
2382 lines
63 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* -*- js-indent-level: 8 -*- */
* Copyright the Collabora Online contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* L.Control.NotebookbarImpress - definition of notebookbar content in Impress
/* global _ _UNO */
L.Control.NotebookbarImpress = L.Control.NotebookbarWriter.extend({
getShortcutsBarData: function() {
return [
!this._map['wopi'].HideSaveOption ?
'id': 'shortcutstoolbox',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'save',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Save'),
'command': '.uno:Save',
'accessKey': '1'
} : {}
getOptionsSectionData: function() {
return this.buildOptionsSectionData([
'id': 'options-modify-page',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ModifyPage', 'presentation', true),
'command': '.uno:ModifyPage'
'id': 'options-slide-change-window',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SlideChangeWindow', 'presentation', true),
'command': '.uno:SlideChangeWindow'
'id': 'options-custom-animation',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CustomAnimation', 'presentation', true),
'command': '.uno:CustomAnimation'
'id': 'options-master-slides-panel',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:MasterSlidesPanel', 'presentation', true),
'command': '.uno:MasterSlidesPanel'
'id': 'options-navigator',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Navigator'),
'command': '.uno:Navigator'
getTabs: function() {
return [
'id': 'File-tab-label',
'text': _('File'),
'name': 'File',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'F', de: null }
'id': this.HOME_TAB_ID,
'text': _('Home'),
'name': 'Home',
'context': 'default|DrawText',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'H', de: null }
'id': 'Insert-tab-label',
'text': _('Insert'),
'name': 'Insert',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'N', de: null }
'id': 'Layout-tab-label',
'text': _('Layout'),
'name': 'Layout',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'P', de: null }
'id': 'Review-tab-label',
'text': _('Review'),
'name': 'Review',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'R', de: null }
'id': 'Format-tab-label',
'text': _('Format'),
'name': 'Format',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'O', de: null }
'id': 'Table-tab-label',
'text': _('Table'),
'name': 'Table',
'context': 'Table',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'T', de: null }
'id': 'Draw-tab-label',
'text': 'Draw',
'name': 'Draw',
'context': 'Draw|DrawLine|3DObject|MultiObject|Graphic|DrawFontwork',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'D', de: null }
'id': 'MasterPage-tab-label',
'text': _('Master'),
'name': 'MasterPage',
'context': 'MasterPage',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'M', de: null }
'id': 'View-tab-label',
'text': _('View'),
'name': 'View',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'W', de: null }
'id': 'Help-tab-label',
'text': _('Help'),
'name': 'Help',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'Y', de: null }
getFullJSON: function(selectedId) {
return this.getNotebookbar(
], selectedId);
getFileTab: function() {
var content = [];
if (!this._map['wopi'].HideSaveOption) {
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'file-save',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _('Save'),
'command': '.uno:Save',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SV', de: null }
if (!this._map['wopi'].UserCanNotWriteRelative) {
(window.uiDefaults && window.uiDefaults.saveAsMode === 'group') ?
'id': 'saveas:SaveAsMenu',
'command': 'saveas',
'class': 'unosaveas',
'type': 'exportmenubutton',
'text': _('Save As'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SA', de: null }
'id': 'file-saveas',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SaveAs', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:SaveAs',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SA', de: null }
if (!this._map['wopi'].UserCanNotWriteRelative) {
'id': 'exportas:ExportAsMenu',
'command': 'exportas',
'class': 'unoexportas',
'type': 'exportmenubutton',
'text': _('Export As'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'EA', de: null }
'id': 'file-shareas-rev-history',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
(this._map['wopi'].EnableShare) ?
'id': 'ShareAs',
'type': 'customtoolitem',
'text': _('Share'),
'command': 'shareas',
'inlineLabel': true,
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'HA', de: null }
} : {},
(L.Params.revHistoryEnabled) ?
