/* -*- js-indent-level: 8 -*- */ /* * Copyright the Collabora Online contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * L.Control.NotebookbarWriter - definition of notebookbar content in Writer */ /* global _ _UNO */ var fileTabName = 'File'; var homeTabName = 'Home'; var insertTabName = 'Insert'; var layoutTabName = 'Layout'; var referencesTabName = 'References'; var reviewTabName = 'Review'; var formatTabName = 'Format'; var formTabName = 'Form'; var tableTabName = 'Table'; var drawTabName = 'Draw'; var viewTabName = 'View'; var helpTabName = 'Help'; L.Control.NotebookbarWriter = L.Control.Notebookbar.extend({ getTabs: function() { return [ { 'text': _('File'), 'id': fileTabName + '-tab-label', 'name': fileTabName, 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'F', de: 'D' } }, { 'text': _('Home'), 'id': this.HOME_TAB_ID, 'name': homeTabName, 'context': 'default|Text|DrawText', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'H', de: 'R' } }, { 'text': _('Insert'), 'id': insertTabName + '-tab-label', 'name': insertTabName, 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'N', de: 'I' } }, { 'text': _('Layout'), 'id': layoutTabName + '-tab-label', 'name': layoutTabName, 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'P', de: 'S' } }, { 'text': _('References'), 'id': referencesTabName + '-tab-label', 'name': referencesTabName, 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'S', de: 'C' } }, { 'text': _('Review'), 'id': reviewTabName + '-tab-label', 'name': reviewTabName, 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'R', de: 'P' } }, { 'text': _('Format'), 'id': formatTabName + '-tab-label', 'name': formatTabName, 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'O' } }, { 'text': _('Form'), 'id': formTabName + '-tab-label', 'name': formTabName, 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'M' } }, { 'text': _('Table'), 'id': tableTabName + '-tab-label', 'name': tableTabName, 'context': 'Table', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '' } }, { 'text': _('Draw'), 'id': drawTabName + '-tab-label', 'name': drawTabName, 'context': 'Draw|DrawLine|3DObject|MultiObject|Graphic|DrawFontwork', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'JI', de: 'JI' } }, { 'text': _('View'), 'id': viewTabName + '-tab-label', 'name': viewTabName, 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'W', de: 'F' } }, { 'text': _('Help'), 'id': helpTabName + '-tab-label', 'name': helpTabName, 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'Y', de: 'E' } } ]; }, getFullJSON: function(selectedId) { var t = this.getNotebookbar( [ this.getFileTab(), this.getHomeTab(), this.getInsertTab(), this.getLayoutTab(), this.getReferencesTab(), this.getReviewTab(), this.getFormatTab(), this.getFormTab(), this.getTableTab(), this.getDrawTab(), this.getViewTab(), this.getHelpTab() ], selectedId); return t; }, getFileTab: function() { var hasRevisionHistory = L.Params.revHistoryEnabled; var hasPrint = !this._map['wopi'].HidePrintOption; var hasRepair = !this._map['wopi'].HideRepairOption; var hasSaveAs = !this._map['wopi'].UserCanNotWriteRelative; var hasShare = this._map['wopi'].EnableShare; var hideDownload = this._map['wopi'].HideExportOption; var hasGroupedSaveAs = window.uiDefaults && window.uiDefaults.saveAsMode === 'group'; var hasRunMacro = !(window.enableMacrosExecution === 'false'); var hasSave = !this._map['wopi'].HideSaveOption; var content = []; content = []; if (hasSave) { content.push({ 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'file-save', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _('Save'), 'command': '.uno:Save', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SV', de: null } } ] }); } if (hasSaveAs) { if (hasGroupedSaveAs) { content.push({ 'id': 'saveas:SaveAsMenu', 'command': 'saveas', 'type': 'exportmenubutton', 'text': _('Save As'), 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SA' } }); } else { content.push({ 'id': 'file-saveas', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:SaveAs', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:SaveAs', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SA' } }); } } if (hasSaveAs) { content.push({ 'id': 'exportas:ExportAsMenu', 'command': 'exportas', 'class': 'unoexportas', 'type': 'exportmenubutton', 'text': _('Export As'), 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'EA' } }); } content.push( { 'type': 'container', 'children': [ hasShare ? { 'id': 'ShareAs', 'class': 'unoShareAs', 'type': 'customtoolitem', 'text': _('Share'), 'command': 'shareas', 'inlineLabel': true, 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SH' } }: {}, hasRevisionHistory ? { 'id': 'Rev-History', 'class': 'unoRev-History', 'type': 'customtoolitem', 'text': _('See history'), 'command': 'rev-history', 'inlineLabel': true, 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RH' } }: {} ], 'vertical': true }); if (hasPrint) { content.push( { 'id': 'print', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:Print', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:Print', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'P', de: 'P' } }); } if (hasRunMacro) { content.push( { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'runmacro', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:RunMacro', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:RunMacro' } ] }); } if (!hideDownload) { content.push({ 