cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20) project(${SKBUILD_PROJECT_NAME} LANGUAGES CXX) # Find python and numpy find_package( Python3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Interpreter Development.Module NumPy ) # Run the cython compiler cmake_path(APPEND CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR "./src" OUTPUT_VARIABLE Cython_SOURCE_DIR) find_program(CYTHON "cython") add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${Cython_SOURCE_DIR}/pyclblast.cpp" DEPENDS "${Cython_SOURCE_DIR}/pyclblast.pyx" VERBATIM COMMAND "${CYTHON}" -3 "${Cython_SOURCE_DIR}/pyclblast.pyx" --output-file "${Cython_SOURCE_DIR}/pyclblast.cpp") # Add module target Python3_add_library(pyclblast MODULE WITH_SOABI "${Cython_SOURCE_DIR}/pyclblast.cpp") # Numpy libraries - NOTE: clean NPY_LIBRARIES cache (may fail for venv) cmake_path(GET Python3_NumPy_INCLUDE_DIRS PARENT_PATH Python3_NumPy_CORE_DIR) unset(NPY_LIBRARIES CACHE) find_library(NPY_LIBRARIES NAMES npymath PATHS ${Python3_NumPy_CORE_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib DOC "Numpy math library" REQUIRED NO_DEFAULT_PATH) target_link_libraries(pyclblast PRIVATE ${NPY_LIBRARIES}) target_include_directories(pyclblast PRIVATE ${Python3_NumPy_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # CLBlast library set(CLBLAST_HINTS ${CLBLAST_ROOT} $ENV{CLBLAST_ROOT} ) find_package(CLBlast CONFIG REQUIRED HINTS ${CLBLAST_HINTS}) target_link_libraries(pyclblast PRIVATE clblast) install(TARGETS pyclblast DESTINATION .) # In windows pyclblast cannot find the dll, even on path. # Probably related to change in 3.8, that loads dll only for trusted location # see # One workaround is to copy the dll to the same dir as the module. # TODO: add python version check if (WIN32) cmake_path(APPEND CLBlast_DIR "../../../bin" OUTPUT_VARIABLE CLBlast_BINDIR) cmake_path(SET CLBlast_BINDIR NORMALIZE "${CLBlast_BINDIR}") unset(CLBlast_SHARED_LIBPATH CACHE) find_file(CLBlast_SHARED_LIBPATH NAMES clblast.dll PATHS ${CLBlast_BINDIR} DOC "CLBlast shared library" REQUIRED) # copy dll to build install(FILES ${CLBlast_SHARED_LIBPATH} DESTINATION .) endif()