
645 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* Copyright the Collabora Online contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#include <config.h>
#ifdef __linux__
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
2018-08-29 17:47:05 +02:00
#include <unistd.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <Poco/AutoPtr.h>
#include <Poco/ConsoleChannel.h>
#include <Poco/FileChannel.h>
#include <Poco/FormattingChannel.h>
#include <Poco/PatternFormatter.h>
#include <Poco/SplitterChannel.h>
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "Log.hpp"
#include "Util.hpp"
/// Tracks the number of thread-local buffers (for debugging purposes).
std::atomic_int32_t ThreadLocalBufferCount(0);
} // namespace
namespace Log
using namespace Poco;
class ConsoleChannel : public Poco::Channel
static constexpr std::size_t BufferSize = 64 * 1024;
void close() override { flush(); }
/// Write the given buffer to stderr directly.
static inline int writeRaw(const char* data, std::size_t size)
std::size_t i = 0;
for (; i < size;)
int wrote;
while ((wrote = ::write(STDERR_FILENO, data + i, size - i)) < 0 && errno == EINTR)
if (wrote < 0)
return i;
i += wrote;
return i;
template <std::size_t N> inline void writeRaw(const char (&data)[N])
writeRaw(data, N - 1); // Minus the null.
inline void writeRaw(const std::string& string) { writeRaw(, string.size()); }
/// Flush the stderr file data.
static inline bool flush() { return ::fflush(stderr) == 0; }
/// Overloaded log function that takes a naked data pointer to log.
/// Appends new-line to the given data.
inline void log(const char* data, std::size_t size)
char buffer[BufferSize];
if (size < sizeof(buffer) - 1)
memcpy(buffer, data, size);
buffer[size] = '\n';
writeRaw(buffer, size + 1);
// The buffer is too small, we must split the write.
writeRaw(data, size);
writeRaw("\n", 1);
/// Implement the Channel log virtual.
void log(const Poco::Message& msg) override
const std::string& s = msg.getText();
log(, s.size());
class BufferedConsoleChannel : public ConsoleChannel
class ThreadLocalBuffer
static constexpr std::size_t BufferSize = ConsoleChannel::BufferSize;
static constexpr std::size_t FlushBufferSize =
std::min<std::size_t>(512UL, ConsoleChannel::BufferSize / 4); // ~4-5 entries.
static constexpr std::int64_t MaxDelayMicroseconds = 5 * 1000 * 1000; // 5 seconds.
: _size(0)
, _oldest_time_us(0)
std::size_t size() const { return _size; }
std::size_t available() const { return BufferSize - _size; }
inline void flush()
if (_size)
ConsoleChannel::writeRaw(_buffer, _size);
_size = 0;
inline void log(const char* data, std::size_t size, bool force, std::int64_t ts)
if (_size + size > BufferSize - 1)
if (size > BufferSize - 1)
// The buffer is too small, we must split the write.
ConsoleChannel::writeRaw(data, size);
ConsoleChannel::writeRaw("\n", 1);
// Fits.
if (_size == 0)
_oldest_time_us = ts;
buffer(data, size);
_buffer[_size] = '\n';
// Flush important messages and large caches immediately.
if (force || _size >= FlushBufferSize ||
(ts - _oldest_time_us) > MaxDelayMicroseconds)
inline void buffer(const char* data, std::size_t size)
assert(_size + size <= BufferSize && "Buffer overflow");
memcpy(_buffer + _size, data, size);
_size += size;
assert(_size <= BufferSize && "Buffer overflow");
template <std::size_t N> inline void buffer(const char (&data)[N])
buffer(data, N - 1); // Minus the null.
inline void buffer(const std::string& string) { buffer(, string.size()); }
char _buffer[BufferSize];
std::size_t _size;
std::int64_t _oldest_time_us; //< The timestamp of the oldest buffered entry.
inline std::size_t size() const { return _tlb.size(); }
inline std::size_t available() const { return _tlb.available(); }
inline void flush() { _tlb.flush(); }
inline void buffer(const char* data, std::size_t size) { _tlb.buffer(data, size); }
template <std::size_t N> inline void buffer(const char (&data)[N])
buffer(data, N - 1); // Minus the null.
inline void buffer(const std::string& string) { buffer(, string.size()); }
~BufferedConsoleChannel() { flush(); }
void close() override { flush(); }
void log(const Poco::Message& msg) override
const std::string& s = msg.getText();
_tlb.log(, s.size(), msg.getPriority() <= Message::PRIO_WARNING,
static thread_local ThreadLocalBuffer _tlb;
thread_local BufferedConsoleChannel::ThreadLocalBuffer BufferedConsoleChannel::_tlb;
/// Colored Console channel (needs to be buffered).