'id': 'downloadas:DownloadAsMenu', 'command': 'downloadas', 'class': 'unodownloadas', 'type': 'exportmenubutton', 'text': !window.ThisIsAMobileApp ? _('Download') : _('Save As'), 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'A', de: 'M' } }); } if (hasRepair) { content.push({ 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'id': 'repair', 'class': 'unorepair', 'type': 'bigmenubartoolitem', 'text': _('Repair'), 'command': _('Repair'), 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RF', de: null } } ], 'vertical': 'true' }); } content.push( { 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'id': 'properties', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _('Properties'), 'command': '.uno:SetDocumentProperties', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'I', de: 'I' } } ] }); content.push({ 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'id': 'renamedocument', 'class': 'unoRenameDocument', 'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem', 'text': _('Rename'), 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RN' } } ] }); if (window.wasmEnabled) { content.push({ 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'id': 'togglewasm', 'class': 'togglewasm', 'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem', 'text': _(window.ThisIsTheEmscriptenApp ? _('Go Online') : _('Go Offline')), 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RN' } } ] }); } return this.getTabPage(fileTabName, content); }, getHelpTab: function() { var hasLatestUpdates = window.enableWelcomeMessage; var hasFeedback = this._map.feedback; var hasAccessibilitySupport = window.enableAccessibility; var hasAccessibilityCheck = this._map.getDocType() === 'text'; var hasAbout = L.DomUtil.get('about-dialog') !== null; var content = [ { 'type': 'container', 'id': helpTabName + '-container', 'children': [ { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'forum', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _('Forum'), 'command': '.uno:ForumHelp', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'C', de: null } } ] }, { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'online-help', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _('Online Help'), 'command': '.uno:OnlineHelp', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'H', de: null } } ] }, { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'keyboard-shortcuts', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _('Keyboard shortcuts'), 'command': '.uno:KeyboardShortcuts', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'S', de: null } } ] }, hasAccessibilitySupport ? { 'id':'togglea11ystate', 'type': 'bigmenubartoolitem', 'text': _('Screen Reading') } : {}, hasAccessibilityCheck ? { 'id': 'accessibility-check', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:AccessibilityCheck', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:AccessibilityCheck', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'A', de: null } } : {}, { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'report-an-issue', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _('Report an issue'), 'command': '.uno:ReportIssue', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'K', de: null } } ] }, hasLatestUpdates ? { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'latestupdates', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _('Latest Updates'), 'command': '.uno:LatestUpdates' } ] } : {}, hasFeedback ? { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'feedback', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _('Send Feedback'), 'command': '.uno:Feedback' } ] } : {}, hasAbout ? { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'about', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _('About'), 'command': '.uno:About', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'W', de: null } } ] } : {} ] } ]; return this.getTabPage(helpTabName, content); }, getHomeTab: function() { var content = [ { 'id': 'home-undo-redo', 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'id': 'home-undo', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:Undo'), 'command': '.uno:Undo', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'ZZ', de: 'ZZ' } }, { 'id': 'home-redo', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:Redo'), 'command': '.uno:Redo', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'O', de: 'W' } }, ], 'vertical': 'true' }, { 'id': 'home-paste:PasteMenu', 'type': 'menubutton', 'text': _UNO('.uno:Paste'), 'command': '.uno:Paste', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'V', de: null } }, { 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'home-cut', 'type': 'customtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:Cut'), 'command': '.uno:Cut', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'X', de: 'X' } }, { 'id': 'home-brush', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatPaintbrush'), 'command': '.uno:FormatPaintbrush', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FP', de: null } } ] }, { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'home-copy', 'type': 'customtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:Copy'), 'command': '.uno:Copy', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'C', de: 'C' } }, { 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_UNO('.uno:Shrink'), 'command': '.uno:Shrink', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FK', de: 