
2485 lines
112 KiB

/* -*- js-indent-level: 8 -*- */
* Copyright the Collabora Online contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Control.Menubar
/* global app $ _ _UNO L */
L.Control.MenubarShortcuts = {
shortcuts: {
SAVE: 'Ctrl + S',
UNDO: 'Ctrl + Z',
REDO: 'Ctrl + Y',
PRINT: 'Ctrl + P',
CUT: 'Ctrl + X',
COPY: 'Ctrl + C',
PASTE: 'Ctrl + V',
PASTE_SPECIAL: 'Ctrl + Shift + Alt + V',
SELECT_ALL: 'Ctrl + A',
COMMENT: 'Ctrl + Alt + C',
FOOTNOTE: 'Ctrl + Alt + F',
ENDNOTE: 'Ctrl + Alt + D',
BOLD: 'Ctrl + B',
ITALIC: 'Ctrl + I',
UNDERLINE: 'Ctrl + U',
STRIKETHROUGH: 'Ctrl + Alt + 5',
SUPERSCRIPT: 'Ctrl + Shift + P',
SUBSCRIPT: 'Ctrl + Shift + B',
LEFT: 'Ctrl + L',
CENTERED: 'Ctrl + E',
RIGHT: 'Ctrl + R',
JUSTIFIED: 'Ctrl + J',
KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS: 'Ctrl + Shift + ?'
addShortcut: function (text, shortcut) {
// localize shortcut
if (String.locale.startsWith('de') || String.locale.startsWith('dsb') || String.locale.startsWith('hsb')) {
shortcut = shortcut.replace('Ctrl', 'Strg');
if (String.locale.startsWith('lt')) {
shortcut = shortcut.replace('Ctrl', 'Vald');
if (String.locale.startsWith('sl')) {
shortcut = shortcut.replace('Ctrl', 'Krmilka').replace('Alt', 'izmenjalka').replace('Shift', 'dvigalka');
var newText = _(text).replace('~', '') + ' (' + L.Util.replaceCtrlAltInMac(shortcut) + ')';
return newText;
L.Control.Menubar = L.Control.extend({
// TODO: Some mechanism to stop the need to copy duplicate menus (eg. Help, eg: mobiledrawing)
options: {
initial: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:PickList')},
{name: _UNO('.uno:EditMenu')},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ViewMenu')},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertMenu')},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ToolsMenu')}
text: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:PickList', 'text'), id: 'file', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Save', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.SAVE), id: 'save', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:SaveAs', 'text'), id: 'saveas', type: window.uiDefaults && window.uiDefaults.saveAsMode === 'group' ? 'menu' : 'action', menu: [
{name: _('ODF text document (.odt)'), id: 'saveas-odt', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Word 2003 Document (.doc)'), id: 'saveas-doc', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Word Document (.docx)'), id: 'saveas-docx', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Rich Text (.rtf)'), id: 'saveas-rtf', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Export as'), id: 'exportas', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('PDF Document (.pdf)'), id: 'exportas-pdf', type: 'action'},
{name: _('EPUB (.epub)'), id: 'exportas-epub', type: 'action'}
{name: _('Rename Document'), id: 'renamedocument', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Share...'), id:'shareas', type: 'action'},
{name: _('See revision history'), id: 'rev-history', type: 'action'},
{name: !window.ThisIsAMobileApp ? _('Download as') : _('Export as'), id: 'downloadas', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('PDF Document (.pdf)'), id: !window.ThisIsAMobileApp ? 'exportdirectpdf' : 'downloadas-pdf', type: 'action'},
{name: _('PDF Document (.pdf) as...'), id: 'exportpdf' , type: 'action'},
{name: _('ODF text document (.odt)'), id: 'downloadas-odt', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Word 2003 Document (.doc)'), id: 'downloadas-doc', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Word Document (.docx)'), id: 'downloadas-docx', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Rich Text (.rtf)'), id: 'downloadas-rtf', type: 'action'},
{name: _('EPUB (.epub)'), id: !window.ThisIsAMobileApp ? 'exportepub' : 'downloadas-epub', type: 'action'}]},
{name: _UNO('.uno:SetDocumentProperties', 'text'), uno: '.uno:SetDocumentProperties', id: 'properties'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Print', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.PRINT), id: 'print', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Close document'), id: 'closedocument', type: 'action'}
{name: _UNO('.uno:EditMenu', 'text'), id: 'editmenu', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Undo', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.UNDO), uno: '.uno:Undo'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Redo', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.REDO), uno: '.uno:Redo'},
{name: _('Repair'), id: 'repair', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Cut', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.CUT), uno: '.uno:Cut'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Copy', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.COPY), uno: '.uno:Copy'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Paste', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.PASTE), uno: '.uno:Paste'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:PasteSpecial', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.PASTE_SPECIAL), uno: '.uno:PasteSpecial'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:SelectAll', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.SELECT_ALL), uno: '.uno:SelectAll'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:SearchDialog'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ChangesMenu', 'text'), id: 'changesmenu', type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:TrackChanges'},
{uno: '.uno:ShowTrackedChanges'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:AcceptTrackedChanges'},
{uno: '.uno:AcceptTrackedChange'},
{uno: '.uno:AcceptTrackedChangeToNext'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:AcceptAllTrackedChanges', 'text'), id: 'acceptalltrackedchanges', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:RejectTrackedChange'},
{uno: '.uno:RejectTrackedChangeToNext'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:RejectAllTrackedChanges', 'text'), id: 'rejectalltrackedchanges', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:PreviousTrackedChange'},
{uno: '.uno:NextTrackedChange'}
{uno: '.uno:EditStyle'}
{name: _UNO('.uno:ViewMenu', 'text'), id: 'view', type: 'menu',
menu: (window.mode.isTablet() ? [
{name: _('Reset zoom'), id: 'zoomreset', type: 'action'},
] : [
{name: _UNO('.uno:FullScreen', 'text'), id: 'fullscreen', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ZoomPlus', 'text'), id: 'zoomin', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ZoomMinus', 'text'), id: 'zoomout', type: 'action',},
{name: _('Reset zoom'), id: 'zoomreset', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _('Toggle UI Mode'), id: 'toggleuimode', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Show Ruler'), id: 'showruler', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Show Status Bar'), id: 'showstatusbar', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Hide Menu Bar'), id: 'togglemenubar', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Dark Mode'), id: 'toggledarktheme', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:SidebarDeck.PropertyDeck', name: _UNO('.uno:Sidebar')},
{uno: '.uno:Navigator', id: 'navigator'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ShowResolvedAnnotations', 'text'), id: 'showresolved', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:ControlCodes'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertMenu', 'text'), id: 'insert', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('Local Image...'), id: 'insertgraphic', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic', 'text'), id: 'insertgraphicremote', type: 'action'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.COMMENT), id: 'insertcomment', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertObjectChart'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater'), uno: '.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater', id: 'fontworkgalleryfloater'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:DrawText'), uno: '.uno:DrawText'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertFrame', 'text'), uno: '.uno:InsertFrame'},
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{uno: '.uno:InsertDateField'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertTimeField'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertTitleField'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertAuthorField'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertTopicField'},
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{uno: '.uno:InsertField'},
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{name: _('All'), disabled: true, id: 'insertheader', tag: '_ALL_', uno: '.uno:InsertPageHeader?'}]},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertPageFooter', 'text'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('All'), disabled: true, id: 'insertfooter', tag: '_ALL_', uno: '.uno:InsertPageFooter?'}]}
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:InsertFootnote', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.FOOTNOTE), uno: '.uno:InsertFootnote'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:InsertEndnote', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.ENDNOTE), uno: '.uno:InsertEndnote'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertPagebreak'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertColumnBreak', 'spreadsheet'), uno: '.uno:InsertColumnBreak'},
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{name: _UNO('.uno:HyperlinkDialog'), id: 'inserthyperlink', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Smart Picker'), id: 'remotelink', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertQrCode'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertSymbol'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertObjectStarMath'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:FormattingMarkMenu', 'text'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:InsertNonBreakingSpace'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertHardHyphen'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertSoftHyphen'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertZWSP'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertWJ'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertLRM'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertRLM'}]},
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{name: _UNO('.uno:FormatTextMenu', 'text'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Bold', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.BOLD), uno: '.uno:Bold'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Italic', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.ITALIC), uno: '.uno:Italic'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Underline', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.UNDERLINE), uno: '.uno:Underline'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:UnderlineDouble', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.DOUBLE_UNDERLINE), uno: '.uno:UnderlineDouble'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Strikeout', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.STRIKETHROUGH), uno: '.uno:Strikeout'},
{uno: '.uno:Overline'},
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{uno: '.uno:ChangeCaseToTitleCase'},
{uno: '.uno:ChangeCaseToToggleCase'},
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{uno: '.uno:SmallCaps'}]},
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{uno: '.uno:ParaRightToLeft'}]},
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{uno: '.uno:ParaspaceIncrease'},
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{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:CommonAlignHorizontalCenter', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.CENTERED), uno: '.uno:CommonAlignHorizontalCenter'},
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{uno: '.uno:CommonAlignTop'},
{uno: '.uno:CommonAlignVerticalCenter'},
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{uno: '.uno:FormatPaintbrush'},
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{name: _('Update Index'), uno: '.uno:UpdateCurIndex'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertFootnote'},
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{uno: '.uno:FootnoteDialog'},
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{name: _('Citation Preferences'), id: 'zoterosetdocprefs', type: 'action', iosapp: false, hidden: !window.zoteroEnabled}]
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{uno: '.uno:TableDialog'}
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{name: _('Insert Rich Text'), uno: '.uno:InsertContentControl'},
{name: _('Insert Checkbox'), uno: '.uno:InsertCheckboxContentControl'},
{name: _('Insert Dropdown'), uno: '.uno:InsertDropdownContentControl'},
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{name: _('Insert Date'), uno: '.uno:InsertDateContentControl'},
{name: _('Properties'), uno: '.uno:ContentControlProperties'},
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{uno: '.uno:SpellingAndGrammarDialog'},
{uno: '.uno:SpellOnline'},
window.deeplEnabled ?