'id': 'Rev-History',
'type': 'customtoolitem',
'text': _('See history'),
'command': 'rev-history',
'inlineLabel': true,
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RH', de: null }
} : {},
'vertical': 'true'
if (!this._map['wopi'].HidePrintOption) {
'id': 'file-print',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Print', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:Print',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PF', de: null }
if (!(window.enableMacrosExecution === 'false')) {
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'file-runmacro',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:RunMacro', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:RunMacro',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RM', de: null }
if (!this._map['wopi'].HideExportOption) {
'id': 'downloadas:DownloadAsMenu',
'command': 'downloadas',
'class': 'unodownloadas',
'type': 'exportmenubutton',
'text': _('Download'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DA', de: null }
if (!this._map['wopi'].HideRepairOption) {
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'repair',
'class': 'unorepair',
'type': 'bigmenubartoolitem',
'text': _('Repair'),
'command': _('Repair'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RF', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
if (!this._map['wopi'].HideRepairOption) {
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'repair',
'class': 'unorepair',
'type': 'bigmenubartoolitem',
'text': _('Repair'),
'command': _('Repair'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RF', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
} else if (!this._map['wopi'].HideRepairOption) {
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'repair',
'class': 'unorepair',
'type': 'bigmenubartoolitem',
'text': _('Repair'),
'command': _('Repair'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RF', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'properties',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _('Properties'),
'command': '.uno:SetDocumentProperties'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'renamedocument',
'class': 'unoRenameDocument',
'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem',
'text': _('Rename'),
return this.getTabPage('File', content);
getViewTab: function() {
var content = [
window.mode.isTablet() ?
'id': 'closemobile',
'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem',
'text': _('Read mode'),
'command': 'closetablet'
} : {},
'id': 'view-presentation',
'class': 'unoPresentation',
'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem',
'text': _('Presentation'),
'command': 'presentation',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PR', de: null }
window.mode.isDesktop() ?
'id': 'view-presentation-in-window',
'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem',
'text': _('Present in Window'),
'command': 'presentinwindow',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PW', de: null }
} : {},
'id': 'fullscreen',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FullScreen'),
'command': '.uno:FullScreen',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FS', de: null }
'id': 'zoomreset',
'class': 'unozoomreset',
'type': 'menubartoolitem',
'text': _('Reset zoom'),
'command': _('Reset zoom'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'ZR', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'zoomout',
'class': 'unozoomout',
'type': 'menubartoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ZoomMinus'),
'command': '.uno:ZoomMinus',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'ZO', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'zoomin',
'class': 'unozoomin',
'type': 'menubartoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ZoomPlus'),
'command': '.uno:ZoomPlus',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'ZI', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'toggleuimode',
'class': 'unotoggleuimode',
'type': 'bigmenubartoolitem',
'text': _('Compact view'),
'command': _('Toggle UI Mode'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TU', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'collapsenotebookbar',
'class': 'unocollapsenotebookbar',
'type': 'menubartoolitem',
'text': _('Collapse Tabs'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CU', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'showstatusbar',
'class': 'unoshowstatusbar',
'type': 'menubartoolitem',
'text': _('Status Bar'),
'command': _('Show Status Bar'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SB', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'view-master-view',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _('Master View'),
'command': '.uno:SlideMasterPage',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'MP', de: null }
'class': 'unotoggledarktheme',
'type': 'bigmenubartoolitem',
'text': _('Dark Mode'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TT', de: null }
'id': 'view-side-bar',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Sidebar'),
'command': '.uno:SidebarDeck.PropertyDeck',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SD', de: null }
return this.getTabPage('View', content);
getHomeTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'home-undo-redo',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'home-undo',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Undo'),
'command': '.uno:Undo',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'ZZ', de: null }
'id': 'home-redo',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Redo'),
'command': '.uno:Redo',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'O', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'home-paste:PasteMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Paste'),
'command': '.uno:Paste',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'V', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-cut',
'type': 'customtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Cut'),
'command': '.uno:Cut',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'X', de: null }
'id': 'home-format-paint-brush',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatPaintbrush'),
'command': '.uno:FormatPaintbrush',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FP', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-coppy',
'type': 'customtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Copy'),
'command': '.uno:Copy',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'C', de: null }
'id': 'home-set-default',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SetDefault'),
'command': '.uno:SetDefault',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SD', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'fontnamecombobox',
'type': 'combobox',
'text': 'Carlito',
'entries': [
'selectedCount': '1',
'selectedEntries': [
'command': '.uno:CharFontName',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FN', de: null }
'id': 'fontsizecombobox',
'type': 'combobox',
'text': '12 pt',
'entries': [
'12 pt'
'selectedCount': '1',
'selectedEntries': [
'command': '.uno:FontHeight',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FS', de: null }
'id': 'home-grow',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Grow'),
'command': '.uno:Grow',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FG', de: null }
'id': 'home-shrink',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Shrink'),
'command': '.uno:Shrink',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FK', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'ExtTop4',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-bold',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Bold'),
'command': '.uno:Bold',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '1', de: null }
