
6658 lines
243 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
* Copyright the Collabora Online contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#include <config.h>
#include <config_version.h>
#include "COOLWSD.hpp"
#include "ProofKey.hpp"
#include "RequestDetails.hpp"
#include "CommandControl.hpp"
#include "HostUtil.hpp"
/* Default host used in the start test URI */
#define COOLWSD_TEST_HOST "localhost"
/* Default cool UI used in the admin console URI */
#define COOLWSD_TEST_ADMIN_CONSOLE "/browser/dist/admin/admin.html"
/* Default cool UI used in for monitoring URI */
#define COOLWSD_TEST_METRICS "/cool/getMetrics"
/* Default cool UI used in the start test URI */
#define COOLWSD_TEST_COOL_UI "/browser/" COOLWSD_VERSION_HASH "/debug.html"
/* Default document used in the start test URI */
#define COOLWSD_TEST_DOCUMENT_RELATIVE_PATH_WRITER "test/data/hello-world.odt"
#define COOLWSD_TEST_DOCUMENT_RELATIVE_PATH_CALC "test/data/hello-world.ods"
#define COOLWSD_TEST_DOCUMENT_RELATIVE_PATH_IMPRESS "test/data/hello-world.odp"
#define COOLWSD_TEST_DOCUMENT_RELATIVE_PATH_DRAW "test/data/hello-world.odg"
/* Default ciphers used, when not specified otherwise */
// This is the main source for the coolwsd program. COOL uses several coolwsd processes: one main
// parent process that listens on the TCP port and accepts connections from COOL clients, and a
// number of child processes, each which handles a viewing (editing) session for one document.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cerrno>
#include <clocale>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <chrono>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <Poco/Net/Context.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTMLForm.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPRequest.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HTTPResponse.h>
#include <Poco/Net/IPAddress.h>
#include <Poco/Net/MessageHeader.h>
#include <Poco/Net/NameValueCollection.h>
#include <Poco/Net/Net.h>
#include <Poco/Net/NetException.h>
#include <Poco/Net/PartHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/SocketAddress.h>
#include <net/HttpHelper.hpp>
#include <Poco/Net/AcceptCertificateHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/Context.h>
#include <Poco/Net/KeyConsoleHandler.h>
#include <Poco/Net/SSLManager.h>
using Poco::Net::HTMLForm;
using Poco::Net::PartHandler;
#include <Poco/DOM/AutoPtr.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/DOMParser.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/DOMWriter.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/Document.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/Element.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/NodeList.h>
#include <Poco/DateTimeFormatter.h>
#include <Poco/DirectoryIterator.h>
#include <Poco/Exception.h>
#include <Poco/File.h>
#include <Poco/FileStream.h>
#include <Poco/MemoryStream.h>
#include <Poco/Net/DNS.h>
#include <Poco/Net/HostEntry.h>
#include <Poco/Path.h>
#include <Poco/SAX/InputSource.h>
#include <Poco/StreamCopier.h>
#include <Poco/TemporaryFile.h>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include <Poco/Util/AbstractConfiguration.h>
#include <Poco/Util/HelpFormatter.h>
#include <Poco/Util/MapConfiguration.h>
#include <Poco/Util/Option.h>
#include <Poco/Util/OptionException.h>
#include <Poco/Util/OptionSet.h>
#include <Poco/Util/ServerApplication.h>
#include <Poco/Util/XMLConfiguration.h>
#include "Admin.hpp"
#include "Auth.hpp"
#include "ClientSession.hpp"
#include <Common.hpp>
#include <Clipboard.hpp>
#include <Crypto.hpp>
#include <DelaySocket.hpp>
#include "DocumentBroker.hpp"
#include "Exceptions.hpp"
#include "FileServer.hpp"
#include "ProxyRequestHandler.hpp"
#include <common/JsonUtil.hpp>
#include <common/FileUtil.hpp>
#include <common/JailUtil.hpp>
# include <Kit.hpp>
#include <Log.hpp>
#include <MobileApp.hpp>
#include <Protocol.hpp>
#include <Session.hpp>
# include <SslSocket.hpp>
#include "Storage.hpp"
#include "TraceFile.hpp"
#include <Unit.hpp>
#include "UserMessages.hpp"
#include <Util.hpp>
#include <common/ConfigUtil.hpp>
#include <common/TraceEvent.hpp>
#include <common/SigUtil.hpp>
#include <ServerSocket.hpp>
#include <WopiProxy.hpp>
#ifdef IOS
#include "ios.h"
#elif defined(GTKAPP)
#include "gtk.hpp"
#elif defined(__ANDROID__)
#include "androidapp.hpp"
#include "wasmapp.hpp"
#ifdef __linux__
#include <sys/inotify.h>
using namespace COOLProtocol;
using Poco::DirectoryIterator;
using Poco::Exception;
using Poco::File;
using Poco::Net::HTTPRequest;
using Poco::Net::HTTPResponse;
using Poco::Net::MessageHeader;
using Poco::Net::NameValueCollection;
using Poco::Path;
using Poco::StreamCopier;
using Poco::URI;
using Poco::Util::Application;
using Poco::Util::HelpFormatter;
using Poco::Util::LayeredConfiguration;
using Poco::Util::MissingOptionException;
using Poco::Util::Option;
using Poco::Util::OptionSet;
using Poco::Util::ServerApplication;
using Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration;
using Poco::XML::AutoPtr;
using Poco::XML::DOMParser;
using Poco::XML::DOMWriter;
using Poco::XML::Element;
using Poco::XML::InputSource;
using Poco::XML::NodeList;
/// Port for external clients to connect to
int ClientPortNumber = 0;
/// Protocols to listen on
Socket::Type ClientPortProto = Socket::Type::All;
/// INET address to listen on
ServerSocket::Type ClientListenAddr = ServerSocket::Type::Public;
/// UDS address for kits to connect to.
std::string MasterLocation;
std::string COOLWSD::BuyProductUrl;
std::string COOLWSD::LatestVersion;
std::mutex COOLWSD::FetchUpdateMutex;
std::mutex COOLWSD::RemoteConfigMutex;
// Tracks the set of prisoners / children waiting to be used.
static std::mutex NewChildrenMutex;
static std::condition_variable NewChildrenCV;
static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChildProcess> > NewChildren;
static std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point LastForkRequestTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
static std::atomic<int> OutstandingForks(0);
static std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> > DocBrokers;
static std::mutex DocBrokersMutex;
static Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration> KitXmlConfig;
extern "C"
void dump_state(void); /* easy for gdb */
void forwardSigUsr2();
static std::chrono::milliseconds careerSpanMs(std::chrono::milliseconds::zero());
/// The timeout for a child to spawn, initially high, then reset to the default.
int ChildSpawnTimeoutMs = CHILD_TIMEOUT_MS * 4;
std::atomic<unsigned> COOLWSD::NumConnections;
std::unordered_set<std::string> COOLWSD::EditFileExtensions;
std::unordered_set<std::string> COOLWSD::ViewWithCommentsFileExtensions;
// Or can this be retrieved in some other way?
int COOLWSD::prisonerServerSocketFD;
/// Funky latency simulation basic delay (ms)
static std::size_t SimulatedLatencyMs = 0;
inline void shutdownLimitReached(const std::shared_ptr<ProtocolHandlerInterface>& proto)
if (!proto)
const std::string error = Poco::format(PAYLOAD_UNAVAILABLE_LIMIT_REACHED, COOLWSD::MaxDocuments, COOLWSD::MaxConnections);
LOG_INF("Sending client 'hardlimitreached' message: " << error);
// Let the client know we are shutting down.
proto->sendTextMessage(, error.size());
// Shutdown.
proto->shutdown(true, error);
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Error while shutting down socket on reaching limit: " << ex.what());
} // end anonymous namespace
void COOLWSD::appendAllowedHostsFrom(LayeredConfiguration& conf, const std::string& root, std::vector<std::string>& allowed)
for (size_t i = 0; ; ++i)
const std::string path = root + ".host[" + std::to_string(i) + ']';
if (!conf.has(path))
const std::string host = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, path, "");
if (!host.empty())
LOG_INF_S("Adding trusted LOK_ALLOW host: [" << host << ']');
namespace {
std::string removeProtocol(const std::string& host)
size_t nPos = host.find("//");
if (nPos != std::string::npos)
return host.substr(nPos + 2);
return host;
bool isValidRegex(const std::string& expression)
std::regex regex(expression);
return true;
catch (const std::regex_error& e) {}
return false;
void COOLWSD::appendAllowedAliasGroups(LayeredConfiguration& conf, std::vector<std::string>& allowed)
for (size_t i = 0;; i++)
const std::string path = "[" + std::to_string(i) + ']';
if (!conf.has(path + ".host"))
std::string host = conf.getString(path + ".host", "");
bool allow = conf.getBool(path + ".host[@allow]", false);
if (!allow)
if (!host.empty())
host = removeProtocol(host);
LOG_INF_S("Adding trusted LOK_ALLOW host: [" << host << ']');
for (size_t j = 0;; j++)
const std::string aliasPath = path + ".alias[" + std::to_string(j) + ']';
if (!conf.has(aliasPath))
std::string alias = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, aliasPath, "");
if (!aliasPath.empty())
alias = removeProtocol(alias);
LOG_INF_S("Adding trusted LOK_ALLOW alias: [" << alias << ']');
/// Internal implementation to alert all clients
/// connected to any document.
void COOLWSD::alertAllUsersInternal(const std::string& msg)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
LOG_INF("Alerting all users: [" << msg << ']');
if (UnitWSD::get().filterAlertAllusers(msg))
for (auto& brokerIt : DocBrokers)
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker = brokerIt.second;
docBroker->addCallback([msg, docBroker](){ docBroker->alertAllUsers(msg); });
void COOLWSD::alertUserInternal(const std::string& dockey, const std::string& msg)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
LOG_INF("Alerting document users with dockey: [" << dockey << ']' << " msg: [" << msg << ']');
for (auto& brokerIt : DocBrokers)
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker = brokerIt.second;
if (docBroker->getDocKey() == dockey)
docBroker->addCallback([msg, docBroker](){ docBroker->alertAllUsers(msg); });
void COOLWSD::writeTraceEventRecording(const char *data, std::size_t nbytes)
static std::mutex traceEventFileMutex;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(traceEventFileMutex);
fwrite(data, nbytes, 1, COOLWSD::TraceEventFile);
void COOLWSD::writeTraceEventRecording(const std::string &recording)
writeTraceEventRecording(, recording.length());
void COOLWSD::checkSessionLimitsAndWarnClients()
ssize_t docBrokerCount = DocBrokers.size() - ConvertToBroker::getInstanceCount();
if (COOLWSD::MaxDocuments < 10000 &&
(docBrokerCount > static_cast<ssize_t>(COOLWSD::MaxDocuments) || COOLWSD::NumConnections >= COOLWSD::MaxConnections))
const std::string info = Poco::format(PAYLOAD_INFO_LIMIT_REACHED, COOLWSD::MaxDocuments, COOLWSD::MaxConnections);
LOG_INF("Sending client 'limitreached' message: " << info);
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Error while shutting down socket on reaching limit: " << ex.what());
void COOLWSD::checkDiskSpaceAndWarnClients(const bool cacheLastCheck)
const std::string fs = FileUtil::checkDiskSpaceOnRegisteredFileSystems(cacheLastCheck);
if (!fs.empty())
LOG_WRN("File system of [" << fs << "] is dangerously low on disk space.");
COOLWSD::alertAllUsersInternal("error: cmd=internal kind=diskfull");
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Exception while checking disk-space and warning clients: " << exc.what());
(void) cacheLastCheck;
/// Remove dead and idle DocBrokers.
/// The client of idle document should've greyed-out long ago.
void cleanupDocBrokers()
const size_t count = DocBrokers.size();
for (auto it = DocBrokers.begin(); it != DocBrokers.end(); )
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker = it->second;
// Remove only when not alive.
if (!docBroker->isAlive())
LOG_INF("Removing DocumentBroker for docKey [" << it->first << "].");
it = DocBrokers.erase(it);
} else {
if (count != DocBrokers.size())
LOG_TRC("Have " << DocBrokers.size() << " DocBrokers after cleanup.\n"
[&](auto& log)
for (auto& pair : DocBrokers)
log << "DocumentBroker [" << pair.first << "].\n";
if (COOLWSD::SingleKit && DocBrokers.empty())
LOG_DBG("Setting ShutdownRequestFlag: No more docs left in single-kit mode.");
/// Forks as many children as requested.
/// Returns the number of children requested to spawn,
/// -1 for error.
static int forkChildren(const int number)
if (Util::isKitInProcess())
return 0;
LOG_TRC("Request forkit to spawn " << number << " new child(ren)");
if (number > 0)
const std::string aMessage = "spawn " + std::to_string(number) + '\n';
LOG_DBG("MasterToForKit: " << aMessage.substr(0, aMessage.length() - 1));
OutstandingForks += number;
LastForkRequestTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
return number;
return 0;
/// Cleans up dead children.
/// Returns true if removed at least one.
static bool cleanupChildren()
if (Util::isKitInProcess())
return 0;
const int count = NewChildren.size();
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (!NewChildren[i]->isAlive())
LOG_WRN("Removing dead spare child [" << NewChildren[i]->getPid() << "].");
NewChildren.erase(NewChildren.begin() + i);
return static_cast<int>(NewChildren.size()) != count;
/// Decides how many children need spawning and spawns.