uno: '.uno:Translate'
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{name: _('None (Do not check spelling)'), id: 'noneparagraph', uno: '.uno:LanguageStatus?Language:string=Paragraph_LANGUAGE_NONE'} ]},
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{name: _('None (Do not check spelling)'), id: 'nonelanguage', uno: '.uno:LanguageStatus?Language:string=Default_LANGUAGE_NONE'}]}
{uno: '.uno:WordCountDialog'},
window.enableAccessibility ?
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{uno: '.uno:ChapterNumberingDialog'},
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{name: _UNO('.uno:HelpMenu', 'text'), id: 'help', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('Forum'), id: 'forum', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Online Help'), id: 'online-help', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_('Keyboard shortcuts'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS), id: 'keyboard-shortcuts', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: _('Report an issue'), id: 'report-an-issue', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: _('Latest Updates'), id: 'latestupdates', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: _('Send Feedback'), id: 'feedback', type: 'action', mobileapp: false},
{name: _('About'), id: 'about', type: 'action'}]
{name: _('Last modification'), id: 'last-mod', type: 'action', tablet: false}
presentation: [
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{name: _UNO('.uno:SaveAs', 'presentation'), id: 'saveas', type: window.uiDefaults && window.uiDefaults.saveAsMode === 'group' ? 'menu' : 'action', menu: [
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{name: _('Save Comments'), id: 'savecomments', type: 'action'},
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{name: _('See revision history'), id: 'rev-history', type: 'action'},
{name: !window.ThisIsAMobileApp ? _('Download as') : _('Export as'), id: 'downloadas', type: 'menu', menu: [
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{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Redo', 'presentation'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.REDO), uno: '.uno:Redo'},
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{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ZoomPlus', 'presentation'), id: 'zoomin', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ZoomMinus', 'presentation'), id: 'zoomout', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Reset zoom'), id: 'zoomreset', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _('Toggle UI Mode'), id: 'toggleuimode', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Show Ruler'), id: 'showruler', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Show Status Bar'), id: 'showstatusbar', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Hide Menu Bar'), id: 'togglemenubar', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Dark Mode'), id: 'toggledarktheme', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Master View'), uno: '.uno:SlideMasterPage'},
{uno: '.uno:SidebarDeck.PropertyDeck', name: _UNO('.uno:Sidebar')},
{uno: '.uno:Navigator', id: 'navigator'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:ModifyPage'},
{uno: '.uno:SlideChangeWindow'},
{uno: '.uno:CustomAnimation'},
{uno: '.uno:MasterSlidesPanel'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'insert', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('Local Image...'), id: 'insertgraphic', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic', 'presentation'), id: 'insertgraphicremote', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:SelectBackground', 'presentation'), id: 'selectbackground', type: 'action'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation', 'presentation'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.COMMENT), id: 'insertcomment', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertObjectChart'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater'), uno: '.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater', id: 'fontworkgalleryfloater'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:Text', 'presentation'), id: 'inserttextbox', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:VerticalText'), uno: '.uno:VerticalText'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:HyperlinkDialog'), id: 'inserthyperlink', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Smart Picker'), id: 'remotelink', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertSymbol'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:HeaderAndFooter'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertField', 'text'), id: 'insertfield', type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:InsertDateFieldFix'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertDateFieldVar'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertTimeFieldFix'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertTimeFieldVar'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertSlideField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPageField'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertSlideTitleField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPageTitleField'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertSlidesField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPagesField'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:FormatMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'format', type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:FontDialog'},
{uno: '.uno:ParagraphDialog'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:SlideSetup', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:PageSetup'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:TransformDialog'},
{uno: '.uno:FormatLine'},
{uno: '.uno:FormatArea'},
{uno: '.uno:NameGroup'},
{uno: '.uno:ObjectTitleDescription'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:OutlineBullet'},
{uno: '.uno:ThemeDialog'}]
{name: _UNO('.uno:TableMenu', 'text'/*HACK should be 'presentation', but not in xcu*/), id:'table', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertTable', 'text'), uno: '.uno:InsertTable'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:TableInsertMenu', 'text'/*HACK should be 'presentation', but not in xcu*/), type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:InsertRowsBefore'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertRowsAfter'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertColumnsBefore'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertColumnsAfter'}]},
{name: _UNO('.uno:TableDeleteMenu', 'text'/*HACK should be 'presentation', but not in xcu*/), type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:DeleteRows'},
{uno: '.uno:DeleteColumns'},
{uno: '.uno:DeleteTable'}]},
{name: _UNO('.uno:TableSelectMenu', 'text'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:SelectTable'},
{uno: '.uno:EntireRow'},
{uno: '.uno:EntireColumn'}]},
{uno: '.uno:MergeCells'},
{uno: '.uno:TableDialog'}]
{name: _UNO('.uno:SlideMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'slide', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertSlide', 'presentation'), id: 'insertpage', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:DuplicateSlide', 'presentation'), id: 'duplicatepage', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:DeleteSlide', 'presentation'), id: 'deletepage', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ShowSlide', 'presentation'), id: 'showslide', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:HideSlide', 'presentation'), id: 'hideslide', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator', id: 'fullscreen-presentation-separator'},
{name: _('Fullscreen presentation'), id: 'fullscreen-presentation', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Present current slide'), id: 'presentation-currentslide', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Present in new window'), id: 'present-in-window', type: 'action'}]
{name: _UNO('.uno:ToolsMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'tools', type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:SpellDialog'},
{uno: '.uno:SpellOnline'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:LanguageMenu'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('None (Do not check spelling)'), id: 'nonelanguage', uno: '.uno:LanguageStatus?Language:string=Default_LANGUAGE_NONE'}]},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:RunMacro'), id: 'runmacro', uno: '.uno:RunMacro'}
{name: _UNO('.uno:HelpMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'help', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('Online Help'), id: 'online-help', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_('Keyboard shortcuts'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS), id: 'keyboard-shortcuts', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: _('Report an issue'), id: 'report-an-issue', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: _('Latest Updates'), id: 'latestupdates', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: _('Send Feedback'), id: 'feedback', type: 'action', mobileapp: false},
{name: _('About'), id: 'about', type: 'action'}]
{name: _('Last modification'), id: 'last-mod', type: 'action', tablet: false}
drawing: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:PickList', 'presentation'), id: 'file', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Save', 'presentation'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.SAVE), id: 'save', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:SaveAs', 'presentation'), id: 'saveas', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Export as'), id: 'exportas', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('PDF Document (.pdf)'), id: 'exportas-pdf', type: 'action'}
