
634 lines
25 KiB

// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
// Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file implements the OpenCL kernel preprocessor (see the header for more information).
// Restrictions:
// - Use comments only single-line "//" style, not "/*" and "*/"
// - Don't use strings with characters parsed (e.g. '//', '}', '#ifdef')
// - Supports conditionals: #if #ifdef #ifndef #else #elif #endif
// - ...with the operators: ==
// - "#pragma unroll" requires next loop in the form "for (int w = 0; w < 4; w += 1) {"
// The above also requires the spaces in that exact form
// - The loop variable should be a unique string within the code in the for-loop body (e.g. don't
// use 'i' or 'w' but rather '_w' or a longer name.
// - The pragma "#pragma promote_to_registers" unrolls an array into multiple scalar values. The
// name of this scalar should be unique (see above).
// =================================================================================================
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "kernel_preprocessor.hpp"
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================
struct compare_longer_string {
bool operator() (const std::string &lhs, const std::string &rhs) const {
if (lhs.size() > rhs.size()) { return true; }
if (lhs.size() < rhs.size()) { return false; }
return lhs < rhs;
using DefinesIntMap = std::map<std::string, int, compare_longer_string>;
using DefinesStringMap = std::map<std::string, std::string, std::greater<std::string>>;
void RaiseError(const std::string& source_line, const std::string& exception_message) {
printf("[OpenCL pre-processor] Error in source line: %s\n", source_line.c_str());
throw Error<std::runtime_error>(exception_message);
// =================================================================================================
bool HasOnlyDigits(const std::string& str) {
if (str == "") { return false; }
return str.find_first_not_of(" 0123456789") == std::string::npos;
// Simple unsigned integer math parser
int ParseMath(const std::string& str) {
// Handles brackets
if (str.find(")") != std::string::npos) {
const auto split_close = split(str, ')');
const auto split_end = split(split_close[0], '(');
if (split_end.size() < 2) { RaiseError(str, "Mismatching brackets #0"); }
const auto bracket_contents = ParseMath(split_end[split_end.size() - 1]);
auto before = std::string{};
for (auto i = size_t{0}; i < split_end.size() - 1; ++i) {
before += split_end[i];
if (i != split_end.size() - 2) { before += "("; }
auto after = std::string{};
for (auto i = size_t{1}; i < split_close.size(); ++i) {
after += split_close[i];
if (i != split_close.size() - 1) { after += ")"; }
return ParseMath(before + ToString(bracket_contents) + after);
// Handles addition
const auto split_add = split(str, '+');
if (split_add.size() == 2) {
const auto lhs = ParseMath(split_add[0]);
const auto rhs = ParseMath(split_add[1]);
if (lhs == -1 || rhs == -1) { return -1; }
return lhs + rhs;
// Handles multiplication
const auto split_mul = split(str, '*');
if (split_mul.size() == 2) {
const auto lhs = ParseMath(split_mul[0]);
const auto rhs = ParseMath(split_mul[1]);
if (lhs == -1 || rhs == -1) { return -1; }
return lhs * rhs;
// Handles division
const auto split_div = split(str, '/');
if (split_div.size() == 2) {
const auto lhs = ParseMath(split_div[0]);
const auto rhs = ParseMath(split_div[1]);
if (lhs == -1 || rhs == -1) { return -1; }
return lhs / rhs;
// Handles the digits
if (HasOnlyDigits(str)) {
return std::stoi(str);
return -1; // error value
// Converts a string to an integer. The source line is printed in case an exception is raised.