/// Returns the number of children requested to spawn,
/// -1 for error.
static int rebalanceChildren(int balance)
const size_t available = NewChildren.size();
LOG_TRC("Rebalance children to " << balance << ", have " << available << " and "
<< OutstandingForks << " outstanding requests");
// Do the cleanup first.
const bool rebalance = cleanupChildren();
const auto duration = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - LastForkRequestTime);
const auto durationMs = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(duration);
if (OutstandingForks != 0 && durationMs >= std::chrono::milliseconds(ChildSpawnTimeoutMs))
// Children taking too long to spawn.
// Forget we had requested any, and request anew.
LOG_WRN("ForKit not responsive for " << durationMs << " forking " << OutstandingForks
<< " children. Resetting.");
OutstandingForks = 0;
balance -= available;
balance -= OutstandingForks;
if (balance > 0 && (rebalance || OutstandingForks == 0))
LOG_DBG("prespawnChildren: Have " << available << " spare "
<< (available == 1 ? "child" : "children") << ", and "
<< OutstandingForks << " outstanding, forking " << balance
<< " more. Time since last request: " << durationMs);
return forkChildren(balance);
return 0;
/// Proactively spawn children processes
/// to load documents with alacrity.
/// Returns true only if at least one child was requested to spawn.
static bool prespawnChildren()
// Rebalance if not forking already.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(NewChildrenMutex, std::defer_lock);
return lock.try_lock() && (rebalanceChildren(COOLWSD::NumPreSpawnedChildren) > 0);
static size_t addNewChild(std::shared_ptr<ChildProcess> child)
assert(child && "Adding null child");
const auto pid = child->getPid();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(NewChildrenMutex);
// Prevent from going -ve if we have unexpected children.
if (OutstandingForks < 0)
if (COOLWSD::IsBindMountingEnabled)
// Reset the child-spawn timeout to the default, now that we're set.
// But only when mounting is enabled. Otherwise, copying is always slow.
ChildSpawnTimeoutMs = CHILD_TIMEOUT_MS;
LOG_TRC("Adding a new child " << pid << " to NewChildren, have " << OutstandingForks
<< " outstanding requests");
const size_t count = NewChildren.size();
LOG_INF("Have " << count << " spare " << (count == 1 ? "child" : "children")
<< " after adding [" << pid << "]. Notifying.");
return count;
#ifndef IOS
std::mutex COOLWSD::lokit_main_mutex;
std::shared_ptr<ChildProcess> getNewChild_Blocks(unsigned mobileAppDocId)
const auto startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(NewChildrenMutex);
assert(mobileAppDocId == 0 && "Unexpected to have mobileAppDocId in the non-mobile build");
int numPreSpawn = COOLWSD::NumPreSpawnedChildren;
++numPreSpawn; // Replace the one we'll dispatch just now.
LOG_DBG("getNewChild: Rebalancing children to " << numPreSpawn);
if (rebalanceChildren(numPreSpawn) < 0)
LOG_DBG("getNewChild: rebalancing of children failed. Scheduling housekeeping to recover.");
// Let the caller retry after a while.
return nullptr;
const auto timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(ChildSpawnTimeoutMs / 2);
LOG_TRC("Waiting for a new child for a max of " << timeout);
const auto timeout = std::chrono::hours(100);
#ifdef IOS
assert(mobileAppDocId > 0 && "Unexpected to have no mobileAppDocId in the iOS build");
#ifndef IOS
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(COOLWSD::lokit_main_mutex);
Util::setThreadName("lokit_main_" + Util::encodeId(mobileAppDocId, 3));
// Ugly to have that static global COOLWSD::prisonerServerSocketFD, Otoh we know
// there is just one COOLWSD object. (Even in real Online.)
lokit_main(COOLWSD::prisonerServerSocketFD, COOLWSD::UserInterface, mobileAppDocId);
// FIXME: blocks ...
// Unfortunately we need to wait after spawning children to avoid bombing the system.
// If we fail fast and return, the next document will spawn more children without knowing
// there are some on the way already. And if the system is slow already, that wouldn't help.
LOG_TRC("Waiting for NewChildrenCV");
if (NewChildrenCV.wait_for(lock, timeout, []()
LOG_TRC("Predicate for NewChildrenCV wait: NewChildren.size()=" << NewChildren.size());
return !NewChildren.empty();
LOG_TRC("NewChildrenCV wait successful");
std::shared_ptr<ChildProcess> child = NewChildren.back();
const size_t available = NewChildren.size();
// Validate before returning.
if (child && child->isAlive())
LOG_DBG("getNewChild: Have "
<< available << " spare " << (available == 1 ? "child" : "children")
<< " after popping [" << child->getPid() << "] to return in "
<< std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - startTime));
return child;
LOG_WRN("getNewChild: popped dead child, need to find another.");
LOG_TRC("NewChildrenCV wait failed");
LOG_WRN("getNewChild: No child available. Sending spawn request to forkit and failing.");
LOG_DBG("getNewChild: Timed out while waiting for new child.");
return nullptr;
/// Handles the filename part of the convert-to POST request payload,
/// Also owns the file - cleaning it up when destroyed.
class ConvertToPartHandler : public PartHandler
std::string _filename;
std::string getFilename() const { return _filename; }
/// Afterwards someone else is responsible for cleaning that up.
void takeFile() { _filename.clear(); }
virtual ~ConvertToPartHandler()
if (!_filename.empty())
LOG_TRC("Remove un-handled temporary file '" << _filename << '\'');
virtual void handlePart(const MessageHeader& header, std::istream& stream) override
// Extract filename and put it to a temporary directory.
std::string disp;
NameValueCollection params;
if (header.has("Content-Disposition"))
std::string cd = header.get("Content-Disposition");
MessageHeader::splitParameters(cd, disp, params);
if (!params.has("filename"))
// The temporary directory is child-root/<CHILDROOT_TMP_INCOMING_PATH>.
// Always create a random sub-directory to avoid file-name collision.
Path tempPath = Path::forDirectory(
FileUtil::createRandomTmpDir(COOLWSD::ChildRoot + JailUtil::CHILDROOT_TMP_INCOMING_PATH)
+ '/');
LOG_TRC("Created temporary convert-to/insert path: " << tempPath.toString());
// Prevent user inputing anything funny here.
std::string fileParam = params.get("filename");
std::string cleanFilename = Util::cleanupFilename(fileParam);
if (fileParam != cleanFilename)
LOG_DBG("Unexpected characters in conversion filename '" << fileParam << "' cleaned to '" << cleanFilename << "'");
// A "filename" should always be a filename, not a path
const Path filenameParam(cleanFilename);
if (filenameParam.getFileName() == "callback:")
tempPath.setFileName("incoming_file"); // A sensible name.
tempPath.setFileName(filenameParam.getFileName()); //TODO: Sanitize.
_filename = tempPath.toString();
LOG_DBG("Storing incoming file to: " << _filename);
// Copy the stream to _filename.
std::ofstream fileStream;;
StreamCopier::copyStream(stream, fileStream);
class RenderSearchResultPartHandler : public PartHandler
std::string _filename;
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<char>> _pSearchResultContent;
std::string getFilename() const { return _filename; }
/// Afterwards someone else is responsible for cleaning that up.
void takeFile() { _filename.clear(); }
const std::shared_ptr<std::vector<char>>& getSearchResultContent() const
return _pSearchResultContent;
RenderSearchResultPartHandler() = default;
virtual ~RenderSearchResultPartHandler()
if (!_filename.empty())
LOG_TRC("Remove un-handled temporary file '" << _filename << '\'');
virtual void handlePart(const MessageHeader& header, std::istream& stream) override
// Extract filename and put it to a temporary directory.
std::string label;
NameValueCollection content;
if (header.has("Content-Disposition"))
MessageHeader::splitParameters(header.get("Content-Disposition"), label, content);
std::string name = content.get("name", "");
if (name == "document")
std::string filename = content.get("filename", "");
const Path filenameParam(filename);
// The temporary directory is child-root/<JAIL_TMP_INCOMING_PATH>.
// Always create a random sub-directory to avoid file-name collision.
Path tempPath =
LOG_TRC("Created temporary render-search-result file path: " << tempPath.toString());
// Prevent user inputting anything funny here.
// A "filename" should always be a filename, not a path
if (filenameParam.getFileName() == "callback:")
tempPath.setFileName("incoming_file"); // A sensible name.
tempPath.setFileName(filenameParam.getFileName()); //TODO: Sanitize.
_filename = tempPath.toString();
// Copy the stream to _filename.
std::ofstream fileStream;;
StreamCopier::copyStream(stream, fileStream);
else if (name == "result")
// Copy content from the stream into a std::vector<char>
_pSearchResultContent = std::make_shared<std::vector<char>>(
inline std::string getLaunchBase(bool asAdmin = false)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << " ";
oss << ((COOLWSD::isSSLEnabled() || COOLWSD::isSSLTermination()) ? "https://" : "http://");
if (asAdmin)
auto user = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<std::string>("admin_console.username", "");
auto passwd = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<std::string>("admin_console.password", "");
if (user.empty() || passwd.empty())
return "";
oss << user << ':' << passwd << '@';
oss << ClientPortNumber;
return oss.str();
inline std::string getLaunchURI(const std::string &document)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << getLaunchBase();
oss << COOLWSD::ServiceRoot;
oss << "?file_path=";
oss << document;
return oss.str();
inline std::string getServiceURI(const std::string &sub, bool asAdmin = false)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << getLaunchBase(asAdmin);
oss << COOLWSD::ServiceRoot;
oss << sub;
return oss.str();
} // anonymous namespace
#endif // MOBILEAPP
void sendLoadResult(std::shared_ptr<ClientSession> clientSession, bool success,
const std::string &errorMsg)
const std::string result = success ? "" : "Error while loading document";
const std::string resultstr = success ? "true" : "false";
// Some sane limit, otherwise we get problems transferring this
// to the client with large strings (can be a whole webpage)
// Replace reserved characters
std::string errorMsgFormatted = COOLProtocol::getAbbreviatedMessage(errorMsg);
errorMsgFormatted = Poco::translate(errorMsg, "\"", "'");
clientSession->sendMessage("commandresult: { \"command\": \"load\", \"success\": " + resultstr +
", \"result\": \"" + result + "\", \"errorMsg\": \"" + errorMsgFormatted + "\"}");
} // anonymous namespace
std::atomic<uint64_t> COOLWSD::NextConnectionId(1);
std::atomic<int> COOLWSD::ForKitProcId(-1);
std::shared_ptr<ForKitProcess> COOLWSD::ForKitProc;
bool COOLWSD::NoCapsForKit = false;
bool COOLWSD::NoSeccomp = false;
bool COOLWSD::AdminEnabled = true;
bool COOLWSD::UnattendedRun = false;
bool COOLWSD::SignalParent = false;
bool COOLWSD::UseEnvVarOptions = false;
std::string COOLWSD::RouteToken;
bool COOLWSD::SingleKit = false;
bool COOLWSD::ForceCaching = false;
COOLWSD::WASMActivationState COOLWSD::WASMState = COOLWSD::WASMActivationState::Disabled;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point> COOLWSD::Uri2WasmModeMap;
std::string COOLWSD::SysTemplate;
std::string COOLWSD::LoTemplate = LO_PATH;
std::string COOLWSD::CleanupChildRoot;
std::string COOLWSD::ChildRoot;
std::string COOLWSD::ServerName;
std::string COOLWSD::FileServerRoot;
std::string COOLWSD::ServiceRoot;
std::string COOLWSD::TmpFontDir;
std::string COOLWSD::LOKitVersion;
std::string COOLWSD::ConfigFile = COOLWSD_CONFIGDIR "/coolwsd.xml";
std::string COOLWSD::ConfigDir = COOLWSD_CONFIGDIR "/conf.d";
bool COOLWSD::EnableTraceEventLogging = false;
bool COOLWSD::EnableAccessibility = false;
FILE *COOLWSD::TraceEventFile = NULL;
std::string COOLWSD::LogLevel = "trace";
std::string COOLWSD::LogLevelStartup = "trace";
std::string COOLWSD::LogToken;
std::string COOLWSD::MostVerboseLogLevelSettableFromClient = "notice";
std::string COOLWSD::LeastVerboseLogLevelSettableFromClient = "fatal";
std::string COOLWSD::UserInterface = "default";
bool COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData = false;
bool COOLWSD::CheckCoolUser = true;
bool COOLWSD::CleanupOnly = false; //< If we should cleanup and exit.
bool COOLWSD::IsProxyPrefixEnabled = false;
Util::RuntimeConstant<bool> COOLWSD::SSLEnabled;
Util::RuntimeConstant<bool> COOLWSD::SSLTermination;
unsigned COOLWSD::MaxConnections;
unsigned COOLWSD::MaxDocuments;
std::string COOLWSD::OverrideWatermark;
std::set<const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration*> COOLWSD::PluginConfigurations;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point COOLWSD::StartTime;
bool COOLWSD::IsBindMountingEnabled = true;
// If you add global state please update dumpState below too
static std::string UnitTestLibrary;
unsigned int COOLWSD::NumPreSpawnedChildren = 0;
std::unique_ptr<TraceFileWriter> COOLWSD::TraceDumper;
std::unique_ptr<ClipboardCache> COOLWSD::SavedClipboards;
/// The file request handler used for file-serving.
std::unique_ptr<FileServerRequestHandler> COOLWSD::FileRequestHandler;
/// This thread polls basic web serving, and handling of
/// websockets before upgrade: when upgraded they go to the
/// relevant DocumentBroker poll instead.
static std::shared_ptr<TerminatingPoll> WebServerPoll;
class PrisonPoll : public TerminatingPoll
PrisonPoll() : TerminatingPoll("prisoner_poll") {}
/// Check prisoners are still alive and balanced.
void wakeupHook() override;
// Resets the forkit process object
void setForKitProcess(const std::weak_ptr<ForKitProcess>& forKitProc)
assertCorrectThread(__FILE__, __LINE__);
_forKitProc = forKitProc;
void sendMessageToForKit(const std::string& msg)
if (std::this_thread::get_id() == getThreadOwner())
// Speed up sending the message if the request comes from owner thread
std::shared_ptr<ForKitProcess> forKitProc = _forKitProc.lock();
if (forKitProc)
// Put the message in the owner's thread queue to be send later
// because WebSocketHandler is not thread safe and otherwise we
// should synchronize inside WebSocketHandler.
addCallback([this, msg]{
std::shared_ptr<ForKitProcess> forKitProc = _forKitProc.lock();
if (forKitProc)
std::weak_ptr<ForKitProcess> _forKitProc;
/// This thread listens for and accepts prisoner kit processes.
