/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "ChildSession.hpp" #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/FileUtil.hpp" #include "LOKitHelper.hpp" #include "Log.hpp" #include "Png.hpp" #include "Util.hpp" using Poco::JSON::Object; using Poco::JSON::Parser; using Poco::StringTokenizer; using Poco::Timestamp; using Poco::URI; using namespace LOOLProtocol; std::recursive_mutex ChildSession::Mutex; ChildSession::ChildSession(const std::string& id, const std::string& jailId, IDocumentManager& docManager) : LOOLSession(id, Kind::ToMaster, nullptr), _jailId(jailId), _docManager(docManager), _viewId(-1), _isDocLoaded(false) { LOG_INF("ChildSession ctor [" << getName() << "]."); } ChildSession::~ChildSession() { LOG_INF("~ChildSession dtor [" << getName() << "]."); disconnect(); } void ChildSession::disconnect() { if (!isDisconnected()) { std::unique_lock lock(Mutex); if (_viewId >= 0) { _docManager.onUnload(*this); } else { LOG_WRN("Skipping unload on incomplete view."); } LOOLSession::disconnect(); } } bool ChildSession::_handleInput(const char *buffer, int length) { const std::string firstLine = getFirstLine(buffer, length); StringTokenizer tokens(firstLine, " ", StringTokenizer::TOK_IGNORE_EMPTY | StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM); if (LOOLProtocol::tokenIndicatesUserInteraction(tokens[0])) { // Keep track of timestamps of incoming client messages that indicate user activity. updateLastActivityTime(); } if (tokens.count() > 0 && tokens[0] == "useractive" && getLOKitDocument() != nullptr) { LOG_DBG("Handling message after inactivity of " << getInactivityMS() << "ms."); setIsActive(true); // Client is getting active again. // Send invalidation and other sync-up messages. std::unique_lock lock(Mutex); //TODO: Move to top of function? std::unique_lock lockLokDoc(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); // Get the list of view ids from the core const int viewCount = getLOKitDocument()->getViewsCount(); std::vector viewIds(viewCount); getLOKitDocument()->getViewIds(viewIds.data(), viewCount); int curPart = 0; if (getLOKitDocument()->getDocumentType() != LOK_DOCTYPE_TEXT) curPart = getLOKitDocument()->getPart(); lockLokDoc.unlock(); // Notify all views about updated view info _docManager.notifyViewInfo(viewIds); sendTextFrame("curpart: part=" + std::to_string(curPart)); sendTextFrame("setpart: part=" + std::to_string(curPart)); //TODO: Is the order of these important? for (const auto& pair : _lastDocEvents) { const auto typeName = LOKitHelper::kitCallbackTypeToString(pair.first); LOG_TRC("Replaying missed event: " << typeName << ": " << pair.second); loKitCallback(pair.first, pair.second); } for (const auto& pair : _lastDocStates) { LOG_TRC("Replaying missed state-change: STATE_CHANGED: " << pair.second); loKitCallback(LOK_CALLBACK_STATE_CHANGED, pair.second); } LOG_TRC("Finished replaying messages."); } if (tokens[0] == "dummymsg") { // Just to update the activity of a view-only client. return true; } else if (tokens[0] == "commandvalues") { return getCommandValues(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "partpagerectangles") { return getPartPageRectangles(buffer, length); } else if (tokens[0] == "load") { if (_isDocLoaded) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=load kind=docalreadyloaded"); return false; } _isDocLoaded = loadDocument(buffer, length, tokens); if (!_isDocLoaded) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=load kind=faileddocloading"); } return _isDocLoaded; } else if (!_isDocLoaded) { // Be forgiving to these messages while we load. if (tokens[0] == "useractive" || tokens[0] == "userinactive") { return true; } sendTextFrame("error: cmd=" + tokens[0] + " kind=nodocloaded"); return false; } else if (tokens[0] == "renderfont") { sendFontRendering(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "setclientpart") { return setClientPart(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "setpage") { return setPage(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "status") { return getStatus(buffer, length); } else if (tokens[0] == "tile" || tokens[0] == "tilecombine") { assert(false && "Tile traffic should go through the DocumentBroker-LoKit WS."); } else { // All other commands are such that they always require a LibreOfficeKitDocument session, // i.e. need to be handled in a child process. assert(tokens[0] == "clientzoom" || tokens[0] == "clientvisiblearea" || tokens[0] == "downloadas" || tokens[0] == "getchildid" || tokens[0] == "gettextselection" || tokens[0] == "paste" || tokens[0] == "insertfile" || tokens[0] == "key" || tokens[0] == "mouse" || tokens[0] == "uno" || tokens[0] == "selecttext" || tokens[0] == "selectgraphic" || tokens[0] == "resetselection" || tokens[0] == "saveas" || tokens[0] == "useractive" || tokens[0] == "userinactive"); if (tokens[0] == "clientzoom") { return clientZoom(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "clientvisiblearea") { return