2017-02-05 14:36:31 +01:00

499 lines
21 KiB

// =================================================================================================
// This file is part of the CLBlast project. The project is licensed under Apache Version 2.0. This
// project loosely follows the Google C++ styleguide and uses a tab-size of two spaces and a max-
// width of 100 characters per line.
// Author(s):
// Cedric Nugteren <>
// This file implements the Tester class (see the header for information about the class).
// =================================================================================================
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "test/correctness/tester.hpp"
namespace clblast {
// =================================================================================================
// Eror margings (relative and absolute)
template <typename T>
float getRelativeErrorMargin() {
return 0.005f; // 0.5% is considered acceptable for float/double-precision
template <>
float getRelativeErrorMargin<half>() {
return 0.080f; // 8% (!) error is considered acceptable for half-precision
template <typename T>
float getAbsoluteErrorMargin() {
return 0.001f;
template <>
float getAbsoluteErrorMargin<half>() {
return 0.10f; // especially small values are inaccurate for half-precision
// Maximum number of test results printed on a single line
template <typename T, typename U> const size_t Tester<T,U>::kResultsPerLine = size_t{64};
// Error percentage is not applicable: error was caused by an incorrect status
template <typename T, typename U> const float Tester<T,U>::kStatusError = -1.0f;
// Constants holding start and end strings for terminal-output in colour
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kPrintError = "\x1b[31m";
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kPrintSuccess = "\x1b[32m";
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kPrintWarning = "\x1b[35m";
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kPrintMessage = "\x1b[1m";
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kPrintEnd = "\x1b[0m";
// Sets the output error coding
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kSuccessData = kPrintSuccess + ":" + kPrintEnd;
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kSuccessStatus = kPrintSuccess + "." + kPrintEnd;
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kErrorData = kPrintError + "X" + kPrintEnd;
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kErrorStatus = kPrintError + "/" + kPrintEnd;
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kSkippedCompilation = kPrintWarning + "\\" + kPrintEnd;
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kUnsupportedPrecision = kPrintWarning + "o" + kPrintEnd;
template <typename T, typename U> const std::string Tester<T,U>::kUnsupportedReference = kPrintWarning + "-" + kPrintEnd;
// =================================================================================================
// General constructor for all CLBlast testers. It prints out the test header to stdout and sets-up
// the clBLAS library for reference.
template <typename T, typename U>
Tester<T,U>::Tester(const std::vector<std::string> &arguments, const bool silent,
const std::string &name, const std::vector<std::string> &options):
help_("Options given/available:\n"),
platform_(Platform(GetArgument(arguments, help_, kArgPlatform, ConvertArgument(std::getenv("CLBLAST_PLATFORM"), size_t{0})))),
device_(Device(platform_, GetArgument(arguments, help_, kArgDevice, ConvertArgument(std::getenv("CLBLAST_DEVICE"), size_t{0})))),
queue_(Queue(context_, device_)),
full_test_(CheckArgument(arguments, help_, kArgFullTest)),
verbose_(CheckArgument(arguments, help_, kArgVerbose)),
tests_failed_{0} {
options_ = options;
// Determines which reference to test against
compare_clblas_ = GetArgument(arguments, help_, kArgCompareclblas, 0);
compare_cblas_ = GetArgument(arguments, help_, kArgComparecblas, 1);
compare_clblas_ = GetArgument(arguments, help_, kArgCompareclblas, 1);
compare_cblas_ = 0;
compare_clblas_ = 0;
compare_cblas_ = GetArgument(arguments, help_, kArgComparecblas, 1);
compare_clblas_ = 0;
compare_cblas_ = 0;
// Prints the help message (command-line arguments)
if (!silent) { fprintf(stdout, "\n* %s\n", help_.c_str()); }
// Can only test against a single reference (not two, not zero)
if (compare_clblas_ && compare_cblas_) {
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot test against both clBLAS and CBLAS references; choose one using the -cblas and -clblas arguments");
if (!compare_clblas_ && !compare_cblas_) {
throw std::runtime_error("Choose one reference (clBLAS or CBLAS) to test against using the -cblas and -clblas arguments");