/// And also cleans up and balances the correct number of children.
static std::unique_ptr<PrisonPoll> PrisonerPoll;
#ifdef __linux__
class InotifySocket : public Socket
Socket(inotify_init1(IN_NONBLOCK), Socket::Type::Unix)
, m_stopOnConfigChange(true)
if (getFD() == -1)
LOG_WRN("Inotify - Failed to start a watcher for the configuration, disabling "
m_stopOnConfigChange = false;
/// Check for file changes, stop the server if we find any
void handlePoll(SocketDisposition &disposition, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point now, int events) override;
int getPollEvents(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point /* now */,
int64_t & /* timeoutMaxMicroS */) override
return POLLIN;
bool watch(std::string configFile);
bool m_stopOnConfigChange;
int m_watchedCount = 0;
bool InotifySocket::watch(const std::string configFile)
LOG_TRC("Inotify - Attempting to watch " << configFile << ", in addition to current "
<< m_watchedCount << " watched files");
if (getFD() == -1)
LOG_WRN("Inotify - Trying to watch config file " << configFile
<< " without an inotify file descriptor");
return false;
int watchedStatus;
watchedStatus = inotify_add_watch(getFD(), configFile.c_str(), IN_MODIFY);
if (watchedStatus == -1)
LOG_WRN("Inotify - Failed to watch config file " << configFile);
return watchedStatus != -1;
void InotifySocket::handlePoll(SocketDisposition & /* disposition */, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point /* now */, int /* events */)
LOG_TRC("InotifyPoll - woken up. Reload on config change: "
<< m_stopOnConfigChange << ", Watching " << m_watchedCount << " files");
if (!m_stopOnConfigChange)
char buf[4096];
static_assert(sizeof(buf) >= sizeof(struct inotify_event) + NAME_MAX + 1, "see man 7 inotify");
const struct inotify_event* event;
LOG_TRC("InotifyPoll - Checking for config changes...");
while (true)
ssize_t len = read(getFD(), buf, sizeof(buf));
if (len == -1 && errno != EAGAIN)
// Some read error, EAGAIN is when there is no data so let's not warn for it
LOG_WRN("InotifyPoll - Read error " << std::strerror(errno)
<< " when trying to get events");
else if (len == -1)
LOG_TRC("InotifyPoll - Got to end of data when reading inotify");
if (len <= 0)
assert(buf[len - 1] == 0 && "see man 7 inotify");
for (char* ptr = buf; ptr < buf + len; ptr += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + event->len)
event = (const struct inotify_event*)ptr;
LOG_WRN("InotifyPoll - Config file " << event->name << " was modified, stopping COOLWSD");
#endif // if !MOBILEAPP
#endif // #ifdef __linux__
/// The Web Server instance with the accept socket poll thread.
class COOLWSDServer;
static std::unique_ptr<COOLWSDServer> Server;
/// Helper class to hold default configuration entries.
class AppConfigMap final : public Poco::Util::MapConfiguration
AppConfigMap(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& map)
for (const auto& pair : map)
setRaw(pair.first, pair.second);
void reset(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& map)
for (const auto& pair : map)
setRaw(pair.first, pair.second);
void ForKitProcWSHandler::handleMessage(const std::vector<char> &data)
LOG_TRC("ForKitProcWSHandler: handling incoming [" << COOLProtocol::getAbbreviatedMessage(&data[0], data.size()) << "].");
const std::string firstLine = COOLProtocol::getFirstLine(&data[0], data.size());
const StringVector tokens = StringVector::tokenize(, firstLine.size());
if (tokens.equals(0, "segfaultcount"))
int count = std::stoi(tokens[1]);
if (count >= 0)
LOG_INF(count << " coolkit processes crashed with segmentation fault.");
LOG_WRN("Invalid 'segfaultcount' message received.");
LOG_ERR("ForKitProcWSHandler: unknown command: " << tokens[0]);
A custom socket poll to fetch remote config every 60 seconds.
If config changes it applies the new config using LayeredConfiguration.
The URI to fetch is read from the configuration too - it is either the
remote config itself, or the font configuration. It si passed via the
uriConfigKey param.
class RemoteJSONPoll : public SocketPoll
RemoteJSONPoll(LayeredConfiguration& config, const std::string& uriConfigKey, const std::string& name, const std::string& kind)
: SocketPoll(name)
, _conf(config)
, _configKey(uriConfigKey)
, _expectedKind(kind)
{ }
virtual ~RemoteJSONPoll() { }
virtual void handleJSON(const Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr& json) = 0;
virtual void handleUnchangedJSON()
{ }
void start()
Poco::URI remoteServerURI(_conf.getString(_configKey));
if (_expectedKind == "configuration")
if (remoteServerURI.empty())
LOG_INF("Remote " << _expectedKind << " is not specified in coolwsd.xml");
return; // no remote config server setup.
if (Util::iequal(remoteServerURI.getScheme(), "http"))
LOG_ERR("Remote config url should only use HTTPS protocol: " << remoteServerURI.toString());
void pollingThread()
while (!isStop() && !SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag())
Poco::URI remoteServerURI(_conf.getString(_configKey));
// don't try to fetch from an empty URI
bool valid = !remoteServerURI.empty();
if (Util::iequal(remoteServerURI.getScheme(), "http"))
LOG_ERR("Remote config url should only use HTTPS protocol: " << remoteServerURI.toString());
valid = false;
if (valid)
std::shared_ptr<http::Session> httpSession(
http::Request request(remoteServerURI.getPathAndQuery());
//we use ETag header to check whether JSON is modified or not
if (!_eTagValue.empty())
request.set("If-None-Match", _eTagValue);
const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse =
const http::StatusCode statusCode = httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode();
if (statusCode == http::StatusCode::OK)
_eTagValue = httpResponse->get("ETag");
std::string body = httpResponse->getBody();
LOG_DBG("Got " << body.size() << " bytes for " << remoteServerURI.toString());
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr remoteJson;
if (JsonUtil::parseJSON(body, remoteJson))
std::string kind;
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(remoteJson, "kind", kind);
if (kind == _expectedKind)
LOG_ERR("Make sure that " << remoteServerURI.toString() << " contains a property 'kind' with "
"value '" << _expectedKind << "'");
LOG_ERR("Could not parse the remote config JSON");
else if (statusCode == http::StatusCode::NotModified)
LOG_DBG("Not modified since last time: " << remoteServerURI.toString());
LOG_ERR("Remote config server has response status code: " << statusCode);
catch (...)
LOG_ERR("Failed to fetch remote config JSON, Please check JSON format");
LayeredConfiguration& _conf;
std::string _eTagValue;
std::string _configKey;
std::string _expectedKind;
class RemoteConfigPoll : public RemoteJSONPoll
RemoteConfigPoll(LayeredConfiguration& config) :
RemoteJSONPoll(config, "remote_config.remote_url", "remoteconfig_poll", "configuration")
constexpr int PRIO_JSON = -200; // highest priority
_persistConfig = new AppConfigMap(std::map<std::string, std::string>{});
_conf.addWriteable(_persistConfig, PRIO_JSON);
virtual ~RemoteConfigPoll() { }
void handleJSON(const Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr& remoteJson) override
std::map<std::string, std::string> newAppConfig;
fetchAliasGroups(newAppConfig, remoteJson);
fetchLockedHostPatterns(newAppConfig, remoteJson);
fetchLockedTranslations(newAppConfig, remoteJson);
fetchUnlockImageUrl(newAppConfig, remoteJson);
fetchIndirectionEndpoint(newAppConfig, remoteJson);
fetchMonitors(newAppConfig, remoteJson);
fetchRemoteFontConfig(newAppConfig, remoteJson);
// before resetting get monitors list
std::vector<std::pair<std::string,int>> oldMonitors = Admin::instance().getMonitorList();
void fetchLockedHostPatterns(std::map<std::string, std::string>& newAppConfig,
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr remoteJson)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr lockedHost;
Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr lockedHostPatterns;
lockedHost = remoteJson->getObject("feature_locking")->getObject("locked_hosts");
lockedHostPatterns = lockedHost->getArray("hosts");
catch (const Poco::NullPointerException&)
LOG_INF("Overriding locked_hosts failed because feature_locking->locked_hosts->hosts array does not exist");
if (lockedHostPatterns.isNull() || lockedHostPatterns->size() == 0)
"Overriding locked_hosts failed because locked_hosts->hosts array is empty or null");
//use feature_lock.locked_hosts[@allow] entry from coolwsd.xml if feature_lock.locked_hosts.allow key doesnot exist in json
Poco::Dynamic::Var allow = !lockedHost->has("allow") ? Poco::Dynamic::Var(_conf.getBool("feature_lock.locked_hosts[@allow]"))
: lockedHost->get("allow");
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair("feature_lock.locked_hosts[@allow]", booleanToString(allow)));
if (booleanToString(allow) == "false")
LOG_INF("locked_hosts feature is disabled, set feature_lock->locked_hosts->allow to true to enable");
std::size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < lockedHostPatterns->size(); i++)
std::string host;
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr subObject = lockedHostPatterns->getObject(i);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(subObject, "host", host);
Poco::Dynamic::Var readOnly = subObject->get("read_only");
Poco::Dynamic::Var disabledCommands = subObject->get("disabled_commands");
const std::string path =
"[" + std::to_string(i) + "]";
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path, host));
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path + "[@read_only]", booleanToString(readOnly)));
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path + "[@disabled_commands]",
//if number of locked wopi host patterns defined in coolwsd.xml are greater than number of host
//fetched from json, overwrite the remaining host from config file to empty strings and
//set read_only and disabled_commands to false
for (;; ++i)
const std::string path =
"[" + std::to_string(i) + "]";
if (!_conf.has(path))
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path, ""));
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path + "[@read_only]", "false"));
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path + "[@disabled_commands]", "false"));
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Failed to fetch locked_hosts, please check JSON format: " << exc.what());
void fetchAliasGroups(std::map<std::string, std::string>& newAppConfig,
const Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr& remoteJson)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr aliasGroups;
Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr groups;
aliasGroups = remoteJson->getObject("storage")->getObject("wopi")->getObject("alias_groups");
groups = aliasGroups->getArray("groups");
catch (const Poco::NullPointerException&)
LOG_INF("Overriding alias_groups failed because storage->wopi->alias_groups->groups array does not exist");
if (groups.isNull() || groups->size() == 0)
LOG_INF("Overriding alias_groups failed because alias_groups->groups array is empty or null");
std::string mode = "first";
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(aliasGroups, "mode", mode);
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair("storage.wopi.alias_groups[@mode]", mode));
std::size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < groups->size(); i++)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr group = groups->getObject(i);
std::string host;
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(group, "host", host);
Poco::Dynamic::Var allow = group->get("allow");
const std::string path =
"[" + std::to_string(i) + ']';
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path + ".host", host));
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path + ".host[@allow]", booleanToString(allow)));
std::string unlockLink;
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(group, "unlock_link", unlockLink);
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path + ".unlock_link", unlockLink));
Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr aliases = group->getArray("aliases");
size_t j = 0;
if (aliases)
auto it = aliases->begin();
for (; j < aliases->size(); j++)
const std::string aliasPath = path + ".alias[" + std::to_string(j) + ']';
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(aliasPath, it->toString()));
for (;; j++)
const std::string aliasPath = path + ".alias[" + std::to_string(j) + ']';
if (!_conf.has(aliasPath))
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(aliasPath, ""));
//if number of alias_groups defined in configuration are greater than number of alias_group
//fetched from json, overwrite the remaining alias_groups from config file to empty strings and
for (;; i++)
const std::string path =
"[" + std::to_string(i) + "].host";
if (!_conf.has(path))
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path, ""));
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path + "[@allowed]", "false"));
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Fetching of alias groups failed with error: " << exc.what()
<< ", please check JSON format");
void fetchRemoteFontConfig(std::map<std::string, std::string>& newAppConfig,
const Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr& remoteJson)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr remoteFontConfig = remoteJson->getObject("remote_font_config");
std::string url;
if (JsonUtil::findJSONValue(remoteFontConfig, "url", url))
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair("remote_font_config.url", url));
catch (const Poco::NullPointerException&)
LOG_INF("Overriding the remote font config URL failed because the remove_font_config entry does not exist");
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Failed to fetch remote_font_config, please check JSON format: " << exc.what());
void fetchLockedTranslations(std::map<std::string, std::string>& newAppConfig,
const Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr& remoteJson)
Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr lockedTranslations;
lockedTranslations =
catch (const Poco::NullPointerException&)
"Overriding translations failed because feature_locking->translations array "
"does not exist");