size_t StringToDigit(const std::string& str, const std::string& source_line) {
const auto result = ParseMath(str);
if (result == -1) { RaiseError(source_line, "Not a digit: " + str); }
return static_cast<size_t>(result);
// =================================================================================================
void FindReplace(std::string &subject, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace)
auto pos = size_t{0};
while ((pos = subject.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
subject.replace(pos, search.length(), replace);
pos += replace.length();
void SubstituteDefines(const DefinesIntMap& defines,
std::string& source_string) {
for (const auto &define : defines) {
FindReplace(source_string, define.first, std::to_string(define.second));
bool EvaluateCondition(std::string condition,
const DefinesIntMap &defines,
const DefinesStringMap &defines_string) {
// Replace macros in the string
SubstituteDefines(defines, condition);
// Process the or sign
const auto or_pos = condition.find(" || ");
if (or_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto left = condition.substr(0, or_pos);
const auto right = condition.substr(or_pos + 4);
return EvaluateCondition(left, defines, defines_string) ||
EvaluateCondition(right, defines, defines_string);
// Process the and sign
const auto and_pos = condition.find(" && ");
if (and_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto left = condition.substr(0, and_pos);
const auto right = condition.substr(and_pos + 4);
return EvaluateCondition(left, defines, defines_string) &&
EvaluateCondition(right, defines, defines_string);
// Process the !defined() construct
const auto not_defined_pos = condition.find("!defined(");
if (not_defined_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto contents = condition.substr(not_defined_pos + 9);
const auto not_defined_split = split(contents, ')');
const auto not_defined_val = not_defined_split[0];
return (defines_string.find(not_defined_val) == defines_string.end());
// Process the defined() construct
const auto defined_pos = condition.find("defined(");
if (defined_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto contents = condition.substr(defined_pos + 8);
const auto defined_split = split(contents, ')');
const auto defined_val = defined_split[0];
return (defines_string.find(defined_val) != defines_string.end());
// Process the equality sign
const auto equal_pos = condition.find(" == ");
if (equal_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto left = condition.substr(0, equal_pos);
const auto right = condition.substr(equal_pos + 4);
return (left == right);
// Process the not equal sign
const auto not_equal_pos = condition.find(" != ");
if (not_equal_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto left = condition.substr(0, not_equal_pos);
const auto right = condition.substr(not_equal_pos + 4);
return (left != right);
// Process the smaller than sign
const auto smaller_than_pos = condition.find(" < ");
if (smaller_than_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto left = condition.substr(0, smaller_than_pos);
const auto right = condition.substr(smaller_than_pos + 3);
return (left < right);
// Process the larger than sign
const auto larger_than_pos = condition.find(" > ");
if (larger_than_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto left = condition.substr(0, larger_than_pos);
const auto right = condition.substr(larger_than_pos + 3);
return (left > right);
printf("Warning unknown condition: %s\n", condition.c_str());
return false; // unknown error
// =================================================================================================
// Array to register promotion, e.g. arr[w] to {arr_0, arr_1}
void ArrayToRegister(std::string &source_line, const DefinesIntMap& defines,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t>& arrays_to_registers,
const size_t num_brackets) {
for (const auto& array_name_map : arrays_to_registers) { // only if marked to be promoted
// Outside of a function
if (num_brackets == 0) {
// Case 1: argument in a function declaration (e.g. 'void func(const float arr[2])')
const auto array_pos = source_line.find(array_name_map.first + "[");
if (array_pos != std::string::npos) {
SubstituteDefines(defines, source_line);
// Finds the full array declaration (e.g. 'const float arr[2]')
const auto left_split = split(source_line, '(');
auto arguments = left_split.size() >= 2 ? left_split[1] : source_line;
const auto right_split = split(arguments, ')');
arguments = right_split.size() >= 1 ? right_split[0] : arguments;
const auto comma_split = split(arguments, ',');
for (auto j = size_t{0}; j < comma_split.size(); ++j) {
if (comma_split[j].find(array_name_map.first + "[") != std::string::npos) {
// Retrieves the array index
const auto left_square_split = split(comma_split[j], '[');
