return this; }
std::shared_ptr<CUevent> start_;
std::shared_ptr<CUevent> end_;
// Pointer to a CUDA event
using EventPointer = Event*;
// =================================================================================================
// Raw platform ID type
using RawPlatformID = size_t;
// The CUDA platform: initializes the CUDA driver API
class Platform {
// Initializes the platform. Note that the platform ID variable is not actually used for CUDA.
explicit Platform(const size_t platform_id) : platform_id_(0) {
if (platform_id != 0) { throw LogicError("CUDA back-end requires a platform ID of 0"); }
// Methods to retrieve platform information
std::string Name() const { return "CUDA"; }
std::string Vendor() const { return "NVIDIA Corporation"; }
std::string Version() const {
auto result = 0;
return "CUDA driver "+std::to_string(result);
// Returns the number of devices on this platform
size_t NumDevices() const {
auto result = 0;
return static_cast<size_t>(result);
// Accessor to the raw ID (which doesn't exist in the CUDA back-end, this is always just 0)
const RawPlatformID& operator()() const { return platform_id_; }
const size_t platform_id_;
// Retrieves a vector with all platforms. Note that there is just one platform in CUDA.
inline std::vector<Platform> GetAllPlatforms() {
auto all_platforms = std::vector<Platform>{ Platform(size_t{0}) };
return all_platforms;
// =================================================================================================
// Raw device ID type
using RawDeviceID = CUdevice;
// C++11 version of 'CUdevice'
class Device {
// Constructor based on the regular CUDA data-type
explicit Device(const CUdevice device): device_(device) { }
// Initialization
explicit Device(const Platform &platform, const size_t device_id) {
auto num_devices = platform.NumDevices();
if (num_devices == 0) {
throw RuntimeError("Device: no devices found");
if (device_id >= num_devices) {
throw RuntimeError("Device: invalid device ID "+std::to_string(device_id));
CheckError(cuDeviceGet(&device_, device_id));
// Methods to retrieve device information
RawPlatformID PlatformID() const { return 0; }
std::string Version() const {
auto result = 0;
return "CUDA driver "+std::to_string(result);
size_t VersionNumber() const {
auto result = 0;
return static_cast<size_t>(result);
std::string Vendor() const { return "NVIDIA Corporation"; }
std::string Name() const {
auto result = std::string{};
CheckError(cuDeviceGetName(&result[0], result.size(), device_));
return result;
std::string Type() const { return "GPU"; }
size_t MaxWorkGroupSize() const {return GetInfo(CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK); }
size_t MaxWorkItemDimensions() const { return size_t{3}; }
std::vector<size_t> MaxWorkItemSizes() const {
return std::vector<size_t>{GetInfo(CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_BLOCK_DIM_X),
unsigned long LocalMemSize() const {
return static_cast<unsigned long>(GetInfo(CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_SHARED_MEMORY_PER_BLOCK));
std::string Capabilities() const {
return "SM"+std::to_string(major)+"."+std::to_string(minor);
bool HasExtension(const std::string &extension) const { return false; }
bool SupportsFP64() const { return true; }
bool SupportsFP16() const {
if (major > 5) { return true; } // SM 6.x, 7.x and higher
if (major == 5 && minor == 3) { return true; } // SM 5.3
return false;
size_t CoreClock() const { return 1e-3*GetInfo(CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CLOCK_RATE); }
size_t ComputeUnits() const { return GetInfo(CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT); }
unsigned long MemorySize() const {
auto result = size_t{0};
CheckError(cuDeviceTotalMem(&result, device_));
return static_cast<unsigned long>(result);
unsigned long MaxAllocSize() const { return MemorySize(); }
size_t MemoryClock() const { return 1e-3*GetInfo(CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY_CLOCK_RATE); }
size_t MemoryBusWidth() const { return GetInfo(CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_GLOBAL_MEMORY_BUS_WIDTH); }
// Configuration-validity checks
bool IsLocalMemoryValid(const size_t local_mem_usage) const {
return (local_mem_usage <= LocalMemSize());
bool IsThreadConfigValid(const std::vector<size_t> &local) const {
auto local_size = size_t{1};
for (const auto &item: local) { local_size *= item; }
for (auto i=size_t{0}; i<local.size(); ++i) {
if (local[i] > MaxWorkItemSizes()[i]) { return false; }
if (local_size > MaxWorkGroupSize()) { return false; }
if (local.size() > MaxWorkItemDimensions()) { return false; }
return true;
// Query for a specific type of device or brand
bool IsCPU() const { return false; }
bool IsGPU() const { return true; }
bool IsAMD() const { return false; }
bool IsNVIDIA() const { return true; }
bool IsIntel() const { return false; }
bool IsARM() const { return false; }
// Platform specific extensions
std::string AMDBoardName() const { return ""; }
std::string NVIDIAComputeCapability() const { return Capabilities(); }
// Accessor to the private data-member
const RawDeviceID& operator()() const { return device_; }
CUdevice device_;
// Private helper function
size_t GetInfo(const CUdevice_attribute info) const {
auto result = 0;
CheckError(cuDeviceGetAttribute(&result, info, device_));
return static_cast<size_t>(result);
// =================================================================================================
// Raw context type
using RawContext = CUcontext;
// C++11 version of 'CUcontext'
class Context {
// Constructor based on the regular CUDA data-type: memory management is handled elsewhere
explicit Context(const CUcontext context):
context_(new CUcontext) {
*context_ = context;
// Regular constructor with memory management
explicit Context(const Device &device):
context_(new CUcontext, [](CUcontext* c) {
if (*c) { CheckErrorDtor(cuCtxDestroy(*c)); }
delete c;
}) {
CheckError(cuCtxCreate(context_.get(), 0, device()));
// Accessor to the private data-member
const RawContext& operator()() const { return *context_; }
RawContext* pointer() const { return &(*context_); }
std::shared_ptr<CUcontext> context_;
// Pointer to a raw CUDA context
using ContextPointer = CUcontext*;
// =================================================================================================
// C++11 version of 'nvrtcProgram'. Additionally holds the program's source code.