if (lockedTranslations.isNull() || lockedTranslations->size() == 0)
LOG_INF("Overriding feature_locking->translations failed because array is empty or "
std::size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < lockedTranslations->size(); i++)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr translation = lockedTranslations->getObject(i);
std::string language;
//default values if the one of the entry is missing in json
std::string title = _conf.getString("feature_lock.unlock_title", "");
std::string description = _conf.getString("feature_lock.unlock_description", "");
std::string writerHighlights =
_conf.getString("feature_lock.writer_unlock_highlights", "");
std::string impressHighlights =
_conf.getString("feature_lock.impress_unlock_highlights", "");
std::string calcHighlights =
_conf.getString("feature_lock.calc_unlock_highlights", "");
std::string drawHighlights =
_conf.getString("feature_lock.draw_unlock_highlights", "");
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(translation, "language", language);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(translation, "unlock_title", title);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(translation, "unlock_description", description);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(translation, "writer_unlock_highlights", writerHighlights);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(translation, "calc_unlock_highlights", calcHighlights);
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(translation, "impress_unlock_highlights",
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(translation, "draw_unlock_highlights", drawHighlights);
const std::string path =
"feature_lock.translations.language[" + std::to_string(i) + ']';
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path + "[@name]", language));
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path + ".unlock_title", title));
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path + ".unlock_description", description));
std::make_pair(path + ".writer_unlock_highlights", writerHighlights));
std::make_pair(path + ".calc_unlock_highlights", calcHighlights));
std::make_pair(path + ".impress_unlock_highlights", impressHighlights));
std::make_pair(path + ".draw_unlock_highlights", drawHighlights));
//if number of translations defined in configuration are greater than number of translation
//fetched from json, overwrite the remaining translations from config file to empty strings
for (;; i++)
const std::string path =
"feature_lock.translations.language[" + std::to_string(i) + "][@name]";
if (!_conf.has(path))
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path, ""));
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Failed to fetch feature_locking->translations, please check JSON format: " << exc.what());
void fetchUnlockImageUrl(std::map<std::string, std::string>& newAppConfig,
const Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr& remoteJson)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr featureLocking = remoteJson->getObject("feature_locking");
std::string unlockImage;
if (JsonUtil::findJSONValue(featureLocking, "unlock_image", unlockImage))
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair("feature_lock.unlock_image", unlockImage));
catch (const Poco::NullPointerException&)
LOG_INF("Overriding unlock_image URL failed because the unlock_image entry does not "
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Failed to fetch unlock_image, please check JSON format: " << exc.what());
void fetchIndirectionEndpoint(std::map<std::string, std::string>& newAppConfig,
const Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr& remoteJson)
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr indirectionEndpoint =
std::string url;
if (JsonUtil::findJSONValue(indirectionEndpoint, "url", url))
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair("indirection_endpoint.url", url));
catch (const Poco::NullPointerException&)
LOG_INF("Overriding indirection_endpoint.url failed because the indirection_endpoint.url "
"entry does not "
catch (const std::exception& exc)
"Failed to fetch indirection_endpoint, please check JSON format: " << exc.what());
void fetchMonitors(std::map<std::string, std::string>& newAppConfig,
const Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr& remoteJson)
Poco::JSON::Array::Ptr monitors;
monitors = remoteJson->getArray("monitors");
catch (const Poco::NullPointerException&)
LOG_INF("Overriding monitor failed because array "
"does not exist");
if (monitors.isNull() || monitors->size() == 0)
LOG_INF("Overriding monitors failed because array is empty or "
std::size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < monitors->size(); i++)
std::make_pair("monitors.monitor[" + std::to_string(i) + ']', monitors->get(i).toString()));
//if number of monitors defined in configuration are greater than number of monitors
//fetched from json or if the number of monitors shrinks with new json,
//overwrite the remaining monitors from config file to empty strings
for (;; i++)
const std::string path =
"monitors.monitor[" + std::to_string(i) + ']';
if (!_conf.has(path))
newAppConfig.insert(std::make_pair(path, ""));
void handleOptions(const Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr& remoteJson)
std::string buyProduct;
JsonUtil::findJSONValue(remoteJson, "buy_product_url", buyProduct);
Poco::URI buyProductUri(buyProduct);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(COOLWSD::RemoteConfigMutex);
COOLWSD::BuyProductUrl = buyProductUri.toString();
catch(const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("handleOptions: Exception " << exc.what());
//sets property to false if it is missing from JSON
//and returns std::string
std::string booleanToString(Poco::Dynamic::Var& booleanFlag)
if (booleanFlag.isEmpty())
booleanFlag = "false";
return booleanFlag.toString();
// keeps track of remote config layer
Poco::AutoPtr<AppConfigMap> _persistConfig = nullptr;
class RemoteFontConfigPoll : public RemoteJSONPoll
RemoteFontConfigPoll(LayeredConfiguration& config)
: RemoteJSONPoll(config, "remote_font_config.url", "remotefontconfig_poll", "fontconfiguration")
virtual ~RemoteFontConfigPoll() { }
void handleJSON(const Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr& remoteJson) override
// First mark all fonts we have downloaded previously as "inactive" to be able to check if
// some font gets deleted from the list in the JSON file.
for (auto& it : fonts) = false;
// Just pick up new fonts.
auto fontsPtr = remoteJson->getArray("fonts");
if (!fontsPtr)
LOG_WRN("The 'fonts' property does not exist or is not an array");
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < fontsPtr->size(); i++)
if (!fontsPtr->isObject(i))
LOG_WRN("Element " << i << " in fonts array is not an object");
const auto fontPtr = fontsPtr->getObject(i);
const auto uriPtr = fontPtr->get("uri");
if (uriPtr.isEmpty() || !uriPtr.isString())
LOG_WRN("Element in fonts array does not have an 'uri' property or it is not a string");
const std::string uri = uriPtr.toString();
const auto stampPtr = fontPtr->get("stamp");
if (!stampPtr.isEmpty() && !stampPtr.isString())
LOG_WRN("Element in fonts array with uri '" << uri << "' has a stamp property that is not a string, ignored");
else if (fonts.count(uri) == 0)
// First case: This font has not been downloaded.
if (!stampPtr.isEmpty())
if (downloadPlain(uri))
fonts[uri].stamp = stampPtr.toString();
fonts[uri].active = true;
if (downloadWithETag(uri, ""))
fonts[uri].active = true;
else if (!stampPtr.isEmpty() && stampPtr.toString() != fonts[uri].stamp)
// Second case: Font has been downloaded already, has a "stamp" property,
// and that has been changed in the JSON since it was downloaded.
else if (!stampPtr.isEmpty())
// Third case: Font has been downloaded already, has a "stamp" property, and
// that has *not* changed in the JSON since it was downloaded.
fonts[uri].active = true;
// Last case: Font has been downloaded but does not have a "stamp" property.
// Use ETag.
if (!eTagUnchanged(uri, fonts[uri].eTag))
fonts[uri].active = true;
// Any font that has been deleted from the JSON needs to be removed on this side, too.
for (const auto &it : fonts)
if (!
LOG_DBG("Font no longer mentioned in the remote font config: " << it.first);
void handleUnchangedJSON() override
// Iterate over the fonts that were mentioned in the JSON file when it was last downloaded.
for (auto& it : fonts)
// If the JSON has a "stamp" for the font, and we have already downloaded it, by
// definition we don't need to do anything when the JSON file has not changed.
if (it.second.stamp != "" && it.second.pathName != "")
// If the JSON has a "stamp" it must have been downloaded already. Should we even
// assert() that?
if (it.second.stamp != "" && it.second.pathName == "")
LOG_WRN("Font at " << it.first << " was not downloaded, should have been");
// Otherwise use the ETag to check if the font file needs re-downloading.
if (!eTagUnchanged(it.first, it.second.eTag))
bool downloadPlain(const std::string& uri)
const Poco::URI fontUri{uri};
std::shared_ptr<http::Session> httpSession(StorageBase::getHttpSession(fontUri));
http::Request request(fontUri.getPathAndQuery());
request.set("User-Agent", http::getAgentString());
const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse
= httpSession->syncRequest(request);
return finishDownload(uri, httpResponse);
bool eTagUnchanged(const std::string& uri, const std::string& oldETag)
const Poco::URI fontUri{uri};
std::shared_ptr<http::Session> httpSession(StorageBase::getHttpSession(fontUri));
http::Request request(fontUri.getPathAndQuery());
if (!oldETag.empty())
request.set("If-None-Match", oldETag);
request.set("User-Agent", http::getAgentString());
const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse
= httpSession->syncRequest(request);
if (httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == http::StatusCode::NotModified)
LOG_DBG("Not modified since last time: " << uri);
return true;
return false;
bool downloadWithETag(const std::string& uri, const std::string& oldETag)
const Poco::URI fontUri{uri};
std::shared_ptr<http::Session> httpSession(StorageBase::getHttpSession(fontUri));
http::Request request(fontUri.getPathAndQuery());
if (!oldETag.empty())
request.set("If-None-Match", oldETag);
request.set("User-Agent", http::getAgentString());
const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse
= httpSession->syncRequest(request);
if (httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == http::StatusCode::NotModified)
LOG_DBG("Not modified since last time: " << uri);
return true;
if (!finishDownload(uri, httpResponse))
return false;
fonts[uri].eTag = httpResponse->get("ETag");
return true;
bool finishDownload(const std::string& uri, const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse)
if (httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() != http::StatusCode::OK)
LOG_WRN("Could not fetch " << uri);
return false;
const std::string body = httpResponse->getBody();
std::string fontFile;
// We intentionally use a new file name also when an updated version of a font is
// downloaded. It causes trouble to rewrite the same file, in case it is in use in some Kit
// process at the moment.
// We don't remove the old file either as that also causes problems.
// And in reality, it is a bit unclear how likely it even is that fonts downloaded through
// this mechanism even will be updated.
fontFile = COOLWSD::TmpFontDir + "/" + Util::encodeId(Util::rng::getNext()) + ".ttf";
std::ofstream fontStream(fontFile);
fontStream.write(, body.size());
if (!fontStream.good())
LOG_ERR("Could not write to " << fontFile);
return false;
LOG_DBG("Got " << body.size() << " bytes for " << uri << " and wrote to " << fontFile);
fonts[uri].pathName = fontFile;
COOLWSD::sendMessageToForKit("addfont " + fontFile);
return true;
void restartForKitAndReDownloadConfigFile()
LOG_DBG("Downloaded font has been updated or a font has been removed. ForKit must be restarted.");
// Clear the saved ETag of the remote font configuration file so that it will be
// re-downloaded, and all fonts mentioned in it re-downloaded and fed to ForKit.
_eTagValue = "";
struct FontData
// Each font can have a "stamp" in the JSON that we treat just as a string. In practice it
// can be some timestamp, but we don't parse it. If the stamp is changed, we re-download the
// font file.
std::string stamp;
// If the font has no "stamp" property, we use the ETag mechanism to see if the font file
// needs to be re-downloaded.
std::string eTag;
// Where the font has been stored
std::string pathName;
// Flag that tells whether the font is mentioned in the JSON file that is being handled.
// Used only in handleJSON() when the JSON has been (re-)downloaded, not when the JSON was
// unchanged in handleUnchangedJSON().
bool active;
// The key of this map is the download URI of the font.
std::map<std::string, FontData> fonts;
void COOLWSD::innerInitialize(Application& self)
if (geteuid() == 0 && CheckCoolUser)
throw std::runtime_error("Do not run as root. Please run as cool user.");
StartTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
LayeredConfiguration& conf = config();
// Add default values of new entries here, so there is a sensible default in case
// the setting is missing from the config file. It is possible that users do not
// update their config files, and we are backward compatible.
// These defaults should be the same
// 1) here
// 2) in the 'default' attribute in coolwsd.xml, which is for documentation
// 3) the default parameter of getConfigValue() call. That is used when the
// setting is present in coolwsd.xml, but empty (i.e. use the default).
static const std::map<std::string, std::string> DefAppConfig = {
{ "accessibility.enable", "false" },
{ "allowed_languages", "de_DE en_GB en_US es_ES fr_FR it nl pt_BR pt_PT ru" },
{ "admin_console.enable_pam", "false" },
{ "child_root_path", "jails" },
{ "file_server_root_path", "browser/.." },
{ "enable_websocket_urp", "false" },
{ "hexify_embedded_urls", "false" },
{ "experimental_features", "false" },
{ "logging.protocol", "false" },
// { "logging.anonymize.anonymize_user_data", "false" }, // Do not set to fallback on filename/username.
