
1358 lines
42 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* Copyright the Collabora Online contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#include "config.h"
#include "config_version.h"
#include "Socket.hpp"
#include "TraceEvent.hpp"
#include "Util.hpp"
#include <cstring>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
#include <sys/ucred.h>
#include <Poco/MemoryStream.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPRequest.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPResponse.h>
#include <Poco/Net/WebSocket.h> // computeAccept
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include <Poco/Net/X509Certificate.h>
#include <SigUtil.hpp>
#include "ServerSocket.hpp"
#include <net/SslSocket.hpp>
#include <openssl/x509v3.h>
#include "WebSocketHandler.hpp"
#include <net/HttpRequest.hpp>
#include <NetUtil.hpp>
#include <Log.hpp>
// Bug in pre C++17 where static constexpr must be defined. Fixed in C++17.
constexpr std::chrono::microseconds SocketPoll::DefaultPollTimeoutMicroS;
constexpr std::chrono::microseconds WebSocketHandler::InitialPingDelayMicroS;
constexpr std::chrono::microseconds WebSocketHandler::PingFrequencyMicroS;
std::atomic<bool> SocketPoll::InhibitThreadChecks(false);
std::atomic<bool> Socket::InhibitThreadChecks(false);
#define SOCKET_ABSTRACT_UNIX_NAME "0coolwsd-"
int Socket::createSocket(Socket::Type type)
int domain = AF_UNSPEC;
switch (type)
case Type::IPv4: domain = AF_INET; break;
case Type::IPv6: domain = AF_INET6; break;
case Type::All: domain = AF_INET6; break;
case Type::Unix: domain = AF_UNIX; break;
default: assert(!"Unknown Socket::Type"); break;
return socket(domain, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0);
(void) type;
return fakeSocketSocket();
static std::atomic<long> socketErrorCount;
bool StreamSocket::simulateSocketError(bool read)
if ((socketErrorCount++ % 7) == 0)
LOG_TRC("Simulating socket error during " << (read ? "read." : "write."));
errno = EAGAIN;
return true;
return false;
static std::string X509_NAME_to_utf8(X509_NAME* name)
BIO* bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
X509_NAME_print_ex(bio, name, 0,
BUF_MEM* buf;
BIO_get_mem_ptr(bio, &buf);
std::string text = std::string(buf->data, buf->length);
return text;
bool SslStreamSocket::verifyCertificate()
if (_verification == ssl::CertificateVerification::Disabled || net::isLocalhost(hostname()))
return true;
LOG_TRC("Verifying certificate of [" << hostname() << ']');
X509* x509 = SSL_get_peer_certificate(_ssl);
if (x509)
// Dump cert info, for debugging only.
const std::string issuerName = X509_NAME_to_utf8(X509_get_issuer_name(x509));
const std::string subjectName = X509_NAME_to_utf8(X509_get_subject_name(x509));
std::string serialNumber;
BIGNUM* pBN = ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN(X509_get_serialNumber(const_cast<X509*>(x509)), 0);
if (pBN)
char* pSN = BN_bn2hex(pBN);
if (pSN)
serialNumber = pSN;
LOG_TRC("SSL cert issuer: " << issuerName << ", subject: " << subjectName
<< ", serial: " << serialNumber);
Poco::Net::X509Certificate cert(x509);
if (cert.verify(hostname()))
LOG_TRC("SSL cert verified for host [" << hostname() << ']');
return true;
LOG_INF("SSL cert failed verification for host [" << hostname() << ']');
return false;
// No certificate; acceptable only if verification is not strictly required.
return (_verification == ssl::CertificateVerification::IfProvided);
#endif //ENABLE_SSL
// help with initialization order
namespace {
std::vector<int> &getWakeupsArray()
static std::vector<int> pollWakeups;
return pollWakeups;
std::mutex &getPollWakeupsMutex()
static std::mutex pollWakeupsMutex;
return pollWakeupsMutex;
SocketPoll::SocketPoll(std::string threadName)
: _name(std::move(threadName)),
ProfileZone profileZone("SocketPoll::SocketPoll");
// Create the wakeup fd.
