
919 lines
35 KiB

// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
// Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file implements a bunch of C++11 classes that act as wrappers around OpenCL objects and API
// calls. The main benefits are increased abstraction, automatic memory management, and portability.
// Portability here means that a similar header exists for CUDA with the same classes and
// interfaces. In other words, moving from the OpenCL API to the CUDA API becomes a one-line change.
// This file is taken from the CLCudaAPI project <> and
// therefore contains the following header copyright notice:
// =================================================================================================
// Copyright 2015 SURFsara
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =================================================================================================
#ifndef CLBLAST_CLPP11_H_
#define CLBLAST_CLPP11_H_
// C++
#include <algorithm> // std::copy
#include <string> // std::string
#include <vector> // std::vector
#include <memory> // std::shared_ptr
#include <numeric> // std::accumulate
#include <cstring> // std::strlen
#include <cstdio> // fprintf, stderr
#include <assert.h>
// OpenCL
#define CL_USE_DEPRECATED_OPENCL_1_1_APIS // to disable deprecation warnings
#define CL_USE_DEPRECATED_OPENCL_1_2_APIS // to disable deprecation warnings
#define CL_USE_DEPRECATED_OPENCL_2_0_APIS // to disable deprecation warnings
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX)
#include <OpenCL/opencl.h>
#include <CL/opencl.h>
// Android support (missing C++11 functions to_string, stod, and stoi)
#ifdef __ANDROID__
#include "utilities/android.hpp"
// Exception classes
#include "cxpp11_common.hpp"
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================
// Represents a runtime error returned by an OpenCL API function
class CLCudaAPIError : public ErrorCode<DeviceError, cl_int> {
explicit CLCudaAPIError(cl_int status, const std::string &where):
ErrorCode(status, where, "OpenCL error: " + where + ": " +
std::to_string(static_cast<int>(status))) {
static void Check(const cl_int status, const std::string &where) {
if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
throw CLCudaAPIError(status, where);
static void CheckDtor(const cl_int status, const std::string &where) {
if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "CLBlast: %s (ignoring)\n", CLCudaAPIError(status, where).what());
// Exception returned when building a program
using CLCudaAPIBuildError = CLCudaAPIError;
// =================================================================================================
// Error occurred in OpenCL
#define CheckError(call) CLCudaAPIError::Check(call, CLCudaAPIError::TrimCallString(#call))
// Error occurred in OpenCL (no-exception version for destructors)
#define CheckErrorDtor(call) CLCudaAPIError::CheckDtor(call, CLCudaAPIError::TrimCallString(#call))
// =================================================================================================
// C++11 version of 'cl_event'
class Event {
// Constructor based on the regular OpenCL data-type: memory management is handled elsewhere
explicit Event(const cl_event event):
event_(new cl_event) {
*event_ = event;
// Regular constructor with memory management
explicit Event():
event_(new cl_event, [](cl_event* e) {
if (*e) { CheckErrorDtor(clReleaseEvent(*e)); }
delete e;
}) {
*event_ = nullptr;
// Waits for completion of this event
void WaitForCompletion() const {
CheckError(clWaitForEvents(1, &(*event_)));
// Retrieves the elapsed time of the last recorded event.
// (Note that there is a bug in Apple's OpenCL implementation of the 'clGetEventProfilingInfo' function:
// However, in our case the reply size is fixed to be cl_ulong, so we are not affected.
