
547 lines
18 KiB

/* global cy require Cypress expect */
var helper = require('./helper');
// Make the sidebar visible by clicking on the corresponding toolbar item.
// We assume that the sidebar is hidden, when this method is called.
function showSidebar() {
cy.log('>> showSidebar - start');
cy.cGet('#sidebar').should('not.have.class', 'selected');
cy.cGet('#sidebar').click({force: true});
cy.cGet('#sidebar').should('have.class', 'selected');
cy.log('<< showSidebar - end');
// Hide the sidebar by clicking on the corresponding toolbar item.
// We assume that the sidebar is visible, when this method is called.
function hideSidebar() {
cy.log('>> hideSidebar - start');
cy.cGet('#sidebar').should('have.class', 'selected');
cy.cGet('#sidebar').click({force: true});
cy.cGet('#sidebar').should('not.have.class', 'selected');
cy.log('<< hideSidebar - end');
function hideSidebarImpress() {
cy.log('>> hideSidebarImpress - start');
cy.cGet('#modifypage').should('have.class', 'selected');
cy.cGet('#modifypage button').click({force: true});
cy.cGet('#modifypage').should('not.have.class', 'selected');
cy.log('<< hideSidebarImpress - end');
// Make the status bar visible if it's hidden at the moment.
// We use the menu option under 'View' menu to make it visible.
function showStatusBarIfHidden() {
cy.log('>> showStatusBarIfHidden - start');
.then(function(statusbar) {
if (!Cypress.dom.isVisible(statusbar[0])) {
cy.log('<< showStatusBarIfHidden - end');
// Make the sidebar visible if it's hidden at the moment.
function showSidebarIfHidden() {
cy.log('>> showSidebarIfHidden - start');
.then(function(sidebarItem) {
if (!sidebarItem.hasClass('checked')) {
cy.log('<< showSidebarIfHidden - end');
// Hide the sidebar if it's visible at the moment.
function hideSidebarIfVisible() {
cy.log('>> hideSidebarIfVisible - start');
.then(function(sidebarItem) {
if (sidebarItem.hasClass('checked')) {
cy.log('<< hideSidebarIfVisible - end');
// Select a color from colour palette widget used on top toolbar.
// Parameters:
// color - a hexadecimal color code without the '#' mark (e.g. 'FF011B')
function selectColorFromPalette(color) {
cy.log('>> selectColorFromPalette - start');
cy.cGet('.ui-color-picker-entry[name="' + color + '"]').click();
cy.log('<< selectColorFromPalette - end');
// Select an item from a listbox widget used on top toolbar.
// Parameters:
// item - item string, that we use a selector to find the right list item.
function selectFromListbox(item) {
cy.log('>> selectFromListbox - start');
// We use force because the tooltip sometimes hides the items.
cy.cGet('body').contains('.select2-results__option', item).click({force: true});
cy.log('<< selectFromListbox - end');
// Select an item from a JSDialog dropdown widget used on top toolbar.
// Parameters:
// item - item string, that we use a selector to find the right list item.
function selectFromJSDialogListbox(item, isImage) {
cy.log('>> selectFromJSDialogListbox - start');
// We use force because the tooltip sometimes hides the items.
if (isImage) {
cy.wait(1000); // We need some time to render custom entries
cy.cGet('[id$="-dropdown"].modalpopup img[alt="' + item + '"]').click({force: true});
} else
cy.cGet('[id$="-dropdown"].modalpopup').contains('span', item).click({force: true});
cy.log('<< selectFromJSDialogListbox - end');
// Make sure the right dialog is opened and then we close it.
// Used for tunneled dialogs. We don't interact with this dialogs
// now, because they are just images. We mostly just check that
// the dialog is open.
// Parameters:
// dialogTitle - a title string to make sure the right dialog was opened.
function checkDialogAndClose(dialogTitle) {
cy.log('>> checkDialogAndClose - start');
// Dialog is opened
cy.cGet('.ui-dialog-title').should('have.text', dialogTitle);
// Close the dialog
cy.log('<< checkDialogAndClose - end');
// Checks wether the document has the given zoom level according to the status bar.