if (
::pipe2(_wakeup, O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK) == -1
fakeSocketPipe2(_wakeup) == -1
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to allocate pipe for SocketPoll [" + _name + "] waking.");
LOG_DBG("New SocketPoll [" << _name << "] owned by " << Log::to_string(_owner));
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(getPollWakeupsMutex());
LOG_TRC("~SocketPoll [" << _name << "] destroying. Joining thread now.");
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(getPollWakeupsMutex());
auto it = std::find(getWakeupsArray().begin(),
if (it != getWakeupsArray().end())
_wakeup[0] = -1;
_wakeup[1] = -1;
bool SocketPoll::startThread()
// In a race, only the first gets in.
if (_threadStarted++ == 0)
_threadFinished = false;
_stop = false;
LOG_TRC("Creating thread for SocketPoll " << _name);
_thread = std::thread(&SocketPoll::pollingThreadEntry, this);
return true;
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Failed to start SocketPoll thread [" << _name << "]: " << exc.what());
_threadStarted = 0;
else if (isAlive())
// Most likely a programming error--use isAlive().
LOG_DBG("SocketPoll [" << _name << "] thread is already running.");
// This is most likely a programming error.
// There is no point in starting a new thread either,
// because the owner is unlikely to recover.
// If there is a valid use-case for restarting
// an expired thread, we should add a way to reset it.
LOG_ASSERT_MSG(!"Expired thread",
"SocketPoll [" << _name
<< "] thread has ran and finished. Will not start it again");
return false;
void SocketPoll::joinThread()
if (isAlive())
if (_threadStarted && _thread.joinable())
if (_thread.get_id() == std::this_thread::get_id())
LOG_ERR("DEADLOCK PREVENTED: joining own thread!");
_threadStarted = 0;
if (_runOnClientThread)
void SocketPoll::pollingThreadEntry()
_owner = std::this_thread::get_id();
LOG_INF("Starting polling thread [" << _name << "] with thread affinity set to "
<< Log::to_string(_owner) << '.');
// Invoke the virtual implementation.
// Release sockets.
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Exception in polling thread [" << _name << "]: " << exc.what());
_threadFinished = true;
LOG_INF("Finished polling thread [" << _name << "].");
int SocketPoll::poll(int64_t timeoutMaxMicroS)
if (_runOnClientThread)
// perturb - to rotate errors among several busy sockets.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now =
// The events to poll on change each spin of the loop.
setupPollFds(now, timeoutMaxMicroS);
const size_t size = _pollSockets.size();
int rc;
LOG_TRC("ppoll start, timeoutMicroS: " << timeoutMaxMicroS << " size " << size);
timeoutMaxMicroS = std::max(timeoutMaxMicroS, (int64_t)0);
struct timespec timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = timeoutMaxMicroS / (1000 * 1000);
timeout.tv_nsec = (timeoutMaxMicroS % (1000 * 1000)) * 1000;
rc = ::ppoll(&_pollFds[0], size + 1, &timeout, nullptr);
# else
int timeoutMaxMs = (timeoutMaxMicroS + 999) / 1000;
LOG_TRC("Legacy Poll start, timeoutMs: " << timeoutMaxMs);
rc = ::poll(&_pollFds[0], size + 1, std::max(timeoutMaxMs,0));
# endif
LOG_TRC("SocketPoll Poll");
int timeoutMaxMs = (timeoutMaxMicroS + 999) / 1000;
rc = fakeSocketPoll(&_pollFds[0], size + 1, std::max(timeoutMaxMs,0));
while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR);
LOG_TRC("Poll completed with " << rc << " live polls max (" <<
timeoutMaxMicroS << "us)" << ((rc==0) ? "(timedout)" : ""));
// First process the wakeup pipe (always the last entry).
if (_pollFds[size].revents)
LOG_TRC('#' << _pollFds[size].fd << ": Handling events of wakeup pipe: 0x" << std::hex
<< _pollFds[size].revents << std::dec);
// Clear the data.
int dump[32];
dump[0] = ::read(_wakeup[0], &dump, sizeof(dump));
LOG_TRC("Wakeup pipe read " << dump[0] << " bytes");
LOG_TRC("Wakeup pipe read");
int dump = fakeSocketRead(_wakeup[0], &dump, sizeof(dump));
std::vector<CallbackFn> invoke;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);
if (!_newSockets.empty())
LOG_TRC("Inserting " << _newSockets.size() << " new sockets after the existing "
<< _pollSockets.size());
// Update thread ownership.
for (auto& i : _newSockets)
// Copy the new sockets over and clear.