float GetElapsedTime() const {
const auto bytes = sizeof(cl_ulong);
auto time_start = cl_ulong{0};
CheckError(clGetEventProfilingInfo(*event_, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START, bytes, &time_start, nullptr));
auto time_end = cl_ulong{0};
CheckError(clGetEventProfilingInfo(*event_, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, bytes, &time_end, nullptr));
return static_cast<float>(time_end - time_start) * 1.0e-6f;
// Accessor to the private data-member
cl_event& operator()() { return *event_; }
const cl_event& operator()() const { return *event_; }
cl_event* pointer() { return &(*event_); }
const cl_event* pointer() const { return &(*event_); }
std::shared_ptr<cl_event> event_;
// Pointer to an OpenCL event
using EventPointer = cl_event*;
// =================================================================================================
// Raw platform ID type
using RawPlatformID = cl_platform_id;
// C++11 version of 'cl_platform_id'
class Platform {
// Constructor based on the regular OpenCL data-type
explicit Platform(const cl_platform_id platform): platform_(platform) { }
// Initializes the platform
explicit Platform(const size_t platform_id) {
auto num_platforms = cl_uint{0};
CheckError(clGetPlatformIDs(0, nullptr, &num_platforms));
if (num_platforms == 0) {
throw RuntimeError("Platform: no platforms found");
if (platform_id >= num_platforms) {
throw RuntimeError("Platform: invalid platform ID "+std::to_string(platform_id));
auto platforms = std::vector<cl_platform_id>(num_platforms);
CheckError(clGetPlatformIDs(num_platforms,, nullptr));
platform_ = platforms[platform_id];
// Methods to retrieve platform information
std::string Name() const { return GetInfoString(CL_PLATFORM_NAME); }
std::string Vendor() const { return GetInfoString(CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR); }
std::string Version() const { return GetInfoString(CL_PLATFORM_VERSION); }
// Returns the number of devices on this platform
size_t NumDevices() const {
auto result = cl_uint{0};
CheckError(clGetDeviceIDs(platform_, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, nullptr, &result));
return static_cast<size_t>(result);
// Accessor to the private data-member
const RawPlatformID& operator()() const { return platform_; }
cl_platform_id platform_;
// Private helper functions
std::string GetInfoString(const cl_device_info info) const {
auto bytes = size_t{0};
CheckError(clGetPlatformInfo(platform_, info, 0, nullptr, &bytes));
auto result = std::string{};
CheckError(clGetPlatformInfo(platform_, info, bytes, &result[0], nullptr));
result.resize(strlen(result.c_str())); // Removes any trailing '\0'-characters
return result;
// Retrieves a vector with all platforms
inline std::vector<Platform> GetAllPlatforms() {
auto num_platforms = cl_uint{0};
CheckError(clGetPlatformIDs(0, nullptr, &num_platforms));
auto all_platforms = std::vector<Platform>();
for (size_t platform_id = 0; platform_id < static_cast<size_t>(num_platforms); ++platform_id) {
return all_platforms;
// =================================================================================================
// Raw device ID type
using RawDeviceID = cl_device_id;
// C++11 version of 'cl_device_id'
class Device {
// Constructor based on the regular OpenCL data-type
explicit Device(const cl_device_id device): device_(device) { }
// Initialize the device. Note that this constructor can throw exceptions!
explicit Device(const Platform &platform, const size_t device_id) {
auto num_devices = platform.NumDevices();
if (num_devices == 0) {
throw RuntimeError("Device: no devices found");
if (device_id >= num_devices) {
throw RuntimeError("Device: invalid device ID "+std::to_string(device_id));
auto devices = std::vector<cl_device_id>(num_devices);
CheckError(clGetDeviceIDs(platform(), CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, static_cast<cl_uint>(num_devices),, nullptr));
device_ = devices[device_id];
// Methods to retrieve device information
RawPlatformID PlatformID() const { return GetInfo<cl_platform_id>(CL_DEVICE_PLATFORM); }
std::string Version() const { return GetInfoString(CL_DEVICE_VERSION); }
size_t VersionNumber() const
std::string version_string = Version().substr(7);
// Space separates the end of the OpenCL version number from the beginning of the
// vendor-specific information.