if (left_square_split.size() < 2) { RaiseError(source_line, "Mis-formatted array declaration #A"); }
const auto right_square_split = split(left_square_split[1], ']');
if (right_square_split.size() < 1) { RaiseError(source_line, "Mis-formatted array declaration #B"); }
auto array_index_string = right_square_split[0];
const auto array_index = StringToDigit(array_index_string, source_line);
// Creates the new string
auto replacement = std::string{};
for (auto index = size_t{0}; index < array_index; ++index) {
replacement += left_square_split[0] + "_" + ToString(index);
if (index != array_index - 1) { replacement += ","; }
// Performs the actual replacement
FindReplace(source_line, comma_split[j], replacement);
// Inside a function
else {
auto array_pos = source_line.find(array_name_map.first + "[");
// Case 2: passed to another function (e.g. 'func(arr)')
if (array_pos == std::string::npos) { // assumes case 2 and case 3 (below) cannot occur in one line
auto bracket_split = split(source_line, '(');
if (bracket_split.size() >= 2) {
auto replacement = std::string{};
for (auto i = size_t{0}; i < array_name_map.second; ++i) {
replacement += array_name_map.first + "_" + ToString(i);
if (i != array_name_map.second - 1) { replacement += ", "; }
FindReplace(source_line, array_name_map.first, replacement);
// Case 2: used as an array (e.g. 'arr[w]')
while (array_pos != std::string::npos) {
// Retrieves the array index
const auto loop_remainder = source_line.substr(array_pos);
const auto loop_split = split(split(loop_remainder, '[')[1], ']');
if (loop_split.size() < 2) { RaiseError(source_line, "Mis-formatted array declaration #C"); }
auto array_index_string = loop_split[0];
// Replaces the array with a register value
SubstituteDefines(defines, array_index_string);
const auto array_index = StringToDigit(array_index_string, source_line);
FindReplace(source_line, array_name_map.first + "[" + loop_split[0] + "]",
array_name_map.first + "_" + ToString(array_index));
// Performs an extra substitution if this array occurs another time in this line
array_pos = source_line.find(array_name_map.first + "[");
// =================================================================================================
// First pass: detect defines and comments
std::vector<std::string> PreprocessDefinesAndComments(const std::string& source,
DefinesIntMap& defines_int) {
auto lines = std::vector<std::string>();
auto defines_string = DefinesStringMap();
// Parse the input string into a vector of lines
const auto max_depth_defines = 30;
auto disabled = std::vector<unsigned int>(max_depth_defines, 0);
auto depth = size_t{0};
std::stringstream source_stream(source);
auto line = std::string{""};
while (std::getline(source_stream, line)) {
//printf("[@%zu] disabled=%d '%s'\n", depth, disabled[depth], line.c_str());
// Decide whether or not to remain in 'disabled' mode
// {0 => enabled, 1 => disabled, but could become enabled again later, 2 => disabled until #endif
if (line.find("#endif") != std::string::npos) {
disabled[depth] = 0;
if (line.find("#elif") != std::string::npos || line.find("#else") != std::string::npos) {
if (disabled[depth] == 0) { disabled[depth] = 2; } // was enabled, now disabled until #endif
if (disabled[depth] == 1) { disabled[depth] = 0; } // was disabled, now potentially enabled again
// Measures the depth of pre-processor defines
if ((line.find("#ifndef ") != std::string::npos) ||
(line.find("#ifdef ") != std::string::npos) ||
(line.find("#if ") != std::string::npos)) {
if (depth >= max_depth_defines) { throw Error<std::runtime_error>("too deep define nest"); }
if (line.find("#endif") != std::string::npos) {
if (depth == 0) { throw Error<std::runtime_error>("incorrect define nest"); }
// Verifies whether this level or any level below is disabled
auto is_disabled = false;
for (auto d = size_t{0}; d <= depth; ++d) {
if (disabled[d] >= 1) { is_disabled = true; }
// Not in a disabled-block
if (!is_disabled) {
// Skip empty lines
if (line == "") { continue; }
// Single line comments
const auto comment_pos = line.find("//");
if (comment_pos != std::string::npos) {
if (comment_pos == 0) { continue; }
// Detect #define macros
const auto define_pos = line.find("#define ");
if (define_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto define = line.substr(define_pos + 8); // length of "#define "
const auto value_pos = define.find(" ");
auto value = define.substr(value_pos + 1);
const auto name = define.substr(0, value_pos);
SubstituteDefines(defines_int, value);
const auto value_int = ParseMath(value);
if (value_int != -1) {
defines_int.emplace(name, value_int);
defines_string.emplace(name, value);
// Detect #undef macros
// When USE_SUBGROUP_SHUFFLING is set, but kernel parameters do not satisfy the conditions
// for subgroup shuffle, USE_SUBGROUP_SHUFFLING needs to be unset in preprocessing
// to avoid GEMM kernel errors. See src/kernels/level3/xgemm_part1.opencl line 142.