_pollSockets.insert(_pollSockets.end(), _newSockets.begin(), _newSockets.end());
// Extract list of callbacks to process
std::swap(_newCallbacks, invoke);
if (invoke.size() > 0)
LOG_TRC("Invoking " << invoke.size() << " callbacks");
for (const auto& callback : invoke)
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Exception while invoking poll [" << _name <<
"] callback: " << exc.what());
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Exception while invoking poll [" << _name <<
"] wakeup hook: " << exc.what());
if (_pollSockets.size() != size)
LOG_TRC("PollSocket container size has changed from " << size << " to "
<< _pollSockets.size());
// If we had sockets to process.
if (size > 0)
assert(!_pollSockets.empty() && "All existing sockets disappeared from the SocketPoll");
// Fire the poll callbacks and remove dead fds.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point newNow = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// We use the _pollStartIndex to start the polling at a different index each time. Do some
// sanity check first to handle the case where we removed one or several sockets last time.
if (_pollStartIndex > size - 1)
_pollStartIndex = 0;
std::vector<int> toErase;
size_t i = _pollStartIndex;
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < size; ++j)
if (_pollFds[i].fd == _pollSockets[i]->getFD())
SocketDisposition disposition(_pollSockets[i]);
LOG_TRC('#' << _pollFds[i].fd << ": Handling poll events of " << _name
<< " at index " << i << " (of " << size << "): 0x" << std::hex
<< _pollFds[i].revents << std::dec);
_pollSockets[i]->handlePoll(disposition, newNow, _pollFds[i].revents);
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR('#' << _pollFds[i].fd << ": Error while handling poll at " << i
<< " in " << _name << ": " << exc.what());
rc = -1;
if (!disposition.isContinue())
LOG_DBG("Unexpected socket in the wrong position. Expected #"
<< _pollFds[i].fd << " at index " << i << " but found "
<< _pollSockets[i]->getFD() << " instead. Skipping");
assert(!"Unexpected socket at the wrong position");
if (i == 0)
i = size - 1;
if (!toErase.empty())
LOG_TRC("Removing " << toErase.size() << " socket" << (toErase.size() > 1 ? "s" : "")
<< " of " << _pollSockets.size() << " total");
LOG_ASSERT(_pollSockets.size() > 0);
LOG_ASSERT(toErase.size() <= _pollSockets.size());
std::sort(toErase.begin(), toErase.end(), [](int a, int b) { return a > b; });
for (const int eraseIndex : toErase)
LOG_TRC('#' << _pollFds[eraseIndex].fd << ": Removing socket (at " << eraseIndex
<< " of " << _pollSockets.size() << ") from " << _name << " to have "
<< _pollSockets.size() - 1 << " sockets");
_pollSockets.erase(_pollSockets.begin() + eraseIndex);
return rc;
void SocketPoll::wakeupWorld()
for (const auto& fd : getWakeupsArray())
void SocketPoll::removeSockets()
LOG_DBG("Removing all " << _pollSockets.size() + _newSockets.size()
<< " sockets from SocketPoll thread " << _name);
while (!_pollSockets.empty())
const std::shared_ptr<Socket>& socket = _pollSockets.back();
LOG_DBG("Removing socket #" << socket->getFD() << " from " << _name);
while (!_newSockets.empty())
const std::shared_ptr<Socket>& socket = _newSockets.back();
LOG_DBG("Removing socket #" << socket->getFD() << " from newSockets of " << _name);
void SocketPoll::insertNewWebSocketSync(const Poco::URI& uri,
const std::shared_ptr<WebSocketHandler>& websocketHandler)
LOG_TRC("Connecting WS to " << uri.getHost());
const bool isSSL = uri.getScheme() != "ws";
if (isSSL)
LOG_ERR("Error: wss for client websocket requested but SSL not compiled in.");
http::Request req(uri.getPathAndQuery());
req.set("User-Foo", "Adminbits");
//FIXME: Why do we need the following here?
