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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* Copyright the Collabora Online contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#pragma once
#include "common/Protocol.hpp"
#include "common/Common.hpp"
#include "common/Log.hpp"
#include "common/Unit.hpp"
#include "common/Util.hpp"
#include "Socket.hpp"
#include <net/HttpRequest.hpp>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPResponse.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
class WebSocketHandler : public ProtocolHandlerInterface
/// The socket that owns us (we can't own it).
std::weak_ptr<StreamSocket> _socket;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point _lastPingSentTime;
int _pingTimeUs;
bool _isMasking;
bool _inFragmentBlock;
/// The security key. Meaningful only for clients.
const std::string _key;
unsigned char _lastFlags; //< The flags in the last frame.
std::vector<char> _wsPayload;
std::atomic<bool> _shuttingDown;
const bool _isClient;
// Last member.
/// The UnitBase instance. We capture it here since
/// this is our instance, but the test framework
/// has a single global instance via UnitWSD::get().
UnitBase* const _unit;
struct WSFrameMask
static constexpr unsigned char Fin = 0x80;
static constexpr unsigned char Mask = 0x80;
static constexpr std::chrono::microseconds InitialPingDelayMicroS = std::chrono::milliseconds(25);
static constexpr std::chrono::microseconds PingFrequencyMicroS = std::chrono::seconds(18);
/// Perform upgrade ourselves, or select a client web socket.
/// Parameters:
/// isClient: the instance should behave like a client (true) or like a server (false)
/// (from websocket perspective)
/// isMasking: a client should mask (true) or not (false) outgoing frames
WebSocketHandler(bool isClient, [[maybe_unused]] bool isMasking)
_lastPingSentTime(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() -
std::chrono::microseconds(PingFrequencyMicroS) +
, _pingTimeUs(0)
, _isMasking(isClient && isMasking)
, _inFragmentBlock(false)
, _key(isClient ? generateKey() : std::string())
, _lastFlags(0)
, _isClient(isClient)
, _unit(UnitBase::isUnitTesting() ? &UnitBase::get() : nullptr)
/// Upgrades itself to a websocket directly.
/// Parameters:
/// socket: the TCP socket which received the upgrade request
/// request: the HTTP upgrade request to WebSocket
template <typename T>
WebSocketHandler(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket, const T& request)
: WebSocketHandler(/*isClient=*/false, /*isMasking=*/false)
if (!socket)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid socket while upgrading to WebSocket.");
_socket = socket;
// As a server, respond with 101 protocol-upgrade.
upgradeToWebSocket(socket, request);
/// Status codes sent to peer on shutdown.
enum class StatusCodes : unsigned short
RESERVED = 1004,
/// Returns the Web-Socket Security Key generated for this instance.
const std::string& getWebSocketKey() const { return _key; }
/// Returns the flags of the last received WS frame.
unsigned char lastFlags() const { return _lastFlags; }
/// Create a WebSocket connection to the given @host
/// and @port and add the socket to @poll.
bool wsRequest(http::Request& req, const std::string& host, const std::string& port,
bool isSecure, SocketPoll& poll)
const std::string hostAndPort = host + ':' + port;
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Web-Socket request: " << hostAndPort);
auto socket = net::connect(host, port, isSecure, shared_from_this());
if (!socket)
LOG_ERR("Failed to connect to " << host << ':' << port);
return false;
req.set("Host", hostAndPort); // Make sure the host is set.
req.set("Date", Util::getHttpTimeNow());
req.set("User-Agent", http::getAgentString());
req.set("Connection", "Upgrade");
req.set("Upgrade", "websocket");
req.set("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13");
req.set("Sec-WebSocket-Key", getWebSocketKey());
if (socket->send(req))
return true;
LOG_ERR("Failed to make WebSocket request");
return false;
/// Implementation of the ProtocolHandlerInterface.
void onConnect(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket) override
LOG_ASSERT_MSG(socket, "Invalid socket passed to WebSocketHandler::onConnect");
_socket = socket;
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Connected to WS Handler " << this);
/// Sends WS Close frame to the peer.
void sendCloseFrame(const StatusCodes statusCode = StatusCodes::NORMAL_CLOSE,
const std::string& statusMessage = std::string())
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = _socket.lock();
if (!socket)
LOG_ERR("No socket associated with WebSocketHandler " << this
<< " to send Close Frame to");
if (socket->isClosed())
LOG_DBG("Socket is closed. Cannot send Close Frame");
// Don't send close-frame more than once.