{name: _('Save Comments'), id: 'savecomments', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Share...'), id:'shareas', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:Print', 'presentation'), id: 'print', type: 'action'},
{name: _('See revision history'), id: 'rev-history', type: 'action'},
{name: !window.ThisIsAMobileApp ? _('Download as') : _('Export as'), id: 'downloadas', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('PDF Document (.pdf)'), id: !window.ThisIsAMobileApp ? 'exportdirectpdf' : 'downloadas-pdf', type: 'action'},
{name: _('PDF Document (.pdf) as...'), id: 'exportpdf' , type: 'action'},
{name: _('ODF Drawing (.odg)'), id: 'downloadas-odg', type: 'action'}
{name: _UNO('.uno:SetDocumentProperties', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:SetDocumentProperties', id: 'properties'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _('Close document'), id: 'closedocument', type: 'action'}
{name: _UNO('.uno:EditMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'editmenu', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Undo', 'presentation'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.UNDO), uno: '.uno:Undo'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Redo', 'presentation'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.REDO), uno: '.uno:Redo'},
{name: _('Repair'), id: 'repair', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Cut', 'presentation'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.CUT), uno: '.uno:Cut'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Copy', 'presentation'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.COPY), uno: '.uno:Copy'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Paste', 'presentation'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.PASTE), uno: '.uno:Paste'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:PasteSpecial', 'presentation'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.PASTE_SPECIAL), uno: '.uno:PasteSpecial'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:SelectAll', 'presentation'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.SELECT_ALL), uno: '.uno:SelectAll'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:SearchDialog'}
{name: _UNO('.uno:ViewMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'view', type: 'menu',
menu: (window.mode.isTablet() ? [
{name: _('Reset zoom'), id: 'zoomreset', type: 'action'},
] : [
{name: _UNO('.uno:FullScreen', 'presentation'), id: 'fullscreen', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ZoomPlus', 'presentation'), id: 'zoomin', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ZoomMinus', 'presentation'), id: 'zoomout', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Reset zoom'), id: 'zoomreset', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _('Toggle UI Mode'), id: 'toggleuimode', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Dark Mode'), id: 'toggledarktheme', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:SidebarDeck.PropertyDeck', name: _UNO('.uno:Sidebar')},
{uno: '.uno:Navigator', id: 'navigator'},
{name: _('Show Status Bar'), id: 'showstatusbar', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Hide Menu Bar'), id: 'togglemenubar', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'insert', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('Local Image...'), id: 'insertgraphic', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic', 'presentation'), id: 'insertgraphicremote', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:SelectBackground', 'presentation'), id: 'selectbackground', type: 'action'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation', 'presentation'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.COMMENT), id: 'insertcomment', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertObjectChart'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:HyperlinkDialog'), id: 'inserthyperlink', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Smart Picker'), id: 'remotelink', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertSymbol'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertField', 'text'), id: 'insertfield', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertDateFieldFix', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertDateFieldFix'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertDateFieldVar', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertDateFieldVar'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertTimeFieldFix', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertTimeFieldFix'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertTimeFieldVar', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertTimeFieldVar'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertPageField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPageField'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertPageTitleField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPageTitleField'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertPagesField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPagesField'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:FormatMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'format', type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:FontDialog'},
{uno: '.uno:ParagraphDialog'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:PageSetup', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:PageSetup'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:TransformDialog'},
{uno: '.uno:FormatLine'},
{uno: '.uno:FormatArea'},
{uno: '.uno:NameGroup'},
{uno: '.uno:ObjectTitleDescription'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:OutlineBullet'},
{uno: '.uno:ThemeDialog'}]
{name: _UNO('.uno:TableMenu', 'text'/*HACK should be 'presentation', but not in xcu*/), id: 'table', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertTable', 'text'), uno: '.uno:InsertTable'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:TableInsertMenu', 'text'/*HACK should be 'presentation', but not in xcu*/), type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertRowsBefore', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertRowsBefore'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertRowsAfter', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertRowsAfter'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertColumnsBefore', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertColumnsBefore'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertColumnsAfter', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertColumnsAfter'}]},
{name: _UNO('.uno:TableDeleteMenu', 'text'/*HACK should be 'presentation', but not in xcu*/), type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:DeleteRows', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:DeleteRows'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:DeleteColumns', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:DeleteColumns'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:DeleteTable', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:DeleteTable'}]},
{name: _UNO('.uno:TableSelectMenu', 'text'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:SelectTable', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:SelectTable'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:EntireRow', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:EntireRow'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:EntireColumn', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:EntireColumn'}]},
{name: _UNO('.uno:MergeCells', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:MergeCells'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:TableDialog', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:TableDialog'}]
{name: _UNO('.uno:PageMenu', 'presentation'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertPage', 'presentation'), id: 'insertpage', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:DuplicatePage', 'presentation'), id: 'duplicatepage', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:DeletePage', 'presentation'), id: 'deletepage', type: 'action'}]
{name: _UNO('.uno:ToolsMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'tools', type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:SpellDialog'},
{uno: '.uno:SpellOnline'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:LanguageMenu'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('None (Do not check spelling)'), id: 'nonelanguage', uno: '.uno:LanguageStatus?Language:string=Default_LANGUAGE_NONE'}]}
{name: _UNO('.uno:HelpMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'help', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('Online Help'), id: 'online-help', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_('Keyboard shortcuts'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS), id: 'keyboard-shortcuts', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: _('Report an issue'), id: 'report-an-issue', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: _('Latest Updates'), id: 'latestupdates', type: 'action', iosapp: false},
{name: _('Send Feedback'), id: 'feedback', type: 'action', mobileapp: false},
{name: _('About'), id: 'about', type: 'action'}]
{name: _('Last modification'), id: 'last-mod', type: 'action', tablet: false}
spreadsheet: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:PickList', 'spreadsheet'), id: 'file', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Save', 'spreadsheet'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.SAVE), id: 'save', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:SaveAs', 'spreadsheet'), id: 'saveas', type: window.uiDefaults && window.uiDefaults.saveAsMode === 'group' ? 'menu' : 'action', menu: [
