$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\packages\EWSoftware.SHFB.2016.9.17.0\Tools\ Debug AnyCPU 2.0 ce631e64-52bf-4527-99ad-1eaeb76550a8 2015.6.5.0 Documentation Documentation Documentation .NET Framework 2.0 ..\docs\ Gmp.Native en-US 100 OnlyWarningsAndErrors HtmlHelp1, Website False True False True The Math.Gmp.Native namespace contains types defined to expose all of the GNU GMP functionality to .NET. False 2 False Standard Blank False VS2013 False Guid GMP Native Interface for .NET AboveNamespaces ..\packages\EWSoftware.SHFB.NETFramework.4.6.2\ facebook facebook google google linkedin linkedin mail mail twitter twitter OnBuildSuccess