req.set("Accept-Language", "en");
req.set("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
req.set("Pragma", "no-cache");
const std::string port = std::to_string(uri.getPort());
if (websocketHandler->wsRequest(req, uri.getHost(), port, isSSL, *this))
LOG_DBG("Connected WS to " << uri.getHost());
LOG_ERR("Failed to connected WS to " << uri.getHost());
bool SocketPoll::insertNewUnixSocket(
const std::string &location,
const std::string &pathAndQuery,
const std::shared_ptr<WebSocketHandler>& websocketHandler,
const std::vector<int>* shareFDs)
LOG_DBG("Connecting to local UDS " << location);
const int fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0);
if (fd < 0)
LOG_SYS("Failed to connect to unix socket at " << location);
return false;
struct sockaddr_un addrunix;
std::memset(&addrunix, 0, sizeof(addrunix));
addrunix.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
addrunix.sun_path[0] = '\0'; // abstract name
addrunix.sun_path[0] = '0';
memcpy(&addrunix.sun_path[1], location.c_str(), location.length());
const int res = connect(fd, (const struct sockaddr*)&addrunix, sizeof(addrunix));
if (res < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS)
LOG_SYS("Failed to connect to unix socket at " << location);
return false;
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket
= StreamSocket::create<StreamSocket>(std::string(), fd, Socket::Type::Unix,
true, websocketHandler);
if (!socket)
LOG_ERR("Failed to create socket unix socket at " << location);
return false;
LOG_DBG("Connected to local UDS " << location << " #" << socket->getFD());
http::Request req(pathAndQuery);
req.set("User-Foo", "Adminbits");
req.set("Sec-WebSocket-Key", websocketHandler->getWebSocketKey());
req.set("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13");
//FIXME: Why do we need the following here?
req.set("Accept-Language", "en");
req.set("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
req.set("Pragma", "no-cache");
LOG_TRC("Requesting upgrade of websocket at path " << pathAndQuery << " #" << socket->getFD());
if (!shareFDs || shareFDs->empty())
Buffer buf;
req.writeData(buf, INT_MAX); // Write the whole request.
socket->sendFDs(buf.getBlock(), buf.getBlockSize(), *shareFDs);
// We send lots of data back via this local UDS'
return true;
void SocketPoll::insertNewFakeSocket(
int peerSocket,
const std::shared_ptr<ProtocolHandlerInterface>& websocketHandler)
LOG_INF("Connecting to " << peerSocket);
int fd = fakeSocketSocket();
int res = fakeSocketConnect(fd, peerSocket);
if (fd < 0 || (res < 0 && errno != EINPROGRESS))
LOG_ERR("Failed to connect to the 'wsd' socket");
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket;
socket = StreamSocket::create<StreamSocket>(std::string(), fd, Socket::Type::Unix, true, websocketHandler);
if (socket)
LOG_TRC("Sending 'hello' instead of HTTP GET for now");
LOG_ERR("Failed to allocate socket for client websocket");
void ServerSocket::dumpState(std::ostream& os)
os << '\t' << getFD() << "\t<accept>\n";
void SocketDisposition::execute()
if (_disposition != Type::CONTINUE)
LOG_TRC("Executing SocketDisposition of #" << _socket->getFD() <<
": " << name(_disposition));
// We should have hard ownership of this socket.
if (_socketMove)
// Drop pretentions of ownership before _socketMove.
if (!_toPoll) {
assert (isMove());
} else {
assert (isTransfer());
// Ensure the thread is running before adding callback.