if (!_shuttingDown)
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Shutdown websocket, code: "
<< static_cast<unsigned>(statusCode) << ", message: " << statusMessage);
_shuttingDown = true;
if (!Util::isMobileApp())
const size_t len = statusMessage.size();
std::vector<char> buf(2 + len);
buf[0] = ((((int)statusCode) >> 8) & 0xff);
buf[1] = ((((int)statusCode) >> 0) & 0xff);
std::copy(statusMessage.begin(), statusMessage.end(), buf.begin() + 2);
const unsigned char flags = WSFrameMask::Fin | static_cast<char>(WSOpCode::Close);
sendFrame(socket,, buf.size(), flags);
void shutdown(bool goingAway, const std::string &statusMessage) override
shutdown(goingAway ? WebSocketHandler::StatusCodes::ENDPOINT_GOING_AWAY :
WebSocketHandler::StatusCodes::NORMAL_CLOSE, statusMessage);
void getIOStats(uint64_t &sent, uint64_t &recv) override
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = getSocket().lock();
if (socket)
socket->getIOStats(sent, recv);
sent = 0;
recv = 0;
void shutdown(const StatusCodes statusCode = StatusCodes::NORMAL_CLOSE,
const std::string& statusMessage = std::string(),
bool hardShutdown = false)
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = _socket.lock();
if (socket)
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Shutdown: Closing Connection");
if (!_shuttingDown)
sendCloseFrame(statusCode, statusMessage);
assert(socket->getInBuffer().empty() &&
"Socket buffer must be empty after ignoreInput");
// force close after writing this message
if (hardShutdown)
_inFragmentBlock = false;
_shuttingDown = false;
/// Don't wait for the remote Websocket to handshake with us; go down fast.
void shutdownAfterWriting()
shutdown(WebSocketHandler::StatusCodes::NORMAL_CLOSE, std::string(),
true /* hard async shutdown & close */);
bool handleTCPStream(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Expected a valid socket instance.");
// websocket fun !
const size_t len = socket->getInBuffer().size();
if (len == 0)
return false; // avoid logging.
if (len < 2) // partial read
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Still incomplete WebSocket message, have " << len << " bytes");
return false;
unsigned char *p = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&socket->getInBuffer()[0]);
_lastFlags = p[0];
const bool fin = _lastFlags & 0x80;
const WSOpCode code = static_cast<WSOpCode>(_lastFlags & 0x0f);
const bool hasMask = p[1] & 0x80;
size_t payloadLen = p[1] & 0x7f;
size_t headerLen = 2;
// normally - 7 bit length.
if (payloadLen == 126) // 2 byte length
if (len < 2 + 2)
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Still incomplete WebSocket message, have " << len << " bytes");
return false;
payloadLen = (((unsigned)p[2]) << 8) | ((unsigned)p[3]);
headerLen += 2;
else if (payloadLen == 127) // 8 byte length
if (len < 2 + 8)
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Still incomplete WebSocket message, have " << len << " bytes");
return false;
payloadLen = ((((uint64_t)p[9]) << 0) + (((uint64_t)p[8]) << 8) +
(((uint64_t)p[7]) << 16) + (((uint64_t)p[6]) << 24) +
(((uint64_t)p[5]) << 32) + (((uint64_t)p[4]) << 40) +
(((uint64_t)p[3]) << 48) + (((uint64_t)p[2]) << 56));
// FIXME: crop read length to remove top / sign bits.
headerLen += 8;
unsigned char *mask = nullptr;
if (hasMask)
mask = p + headerLen;
headerLen += 4;
if (headerLen > len || payloadLen > len - headerLen)
{ // partial read wait for more data.