// In this preprocessor, macros are not redefined because of behavior defined by std::map::emplace
const auto undef_pos = line.find("#undef ");
if (undef_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto undef = line.substr(undef_pos + 7); // length of "#undef "
// checks if definition is found in defines_int and/or defines_string, then removes the definition
auto int_undef = defines_int.find(undef);
if (int_undef != defines_int.end()){
auto string_undef = defines_string.find(undef);
if (string_undef != defines_string.end()){
// Detect #ifndef blocks
const auto ifndef_pos = line.find("#ifndef ");
if (ifndef_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto define = line.substr(ifndef_pos + 8); // length of "#ifndef "
if (defines_string.find(define) != defines_string.end()) { disabled[depth] = 1; }
// Detect #ifdef blocks
const auto ifdef_pos = line.find("#ifdef ");
if (ifdef_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto define = line.substr(ifdef_pos + 7); // length of "#ifdef "
if (defines_string.find(define) == defines_string.end()) { disabled[depth] = 1; }
// Detect #if blocks
const auto if_pos = line.find("#if ");
if (if_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto condition = line.substr(if_pos + 4); // length of "#if "
if (!EvaluateCondition(condition, defines_int, defines_string)) { disabled[depth] = 1; }
// Detect #elif blocks
const auto elif_pos = line.find("#elif ");
if (elif_pos != std::string::npos) {
const auto condition = line.substr(elif_pos + 6); // length of "#elif "
if (!EvaluateCondition(condition, defines_int, defines_string)) { disabled[depth] = 1; }
// Discard #else and #endif statements
if (line.find("#endif") != std::string::npos || line.find("#else") != std::string::npos) {
return lines;
// =================================================================================================
// Second pass: detect array-to-register promotion pragma's and replace declarations & function calls
std::vector<std::string> PreprocessUnrollLoops(const std::vector<std::string>& source_lines,
const DefinesIntMap& defines,
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t>& arrays_to_registers) {
auto lines = std::vector<std::string>();
auto brackets = size_t{0};
auto promote_next_array_to_registers = false;
for (auto line_id = size_t{0}; line_id < source_lines.size(); ++line_id) {
auto line = source_lines[line_id];
// Detect #pragma promote_to_registers directives (unofficial pragma)
if (line.find("#pragma promote_to_registers") != std::string::npos) {
promote_next_array_to_registers = true;
// Brackets
brackets += std::count(line.begin(), line.end(), '{');
brackets -= std::count(line.begin(), line.end(), '}');
// Promote array declarations to registers
if (promote_next_array_to_registers) {
promote_next_array_to_registers = false;
const auto line_split1 = split(line, '[');
if (line_split1.size() != 2) { RaiseError(line, "Mis-formatted array declaration #0"); }
const auto line_split2 = split(line_split1[1], ']');
if (line_split2.size() != 2) { RaiseError(line, "Mis-formatted array declaration #1"); }
auto array_size_string = line_split2[0];
SubstituteDefines(defines, array_size_string);
const auto array_size = StringToDigit(array_size_string, line);
for (auto loop_iter = size_t{0}; loop_iter < array_size; ++loop_iter) {
lines.emplace_back(line_split1[0] + "_" + ToString(loop_iter) + line_split2[1]);
// Stores the array name
const auto array_name_split = split(line_split1[0], ' ');
if (array_name_split.size() < 2) { RaiseError(line, "Mis-formatted array declaration #2"); }
const auto array_name = array_name_split[array_name_split.size() - 1];
arrays_to_registers[array_name] = array_size;
// TODO: bracket count not used currently for scope checking
// Regular line
return lines;
// =================================================================================================
// Third pass: unroll loops and perform actual array-to-register promotion
std::vector<std::string> PreprocessUnrollLoops(const std::vector<std::string>& source_lines,
const DefinesIntMap& defines,
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t>& arrays_to_registers,
const bool array_to_register_promotion) {
auto lines = std::vector<std::string>();
auto brackets = size_t{0};