class Program {
// Note that there is no constructor based on the regular CUDA data-type because of extra state
// Source-based constructor with memory management
explicit Program(const Context &, std::string source):
program_(new nvrtcProgram, [](nvrtcProgram* p) {
if (*p) { CheckErrorDtorNVRTC(nvrtcDestroyProgram(p)); }
delete p;
from_binary_(false) {
const auto source_ptr = &source_[0];
CheckErrorNVRTC(nvrtcCreateProgram(program_.get(), source_ptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr));
// PTX-based constructor
explicit Program(const Device &device, const Context &context, const std::string &binary):
program_(nullptr), // not used
from_binary_(true) {
// Compiles the device program and checks whether or not there are any warnings/errors
void Build(const Device &, std::vector<std::string> &options) {
if (from_binary_) { return; }
auto raw_options = std::vector<const char*>();
for (const auto &option: options) {
auto status = nvrtcCompileProgram(*program_, raw_options.size(),;
CLCudaAPINVRTCError::Check(status, "nvrtcCompileProgram");
// Confirms whether a certain status code is an actual compilation error or warning
bool StatusIsCompilationWarningOrError(const nvrtcResult status) const {
return (status == NVRTC_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT);
// Retrieves the warning/error message from the compiler (if any)
std::string GetBuildInfo(const Device &) const {
if (from_binary_) { return std::string{}; }
auto bytes = size_t{0};
CheckErrorNVRTC(nvrtcGetProgramLogSize(*program_, &bytes));
auto result = std::string{};
CheckErrorNVRTC(nvrtcGetProgramLog(*program_, &result[0]));
return result;
// Retrieves an intermediate representation of the compiled program (i.e. PTX)
std::string GetIR() const {
if (from_binary_) { return source_; } // holds the PTX
auto bytes = size_t{0};
CheckErrorNVRTC(nvrtcGetPTXSize(*program_, &bytes));
auto result = std::string{};
CheckErrorNVRTC(nvrtcGetPTX(*program_, &result[0]));
return result;
// Accessor to the private data-member
const nvrtcProgram& operator()() const { return *program_; }
std::shared_ptr<nvrtcProgram> program_;
const std::string source_;
const bool from_binary_;
// =================================================================================================
// Raw command-queue type
using RawCommandQueue = CUstream;
// C++11 version of 'CUstream'
class Queue {
// Note that there is no constructor based on the regular CUDA data-type because of extra state
// Regular constructor with memory management
explicit Queue(const Context &context, const Device &device):
queue_(new CUstream, [](CUstream* s) {
if (*s) { CheckErrorDtor(cuStreamDestroy(*s)); }
delete s;
device_(device) {
CheckError(cuStreamCreate(queue_.get(), CU_STREAM_NON_BLOCKING));
// Synchronizes the queue and optionally also an event
void Finish(Event &event) const {
void Finish() const {
// Retrieves the corresponding context or device
Context GetContext() const { return context_; }
Device GetDevice() const { return device_; }
// Accessor to the private data-member
const RawCommandQueue& operator()() const { return *queue_; }
std::shared_ptr<CUstream> queue_;
const Context context_;
const Device device_;
// =================================================================================================
// C++11 version of page-locked host memory
template <typename T>
class BufferHost {
// Regular constructor with memory management
explicit BufferHost(const Context &, const size_t size):
buffer_(new void*, [](void** m) { CheckError(cuMemFreeHost(*m)); delete m; }),
size_(size) {
CheckError(cuMemAllocHost(buffer_.get(), size*sizeof(T)));
// Retrieves the actual allocated size in bytes
size_t GetSize() const {
return size_*sizeof(T);
// Compatibility with std::vector
size_t size() const { return size_; }
T* begin() { return &static_cast<T*>(*buffer_)[0]; }
T* end() { return &static_cast<T*>(*buffer_)[size_-1]; }
T& operator[](const size_t i) { return static_cast<T*>(*buffer_)[i]; }
T* data() { return static_cast<T*>(*buffer_); }
const T* data() const { return static_cast<T*>(*buffer_); }
std::shared_ptr<void*> buffer_;
const size_t size_;
// =================================================================================================
// Enumeration of buffer access types
enum class BufferAccess { kReadOnly, kWriteOnly, kReadWrite, kNotOwned };
// C++11 version of 'CUdeviceptr'
template <typename T>
class Buffer {
// Constructor based on the regular CUDA data-type: memory management is handled elsewhere
explicit Buffer(const CUdeviceptr buffer):
buffer_(new CUdeviceptr),
access_(BufferAccess::kNotOwned) {
*buffer_ = buffer;
// Regular constructor with memory management. If this class does not own the buffer object, then
// the memory will not be freed automatically afterwards.