'id': 'home-italic',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Italic'),
'command': '.uno:Italic',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '2', de: null }
'id': 'home-underline',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Underline'),
'command': '.uno:Underline',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '3', de: null }
'id': 'home-strikeout',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Strikeout'),
'command': '.uno:Strikeout',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '4', de: null }
'id': 'home-shadowed',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Shadowed'),
'command': '.uno:Shadowed',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SH', de: null }
'id': 'home-fontworkgalleryfloater',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater'),
'command': '.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater',
// Fontwork export/import not supported in other formats.
'visible': (L.LOUtil.isFileODF(this._map)) ? 'true' : 'false',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FL', de: null }
'id': 'home-charbackcolor:ColorPickerMenu',
'noLabel': true,
'class': 'unospan-CharBackColor',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CharBackColor'),
'command': '.uno:CharBackColor',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'HC', de: null }
'id': 'home-color:ColorPickerMenu',
'noLabel': true,
'class': 'unospan-FontColor',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Color'),
'command': '.uno:Color',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FC', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-cell-vertical-top',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CellVertTop'),
'command': '.uno:CellVertTop',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'LT', de: null }
'id': 'home-cell-vertical-center',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CellVertCenter'),
'command': '.uno:CellVertCenter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'LC', de: null }
'id': 'home-cell-vertical-bottom',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CellVertBottom'),
'command': '.uno:CellVertBottom',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'LB', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'SectionBottom13',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-left-paragraph',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:LeftPara'),
'command': '.uno:LeftPara',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PL', de: null }
'id': 'home-center-paragraph',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CenterPara'),
'command': '.uno:CenterPara',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PC', de: null }
'id': 'home-right-paragraph',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:RightPara'),
'command': '.uno:RightPara',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PR', de: null }
'id': 'home-justify-para',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:JustifyPara'),
'command': '.uno:JustifyPara',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PJ', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-default-bullet',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DefaultBullet'),
'command': '.uno:DefaultBullet',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DB', de: null }
'id': 'home-default-numbering',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DefaultNumbering'),
'command': '.uno:DefaultNumbering',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DN', de: null }
'id': 'home-increment-indent',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:IncrementIndent'),
'command': '.uno:IncrementIndent',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AI', de: null }
'id': 'home-decrement-indent',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DecrementIndent'),
'command': '.uno:DecrementIndent',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AO', de: null }
'id': 'home-para-left-to-right',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ParaLeftToRight'),
'command': '.uno:ParaLeftToRight',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TR', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'SectionBottom13',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-para-space-increase',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ParaspaceIncrease'),
'command': '.uno:ParaspaceIncrease',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SI', de: null }
'id': 'home-para-space-decrease',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ParaspaceDecrease'),
'command': '.uno:ParaspaceDecrease',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SR', de: null }
'id': 'home-line-spacing:LineSpacingMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'noLabel': true,
'text': _UNO('.uno:LineSpacing'),
'command': '.uno:LineSpacing',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'SL', de: null }
'id': 'home-para-right-to-left',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ParaRightToLeft'),
'command': '.uno:ParaRightToLeft',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TL', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'home-text',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Text'),
'command': '.uno:Text',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TI', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'LineA6',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-basic-shapes:InsertShapesMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'noLabel': true,
'text': _('Shapes'),
'command': '.uno:BasicShapes',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IH', de: null }
'id': 'LineB7',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-connector-tool-box:InsertConnectorsMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'noLabel': true,
'text': _UNO('.uno:ConnectorToolbox', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:ConnectorToolbox',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TC', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-xline-color:ColorPickerMenu',
'noLabel': true,
'class': 'unospan-XLineColor',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:XLineColor'),
'command': '.uno:XLineColor',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'LR', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-fill-color:ColorPickerMenu',
'noLabel': true,
'class': 'unospan-FillColor',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FillColor'),
'command': '.uno:FillColor',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BC', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-insert-graphic:InsertImageMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'noLabel': true,
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic'),
'command': '.uno:InsertGraphic',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IG', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-insert-slide',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertSlide', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertPage',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IP', de: null }
'id': 'home-duplicate-slide',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DuplicateSlide', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:DuplicatePage',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DP', de: null }
'id': 'home-object-chart',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertObjectChart'),
'command': '.uno:InsertObjectChart',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IC', de: null }
'id': 'home-insert-table:InsertTableMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'noLabel': true,
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertTable', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertTable',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IT', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'home-presentation',