// Prints the header
fprintf(stdout, "* Running on OpenCL device '%s'.\n", device_.Name().c_str());
fprintf(stdout, "* Starting tests for the %s'%s'%s routine.",
kPrintMessage.c_str(), name.c_str(), kPrintEnd.c_str());
// Checks whether the precision is supported
if (!PrecisionSupported<T>(device_)) {
fprintf(stdout, "\n* All tests skipped: %sUnsupported precision%s\n",
kPrintWarning.c_str(), kPrintEnd.c_str());
// Prints the legend
fprintf(stdout, " Legend:\n");
fprintf(stdout, " %s -> Test produced correct results\n", kSuccessData.c_str());
fprintf(stdout, " %s -> Test returned the correct error code\n", kSuccessStatus.c_str());
fprintf(stdout, " %s -> Test produced incorrect results\n", kErrorData.c_str());
fprintf(stdout, " %s -> Test returned an incorrect error code\n", kErrorStatus.c_str());
fprintf(stdout, " %s -> Test not executed: OpenCL-kernel compilation error\n",
fprintf(stdout, " %s -> Test not executed: Unsupported precision\n",
fprintf(stdout, " %s -> Test not completed: Reference CBLAS doesn't output error codes\n",
fprintf(stdout, "* Testing with error margins of %.1lf%% (relative) and %.3lf (absolute)\n",
100.0f * getRelativeErrorMargin<T>(), getAbsoluteErrorMargin<T>());
// Initializes clBLAS
if (compare_clblas_) {
auto status = clblasSetup();
if (status != CL_SUCCESS) {
throw std::runtime_error("clBLAS setup error: "+ToString(static_cast<int>(status)));
// Destructor prints the summary of the test cases and cleans-up the clBLAS library
template <typename T, typename U>
Tester<T,U>::~Tester() {
if (PrecisionSupported<T>(device_)) {
fprintf(stdout, "* Completed all test-cases for this routine. Results:\n");
fprintf(stdout, " %zu test(s) passed\n", tests_passed_);
if (tests_skipped_ > 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", kPrintWarning.c_str()); }
fprintf(stdout, " %zu test(s) skipped%s\n", tests_skipped_, kPrintEnd.c_str());
if (tests_failed_ > 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", kPrintError.c_str()); }
fprintf(stdout, " %zu test(s) failed%s\n", tests_failed_, kPrintEnd.c_str());
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
// Cleans-up clBLAS
if (compare_clblas_) {
// =================================================================================================
// Function called at the start of each test. This prints a header with information about the
// test and re-initializes all test data-structures.
template <typename T, typename U>
void Tester<T,U>::TestStart(const std::string &test_name, const std::string &test_configuration) {
// Prints the header
fprintf(stdout, "* Testing %s'%s'%s for %s'%s'%s:\n",
kPrintMessage.c_str(), test_name.c_str(), kPrintEnd.c_str(),
kPrintMessage.c_str(), test_configuration.c_str(), kPrintEnd.c_str());
if (!verbose_) { fprintf(stdout, " "); }
// Empties the error log and the error/pass counters
num_passed_ = 0;
num_skipped_ = 0;
num_failed_ = 0;
print_count_ = 0;
// Function called at the end of each test. This prints errors if any occured. It also prints a
// summary of the number of sub-tests passed/failed.
template <typename T, typename U>
void Tester<T,U>::TestEnd() {
if (!verbose_) { fprintf(stdout, "\n"); }
tests_passed_ += num_passed_;
tests_skipped_ += num_skipped_;
tests_failed_ += num_failed_;
// Prints the errors
// Prints a test summary
auto pass_rate = 100*num_passed_ / static_cast<float>(num_passed_ + num_skipped_ + num_failed_);
fprintf(stdout, " Pass rate %s%5.1lf%%%s:", kPrintMessage.c_str(), pass_rate, kPrintEnd.c_str());
fprintf(stdout, " %zu passed /", num_passed_);
if (num_skipped_ != 0) {
fprintf(stdout, " %s%zu skipped%s /", kPrintWarning.c_str(), num_skipped_, kPrintEnd.c_str());
else {
fprintf(stdout, " %zu skipped /", num_skipped_);
if (num_failed_ != 0) {
fprintf(stdout, " %s%zu failed%s\n", kPrintError.c_str(), num_failed_, kPrintEnd.c_str());
else {
fprintf(stdout, " %zu failed\n", num_failed_);
// =================================================================================================
// Handles a 'pass' or 'error' depending on whether there are any errors
template <typename T, typename U>
void Tester<T,U>::TestErrorCount(const size_t errors, const size_t size, const Arguments<U> &args) {
// Finished successfully
if (errors == 0) {
// Error(s) occurred
else {
auto percentage = 100*errors / static_cast<float>(size);
ReportError({StatusCode::kSuccess, StatusCode::kSuccess, percentage, args});
// Compares two status codes for equality. The outcome can be a pass (they are the same), a warning
// (CLBlast reported a compilation error), or an error (they are different).