{name: _('ODF spreadsheet (.ods)'), id: 'saveas-ods', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Excel 2003 Spreadsheet (.xls)'), id: 'saveas-xls', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Excel Spreadsheet (.xlsx)'), id: 'saveas-xlsx', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Export as'), id: 'exportas', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('PDF Document (.pdf)'), id: 'exportas-pdf', type: 'action'}
{name: _('Share...'), id:'shareas', type: 'action'},
{name: _('See revision history'), id: 'rev-history', type: 'action'},
{name: !window.ThisIsAMobileApp ? _('Download as') : _('Export as'), id:'downloadas', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('PDF Document (.pdf)'), id: !window.ThisIsAMobileApp ? 'exportdirectpdf' : 'downloadas-pdf', type: 'action'},
{name: _('PDF Document (.pdf) as...'), id: 'exportpdf' , type: 'action'},
{name: _('ODF spreadsheet (.ods)'), id: 'downloadas-ods', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Excel 2003 Spreadsheet (.xls)'), id: 'downloadas-xls', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Excel Spreadsheet (.xlsx)'), id: 'downloadas-xlsx', type: 'action'},
{name: _('CSV file (.csv)'), id: 'downloadas-csv', type: 'action'}]},
{name: _UNO('.uno:SetDocumentProperties', 'spreadsheet'), uno: '.uno:SetDocumentProperties', id: 'properties'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Print', 'spreadsheet'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.PRINT), id: 'print', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('Active sheet'), id: 'print-active-sheet', type: 'action'},
{name: _('All Sheets'), id: 'print-all-sheets', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Close document'), id: 'closedocument', type: 'action'}
{name: _UNO('.uno:EditMenu', 'spreadsheet'), id: 'editmenu', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Undo', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.UNDO), uno: '.uno:Undo'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Redo', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.REDO), uno: '.uno:Redo'},
{name: _('Repair'), id: 'repair', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Cut', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.CUT), uno: '.uno:Cut'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Copy', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.COPY), uno: '.uno:Copy'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Paste', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.PASTE), uno: '.uno:Paste'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:PasteSpecial', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.PASTE_SPECIAL), uno: '.uno:PasteSpecial'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:SelectAll', 'text'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.SELECT_ALL), uno: '.uno:SelectAll'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:SearchDialog'}
{name: _UNO('.uno:ViewMenu', 'spreadsheet'), id: 'view', type: 'menu',
menu: (window.mode.isTablet() ? [
{name: _('Reset zoom'), id: 'zoomreset', type: 'action'},
] : [
{name: _UNO('.uno:FullScreen', 'spreadsheet'), id: 'fullscreen', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ZoomPlus', 'text'), id: 'zoomin', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ZoomMinus', 'text'), id: 'zoomout', type: 'action',},
{name: _('Reset zoom'), id: 'zoomreset', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _('Toggle UI Mode'), id: 'toggleuimode', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Show Status Bar'), id: 'showstatusbar', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Hide Menu Bar'), id: 'togglemenubar', type: 'action'},
{name: _('Dark Mode'), id: 'toggledarktheme', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:SidebarDeck.PropertyDeck', name: _UNO('.uno:Sidebar')},
{uno: '.uno:Navigator', id: 'navigator'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ToggleSheetGrid', 'spreadsheet', true), uno: '.uno:ToggleSheetGrid', id: 'sheetgrid'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:FreezePanes', 'spreadsheet', true), id: 'FreezePanes', type: 'action', uno: '.uno:FreezePanes'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:FreezeCellsMenu', 'spreadsheet', true), id: 'FreezeCellsMenu', type: 'menu', uno: '.uno:FreezeCellsMenu', menu: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:FreezePanesColumn', 'spreadsheet', true), id: 'FreezePanesColumn', type: 'action', uno: '.uno:FreezePanesColumn'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:FreezePanesRow', 'spreadsheet', true), id: 'FreezePanesRow', type: 'action', uno: '.uno:FreezePanesRow'}
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertMenu', 'spreadsheet'), id: 'insert', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('Local Image...'), id: 'insertgraphic', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic', 'spreadsheet'), id: 'insertgraphicremote', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:DataDataPilotRun', 'spreadsheet'), uno: '.uno:DataDataPilotRun'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertSparkline', 'spreadsheet'), uno: '.uno:InsertSparkline'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation', 'spreadsheet'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.COMMENT), id: 'insertcomment', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertObjectChart'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater'), uno: '.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater', id: 'fontworkgalleryfloater'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:DrawText'), uno: '.uno:DrawText'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:VerticalText'), uno: '.uno:VerticalText'},
{uno: '.uno:FunctionDialog'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:HyperlinkDialog'), uno: '.uno:HyperlinkDialog'},
{name: _('Smart Picker'), id: 'remotelink', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertSymbol'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertField', 'text'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:InsertCurrentDate'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertCurrentTime'}
{uno: '.uno:EditHeaderAndFooter'} /*todo: add to Control.Notebookbar.Calc.js (as Insert tab)*/
{name: _UNO('.uno:FormatMenu', 'spreadsheet'), id: 'format', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:FormatTextMenu', 'spreadsheet'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Bold', 'spreadsheet'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.BOLD), uno: '.uno:Bold'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Italic', 'spreadsheet'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.ITALIC), uno: '.uno:Italic'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Underline', 'spreadsheet'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.UNDERLINE), uno: '.uno:Underline'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:UnderlineDouble', 'spreadsheet'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.DOUBLE_UNDERLINE), uno: '.uno:UnderlineDouble'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:Strikeout', 'spreadsheet'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.STRIKETHROUGH), uno: '.uno:Strikeout'},
{uno: '.uno:Overline'},
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{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:SuperScript', 'spreadsheet'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.SUPERSCRIPT), uno: '.uno:SuperScript'},
{name: L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.addShortcut(_UNO('.uno:SubScript', 'spreadsheet'), L.Control.MenubarShortcuts.shortcuts.SUBSCRIPT), uno: '.uno:SubScript'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:Shadowed'},
{uno: '.uno:OutlineFont'},
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{uno: '.uno:WrapText'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:ChangeCaseToUpper'},
{uno: '.uno:ChangeCaseToLower'},
{uno: '.uno:ChangeCaseRotateCase'},
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{uno: '.uno:ChangeCaseToSentenceCase'},
{uno: '.uno:ChangeCaseToTitleCase'},
{uno: '.uno:ChangeCaseToToggleCase'}]},
{name: _UNO('.uno:TextAlign', 'spreadsheet'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:CommonAlignLeft'},
{uno: '.uno:CommonAlignHorizontalCenter'},
{uno: '.uno:CommonAlignRight'},
{uno: '.uno:CommonAlignJustified'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:CommonAlignTop'},
{uno: '.uno:CommonAlignVerticalCenter'},
{uno: '.uno:CommonAlignBottom'},
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{uno: '.uno:ParaLeftToRight'},
{uno: '.uno:ParaRightToLeft'}]},
{name: _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatMenu', 'spreadsheet'), type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:NumberFormatStandard'},
{uno: '.uno:NumberFormatDecimal'},
{uno: '.uno:NumberFormatPercent'},
{uno: '.uno:NumberFormatCurrency'},
{uno: '.uno:NumberFormatDate'},
{uno: '.uno:NumberFormatTime'},
{uno: '.uno:NumberFormatScientific'},
{type: 'separator'},
{uno: '.uno:NumberFormatThousands'}]},
{type: 'separator'},
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spreadsheet : {
name: _UNO('.uno:InsertMenu', 'spreadsheet'), id: 'insert', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('Local Image...'), id: 'insertgraphic', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic', 'spreadsheet'), id: 'insertgraphicremote', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertObjectChart'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation', 'spreadsheet'), id: 'insertcomment', type: 'action'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:HyperlinkDialog'), id: 'inserthyperlink', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ShapesMenu'), id: 'insertshape', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertCurrentDate'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertCurrentTime'},
// other fields need EditEngine context & can't be disabled in the menu.