class ColorConsoleChannel : public BufferedConsoleChannel
_colorByPriority.emplace(Message::PRIO_FATAL, "\033[1;31m"); // Bold Red
_colorByPriority.emplace(Message::PRIO_CRITICAL, "\033[1;31m"); // Bold Red
_colorByPriority.emplace(Message::PRIO_ERROR, "\033[1;35m"); // Bold Magenta
_colorByPriority.emplace(Message::PRIO_WARNING, "\033[1;33m"); // Bold Yellow
_colorByPriority.emplace(Message::PRIO_NOTICE, "\033[0;34m"); // Blue
_colorByPriority.emplace(Message::PRIO_INFORMATION, "\033[0;34m"); // Blue
_colorByPriority.emplace(Message::PRIO_DEBUG, "\033[0;36m"); // Teal
_colorByPriority.emplace(Message::PRIO_TRACE, "\033[0;37m"); // Grey
void log(const Poco::Message& msg) override
const auto it = _colorByPriority.find(msg.getPriority());
const std::string& s = msg.getText();
const std::size_t need = s.size() + 12; // + Colors.
if (available() < need)
if (BufferSize < need)
// Write directly, it will not fit.
if (it != _colorByPriority.end())
writeRaw("\033[0m\n"); // Restore default color.
// Fits.
if (it != _colorByPriority.end())
buffer("\033[0m\n"); // Restore default color.
// Flush important messages and large caches immediately.
if (msg.getPriority() <= Message::PRIO_WARNING || size() >= BufferSize / 2)
std::unordered_map<Poco::Message::Priority, std::string> _colorByPriority;
/// Helper to avoid destruction ordering issues.
static struct StaticHelper
Poco::Logger* _logger;
static thread_local Poco::Logger* _threadLocalLogger;
std::string _name;
std::string _logLevel;
std::string _id;
std::atomic<bool> _inited;
StaticHelper() :
_inited = false;
bool getInited() const { return _inited; }
void setId(const std::string& id) { _id = id; }
const std::string& getId() const { return _id; }
void setName(const std::string& name) { _name = name; }
const std::string& getName() const { return _name; }
void setLevel(const std::string& logLevel) { _logLevel = logLevel; }
const std::string& getLevel() const { return _logLevel; }
void setLogger(Poco::Logger* logger) { _logger = logger; };
void setThreadLocalLogger(Poco::Logger* logger)
// FIXME: What to do with the previous thread-local logger, if any? Will deleting it
// destroy also its channel? That won't be good as we use the same channel for all
// loggers. Best to just leak it?
_threadLocalLogger = logger;
Poco::Logger* getLogger() const { return _logger; }
Poco::Logger* getThreadLocalLogger() const { return _threadLocalLogger; }
} Static;
thread_local Poco::Logger* StaticHelper::_threadLocalLogger = nullptr;
bool IsShutdown = false;
/// Convert an unsigned number to ascii with 0 padding.
template <int Width> void to_ascii_fixed(char* buf, std::size_t num)
buf[Width - 1] = '0' + num % 10; // Units.
if (Width > 1)
num /= 10;
buf[Width - 2] = '0' + num % 10; // Tens.
if (Width > 2)
num /= 10;
buf[Width - 3] = '0' + num % 10; // Hundreds.
if (Width > 3)
num /= 10;
buf[Width - 4] = '0' + num % 10; // Thousands.
if (Width > 4)
num /= 10;
buf[Width - 5] = '0' + num % 10; // Ten-Thousands.
if (Width > 5)
num /= 10;
buf[Width - 6] = '0' + num % 10; // Hundred-Thousands.
static_assert(Width >= 1 && Width <= 6, "Width is invalid.");
/// Copy a null-terminated string into another.
/// Expects the destination to be large enough.
/// Note: unlike strcpy, this returns the *new* out
/// (destination) pointer, which saves a strlen call.
char* strcopy(const char* in, char* out)
while (*in)
*out++ = *in++;
return out;
/// Convert unsigned long num to base-10 ascii in place.
/// Returns the *end* position.
char* to_ascii(char* buf, std::size_t num)
int i = 0;
buf[i++] = '0' + num % 10;
num /= 10;
} while (num > 0);
// Reverse.
for (char *front = buf, *back = buf + i - 1; back > front; ++front, --back)
const char t = *front;
*front = *back;
*back = t;
return buf + i;
char* prefix(const timeval& tv, char* buffer, const char* level)
#if defined(IOS) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
// Don't bother with the "Source" which would be just "Mobile" always and non-informative as
// there is just one process in the app anyway.
char *pos = buffer;
// Don't bother with the thread identifier either. We output the thread name which is much
// more useful anyway.