template <typename T, typename U>
void Tester<T,U>::TestErrorCodes(const StatusCode clblas_status, const StatusCode clblast_status,
const Arguments<U> &args) {
// Cannot compare error codes against a library other than clBLAS
if (compare_cblas_) {
// Finished successfully
else if (clblas_status == clblast_status) {
// No support for this kind of precision
else if (clblast_status == StatusCode::kNoDoublePrecision ||
clblast_status == StatusCode::kNoHalfPrecision) {
// Could not compile the CLBlast kernel properly
else if (clblast_status == StatusCode::kOpenCLBuildProgramFailure ||
clblast_status == StatusCode::kNotImplemented) {
// Error occurred
else {
ReportError({clblas_status, clblast_status, kStatusError, args});
if (verbose_) {
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
PrintErrorLog({{clblas_status, clblast_status, kStatusError, args}});
fprintf(stdout, " ");
// =================================================================================================
// Retrieves the offset values to test with
template <typename T, typename U>
const std::vector<size_t> Tester<T,U>::GetOffsets() const {
if (full_test_) { return {0, 10}; }
else { return {0}; }
// Retrieves the options as a string for a specific test
template <typename T, typename U>
std::string Tester<T,U>::GetOptionsString(const Arguments<U> &args) {
auto result = std::string("");
const auto equals = std::string("=");
for (auto &o: options_) {
if (o == kArgM) { result += kArgM + equals + ToString(args.m) + " "; }
if (o == kArgN) { result += kArgN + equals + ToString(args.n) + " "; }
if (o == kArgK) { result += kArgK + equals + ToString(args.k) + " "; }
if (o == kArgKU) { result += kArgKU + equals + ToString(args.ku) + " "; }
if (o == kArgKL) { result += kArgKL + equals + ToString(args.kl) + " "; }
if (o == kArgXInc) { result += kArgXInc + equals + ToString(args.x_inc) + " "; }
if (o == kArgYInc) { result += kArgYInc + equals + ToString(args.y_inc) + " "; }
if (o == kArgXOffset) { result += kArgXOffset + equals + ToString(args.x_offset) + " "; }
if (o == kArgYOffset) { result += kArgYOffset + equals + ToString(args.y_offset) + " "; }
if (o == kArgALeadDim) { result += kArgALeadDim + equals + ToString(args.a_ld) + " "; }
if (o == kArgBLeadDim) { result += kArgBLeadDim + equals + ToString(args.b_ld) + " "; }
if (o == kArgCLeadDim) { result += kArgCLeadDim + equals + ToString(args.c_ld) + " "; }
if (o == kArgAOffset) { result += kArgAOffset + equals + ToString(args.a_offset) + " "; }
if (o == kArgBOffset) { result += kArgBOffset + equals + ToString(args.b_offset) + " "; }
if (o == kArgCOffset) { result += kArgCOffset + equals + ToString(args.c_offset) + " "; }
if (o == kArgAPOffset) { result += kArgAPOffset + equals + ToString(args.ap_offset) + " "; }
if (o == kArgDotOffset){ result += kArgDotOffset + equals + ToString(args.dot_offset) + " "; }
return result;
// As above, but now only prints information relevant to invalid buffer sizes
template <typename T, typename U>
std::string Tester<T,U>::GetSizesString(const Arguments<U> &args) {
auto result = std::string("");
const auto equals = std::string("=");
for (auto &o: options_) {
if (o == kArgM) { result += kArgM + equals + ToString(args.m) + " "; }
if (o == kArgN) { result += kArgN + equals + ToString(args.n) + " "; }
if (o == kArgK) { result += kArgK + equals + ToString(args.k) + " "; }
if (o == kArgXOffset) { result += "xsize" + equals + ToString(args.x_size) + " "; }
if (o == kArgYOffset) { result += "ysize" + equals + ToString(args.y_size) + " "; }
if (o == kArgAOffset) { result += "asize" + equals + ToString(args.a_size) + " "; }
if (o == kArgBOffset) { result += "bsize" + equals + ToString(args.b_size) + " "; }
if (o == kArgCOffset) { result += "csize" + equals + ToString(args.c_size) + " "; }
if (o == kArgAPOffset) { result += "apsize" + equals + ToString(args.ap_size) + " "; }
if (o == kArgDotOffset){ result += "scalarsize" + equals + ToString(args.scalar_size) + " "; }
return result;
// =================================================================================================
// A test can either pass, be skipped, or fail
template <typename T, typename U>
void Tester<T,U>::ReportPass() {
template <typename T, typename U>
void Tester<T,U>::ReportSkipped() {
template <typename T, typename U>
void Tester<T,U>::ReportError(const ErrorLogEntry &error_log_entry) {
// =================================================================================================
// Prints the test-result symbol to screen. This function limits the maximum number of symbols per
// line by printing newlines once every so many calls.