{ "logging.color", "true" },
{ "[0]", "coolwsd.log" },
{ "[0][@name]", "path" },
{ "[1]", "never" },
{ "[1][@name]", "rotation" },
{ "[2]", "true" },
{ "[2][@name]", "compress" },
{ "[3]", "false" },
{ "[3][@name]", "flush" },
{ "[4]", "10 days" },
{ "[4][@name]", "purgeAge" },
{ "[5]", "10" },
{ "[5][@name]", "purgeCount" },
{ "[6]", "true" },
{ "[6][@name]", "rotateOnOpen" },
{ "[7]", "false" },
{ "[7][@name]", "archive" },
{ "logging.file[@enable]", "false" },
{ "logging.level", "trace" },
{ "logging.level_startup", "trace" },
{ "logging.lokit_sal_log", "-INFO-WARN" },
{ "logging.docstats", "false" },
{ "logging.userstats", "false" },
{ "browser_logging", "false" },
{ "mount_jail_tree", "true" },
{ "net.connection_timeout_secs", "30" },
{ "net.listen", "any" },
{ "net.proto", "all" },
{ "net.service_root", "" },
{ "net.proxy_prefix", "false" },
{ "net.content_security_policy", "" },
{ "net.frame_ancestors", "" },
{ "num_prespawn_children", "1" },
{ "per_document.always_save_on_exit", "false" },
{ "per_document.autosave_duration_secs", "300" },
{ "per_document.cleanup.cleanup_interval_ms", "10000" },
{ "per_document.cleanup.bad_behavior_period_secs", "60" },
{ "per_document.cleanup.idle_time_secs", "300" },
{ "per_document.cleanup.limit_dirty_mem_mb", "3072" },
{ "per_document.cleanup.limit_cpu_per", "85" },
{ "per_document.cleanup.lost_kit_grace_period_secs", "120" },
{ "per_document.cleanup[@enable]", "false" },
{ "per_document.idle_timeout_secs", "3600" },
{ "per_document.idlesave_duration_secs", "30" },
{ "per_document.limit_file_size_mb", "0" },
{ "per_document.limit_num_open_files", "0" },
{ "per_document.limit_load_secs", "100" },
{ "per_document.limit_store_failures", "5" },
{ "per_document.limit_convert_secs", "100" },
{ "per_document.limit_stack_mem_kb", "8000" },
{ "per_document.limit_virt_mem_mb", "0" },
{ "per_document.max_concurrency", "4" },
{ "per_document.min_time_between_saves_ms", "500" },
{ "per_document.min_time_between_uploads_ms", "5000" },
{ "per_document.batch_priority", "5" },
{ "per_document.pdf_resolution_dpi", "96" },
{ "per_document.redlining_as_comments", "false" },
{ "per_view.group_download_as", "true" },
{ "per_view.idle_timeout_secs", "900" },
{ "per_view.out_of_focus_timeout_secs", "120" },
{ "per_view.custom_os_info", "" },
{ "security.capabilities", "true" },
{ "security.seccomp", "true" },
{ "security.jwt_expiry_secs", "1800" },
{ "security.enable_metrics_unauthenticated", "false" },
{ "certificates.database_path", "" },
{ "server_name", "" },
{ "ssl.ca_file_path", COOLWSD_CONFIGDIR "/ca-chain.cert.pem" },
{ "ssl.cert_file_path", COOLWSD_CONFIGDIR "/cert.pem" },
{ "ssl.enable", "true" },
{ "ssl.hpkp.max_age[@enable]", "true" },
{ "ssl.hpkp.report_uri[@enable]", "false" },
{ "ssl.hpkp[@enable]", "false" },
{ "ssl.hpkp[@report_only]", "false" },
{ "ssl.sts.enabled", "false" },
{ "ssl.sts.max_age", "31536000" },
{ "ssl.key_file_path", COOLWSD_CONFIGDIR "/key.pem" },
{ "ssl.termination", "true" },
{ "stop_on_config_change", "false" },
{ "storage.filesystem[@allow]", "false" },
// "storage.ssl.enable" - deliberately not set; for back-compat
{ "storage.wopi.max_file_size", "0" },
{ "storage.wopi[@allow]", "true" },
{ "storage.wopi.locking.refresh", "900" },
{ "sys_template_path", "systemplate" },
{ "trace_event[@enable]", "false" },
{ "trace.path[@compress]", "true" },
{ "trace.path[@snapshot]", "false" },
{ "trace[@enable]", "false" },
{ "welcome.enable", "false" },
{ "home_mode.enable", "false" },
{ "", "true" },
{ "overwrite_mode.enable", "true" },
{ "feature_lock.locked_hosts[@allow]", "false" },
{ "feature_lock.locked_hosts.fallback[@read_only]", "false" },
{ "feature_lock.locked_hosts.fallback[@disabled_commands]", "false" },
{ "[0]", "localhost" },
{ "[0][@read_only]", "false" },
{ "[0][@disabled_commands]", "false" },
{ "feature_lock.is_lock_readonly", "false" },
{ "feature_lock.locked_commands", LOCKED_COMMANDS },
{ "feature_lock.unlock_title", UNLOCK_TITLE },
{ "feature_lock.unlock_link", UNLOCK_LINK },
{ "feature_lock.unlock_description", UNLOCK_DESCRIPTION },
{ "feature_lock.writer_unlock_highlights", WRITER_UNLOCK_HIGHLIGHTS },
{ "feature_lock.calc_unlock_highlights", CALC_UNLOCK_HIGHLIGHTS },
{ "feature_lock.impress_unlock_highlights", IMPRESS_UNLOCK_HIGHLIGHTS },
{ "feature_lock.draw_unlock_highlights", DRAW_UNLOCK_HIGHLIGHTS },
{ "restricted_commands", "" },
{ "user_interface.mode", "default" },
{ "user_interface.use_integration_theme", "true" },
{ "quarantine_files[@enable]", "false" },
{ "quarantine_files.limit_dir_size_mb", "250" },
{ "quarantine_files.max_versions_to_maintain", "2" },
{ "quarantine_files.path", "quarantine" },
{ "quarantine_files.expiry_min", "30" },
{ "remote_config.remote_url", "" },
{ "storage.wopi.alias_groups[@mode]", "first" },
{ "languagetool.base_url", "" },
{ "languagetool.api_key", "" },
{ "languagetool.user_name", "" },
{ "languagetool.enabled", "false" },
{ "languagetool.ssl_verification", "true" },
{ "languagetool.rest_protocol", "" },
{ "deepl.api_url", "" },
{ "deepl.auth_key", "" },
{ "deepl.enabled", "false" },
{ "zotero.enable", "true" },
{ "indirection_endpoint.url", "" },
{ "help_url", HELP_URL },
{ "product_name", APP_NAME },
{ "admin_console.logging.admin_login", "true" },
{ "admin_console.logging.metrics_fetch", "true" },
{ "admin_console.logging.monitor_connect", "true" },
{ "admin_console.logging.admin_action", "true" },
{ "wasm.enable", "false" },
{ "wasm.force", "false" },
// Set default values, in case they are missing from the config file.
AutoPtr<AppConfigMap> defConfig(new AppConfigMap(DefAppConfig));
conf.addWriteable(defConfig, PRIO_SYSTEM); // Lowest priority
// Load default configuration files, with name independent
// of Poco's view of app-name, from local file if present.
Poco::Path configPath("coolwsd.xml");
if (Application::findFile(configPath))
loadConfiguration(configPath.toString(), PRIO_DEFAULT);
// Fallback to the COOLWSD_CONFIGDIR or --config-file path.
loadConfiguration(ConfigFile, PRIO_DEFAULT);
// Load extra ("plug-in") configuration files, if present
File dir(ConfigDir);
if (dir.exists() && dir.isDirectory())
for (auto configFileIterator = DirectoryIterator(dir); configFileIterator != DirectoryIterator(); ++configFileIterator)
// Only accept configuration files ending in .xml
const std::string configFile = configFileIterator.path().getFileName();
if (configFile.length() > 4 && strcasecmp(configFile.substr(configFile.length() - 4).data(), ".xml") == 0)
const std::string fullFileName = dir.path() + "/" + configFile;
PluginConfigurations.insert(new XMLConfiguration(fullFileName));
// Override any settings passed on the command-line or via environment variables
if (UseEnvVarOptions)
AutoPtr<AppConfigMap> overrideConfig(new AppConfigMap(_overrideSettings));
conf.addWriteable(overrideConfig, PRIO_APPLICATION); // Highest priority
if (!UnitTestLibrary.empty())
// Experimental features.
EnableExperimental = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "experimental_features", false);
EnableAccessibility = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "accessibility.enable", false);
// Setup user interface mode
UserInterface = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "user_interface.mode", "default");
if (UserInterface == "compact")
UserInterface = "classic";
if (UserInterface == "tabbed")
UserInterface = "notebookbar";
if (EnableAccessibility)
UserInterface = "notebookbar";
// Set the log-level after complete initialization to force maximum details at startup.
LogLevel = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "logging.level", "trace");
MostVerboseLogLevelSettableFromClient = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "logging.most_verbose_level_settable_from_client", "notice");
LeastVerboseLogLevelSettableFromClient = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "logging.least_verbose_level_settable_from_client", "fatal");
setenv("COOL_LOGLEVEL", LogLevel.c_str(), true);
const std::string salLog = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "logging.lokit_sal_log", "-INFO-WARN");
setenv("SAL_LOG", salLog.c_str(), 0);
// In WASM, we want to log to the Log Console.
// Disable logging to file to log to stdout and
// disable color since this isn't going to the terminal.
constexpr bool withColor = false;
constexpr bool logToFile = false;
const bool withColor = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "logging.color", true) && isatty(fileno(stderr));
if (withColor)
setenv("COOL_LOGCOLOR", "1", true);
const auto logToFile = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "logging.file[@enable]", false);
std::map<std::string, std::string> logProperties;
for (std::size_t i = 0; ; ++i)
const std::string confPath = "[" + std::to_string(i) + ']';
const std::string confName = config().getString(confPath + "[@name]", "");
if (!confName.empty())
const std::string value = config().getString(confPath, "");
logProperties.emplace(confName, value);
else if (!config().has(confPath))
// Setup the logfile envar for the kit processes.
if (logToFile)
const auto it = logProperties.find("path");
if (it != logProperties.end())
setenv("COOL_LOGFILE", "1", true);
setenv("COOL_LOGFILENAME", it->second.c_str(), true);
std::cerr << "\nLogging at " << LogLevel << " level to file: " << it->second.c_str()
<< std::endl;
// Log at trace level until we complete the initialization.
LogLevelStartup = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "logging.level_startup", "trace");
setenv("COOL_LOGLEVEL_STARTUP", LogLevelStartup.c_str(), true);
Log::initialize("wsd", LogLevelStartup, withColor, logToFile, logProperties);
if (LogLevel != LogLevelStartup)
LOG_INF("Setting log-level to [" << LogLevelStartup << "] and delaying setting to ["
<< LogLevel << "] until after WSD initialization.");
if (getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "browser_logging", "false"))
LogToken = Util::rng::getHexString(16);
// First log entry.
ServerName = config().getString("server_name");
LOG_INF("Initializing coolwsd server [" << ServerName << "]. Experimental features are "
<< (EnableExperimental ? "enabled." : "disabled."));
// Initialize the UnitTest subsystem.
if (!UnitWSD::init(UnitWSD::UnitType::Wsd, UnitTestLibrary))
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load wsd unit test library.");
// Allow UT to manipulate before using configuration values.
// Trace Event Logging.
EnableTraceEventLogging = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "trace_event[@enable]", false);
if (EnableTraceEventLogging)
const auto traceEventFile = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "trace_event.path", COOLWSD_TRACEEVENTFILE);
LOG_INF("Trace Event file is " << traceEventFile << ".");
TraceEventFile = fopen(traceEventFile.c_str(), "w");
if (TraceEventFile != NULL)
if (fcntl(fileno(TraceEventFile), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) == -1)
TraceEventFile = NULL;
fprintf(TraceEventFile, "[\n");
// Output a metadata event that tells that this is the WSD process
fprintf(TraceEventFile, "{\"name\":\"process_name\",\"ph\":\"M\",\"args\":{\"name\":\"WSD\"},\"pid\":%d,\"tid\":%ld},\n",
getpid(), (long) Util::getThreadId());
fprintf(TraceEventFile, "{\"name\":\"thread_name\",\"ph\":\"M\",\"args\":{\"name\":\"Main\"},\"pid\":%d,\"tid\":%ld},\n",
getpid(), (long) Util::getThreadId());
// Check deprecated settings.
bool reuseCookies = false;
if (getSafeConfig(conf, "storage.wopi.reuse_cookies", reuseCookies))
LOG_WRN("NOTE: Deprecated config option storage.wopi.reuse_cookies - no longer supported.");
COOLWSD::WASMState = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "wasm.enable", false)
? COOLWSD::WASMActivationState::Enabled
: COOLWSD::WASMActivationState::Disabled;
if (getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "wasm.force", false))
if (COOLWSD::WASMState != COOLWSD::WASMActivationState::Enabled)
"WASM is not enabled; cannot force serving WASM. Please set wasm.enabled to true "
"in coolwsd.xml first");
LOG_INF("WASM is force-enabled. All documents will be loaded through WASM");
COOLWSD::WASMState = COOLWSD::WASMActivationState::Forced;
#endif // !MOBILEAPP
// Get anonymization settings.