explicit Buffer(const Context &, const BufferAccess access, const size_t size):
buffer_(new CUdeviceptr, [access](CUdeviceptr* m) {
if (access != BufferAccess::kNotOwned) { CheckError(cuMemFree(*m)); }
delete m;
access_(access) {
CheckError(cuMemAlloc(buffer_.get(), size*sizeof(T)));
// As above, but now with read/write access as a default
explicit Buffer(const Context &context, const size_t size):
Buffer<T>(context, BufferAccess::kReadWrite, size) {
// Constructs a new buffer based on an existing host-container
template <typename Iterator>
explicit Buffer(const Context &context, const Queue &queue, Iterator start, Iterator end):
Buffer(context, BufferAccess::kReadWrite, static_cast<size_t>(end - start)) {
auto size = static_cast<size_t>(end - start);
auto pointer = &*start;
CheckError(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(*buffer_, pointer, size*sizeof(T), queue()));
// Copies from device to host: reading the device buffer a-synchronously
void ReadAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, T* host, const size_t offset = 0) const {
if (access_ == BufferAccess::kWriteOnly) {
throw LogicError("Buffer: reading from a write-only buffer");
CheckError(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync(host, *buffer_ + offset*sizeof(T), size*sizeof(T), queue()));
void ReadAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, std::vector<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) const {
if (host.size() < size) {
throw LogicError("Buffer: target host buffer is too small");
ReadAsync(queue, size,, offset);
void ReadAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, BufferHost<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) const {
if (host.size() < size) {
throw LogicError("Buffer: target host buffer is too small");
ReadAsync(queue, size,, offset);
// Copies from device to host: reading the device buffer
void Read(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, T* host, const size_t offset = 0) const {
ReadAsync(queue, size, host, offset);
void Read(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, std::vector<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) const {
Read(queue, size,, offset);
void Read(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, BufferHost<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) const {
Read(queue, size,, offset);
// Copies from host to device: writing the device buffer a-synchronously
void WriteAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const T* host, const size_t offset = 0) {
if (access_ == BufferAccess::kReadOnly) {
throw LogicError("Buffer: writing to a read-only buffer");
if (GetSize() < (offset+size)*sizeof(T)) {
throw LogicError("Buffer: target device buffer is too small");
CheckError(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync(*buffer_ + offset*sizeof(T), host, size*sizeof(T), queue()));
void WriteAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const std::vector<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) {
WriteAsync(queue, size,, offset);
void WriteAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const BufferHost<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) {
WriteAsync(queue, size,, offset);
// Copies from host to device: writing the device buffer
void Write(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const T* host, const size_t offset = 0) {
WriteAsync(queue, size, host, offset);
void Write(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const std::vector<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) {
Write(queue, size,, offset);
void Write(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const BufferHost<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) {
Write(queue, size,, offset);
// Copies the contents of this buffer into another device buffer
void CopyToAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const Buffer<T> &destination) const {
CheckError(cuMemcpyDtoDAsync(destination(), *buffer_, size*sizeof(T), queue()));
void CopyTo(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const Buffer<T> &destination) const {
CopyToAsync(queue, size, destination);
// Retrieves the actual allocated size in bytes
size_t GetSize() const {
auto result = size_t{0};
CheckError(cuMemGetAddressRange(nullptr, &result, *buffer_));
return result;
// Accessors to the private data-members
CUdeviceptr operator()() const { return *buffer_; }
CUdeviceptr& operator()() { return *buffer_; }
std::shared_ptr<CUdeviceptr> buffer_;
const BufferAccess access_;
// =================================================================================================
// C++11 version of 'CUfunction'
class Kernel {
// Constructor based on the regular CUDA data-type: memory management is handled elsewhere
explicit Kernel(const CUmodule module, const CUfunction kernel):
kernel_(kernel) {
// Regular constructor with memory management
explicit Kernel(const Program &program, const std::string &name) {
CheckError(cuModuleLoadDataEx(&module_, program.GetIR().data(), 0, nullptr, nullptr));
CheckError(cuModuleGetFunction(&kernel_, module_, name.c_str()));
// Sets a kernel argument at the indicated position. This stores both the value of the argument
// (as raw bytes) and the index indicating where this value can be found.