clientVisibleArea(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "downloadas") { return downloadAs(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "getchildid") { return getChildId(); } else if (tokens[0] == "gettextselection") { return getTextSelection(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "paste") { return paste(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "insertfile") { return insertFile(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "key") { return keyEvent(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "mouse") { return mouseEvent(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "uno") { return unoCommand(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "selecttext") { return selectText(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "selectgraphic") { return selectGraphic(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "resetselection") { return resetSelection(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "saveas") { return saveAs(buffer, length, tokens); } else if (tokens[0] == "useractive") { setIsActive(true); } else if (tokens[0] == "userinactive") { setIsActive(false); } else { assert(false && "Unknown command token."); } } return true; } bool ChildSession::loadDocument(const char * /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { int part = -1; if (tokens.count() < 2) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=load kind=syntax"); return false; } std::string timestamp; parseDocOptions(tokens, part, timestamp); std::string renderOpts; if (!_docOptions.empty()) { Parser parser; Poco::Dynamic::Var var = parser.parse(_docOptions); Object::Ptr object = var.extract(); Poco::Dynamic::Var rendering = object->get("rendering"); if (!rendering.isEmpty()) renderOpts = rendering.toString(); } assert(!_docURL.empty()); assert(!_jailedFilePath.empty()); std::unique_lock lock(Mutex); bool loaded = _docManager.onLoad(getId(), _jailedFilePath, _userName, _docPassword, renderOpts, _haveDocPassword); if (!loaded || _viewId < 0) { LOG_ERR("Failed to get LoKitDocument instance."); return false; } LOG_INF("Created new view with viewid: [" << _viewId << + "] for username: [" << _userName << "] in session: [" << getId() << "]."); std::unique_lock lockLokDoc(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); _docType = LOKitHelper::getDocumentTypeAsString(getLOKitDocument()->get()); if (_docType != "text" && part != -1) { getLOKitDocument()->setPart(part); } // Respond by the document status LOG_DBG("Sending status after loading view " << _viewId << "."); const auto status = LOKitHelper::documentStatus(getLOKitDocument()->get()); if (status.empty() || !sendTextFrame("status: " + status)) { LOG_ERR("Failed to get/forward document status [" << status << "]."); return false; } // Get the list of view ids from the core const int viewCount = getLOKitDocument()->getViewsCount(); std::vector viewIds(viewCount); getLOKitDocument()->getViewIds(viewIds.data(), viewCount); lockLokDoc.unlock(); // Inform everyone (including this one) about updated view info _docManager.notifyViewInfo(viewIds); LOG_INF("Loaded session " << getId()); return true; } bool ChildSession::sendFontRendering(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { std::string font, text, decodedFont; if (tokens.count() < 3 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "font", font)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=renderfont kind=syntax"); return false; } getTokenString(tokens[2], "char", text); URI::decode(font, decodedFont); std::string response = "renderfont: " + Poco::cat(std::string(" "), tokens.begin() + 1, tokens.end()) + "\n"; std::vector output; output.resize(response.size()); std::memcpy(output.data(), response.data(), response.size()); Timestamp timestamp; int width, height; unsigned char* ptrFont = nullptr; { std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); ptrFont = getLOKitDocument()->renderFont(decodedFont.c_str(), text.c_str(), &width, &height); } LOG_TRC("renderFont [" << font << "] rendered in " << (timestamp.elapsed()/1000.) << "ms"); if (!ptrFont || !png::encodeBufferToPNG(ptrFont, width, height, output, LOK_TILEMODE_RGBA)) { std::free(ptrFont); return sendTextFrame("error: cmd=renderfont kind=failure"); } std::free(ptrFont); return sendTextFrame(output.data(), output.size()); } bool ChildSession::getStatus(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/) { std::string status; { std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); status = LOKitHelper::documentStatus(getLOKitDocument()->get()); } if (status.empty()) { LOG_ERR("Failed to get document status."); return false; } return sendTextFrame("status: " + status); } namespace { /// Given a view ID <-> user name map and a .uno:DocumentRepair result, annotate with user names. void insertUserNames(const std::map& viewInfo, std::string& json) { Poco::JSON::Parser