// Note that snprintf is deemed signal-safe in most common implementations.
char* pos = strcopy((Static.getInited() ? Static.getId().c_str() : "<shutdown>"), buffer);
*pos++ = '-';
// Thread ID.
const auto osTid = Util::getThreadId();
#if defined(__linux__)
// On Linux osTid is pid_t.
if (osTid > 99999)
if (osTid > 999999)
pos = to_ascii(pos, osTid);
to_ascii_fixed<6>(pos, osTid);
pos += 6;
to_ascii_fixed<5>(pos, osTid);
pos += 5;
// On all other systems osTid is std::thread::id.
std::stringstream ss;
ss << osTid;
pos = strcopy(ss.str().c_str(), pos);
*pos++ = ' ';
const time_t tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
struct tm tm;
localtime_r(&tv_sec, &tm);
to_ascii_fixed<4>(pos, tm.tm_year + 1900);
pos[4] = '-';
pos += 5;
to_ascii_fixed<2>(pos, tm.tm_mon + 1);
pos[2] = '-';
pos += 3;
to_ascii_fixed<2>(pos, tm.tm_mday);
pos[2] = ' ';
pos += 3;
// HH:MM:SS.uS
to_ascii_fixed<2>(pos, tm.tm_hour);
pos[2] = ':';
pos += 3;
to_ascii_fixed<2>(pos, tm.tm_min);
pos[2] = ':';
pos += 3;
to_ascii_fixed<2>(pos, tm.tm_sec);
pos[2] = '.';
pos += 3;
to_ascii_fixed<6>(pos, tv.tv_usec);
pos[6] = ' ';
pos += 7;
// Time zone differential
const auto tz_wrote = std::strftime(pos, 10, "%z", &tm);
pos[tz_wrote] = ' ';
pos += tz_wrote + 1; // + Skip the space we added.
// Thread name and log level
pos[0] = '[';
pos[1] = ' ';
pos += 2;
pos = strcopy(Util::getThreadName(), pos);
pos[0] = ' ';
pos[1] = ']';
pos[2] = ' ';
pos += 3;
pos = strcopy(level, pos);
pos[0] = ' ';
pos[1] = ' ';
pos[2] = '\0';
return buffer;
void initialize(const std::string& name,
const std::string& logLevel,
const bool withColor,
const bool logToFile,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& config)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << Static.getName();
#if !MOBILEAPP // Just one process in a mobile app, the pid is uninteresting.
oss << '-'
<< std::setw(5) << std::setfill('0') << getpid();
// Configure the logger.
AutoPtr<Channel> channel;
if (logToFile)
channel = static_cast<Poco::Channel*>(new Poco::FileChannel("coolwsd.log"));
for (const auto& pair : config)
channel->setProperty(pair.first, pair.second);
else if (withColor)
if (EnableExperimental)
channel = static_cast<Poco::Channel*>(new Log::ColorConsoleChannel());
channel = static_cast<Poco::Channel*>(new Poco::ColorConsoleChannel());
if (EnableExperimental)
channel = static_cast<Poco::Channel*>(new Log::BufferedConsoleChannel());
channel = static_cast<Poco::Channel*>(new Poco::ConsoleChannel());
* Open the channel explicitly, instead of waiting for first log message
* This is important especially for the kit process where opening the channel
* after chroot can cause file creation inside the jail instead of outside
* */
auto& logger = Poco::Logger::create(Static.getName(), channel, Poco::Message::PRIO_TRACE);
catch (ExistsException&)
auto& logger = Poco::Logger::get(Static.getName());
auto logger = Static.getLogger();
const std::string level = logLevel.empty() ? std::string("trace") : logLevel;
const std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
struct tm tm;
LOG_INF("Initializing " << name << ". Local time: "
<< std::put_time(localtime_r(&t, &tm), "%a %F %T %z")
<< ". Log level is [" << logger->getLevel() << ']');
Poco::Logger& logger()
Poco::Logger* pLogger = Static.getThreadLocalLogger();
if (pLogger != nullptr)
return *pLogger;
pLogger = Static.getLogger();
return pLogger ? *pLogger
: Poco::Logger::get(Static.getInited() ? Static.getName() : std::string());
void shutdown()
assert(ThreadLocalBufferCount <= 1 &&
"Unstopped threads may have unflushed buffered log entries");
IsShutdown = true;
// Flush
void setThreadLocalLogLevel(const std::string& logLevel)
if (!Static.getLogger())
// Use the same channel for all Poco loggers.
auto channel = Static.getLogger()->getChannel();
// The Poco loggers have to have names that are unique, but those aren't displayed anywhere.
// So just use the name of the default logger for this process plus a counter.
static int counter = 1;
auto& logger = Poco::Logger::create(Static.getName() + "." + std::to_string(counter++),
const std::string& getLevel()
return Static.getLevel();
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