presentation : {
name: _UNO('.uno:InsertMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'insert', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('Local Image...'), id: 'insertgraphic', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic', 'presentation'), id: 'insertgraphicremote', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertObjectChart'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation', 'presentation'), id: 'insertcomment', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:TableMenu'), id: 'inserttable', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:HyperlinkDialog'), id: 'inserthyperlink', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ShapesMenu'), id: 'insertshape', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater'), uno: '.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater', id: 'fontworkgalleryfloater'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:Text', 'presentation'), id: 'inserttextbox', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertField', 'text'), id: 'insertfield', type: 'menu', menu: [
{uno: '.uno:InsertDateFieldFix'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertDateFieldVar'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertTimeFieldFix'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertTimeFieldVar'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertSlideField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPageField'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertSlideTitleField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPageTitleField'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertSlidesField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPagesField'},
drawing : {
name: _UNO('.uno:InsertMenu', 'presentation'), id: 'insert', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _('Local Image...'), id: 'insertgraphic', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertGraphic', 'presentation'), id: 'insertgraphicremote', type: 'action'},
{uno: '.uno:InsertObjectChart'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation', 'presentation'), id: 'insertcomment', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:TableMenu'), id: 'inserttable', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:HyperlinkDialog'), id: 'inserthyperlink', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:ShapesMenu'), id: 'insertshape', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater'), uno: '.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater', id: 'fontworkgalleryfloater'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:Text', 'presentation'), id: 'inserttextbox', type: 'action'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertField', 'text'), id: 'insertfield', type: 'menu', menu: [
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertDateFieldFix', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertDateFieldFix'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertDateFieldVar', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertDateFieldVar'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertTimeFieldFix', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertTimeFieldFix'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertTimeFieldVar', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertTimeFieldVar'},
{type: 'separator'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertPageField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPageField'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertPageTitleField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPageTitleField'},
{name: _UNO('.uno:InsertPagesField', 'presentation'), uno: '.uno:InsertPagesField'},
commandStates: {},
// Only these menu options will be visible in readonly mode
allowedReadonlyMenus: ['file', 'downloadas', 'view', 'insert', 'slide', 'help'],
allowedViewModeActions: [
'savecomments', 'shareas', 'print', // file menu
'downloadas-odt', 'downloadas-doc', 'downloadas-docx', 'downloadas-rtf', // file menu
'downloadas-odp', 'downloadas-ppt', 'downloadas-pptx', 'downloadas-odg', 'exportpdf' , // file menu
!window.ThisIsAMobileApp ? 'exportdirectpdf' : 'downloadas-pdf', !window.ThisIsAMobileApp ? 'exportepub' : 'downloadas-epub', // file menu
'downloadas-ods', 'downloadas-xls', 'downloadas-xlsx', 'downloadas-csv', 'closedocument', // file menu
'fullscreen', 'zoomin', 'zoomout', 'zoomreset', 'showstatusbar', 'togglemenubar', 'showresolved', 'toggledarktheme', // view menu
'about', 'keyboard-shortcuts', 'latestupdates', 'feedback', 'online-help', 'report-an-issue', // help menu
onAdd: function (map) {
this._initialized = false;
this._hiddenItems = [];
this._menubarCont = L.DomUtil.get('main-menu');
this._isFileODF = true;
// In case it contains garbage
if (this._menubarCont)
// Use original template as provided by server
this._menubarCont = map.mainMenuTemplate.cloneNode(true);
if (!this._map['wopi'].DisablePresentation)
this.options.allowedViewModeActions = this.options.allowedViewModeActions.concat(['fullscreen-presentation', 'presentation-currentslide', 'present-in-window']);
map.on('doclayerinit', this._onDocLayerInit, this);
map.on('updatepermission', this._onRefresh, this);
map.on('addmenu', this._addMenu, this);
map.on('languagesupdated', this._onInitLanguagesMenu, this);
map.on('updatetoolbarcommandvalues', this._onStyleMenu, this);
onRemove: function() {'doclayerinit', this._onDocLayerInit, this);'updatepermission', this._onRefresh, this);'addmenu', this._addMenu, this);'languagesupdated', this._onInitLanguagesMenu, this);'updatetoolbarcommandvalues', this._onStyleMenu, this);
this._menubarCont = null;
_addMenu: function (e) {
var alreadyExists = L.DomUtil.get('menu-' +;
if (alreadyExists)
var liItem = L.DomUtil.create('li', '');
liItem.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem'); = 'menu-' +;
if (this._map.isReadOnlyMode()) {
L.DomUtil.addClass(liItem, 'readonly');
var aItem = L.DomUtil.create('a', '', liItem);
$(aItem).data('type', 'action');
$(aItem).data('postmessage', 'true');
aItem.tabIndex = 0;
this._menubarCont.insertBefore(liItem, this._menubarCont.firstChild);
_createUnoMenuItem: function (caption, command, tag) {
var liItem, aItem;
liItem = L.DomUtil.create('li', '');
liItem.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem');
aItem = L.DomUtil.create('a', '', liItem);
$(aItem).data('type', 'unocommand');
$(aItem).data('uno', command);
$(aItem).data('tag', tag);
aItem.tabIndex = 0;
return liItem;
_createActionMenuItem: function (caption, id) {
var liItem, aItem;
liItem = L.DomUtil.create('li', '');
liItem.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem');
aItem = L.DomUtil.create('a', '', liItem);
$(aItem).data('type', 'action');
$(aItem).data('id', id);
aItem.tabIndex = 0;
return liItem;
_onInitLanguagesMenu: function () {
var translated, neutral;
var constDefa = 'Default_RESET_LANGUAGES';
var constCurr = 'Current_RESET_LANGUAGES';
var constPara = 'Paragraph_RESET_LANGUAGES';
var constLang = '.uno:LanguageStatus?Language:string=';
var resetLang = _('Reset to Default Language');
var languages = app.languages;
var $menuSelection = $('#menu-noneselection').parent();
var $menuParagraph = $('#menu-noneparagraph').parent();
var $menuDefault = $('#menu-nonelanguage').parent();
var noneselection = $('#menu-noneselection').detach();
var fontlanguage = $('#menu-fontlanguage').detach();
var noneparagraph = $('#menu-noneparagraph').detach();
var paragraphlanguage = $('#menu-paragraphlanguage').detach();
var nonelanguage = $('#menu-nonelanguage').detach();
// clear old entries
for (var lang in languages) {
if (languages.length > 10 && app.favouriteLanguages.indexOf(languages[lang].iso) < 0)
translated = languages[lang].translated;
neutral = languages[lang].neutral;
$menuSelection.append(this._createUnoMenuItem(translated, constLang + encodeURIComponent('Current_' + neutral)));
$menuParagraph.append(this._createUnoMenuItem(translated, constLang + encodeURIComponent('Paragraph_' + neutral)));
$menuDefault.append(this._createUnoMenuItem(translated, constLang + encodeURIComponent('Default_' + neutral)));
$menuSelection.append(this._createActionMenuItem(_('More...'), 'morelanguages-selection'));
$menuParagraph.append(this._createActionMenuItem(_('More...'), 'morelanguages-paragraph'));
$menuDefault.append(this._createActionMenuItem(_('More...'), 'morelanguages-all'));
$menuSelection.append(this._createMenu([{type: 'separator'}]));
$menuParagraph.append(this._createMenu([{type: 'separator'}]));
$menuDefault.append(this._createMenu([{type: 'separator'}]));
$menuSelection.append(this._createUnoMenuItem(resetLang, constLang + constCurr));
$menuParagraph.append(this._createUnoMenuItem(resetLang, constLang + constPara));
$menuDefault.append(this._createUnoMenuItem(resetLang, constLang + constDefa));
_addTabIndexPropsToMainMenu: function () {
var mainMenu = document.getElementById('main-menu');
for (var i = 0; i < mainMenu.children.length; i++) {
if (mainMenu.children[i].children[0].getAttribute('aria-haspopup') === 'true') {
mainMenu.children[i].children[0].tabIndex = 0;
_onRefresh: function() {
// clear initial menu
// Add document specific menu
var docType = this._map.getDocType();
if (docType === 'text') {
} else if (docType === 'spreadsheet') {
} else if (docType === 'presentation') {
} else if (docType === 'drawing') {
// initialize menubar plugin
hideOnClick: true,
showOnClick: true,
hideTimeout: 0,
hideDuration: 0,
hideFunction: null,
showDuration: 0,
showFunction: null,
showTimeout: 0,
collapsibleHideDuration: 0,
collapsibleHideFunction: null,
subIndicatorsPos: 'append',
subIndicatorsText: '&#8250;'
$('#main-menu').attr('tabindex', 0);
document.getElementById('main-menu').setAttribute('role', 'menubar');
_onStyleMenu: function (e) {
if (e.commandName === '.uno:StyleApply') {
var style;
var constArg = '&';
var constHeader = '.uno:InsertPageHeader?PageStyle:string=';
var constFooter = '.uno:InsertPageFooter?PageStyle:string=';
var $menuHeader = $('#menu-insertheader').parent();
var $menuFooter = $('#menu-insertfooter').parent();
var pageStyles = e.commandValues['HeaderFooter'];
for (var iterator in pageStyles) {
style = pageStyles[iterator];
if (!window.mode.isMobile()) {
$menuHeader.append(this._createUnoMenuItem(_(style), constHeader + encodeURIComponent(style) + constArg, style));
$menuFooter.append(this._createUnoMenuItem(_(style), constFooter + encodeURIComponent(style) + constArg, style));
} else {
var docType = this._map.getDocType();
var target = this.options['mobileInsertMenu'][docType];
var findFunction = function(item) {
return === _(style);
var foundMenu = this._findSubMenuByName(target, _UNO('.uno:InsertPageHeader', 'text'));
if (foundMenu && === undefined){name: _(style), tag: style, uno: constHeader + encodeURIComponent(style) + constArg});
foundMenu = this._findSubMenuByName(target, _UNO('.uno:InsertPageFooter', 'text'));
if (foundMenu && === undefined){name: _(style), tag: style, uno: constFooter + encodeURIComponent(style) + constArg});
_createDocument: function(e) {
var self =;
var docType = self._map.getDocType();'postMessage', {msgId: 'UI_CreateFile', args: {DocumentType: docType}});
_onDocLayerInit: function() {
$('#main-menu').bind('select.smapi', {self: this}, this._onItemSelected);
$('#main-menu').bind('beforeshow.smapi', {self: this}, this._beforeShow);
$('#main-menu').bind('click.smapi', {self: this}, this._onClicked);
$('#main-menu').bind('keydown', {self: this}, this._onKeyDown);
if (window.mode.isMobile()) {
$('#main-menu').parent().css('height', '0');
var self = this;
// Also the vertical menu displayed when tapping the hamburger button is produced by SmartMenus
$(function() {
var $mainMenuState = $('#main-menu-state');
if ($mainMenuState.length) {
// animate mobile menu
$mainMenuState.change(function() {
// This code is invoked when the hamburger menu is opened or closed
var $menu = $('#main-menu');
var $nav = $menu.parent();
if (this.checked) {
if (!window.mode.isMobile()) {
// Surely this code, if it really is related only to the hamburger menu,
// will never be invoked on non-mobile browsers? I might be wrong though.