AnonymizeUserData = true;
LOG_INF("Anonymization of user-data is permanently enabled.");
LOG_INF("Anonymization of user-data is configurable.");
bool haveAnonymizeUserDataConfig = false;
if (getSafeConfig(conf, "logging.anonymize.anonymize_user_data", AnonymizeUserData))
haveAnonymizeUserDataConfig = true;
bool anonymizeFilenames = false;
bool anonymizeUsernames = false;
if (getSafeConfig(conf, "logging.anonymize.usernames", anonymizeFilenames) ||
getSafeConfig(conf, "logging.anonymize.filenames", anonymizeUsernames))
LOG_WRN("NOTE: both logging.anonymize.usernames and logging.anonymize.filenames are deprecated and superseded by "
"logging.anonymize.anonymize_user_data. Please remove username and filename entries from the config and use only anonymize_user_data.");
if (haveAnonymizeUserDataConfig)
LOG_WRN("Since logging.anonymize.anonymize_user_data is provided (" << AnonymizeUserData << ") in the config, it will be used.");
AnonymizeUserData = (anonymizeFilenames || anonymizeUsernames);
if (AnonymizeUserData && LogLevel == "trace" && !CleanupOnly)
if (getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "logging.anonymize.allow_logging_user_data", false))
LOG_WRN("Enabling trace logging while anonymization is enabled due to logging.anonymize.allow_logging_user_data setting. "
"This will leak user-data!");
// Disable anonymization as it's useless now.
AnonymizeUserData = false;
static const char failure[] = "Anonymization and trace-level logging are incompatible. "
"Please reduce logging level to debug or lower in coolwsd.xml to prevent leaking sensitive user data.";
std::cerr << '\n' << failure << std::endl;
std::cerr << "\nIf you have used 'make run', edit coolwsd.xml and make sure you have removed "
"'--o:logging.level=trace' from the command line in\n" << std::endl;
std::uint64_t anonymizationSalt = 82589933;
LOG_INF("Anonymization of user-data is " << (AnonymizeUserData ? "enabled." : "disabled."));
if (AnonymizeUserData)
// Get the salt, if set, otherwise default, and set as envar, so the kits inherit it.
anonymizationSalt = getConfigValue<std::uint64_t>(conf, "logging.anonymize.anonymization_salt", 82589933);
const std::string anonymizationSaltStr = std::to_string(anonymizationSalt);
setenv("COOL_ANONYMIZATION_SALT", anonymizationSaltStr.c_str(), true);
FileUtil::setUrlAnonymization(AnonymizeUserData, anonymizationSalt);
bool enableWebsocketURP =
COOLWSD::getConfigValue<bool>("security.enable_websocket_urp", false);
setenv("ENABLE_WEBSOCKET_URP", enableWebsocketURP ? "true" : "false", 1);
std::string proto = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "net.proto", "");
if (Util::iequal(proto, "ipv4"))
ClientPortProto = Socket::Type::IPv4;
else if (Util::iequal(proto, "ipv6"))
ClientPortProto = Socket::Type::IPv6;
else if (Util::iequal(proto, "all"))
ClientPortProto = Socket::Type::All;
LOG_WRN("Invalid protocol: " << proto);
std::string listen = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "net.listen", "");
if (Util::iequal(listen, "any"))
ClientListenAddr = ServerSocket::Type::Public;
else if (Util::iequal(listen, "loopback"))
ClientListenAddr = ServerSocket::Type::Local;
LOG_WRN("Invalid listen address: " << listen << ". Falling back to default: 'any'" );
// Prefix for the coolwsd pages; should not end with a '/'
ServiceRoot = getPathFromConfig("net.service_root");
while (ServiceRoot.length() > 0 && ServiceRoot[ServiceRoot.length() - 1] == '/')
IsProxyPrefixEnabled = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "net.proxy_prefix", false);
COOLWSD::SSLEnabled.set(getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "ssl.enable", true));
COOLWSD::SSLTermination.set(getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "ssl.termination", true));
LOG_INF("SSL support: SSL is " << (COOLWSD::isSSLEnabled() ? "enabled." : "disabled."));
LOG_INF("SSL support: termination is " << (COOLWSD::isSSLTermination() ? "enabled." : "disabled."));
std::string allowedLanguages(config().getString("allowed_languages"));
// Core <= 7.0.
setenv("LOK_WHITELIST_LANGUAGES", allowedLanguages.c_str(), 1);
// Core >= 7.1.
setenv("LOK_ALLOWLIST_LANGUAGES", allowedLanguages.c_str(), 1);
int pdfResolution = getConfigValue<int>(conf, "per_document.pdf_resolution_dpi", 96);
if (pdfResolution > 0)
constexpr int MaxPdfResolutionDpi = 384;
if (pdfResolution > MaxPdfResolutionDpi)
// Avoid excessive memory consumption.
LOG_WRN("The PDF resolution specified in per_document.pdf_resolution_dpi ("
<< pdfResolution << ") is larger than the maximum (" << MaxPdfResolutionDpi
<< "). Using " << MaxPdfResolutionDpi << " instead.");
pdfResolution = MaxPdfResolutionDpi;
const std::string pdfResolutionStr = std::to_string(pdfResolution);
<< pdfResolutionStr << " per config per_document.pdf_resolution_dpi");
::setenv("PDFIMPORT_RESOLUTION_DPI", pdfResolutionStr.c_str(), 1);
SysTemplate = getPathFromConfig("sys_template_path");
if (SysTemplate.empty())
LOG_FTL("Missing sys_template_path config entry.");
throw MissingOptionException("systemplate");
ChildRoot = getPathFromConfig("child_root_path");
if (ChildRoot.empty())
LOG_FTL("Missing child_root_path config entry.");
throw MissingOptionException("childroot");
if (CleanupOnly)
// Cleanup and exit.
if (ChildRoot[ChildRoot.size() - 1] != '/')
ChildRoot += '/';
::setenv("BASE_CHILD_ROOT", Poco::Path(ChildRoot).absolute().toString().c_str(), 1);
// We need to cleanup other people's expired jails
CleanupChildRoot = ChildRoot;
// Encode the process id into the path for parallel re-use of jails/
ChildRoot += std::to_string(getpid()) + '-' + Util::rng::getHexString(8) + '/';
LOG_INF("Creating childroot: " + ChildRoot);
// Copy and serialize the config into XML to pass to forkit.
KitXmlConfig.reset(new Poco::Util::XMLConfiguration);
for (const auto& pair : DefAppConfig)
KitXmlConfig->setString(pair.first, config().getRawString(pair.first));
catch (const std::exception&)
// Nothing to do.
// Fixup some config entries to match out decisions/overrides.
KitXmlConfig->setBool("ssl.enable", isSSLEnabled());
KitXmlConfig->setBool("ssl.termination", isSSLTermination());
// We don't pass the config via command-line
// to avoid dealing with escaping and other traps.
std::ostringstream oss;
setenv("COOL_CONFIG", oss.str().c_str(), true);
// Initialize the config subsystem too.
// For some reason I can't get at this setting in ChildSession::loKitCallback().
std::string fontsMissingHandling = config::getString("fonts_missing.handling", "log");
setenv("FONTS_MISSING_HANDLING", fontsMissingHandling.c_str(), 1);
IsBindMountingEnabled = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "mount_jail_tree", true);
// Code coverage is not supported with bind-mounting.
if (IsBindMountingEnabled)
LOG_WRN("Mounting is not compatible with code-coverage. Disabling.");
IsBindMountingEnabled = false;
// Setup the jails.
JailUtil::setupChildRoot(IsBindMountingEnabled, ChildRoot, SysTemplate);
LOG_DBG("FileServerRoot before config: " << FileServerRoot);
FileServerRoot = getPathFromConfig("file_server_root_path");
LOG_DBG("FileServerRoot after config: " << FileServerRoot);
//creating quarantine directory
if (getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "quarantine_files[@enable]", false))
std::string path = Util::trimmed(getPathFromConfig("quarantine_files.path"));
LOG_INF("Quarantine path is set to [" << path << "] in config");
if (path.empty())
LOG_WRN("Quarantining is enabled via quarantine_files config, but no path is set in "
"quarantine_files.path. Disabling quarantine");
if (path[path.size() - 1] != '/')
path += '/';
if (path[0] != '/')
LOG_WRN("Quarantine path is relative. Please use an absolute path for better "
Poco::File p(path);
LOG_TRC("Creating quarantine directory [" + path << ']');
LOG_DBG("Created quarantine directory [" + path << ']');
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_WRN("Failed to create quarantine directory [" << path
<< "]. Disabling quaratine");
if (FileUtil::Stat(path).exists())
LOG_INF("Initializing quarantine at [" + path << ']');
LOG_INF("Quarantine is disabled in config");
NumPreSpawnedChildren = getConfigValue<int>(conf, "num_prespawn_children", 1);
if (NumPreSpawnedChildren < 1)
LOG_WRN("Invalid num_prespawn_children in config (" << NumPreSpawnedChildren << "). Resetting to 1.");
NumPreSpawnedChildren = 1;
LOG_INF("NumPreSpawnedChildren set to " << NumPreSpawnedChildren << '.');
int nThreads = std::max<int>(std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), 1);
int maxConcurrency = getConfigValue<int>(conf, "per_document.max_concurrency", 4);
if (maxConcurrency > 16)
LOG_WRN("Using a large number of threads for every document puts pressure on "
"the scheduler, and consumes memory, while providing marginal gains "
"consider lowering max_concurrency from " << maxConcurrency);
if (maxConcurrency > nThreads)
LOG_ERR("Setting concurrency above the number of physical "
"threads yields extra latency and memory usage for no benefit. "
"Clamping " << maxConcurrency << " to " << nThreads << " threads.");
maxConcurrency = nThreads;
if (maxConcurrency > 0)
setenv("MAX_CONCURRENCY", std::to_string(maxConcurrency).c_str(), 1);
LOG_INF("MAX_CONCURRENCY set to " << maxConcurrency << '.');
#elif defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
// disable threaded image scaling for wasm for now
setenv("VCL_NO_THREAD_SCALE", "1", 1);
const auto redlining = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "per_document.redlining_as_comments", false);
if (!redlining)
setenv("DISABLE_REDLINE", "1", 1);
// Otherwise we profile the soft-device at jail creation time.
setenv("SAL_DISABLE_OPENCL", "true", 1);
// Disable getting the OS print queue and default printer
setenv("SAL_DISABLE_PRINTERLIST", "true", 1);
setenv("SAL_DISABLE_DEFAULTPRINTER", "true", 1);
// Log the connection and document limits.
if (getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "home_mode.enable", false))
COOLWSD::MaxConnections = 20;
COOLWSD::MaxDocuments = 10;
conf.setString("", "true");
conf.setString("welcome.enable", "true");
NoSeccomp = Util::isKitInProcess() || !getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "security.seccomp", true);
NoCapsForKit =
Util::isKitInProcess() || !getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "security.capabilities", true);
AdminEnabled = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "admin_console.enable", true);
if (Util::isKitInProcess())
SingleKit = true;
// LanguageTool configuration
bool enableLanguageTool = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "languagetool.enabled", false);
setenv("LANGUAGETOOL_ENABLED", enableLanguageTool ? "true" : "false", 1);
const std::string baseAPIUrl = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "languagetool.base_url", "");
setenv("LANGUAGETOOL_BASEURL", baseAPIUrl.c_str(), 1);
const std::string userName = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "languagetool.user_name", "");
setenv("LANGUAGETOOL_USERNAME", userName.c_str(), 1);
const std::string apiKey = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "languagetool.api_key", "");
setenv("LANGUAGETOOL_APIKEY", apiKey.c_str(), 1);
bool sslVerification = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "languagetool.ssl_verification", true);
setenv("LANGUAGETOOL_SSL_VERIFICATION", sslVerification ? "true" : "false", 1);
const std::string restProtocol = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "languagetool.rest_protocol", "");
setenv("LANGUAGETOOL_RESTPROTOCOL", restProtocol.c_str(), 1);
// DeepL configuration
const std::string apiURL = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "deepl.api_url", "");
const std::string authKey = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "deepl.auth_key", "");
setenv("DEEPL_API_URL", apiURL.c_str(), 1);
setenv("DEEPL_AUTH_KEY", authKey.c_str(), 1);
const std::string helpUrl = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "help_url", HELP_URL);
setenv("LOK_HELP_URL", helpUrl.c_str(), 1);
// On mobile UI there should be no tunnelled dialogs. But if there are some, by mistake,
// at least they should not have a non-working Help button.
setenv("LOK_HELP_URL", "", 1);
const std::string supportKeyString = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "support_key", "");
if (supportKeyString.empty())
LOG_WRN("Support key not set, please use 'coolconfig set-support-key'.");
std::cerr << "Support key not set, please use 'coolconfig set-support-key'." << std::endl;
COOLWSD::OverrideWatermark = "Unsupported, the support key is missing.";
SupportKey key(supportKeyString);
if (!key.verify())
LOG_WRN("Invalid support key, please use 'coolconfig set-support-key'.");
std::cerr << "Invalid support key, please use 'coolconfig set-support-key'." << std::endl;
COOLWSD::OverrideWatermark = "Unsupported, the support key is invalid.";
int validDays = key.validDaysRemaining();
if (validDays <= 0)
LOG_WRN("Your support key has expired, please ask for a new one, and use 'coolconfig set-support-key'.");
std::cerr << "Your support key has expired, please ask for a new one, and use 'coolconfig set-support-key'." << std::endl;
COOLWSD::OverrideWatermark = "Unsupported, the support key has expired.";
LOG_INF("Your support key is valid for " << validDays << " days");
COOLWSD::MaxConnections = 1000;
COOLWSD::MaxDocuments = 200;
COOLWSD::OverrideWatermark = "";
if (COOLWSD::MaxConnections < 3)
LOG_ERR("MAX_CONNECTIONS must be at least 3");
COOLWSD::MaxConnections = 3;
if (COOLWSD::MaxDocuments > COOLWSD::MaxConnections)
COOLWSD::MaxDocuments = COOLWSD::MaxConnections;
struct rlimit rlim;
::getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim);
LOG_INF("Maximum file descriptor supported by the system: " << rlim.rlim_cur - 1);
// 4 fds per document are used for client connection, Kit process communication, and
// a wakeup pipe with 2 fds. 32 fds (i.e. 8 documents) are reserved.