size_t next_whitespace = version_string.find(' ');
size_t version = (size_t) (100.0 * std::stod(version_string.substr(0, next_whitespace)));
return version;
std::string Vendor() const { return GetInfoString(CL_DEVICE_VENDOR); }
std::string Name() const { return GetInfoString(CL_DEVICE_NAME); }
std::string Type() const {
auto type = GetInfo<cl_device_type>(CL_DEVICE_TYPE);
switch(type) {
case CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU: return "CPU";
case CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU: return "GPU";
case CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR: return "accelerator";
default: return "default";
size_t MaxWorkGroupSize() const { return GetInfo<size_t>(CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE); }
size_t MaxWorkItemDimensions() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(GetInfo<cl_uint>(CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_DIMENSIONS));
std::vector<size_t> MaxWorkItemSizes() const {
return GetInfoVector<size_t>(CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_ITEM_SIZES);
unsigned long LocalMemSize() const {
return static_cast<unsigned long>(GetInfo<cl_ulong>(CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE));
std::string Capabilities() const { return GetInfoString(CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS); }
bool HasExtension(const std::string &extension) const {
const auto extensions = Capabilities();
return extensions.find(extension) != std::string::npos;
bool SupportsFP64() const {
return HasExtension("cl_khr_fp64");
bool SupportsFP16() const {
if (Name() == "Mali-T628") { return true; } // supports fp16 but not cl_khr_fp16 officially
return HasExtension("cl_khr_fp16");
size_t CoreClock() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(GetInfo<cl_uint>(CL_DEVICE_MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY));
size_t ComputeUnits() const {
return static_cast<size_t>(GetInfo<cl_uint>(CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS));
unsigned long MemorySize() const {
return static_cast<unsigned long>(GetInfo<cl_ulong>(CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE));
unsigned long MaxAllocSize() const {
return static_cast<unsigned long>(GetInfo<cl_ulong>(CL_DEVICE_MAX_MEM_ALLOC_SIZE));
size_t MemoryClock() const { return 0; } // Not exposed in OpenCL
size_t MemoryBusWidth() const { return 0; } // Not exposed in OpenCL
// Configuration-validity checks
bool IsLocalMemoryValid(const cl_ulong local_mem_usage) const {
return (local_mem_usage <= LocalMemSize());
bool IsThreadConfigValid(const std::vector<size_t> &local) const {
auto local_size = size_t{1};
for (const auto &item: local) { local_size *= item; }
for (auto i=size_t{0}; i<local.size(); ++i) {
if (local[i] > MaxWorkItemSizes()[i]) { return false; }
if (local_size > MaxWorkGroupSize()) { return false; }
if (local.size() > MaxWorkItemDimensions()) { return false; }
return true;
// Query for a specific type of device or brand
bool IsCPU() const { return Type() == "CPU"; }
bool IsGPU() const { return Type() == "GPU"; }
bool IsAMD() const { return Vendor() == "AMD" ||
Vendor() == "Advanced Micro Devices, Inc." ||
Vendor() == "AuthenticAMD"; }
bool IsNVIDIA() const { return Vendor() == "NVIDIA" ||
Vendor() == "NVIDIA Corporation"; }
bool IsIntel() const { return Vendor() == "INTEL" ||
Vendor() == "Intel" ||
Vendor() == "GenuineIntel" ||
Vendor() == "Intel(R) Corporation"; }
bool IsARM() const { return Vendor() == "ARM"; }
bool IsQualcomm() const { return Vendor() == "QUALCOMM"; }
// Platform specific extensions
std::string AMDBoardName() const { // check for 'cl_amd_device_attribute_query' first
return GetInfoString(CL_DEVICE_BOARD_NAME_AMD);
std::string NVIDIAComputeCapability() const { // check for 'cl_nv_device_attribute_query' first
return std::string{"SM"} + std::to_string(GetInfo<cl_uint>(CL_DEVICE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MAJOR_NV)) +
std::string{"."} + std::to_string(GetInfo<cl_uint>(CL_DEVICE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MINOR_NV));
// Returns if the Nvidia chip is a Volta or later archicture (sm_70 or higher)
bool IsPostNVIDIAVolta() const {
if(HasExtension("cl_nv_device_attribute_query")) {
return GetInfo<cl_uint>(CL_DEVICE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MAJOR_NV) >= 7;
return false;
// Returns the Qualcomm Adreno GPU version (i.e. a650, a730, a740, etc.)