// If you notice this logging, please modify this comment to indicate what is
// going on.'======> Assertion failed!? Not window.mode.isMobile()? Control.Menubar.js #1');
$nav.css({height: 'initial', bottom: '38px'});
$menu.hide().slideDown(250, function() { $menu.css('display', ''); });
} else {
window.mobileMenuWizard = true;
var menuData = self._map.menubar.generateFullMenuStructure();'mobilewizard', {data: menuData});
$('#toolbar-mobile-back').css('visibility', 'hidden');
} else if (!window.mode.isMobile()) {
// Ditto.'======> Assertion failed!? Not window.mode.isMobile()? Control.Menubar.js #2');
$, function() { $menu.css('display', ''); });
$nav.css({height:'', bottom: ''});
} else {
window.mobileMenuWizard = false;'closemobilewizard');
$('#toolbar-mobile-back').css('visibility', '');
if (self._map.getDocType() === 'spreadsheet')
// hide mobile menu beforeunload
$(window).bind('beforeunload unload', function() {
if ($mainMenuState[0].checked) {
this._initialized = true;
_onClicked: function(e, menu) {
if ($(menu).hasClass('highlighted')) {
var $mainMenuState = $('#main-menu-state');
if (!$(menu).hasClass('has-submenu') && $mainMenuState[0].checked) {
_checkedMenu: function(uno, item) {
var constChecked = 'lo-menu-item-checked';
var state = this._map['stateChangeHandler'].getItemValue(uno);
var data = $(item).data('tag');
state = state[data] || false;
if (state) {
} else {
_beforeShow: function(e, menu) {
var self =;
var items = $(menu).children().children('a').not('.has-submenu');
$(items).each(function() {
var aItem = this;
var type = $(aItem).data('type');
var id = $(aItem).data('id');
var constChecked = 'lo-menu-item-checked';
if (self._map.isEditMode()) {
if (type === 'unocommand') { // enable all depending on stored commandStates
var data, lang, languageAndCode;
var constUno = 'uno';
var constState = 'stateChangeHandler';
var constLanguage = '.uno:LanguageStatus';
var constPageHeader = '.uno:InsertPageHeader';
var constPageFooter = '.uno:InsertPageFooter';
var unoCommand = $(aItem).data(constUno);
var itemState = self._map[constState].getItemValue(unoCommand);
if (itemState === 'disabled') {
if (unoCommand.startsWith('.uno:Paste')) {'do not disable paste based on server side data');
} else {
} else {
if (unoCommand.startsWith(constLanguage)) {
unoCommand = constLanguage;
languageAndCode = self._map[constState].getItemValue(unoCommand);
lang = languageAndCode.split(';')[0];
data = decodeURIComponent($(aItem).data(constUno));
if (data.indexOf(lang) !== -1) {
} else if (data.indexOf('LANGUAGE_NONE') !== -1 && lang === '[None]') {
} else {
else if (unoCommand.startsWith(constPageHeader)) {
unoCommand = constPageHeader;
self._checkedMenu(unoCommand, this);
else if (unoCommand.startsWith(constPageFooter)) {
unoCommand = constPageFooter;
self._checkedMenu(unoCommand, this);
else if (itemState === 'true') {
} else {
} else if (type === 'action') { // enable all except fullscreen on windows
if (id === 'fullscreen') { // Full screen works weirdly on IE 11 and on Edge
if ( || L.Browser.edge) {
var index = self.options.allowedViewModeActions.indexOf('fullscreen');
if (index > 0) {
self.options.allowedViewModeActions.splice(index, 1);
} else if (self._map.uiManager.isFullscreen()) {
} else {
} else if (id === 'showruler') {
if (self._map.uiManager.isRulerVisible()) {
} else {
} else if (id == 'toggledarktheme') {
if (self._map.uiManager.getDarkModeState()) {
} else {
} else if (id === 'showstatusbar') {
if (self._map.uiManager.isStatusBarVisible()) {
} else {
} else if (id === 'toggleuimode') {
if (self._map.uiManager.shouldUseNotebookbarMode()) {
$(aItem).text(_('Use Compact view'));
} else {
$(aItem).text(_('Use Tabbed view'));
} else if (id === 'showslide') {
if (!self._map._docLayer.isHiddenSlide(self._map.getCurrentPartNumber()))
} else if (id === 'hideslide') {
if (self._map._docLayer.isHiddenSlide(self._map.getCurrentPartNumber()))
} else if (id === 'togglea11ystate') {
var enabled = self._map.uiManager.getAccessibilityState();
if (enabled) {
} else {
} else if (self._map.getDocType() === 'presentation' && (id === 'deletepage' || id === 'insertpage' || id === 'duplicatepage')) {
if (id === 'deletepage') {
itemState = self._map['stateChangeHandler'].getItemValue('.uno:DeletePage');
} else if (id === 'insertpage') {
itemState = self._map['stateChangeHandler'].getItemValue('.uno:InsertPage');
} else {
itemState = self._map['stateChangeHandler'].getItemValue('.uno:DuplicatePage');
if (itemState === 'disabled') {
} else {
} else if (id === 'showresolved') {
var section = app.sectionContainer.getSectionWithName(;
if (section) {
if (section.sectionProperties.commentList.length === 0) {
} else if (section.sectionProperties.showResolved) {
} else {
} else if (id === 'acceptalltrackedchanges' || id === 'rejectalltrackedchanges') {
var command = id === 'acceptalltrackedchanges' ? '.uno:AcceptAllTrackedChanges' : '.uno:RejectAllTrackedChanges';
itemState = self._map['stateChangeHandler'].getItemValue(command);
if (itemState === 'disabled') {
} else {
} else {
if (id && id.indexOf('zotero') >= 0) {
if (window.zoteroEnabled && self._map.zotero)
} else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-lonely-if
if (type === 'unocommand') { // disable all uno commands
aItem.title = _('Read-only mode');
} else if (type === 'action') { // disable all except allowedViewModeActions
var found = false;
for (var i in self.options.allowedViewModeActions) {
if (self.options.allowedViewModeActions[i] === id) {
found = true;
if (id === 'insertcomment' && self._map.getDocType() !== 'drawing')
found = false;
if (!found) {
aItem.title = _('Read-only mode');
} else {
if (id === 'remotelink') {
if (self._map['wopi'].EnableRemoteLinkPicker)
_openInsertShapesWizard: function() {
var content = window.createShapesPanel('insertshapes');
var data = {
id: 'insertshape',
type: '',
text: _('Insert Shape'),
enabled: true,
children: []
var container = {
id: '',
type: 'htmlcontrol',
content: content,
enabled: true
_executeAction: function(itNode, itWizard) {
var id, postmessage, type;
if (itNode === undefined)
{ // called from JSDialogBuilder
id =;
postmessage = false;
{ // called from
id = $(itNode).data('id');
type = $(itNode).data('type');
postmessage = ($(itNode).data('postmessage') === 'true');
if (id === 'save') {
// Save only when not read-only.