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Still incomplete WebSocket frame, have "
<< len << " bytes, frame is " << payloadLen + headerLen << " bytes");
return false;
if (hasMask && _isClient)
LOG_ERR("Servers should not send masked frames. Only clients");
return true;
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Incoming WebSocket data of "
<< len << " bytes: "
<< Util::stringifyHexLine(socket->getInBuffer(), 0, std::min((size_t)32, len)));
unsigned char *data = p + headerLen;
if (isControlFrame(code))
//Process control frames
std::vector<char> ctrlPayload;
readPayload(data, payloadLen, mask, ctrlPayload);
socket->getInBuffer().eraseFirst(headerLen + payloadLen);
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Incoming WebSocket frame code "
<< static_cast<unsigned>(code) << ", fin? " << fin << ", mask? " << hasMask
<< ", payload length: " << payloadLen
<< ", residual socket data: " << socket->getInBuffer().size() << " bytes");
// All control frames MUST NOT be fragmented and MUST have a payload length of 125 bytes or less
if (!fin)
LOG_ERR("A control frame cannot be fragmented");
return true;
if (payloadLen > 125)
LOG_ERR("The payload length of a control frame must not exceed 125 bytes");
return true;
switch (code)
case WSOpCode::Pong:
if (_isClient)
LOG_WRN("Servers should not send pongs, only clients");
_pingTimeUs = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>
(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - _lastPingSentTime).count();
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Pong received: " << _pingTimeUs << " microseconds");
gotPing(code, _pingTimeUs);
case WSOpCode::Ping:
if (!_isClient)
LOG_DBG("Clients should not send pings, only servers");
const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
_pingTimeUs = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>
(now - _lastPingSentTime).count();
sendPong(now, &ctrlPayload[0], payloadLen, socket);
gotPing(code, _pingTimeUs);
case WSOpCode::Close:
std::string message;
StatusCodes statusCode = StatusCodes::NORMAL_CLOSE;
if (!_shuttingDown)
// Peer-initiated shutdown must be echoed.
// Otherwise, this is the echo to _our_ shutdown message, which we should ignore.
if (ctrlPayload.size())
statusCode = static_cast<StatusCodes>((((uint64_t)(unsigned char)ctrlPayload[0]) << 8) +
(((uint64_t)(unsigned char)ctrlPayload[1]) << 0));
if (ctrlPayload.size() > 2)
message.assign(&ctrlPayload[2], &ctrlPayload[2] + ctrlPayload.size() - 2);
LOG_TRC("Peer initiated socket shutdown. Code: "
<< static_cast<int>(statusCode));
shutdown(statusCode, message);
return true;
LOG_ERR("Received unknown control code");
return true;
// Check data frames for errors
if (_inFragmentBlock)
if (code != WSOpCode::Continuation)
LOG_ERR("A fragment that is not the first fragment of a message must have the opcode "
"equal to 0");
return true;
else if (code == WSOpCode::Continuation)
LOG_ERR("An unfragmented message or the first fragment of a fragmented message must "
"have the opcode different than 0");
return true;
//Process data frame
readPayload(data, payloadLen, mask, _wsPayload);
unsigned char * const p = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&socket->getInBuffer()[0]);
_wsPayload.insert(_wsPayload.end(), p, p + len);
const size_t headerLen = 0;
const size_t payloadLen = len;
socket->eraseFirstInputBytes(headerLen + payloadLen);
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Incoming WebSocket frame code "
<< static_cast<unsigned>(code) << ", fin? " << fin << ", mask? " << hasMask
<< ", payload length: " << payloadLen
<< ", residual socket data: " << socket->getInBuffer().size()
<< " bytes, unmasked data: " +
Util::stringifyHexLine(_wsPayload, 0, std::min((size_t)32, _wsPayload.size())));
if (fin)
// If is final fragment then process the accumulated message.
catch (const Poco::Exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Error during handleMessage: " << ex.displayText());
catch (const std::exception& exception)
LOG_ERR("Error during handleMessage: " << exception.what());
catch (...)
LOG_ERR("Error during handleMessage");
_inFragmentBlock = false;
_inFragmentBlock = true;
// If is not final fragment then wait for next fragment.
return true;
catch (const std::exception& exception)
LOG_ERR("Error during handleMessage: " << exception.what());
catch (...)