std::string AdrenoVersion() const {
if (IsQualcomm()) {
else { return std::string{""}; }
// Retrieves the above extra information (if present)
std::string GetExtraInfo() const {
if (HasExtension("cl_amd_device_attribute_query")) { return AMDBoardName(); }
if (HasExtension("cl_nv_device_attribute_query")) { return NVIDIAComputeCapability(); }
else { return std::string{""}; }
// Accessor to the private data-member
const RawDeviceID& operator()() const { return device_; }
cl_device_id device_;
// Private helper functions
template <typename T>
T GetInfo(const cl_device_info info) const {
auto bytes = size_t{0};
CheckError(clGetDeviceInfo(device_, info, 0, nullptr, &bytes));
auto result = T(0);
CheckError(clGetDeviceInfo(device_, info, bytes, &result, nullptr));
return result;
template <typename T>
std::vector<T> GetInfoVector(const cl_device_info info) const {
auto bytes = size_t{0};
CheckError(clGetDeviceInfo(device_, info, 0, nullptr, &bytes));
auto result = std::vector<T>(bytes/sizeof(T));
CheckError(clGetDeviceInfo(device_, info, bytes,, nullptr));
return result;
std::string GetInfoString(const cl_device_info info) const {
auto bytes = size_t{0};
CheckError(clGetDeviceInfo(device_, info, 0, nullptr, &bytes));
auto result = std::string{};
CheckError(clGetDeviceInfo(device_, info, bytes, &result[0], nullptr));
result.resize(strlen(result.c_str())); // Removes any trailing '\0'-characters
return result;
// =================================================================================================
// Raw context type
using RawContext = cl_context;
// C++11 version of 'cl_context'
class Context {
// Constructor based on the regular OpenCL data-type: memory management is handled elsewhere
explicit Context(const cl_context context):
context_(new cl_context) {
*context_ = context;
// Regular constructor with memory management
explicit Context(const Device &device):
context_(new cl_context, [](cl_context* c) {
if (*c) { CheckErrorDtor(clReleaseContext(*c)); }
delete c;
}) {
auto status = CL_SUCCESS;
const cl_device_id dev = device();
*context_ = clCreateContext(nullptr, 1, &dev, nullptr, nullptr, &status);
CLCudaAPIError::Check(status, "clCreateContext");
// Accessor to the private data-member
const RawContext& operator()() const { return *context_; }
RawContext* pointer() const { return &(*context_); }
std::shared_ptr<cl_context> context_;
// Pointer to an OpenCL context
using ContextPointer = cl_context*;
// =================================================================================================
// C++11 version of 'cl_program'.
class Program {
// Source-based constructor with memory management
explicit Program(const Context &context, const std::string &source) {
const std::string source_null_kernel = source + "\n__kernel void null_kernel() {}\n";
const char *source_ptr = &source_null_kernel[0];
const auto length = source_null_kernel.length();
const char *source_ptr = &source[0];
const auto length = source.length();
auto status = CL_SUCCESS;
program_ = clCreateProgramWithSource(context(), 1, &source_ptr, &length, &status);
CLCudaAPIError::Check(status, "clCreateProgramWithSource");
// Binary-based constructor with memory management
explicit Program(const Device &device, const Context &context, const std::string &binary) {
const char *binary_ptr = &binary[0];
const auto length = binary.length();
auto status1 = CL_SUCCESS;
auto status2 = CL_SUCCESS;
const auto dev = device();
program_ = clCreateProgramWithBinary(context(), 1, &dev, &length,
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char**>(&binary_ptr),
&status1, &status2);
CLCudaAPIError::Check(status1, "clCreateProgramWithBinary (binary status)");
CLCudaAPIError::Check(status2, "clCreateProgramWithBinary");
// Clean-up
~Program() {
// Causes an access violation under Windows or Android when the driver is already unloaded
#if !defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
if (program_) { CheckErrorDtor(clReleaseProgram(program_)); }
// Compiles the device program and checks whether or not there are any warnings/errors
void Build(const Device &device, std::vector<std::string> &options) {
auto options_string = std::accumulate(options.begin(), options.end(), std::string{" "});
const cl_device_id dev = device();
CheckError(clBuildProgram(program_, 1, &dev, options_string.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr));
// Confirms whether a certain status code is an actual compilation error or warning
bool StatusIsCompilationWarningOrError(const cl_int status) const {
return (status == CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE);
// Retrieves the warning/error message from the compiler (if any)
std::string GetBuildInfo(const Device &device) const {
auto bytes = size_t{0};
auto query = cl_program_build_info{CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG};
CheckError(clGetProgramBuildInfo(program_, device(), query, 0, nullptr, &bytes));
auto result = std::string{};
CheckError(clGetProgramBuildInfo(program_, device(), query, bytes, &result[0], nullptr));
return result;
// Retrieves a binary or an intermediate representation of the compiled program
std::string GetIR() const {
cl_uint num_devices = 0;
CheckError(clGetProgramInfo(program_, CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES,
sizeof(cl_uint), &num_devices, nullptr));
std::vector<size_t> binSizesInBytes(num_devices, 0);
CheckError(clGetProgramInfo(program_, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES,
num_devices * sizeof(size_t),, nullptr));
auto bytes = size_t{0};
auto binSizeIter = size_t{0};
// Loop over the program binary sizes to find a binary whose size is > 0.