'class': 'unoPresentation',
'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem',
'text': _('Presentation'),
'command': 'presentation',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PT', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-search',
'class': 'unoSearch',
'type': 'menubartoolitem',
'text': _('Search'),
'command': _('Show Status Bar'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'SS', de: 'SS' }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-search-dialog',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SearchDialog'),
'command': '.uno:SearchDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'FD', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
return this.getTabPage('Home', content);
getFormatTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'format-font-dialog',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FontDialog'),
'command': '.uno:FontDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FD', de: null }
'id': 'format-paragraph-dialog',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ParagraphDialog'),
'command': '.uno:ParagraphDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PD', de: null }
'id': 'format-outline-bullet',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:OutlineBullet'),
'command': '.uno:OutlineBullet',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'OB', de: null }
'id': 'format-slide-setup',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SlideSetup', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:PageSetup',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SS', de: null }
'id': 'format-format-line',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatLine'),
'command': '.uno:FormatLine',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FL', de: null }
'id': 'format-format-area',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatArea'),
'command': '.uno:FormatArea',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FA', de: null }
'id': 'format-transform-dialog',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:TransformDialog'),
'command': '.uno:TransformDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TD', de: null }
'id': 'format-theme-dialog',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ThemeDialog'),
'command': '.uno:ThemeDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'J', de: null }
return this.getTabPage('Format', content);
getInsertTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'insert-insert-slide',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertSlide', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertPage',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IP', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'insert-duplicate-slide',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DuplicateSlide', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:DuplicatePage',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DP', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'insert-delete-slide',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DeleteSlide', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:DeletePage',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RP', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'insert-insert-graphic:InsertImageMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic'),
'command': '.uno:InsertGraphic',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IG', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'insert-insert-table:InsertTableMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'noLabel': true,
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertTable', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertTable',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IT', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'insert-insert-object-chart',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertObjectChart', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertObjectChart',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IC', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'HyperlinkDialog',
'class': 'unoHyperlinkDialog',
'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:HyperlinkDialog'),
'command': 'hyperlinkdialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IL', de: null }
(this._map['wopi'].EnableRemoteLinkPicker) ? {
'id': 'insert-insert-smart-picker',
'class': 'unoremotelink',
'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem',
'text': _('Smart Picker'),
'command': 'remotelink',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RL', de: null }
} : {},
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'insert-insert-date-field-fix',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertDateFieldFix', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertDateFieldFix',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DF', de: null }
'id': 'insert-insert-date-field-var',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertDateFieldVar', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertDateFieldVar',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DV', de: null }
'id': 'insert-insert-slide-field',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertSlideField', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertPageField',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SF', de: null }
'id': 'insert-insert-slides-field',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertSlidesField', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertPagesField',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SM', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'insert-insert-time-field-fix',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertTimeFieldFix', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertTimeFieldFix',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TF', de: null }
'id': 'insert-insert-time-field-var',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertTimeFieldVar', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertTimeFieldVar',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TV', de: null }
'id': 'insert-insert-slide-title-field',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertSlideTitleField', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertPageTitleField',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PT', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'insert-text',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Text'),
'command': '.uno:Text',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IX', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'insert-basic-shapes:InsertShapesMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'noLabel': true,
'text': _('Shapes'),
'command': '.uno:BasicShapes',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IS', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'insert-presentation',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Line', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:Line',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IR', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'insert-fontwork-gallery-floater',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater'),
'command': '.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater',
// Fontwork export/import not supported in other formats.