// Parameters:
// zoomLevel the expected zoom level (e.g. '100' means 100%).
function shouldHaveZoomLevel(zoomLevel) {
cy.log('>> shouldHaveZoomLevel - start');
cy.cGet('#toolbar-down #zoom .unolabel').should('have.text', zoomLevel);
cy.log('<< shouldHaveZoomLevel - end');
// Make the zoom related status bar items visible if they are hidden.
// The status bar can be long to not fit on the screen. We have a scroll
// item for navigation in this case.
function makeZoomItemsVisible() {
cy.log('>> makeZoomItemsVisible - start');
cy.cGet('#toolbar-down #zoomin')
.then(function(zoomInItem) {
if (!Cypress.dom.isVisible(zoomInItem)) {
cy.cGet('#toolbar-down .ui-scroll-right').click();
cy.cGet('#toolbar-down #zoomin').should('be.visible');
cy.log('<< makeZoomItemsVisible - end');
// Increase / decrease the zoom level using the status bar related items.
// Parameters:
// zoomIn - do a zoom in (e.g. increase zoom level) or zoom out.
function doZoom(zoomIn) {
cy.log('>> doZoom - start');
var prevZoom = '';
cy.cGet('#toolbar-down #zoom .unolabel')
.should(function(zoomLevel) {
prevZoom = zoomLevel.text();
// Force because sometimes the icons are scrolled off the screen to the right
if (zoomIn) {
cy.cGet('#toolbar-down #zoomin').click({force: true});
} else {
cy.cGet('#toolbar-down #zoomout').click({force: true});
// Wait for animation to complete
cy.cGet('#toolbar-down #zoom .unolabel')
.should(function(zoomLevel) {
cy.log('<< doZoom - end');
// Zoom in the document.
function zoomIn() {
// Zoom out of the document.
function zoomOut() {
// Similarly to zoomIn() and zoomOut() we can change the zoom level.
// However, in this case we can specify the exact zoom level.
// Parameters:
// zoomLevel - a number specifing the zoom level (e.g. '100' means 100%).
// See also the status bar's zoom level list for possible values.
function selectZoomLevel(zoomLevel) {
cy.log('>> selectZoomLevel - start');
// Force because sometimes the icons are scrolled off the screen to the right
cy.cGet('#toolbar-down #zoom .arrowbackground').click({force: true});
cy.cGet('#zoom-dropdown').contains('.ui-combobox-entry', zoomLevel).click({force: true});
cy.log('<< selectZoomLevel - end');
// Reset zoom level to 100%.
function resetZoomLevel() {
cy.log('>> resetZoomLevel - start');
// Force because sometimes the icons are scrolled off the screen to the right
cy.cGet('#toolbar-down #zoomreset').click({force: true});
cy.log('<< resetZoomLevel - end');
function insertImage(docType) {
cy.log('>> insertImage - start');
cy.cGet('#toolbar-up .ui-scroll-right').click();
const mode = Cypress.env('USER_INTERFACE');
if (mode === 'notebookbar')
cy.cGet('#toolbar-up .ui-scroll-right').click();
if (docType === 'calc' && mode === 'notebookbar') {
cy.cGet('#Insert-container .unoInsertGraphic').click({force: true});
else {
cy.cGet('#Home-container .unoInsertGraphic').click({force: true});
cy.cGet('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane svg g').should('exist');
cy.log('<< insertImage - end');
function deleteImage() {
cy.log('>> deleteImage - start');
cy.cGet('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane svg g').should('not.exist');
cy.log('<< deleteImage - end');
function assertImageSize(expectedWidth, expectedHeight) {
cy.log('>> assertImageSize - start');
cy.cGet('.leaflet-pane.leaflet-overlay-pane svg svg')
.then($ele => {
const actualWidth = parseInt($ele.attr('width'));
const actualHeight = parseInt($ele.attr('height'));
expect(actualWidth), 10);
expect(actualHeight), 10);
cy.log('<< assertImageSize - end');
function insertComment(text = 'some text0', save = true) {
cy.log('>> insertComment - start');
var mode = Cypress.env('USER_INTERFACE');
if (mode === 'notebookbar') {