// The current logic assumes that there ever is only one valid program binary
// in a given cl_program. This should be the case unless the cl_program
// is built for all or a subset of devices associated to a given cl_program
for (; binSizeIter < binSizesInBytes.size(); ++binSizeIter) {
if (binSizesInBytes[binSizeIter] > 0) {
bytes = binSizesInBytes[binSizeIter];
auto result = std::string{};
std::vector<char*> out(num_devices, nullptr);
out[binSizeIter] = const_cast<char*>(;
CheckError(clGetProgramInfo(program_, CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES,
num_devices * sizeof(char*),, nullptr));
return result;
// Accessor to the private data-member
const cl_program& operator()() const { return program_; }
cl_program program_ = nullptr;
// =================================================================================================
// Raw command-queue type
using RawCommandQueue = cl_command_queue;
// C++11 version of 'cl_command_queue'
class Queue {
// Constructor based on the regular OpenCL data-type: memory management is handled elsewhere
explicit Queue(const cl_command_queue queue):
queue_(new cl_command_queue) {
*queue_ = queue;
// Regular constructor with memory management
explicit Queue(const Context &context, const Device &device):
queue_(new cl_command_queue, [](cl_command_queue* s) {
if (*s) { CheckErrorDtor(clReleaseCommandQueue(*s)); }
delete s;
}) {
auto status = CL_SUCCESS;
*queue_ = clCreateCommandQueue(context(), device(), CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &status);
CLCudaAPIError::Check(status, "clCreateCommandQueue");
// Synchronizes the queue
void Finish(Event &) const {
void Finish() const {
// Retrieves the corresponding context or device
Context GetContext() const {
auto bytes = size_t{0};
CheckError(clGetCommandQueueInfo(*queue_, CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT, 0, nullptr, &bytes));
cl_context result;
CheckError(clGetCommandQueueInfo(*queue_, CL_QUEUE_CONTEXT, bytes, &result, nullptr));
return Context(result);
Device GetDevice() const {
auto bytes = size_t{0};
CheckError(clGetCommandQueueInfo(*queue_, CL_QUEUE_DEVICE, 0, nullptr, &bytes));
cl_device_id result;
CheckError(clGetCommandQueueInfo(*queue_, CL_QUEUE_DEVICE, bytes, &result, nullptr));
return Device(result);
// Accessor to the private data-member
const RawCommandQueue& operator()() const { return *queue_; }
std::shared_ptr<cl_command_queue> queue_;
// =================================================================================================
// C++11 version of host memory
template <typename T>
class BufferHost {
// Regular constructor with memory management
explicit BufferHost(const Context &, const size_t size):
buffer_(new std::vector<T>(size)) {
// Retrieves the actual allocated size in bytes
size_t GetSize() const {
return buffer_->size()*sizeof(T);
// Compatibility with std::vector
size_t size() const { return buffer_->size(); }
T* begin() { return &(*buffer_)[0]; }
T* end() { return &(*buffer_)[buffer_->size()-1]; }
T& operator[](const size_t i) { return (*buffer_)[i]; }
T* data() { return buffer_->data(); }
const T* data() const { return buffer_->data(); }
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<T>> buffer_;
// =================================================================================================
// Enumeration of buffer access types
enum class BufferAccess { kReadOnly, kWriteOnly, kReadWrite, kNotOwned };
// C++11 version of 'cl_mem'
template <typename T>
class Buffer {
// Constructor based on the regular OpenCL data-type: memory management is handled elsewhere
explicit Buffer(const cl_mem buffer):
buffer_(new cl_mem),
access_(BufferAccess::kNotOwned) {
*buffer_ = buffer;
// Regular constructor with memory management. If this class does not own the buffer object, then
// the memory will not be freed automatically afterwards. If the size is set to 0, this will
// become a stub containing a nullptr
explicit Buffer(const Context &context, const BufferAccess access, const size_t size):
buffer_(new cl_mem, [access, size](cl_mem* m) {
if (access != BufferAccess::kNotOwned && size > 0) { CheckError(clReleaseMemObject(*m)); }
delete m;
access_(access) {
auto flags = cl_mem_flags{CL_MEM_READ_WRITE};
if (access_ == BufferAccess::kReadOnly) { flags = CL_MEM_READ_ONLY; }
if (access_ == BufferAccess::kWriteOnly) { flags = CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY; }