if (!this._map.isReadOnlyMode()) {'postMessage', {msgId: 'UI_Save', args: { source: 'filemenu' }});
if (!this._map._disableDefaultAction['UI_Save']) {, false);
} else if (id === 'saveas' && type !== 'menu') { // jsdialog has no type='action'
} else if (id === 'savecomments') {
} else if (id === 'shareas' || id === 'ShareAs') {
} else if (id === 'print') {
} else if (id.startsWith('downloadas-')
|| id.startsWith('saveas-')
|| id.startsWith('export')
|| id === 'renamedocument'
|| id.startsWith('zotero')
|| id === 'deletepage'
|| id === 'remotelink'
|| id === 'toggledarktheme'
|| id === 'home-search'
|| id === 'print-active-sheet'
|| id == 'print-all-sheets') {
} else if (id === 'insertcomment') {
} else if (id === 'insertgraphic') {
} else if (id === 'insertgraphicremote') {'postMessage', {msgId: 'UI_InsertGraphic'});
} else if (id === 'selectbackground') {
} else if (id === 'zoomin' && this._map.getZoom() < this._map.getMaxZoom()) {
this._map.zoomIn(1, null, true /* animate? */);
} else if (id === 'showresolved') {
} else if (id === 'zoomout' && this._map.getZoom() > this._map.getMinZoom()) {
this._map.zoomOut(1, null, true /* animate? */);
} else if (id === 'zoomreset') {
} else if (id === 'fullscreen') {
} else if (id === 'showruler') {
} else if (id === 'togglea11ystate') {
} else if (id === 'toggleuimode') {
if (this._map.uiManager.shouldUseNotebookbarMode()) {
this._map.uiManager.onChangeUIMode({mode: 'classic', force: true});
} else {
this._map.uiManager.onChangeUIMode({mode: 'notebookbar', force: true});
} else if (id === 'showstatusbar') {
} else if (id === 'togglemenubar') {
} else if (id === 'collapsenotebookbar') {
} else if (id === 'fullscreen-presentation' && this._map.getDocType() === 'presentation') {'fullscreen');
} else if (id === 'presentation-currentslide' && this._map.getDocType() === 'presentation') {'fullscreen', {startSlideNumber: this._map.getCurrentPartNumber()});
} else if (id === 'present-in-window' && this._map.getDocType() === 'presentation') {'presentinwindow');
} else if (id === 'insertpage') {
} else if (id === 'insertshape') {
} else if (id === 'duplicatepage') {
} else if (id === 'about') {
} else if (id === 'latestupdates' && this._map.welcome) {
} else if (id === 'feedback' && {;
} else if (id === 'report-an-issue') {'', '_blank');
} else if (id === 'forum') {'', '_blank');
} else if (id === 'inserthyperlink') {
} else if (id === 'keyboard-shortcuts' || id === 'online-help') {
this._map.showHelp(id + '-content');
} else if (L.Params.revHistoryEnabled && (id === 'rev-history' || id === 'Rev-History' || id === 'last-mod')) {
} else if (id === 'closedocument') {
} else if (id === 'repair') {
} else if (id === 'searchdialog') {
if (this._map.isReadOnlyMode()) {
} else {
} else if (id === 'inserttextbox') {
} else if (id === 'pagesetup') {
this._map.sendUnoCommand('.uno:LOKSidebarWriterPage');'showwizardsidebar', {noRefresh: true});
window.pageMobileWizard = true;
} else if (id === 'showslide') {
} else if (id === 'hideslide') {
} else if (id.indexOf('morelanguages-') != -1) {'morelanguages', { applyto: id.substr('morelanguages-'.length) });
} else if (id === 'acceptalltrackedchanges') {
} else if (id === 'rejectalltrackedchanges') {
// Inform the host if asked
if (postmessage)'postMessage', {msgId: 'Clicked_Button', args: {Id: id} });
_sendCommand: function (item) {
var unoCommand = $(item).data('uno');
if (unoCommand.startsWith('.uno:InsertPageHeader') || unoCommand.startsWith('.uno:InsertPageFooter')) {
unoCommand = unoCommand + ($(item).hasClass('lo-menu-item-checked') ? 'On:bool=false' : 'On:bool=true');
else if (unoCommand.startsWith('.uno:SlideMasterPage')) {
// Toggle between showing master page and closing it.
unoCommand = ($(item).hasClass('lo-menu-item-checked') ? '.uno:CloseMasterView' : '.uno:SlideMasterPage');
else if (this._map._clip && this._map._clip.filterExecCopyPaste(unoCommand)) {
_onItemSelected: function(e, item) {
// TODO: Find a way to disable click/select events for locked elements in disableLockedItem
if ($(item).data('locked') === true)
var self =;
var type = $(item).data('type');
if (type === 'unocommand') {
} else if (type === 'action') {
if (!window.mode.isMobile() && $(item).data('id') !== 'insertcomment' && self && self._map)
_onKeyDown: function(e) {
var self =;
// handle help - F1
if (e.type === 'keydown' && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && e.keyCode == 112) {
_createFileIcon: function() {
var iconClass = 'document-logo';
var docType = this._map.getDocType();
if (docType === 'text') {
iconClass += ' writer-icon-img';
} else if (docType === 'spreadsheet') {
iconClass += ' calc-icon-img';
} else if (docType === 'presentation') {
iconClass += ' impress-icon-img';
} else if (docType === 'drawing') {
iconClass += ' draw-icon-img';
$('.main-nav').addClass(docType + '-color-indicator');
var liItem = L.DomUtil.create('li', ''); = 'document-header';
liItem.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem');
var aItem = L.DomUtil.create('div', iconClass, liItem);
$(aItem).data('id', 'document-logo');
$(aItem).data('type', 'action');
aItem.setAttribute('role', 'img');
aItem.setAttribute('aria-label', _('file type icon'));
this._menubarCont.insertBefore(liItem, this._menubarCont.firstChild);
var $docLogo = $(aItem);
$docLogo.bind('click', {self: this}, this._createDocument);
_checkItemVisibility: function(menuItem) {
if (window.ThisIsAMobileApp && menuItem.mobileapp === false) {
return false;
if (window.ThisIsTheiOSApp && menuItem.iosapp === false) {
return false;
if ( === 'about' && (L.DomUtil.get('about-dialog') === null)) {
return false;
if ( === 'fontworkgalleryfloater' && !this._isFileODF) {
return false;
if (this._map.isReadOnlyMode() && menuItem.type === 'menu') {
var found = false;
for (var j in this.options.allowedReadonlyMenus) {
if (this.options.allowedReadonlyMenus[j] === {
found = true;
if (!found)
return false;
if (this._map.isReadOnlyMode()) {
switch ( {
case 'last-mod':
case 'save':
case 'runmacro':
case 'pagesetup':
case 'watermark':
case 'properties':
case 'formattingmarks':
return false;
case 'insertcomment':
case 'savecomments':
if (!app.isCommentEditingAllowed()) {
return false;
if (this._map.isEditMode()) {
switch ( {
case 'savecomments':
return false;
if ( === 'runmacro' && window.enableMacrosExecution === 'false')
return false;
if (menuItem.type === 'action') {
if ((( === 'rev-history' || === 'Rev-History') && !L.Params.revHistoryEnabled) ||
( === 'closedocument' && !L.Params.closeButtonEnabled) ||
( === 'latestupdates' && !window.enableWelcomeMessage)) {
return false;
if ( === 'print' && this._map['wopi'].HidePrintOption)
return false;
if ( === 'save' && this._map['wopi'].HideSaveOption)
return false;
if ( && ( === 'saveas' ||'saveas-')) && this._map['wopi'].UserCanNotWriteRelative)
return false;
if ( && ('exportas')) && this._map['wopi'].UserCanNotWriteRelative)
return false;
if ( && === 'exportpdf' && window.ThisIsTheAndroidApp)
return false;
if (( === 'shareas' || === 'ShareAs') && !this._map['wopi'].EnableShare)
return false;
if ( === 'insertgraphicremote' && !this._map['wopi'].EnableInsertRemoteImage)
return false;
if ( === 'insertgraphic' && this._map['wopi'].DisableInsertLocalImage)
return false;
if ( &&'fullscreen-presentation') && this._map['wopi'].HideExportOption)
return false;
if ( === 'repair' && this._map['wopi'].HideRepairOption)
return false;
if ( === 'changesmenu' && this._map['wopi'].HideChangeTrackingControls)
return false;
// Keep track of all 'downloadas-' options and register them as
// export formats with docLayer which can then be publicly accessed unlike
// this Menubar control for which there doesn't seem to be any easy way
// to get access to.