_toPoll->addCallback([pollCopy = _toPoll, socket = _socket, socketMoveFn = std::move(_socketMove)]()
_socketMove = nullptr;
_toPoll = nullptr;
void WebSocketHandler::dumpState(std::ostream& os) const
os << (_shuttingDown ? "shutd " : "alive ");
os << std::setw(5) << _pingTimeUs/1000. << "ms ";
if (_wsPayload.size() > 0)
Util::dumpHex(os, _wsPayload, "\t\tws queued payload:\n", "\t\t");
os << '\n';
if (_msgHandler)
void StreamSocket::dumpState(std::ostream& os)
int64_t timeoutMaxMicroS = SocketPoll::DefaultPollTimeoutMicroS.count();
const int events = getPollEvents(std::chrono::steady_clock::now(), timeoutMaxMicroS);
os << '\t' << std::setw(6) << getFD() << "\t0x" << std::hex << events << std::dec << '\t'
<< (ignoringInput() ? "ignore\t" : "process\t") << std::setw(6) << _inBuffer.size() << '\t'
<< std::setw(6) << _outBuffer.size() << '\t' << " r: " << std::setw(6) << _bytesRecvd
<< "\t w: " << std::setw(6) << _bytesSent << '\t' << clientAddress() << '\t';
if (_inBuffer.size() > 0)
Util::dumpHex(os, _inBuffer, "\t\tinBuffer:\n", "\t\t");
_outBuffer.dumpHex(os, "\t\toutBuffer:\n", "\t\t");
void StreamSocket::sendWithDateAndAgent(http::Response& response)
response.set("Server", http::getServerString());
response.set("Date", Util::getHttpTimeNow());
bool StreamSocket::send(const http::Response& response)
if (response.writeData(_outBuffer))
return true;
return false;
bool StreamSocket::send(http::Request& request)
if (request.writeData(_outBuffer, getSendBufferCapacity()))
return true;
return false;
bool StreamSocket::sendAndShutdown(http::Response& response)
response.set("Connection", "close");
if (send(response))
return true;
return false;
void SocketPoll::dumpState(std::ostream& os) const
// FIXME: NOT thread-safe! _pollSockets is modified from the polling thread!
const auto pollSockets = _pollSockets;
os << "\n SocketPoll:";
os << "\n Poll [" << name() << "] with " << pollSockets.size() << " socket"
<< (pollSockets.size() == 1 ? "" : "s") << " - wakeup rfd: " << _wakeup[0]
<< " wfd: " << _wakeup[1] << '\n';
const auto callbacks = _newCallbacks.size();
if (callbacks > 0)
os << "\tcallbacks: " << callbacks << '\n';
os << "\t fd\tevents\trbuffered\twbuffered\trtotal\twtotal\tclientaddress\n";
for (const auto& i : pollSockets)
/// Returns true on success only.
bool ServerSocket::bind(Type type, int port)
// Enable address reuse to avoid stalling after
// recycling, when previous socket is TIME_WAIT.
//TODO: Might be worth refactoring out.
const int reuseAddress = 1;
constexpr unsigned int len = sizeof(reuseAddress);
if (::setsockopt(getFD(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseAddress, len) == -1)
LOG_SYS("Failed setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR: " << strerror(errno));
int rc;
assert (_type != Socket::Type::Unix);
if (_type == Socket::Type::IPv4)
struct sockaddr_in addrv4;
std::memset(&addrv4, 0, sizeof(addrv4));
addrv4.sin_family = AF_INET;
addrv4.sin_port = htons(port);
if (type == Type::Public)
addrv4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
addrv4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
rc = ::bind(getFD(), (const sockaddr *)&addrv4, sizeof(addrv4));
struct sockaddr_in6 addrv6;
std::memset(&addrv6, 0, sizeof(addrv6));
addrv6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
addrv6.sin6_port = htons(port);
if (type == Type::Public)
addrv6.sin6_addr = in6addr_any;
addrv6.sin6_addr = in6addr_loopback;
const int ipv6only = (_type == Socket::Type::All ? 0 : 1);
if (::setsockopt(getFD(), IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char*)&ipv6only, sizeof(ipv6only)) == -1)
LOG_SYS("Failed set ipv6 socket to " << ipv6only);
rc = ::bind(getFD(), (const sockaddr *)&addrv6, sizeof(addrv6));
if (rc)
LOG_SYS("Failed to bind to: " << (_type == Socket::Type::IPv4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6")
<< " port: " << port);
LOG_TRC("Bind to: " << (_type == Socket::Type::IPv4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6")
<< " port: " << port);
return rc == 0;
(void) type;
(void) port;
return true;
std::shared_ptr<Socket> ServerSocket::accept()
// Accept a connection (if any) and set it to non-blocking.