parser; auto root = parser.parse(json).extract(); std::vector directions { "Undo", "Redo" }; for (auto& directionName : directions) { auto direction = root->get(directionName).extract(); if (direction->get("actions").type() == typeid(Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr)) { auto actions = direction->get("actions").extract(); for (auto& actionVar : *actions) { auto action = actionVar.extract(); int viewId = action->getValue("viewId"); auto it = viewInfo.find(viewId); if (it != viewInfo.end()) action->set("userName", Poco::Dynamic::Var(it->second.username)); } } } std::stringstream ss; root->stringify(ss); json = ss.str(); } } bool ChildSession::getCommandValues(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { bool success; char* pValues; std::string command; if (tokens.count() != 2 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "command", command)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=commandvalues kind=syntax"); return false; } std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); if (command == ".uno:DocumentRepair") { char* pUndo; const std::string jsonTemplate("{\"commandName\":\".uno:DocumentRepair\",\"Redo\":%s,\"Undo\":%s}"); pValues = getLOKitDocument()->getCommandValues(".uno:Redo"); pUndo = getLOKitDocument()->getCommandValues(".uno:Undo"); std::string json = Poco::format(jsonTemplate, std::string(pValues == nullptr ? "" : pValues), std::string(pUndo == nullptr ? "" : pUndo)); // json only contains view IDs, insert matching user names. std::map viewInfo = _docManager.getViewInfo(); insertUserNames(viewInfo, json); success = sendTextFrame("commandvalues: " + json); std::free(pValues); std::free(pUndo); } else { pValues = getLOKitDocument()->getCommandValues(command.c_str()); success = sendTextFrame("commandvalues: " + std::string(pValues == nullptr ? "" : pValues)); std::free(pValues); } return success; } bool ChildSession::getPartPageRectangles(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/) { char* partPage = nullptr; { std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); partPage = getLOKitDocument()->getPartPageRectangles(); } sendTextFrame("partpagerectangles: " + std::string(partPage)); std::free(partPage); return true; } bool ChildSession::clientZoom(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { int tilePixelWidth, tilePixelHeight, tileTwipWidth, tileTwipHeight; if (tokens.count() != 5 || !getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "tilepixelwidth", tilePixelWidth) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[2], "tilepixelheight", tilePixelHeight) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[3], "tiletwipwidth", tileTwipWidth) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[4], "tiletwipheight", tileTwipHeight)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=clientzoom kind=syntax"); return false; } std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); getLOKitDocument()->setClientZoom(tilePixelWidth, tilePixelHeight, tileTwipWidth, tileTwipHeight); return true; } bool ChildSession::clientVisibleArea(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { int x; int y; int width; int height; if (tokens.count() != 5 || !getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "x", x) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[2], "y", y) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[3], "width", width) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[4], "height", height)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=clientvisiblearea kind=syntax"); return false; } std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); getLOKitDocument()->setClientVisibleArea(x, y, width, height); return true; } bool ChildSession::downloadAs(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { std::string name, id, format, filterOptions; if (tokens.count() < 5 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "name", name) || !getTokenString(tokens[2], "id", id)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=downloadas kind=syntax"); return false; } getTokenString(tokens[3], "format", format); if (getTokenString(tokens[4], "options", filterOptions)) { if (tokens.count() > 5) { filterOptions += Poco::cat(std::string(" "), tokens.begin() + 5, tokens.end()); } } // The file is removed upon downloading. const auto tmpDir = FileUtil::createRandomDir(JAILED_DOCUMENT_ROOT); // Prevent user inputting anything funny here. // A "name" should always be a name, not a path const Poco::Path filenameParam(name); const auto url = JAILED_DOCUMENT_ROOT + tmpDir + "/" + filenameParam.getFileName(); { std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->saveAs(url.c_str(), format.size() == 0 ? nullptr :format.c_str(), filterOptions.size() == 0 ? nullptr : filterOptions.c_str()); } sendTextFrame("downloadas: jail=" + _jailId + " dir=" + tmpDir + " name=" + name + " port=" + std::to_string(ClientPortNumber) + " id=" + id); return