
118 lines
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// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
// Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file implements the Database class, providing a static variable holding the actual database
// information. The class also provides utility functions to search the database and to access a
// found entry by parameter-key. The database itself is filled in the corresponding source-file and
// partially also by the database/xxxxx.h files, in which kernel-specific parameters are found.
// =================================================================================================
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "utilities/utilities.hpp"
#include "database/database_structure.hpp"
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================
// See comment at top of file for a description of the class
class Database {
// The OpenCL device vendors
static const std::string kDeviceVendorAll;
// The database consists of separate database entries, stored together in a vector
static std::vector<database::DatabaseEntry> database;
// Database for a special case: Apple CPUs support limited number of threads
static const std::vector<database::DatabaseEntry> apple_cpu_fallback;
Database() = default;
// The constructor with a user-provided database overlay (potentially an empty vector)
explicit Database(const Device &device, const std::string &kernel_name,
const Precision precision, const std::vector<database::DatabaseEntry> &overlay);
// Accessor of values by key
size_t operator[](const std::string &key) const { return parameters_->find(key)->second; }
bool exists(const std::string &key) const { return (parameters_->count(key) == 1); }
// Obtain a list of OpenCL pre-processor defines based on the parameters
std::string GetDefines() const;
// Retrieves the values or names of all the parameters
std::string GetValuesString() const;
std::vector<std::string> GetParameterNames() const;
const database::Parameters& GetParameters() const { return *parameters_; }
// Search method functions, returning a set of parameters (possibly empty)
database::Parameters Search(const std::string &this_kernel,
const std::string &this_vendor, const std::string &this_type,
const std::string &this_device, const std::string &this_architecture,
const Precision this_precision,
const std::vector<database::DatabaseEntry> &db) const;
database::Parameters SearchDevice(const std::string &target_device,
const std::vector<database::DatabaseDevice> &devices,
const std::vector<std::string> &parameter_names) const;
database::Parameters SearchArchitecture(const std::string &target_architecture,
const std::string &this_device,
const std::vector<database::DatabaseArchitecture> &architectures,
const std::vector<std::string> &parameter_names) const;
database::Parameters SearchVendorAndType(const std::string &target_vendor,
const std::string &target_type,
const std::string &this_device, const std::string &this_architecture,
const std::vector<database::DatabaseVendor> &vendors,
const std::vector<std::string> &parameter_names) const;
// Helper to convert from database format to proper types
std::string CharArrayToString(const database::Name char_array) const;
// Found parameters suitable for this device/kernel
std::shared_ptr<database::Parameters> parameters_;
// =================================================================================================
// Multiple databases together in a map
class Databases {
explicit Databases(const std::vector<std::string> &kernel_names): kernel_names_(kernel_names) { }
// Database accessor
Database& operator()(const std::string &kernel_name) { return databases_[kernel_name]; }
// Retrieves a parameter from the database
size_t operator[](const std::string &key) const {
for (const auto &kernel_name : kernel_names_) {
const auto &kernel_db = databases_.find(kernel_name)->second;
if (kernel_db.exists(key)) { return kernel_db[key]; }
throw RuntimeErrorCode(StatusCode::kDatabaseError);
const std::vector<std::string> kernel_names_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, Database> databases_;
// =================================================================================================
} // namespace clblast