
127 lines
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// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
// Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file contains the plain C interface to the CLBlast BLAS routines, the counter-part of the
// normal 'clblast.h' C++ header.
// =================================================================================================
// Includes the normal OpenCL C header
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACOSX)
#include <OpenCL/opencl.h>
#include <CL/opencl.h>
// =================================================================================================
// Status codes. These codes can be returned by functions declared in this header file. The error
// codes match either the standard OpenCL error codes or the clBLAS error codes.
typedef enum StatusCode_ {
// Status codes in common with the OpenCL standard
kSuccess = 0, // CL_SUCCESS
kTempBufferAllocFailure = -4, // CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE
kBuildProgramFailure = -11, // CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE: OpenCL compilation error
kInvalidBinary = -42, // CL_INVALID_BINARY
kInvalidKernel = -48, // CL_INVALID_KERNEL
kInvalidLocalNumDimensions = -53, // CL_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION: Too many thread dimensions
kInvalidLocalThreadsTotal = -54, // CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE: Too many threads in total
kInvalidLocalThreadsDim = -55, // CL_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE: ... or for a specific dimension
kInvalidTempBufferSize = -61, // CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE
// Status codes in common with the clBLAS library
kNotImplemented = -1024, // Routine or functionality not implemented yet
kInvalidMatrixA = -1022, // Matrix A is not a valid OpenCL buffer
kInvalidMatrixB = -1021, // Matrix B is not a valid OpenCL buffer
kInvalidMatrixC = -1020, // Matrix C is not a valid OpenCL buffer
kInvalidVectorX = -1019, // Vector X is not a valid OpenCL buffer
kInvalidVectorY = -1018, // Vector Y is not a valid OpenCL buffer
kInvalidDimension = -1017, // Dimensions M, N, and K have to be larger than zero
kInvalidLeadDimA = -1016, // LD of A is smaller than the matrix's first dimension
kInvalidLeadDimB = -1015, // LD of B is smaller than the matrix's first dimension
kInvalidLeadDimC = -1014, // LD of C is smaller than the matrix's first dimension
kInvalidIncrementX = -1013, // Increment of vector X cannot be zero
kInvalidIncrementY = -1012, // Increment of vector Y cannot be zero
kInsufficientMemoryA = -1011, // Matrix A's OpenCL buffer is too small
kInsufficientMemoryB = -1010, // Matrix B's OpenCL buffer is too small
kInsufficientMemoryC = -1009, // Matrix C's OpenCL buffer is too small
kInsufficientMemoryX = -1008, // Vector X's OpenCL buffer is too small
kInsufficientMemoryY = -1007, // Vector Y's OpenCL buffer is too small
// Custom additional status codes for CLBlast
kKernelLaunchError = -2048, // Problem occurred when enqueuing the kernel
kKernelRunError = -2047, // Problem occurred while running the kernel
kInvalidLocalMemUsage = -2046, // Not enough local memory available on this device
kNoHalfPrecision = -2045, // Half precision (16-bits) not supported by the device
kNoDoublePrecision = -2044, // Double precision (64-bits) not supported by the device
} StatusCode;
// Matrix layout and transpose types
typedef enum Layout_ { kRowMajor, kColMajor } Layout;
typedef enum Transpose_ { kNo, kYes, kConjugate } Transpose;
typedef enum Side_ { kLeft, kRight } Side;
typedef enum Triangle_ { kUpper, kLower } Triangle;
typedef enum Diagonal_ { kUnit, kNonUnit } Diagonal;
// Precision scoped enum (values in bits)
typedef enum Precision_ { kHalf = 16, kSingle = 32, kDouble = 64,
kComplexSingle = 3232, kComplexDouble = 6464 } Precision;
// =================================================================================================
// BLAS level-1 (vector-vector) routines
// =================================================================================================
// BLAS level-2 (matrix-vector) routines
// =================================================================================================
// BLAS level-3 (matrix-matrix) routines
// Generalized matrix-matrix multiplication: SGEMM/DGEMM/CGEMM/ZGEMM
StatusCode CLBlastSgemm(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
const float alpha,
const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
const float beta,
cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event);
StatusCode CLBlastDgemm(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
const double alpha,
const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
const double beta,
cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event);
StatusCode CLBlastCgemm(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
const cl_float2 alpha,
const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
const cl_float2 beta,
cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event);
StatusCode CLBlastZgemm(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose, const Transpose b_transpose,
const size_t m, const size_t n, const size_t k,
const cl_double2 alpha,
const cl_mem a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const cl_mem b_buffer, const size_t b_offset, const size_t b_ld,
const cl_double2 beta,
cl_mem c_buffer, const size_t c_offset, const size_t c_ld,
cl_command_queue* queue, cl_event* event);
// =================================================================================================