true; } bool ChildSession::getChildId() { sendTextFrame("getchildid: id=" + _jailId); return true; } bool ChildSession::getTextSelection(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { std::string mimeType; if (tokens.count() != 2 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "mimetype", mimeType)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=gettextselection kind=syntax"); return false; } char* textSelection = nullptr; { std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); textSelection = getLOKitDocument()->getTextSelection(mimeType.c_str(), nullptr); } sendTextFrame("textselectioncontent: " + std::string(textSelection)); free(textSelection); return true; } bool ChildSession::paste(const char* buffer, int length, StringTokenizer& tokens) { std::string mimeType; if (tokens.count() < 2 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "mimetype", mimeType)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=paste kind=syntax"); return false; } const std::string firstLine = getFirstLine(buffer, length); const char* data = buffer + firstLine.size() + 1; const size_t size = length - firstLine.size() - 1; std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); getLOKitDocument()->paste(mimeType.c_str(), data, size); return true; } bool ChildSession::insertFile(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { std::string name, type; if (tokens.count() != 3 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "name", name) || !getTokenString(tokens[2], "type", type)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=insertfile kind=syntax"); return false; } if (type == "graphic") { std::string fileName = "file://" + std::string(JAILED_DOCUMENT_ROOT) + "insertfile/" + name; std::string command = ".uno:InsertGraphic"; std::string arguments = "{" "\"FileName\":{" "\"type\":\"string\"," "\"value\":\"" + fileName + "\"" "}}"; std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); getLOKitDocument()->postUnoCommand(command.c_str(), arguments.c_str(), false); } return true; } bool ChildSession::keyEvent(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { int type, charcode, keycode; if (tokens.count() != 4 || !getTokenKeyword(tokens[1], "type", {{"input", LOK_KEYEVENT_KEYINPUT}, {"up", LOK_KEYEVENT_KEYUP}}, type) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[2], "char", charcode) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[3], "key", keycode)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=key kind=syntax"); return false; } // Don't close LO window! constexpr auto KEY_CTRL = 0x2000; constexpr auto KEY_W = 0x0216; if (keycode == (KEY_CTRL | KEY_W)) { return true; } // Ctrl+Tab switching browser tabs, // Doesn't insert tabs. constexpr auto KEY_TAB = 0x0502; if (keycode == (KEY_CTRL | KEY_TAB)) { return true; } std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); getLOKitDocument()->postKeyEvent(type, charcode, keycode); return true; } bool ChildSession::mouseEvent(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { int type, x, y, count; bool success = true; // default values for compatibility reasons with older loleaflets int buttons = 1; // left button int modifier = 0; if (tokens.count() < 5 || !getTokenKeyword(tokens[1], "type", {{"buttondown", LOK_MOUSEEVENT_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN}, {"buttonup", LOK_MOUSEEVENT_MOUSEBUTTONUP}, {"move", LOK_MOUSEEVENT_MOUSEMOVE}}, type) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[2], "x", x) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[3], "y", y) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[4], "count", count)) { success = false; } // compatibility with older loleaflets if (success && tokens.count() > 5 && !getTokenInteger(tokens[5], "buttons", buttons)) success = false; // compatibility with older loleaflets if (success && tokens.count() > 6 && !getTokenInteger(tokens[6], "modifier", modifier)) success = false; if (!success) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=mouse kind=syntax"); return false; } std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); getLOKitDocument()->postMouseEvent(type, x, y, count, buttons, modifier); return true; } bool ChildSession::unoCommand(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { if (tokens.count() <= 1) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=uno kind=syntax"); return false; } // we need to get LOK_CALLBACK_UNO_COMMAND_RESULT callback when saving const bool bNotify = (tokens[1] == ".uno:Save"); std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); if (tokens.count() == 2 && tokens[1] == ".uno:fakeDiskFull") { Util::alertAllUsers("internal", "diskfull"); } else if (tokens.count() == 2) { getLOKitDocument()->postUnoCommand(tokens[1].c_str(), nullptr, bNotify); } else { getLOKitDocument()->postUnoCommand(tokens[1].c_str(), Poco::cat(std::string(" "), tokens.begin() + 2, tokens.end()).c_str(), bNotify); } return