
193 lines
4.8 KiB

/* -*- js-indent-level: 8 -*- */
/* global require cy Cypress beforeEach afterEach */
import installLogsCollector from 'cypress-terminal-report/src/installLogsCollector';
beforeEach(function() {
cy.log('Starting test: ' + getFullTestName());
// This afterEach must be before installLogsCollector, otherwise the
// cypress-terminal-report afterEach gets called first, and so this log does
// not get printed
afterEach(function() {
cy.log('Finishing test: ' + getFullTestName());
// Filter xhr requests from log
filterLog: function(log) {
var type = log[0];
return type !== 'cy:xhr';
// Filter assertion values when assertion passes
processLog: function(log) {
var type = log[0];
var message = log[1];
var severity = log[2];
if (type == 'cy:command' && message.startsWith('assert') && severity !== 'error') {
return [type,message.split('\n')[0],severity];
} else {
return log;
if (Cypress.env('INTEGRATION') === 'php-proxy') {
ignore: function() {
return true;
var COMMAND_DELAY = 1000;
// Ignore exceptions coming from nextcloud.
if (Cypress.env('INTEGRATION') === 'nextcloud') {
Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', function() {
return false;
} else {
Cypress.on('window:before:load', function(appWindow) {
appWindow.addEventListener('error', function(event) {
Cypress.log({ name:'error:',
message: (event.error.message ? event.error.message : 'no message')
+ '\n' + (event.error.stack ? event.error.stack : 'no stack') });
Cypress.on('fail', function(error) {
var message = '\n';
message += 'Test failed: ' + getFullTestName() + '\n';
message += '\n';
message += error.message + '\n';
message += '\n';
message += error.codeFrame.absoluteFile + ':' + error.codeFrame.line + ':' + error.codeFrame.column + '\n';
message += error.codeFrame.frame;
Cypress.log({name: 'fail:', message: message});
//returning false here prevents Cypress from failing the test */
if (error.message.includes('ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded')) {
return false;
throw error;
if (Cypress.browser.isHeaded) {
const runCommand = cy.queue.runCommand.bind(cy.queue);
cy.queue.runCommand = function slowRunCommand(cmd) {
if (cmd != 'get' && cmd != 'contains')
return runCommand(cmd);
return Cypress.Promise.delay(COMMAND_DELAY).then(() => runCommand(cmd));
// reduce poll interval when waiting.
Cypress.Commands.overwrite('waitUntil', function(originalFn, subject, checkFunction, originalOptions) {
var options = originalOptions;
if (!options)
options = {};
if (!options.interval)
options.interval = 100; // ms
if (!options.verbose)
options.verbose = true;
return originalFn(subject, checkFunction, options);
* Set the current iFrame
* Example: cy.cSetActiveFrame('#coolframe');
Cypress.Commands.add('cSetActiveFrame', function(frameID) {
cy.cActiveFrame = frameID;
* Get the current iFrame body to be chained with other queries.
* Example: cy.cframe().find('#my-item');
* It is not necessary to chain .should('exist') after this.
Cypress.Commands.add('cframe', function(frameID, options) {
// Set frameID
if (!frameID) {
if (!cy.cActiveFrame) {
throw new Error('getFrame: Active frame not set');
frameID = cy.cActiveFrame;
// Log
if (options && options.log) {
Cypress.log({message: frameID});
// Execute
return cy.get(frameID, {log: false})
.its('0.contentDocument', {log: false});
* Get the current iFrame window to be chained with other queries.
Cypress.Commands.add('getFrameWindow', function(frameID) {
// Set frameID
if (!frameID) {
if (!cy.cActiveFrame) {
throw new Error('getFrame: Active frame not set');
frameID = cy.cActiveFrame;
// Log
Cypress.log({message: frameID});
// Execute
return cy.get(frameID, {log: false})
.its('0.contentWindow', {log: false});
* Find an element within the current iFrame
* Note: Use cy.cframe().find() instead, which offers better logging on failure
Cypress.Commands.add('cGet', function(selector, options) {
if (options) {
if (options.log != false) {
} else {
var optionsWithLogFalse;
if (options) {
optionsWithLogFalse = options;
optionsWithLogFalse.log = false;
} else {
optionsWithLogFalse = {log: false};
if (selector) {
return cy.get(cy.cActiveFrame, {log: false})
.its('0.contentDocument', {log: false})
.find(selector, optionsWithLogFalse);
} else {
return cy.get(cy.cActiveFrame, optionsWithLogFalse)
.its('0.contentDocument', {log: false});
function getFullTestName() {
return Cypress.spec.relative + ' / ' + Cypress.currentTest.titlePath.join(' / ');