// There still need the client's address to filter request from POST(call from REST) here.
assert(_type != Socket::Type::Unix);
struct sockaddr_in6 clientInfo;
socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(clientInfo);
const int rc = ::accept4(getFD(), (struct sockaddr *)&clientInfo, &addrlen, SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC);
const int rc = fakeSocketAccept4(getFD());
LOG_TRC("Accepted socket #" << rc << ", creating socket object.");
// Create a socket object using the factory.
if (rc != -1)
char addrstr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
Socket::Type type;
const void *inAddr;
if (clientInfo.sin6_family == AF_INET)
auto ipv4 = (struct sockaddr_in *)&clientInfo;
inAddr = &(ipv4->sin_addr);
type = Socket::Type::IPv4;
auto ipv6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&clientInfo;
inAddr = &(ipv6->sin6_addr);
type = Socket::Type::IPv6;
std::shared_ptr<Socket> _socket = createSocketFromAccept(rc, type);
inet_ntop(clientInfo.sin6_family, inAddr, addrstr, sizeof(addrstr));
LOG_TRC("Accepted socket #" << _socket->getFD() << " has family "
<< clientInfo.sin6_family << " address "
<< _socket->clientAddress());
std::shared_ptr<Socket> _socket = createSocketFromAccept(rc, Socket::Type::Unix);
return _socket;
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Failed to create client socket #" << rc << ". Error: " << ex.what());
return nullptr;
int Socket::getPid() const
#ifdef __linux__
struct ucred creds;
socklen_t credSize = sizeof(struct ucred);
if (getsockopt(_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &creds, &credSize) < 0)
LOG_SYS("Failed to get pid via peer creds on " << _fd);
return -1;
#elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
struct xucred creds;
socklen_t credSize = sizeof(struct xucred);
if (getsockopt(_fd, SOL_LOCAL, LOCAL_PEERCRED, &creds, &credSize) < 0)
LOG_SYS("Failed to get pid via peer creds on " << _fd);
return -1;
return creds.cr_pid;
#error Implement for your platform
// Does this socket come from the localhost ?
bool Socket::isLocal() const
if (_clientAddress.size() < 1)
return false;
if (_clientAddress[0] == '/') // Unix socket
return true;
if (_clientAddress == "::1")
return true;
return _clientAddress.rfind("::ffff:127.0.0.", 0) != std::string::npos ||
_clientAddress.rfind("127.0.0.", 0) != std::string::npos;
std::shared_ptr<Socket> LocalServerSocket::accept()
const int rc = ::accept4(getFD(), nullptr, nullptr, SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC);
LOG_DBG("Accepted prisoner socket #" << rc << ", creating socket object.");
if (rc < 0)
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
std::shared_ptr<Socket> _socket = createSocketFromAccept(rc, Socket::Type::Unix);
// Sanity check this incoming socket
#ifndef __FreeBSD__
#define CREDS_UID(c) c.uid
#define CREDS_GID(c) c.gid
#define CREDS_PID(c)
struct ucred creds;
socklen_t credSize = sizeof(struct ucred);
if (getsockopt(rc, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &creds, &credSize) < 0)
LOG_SYS("Failed to get peer creds on " << rc);
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
#define CREDS_UID(c) c.cr_uid
#define CREDS_GID(c) c.cr_groups[0]
#define CREDS_PID(c) c.cr_pid
struct xucred creds;
socklen_t credSize = sizeof(struct xucred);
if (getsockopt(rc, SOL_LOCAL, LOCAL_PEERCRED, &creds, &credSize) < 0)
LOG_SYS("Failed to get peer creds on " << rc);
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
uid_t uid = getuid();
uid_t gid = getgid();
if (CREDS_UID(creds) != uid || CREDS_GID(creds) != gid)
LOG_ERR("Peercred mis-match on domain socket - closing connection. uid: " <<
CREDS_UID(creds) << "vs." << uid << " gid: " << CREDS_GID(creds) << "vs." << gid);
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
std::string addr("uds-to-pid-");
LOG_DBG("Accepted socket #" << rc << " is UDS - address " << addr << " and uid/gid "
<< CREDS_UID(creds) << '/' << CREDS_GID(creds));
return _socket;
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Failed to create client socket #" << rc << ". Error: " << ex.what());
return std::shared_ptr<Socket>(nullptr);
/// Returns true on success only.
std::string LocalServerSocket::bind()
int rc;
struct sockaddr_un addrunix;
// snap needs a specific socket name
std::string socketAbstractUnixName(SOCKET_ABSTRACT_UNIX_NAME);
const char* snapInstanceName = std::getenv("SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME");
if (snapInstanceName && snapInstanceName[0])
socketAbstractUnixName = std::string("0snap.") + snapInstanceName + ".coolwsd-";
LOG_INF("Binding to Unix socket for local server with base name: " << socketAbstractUnixName);
constexpr auto RandomSuffixLength = 8;
constexpr auto MaxSocketAbstractUnixNameLength =
sizeof(addrunix.sun_path) - RandomSuffixLength - 1; // 1 byte for null termination.