true; } bool ChildSession::selectText(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { int type, x, y; if (tokens.count() != 4 || !getTokenKeyword(tokens[1], "type", {{"start", LOK_SETTEXTSELECTION_START}, {"end", LOK_SETTEXTSELECTION_END}, {"reset", LOK_SETTEXTSELECTION_RESET}}, type) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[2], "x", x) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[3], "y", y)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=selecttext kind=syntax"); return false; } std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); getLOKitDocument()->setTextSelection(type, x, y); return true; } bool ChildSession::selectGraphic(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { int type, x, y; if (tokens.count() != 4 || !getTokenKeyword(tokens[1], "type", {{"start", LOK_SETGRAPHICSELECTION_START}, {"end", LOK_SETGRAPHICSELECTION_END}}, type) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[2], "x", x) || !getTokenInteger(tokens[3], "y", y)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=selectgraphic kind=syntax"); return false; } std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); getLOKitDocument()->setGraphicSelection(type, x, y); return true; } bool ChildSession::resetSelection(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { if (tokens.count() != 1) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=resetselection kind=syntax"); return false; } std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); getLOKitDocument()->resetSelection(); return true; } bool ChildSession::saveAs(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { std::string url, format, filterOptions; if (tokens.count() < 4 || !getTokenString(tokens[1], "url", url)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=saveas kind=syntax"); return false; } getTokenString(tokens[2], "format", format); if (getTokenString(tokens[3], "options", filterOptions)) { if (tokens.count() > 4) { filterOptions += Poco::cat(std::string(" "), tokens.begin() + 4, tokens.end()); } } bool success = false; { std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); success = getLOKitDocument()->saveAs(url.c_str(), format.size() == 0 ? nullptr :format.c_str(), filterOptions.size() == 0 ? nullptr : filterOptions.c_str()); } sendTextFrame("saveas: url=" + url); std::string successStr = success ? "true" : "false"; sendTextFrame("unocommandresult: {" "\"commandName\":\"saveas\"," "\"success\":\"" + successStr + "\"}"); return true; } bool ChildSession::setClientPart(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { int part; if (tokens.count() < 2 || !getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "part", part)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=setclientpart kind=invalid"); return false; } std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); if (getLOKitDocument()->getDocumentType() != LOK_DOCTYPE_TEXT && part != getLOKitDocument()->getPart()) { getLOKitDocument()->setPart(part); } return true; } bool ChildSession::setPage(const char* /*buffer*/, int /*length*/, StringTokenizer& tokens) { int page; if (tokens.count() < 2 || !getTokenInteger(tokens[1], "page", page)) { sendTextFrame("error: cmd=setpage kind=invalid"); return false; } std::unique_lock lock(_docManager.getDocumentMutex()); getLOKitDocument()->setView(_viewId); getLOKitDocument()->setPart(page); return true; } void ChildSession::loKitCallback(const int nType, const std::string& rPayload) { const auto typeName = LOKitHelper::kitCallbackTypeToString(nType); LOG_TRC("CallbackWorker::callback [" << getName() << "]: " << typeName << " [" << rPayload << "]."); if (isCloseFrame()) { LOG_TRC("Skipping callback [" << typeName << "] on closing session " << getName()); return; } else if (isDisconnected()) { LOG_TRC("Skipping callback [" << typeName << "] on disconnected session " << getName()); return; } else if (!isActive()) { // Cache important notifications to replay them when our client // goes inactive and loses them. if (nType == LOK_CALLBACK_INVALIDATE_VISIBLE_CURSOR || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_CURSOR_VISIBLE || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_CELL_CURSOR || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_CELL_FORMULA || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_GRAPHIC_SELECTION || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_TEXT_SELECTION || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_TEXT_SELECTION_START || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_TEXT_SELECTION_END || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_DOCUMENT_SIZE_CHANGED || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_INVALIDATE_VIEW_CURSOR || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_TEXT_VIEW_SELECTION || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_CELL_VIEW_CURSOR || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_GRAPHIC_VIEW_SELECTION || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_VIEW_CURSOR_VISIBLE || nType == LOK_CALLBACK_VIEW_LOCK) { auto lock(getLock()); _lastDocEvents[nType] = rPayload; } if (nType == LOK_CALLBACK_STATE_CHANGED) { std::string name; std::string value; if (LOOLProtocol::parseNameValuePair(rPayload, name, value, '=')) { auto lock(getLock()); _lastDocStates[name] = rPayload; } } // Pass save notifications through. if (nType != LOK_CALLBACK_UNO_COMMAND_RESULT || rPayload.find(".uno:Save") == std::string::npos) { LOG_TRC("Skipping callback [" << typeName << "] on inactive session " << getName()); return; } } switch (nType) { case LOK_CALLBACK_INVALIDATE_TILES: { StringTokenizer tokens(rPayload, ",", StringTokenizer::TOK_IGNORE_EMPTY | StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM); if (tokens.count() == 5) { int part, x, y, width, height; try { x = std::stoi(tokens[0]); y = std::stoi(tokens[1]); width = std::stoi(tokens[2]); height = std::stoi(tokens[3]); part = (_docType != "text" ? std::stoi(tokens[4]) : 0); // Writer renders everything as part 0. } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { // We might get INT_MAX +/- some delta that // can overflow signed int and we end up here. x = 0; y = 0; width = INT_MAX; height = INT_MAX; part = 0; } sendTextFrame("invalidatetiles:" " part=" + std::to_string(part) + " x=" + std::to_string(x) + " y=" + std::to_string(y) + " width=" + std::to_string(width) + " height=" + std::to_string(height)); } else { sendTextFrame("invalidatetiles: " + rPayload); } } break; case LOK_CALLBACK_INVALIDATE_VISIBLE_CURSOR: sendTextFrame("invalidatecursor: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_TEXT_SELECTION: sendTextFrame("textselection: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_TEXT_SELECTION_START: sendTextFrame("textselectionstart: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_TEXT_SELECTION_END: sendTextFrame("textselectionend: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_CURSOR_VISIBLE: sendTextFrame("cursorvisible: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_GRAPHIC_SELECTION: sendTextFrame("graphicselection: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_CELL_CURSOR: sendTextFrame("cellcursor: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_CELL_FORMULA: sendTextFrame("cellformula: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_MOUSE_POINTER: sendTextFrame("mousepointer: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_HYPERLINK_CLICKED: sendTextFrame("hyperlinkclicked: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_STATE_CHANGED: sendTextFrame("statechanged: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND: sendTextFrame("searchnotfound: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_SEARCH_RESULT_SELECTION: sendTextFrame("searchresultselection: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_DOCUMENT_SIZE_CHANGED: getStatus("", 0); getPartPageRectangles("", 0); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_SET_PART: sendTextFrame("setpart: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_UNO_COMMAND_RESULT: sendTextFrame("unocommandresult: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_ERROR: { LOG_ERR("CALLBACK_ERROR: " << rPayload); Parser parser; Poco::Dynamic::Var var = parser.parse(rPayload); Object::Ptr object = var.extract(); sendTextFrame("error: cmd=" + object->get("cmd").toString() + " kind=" + object->get("kind").toString() + " code=" + object->get("code").toString()); } break; case LOK_CALLBACK_CONTEXT_MENU: sendTextFrame("contextmenu: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_STATUS_INDICATOR_START: sendTextFrame("statusindicatorstart:"); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_STATUS_INDICATOR_SET_VALUE: sendTextFrame("statusindicatorsetvalue: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_STATUS_INDICATOR_FINISH: sendTextFrame("statusindicatorfinish:"); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_INVALIDATE_VIEW_CURSOR: sendTextFrame("invalidateviewcursor: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_TEXT_VIEW_SELECTION: sendTextFrame("textviewselection: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_CELL_VIEW_CURSOR: sendTextFrame("cellviewcursor: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_GRAPHIC_VIEW_SELECTION: sendTextFrame("graphicviewselection: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_VIEW_CURSOR_VISIBLE: sendTextFrame("viewcursorvisible: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_VIEW_LOCK: sendTextFrame("viewlock: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_REDLINE_TABLE_SIZE_CHANGED: sendTextFrame("redlinetablechanged: " + rPayload); break; case LOK_CALLBACK_REDLINE_TABLE_ENTRY_MODIFIED: sendTextFrame("redlinetablemodified: " + rPayload); break; default: LOG_ERR("Unknown callback event (" << nType << "): " << rPayload); } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */