// ================================================================================================= // This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This // project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max- // width of 100 characters per line. // // Author(s): // Cedric Nugteren // // This file implements the generic CLBlast auto-tuner (inspired by CLTune). This is only used for // the optional and stand-alone tuner binaries and not part of the core of CLBlast. // // ================================================================================================= #ifndef CLBLAST_TUNING_TUNING_H_ #define CLBLAST_TUNING_TUNING_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utilities/utilities.hpp" #include "utilities/timing.hpp" #include "tuning/configurations.hpp" namespace clblast { // ================================================================================================= // Constants holding start and end strings for terminal-output in colour #if defined(_WIN32) const std::string kPrintError = ""; const std::string kPrintSuccess = ""; const std::string kPrintMessage = ""; const std::string kPrintEnd = ""; #else const std::string kPrintError = "\x1b[31m"; const std::string kPrintSuccess = "\x1b[32m"; const std::string kPrintMessage = "\x1b[1m"; const std::string kPrintEnd = "\x1b[0m"; #endif // ================================================================================================= // Structures for the tuners with all the default settings struct TunerDefaults { // The list of arguments relevant for this routine std::vector options = {}; // Default sizes size_t default_m = 1; size_t default_n = 1; size_t default_k = 1; // Other defaults size_t default_batch_count = 1; size_t default_num_runs = 10; // run every kernel this many times for averaging double default_fraction = 1.0; }; // Structures for the tuners with the remaining settings struct TunerSettings { // The representative kernel and the source code std::string kernel_family; std::string kernel_name; std::string sources; // Describes how to obtain the sizes of the buffers size_t size_x = 1; size_t size_y = 1; size_t size_a = 1; size_t size_b = 1; size_t size_c = 1; size_t size_temp = 1; // Inputs and outputs (X:0, Y:1, A:2, B:3, C:4, temp:5) std::vector inputs = {}; std::vector outputs = {}; // Sets the base thread configuration std::vector global_size = {}; std::vector global_size_ref = {}; std::vector local_size = {}; std::vector local_size_ref = {}; // Transforms the thread configuration based on the parameters TransformVector mul_local = {}; TransformVector div_local = {}; TransformVector mul_global = {}; TransformVector div_global = {}; // Sets the tuning parameters and their possible values std::vector parameters; // Describes how to compute the performance metrics size_t metric_amount = 0; std::string performance_unit = "N/A"; }; // ================================================================================================= struct TuningResult { std::string name; double score; Configuration config; }; void PrintTimingsToFileAsJSON(const std::string &filename, const Device& device, const Platform& platform, const std::vector> &metadata, const std::vector& tuning_results) { printf("* Writing results to '%s'\n", filename.c_str()); auto file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "w"); fprintf(file, "{\n"); for (auto &datum: metadata) { fprintf(file, " \"%s\": \"%s\",\n", datum.first.c_str(), datum.second.c_str()); } fprintf(file, " \"platform_version\": \"%s\",\n", platform.Version().c_str()); fprintf(file, " \"clblast_device_name\": \"%s\",\n", GetDeviceName(device).c_str()); fprintf(file, " \"clblast_device_vendor\": \"%s\",\n", platform.Vendor().c_str()); fprintf(file, " \"clblast_device_type\": \"%s\",\n", device.Type().c_str()); fprintf(file, " \"clblast_device_architecture\": \"%s\",\n", GetDeviceArchitecture(device).c_str()); fprintf(file, " \"device_core_clock\": \"%zu\",\n", device.CoreClock()); fprintf(file, " \"device_compute_units\": \"%zu\",\n", device.ComputeUnits()); fprintf(file, " \"results\": [\n"); // Loops over all results auto num_results = tuning_results.size(); for (auto r = size_t{0}; r < num_results; ++r) { auto result = tuning_results[r]; fprintf(file, " {\n"); fprintf(file, " \"kernel\": \"%s\",\n", result.name.c_str()); fprintf(file, " \"time\": %.3lf,\n", result.score); // Loops over all the parameters for this result fprintf(file, " \"parameters\": {"); auto num_configs = result.config.size(); auto p = size_t{0}; for (const auto parameter : result.config) { fprintf(file, "\"%s\": %zu", parameter.first.c_str(), parameter.second); if (p < num_configs -1 ) { fprintf(file, ","); } ++p; } fprintf(file, "}\n"); // The footer fprintf(file, " }"); if (r < num_results - 1) { fprintf(file, ","); } fprintf(file, "\n"); } fprintf(file, " ]\n"); fprintf(file, "}\n"); fclose(file); } void print_separator(const size_t parameters_size) { printf("x------x-------x"); for (auto i = size_t{0}; i < parameters_size; ++i) { printf("-----"); } printf("-x----------x------------x--------x-------------------x\n"); } // ================================================================================================= // Function to get command-line argument, set-up the