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// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
// Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file implements the caching functionality of compiled binaries and programs.
// =================================================================================================
#include <string>
#include <mutex>
#include <map>
#include "utilities/utilities.hpp"
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================
// The generic thread-safe cache. We assume that the Key may be a heavyweight struct that is not
// normally used by the caller, while the Value is either lightweight or ref-counted.
// Hence, searching by non-Key is supported (if there is a corresponding operator<()), and
// on Store() the Key instance is moved from the caller (because it will likely be constructed
// as temporary at the time of Store()).
template <typename Key, typename Value>
class Cache {
// Cached object is returned by-value to avoid racing with Invalidate().
// Due to lack of std::optional<>, in case of a cache miss we return a default-constructed
// Value and set the flag to false.
template <typename U>
Value Get(const U &key, bool *in_cache) const;
// We do not return references to just stored object to avoid racing with Invalidate().
// Caller is expected to store a temporary.
void Store(Key &&key, Value &&value);
void Invalidate();
// Removes all entries with a given key
void Remove(const Key &key);
template <int I1, int I2> void RemoveBySubset(const Key &key); // currently supports 2 indices
static Cache<Key, Value> &Instance();
#if __cplusplus >= 201402L
// The std::less<void> allows to search in cache by an object comparable with Key, without
// constructing a temporary Key
// (see,
std::map<Key, Value, std::less<void>> cache_;
std::vector<std::pair<Key, Value>> cache_;
mutable std::mutex cache_mutex_;
static Cache<Key, Value> instance_;
}; // class Cache
// =================================================================================================
// The key struct for the cache of compiled OpenCL binaries (device name and platform-dependent)
// Order of fields: precision, routine_name, device_name (smaller fields first)
typedef std::tuple<RawPlatformID, Precision, std::string, std::string> BinaryKey;
typedef std::tuple<const RawPlatformID &, const Precision &, const std::string &, const std::string &> BinaryKeyRef;
typedef Cache<BinaryKey, std::string> BinaryCache;
extern template class Cache<BinaryKey, std::string>;
extern template std::string BinaryCache::Get(const BinaryKeyRef &, bool *) const;
// =================================================================================================
// The key struct for the cache of compiled OpenCL programs (context-dependent)
// Order of fields: context, device_id, precision, routine_name (smaller fields first)
typedef std::tuple<RawContext, RawDeviceID, Precision, std::string> ProgramKey;
typedef std::tuple<const RawContext &, const RawDeviceID &, const Precision &, const std::string &> ProgramKeyRef;
typedef Cache<ProgramKey, std::shared_ptr<Program>> ProgramCache;
extern template class Cache<ProgramKey, std::shared_ptr<Program>>;
extern template std::shared_ptr<Program> ProgramCache::Get(const ProgramKeyRef &, bool *) const;
// =================================================================================================
class Database;
// The key struct for the cache of database maps.
// Order of fields: platform_id, device_id, precision, kernel_name (smaller fields first)
typedef std::tuple<RawPlatformID, RawDeviceID, Precision, std::string> DatabaseKey;
typedef std::tuple<const RawPlatformID &, const RawDeviceID &, const Precision &, const std::string &> DatabaseKeyRef;
typedef Cache<DatabaseKey, Database> DatabaseCache;
extern template class Cache<DatabaseKey, Database>;
extern template Database DatabaseCache::Get(const DatabaseKeyRef &, bool *) const;
// =================================================================================================
} // namespace clblast