cy.cGet('#insert-insert-annotation').click({force: true});
} else {
// Use .last() because there might be multiple comments
cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).find('#annotation-modify-textarea-new').should('not.have.attr','disabled');
cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).find('#annotation-modify-textarea-new').type(text);
// Click outside modify area to trigger update
cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).find('.cool-annotation-table').click();
// In case of small window to expand the comments
cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).find('.cool-annotation-img').click();
// Check that comment exists
cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).find('.cool-annotation-textarea').should('contain',text);
if (save) {
cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).find('[value="Save"]').click();
cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).find('.modify-annotation').should('');
cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).find('.cool-annotation-content').should('contain',text);
// Comments can be automatically hidden after save in some cases,
// so we can't check that the final content is visible
// cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).find('.cool-annotation-content').should('be.visible');
// Wait for the animation to stop
cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).invoke('attr','style').should('not.contain','transition');
// Need to wait even longer so that modify and reply work
// TODO: Find out why newly typed text gets overwritten, find
// a way to query for it, and wait only in relevant tests
} else {
cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).find('.cool-annotation-content').should('');
cy.cGet('.cool-annotation').last({log: false}).find('.modify-annotation').should('be.visible');
cy.log('<< insertComment - end');
function switchUIToNotebookbar() {
cy.log('>> switchUIToNotebookbar - start');
cy.window().then(win => {
var userInterfaceMode = win['0'].userInterfaceMode;
if (userInterfaceMode !== 'notebookbar') {
cy.cGet('#menu-toggleuimode').should($el => { expect(Cypress.dom.isDetached($el)).to.eq(false); }).click();
Cypress.env('USER_INTERFACE', 'notebookbar');
cy.log('<< switchUIToNotebookbar - end');
function switchUIToCompact() {
cy.log('>> switchUIToCompact - start');
cy.window().then(win => {
var userInterfaceMode = win['0'].userInterfaceMode;
if (userInterfaceMode === 'notebookbar') {
cy.log('<< switchUIToCompact - end');
function actionOnSelector(name, func) {
cy.task('getSelectors', {
mode: Cypress.env('USER_INTERFACE'),
name: name,
}).then((selector) => {
//type represent horizontal/vertical scrollbar
//arr : In both cypress GUI and CLI the scrollposition are slightly different
//so we are passing both in array and assert using oneOf
function assertScrollbarPosition(type, lowerBound, upperBound) {
cy.log('>> assertScrollbarPosition - start');
cy.cGet('#test-div-' + type + '-scrollbar')
.should(function($item) {
const x = parseInt($item.text());
expect(x), upperBound);
cy.log('<< assertScrollbarPosition - end');
function pressKey(n, key) {
cy.log('>> pressKey - start');
for (let i=0; i<n; i++) {
helper.typeIntoDocument('{' + key + '}');
cy.log('<< pressKey - end');
function openReadOnlyFile(subFolder, fileName) {
cy.log('>> openReadOnlyFile - start');
var newFileName = helper.setupDocument(fileName, subFolder);
// Skip document checks because sidebar does not appear
helper.loadDocument(newFileName, subFolder, true);
//check doc is loaded
cy.cGet('.leaflet-canvas-container canvas', {timeout : Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout') * 2.0});