template <typename T, typename U>
void Tester<T,U>::PrintTestResult(const std::string &message) {
if (verbose_) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", message.c_str());
if (print_count_ == kResultsPerLine) {
print_count_ = 0;
fprintf(stdout, "\n ");
fprintf(stdout, "%s", message.c_str());
std::cout << std::flush;
// Prints details of errors occurred in a given error log
template <typename T, typename U>
void Tester<T,U>::PrintErrorLog(const std::vector<ErrorLogEntry> &error_log) {
for (auto &entry: error_log) {
if (entry.error_percentage != kStatusError) {
fprintf(stdout, " Error rate %.1lf%%: ", entry.error_percentage);
else {
fprintf(stdout, " Status code %d (expected %d): ", entry.status_found, entry.status_expect);
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", GetOptionsString(entry.args).c_str());
// =================================================================================================
// Below are the non-member functions (separated because of otherwise required partial class
// template specialization)
// =================================================================================================
// Compares two floating point values and returns whether they are within an acceptable error
// margin. This replaces GTest's EXPECT_NEAR().
template <typename T>
bool TestSimilarityNear(const T val1, const T val2,
const T error_margin_absolute, const T error_margin_relative) {
const auto difference = std::fabs(val1 - val2);
// Shortcut, handles infinities
if (val1 == val2) {
return true;
// Handles cases with both results NaN
else if (std::isnan(val1) && std::isnan(val2)) {
return true;
// The values are zero or very small: the relative error is less meaningful
else if (val1 == 0 || val2 == 0 || difference < error_margin_absolute) {
return (difference < error_margin_absolute);
// Use relative error
else {
const auto absolute_sum = std::fabs(val1) + std::fabs(val2);
return (difference / absolute_sum) < error_margin_relative;
// Default method for similarity testing
template <typename T>
bool TestSimilarity(const T val1, const T val2) {
const auto kErrorMarginRelative = static_cast<T>(getRelativeErrorMargin<T>());
const auto kErrorMarginAbsolute = static_cast<T>(getAbsoluteErrorMargin<T>());
return TestSimilarityNear(val1, val2, kErrorMarginAbsolute, kErrorMarginRelative);
// Compiles the default case for standard data-types
template bool TestSimilarity<float>(const float, const float);
template bool TestSimilarity<double>(const double, const double);
// Specialisations for non-standard data-types
template <>
bool TestSimilarity(const float2 val1, const float2 val2) {
auto real = TestSimilarity(val1.real(), val2.real());
auto imag = TestSimilarity(val1.imag(), val2.imag());
return (real && imag);
template <>
bool TestSimilarity(const double2 val1, const double2 val2) {
auto real = TestSimilarity(val1.real(), val2.real());
auto imag = TestSimilarity(val1.imag(), val2.imag());
return (real && imag);
template <>
bool TestSimilarity(const half val1, const half val2) {
const auto kErrorMarginRelative = getRelativeErrorMargin<half>();
const auto kErrorMarginAbsolute = getAbsoluteErrorMargin<half>();
return TestSimilarityNear(HalfToFloat(val1), HalfToFloat(val2),
kErrorMarginAbsolute, kErrorMarginRelative);
// =================================================================================================
// Retrieves a list of example scalar values, used for the alpha and beta arguments for the various
// routines. This function is specialised for the different data-types.
template <> const std::vector<float> GetExampleScalars(const bool full_test) {
if (full_test) { return {0.0f, 1.0f, 3.14f}; }
else { return {3.14f}; }
template <> const std::vector<double> GetExampleScalars(const bool full_test) {
if (full_test) { return {0.0, 1.0, 3.14}; }
else { return {3.14}; }
template <> const std::vector<float2> GetExampleScalars(const bool full_test) {
if (full_test) { return {{0.0f, 0.0f}, {1.0f, 1.3f}, {2.42f, 3.14f}}; }
else { return {{2.42f, 3.14f}}; }
template <> const std::vector<double2> GetExampleScalars(const bool full_test) {
if (full_test) { return {{0.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 1.3}, {2.42, 3.14}}; }
else { return {{2.42, 3.14}}; }
template <> const std::vector<half> GetExampleScalars(const bool full_test) {
if (full_test) { return {FloatToHalf(0.0f), FloatToHalf(1.0f), FloatToHalf(3.14f)}; }
else { return {FloatToHalf(3.14f)}; }
// =================================================================================================
// Compiles the templated class
template class Tester<half, half>;
template class Tester<float, float>;
template class Tester<double, double>;
template class Tester<float2, float2>;
template class Tester<double2, double2>;
template class Tester<float2, float>;
template class Tester<double2, double>;
// =================================================================================================
} // namespace clblast