input buffers, configure the tuner, and collect // the results. Used for all types of kernel families. Note that this is a header-only function so // that it is automatically compiled for the various kernels (given as the 'C' template argument). template void Tuner(int argc, char* argv[]) { constexpr auto kSeed = 42; // fixed seed for reproducibility // Sets the parameters and platform/device for which to tune (command-line options) const TunerDefaults defaults = C::GetTunerDefaults(); auto command_line_args = RetrieveCommandLineArguments(argc, argv); auto help = std::string{"* Options given/available:\n"}; auto args = Arguments{}; args.platform_id = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgPlatform, ConvertArgument(std::getenv("CLBLAST_PLATFORM"), size_t{0})); args.device_id = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgDevice, ConvertArgument(std::getenv("CLBLAST_DEVICE"), size_t{0})); args.precision = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgPrecision, Precision::kSingle); for (auto &o: defaults.options) { if (o == kArgM) { args.m = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgM, defaults.default_m); } if (o == kArgN) { args.n = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgN, defaults.default_n); } if (o == kArgK) { args.k = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgK, defaults.default_k); } if (o == kArgAlpha) { args.alpha = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgAlpha, GetScalar()); } if (o == kArgBeta) { args.beta = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgBeta, GetScalar()); } if (o == kArgBatchCount) { args.batch_count = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgBatchCount, defaults.default_batch_count); } } args.fraction = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgFraction, defaults.default_fraction); args.num_runs = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgNumRuns, defaults.default_num_runs); const auto max_l2_norm = GetArgument(command_line_args, help, kArgMaxL2Norm, 1.0e-4); printf("%s\n", help.c_str()); const TunerSettings settings = C::GetTunerSettings(args); // Tests validity of the given arguments C::TestValidArguments(args); // Initializes OpenCL const auto platform = Platform(args.platform_id); const auto device = Device(platform, args.device_id); const auto context = Context(device); auto queue = Queue(context, device); // Tests for validity of the precision and retrieves properties if (!PrecisionSupported(device)) { printf("* Unsupported precision, skipping this tuning run\n\n"); return; } const auto device_type = GetDeviceType(device); const auto device_vendor = GetDeviceVendor(device); const auto device_architecture = GetDeviceArchitecture(device); const auto device_name = GetDeviceName(device); // Creates input buffers with random data const auto buffer_sizes = std::vector{ settings.size_x, settings.size_y, settings.size_a, settings.size_b, settings.size_c, settings.size_temp }; std::mt19937 mt(kSeed); std::uniform_real_distribution dist(kTestDataLowerLimit, kTestDataUpperLimit); auto source_buffers = std::vector>(); auto reference_buffers = std::vector>(); auto result_buffers = std::vector>(); auto device_buffers = std::vector>(); for (const auto size : buffer_sizes) { auto host_buffer = std::vector(size); PopulateVector(host_buffer, mt, dist); source_buffers.push_back(host_buffer); auto reference_buffer = std::vector(size); reference_buffers.push_back(reference_buffer); auto result_buffer = std::vector(size); result_buffers.push_back(result_buffer); auto device_buffer = Buffer(context, size); device_buffers.push_back(device_buffer); } // Sets the tunable parameters and their possible values auto configurations = SetConfigurations(settings.parameters, C::SetConstraints()); printf("* Found %s%zu configuration(s)%s\n", kPrintMessage.c_str(), configurations.size(), kPrintEnd.c_str()); // Select the search method (full search or a random fraction) if (args.fraction != 0.0 && args.fraction != 1.0) { const auto new_size = static_cast(configurations.size() / args.fraction); auto rng = std::default_random_engine{}; std::shuffle(std::begin(configurations), std::end(configurations), rng); configurations.resize(new_size); printf("* Exploring a random subset of %s%zu configuration(s)%s\n", kPrintMessage.c_str(), configurations.size(), kPrintEnd.c_str()); } // Prints information about the parameters printf("* Parameters explored: "); for (const auto& parameter : settings.parameters) { printf("%s ", parameter.first.c_str()); } printf("\n"); // Prints the header of the table printf("\n"); printf("| ID | total |"); for (auto i = size_t{0}; i < settings.parameters.size() - 1; ++i) { printf(" "); } printf("param | compiles | time | %6s | status |\n", settings.performance_unit.c_str()); print_separator(settings.parameters.size()); // First runs a reference example to compare against try { printf("| ref | - |"); for (auto i = size_t{0}; i < settings.parameters.size() - 1; ++i) { printf(" "); } printf(" - |"); // Sets the input for (const auto id : settings.inputs) { device_buffers[id].Write(queue, buffer_sizes[id], source_buffers[id]); } // Compiles the kernel auto compiler_options = std::vector(); const auto program = CompileFromSource(settings.sources, args.precision, settings.kernel_name, device, context, compiler_options); auto kernel = Kernel(program, settings.kernel_name); C::SetArguments(kernel, args, device_buffers); printf(" %sOK%s |", kPrintSuccess.c_str(), kPrintEnd.c_str()); // Runs the kernel const auto time_ms = TimeKernel(args.num_runs, kernel, queue, device, settings.global_size_ref, settings.local_size_ref); printf(" - |"); if (time_ms == -1.0) { throw std::runtime_error("Error in reference implementation"); } // Saves the result for (const auto id : settings.outputs) { device_buffers[id].Read(queue, buffer_sizes[id], reference_buffers[id]); } printf(" %sreference OK%s |\n", kPrintSuccess.c_str(), kPrintEnd.c_str()); } catch (...) { const auto status_code = DispatchExceptionCatchAll(true); printf(" %d |\n", static_cast(status_code)); printf("* Exception caught with status %d while running the reference, aborting\n", static_cast(status_code)); return; } print_separator(settings.parameters.size()); // Starts the tuning process auto results = std::vector(); for (auto config_id = size_t{0}; config_id < configurations.size(); ++config_id) { try { const auto configuration = configurations[config_id]; printf("| %4zu | %5zu |", config_id + 1, configurations.size()); for (const auto& parameter : settings.parameters) { printf("%5zu", configuration.at(parameter.first)); } printf(" |"); // Sets the input for (const auto id : settings.inputs) { device_buffers[id].Write(queue, buffer_sizes[id], source_buffers[id]); } // Sets the thread configuration const auto global = SetThreadConfiguration(configuration, settings.global_size, settings.mul_global, settings.div_global); const auto local = SetThreadConfiguration(configuration, settings.local_size, settings.mul_local, settings.div_local); // Sets the parameters for this configuration auto kernel_source = std::string{""}; for (const auto ¶meter : configuration) { kernel_source += "#define " + parameter.first + " " + ToString(parameter.second) + "\n"; } kernel_source += settings.sources; // Compiles the kernel auto compiler_options = std::vector(); const auto program = CompileFromSource(kernel_source, args.precision, settings.kernel_name, device, context, compiler_options); auto kernel = Kernel(program, settings.kernel_name); printf(" %sOK%s |", kPrintSuccess.c_str(), kPrintEnd.c_str()); // Runs the kernel C::SetArguments(kernel, args, device_buffers); const auto time_ms = TimeKernel(args.num_runs, kernel, queue, device, global, local); // Kernel run was not successful if (time_ms == -1.0) { printf(" - |"); printf(" %sinvalid config.%s |", kPrintError.c_str(), kPrintEnd.c_str()); printf(" <-- skipping\n"); continue; } // Compares the results auto l2_error = 0.0; for (const auto id : settings.outputs) { device_buffers[id].Read(queue, buffer_sizes[id], result_buffers[id]); for (auto index = size_t{0}; index(buffer_sizes[id]); if (std::isnan(l2_error) || l2_error > max_l2_norm) { printf(" - |"); printf(" %sL2 error %8.2e%s |", kPrintError.c_str(), l2_error, kPrintEnd.c_str()); throw std::runtime_error("L2 error too large"); } } // All was OK results.push_back(TuningResult{settings.kernel_name, time_ms, configuration}); printf(" %6.1lf |", settings.metric_amount / (time_ms * 1.0e6)); printf(" %sresults match%s |\n", kPrintSuccess.c_str(), kPrintEnd.c_str()); } catch (...) { const auto status_code = DispatchExceptionCatchAll(true); if (status_code != StatusCode::kUnknownError) { printf(" %serror code %d%s |", kPrintError.c_str(), static_cast(status_code), kPrintEnd.c_str()); } printf(" <-- skipping\n"); } } // Completed the tuning process print_separator(settings.parameters.size()); printf("\n"); // Computes the best results auto comparison = [](const TuningResult& lhs, const TuningResult& rhs) { return lhs.score < rhs.score; }; const auto best_configuration = std::min_element(results.begin(), results.end(), comparison); const auto best_time_ms = best_configuration->score; // Also prints the performance of the best-case in terms of GB/s or GFLOPS if (best_time_ms != 0.0) { printf("\n"); printf("* Found best result %.2lf ms", best_time_ms); printf(" or %.1lf %s\n", settings.metric_amount / (best_time_ms * 1.0e6), settings.performance_unit.c_str()); printf("\n"); } // Outputs the results as JSON to disk, including some meta-data auto precision_string = std::to_string(static_cast(args.precision)); auto metadata = std::vector>{ {"kernel_family", settings.kernel_family}, {"precision", precision_string}, }; for (auto &o: defaults.options) { if (o == kArgM) { metadata.push_back({"arg_m", ToString(args.m)}); } if (o == kArgN) { metadata.push_back({"arg_n", ToString(args.n)}); } if (o == kArgK) { metadata.push_back({"arg_k", ToString(args.k)}); } if (o == kArgAlpha) { metadata.push_back({"arg_alpha", ToString(args.alpha)}); } if (o == kArgBeta) { metadata.push_back({"arg_beta", ToString(args.beta)}); } if (o == kArgBatchCount) { metadata.push_back({"arg_batch_count", ToString(args.batch_count)}); } } PrintTimingsToFileAsJSON("clblast_" + settings.kernel_family + "_" + precision_string + ".json", device, platform, metadata, results); printf("* Completed tuning process\n"); printf("\n"); } // ================================================================================================= } // namespace clblast // CLBLAST_TUNING_TUNING_H_ #endif