'J' } } ], 'vertical': 'false' }, { 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'home-bold', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:Bold'), 'command': '.uno:Bold', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '1', de: '1' } }, { 'id': 'home-italic', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:Italic'), 'command': '.uno:Italic', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '2', de: '2' } }, { 'id': 'home-underline', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:Underline'), 'command': '.uno:Underline', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '3', de: '3' } }, { 'id': 'home-strikeout', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:Strikeout'), 'command': '.uno:Strikeout', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '4', de: '4' } }, { 'id': 'home-subscript', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:SubScript'), 'command': '.uno:SubScript', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '5', de: '5' } }, { 'id': 'home-superscript', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:SuperScript'), 'command': '.uno:SuperScript', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '6', de: '6' } }, { 'id': 'home-spacing:CharSpacingMenu', 'type': 'menubutton', 'noLabel': true, 'text': _UNO('.uno:Spacing'), 'command': '.uno:CharSpacing', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'FT', de: null } }, { 'id': 'home-back-color:ColorPickerMenu', 'class': 'unospan-BackColor', 'type': 'toolitem', 'noLabel': true, 'text': _UNO('.uno:BackColor', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:BackColor', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'HC', de: null } }, { 'id': 'home-color:ColorPickerMenu', 'class': 'unospan-FontColor', 'type': 'toolitem', 'noLabel': true, 'text': _UNO('.uno:Color'), 'command': '.uno:Color', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FC', de: null } } ] } ], 'vertical': 'false' } ], 'vertical': 'true' }, { 'type': 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'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FM', de: 'FM' } }, { 'id': 'home-para-left-to-right', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:ParaLeftToRight'), 'command': '.uno:ParaLeftToRight', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TL', de: 'EB' } }, { 'id': 'home-para-right-to-left', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:ParaRightToLeft'), 'command': '.uno:ParaRightToLeft', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TR', de: null } } ] }, ], 'vertical': 'false' }, { 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'home-left-para', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:LeftPara'), 'command': '.uno:LeftPara', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AL', de: 'AL' } }, { 'id': 'home-center-para', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:CenterPara'), 'command': '.uno:CenterPara', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AC', de: 'RZ' } }, { 'id': 'home-right-para', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:RightPara'), 'command': '.uno:RightPara', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AR', de: 'RE' } }, { 'id': 'home-justify-para', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:JustifyPara'), 'command': '.uno:JustifyPara', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AJ', de: 'OL' } }, { 'id': 'home-line-spacing:LineSpacingMenu', 'type': 'menubutton', 'noLabel': true, 'text': _UNO('.uno:LineSpacing'), 'command': '.uno:LineSpacing', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'K', de: null } }, { 'id': 'home-background-color:ColorPickerMenu', 'class': 'unospan-BackgroundColor', 'noLabel': true, 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:BackgroundColor'), 'command': '.uno:BackgroundColor', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BC', de: null } } ] }, ], 'vertical': 'false' } ], 'vertical': 'true' }, { 'id': 'stylesview', 'type': 'iconview', 'entries': [], 'vertical': 'false' }, { 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'home-insert-table:InsertTableMenu', 'type': 'menubutton', 'noLabel': true, 'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertTable', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:InsertTable', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'IT', de: null } } ] }, { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'home-insert-graphic:InsertImageMenu', 'type': 'menubutton', 'noLabel': true, 'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic'), 'command': '.uno:InsertGraphic', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IG', de: null } }, { 'id': 'home-insert-page-break', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertPagebreak', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:InsertPagebreak', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IP', de: null } }, { 'id': 'CharmapControl', 'class': 'unoCharmapControl', 'type': 'customtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:CharmapControl'), 'command': 'charmapcontrol', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'IS', de: null } }, { 'id': 'home-insert-annotation', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation'), 'command': '.uno:InsertAnnotation', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'ZC', de: 'ZC' } } ] } ], 'vertical': 'true' }, { 