LOG_ASSERT_MSG(socketAbstractUnixName.size() < MaxSocketAbstractUnixNameLength,
"SocketAbstractUnixName is too long. Max: " << MaxSocketAbstractUnixNameLength
<< ", actual: "
<< socketAbstractUnixName.size());
int last_errno = 0;
std::memset(&addrunix, 0, sizeof(addrunix));
addrunix.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
std::memcpy(addrunix.sun_path, socketAbstractUnixName.c_str(), socketAbstractUnixName.length());
addrunix.sun_path[0] = '\0'; // abstract name
const std::string rand = Util::rng::getFilename(RandomSuffixLength);
memcpy(addrunix.sun_path + socketAbstractUnixName.size(), rand.c_str(), RandomSuffixLength);
LOG_ASSERT_MSG(addrunix.sun_path[sizeof(addrunix.sun_path) - 1] == '\0',
"addrunix.sun_path is not null terminated");
rc = ::bind(getFD(), (const sockaddr *)&addrunix, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
last_errno = errno;
LOG_TRC("Binding to Unix socket location ["
<< &addrunix.sun_path[1] << "], result: " << rc
<< ((rc >= 0) ? std::string()
: '\t' + Util::symbolicErrno(last_errno) + ": " +
} while (rc < 0 && errno == EADDRINUSE);
if (rc >= 0)
_name = std::string(&addrunix.sun_path[0]);
return std::string(&addrunix.sun_path[1]);
LOG_SYS_ERRNO(last_errno, "Failed to bind to Unix socket at [" << &addrunix.sun_path[1] << ']');
return std::string();
bool LocalServerSocket::link(std::string to)
_linkName = to;
return 0 == ::link(_name.c_str(), to.c_str());
if (!_linkName.empty())
// For a verbose life, tweak here:
#if 0
# define LOG_CHUNK(X) LOG_TRC(X)
# define LOG_CHUNK(X)
bool StreamSocket::parseHeader(const char *clientName,
Poco::MemoryInputStream &message,
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest &request,
MessageMap& map)
assert(map._headerSize == 0 && map._messageSize == 0);
// Find the end of the header, if any.
static const std::string marker("\r\n\r\n");
auto itBody = std::search(_inBuffer.begin(), _inBuffer.end(),
marker.begin(), marker.end());
if (itBody == _inBuffer.end())
LOG_TRC(clientName << " doesn't have enough data for the header yet.");
return false;
// Skip the marker.
itBody += marker.size();
map._headerSize = static_cast<size_t>(itBody - _inBuffer.begin());
map._messageSize = map._headerSize;
LOG_INF(clientName << " HTTP Request: " << request.getMethod() << ' ' << request.getURI()
<< ' ' << request.getVersion() << ' '
<< [&](auto& log) { Util::joinPair(log, request, " / "); });
const std::streamsize contentLength = request.getContentLength();
const auto offset = itBody - _inBuffer.begin();
const std::streamsize available = _inBuffer.size() - offset;
if (contentLength != Poco::Net::HTTPMessage::UNKNOWN_CONTENT_LENGTH && available < contentLength)
LOG_DBG("Not enough content yet: ContentLength: " << contentLength
<< ", available: " << available);
return false;
map._messageSize += contentLength;
const std::string expect = request.get("Expect", "");
const bool getExpectContinue = Util::iequal(expect, "100-continue");
if (getExpectContinue && !_sentHTTPContinue)
LOG_TRC("Got Expect: 100-continue, sending Continue");
// FIXME: should validate authentication headers early too.
send("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n",
sizeof("HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n") - 1);
_sentHTTPContinue = true;
if (request.getChunkedTransferEncoding())
// keep the header
map._spans.push_back(std::pair<size_t, size_t>(0, itBody - _inBuffer.begin()));
int chunk = 0;
while (itBody != _inBuffer.end())
auto chunkStart = itBody;
// skip whitespace
for (; itBody != _inBuffer.end() && isascii(*itBody) && isspace(*itBody); ++itBody)
; // skip.