auto status = CL_SUCCESS;
*buffer_ = (size > 0) ? clCreateBuffer(context(), flags, size*sizeof(T), nullptr, &status) : nullptr;
CLCudaAPIError::Check(status, "clCreateBuffer");
// As above, but now with read/write access as a default
explicit Buffer(const Context &context, const size_t size):
Buffer<T>(context, BufferAccess::kReadWrite, size) {
// Constructs a new buffer based on an existing host-container
template <typename Iterator>
explicit Buffer(const Context &context, const Queue &queue, Iterator start, Iterator end):
Buffer(context, BufferAccess::kReadWrite, static_cast<size_t>(end - start)) {
auto size = static_cast<size_t>(end - start);
auto pointer = &*start;
CheckError(clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue(), *buffer_, CL_FALSE, 0, size*sizeof(T), pointer, 0,
nullptr, nullptr));
// Copies from device to host: reading the device buffer a-synchronously
void ReadAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, T* host, const size_t offset = 0) const {
if (access_ == BufferAccess::kWriteOnly) {
throw LogicError("Buffer: reading from a write-only buffer");
CheckError(clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue(), *buffer_, CL_FALSE, offset*sizeof(T), size*sizeof(T),
host, 0, nullptr, nullptr));
void ReadAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, std::vector<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) const {
if (host.size() < size) {
throw LogicError("Buffer: target host buffer is too small");
ReadAsync(queue, size,, offset);
void ReadAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, BufferHost<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) const {
if (host.size() < size) {
throw LogicError("Buffer: target host buffer is too small");
ReadAsync(queue, size,, offset);
// Copies from device to host: reading the device buffer
void Read(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, T* host, const size_t offset = 0) const {
ReadAsync(queue, size, host, offset);
void Read(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, std::vector<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) const {
Read(queue, size,, offset);
void Read(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, BufferHost<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) const {
Read(queue, size,, offset);
// Copies from host to device: writing the device buffer a-synchronously
void WriteAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const T* host, const size_t offset = 0) {
if (access_ == BufferAccess::kReadOnly) {
throw LogicError("Buffer: writing to a read-only buffer");
if (GetSize() < (offset+size)*sizeof(T)) {
throw LogicError("Buffer: target device buffer is too small");
CheckError(clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue(), *buffer_, CL_FALSE, offset*sizeof(T), size*sizeof(T),
host, 0, nullptr, nullptr));
void WriteAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const std::vector<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) {
WriteAsync(queue, size,, offset);
void WriteAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const BufferHost<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) {
WriteAsync(queue, size,, offset);
// Copies from host to device: writing the device buffer
void Write(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const T* host, const size_t offset = 0) {
WriteAsync(queue, size, host, offset);
void Write(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const std::vector<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) {
Write(queue, size,, offset);
void Write(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const BufferHost<T> &host,
const size_t offset = 0) {
Write(queue, size,, offset);
// Copies the contents of this buffer into another device buffer
void CopyToAsync(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const Buffer<T> &destination,
EventPointer event = nullptr) const {
CheckError(clEnqueueCopyBuffer(queue(), *buffer_, destination(), 0, 0, size*sizeof(T), 0,
nullptr, event));
void CopyTo(const Queue &queue, const size_t size, const Buffer<T> &destination) const {
CopyToAsync(queue, size, destination);
// Retrieves the actual allocated size in bytes
size_t GetSize() const {
const auto bytes = sizeof(size_t);
auto result = size_t{0};
CheckError(clGetMemObjectInfo(*buffer_, CL_MEM_SIZE, bytes, &result, nullptr));