LOG_ERR("Error during handleMessage");
return true;
/// Implementation of the ProtocolHandlerInterface.
virtual void handleIncomingMessage(SocketDisposition&) override
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = _socket.lock();
if (Util::isMobileApp())
// No separate "upgrade" is going on
if (socket && !socket->isWebSocket())
if (!socket)
LOG_ERR("No socket associated with WebSocketHandler " << this);
else if (_isClient && !socket->isWebSocket())
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_DBG("handleClientUpgrade exception caught: " << ex.what());
while (socket->processInputEnabled() && handleTCPStream(socket))
; // might have multiple messages in the accumulated buffer.
int getPollEvents([[maybe_unused]] std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now,
[[maybe_unused]] int64_t& timeoutMaxMicroS) override
if (!_isClient)
const auto timeSincePingMicroS
= std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(now - _lastPingSentTime);
= std::min(timeoutMaxMicroS, (int64_t)(PingFrequencyMicroS - timeSincePingMicroS).count());
int events = POLLIN;
if (_msgHandler && _msgHandler->hasQueuedMessages())
events |= POLLOUT;
return events;
/// Send a ping message
void sendPingOrPong(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now,
const char* data, const size_t len,
const WSOpCode code,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Expected a valid socket instance.");
// Must not send this before we're upgraded.
if (!socket->isWebSocket())
LOG_WRN("Attempted ping on non-upgraded websocket! #" << socket->getFD());
_lastPingSentTime = now; // Pretend we sent it to avoid timing out immediately.
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Sending " << (const char*)(code == WSOpCode::Ping ? " ping" : "pong"));
// FIXME: allow an empty payload.
sendMessage(data, len, code, false);
_lastPingSentTime = now;
void sendPing(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
// assert(!_isClient);
sendPingOrPong(now, "", 1, WSOpCode::Ping, socket);
void sendPong(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now,
const char* data, const size_t len,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
sendPingOrPong(now, data, len, WSOpCode::Pong, socket);
/// Do we need to handle a timeout ?
void checkTimeout([[maybe_unused]] std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now) override
if (_isClient)
const auto timeSincePingMicroS
= std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(now - _lastPingSentTime);
if (timeSincePingMicroS >= PingFrequencyMicroS)
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = _socket.lock();
if (socket)
sendPing(now, socket);
void performWrites(std::size_t capacity) override
if (_msgHandler)
void onDisconnect() override
if (_msgHandler)
/// Sends a WebSocket Text message.
int sendMessage(const std::string& msg) const
return sendTextMessage(msg.c_str(), msg.size());
template <std::size_t N> int sendMessage(const char (&msg)[N]) const
return sendTextMessage(msg, N - 1); // Minus the null-terminator.
/// Implementation of the ProtocolHandlerInterface.
int sendTextMessage(const char* msg, const size_t len, bool flush = false) const override
return sendMessage(msg, len, WSOpCode::Text, flush);
/// Implementation of the ProtocolHandlerInterface.
int sendBinaryMessage(const char *data, const size_t len, bool flush = false) const override
return sendMessage(data, len, WSOpCode::Binary, flush);
/// Sends a WebSocket message of WPOpCode type.
/// Returns the number of bytes written (including frame overhead) on success,
/// 0 for closed socket, and -1 for other errors.
int sendMessage(const char* data, const size_t len, const WSOpCode code, const bool flush) const
if (UnitBase::isUnitTesting() && !Util::isFuzzing())
int unitReturn = -1;
if (_unit->filterSendWebSocketMessage(data, len, code, flush, unitReturn))
return unitReturn;
//TODO: Support fragmented messages.
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = _socket.lock();
return sendFrame(socket, data, len, WSFrameMask::Fin | static_cast<unsigned char>(code), flush);
virtual bool processInputEnabled() const override
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = _socket.lock();
if (socket)
return socket->processInputEnabled();
return true;
void flush()
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = _socket.lock();
if (socket)
/// Builds a websocket frame based on data and flags received as parameters.
/// The frame is output in 'out' parameter
void buildFrame(const char* data, const uint64_t len, unsigned char flags, Buffer &out) const
int slen = 0;
char scratch[16];
// All unfragmented frames must have the Fin bit.