if ( &&'downloadas-')) {
var format ='downloadas-'.length);
app.registerExportFormat(, format);
if (this._map['wopi'].HideExportOption)
return false;
if ( &&'export')) {
if (!'exportas-')) {
var format ='export'.length);
app.registerExportFormat(, format);
if (this._map['wopi'].HideExportOption)
return false;
if (this._hiddenItems &&
$.inArray(, this._hiddenItems) !== -1)
return false;
return true;
_createMenu: function(menu) {
var itemList = [];
var docType = this._map.getDocType();
var isReadOnly = this._map.isReadOnlyMode();
if (isReadOnly && !app.file.editComment) {
for (var i in menu) {
if (this._checkItemVisibility(menu[i]) === false)
var liItem = L.DomUtil.create('li', '');
liItem.setAttribute('role', 'menuitem');
if (menu[i].id) { = 'menu-' + menu[i].id;
if (menu[i].id === 'closedocument' && this._map.isReadOnlyMode()) {
// see corresponding css rule for readonly class usage
L.DomUtil.addClass(liItem, 'readonly');
var aItem = L.DomUtil.create('a', menu[i].disabled ? 'disabled' : '', liItem);
if (menu[i].name !== undefined) {
aItem.innerHTML = menu[i].name;
} else if (menu[i].uno !== undefined) {
aItem.innerHTML = _UNO(menu[i].uno, docType);
} else {
aItem.innerHTML = '';
if (menu[i].type === 'menu') {
var ulItem = L.DomUtil.create('ul', '', liItem);
var subitemList = this._createMenu(menu[i].menu);
if (!subitemList.length) {
for (var idx in subitemList) {
aItem.tabIndex = 0;
} else if (menu[i].type === 'unocommand' || menu[i].uno !== undefined) {
$(aItem).data('type', 'unocommand');
$(aItem).data('uno', menu[i].uno);
$(aItem).data('tag', menu[i].tag);
aItem.tabIndex = 0;
} else if (menu[i].type === 'separator') {
aItem.tabIndex = -1;
} else if (menu[i].type === 'action') {
if (menu[i].id == 'feedback' && !
$(aItem).data('type', 'action');
$(aItem).data('id', menu[i].id);
aItem.tabIndex = 0;
if (menu[i].hidden == true)
$(aItem).css('display', 'none');
if (menu[i].tablet == false && window.mode.isTablet()) {
$(aItem).css('display', 'none');
if (this._hiddenItems && $.inArray(menu[i].id, this._hiddenItems) !== -1) {
$(aItem).css('display', 'none');
this._map.hideRestrictedItems(menu[i], aItem, aItem);
this._map.disableLockedItem(menu[i], aItem, aItem);
return itemList;
_getItems: function() {
return $(this._menubarCont).children().children('ul').children('li').add($(this._menubarCont).children('li'));
_getItem: function(targetId) {
var items = this._getItems();
var found = $(items).filter(function() {
var item = this;
var id = $(item).attr('id');
if (id && id == 'menu-' + targetId) {
return true;
return false;
return found.length ? found : null;
hasItem: function(targetId) {
return this._getItem(targetId) != null;
hideItem: function(targetId) {
var item = this._getItem(targetId);
if (item) {
if ($.inArray(targetId, this._hiddenItems) == -1)
$(item).css('display', 'none');
showItem: function(targetId) {
var item = this._getItem(targetId);
if (item) {
if ($.inArray(targetId, this._hiddenItems) !== -1)
this._hiddenItems.splice(this._hiddenItems.indexOf(targetId), 1);
$(item).css('display', '');
_getItemsForCommand: function(commandId) {
var items = this._getItems();
var found = $(items).filter(function() {
var item = $(this.children[0]);
var type ='type');
var id = null;
if (type == 'unocommand') {
id = $(item).data('uno');
} else if (type == 'action') {
id = $(item).data('id');
if (id && id == commandId) {
return true;
return false;
return found.length ? found : null;
hideUnoItem: function(targetId) {
var items = this._getItemsForCommand(targetId);
var menubar = this;
if (items) {
$(items).each(function() {
if ($.inArray(, menubar._hiddenItems) == -1) {
$(items).css('display', 'none');
showUnoItem: function(targetId) {
var items = this._getItemsForCommand(targetId);
var menubar = this;
if (items) {
$(items).each(function() {
if ($.inArray(, menubar._hiddenItems) !== -1) {
menubar._hiddenItems.splice(menubar._hiddenItems.indexOf(, 1);
$(items).css('display', '');
_initializeMenu: function(menu) {
this._isFileODF = L.LOUtil.isFileODF(this._map);
var menuHtml = this._createMenu(menu);
for (var i in menuHtml) {
generateFullMenuStructure: function() {
var topMenu = {
type : 'menubar',
enabled : true,
id : 'menubar',
children : []
var docType = this._map.getDocType();
var items = this.options['mobile' + docType];
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (this._checkItemVisibility(items[i]) === true) {
var item = this._generateMenuStructure(items[i], docType, false);
if (item)
return topMenu;
generateInsertMenuStructure: function() {
var docType = this._map.getDocType();
var target = this.options['mobileInsertMenu'][docType];
var menuStructure = this._generateMenuStructure(target, docType, true);
return menuStructure;
_generateMenuStructure: function(item, docType, mainMenu) {
var itemType;
if (mainMenu) {
itemType = 'mainmenu';
} else {
if (item.mobileapp == true && !window.ThisIsAMobileApp)
return undefined;
if (item.mobileapp === false && window.ThisIsAMobileApp)
return undefined;
if (! {
itemType = 'menuitem';
} else {
itemType = 'submenu';
if ( === 'feedback' && !
return undefined;
var itemName;
if (
itemName =;
else if (
itemName = _UNO(, docType);
return undefined; // separator
var menuStructure = {
id :,
type : itemType,
enabled : !item.disabled,
text : itemName,
command :,
executionType : item.type,
data : item,
children : []
// Checked state for insert header / footer
var insertHeaderString = '.uno:InsertPageHeader?PageStyle:string=';
var insertFooterString = '.uno:InsertPageFooter?PageStyle:string=';
if ( && ( || {
var style = decodeURIComponent('=') + 1));
style = style.slice(0, style.length - 1);
var shortUno =,'\\?'));
var state = this._map['stateChangeHandler'].getItemValue(shortUno);
if (state && state[style]) {
menuStructure['checked'] = true;
} else if ( === '.uno:TrackChanges' || === '.uno:ShowTrackedChanges' || === '.uno:ControlCodes' || === '.uno:SpellOnline' || === '.uno:ShowResolvedAnnotations' || === '.uno:FreezePanes') {
if (this._map['stateChangeHandler'].getItemValue( === 'true') {
menuStructure['checked'] = true;
} else if ( === 'togglea11ystate') {
if (this._map.uiManager.getAccessibilityState())
menuStructure['checked'] = true;
} else if ( === 'toggledarktheme' && this._map.uiManager.getDarkModeState()) {
menuStructure['checked'] = true;
if (
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
if (this._checkItemVisibility([i]) === true) {
var element = this._generateMenuStructure([i], docType, false);
if (element)
return menuStructure;
_findSubMenuByName: function(menuTarget, nameString) {
if ( === nameString)
return menuTarget;
if (
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var foundItem = this._findSubMenuByName([i], nameString);
if (foundItem)
return foundItem;
return null;
L.control.menubar = function (options) {
return new L.Control.Menubar(options);