template <typename T>
void SetArgument(const size_t index, const T &value) {
if (index >= arguments_indices_.size()) { arguments_indices_.resize(index+1); }
arguments_indices_[index] = arguments_data_.size();
for (auto j=size_t(0); j<sizeof(T); ++j) {
arguments_data_.push_back(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&value)[j]);
template <typename T>
void SetArgument(const size_t index, Buffer<T> &value) {
SetArgument(index, value());
// Sets all arguments in one go using parameter packs. Note that this resets all previously set
// arguments using 'SetArgument' or 'SetArguments'.
template <typename... Args>
void SetArguments(Args&... args) {
SetArgumentsRecursive(0, args...);
// Retrieves the amount of local memory used per work-group for this kernel. Note that this the
// shared memory in CUDA terminology.
unsigned long LocalMemUsage(const Device &) const {
auto result = 0;
CheckError(cuFuncGetAttribute(&result, CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES, kernel_));
return static_cast<unsigned long>(result);
// Retrieves the name of the kernel
std::string GetFunctionName() const {
return std::string{"unknown"}; // Not implemented for the CUDA backend
// Launches a kernel onto the specified queue
void Launch(const Queue &queue, const std::vector<size_t> &global,
const std::vector<size_t> &local, EventPointer event) {
// Creates the grid (number of threadblocks) and sets the block sizes (threads per block)
auto grid = std::vector<size_t>{1, 1, 1};
auto block = std::vector<size_t>{1, 1, 1};
if (global.size() != local.size()) { throw LogicError("invalid thread/workgroup dimensions"); }
for (auto i=size_t{0}; i<local.size(); ++i) { grid[i] = global[i]/local[i]; }
for (auto i=size_t{0}; i<local.size(); ++i) { block[i] = local[i]; }
// Creates the array of pointers from the arrays of indices & data
std::vector<void*> pointers;
for (auto &index: arguments_indices_) {
// Launches the kernel, its execution time is recorded by events
CheckError(cuEventRecord(event->start(), queue()));
CheckError(cuLaunchKernel(kernel_, grid[0], grid[1], grid[2], block[0], block[1], block[2],
0, queue(),, nullptr));
CheckError(cuEventRecord(event->end(), queue()));
// As above, but with an event waiting list
// TODO: Implement this function
void Launch(const Queue &queue, const std::vector<size_t> &global,
const std::vector<size_t> &local, EventPointer event,
std::vector<Event>& waitForEvents) {
if (local.size() == 0) {
throw LogicError("Kernel: launching with a default workgroup size is not implemented for the CUDA back-end");
else if (waitForEvents.size() != 0) {
throw LogicError("Kernel: launching with an event waiting list is not implemented for the CUDA back-end");
else {
return Launch(queue, global, local, event);
// Accessors to the private data-members
const CUfunction& operator()() const { return kernel_; }
CUfunction operator()() { return kernel_; }
CUmodule module_;
CUfunction kernel_;
std::vector<size_t> arguments_indices_; // Indices of the arguments
std::vector<char> arguments_data_; // The arguments data as raw bytes
// Internal implementation for the recursive SetArguments function.
template <typename T>
void SetArgumentsRecursive(const size_t index, T &first) {
SetArgument(index, first);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
void SetArgumentsRecursive(const size_t index, T &first, Args&... args) {
SetArgument(index, first);
SetArgumentsRecursive(index+1, args...);
// =================================================================================================
} // namespace clblast

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#include "clblast.h"
#include "utilities/utilities.hpp
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================

View File

@ -21,8 +21,13 @@
#include <complex>
#include <random>
#include "clpp11.hpp"
#include "clblast.h"
#include "clpp11.hpp"
#include "clblast.h"
#elif CUDA_API
#include "cupp11.hpp"
#include "clblast_cuda.h"
#include "clblast_half.h"
#include "utilities/clblast_exceptions.hpp"
#include "utilities/msvc.hpp"