'visible': L.LOUtil.isFileODF(this._map) ? 'true' : 'false',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FW', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'insert-vertical-text',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:VerticalText', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:VerticalText',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'VT', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'insert-header-and-footer',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:HeaderAndFooter', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:HeaderAndFooter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'HF', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'CharmapControl',
'class': 'unoCharmapControl',
'type': 'customtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CharmapControl'),
'command': 'charmapcontrol',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IM', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'insert-insert-annotation',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:InsertAnnotation',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'L', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
return this.getTabPage('Insert', content);
getLayoutTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'layout-slide-setup',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SlideSetup', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:PageSetup',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SP', de: null }
'id': 'layout-header-and-footer',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:HeaderAndFooter', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:HeaderAndFooter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'HF', de: null }
'id': 'layout-insert-slide',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertSlide', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertPage',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IP', de: null }
'id': 'showslide',
'type': 'bigmenubartoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ShowSlide', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:ShowSlide',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SS', de: null }
'id': 'hideslide',
'class': 'unohideslide',
'type': 'bigmenubartoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:HideSlide', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:HideSlide',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'HS', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'layout-duplicate-slide',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DuplicateSlide', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:DuplicatePage',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DP', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
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'id': 'layout-selectbackground',
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'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SelectBackground', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:SelectBackground',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SB', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'layout-modify-page',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ModifyPage', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:ModifyPage',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'MP', de: null }
'id': 'layout-master-slides-panel',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:MasterSlidesPanel', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:MasterSlidesPanel',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'MS', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
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'text': _UNO('.uno:SlideChangeWindow', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:SlideChangeWindow',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SC', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'layout-custom-animation',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CustomAnimation', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:CustomAnimation',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CA', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'layout-navigator',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Navigator'),
'command': '.uno:Navigator',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'NV', de: null }
'id': 'layout-select-all',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SelectAll'),
'command': '.uno:SelectAll',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SA', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
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'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectAlignLeft'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectAlignLeft',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AL', de: null }
'id': 'layout-align-center',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignCenter'),
'command': '.uno:AlignCenter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AC', de: null }
'id': 'layout-align-right',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectAlignRight'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectAlignRight',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AR', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'layout-align-up',
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'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignUp'),
'command': '.uno:AlignUp',
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'id': 'layout-align-middle',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignMiddle'),
'command': '.uno:AlignMiddle',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AM', de: null }
'id': 'layout-align-down',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignDown'),
'command': '.uno:AlignDown',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AD', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'layout-object-forward-one',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectForwardOne'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectForwardOne',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FO', de: null }
'id': 'layout-bring-to-front',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:BringToFront'),
'command': '.uno:BringToFront',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BF', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'layout-object-back-one',
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'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectBackOne'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectBackOne',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BO', de: null }
'id': 'layout-send-to-back',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SendToBack'),
'command': '.uno:SendToBack',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SB', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
return this.getTabPage('Layout', content);
getMasterTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'master-slide-setup',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SlideSetup', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:PageSetup',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'PS', de: null }
'id': 'master-header-and-footer',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:HeaderAndFooter', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:HeaderAndFooter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'HF', de: null }
'id': 'master-rename-master-page',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:RenameMasterPage', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:RenameMasterPage',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'RP', de: null }
'id': 'master-close-master-view',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CloseMasterView', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:CloseMasterView',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'CV', de: null }