scratch[slen++] = WSFrameMask::Fin | flags;
int maskFlag = _isMasking ? 0x80 : 0;
if (len < 126)
scratch[slen++] = (char)(len | maskFlag);
else if (len <= 0xffff)
scratch[slen++] = (char)(126 | maskFlag);
scratch[slen++] = static_cast<char>((len >> 8) & 0xff);
scratch[slen++] = static_cast<char>((len >> 0) & 0xff);
scratch[slen++] = (char)(127 | maskFlag);
scratch[slen++] = static_cast<char>((len >> 56) & 0xff);
scratch[slen++] = static_cast<char>((len >> 48) & 0xff);
scratch[slen++] = static_cast<char>((len >> 40) & 0xff);
scratch[slen++] = static_cast<char>((len >> 32) & 0xff);
scratch[slen++] = static_cast<char>((len >> 24) & 0xff);
scratch[slen++] = static_cast<char>((len >> 16) & 0xff);
scratch[slen++] = static_cast<char>((len >> 8) & 0xff);
scratch[slen++] = static_cast<char>((len >> 0) & 0xff);
assert(slen <= static_cast<int>(sizeof(scratch)));
out.append(scratch, slen);
if (_isMasking)
{ // flip some top bits - perhaps it helps.
char mask[4];
mask[0] = static_cast<char>(0x81);
mask[1] = static_cast<char>(0x76);
mask[2] = static_cast<char>(0x81);
mask[3] = static_cast<char>(0x76);
out.append(mask, 4);
// copy and mask the data
char copy[16384];
ssize_t i = 0, toSend;
while (true)
toSend = std::min(sizeof(copy), len - i);
if (toSend == 0)
for (ssize_t j = 0; j < toSend; ++j, ++i)
copy[j] = data[i] ^ mask[i%4];
out.append(copy, toSend);
// Copy the data.
out.append(data, len);
/// Sends a WebSocket frame given the data, length, and flags.
/// Returns the number of bytes written (including frame overhead) on success,
/// 0 for closed/invalid socket, and -1 for other errors.
int sendFrame(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket, const char* data, const uint64_t len,
[[maybe_unused]] unsigned char flags, bool flush = true) const
if (!socket || data == nullptr || len == 0)
return -1;
if (socket->isClosed())
LOG_DBG("Socket is closed. Cannot send WS frame");
return 0;
Buffer& out = socket->getOutBuffer();
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "WebSocketHandler: Writing " << len << " bytes to #" << socket->getFD()
<< " in addition to " << out.size()
<< " bytes buffered");
if ((flags & 0xf) == (int)WSOpCode::Text) // utf8 validate
size_t offset = Util::isValidUtf8((unsigned char*)data, len);
if (offset < len)
std::string hex, raw;
if (len < 256)
raw = std::string(data, len);
hex = "whole string:" + Util::dumpHex(raw);
// 64 bytes before & after ...
size_t cropstart, croplen;
if (offset < 64)
cropstart = 0;
cropstart = offset - 64;
croplen = std::min<size_t>(len - cropstart, 128);
assert (cropstart + croplen <= len);
raw = std::string(data + cropstart, croplen);
hex = "msg: "+ COOLProtocol::getAbbreviatedMessage(data, len) +
" string region error at byte " + std::to_string(offset - cropstart) + ": " + Util::dumpHex(raw);
std::cerr << "attempting to send invalid UTF-8 message '" << raw << "' "
<< " error at offset " << std::hex << "0x" << offset << std::dec
<< " bytes, " << hex << "\n";
assert("invalid utf-8 - check Message::detectType()" && false);
// This would generate huge amounts of "instant" Trace Events. Is that what we want? If so,
// it would be good to include in the args some identificating information about the sender
// and recipient of the frame (and what message it is related to, if any).
// TraceEvent::emitInstantEvent("WebSocketHandler::sendFrame", { { "length", std::to_string(len) } });
const size_t oldSize = out.size();
buildFrame(data, len, flags, out);
// Return the number of bytes we wrote to the *buffer*.
const size_t size = out.size() - oldSize;
// We ignore the flush parameter and always flush in the MOBILEAPP case because there is no
// WebSocket framing, we put the messages as such into the FakeSocket queue.