// each chunk is preceeded by its length in hex.
size_t chunkLen = 0;
for (; itBody != _inBuffer.end(); ++itBody)
int digit = Util::hexDigitFromChar(*itBody);
if (digit >= 0)
chunkLen = chunkLen * 16 + digit;
LOG_CHUNK("Chunk of length " << chunkLen);
for (; itBody != _inBuffer.end() && *itBody != '\n'; ++itBody)
; // skip to end of line
if (itBody != _inBuffer.end())
itBody++; /* \n */;
// skip the chunk.
auto chunkOffset = itBody - _inBuffer.begin();
auto chunkAvailable = _inBuffer.size() - chunkOffset;
if (chunkLen == 0) // we're complete.
map._messageSize = chunkOffset;
return true;
if (chunkLen > chunkAvailable + 2)
LOG_DBG("Not enough content yet in chunk " << chunk <<
" starting at offset " << (chunkStart - _inBuffer.begin()) <<
" chunk len: " << chunkLen << ", available: " << chunkAvailable);
return false;
itBody += chunkLen;
map._spans.push_back(std::pair<size_t,size_t>(chunkOffset, chunkLen));
if (*itBody != '\r' || *(itBody + 1) != '\n')
LOG_ERR("Missing \\r\\n at end of chunk " << chunk << " of length " << chunkLen);
LOG_CHUNK("Chunk " << chunk << " is: \n" << Util::dumpHex("", "", chunkStart, itBody + 1, false));
return false; // TODO: throw something sensible in this case
LOG_CHUNK("Chunk " << chunk << " is: \n" << Util::dumpHex("", "", chunkStart, itBody + 1, false));
LOG_TRC("Not enough chunks yet, so far " << chunk << " chunks of total length " << (itBody - _inBuffer.begin()));
return false;
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_DBG("parseHeader exception caught with " << _inBuffer.size()
<< " bytes: " << exc.displayText());
// Probably don't have enough data just yet.
// TODO: timeout if we never get enough.
return false;
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_DBG("parseHeader std::exception caught with " << _inBuffer.size()
<< " bytes: " << exc.what());
// Probably don't have enough data just yet.
// TODO: timeout if we never get enough.
return false;
return true;
bool StreamSocket::compactChunks(MessageMap& map)
if (!map._spans.size())
return false; // single message.
LOG_CHUNK("Pre-compact " << map._spans.size() << " chunks: \n" <<
Util::dumpHex("", "", _inBuffer.begin(), _inBuffer.end(), false));
char *first = &_inBuffer[0];
char *dest = first;
for (const auto &span : map._spans)
std::memmove(dest, &_inBuffer[span.first], span.second);
dest += span.second;
// Erase the duplicate bits.
size_t newEnd = dest - first;
size_t gap = map._messageSize - newEnd;
_inBuffer.erase(_inBuffer.begin() + newEnd, _inBuffer.begin() + map._messageSize);
LOG_CHUNK("Post-compact with erase of " << newEnd << " to " << map._messageSize << " giving: \n" <<
Util::dumpHex("", "", _inBuffer.begin(), _inBuffer.end(), false));
// shrink our size to fit
map._messageSize -= gap;
std::ostringstream oss;
LOG_TRC("Socket state: " << oss.str());
return true;
bool StreamSocket::sniffSSL() const
// Only sniffing the first bytes of a socket.
if (_bytesSent > 0 || _bytesRecvd != _inBuffer.size() || _bytesRecvd < 6)
return false;
// 0x0000 16 03 01 02 00 01 00 01
return (_inBuffer[0] == 0x16 && // HANDSHAKE
_inBuffer[1] == 0x03 && // SSL 3.0 / TLS 1.x
_inBuffer[5] == 0x01); // Handshake: CLIENT_HELLO
#endif // !MOBILEAPP
namespace {
/// To make the protected 'computeAccept' accessible.
class PublicComputeAccept final : public Poco::Net::WebSocket
static std::string doComputeAccept(const std::string &key)
return computeAccept(key);
static std::string generateKey() { return createKey(); }
std::string WebSocketHandler::computeAccept(const std::string &key)
return PublicComputeAccept::doComputeAccept(key);
std::string WebSocketHandler::generateKey()
return PublicComputeAccept::generateKey();
// Required by Android and iOS apps.
namespace http
std::string getAgentString()
std::string getServerString()
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