LOG_INF("Maximum number of open documents supported by the system: " << rlim.rlim_cur / 4 - 8);
LOG_INF("Maximum concurrent open Documents limit: " << COOLWSD::MaxDocuments);
LOG_INF("Maximum concurrent client Connections limit: " << COOLWSD::MaxConnections);
COOLWSD::NumConnections = 0;
// Command Tracing.
if (getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "trace[@enable]", false))
const auto& path = getConfigValue<std::string>(conf, "trace.path", "");
const auto recordOutgoing = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "trace.outgoing.record", false);
std::vector<std::string> filters;
for (size_t i = 0; ; ++i)
const std::string confPath = "trace.filter.message[" + std::to_string(i) + ']';
const std::string regex = config().getString(confPath, "");
if (!regex.empty())
else if (!config().has(confPath))
const auto compress = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "trace.path[@compress]", false);
const auto takeSnapshot = getConfigValue<bool>(conf, "trace.path[@snapshot]", false);
TraceDumper = std::make_unique<TraceFileWriter>(path, recordOutgoing, compress,
takeSnapshot, filters);
// Allowed hosts for being external data source in the documents
std::vector<std::string> lokAllowedHosts;
appendAllowedHostsFrom(conf, "net.lok_allow", lokAllowedHosts);
// For backward compatibility post_allow hosts are also allowed
bool postAllowed = conf.getBool("net.post_allow[@allow]", false);
if (postAllowed)
appendAllowedHostsFrom(conf, "net.post_allow", lokAllowedHosts);
// For backward compatibility wopi hosts are also allowed
bool wopiAllowed = conf.getBool("storage.wopi[@allow]", false);
if (wopiAllowed)
appendAllowedHostsFrom(conf, "storage.wopi", lokAllowedHosts);
appendAllowedAliasGroups(conf, lokAllowedHosts);
if (lokAllowedHosts.size())
std::string allowedRegex;
for (size_t i = 0; i < lokAllowedHosts.size(); i++)
if (isValidRegex(lokAllowedHosts[i]))
allowedRegex += (i != 0 ? "|" : "") + lokAllowedHosts[i];
LOG_ERR("Invalid regular expression for allowed host: \"" << lokAllowedHosts[i] << "\"");
setenv("LOK_HOST_ALLOWLIST", allowedRegex.c_str(), true);
SavedClipboards = std::make_unique<ClipboardCache>();
LOG_TRC("Initialize FileServerRequestHandler");
COOLWSD::FileRequestHandler =
WebServerPoll = std::make_unique<TerminatingPoll>("websrv_poll");
PrisonerPoll = std::make_unique<PrisonPoll>();
Server = std::make_unique<COOLWSDServer>();
LOG_TRC("Initialize StorageBase");
// Check for smaps_rollup bug where rewinding and rereading gives
// bogus doubled results
if (FILE* fp = fopen("/proc/self/smaps_rollup", "r"))
std::size_t memoryDirty1 = Util::getPssAndDirtyFromSMaps(fp).second;
(void)Util::getPssAndDirtyFromSMaps(fp); // interleave another rewind+read to margin
std::size_t memoryDirty2 = Util::getPssAndDirtyFromSMaps(fp).second;
LOG_TRC("Comparing smaps_rollup read and rewind+read: " << memoryDirty1 << " vs " << memoryDirty2);
if (memoryDirty2 >= memoryDirty1 * 2)
// Believed to be fixed in >= v4.19, bug seen in 4.15.0 and not in 6.5.10
LOG_WRN("Reading smaps_rollup twice reports Private_Dirty doubled, smaps_rollup is unreliable on this kernel");
setenv("COOL_DISABLE_SMAPS_ROLLUP", "1", true);
DocProcSettings docProcSettings;
docProcSettings.setLimitVirtMemMb(getConfigValue<int>("per_document.limit_virt_mem_mb", 0));
docProcSettings.setLimitStackMemKb(getConfigValue<int>("per_document.limit_stack_mem_kb", 0));
docProcSettings.setLimitFileSizeMb(getConfigValue<int>("per_document.limit_file_size_mb", 0));
docProcSettings.setLimitNumberOpenFiles(getConfigValue<int>("per_document.limit_num_open_files", 0));
DocCleanupSettings &docCleanupSettings = docProcSettings.getCleanupSettings();
docCleanupSettings.setEnable(getConfigValue<bool>("per_document.cleanup[@enable]", false));
docCleanupSettings.setCleanupInterval(getConfigValue<int>("per_document.cleanup.cleanup_interval_ms", 10000));
docCleanupSettings.setBadBehaviorPeriod(getConfigValue<int>("per_document.cleanup.bad_behavior_period_secs", 60));
docCleanupSettings.setIdleTime(getConfigValue<int>("per_document.cleanup.idle_time_secs", 300));
docCleanupSettings.setLimitDirtyMem(getConfigValue<int>("per_document.cleanup.limit_dirty_mem_mb", 3072));
docCleanupSettings.setLimitCpu(getConfigValue<int>("per_document.cleanup.limit_cpu_per", 85));
docCleanupSettings.setLostKitGracePeriod(getConfigValue<int>("per_document.cleanup.lost_kit_grace_period_secs", 120));
Admin::instance().setDefDocProcSettings(docProcSettings, false);
(void) self;
void COOLWSD::initializeSSL()
if (!COOLWSD::isSSLEnabled())
const std::string ssl_cert_file_path = getPathFromConfig("ssl.cert_file_path");
LOG_INF("SSL Cert file: " << ssl_cert_file_path);
const std::string ssl_key_file_path = getPathFromConfig("ssl.key_file_path");
LOG_INF("SSL Key file: " << ssl_key_file_path);
const std::string ssl_ca_file_path = getPathFromConfig("ssl.ca_file_path");
LOG_INF("SSL CA file: " << ssl_ca_file_path);
std::string ssl_cipher_list = config().getString("ssl.cipher_list", "");
if (ssl_cipher_list.empty())
ssl_cipher_list = DEFAULT_CIPHER_SET;
LOG_INF("SSL Cipher list: " << ssl_cipher_list);
// Initialize the non-blocking server socket SSL context.
ssl::Manager::initializeServerContext(ssl_cert_file_path, ssl_key_file_path, ssl_ca_file_path,
ssl_cipher_list, ssl::CertificateVerification::Disabled);
if (!ssl::Manager::isServerContextInitialized())
LOG_ERR("Failed to initialize Server SSL.");
LOG_INF("Initialized Server SSL.");
LOG_INF("SSL is unavailable in this build.");
void COOLWSD::dumpNewSessionTrace(const std::string& id, const std::string& sessionId, const std::string& uri, const std::string& path)
if (TraceDumper)
TraceDumper->newSession(id, sessionId, uri, path);
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Exception in tracer newSession: " << exc.what());
void COOLWSD::dumpEndSessionTrace(const std::string& id, const std::string& sessionId, const std::string& uri)
if (TraceDumper)
TraceDumper->endSession(id, sessionId, uri);
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Exception in tracer newSession: " << exc.what());
void COOLWSD::dumpEventTrace(const std::string& id, const std::string& sessionId, const std::string& data)
if (TraceDumper)
TraceDumper->writeEvent(id, sessionId, data);
void COOLWSD::dumpIncomingTrace(const std::string& id, const std::string& sessionId, const std::string& data)
if (TraceDumper)
TraceDumper->writeIncoming(id, sessionId, data);
void COOLWSD::dumpOutgoingTrace(const std::string& id, const std::string& sessionId, const std::string& data)
if (TraceDumper)
TraceDumper->writeOutgoing(id, sessionId, data);
void COOLWSD::defineOptions(OptionSet& optionSet)
optionSet.addOption(Option("help", "", "Display help information on command line arguments.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("version-hash", "", "Display product version-hash information and exit.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("version", "", "Display version and hash information.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("cleanup", "", "Cleanup jails and other temporary data and exit.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("port", "", "Port number to listen to (default: " +
std::to_string(DEFAULT_CLIENT_PORT_NUMBER) + "),")
optionSet.addOption(Option("disable-ssl", "", "Disable SSL security layer.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("disable-cool-user-checking", "", "Don't check whether coolwsd is running under the user 'cool'. NOTE: This is insecure, use only when you know what you are doing!")
optionSet.addOption(Option("override", "o", "Override any setting by providing full xmlpath=value.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("config-file", "", "Override configuration file path.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("config-dir", "", "Override extra configuration directory path.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("lo-template-path", "", "Override the LOK core installation directory path.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("unattended", "", "Unattended run, won't wait for a debugger on faulting.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("signal", "", "Send signal SIGUSR2 to parent process when server is ready to accept connections")
optionSet.addOption(Option("use-env-vars", "",
"Use the environment variables defined on "
"dynamically-via-environment-variables to set options. "
"'DONT_GEN_SSL_CERT' is forcibly enabled and 'extra_params' is "
"ignored even when using this option.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("unitlib", "", "Unit testing library path.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("careerspan", "", "How many seconds to run.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("singlekit", "", "Spawn one libreoffice kit.")
optionSet.addOption(Option("forcecaching", "", "Force HTML & asset caching even in debug mode: accelerates cypress.")
(void) optionSet;
void COOLWSD::handleOption(const std::string& optionName,
const std::string& value)
ServerApplication::handleOption(optionName, value);
if (optionName == "help")
else if (optionName == "version-hash")
std::string version, hash;
Util::getVersionInfo(version, hash);
std::cout << hash << std::endl;
else if (optionName == "version")
; // ignore for compatibility
else if (optionName == "cleanup")
CleanupOnly = true; // Flag for later as we need the config.
else if (optionName == "port")
ClientPortNumber = std::stoi(value);
else if (optionName == "disable-ssl")
_overrideSettings["ssl.enable"] = "false";
else if (optionName == "disable-cool-user-checking")
CheckCoolUser = false;
else if (optionName == "override")
std::string optName;
std::string optValue;
COOLProtocol::parseNameValuePair(value, optName, optValue);
_overrideSettings[optName] = optValue;
else if (optionName == "config-file")
ConfigFile = value;
else if (optionName == "config-dir")
ConfigDir = value;
else if (optionName == "lo-template-path")
LoTemplate = value;
else if (optionName == "signal")
SignalParent = true;
else if (optionName == "use-env-vars")
UseEnvVarOptions = true;
else if (optionName == "unitlib")
UnitTestLibrary = value;
else if (optionName == "unattended")
UnattendedRun = true;
else if (optionName == "careerspan")
careerSpanMs = std::chrono::seconds(std::stoi(value)); // Convert second to ms
else if (optionName == "singlekit")
SingleKit = true;
NumPreSpawnedChildren = 1;
else if (optionName == "forcecaching")
ForceCaching = true;
static const char* latencyMs = std::getenv("COOL_DELAY_SOCKET_MS");
if (latencyMs)
SimulatedLatencyMs = std::stoi(latencyMs);
(void) optionName;
(void) value;
void COOLWSD::initializeEnvOptions()
int n = 0;
char* aliasGroup;
while ((aliasGroup = std::getenv(("aliasgroup" + std::to_string(n + 1)).c_str())) != nullptr)
bool first = true;
std::istringstream aliasGroupStream;
for (std::string alias; std::getline(aliasGroupStream, alias, ',');)
if (first)
const std::string path = "[" + std::to_string(n) + "].host";
_overrideSettings[path] = alias;
_overrideSettings[path + "[@allow]"] = "true";
first = false;
_overrideSettings["[" + std::to_string(n) +
"].alias"] = alias;
if (n >= 1)
_overrideSettings["alias_groups[@mode]"] = "groups";
char* optionValue;
if ((optionValue = std::getenv("username")) != nullptr) _overrideSettings["admin_console.username"] = optionValue;
if ((optionValue = std::getenv("password")) != nullptr) _overrideSettings["admin_console.password"] = optionValue;
if ((optionValue = std::getenv("server_name")) != nullptr) _overrideSettings["server_name"] = optionValue;
if ((optionValue = std::getenv("dictionaries")) != nullptr) _overrideSettings["allowed_languages"] = optionValue;
if ((optionValue = std::getenv("remoteconfigurl")) != nullptr) _overrideSettings["remote_config.remote_url"] = optionValue;
void COOLWSD::displayHelp()
HelpFormatter helpFormatter(options());
helpFormatter.setHeader("Collabora Online WebSocket server.");
bool COOLWSD::checkAndRestoreForKit()
// clang issues warning for WIF*() macro usages below:
// "equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Werror,-Wparentheses-equality]"
#if defined __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wparentheses-equality"
if (ForKitProcId == -1)
// Fire the ForKit process for the first time.
if (!SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag() && !createForKit())
// Should never fail.