wsd: retry flushing the WS buffered data when shutting down Normally writeOutgoingData flushes all the available write buffer to the socket. However, when an error occures during the write, the flushing loop is broken and the error is expected to be handled in the poll loop (or, at any rate, the poll loop will sooner or later retry). This doesn't work when the socket is being shut down. Details and stack-trace is added in the code to document this scenario. The proper fix to flushing before shutting down is to do it asynchronously (i.e. flag for shutdown, let poll flush the buffers, and then close the socket), but currently this isn't easily possible (again, details in the added comment). For now, we do a second attempt to write, before we give up and warn of lost data. Worth noting that this was caught thanks to the simulated socket error logic. Every so often the Close Frame of the WebSocket was getting lost. This frame is asserted in the 'crash test' and the explanation is that it happened when the simulated socket error happened to hit during the writing of the Close Frame (as one statistic this happened ~15% of the time, when running the crash test in a loop). With the retrying in this patch I was able to run the crash test successfully a few 100 times without failures. Finally, we unify the flushing with the mobile-app case to minimize the differences as much as possible and improved the logging a bit. Change-Id: I0c0559d6095cd2af8250a7e65a972ba672ecd4b1 Signed-off-by: Ashod Nakashian <>
2020-12-25 02:50:58 +01:00
flush = true;
out.append(data, len);
const size_t size = out.size();
assert(size >= len && "Expected to have data in outBuffer to send");
wsd: retry flushing the WS buffered data when shutting down Normally writeOutgoingData flushes all the available write buffer to the socket. However, when an error occures during the write, the flushing loop is broken and the error is expected to be handled in the poll loop (or, at any rate, the poll loop will sooner or later retry). This doesn't work when the socket is being shut down. Details and stack-trace is added in the code to document this scenario. The proper fix to flushing before shutting down is to do it asynchronously (i.e. flag for shutdown, let poll flush the buffers, and then close the socket), but currently this isn't easily possible (again, details in the added comment). For now, we do a second attempt to write, before we give up and warn of lost data. Worth noting that this was caught thanks to the simulated socket error logic. Every so often the Close Frame of the WebSocket was getting lost. This frame is asserted in the 'crash test' and the explanation is that it happened when the simulated socket error happened to hit during the writing of the Close Frame (as one statistic this happened ~15% of the time, when running the crash test in a loop). With the retrying in this patch I was able to run the crash test successfully a few 100 times without failures. Finally, we unify the flushing with the mobile-app case to minimize the differences as much as possible and improved the logging a bit. Change-Id: I0c0559d6095cd2af8250a7e65a972ba672ecd4b1 Signed-off-by: Ashod Nakashian <>
2020-12-25 02:50:58 +01:00
if (flush || _shuttingDown)
// Retry if we are shutting down and failed.
// This is particularly relevant when we simulate socket error
// during unit-tests. Dropping WS frames results in random test failures.
// But more important is to flush the data we have before closing the socket.
// There is a FIXME item in Session::shutdown specifically to address this case.
// When we terminte a client's connection in DocumentBroker::finalRemoveSession,
// we send the close frame and close the socket via Socket::closeConnection(),
// which is called immediately after *this* function (see shutdown() above).
// So, a common scenario is when we want to shutdown all clients. The stack
// trace looks like this:
// WebSocketHandler::sendFrame at ./net/WebSocketHandler.hpp:678 (this function)
// WebSocketHandler::sendCloseFrame at ./net/WebSocketHandler.hpp:149
// WebSocketHandler::shutdown at ./net/WebSocketHandler.hpp:175
// WebSocketHandler::shutdown at ./net/WebSocketHandler.hpp:155
// Session::shutdown at common/Session.cpp:235
// Session::shutdownGoingAway at ./common/Session.hpp:152 (this will close the socket)
// DocumentBroker::shutdownClients at wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:2386
// DocumentBroker::terminateChild at wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:2421
// The proper fix is to flag the socket(s) for shutdown, but continue
// polling until we completly flush the buffered data, then we close
// the socket in question. This isn't possible in the above scenario,
// and a proper fix is to modify DocumentBroker's poll to take this
// flushing into account (note that currently terminateChild is called
// *after* the poll loop exists). This will be done in a follow up later.
// For now, we just do a second write, and hope for the best.