return this.getTabPage('MasterPage', content);
getReviewTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'review-spell-dialog',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SpellDialog'),
'command': '.uno:SpellDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'SD', de: null }
'id': 'LanguageMenu',
'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:LanguageMenu'),
'command': 'languagemenu',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'TM', de: null }
'id': 'Review-Section-Language1',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'LineA19',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'review-spell-online',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SpellOnline'),
'command': '.uno:SpellOnline',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SO', de: null }
'id': 'LineB20',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'review-hyphenation',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Hyphenation', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:Hyphenation',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'HY', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'review-insert-annotation',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertAnnotation',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'L', de: null }
'id': 'review-delete-all-annotations',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DeleteAllAnnotation', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:DeleteAllAnnotation',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RC', de: null }
return this.getTabPage('Review', content);
getTableTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'table-table-dialog',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:TableDialog', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:TableDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'SD', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'table-insert-columns-before',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertColumnsBefore', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertColumnsBefore',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CB', de: null }
'id': 'table-insert-columns-after',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertColumnsAfter', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertColumnsAfter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CA', de: null }
'id': 'table-delete-columns',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DeleteColumns', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:DeleteColumns',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CD', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'table-insert-rows-before',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertRowsBefore', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertRowsBefore',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RB', de: null }
'id': 'table-insert-rows-after',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertRowsAfter', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertRowsAfter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RA', de: null }
'id': 'table-delete-rows',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DeleteRows', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:DeleteRows',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RD', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
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'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:MergeCells', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:MergeCells',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'MC', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
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'id': 'table-split-cells',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SplitCell', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:SplitCell',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SC', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
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'type': 'toolbox',
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'id': 'table-select-table',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SelectTable', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:SelectTable',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'ST', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'table-delete-table',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DeleteTable', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:DeleteTable',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TD', de: null }
'vertical': 'true',
'type': 'container',
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'type': 'toolbox',
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'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:EntireColumn', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:EntireColumn',
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'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'table-entire-row',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:EntireRow', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:EntireRow',
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'type': 'toolbox',
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'id': 'table-cell-vertical-top',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CellVertTop'),
'command': '.uno:CellVertTop',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CT', de: null }
'id': 'table-cell-vertical-center',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CellVertCenter'),
'command': '.uno:CellVertCenter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CC', de: null }
'id': 'table-cell-vertical-bottom',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CellVertBottom'),
'command': '.uno:CellVertBottom',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CM', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'SectionBottom13',
'type': 'toolbox',
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'id': 'table-left-para',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:LeftPara'),
'command': '.uno:LeftPara',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PL', de: null }
'id': 'table-center-para',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:CenterPara'),
'command': '.uno:CenterPara',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PC', de: null }
'id': 'table-right-para',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:RightPara'),
'command': '.uno:RightPara',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PR', de: null }
'id': 'table-justify-para',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:JustifyPara'),
'command': '.uno:JustifyPara',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PJ', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'table-xline-color:ColorPickerMenu',
'noLabel': true,
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:XLineColor'),
'command': '.uno:XLineColor',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'LC', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'table-fill-color:ColorPickerMenu',
'noLabel': true,
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FillColor'),
'command': '.uno:FillColor',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FC', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'table-object-align-left',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectAlignLeft'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectAlignLeft',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AL', de: null }
'id': 'table-align-center',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignCenter'),
'command': '.uno:AlignCenter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AC', de: null }