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'home-search', 'class': 'unoSearch', 'type': 'menubartoolitem', 'text': _('Search'), 'command': _('Show Status Bar'), 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'SS', de: 'SS' } } ] }, { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'home-search-dialog', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:SearchDialog'), 'command': '.uno:SearchDialog', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'FD', de: 'US' } } ] } ], 'vertical': 'true' }, ]; return this.getTabPage(homeTabName, content); }, getFormatTab: function() { var content = [ { 'id': 'format-font-dialog', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:FontDialog', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:FontDialog', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'A', de: null } }, { 'id': 'format-FormatMenu', 'type': 'menubutton', 'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatMenu', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:FormatMenu', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'FT', de: null } }, { 'id': 'format-paragraph-dialog', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:ParagraphDialog', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:ParagraphDialog', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'B', de: null } }, { 'id': 'format-FormatBulletsMenu', 'type': 'menubutton', 'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatBulletsMenu', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:FormatBulletsMenu' }, { 'id': 'format-outline-bullet', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:OutlineBullet', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:OutlineBullet', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'C', de: null } }, { 'id': 'format-page-dialog', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:PageDialog', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:PageDialog', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'D', de: null } }, { 'id': 'format-format-columns', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatColumns', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:FormatColumns', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'E', de: null } }, { 'id': 'format-edit-region', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:EditRegion', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:EditRegion', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'F', de: null } }, { 'id': 'format-format-line', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatLine'), 'command': '.uno:FormatLine', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'G', de: null } }, { 'id': 'format-format-area', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatArea'), 'command': '.uno:FormatArea' }, { 'id': 'format-transform-dialog', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:TransformDialog'), 'command': '.uno:TransformDialog', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'H', de: null } }, { 'id': 'format-chapter-numbering-dialog', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:ChapterNumberingDialog', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:ChapterNumberingDialog', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'I', de: null } }, { 'id': 'format-theme-dialog', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:ThemeDialog'), 'command': '.uno:ThemeDialog', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'J', de: null } } ]; return this.getTabPage(formatTabName, content); }, getInsertTab: function() { var isODF = L.LOUtil.isFileODF(this._map); var content = [ { 'id': 'insert-insert-page-break', 'type': 'bigtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertPagebreak', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:InsertPagebreak', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'B', de: 'SU' } }, { 'id': 'insert-insert-table:InsertTableMenu', 'type': 'menubutton', 'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertTable', 'text'), 'command': '.uno:InsertTable', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'IT', de: null } }, { 'id': 'insert-insert-graphic:InsertImageMenu', 'type': 'menubutton', 'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic'), 'command': '.uno:InsertGraphic', 'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'P', de: 'BI' } }, { 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'insert-insert-shapes:InsertShapesMenu', 'type': 'menubutton', 'noLabel': true, 'text': _('Shapes'), 'command': '.uno:BasicShapes', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'IH', de: null } } ] }, { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'insert-insert-object-chart', 'type': 'toolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertObjectChart'), 'command': '.uno:InsertObjectChart', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'C', de: null } } ] } ], 'vertical': 'true' }, (this._map['wopi'].EnableRemoteLinkPicker) ? { 'type': 'container', 'children': [ { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'insert-hyperlink-dialog', 'class': 'unoHyperlinkDialog', 'type': 'customtoolitem', 'text': _UNO('.uno:HyperlinkDialog'), 'command': 'hyperlinkdialog', 'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'ZL', de: '8' } } ] }, { 'type': 'toolbox', 'children': [ { 'id': 'insert-insert-remote-link', 'class': 'unoremotelink', 'type': 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