if (_shuttingDown && !out.empty())
if (!out.empty())
LOG_WRN("Shutting down but "
<< out.size()
<< " bytes couldn't be flushed and still remain in the output buffer");
wsd: retry flushing the WS buffered data when shutting down Normally writeOutgoingData flushes all the available write buffer to the socket. However, when an error occures during the write, the flushing loop is broken and the error is expected to be handled in the poll loop (or, at any rate, the poll loop will sooner or later retry). This doesn't work when the socket is being shut down. Details and stack-trace is added in the code to document this scenario. The proper fix to flushing before shutting down is to do it asynchronously (i.e. flag for shutdown, let poll flush the buffers, and then close the socket), but currently this isn't easily possible (again, details in the added comment). For now, we do a second attempt to write, before we give up and warn of lost data. Worth noting that this was caught thanks to the simulated socket error logic. Every so often the Close Frame of the WebSocket was getting lost. This frame is asserted in the 'crash test' and the explanation is that it happened when the simulated socket error happened to hit during the writing of the Close Frame (as one statistic this happened ~15% of the time, when running the crash test in a loop). With the retrying in this patch I was able to run the crash test successfully a few 100 times without failures. Finally, we unify the flushing with the mobile-app case to minimize the differences as much as possible and improved the logging a bit. Change-Id: I0c0559d6095cd2af8250a7e65a972ba672ecd4b1 Signed-off-by: Ashod Nakashian <>
2020-12-25 02:50:58 +01:00
return size;
bool isControlFrame(WSOpCode code) const { return code >= WSOpCode::Close; }
void readPayload(unsigned char *data, size_t dataLen, unsigned char* mask, std::vector<char>& payload)
if (dataLen == 0)
if (mask)
size_t end = payload.size();
payload.resize(end + dataLen);
net: avoid UB in WebSocketHandler::readPayload() Seen when closing a Writer document. /home/vmiklos/lode/opt_private/gcc-7.3.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/c++/7.3.0/bits/stl_vector.h:798:9: runtime error: reference binding to null pointer of type 'char' #0 0x6ff633 in std::vector<char, std::allocator<char> >::operator[](unsigned long) /home/vmiklos/lode/opt_private/gcc-7.3.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/c++/7.3.0/bits/stl_vector.h:798:2 #1 0x770d0c in WebSocketHandler::readPayload(unsigned char*, unsigned long, unsigned char*, std::vector<char, std::allocator<char> >&) /home/vmiklos/lode/dev/online/./net/WebSocketHandler.hpp:611:29 #2 0x759324 in WebSocketHandler::handleTCPStream(std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> const&) /home/vmiklos/lode/dev/online/./net/WebSocketHandler.hpp:251:13 #3 0x6f820d in WebSocketHandler::handleIncomingMessage(SocketDisposition&) /home/vmiklos/lode/dev/online/./net/WebSocketHandler.hpp:419:20 #4 0xb2da64 in ClientSession::handleIncomingMessage(SocketDisposition&) /home/vmiklos/lode/dev/online/wsd/ClientSession.cpp:74:14 #5 0xa70a61 in StreamSocket::handlePoll(SocketDisposition&, std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::_V2::steady_clock, std::chrono::duration<long, std::ratio<1l, 1000000000l> > >, int) /home/vmiklos/lode/dev/online/./net/Socket.hpp:1037:29 #6 0x6ec83d in SocketPoll::poll(int) /home/vmiklos/lode/dev/online/./net/Socket.hpp:570:34 #7 0x830019 in DocumentBroker::pollThread() /home/vmiklos/lode/dev/online/wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:286:16 #8 0x8fdb38 in DocumentBroker::DocumentBrokerPoll::pollingThread() /home/vmiklos/lode/dev/online/wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:165:20 #9 0xe00e75 in SocketPoll::pollingThreadEntry() /home/vmiklos/lode/dev/online/net/Socket.cpp:184:9 #10 0xe49cfd in void std::__invoke_impl<void, void (SocketPoll::*)(), SocketPoll*>(std::__invoke_memfun_deref, void (SocketPoll::*&&)(), SocketPoll*&&) /home/vmiklos/lode/opt_private/gcc-7.3.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/c++/7.3.0/bits/invoke.h:73:14 #11 0xe4980a in std::__invoke_result<void (SocketPoll::*)(), SocketPoll*>::type std::__invoke<void (SocketPoll::*)(), SocketPoll*>(void (SocketPoll::*&&)(), SocketPoll*&&) /home/vmiklos/lode/opt_private/gcc-7.3.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/c++/7.3.0/bits/invoke.h:95:14 #12 0xe496bd in decltype(std::__invoke(_S_declval<0ul>(), _S_declval<1ul>())) std::thread::_Invoker<std::tuple<void (SocketPoll::*)(), SocketPoll*> >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul>(std::_Index_tuple<0ul, 1ul>) /home/vmiklos/lode/opt_private/gcc-7.3.