return result;
// Accessor to the private data-member
const cl_mem& operator()() const { return *buffer_; }
std::shared_ptr<cl_mem> buffer_;
BufferAccess access_;
// =================================================================================================
// C++11 version of 'cl_kernel'
class Kernel {
// Constructor based on the regular OpenCL data-type: memory management is handled elsewhere
explicit Kernel(const cl_kernel kernel):
kernel_(new cl_kernel) {
*kernel_ = kernel;
// Regular constructor with memory management
explicit Kernel(const std::shared_ptr<Program> program, const std::string &name):
kernel_(new cl_kernel, [](cl_kernel* k) {
if (*k) { CheckErrorDtor(clReleaseKernel(*k)); }
delete k;
, null_kernel_(new cl_kernel, [](cl_kernel* k) {
if (*k) { CheckErrorDtor(clReleaseKernel(*k)); }
delete k;
auto status = CL_SUCCESS;
*kernel_ = clCreateKernel(program->operator()(), name.c_str(), &status);
CLCudaAPIError::Check(status, "clCreateKernel");
*null_kernel_ = clCreateKernel(program->operator()(), "null_kernel", &status);
CLCudaAPIError::Check(status, "clCreateKernel");
// Sets a kernel argument at the indicated position
template <typename T>
void SetArgument(const size_t index, const T &value) {
CheckError(clSetKernelArg(*kernel_, static_cast<cl_uint>(index), sizeof(T), &value));
template <typename T>
void SetArgument(const size_t index, Buffer<T> &value) {
SetArgument(index, value());
// Sets all arguments in one go using parameter packs. Note that this overwrites previously set
// arguments using 'SetArgument' or 'SetArguments'.
template <typename... Args>
void SetArguments(Args&... args) {
SetArgumentsRecursive(0, args...);
// Retrieves the amount of local memory used per work-group for this kernel
unsigned long LocalMemUsage(const Device &device) const {
const auto bytes = sizeof(cl_ulong);
auto query = cl_kernel_work_group_info{CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE};
auto result = cl_ulong{0};
CheckError(clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(*kernel_, device(), query, bytes, &result, nullptr));
return static_cast<unsigned long>(result);
// Retrieves the name of the kernel
std::string GetFunctionName() const {
auto bytes = size_t{0};
CheckError(clGetKernelInfo(*kernel_, CL_KERNEL_FUNCTION_NAME, 0, nullptr, &bytes));
auto result = std::string{};
CheckError(clGetKernelInfo(*kernel_, CL_KERNEL_FUNCTION_NAME, bytes, &result[0], nullptr));
return std::string{result.c_str()}; // Removes any trailing '\0'-characters
// Launches a kernel onto the specified queue
void Launch(const Queue &queue, const std::vector<size_t> &global,
const std::vector<size_t> &local, EventPointer event) {
CheckError(clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue(), *kernel_, static_cast<cl_uint>(global.size()),
0, nullptr, event));
// As above, but with an event waiting list
void Launch(const Queue &queue, const std::vector<size_t> &global,
const std::vector<size_t> &local, EventPointer event,
const std::vector<Event> &waitForEvents) {
// Builds a plain version of the events waiting list
auto waitForEventsPlain = std::vector<cl_event>();
for (auto &waitEvent : waitForEvents) {
if (waitEvent()) { waitForEventsPlain.push_back(waitEvent()); }
// Launches the kernel while waiting for other events
CheckError(clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue(), *kernel_, static_cast<cl_uint>(global.size()),
nullptr,, !local.empty() ? : nullptr,
!waitForEventsPlain.empty() ? : nullptr,
const std::vector<size_t> nullRange = {1};
CheckError(clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue(), *null_kernel_, static_cast<cl_uint>(nullRange.size()),
nullptr,, nullptr,
0, nullptr, nullptr));
// Accessor to the private data-member
const cl_kernel& operator()() const { return *kernel_; }
std::shared_ptr<cl_kernel> kernel_;
std::shared_ptr<cl_kernel> null_kernel_;
// Internal implementation for the recursive SetArguments function.
template <typename T>
void SetArgumentsRecursive(const size_t index, T &first) {
SetArgument(index, first);
template <typename T, typename... Args>
void SetArgumentsRecursive(const size_t index, T &first, Args&... args) {
SetArgument(index, first);
SetArgumentsRecursive(index+1, args...);
// =================================================================================================
} // namespace clblast