'id': 'table-object-align-right',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectAlignRight'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectAlignRight',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AR', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'table-align-up',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignUp'),
'command': '.uno:AlignUp',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AU', de: null }
'id': 'table-align-middle',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignMiddle'),
'command': '.uno:AlignMiddle',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AM', de: null }
'id': 'table-align-down',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignDown'),
'command': '.uno:AlignDown',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AD', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'table-bring-to-front',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:BringToFront'),
'command': '.uno:BringToFront',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BF', de: null }
'id': 'table-send-to-back',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SendToBack'),
'command': '.uno:SendToBack',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SB', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'table-object-forward-one',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectForwardOne'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectForwardOne',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FO', de: null }
'id': 'table-object-back-one',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectBackOne'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectBackOne',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BO', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
return this.getTabPage('Table', content);
getDrawTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'draw-transform-dialog',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:TransformDialog', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:TransformDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'TD', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-flip-vertical',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FlipVertical'),
'command': '.uno:FlipVertical',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FV', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-flip-horizontal',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FlipHorizontal'),
'command': '.uno:FlipHorizontal',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FH', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-xline-color:ColorPickerMenu',
'noLabel': true,
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:XLineColor'),
'command': '.uno:XLineColor',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'LC', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-fill-color:ColorPickerMenu',
'noLabel': true,
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FillColor'),
'command': '.uno:FillColor',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FC', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-object-align-left',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectAlignLeft'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectAlignLeft',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AL', de: null }
'id': 'draw-align-center',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignCenter'),
'command': '.uno:AlignCenter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AC', de: null }
'id': 'draw-object-align-right',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectAlignRight'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectAlignRight',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AR', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-align-up',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignUp'),
'command': '.uno:AlignUp',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AU', de: null }
'id': 'draw-align-middle',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignMiddle'),
'command': '.uno:AlignMiddle',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AM', de: null }
'id': 'draw-align-down',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignDown'),
'command': '.uno:AlignDown',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AD', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-bring-to-front',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:BringToFront'),
'command': '.uno:BringToFront',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BF', de: null }
'id': 'draw-send-to-back',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SendToBack'),
'command': '.uno:SendToBack',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SB', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-object-forward-one',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectForwardOne'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectForwardOne',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FO', de: null }
'id': 'draw-object-back-one',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectBackOne'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectBackOne',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BO', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'draw-format-group',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatGroup'),
'command': '.uno:FormatGroup',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FG', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-enter-group',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:EnterGroup'),
'command': '.uno:EnterGroup',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'EG', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-leave-group',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:LeaveGroup'),
'command': '.uno:LeaveGroup',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'LG', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'draw-text',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Text'),
'command': '.uno:Text',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DT', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'LineA6',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-basic-shapes:InsertShapesMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'noLabel': true,
'text': _('Shapes'),
'command': '.uno:BasicShapes',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BS', de: null }
'id': 'LineB7',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-connector-toolbox:InsertConnectorsMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'noLabel': true,
'text': _UNO('.uno:ConnectorToolbox', 'presentation'),
'command': '.uno:ConnectorToolbox',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CT', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'Insert-Text-Fontwork',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'LineA153',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-fontwork-gallery-floater',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater'),
'command': '.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater',
// Fontwork export/import not supported in other formats.
'visible': (L.LOUtil.isFileODF(this._map)) ? 'true' : 'false',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FW', de: null }
'id': 'LineB163',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-vertical-text',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:VerticalText', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:VerticalText',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'VT', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
return this.getTabPage('Draw', content);
L.control.notebookbarImpress = function (options) {
return new L.Control.NotebookbarImpress(options);