cy.cGet('#PermissionMode').should('be.visible').should('have.text', ' Read-only ');
cy.log('<< openReadOnlyFile - end');
return newFileName;
function checkAccessibilityEnabledToBe(state) {
cy.log('>> checkAccessibilityEnabledToBe - start');
cy.window().then(win => {
cy.log('check accessibility enabled to be: ' + state);
var isAccessibilityEnabledAtServerLevel = win['0'].enableAccessibility;
// expect(isAccessibilityEnabledAtServerLevel).to.eq(true);
if (isAccessibilityEnabledAtServerLevel) {
var userInterfaceMode = win['0'].userInterfaceMode;
if (userInterfaceMode === 'notebookbar') {
if (state) {
cy.cGet('#togglea11ystate').should('have.class', 'selected');
} else {
cy.cGet('#togglea11ystate').should('not.have.class', 'selected');
} else {
if (state) {
cy.cGet('#menu-togglea11ystate a').should('have.class', 'lo-menu-item-checked');
} else {
cy.cGet('#menu-togglea11ystate a').should('not.have.class', 'lo-menu-item-checked');
cy.cGet('div.clipboard').type('{esc}', {force: true});
cy.cGet('div.clipboard').then((clipboard) => {
} else {
cy.log('accessibility disabled at server level');
cy.log('<< checkAccessibilityEnabledToBe - end');
function setAccessibilityState(enable) {
cy.log('>> setAccessibilityState - start');
cy.window().then(win => {
cy.log('set accessibility state to: ' + enable);
var a11yEnabled = win['0'].enableAccessibility;
if (a11yEnabled) {
var userInterfaceMode = win['0'].userInterfaceMode;
if (userInterfaceMode === 'notebookbar') {
cy.cGet('#togglea11ystate').then((button) => {
//var currentState = button.get(0).classList.contains('selected');
var currentState = button.hasClass('selected');
if (currentState !== enable) {;
cy.log('accessibility state changed: ' + enable);
} else {
cy.log('accessibility already in requested state: ' + enable);
} else {
cy.cGet('#menu-togglea11ystate a').then((item) => {
var currentState = item.hasClass('lo-menu-item-checked');
if (currentState !== enable) {
cy.log('accessibility state changed: ' + enable);
} else {
cy.log('accessibility already in requested state: ' + enable);
cy.cGet('div.clipboard').then((clipboard) => {
} else {
cy.log('accessibility disabled at server level');
cy.log('<< setAccessibilityState - end');
module.exports.showSidebar = showSidebar;
module.exports.hideSidebar = hideSidebar;
module.exports.hideSidebarImpress = hideSidebarImpress;
module.exports.showStatusBarIfHidden = showStatusBarIfHidden;
module.exports.showSidebarIfHidden = showSidebarIfHidden;
module.exports.hideSidebarIfVisible = hideSidebarIfVisible;
module.exports.selectColorFromPalette = selectColorFromPalette;
module.exports.selectFromListbox = selectFromListbox;
module.exports.selectFromJSDialogListbox = selectFromJSDialogListbox;
module.exports.checkDialogAndClose = checkDialogAndClose;
module.exports.makeZoomItemsVisible = makeZoomItemsVisible;
module.exports.zoomIn = zoomIn;
module.exports.zoomOut = zoomOut;
module.exports.shouldHaveZoomLevel = shouldHaveZoomLevel;
module.exports.selectZoomLevel = selectZoomLevel;
module.exports.resetZoomLevel = resetZoomLevel;
module.exports.insertImage = insertImage;
module.exports.deleteImage = deleteImage;
module.exports.insertComment = insertComment;
module.exports.actionOnSelector = actionOnSelector;
module.exports.assertScrollbarPosition = assertScrollbarPosition;
module.exports.pressKey = pressKey;
module.exports.assertImageSize = assertImageSize;
module.exports.openReadOnlyFile = openReadOnlyFile;
module.exports.switchUIToNotebookbar = switchUIToNotebookbar;
module.exports.switchUIToCompact = switchUIToCompact;
module.exports.checkAccessibilityEnabledToBe = checkAccessibilityEnabledToBe;
module.exports.setAccessibilityState = setAccessibilityState;