2015-09-19 17:40:38 +02:00

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// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
// Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file implements the Xgemv routine. The precision is implemented using a template argument.
// =================================================================================================
#include "internal/routine.h"
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================
// See comment at top of file for a description of the class
template <typename T>
class Xgemv: public Routine<T> {
// Members and methods from the base class
using Routine<T>::db_;
using Routine<T>::source_string_;
using Routine<T>::queue_;
using Routine<T>::GetProgramFromCache;
using Routine<T>::TestVectorX;
using Routine<T>::TestVectorY;
using Routine<T>::TestMatrixA;
using Routine<T>::TestMatrixAP;
using Routine<T>::RunKernel;
using Routine<T>::ErrorIn;
// Constructor
Xgemv(Queue &queue, Event &event, const std::string &name = "GEMV");
// Templated-precision implementation of the routine
StatusCode DoGemv(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
const size_t m, const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const Buffer<T> &a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const Buffer<T> &x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const T beta,
const Buffer<T> &y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc);
// Generic version used also for other matrix-vector multiplications
StatusCode MatVec(const Layout layout, const Transpose a_transpose,
const size_t m, const size_t n,
const T alpha,
const Buffer<T> &a_buffer, const size_t a_offset, const size_t a_ld,
const Buffer<T> &x_buffer, const size_t x_offset, const size_t x_inc,
const T beta,
const Buffer<T> &y_buffer, const size_t y_offset, const size_t y_inc,
bool fast_kernel, bool fast_kernel_rot,
const size_t parameter, const bool packed,
const size_t kl, const size_t ku);
// Static variable to get the precision
const static Precision precision_;
// =================================================================================================
} // namespace clblast