auto unroll_next_loop = false;
for (auto line_id = size_t{0}; line_id < source_lines.size(); ++line_id) {
auto line = source_lines[line_id];
// Detect #pragma unroll directives
if (line.find("#pragma unroll") != std::string::npos) {
unroll_next_loop = true;
// Brackets
const auto num_brackets_before = brackets;
brackets += std::count(line.begin(), line.end(), '{');
brackets -= std::count(line.begin(), line.end(), '}');
// Loop unrolling assuming it to be in the form "for (int w = 0; w < 4; w += 1) {"
if (unroll_next_loop) {
unroll_next_loop = false;
// Parses loop structure
const auto for_pos = line.find("for (");
if (for_pos == std::string::npos) { RaiseError(line, "Mis-formatted for-loop #0"); }
const auto remainder = line.substr(for_pos + 5); // length of "for ("
const auto line_split = split(remainder, ' ');
if (line_split.size() != 11) { RaiseError(line, "Mis-formatted for-loop #1"); }
// Retrieves loop information (and checks for assumptions)
const auto variable_type = line_split[0];
const auto variable_name = line_split[1];
if (variable_name != line_split[4]) { RaiseError(line, "Mis-formatted for-loop #2"); }
if (variable_name != line_split[7]) { RaiseError(line, "Mis-formatted for-loop #3"); }
auto loop_start_string = line_split[3];
auto loop_end_string = line_split[6];
auto loop_increment_string = line_split[9];
remove_character(loop_start_string, ';');
remove_character(loop_end_string, ';');
remove_character(loop_increment_string, ')');
// Parses loop information
SubstituteDefines(defines, loop_start_string);
SubstituteDefines(defines, loop_end_string);
SubstituteDefines(defines, loop_increment_string);
const auto loop_start = StringToDigit(loop_start_string, line);
const auto loop_end = StringToDigit(loop_end_string, line);
const auto loop_increment = StringToDigit(loop_increment_string, line);
auto indent = std::string{""};
for (auto i = size_t{0}; i < for_pos; ++i) { indent += " "; }
// Start of the loop
const auto loop_num_brackets = brackets;
const auto line_id_start = line_id;
for (auto loop_iter = loop_start; loop_iter < loop_end; loop_iter += loop_increment) {
line_id = line_id_start;
brackets = loop_num_brackets;
lines.emplace_back(indent + "{");
// Body of the loop
//lines.emplace_back(indent + " " + variable_type + " " + variable_name + " = " + ToString(loop_iter) + ";");
while (brackets >= loop_num_brackets) {
auto loop_line = source_lines[line_id];
brackets += std::count(loop_line.begin(), loop_line.end(), '{');
brackets -= std::count(loop_line.begin(), loop_line.end(), '}');
// Regular variable substitution
FindReplace(loop_line, variable_name, ToString(loop_iter));
// Array to register promotion
if (array_to_register_promotion) {
ArrayToRegister(loop_line, defines, arrays_to_registers, num_brackets_before);
else {
// Array to register promotion
if (array_to_register_promotion) {
ArrayToRegister(line, defines, arrays_to_registers, num_brackets_before);
return lines;
// =================================================================================================
std::string PreprocessKernelSource(const std::string& kernel_source) {
// Retrieves the defines and removes comments from the source lines
auto defines = DefinesIntMap();
auto lines = PreprocessDefinesAndComments(kernel_source, defines);
// Unrolls loops (single level each call)
auto arrays_to_registers = std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t>();
lines = PreprocessUnrollLoops(lines, defines, arrays_to_registers);
lines = PreprocessUnrollLoops(lines, defines, arrays_to_registers, false);
lines = PreprocessUnrollLoops(lines, defines, arrays_to_registers, false);
lines = PreprocessUnrollLoops(lines, defines, arrays_to_registers, false);
lines = PreprocessUnrollLoops(lines, defines, arrays_to_registers, false);
lines = PreprocessUnrollLoops(lines, defines, arrays_to_registers, true);
// Gather the results
auto processed_kernel = std::string{""};
for (const auto& line : lines) {
processed_kernel += line + "\n";
// Debugging
if (false) {
for (auto i = size_t{0}; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
printf("[%zu] %s\n", i, lines[i].c_str());
return processed_kernel;
// =================================================================================================
} // namespace clblast