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/c++/7.3.0/thread:234:13 #13 0xe494c7 in std::thread::_Invoker<std::tuple<void (SocketPoll::*)(), SocketPoll*> >::operator()() /home/vmiklos/lode/opt_private/gcc-7.3.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/c++/7.3.0/thread:243:11 #14 0xe4888a in std::thread::_State_impl<std::thread::_Invoker<std::tuple<void (SocketPoll::*)(), SocketPoll*> > >::_M_run() /home/vmiklos/lode/opt_private/gcc-7.3.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/c++/7.3.0/thread:186:13 #15 0x7f2c5805fe2e in execute_native_thread_routine /home/vmiklos/lode/packages/gccbuild/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/src/c++11/../../../../../gcc-7.3.0/libstdc++-v3/src/c++11/ #16 0x7f2c57a3c558 in start_thread (/lib64/ #17 0x7f2c5715082e in clone (/lib64/ SUMMARY: UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer: undefined-behavior /home/vmiklos/lode/opt_private/gcc-7.3.0/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.3.0/../../../../include/c++/7.3.0/bits/stl_vector.h:798:9 in Change-Id: Ifaf6b193e9bba480587c2e184df55aa0728bb370
2019-05-27 09:06:38 +02:00
if (dataLen > 0)
char* wsData = &payload[end];
for (size_t i = 0; i < dataLen; ++i)
*wsData++ = data[i] ^ mask[i % 4];
payload.insert(payload.end(), data, data + dataLen);
/// To be overridden to handle the websocket messages the way you need.
virtual void handleMessage(const std::vector<char> &data)
if (_msgHandler)
const std::weak_ptr<StreamSocket>& getSocket() const
return _socket;
void ignoreInput()
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = _socket.lock();
if (socket)
/// Implementation of the ProtocolHandlerInterface.
void dumpState(std::ostream& os) const override;
static std::string generateKey();
static std::string computeAccept(const std::string &key);
/// Upgrade the http(s) connection to a websocket.
template <typename T>
void upgradeToWebSocket(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket,
[[maybe_unused]] const T& req)
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Upgrading to WebSocket");
assert(!_isClient && "Accepting upgrade requests are done by servers only.");
// create our websocket goodness ...
const int wsVersion = std::stoi(req.get("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13"));
const std::string wsKey = req.get("Sec-WebSocket-Key", "");
const std::string wsProtocol = req.get("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", "chat");
// FIXME: other sanity checks ...
LOG_INF("WebSocket version: " << wsVersion << ", key: [" << wsKey << "], protocol: ["
<< wsProtocol << ']');
if (std::getenv("COOL_ZERO_BUFFER_SIZE"))
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::SwitchingProtocols, socket->getFD());
httpResponse.set("Upgrade", "websocket");
httpResponse.set("Connection", "Upgrade");
httpResponse.set("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", computeAccept(wsKey));
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Sending WS Upgrade response: " << httpResponse.header().toString());
// Handle incoming upgrade to full socket as client WS.
void handleClientUpgrade(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "socket must be valid");
assert(_isClient && "Upgrade handshakes are finished by clients.");
Buffer& data = socket->getInBuffer();
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Incoming client websocket upgrade response: "
<< std::string(, data.size()));
// Consume the incoming data by parsing and processing the body.
http::Response response(
if (response.statusLine().statusCode() == http::StatusCode::SwitchingProtocols &&
Util::iequal(response.get("Upgrade"), "websocket") &&
Util::iequal(response.get("Connection", ""), "Upgrade") &&
response.get("Sec-WebSocket-Accept", "") == computeAccept(_key))
LOGA_TRC(WebSocket, "Accepted incoming websocket response");
LOG_ERR("Server returned invalid accept token during handshake. Disconnecting");
const int64_t read = response.readData(, data.size());
if (read < 0)
// Error: Interrupt the transfer.
LOG_ERR("Error in client websocket upgrade response. Disconnecting");
if (read > 0)
// Remove consumed data.
// Nothing to do, not enough data to parse.
assert(read == 0 && "Need more more data to parse.");
void setWebSocket(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
// No need to ping right upon connection/upgrade,
// but do reset the time to avoid pinging immediately after.
_lastPingSentTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
virtual void enableProcessInput(bool enable = true) override
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = _socket.lock();
if (socket)
virtual void gotPing(WSOpCode /* code */, int /* pingTimeUs */)
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