language: cpp sudo: required dist: trusty compiler: - gcc - clang addons: apt: sources: # kubuntu-backports contains newer versions of cmake to install - kubuntu-backports packages: - cmake env: global: - CLBLAST_ROOT=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/bin/make/release - OPENCL_REGISTRY= - OPENCL_ROOT=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/bin/opencl before_install: - cmake --version; - ${CC} --version; - ${CXX} --version; install: # The following linux logic is necessary because of Travis's move to the GCE platform, which does not # currently contain packages for fglrx: # We build our own linkable .so file - if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == "linux" ]; then mkdir -p ${OPENCL_ROOT}; pushd ${OPENCL_ROOT}; wget ${OPENCL_REGISTRY}/specs/opencl-icd-; tar -xf opencl-icd-; mv ./icd/* .; mkdir -p inc/CL; pushd inc/CL; wget -r -w 1 -np -nd -nv -A h,hpp; wget -w 1 -np -nd -nv -A h,hpp; popd; mkdir -p lib; pushd lib; cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..; make; cp ../bin/ .; popd; mv inc/ include/; popd; fi before_script: - mkdir -p ${CLBLAST_ROOT} - pushd ${CLBLAST_ROOT} - cmake -DOPENCL_ROOT=${OPENCL_ROOT} ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} script: - make branches: only: - master - development notifications: email: false