LOG_FTL("Setting ShutdownRequestFlag: Failed to spawn coolforkit.");
if (Util::isKitInProcess())
return true;
int status;
const pid_t pid = waitpid(ForKitProcId, &status, WUNTRACED | WNOHANG);
if (pid > 0)
if (pid == ForKitProcId)
if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status))
if (WIFEXITED(status))
LOG_INF("Forkit process [" << pid << "] exited with code: " <<
WEXITSTATUS(status) << '.');
LOG_ERR("Forkit process [" << pid << "] " <<
(WCOREDUMP(status) ? "core-dumped" : "died") <<
" with " << SigUtil::signalName(WTERMSIG(status)));
// Spawn a new forkit and try to dust it off and resume.
if (!SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag() && !createForKit())
LOG_FTL("Setting ShutdownRequestFlag: Failed to spawn forkit instance.");
else if (WIFSTOPPED(status))
LOG_INF("Forkit process [" << pid << "] stopped with " <<
else if (WIFCONTINUED(status))
LOG_INF("Forkit process [" << pid << "] resumed with SIGCONT.");
LOG_WRN("Unknown status returned by waitpid: " << std::hex << status << std::dec);
return true;
LOG_ERR("An unknown child process [" << pid << "] died.");
else if (pid < 0)
LOG_SYS("Forkit waitpid failed");
if (errno == ECHILD)
// No child processes.
// Spawn a new forkit and try to dust it off and resume.
if (!SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag() && !createForKit())
LOG_FTL("Setting ShutdownRequestFlag: Failed to spawn forkit instance.");
return true;
return false;
#if defined __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
void COOLWSD::doHousekeeping()
if (PrisonerPoll)
void COOLWSD::closeDocument(const std::string& docKey, const std::string& message)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
auto docBrokerIt = DocBrokers.find(docKey);
if (docBrokerIt != DocBrokers.end())
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker = docBrokerIt->second;
docBroker->addCallback([docBroker, message]() {
void COOLWSD::autoSave(const std::string& docKey)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
auto docBrokerIt = DocBrokers.find(docKey);
if (docBrokerIt != DocBrokers.end())
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker = docBrokerIt->second;
[docBroker]() { docBroker->autoSave(/*force=*/true, /*dontSaveIfUnmodified=*/true); });
void COOLWSD::setLogLevelsOfKits(const std::string& level)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
LOG_INF("Changing kits' log levels: [" << level << ']');
for (const auto& brokerIt : DocBrokers)
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker = brokerIt.second;
docBroker->addCallback([docBroker, level]() {
/// Really do the house-keeping
void PrisonPoll::wakeupHook()
LOG_TRC("PrisonerPoll - wakes up with " << NewChildren.size() <<
" new children and " << DocBrokers.size() << " brokers and " <<
OutstandingForks << " kits forking");
if (!COOLWSD::checkAndRestoreForKit())
// No children have died.
// Make sure we have sufficient reserves.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex, std::defer_lock);
if (docBrokersLock.try_lock())
bool COOLWSD::createForKit()
LOG_INF("Creating new forkit process.");
// Creating a new forkit is always a slow process.
ChildSpawnTimeoutMs = CHILD_TIMEOUT_MS * 4;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> newChildrenLock(NewChildrenMutex);
StringVector args;
std::string parentPath = Path(Application::instance().commandPath()).parent().toString();
// if you want to use this, you need to sudo setcap cap_fowner,cap_chown,cap_mknod,cap_sys_chroot=ep /usr/bin/strace
args.push_back(parentPath + "coolforkit");
NoCapsForKit = true;
NoSeccomp = true;
// args.push_back("--log-file=valgrind.log");
// args.push_back("--track-fds=all");
// for massif: can connect with (gdb) target remote | vgdb
// and then monitor snapshot <filename> before kit exit
// args.push_back("--tool=massif");
// args.push_back("--vgdb=yes");
// args.push_back("--vgdb-error=0");
std::string nocapsCopy = parentPath + "coolforkit-nocaps";
FileUtil::copy(parentPath + "coolforkit", nocapsCopy, true, true);
args.push_back("--systemplate=" + SysTemplate);
args.push_back("--lotemplate=" + LoTemplate);
args.push_back("--childroot=" + ChildRoot);
args.push_back("--clientport=" + std::to_string(ClientPortNumber));
args.push_back("--masterport=" + MasterLocation);
const DocProcSettings& docProcSettings = Admin::instance().getDefDocProcSettings();
std::ostringstream ossRLimits;
ossRLimits << "limit_virt_mem_mb:" << docProcSettings.getLimitVirtMemMb();
ossRLimits << ";limit_stack_mem_kb:" << docProcSettings.getLimitStackMemKb();
ossRLimits << ";limit_file_size_mb:" << docProcSettings.getLimitFileSizeMb();
ossRLimits << ";limit_num_open_files:" << docProcSettings.getLimitNumberOpenFiles();
args.push_back("--rlimits=" + ossRLimits.str());
if (UnitWSD::get().hasKitHooks())
args.push_back("--unitlib=" + UnitTestLibrary);
if (NoCapsForKit)
if (NoSeccomp)
args.push_back("--ui=" + UserInterface);
if (!CheckCoolUser)
if (UnattendedRun)
if (SingleKit)
std::string forKitPath = "/usr/bin/strace";
std::string forKitPath = "/usr/bin/valgrind";
std::string forKitPath = parentPath + "coolforkit";
// Always reap first, in case we haven't done so yet.
if (ForKitProcId != -1)
if (Util::isKitInProcess())
return true;
int status;
waitpid(ForKitProcId, &status, WUNTRACED | WNOHANG);
ForKitProcId = -1;
// Below line will be executed by PrisonerPoll thread.
ForKitProc = nullptr;
// ForKit always spawns one.
LOG_INF("Launching forkit process: " << forKitPath << ' ' <<' ', 0));
LastForkRequestTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
int child = createForkit(forKitPath, args);
ForKitProcId = child;
LOG_INF("Forkit process launched: " << ForKitProcId);
// Init the Admin manager
const int balance = COOLWSD::NumPreSpawnedChildren - OutstandingForks;
if (balance > 0)
return ForKitProcId != -1;
void COOLWSD::sendMessageToForKit(const std::string& message)
if (PrisonerPoll)
#endif // !MOBILEAPP
/// Find the DocumentBroker for the given docKey, if one exists.
/// Otherwise, creates and adds a new one to DocBrokers.
/// May return null if terminating or MaxDocuments limit is reached.
/// Returns the error message, if any, when no DocBroker is created/found.
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>, std::string>
findOrCreateDocBroker(DocumentBroker::ChildType type, const std::string& uri,
const std::string& docKey, const std::string& id, const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
unsigned mobileAppDocId = 0)
LOG_INF("Find or create DocBroker for docKey ["
<< docKey << "] for session [" << id << "] on url ["
<< COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uriPublic.toString()) << ']');
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
if (SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag())
// TerminationFlag implies ShutdownRequested.
LOG_WRN((SigUtil::getTerminationFlag() ? "TerminationFlag" : "ShudownRequestedFlag")
<< " set. Not loading new session [" << id << "] for docKey [" << docKey << ']');
return std::make_pair(nullptr, "error: cmd=load kind=recycling");
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker;
// Lookup this document.
const auto it = DocBrokers.find(docKey);
if (it != DocBrokers.end() && it->second)
// Get the DocumentBroker from the Cache.
LOG_DBG("Found DocumentBroker with docKey [" << docKey << ']');
docBroker = it->second;
// Destroying the document? Let the client reconnect.
if (docBroker->isUnloading())
LOG_WRN("DocBroker [" << docKey
<< "] is unloading. Rejecting client request to load session ["
<< id << ']');
return std::make_pair(nullptr, "error: cmd=load kind=docunloading");
LOG_DBG("No DocumentBroker with docKey [" << docKey
<< "] found. Creating new Child and Document");
if (SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag())
// TerminationFlag implies ShutdownRequested.
LOG_ERR((SigUtil::getTerminationFlag() ? "TerminationFlag" : "ShudownRequestedFlag")
<< " set. Not loading new session [" << id << "] for docKey [" << docKey << ']');
return std::make_pair(nullptr, "error: cmd=load kind=recycling");
if (!docBroker)
if (DocBrokers.size() + 1 > COOLWSD::MaxDocuments)
LOG_WRN("Maximum number of open documents of "
<< COOLWSD::MaxDocuments << " reached while loading new session [" << id
<< "] for docKey [" << docKey << ']');
return nullptr;
// Set the one we just created.
LOG_DBG("New DocumentBroker for docKey [" << docKey << ']');
docBroker = std::make_shared<DocumentBroker>(type, uri, uriPublic, docKey, mobileAppDocId);
DocBrokers.emplace(docKey, docBroker);
LOG_TRC("Have " << DocBrokers.size() << " DocBrokers after inserting [" << docKey << ']');
return std::make_pair(docBroker, std::string());
/// Find the DocumentBroker for the given docKey, if one exists.
/// Otherwise, creates and adds a new one to DocBrokers.
/// May return null if terminating or MaxDocuments limit is reached.
/// After returning a valid instance DocBrokers must be cleaned up after exceptions.
findOrCreateDocBroker(const std::shared_ptr<ProtocolHandlerInterface>& proto,
DocumentBroker::ChildType type, const std::string& uri,
const std::string& docKey, const std::string& id, const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
unsigned mobileAppDocId = 0)
const auto& [docBroker, error] =
findOrCreateDocBroker(type, uri, docKey, id, uriPublic, mobileAppDocId);
if (docBroker)
// Indicate to the client that we're connecting to the docbroker.
if (proto)
const std::string statusConnect = "statusindicator: connect";
LOG_TRC("Sending to Client [" << statusConnect << ']');
proto->sendTextMessage(, statusConnect.size());
return docBroker;
// Failed.
if (proto)
proto->sendTextMessage(, error.size(), /*flush=*/true);
proto->shutdown(true, error);
return nullptr;
/// Handles the socket that the prisoner kit connected to WSD on.
class PrisonerRequestDispatcher final : public WebSocketHandler
std::weak_ptr<ChildProcess> _childProcess;
int _pid; //< The Kit's PID (for logging).
int _socketFD; //< The socket FD to the Kit (for logging).
bool _associatedWithDoc; //< True when/if we get a DocBroker.
: WebSocketHandler(/* isClient = */ false, /* isMasking = */ true)
, _pid(0)
, _socketFD(0)
, _associatedWithDoc(false)
// Notify the broker that we're done.
// Note: since this class is the default WebScoketHandler
// for all incoming connections, for ForKit we have to
// replace it (once we receive 'GET /coolws/forkit') with
// ForKitProcWSHandler (see ForKitProcess) and nothing to disconnect.
std::shared_ptr<ChildProcess> child = _childProcess.lock();
if (child && child->getPid() > 0)
/// Keep our socket around ...
void onConnect(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket) override
LOG_TRC("Prisoner connected");
void onDisconnect() override
LOG_DBG("Prisoner connection disconnected");
// Notify the broker that we're done.
std::shared_ptr<ChildProcess> child = _childProcess.lock();
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker =
child && child->getPid() > 0 ? child->getDocumentBroker() : nullptr;
if (docBroker)
assert(child->getPid() == _pid && "Child PID changed unexpectedly");
const bool unexpected = !docBroker->isUnloading() && !SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag();
if (unexpected)
LOG_WRN("DocBroker [" << docBroker->getDocKey()
<< "] got disconnected from its Kit (" << child->getPid()
<< ") unexpectedly. Closing");
LOG_DBG("DocBroker [" << docBroker->getDocKey() << "] disconnected from its Kit ("
<< child->getPid() << ") as expected");
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock = docBroker->getLock();
else if (!_associatedWithDoc && !SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag())
LOG_WRN("Unassociated Kit (" << _pid << ") disconnected unexpectedly");
/// Called after successful socket reads.
void handleIncomingMessage(SocketDisposition &disposition) override
if (_childProcess.lock())
// FIXME: inelegant etc. - derogate to websocket code
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = getSocket().lock();
if (!socket)
LOG_ERR("Invalid socket while reading incoming message");
Buffer& data = socket->getInBuffer();
if (data.empty())
LOG_DBG("No data to process from the socket");
LOG_TRC("HandleIncomingMessage: buffer has:\n"
<< Util::dumpHex(std::string(, std::min(data.size(), 256UL))));
// Consume the incoming data by parsing and processing the body.
http::Request request;
const int64_t read = request.readData(, data.size());
if (read < 0)
LOG_ERR("Error parsing prisoner socket data");
if (read == 0)
// Not enough data.
assert(read > 0 && "Must have read some data!");
// Remove consumed data.
LOG_TRC("Child connection with URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(request.getUrl())
<< ']');
Poco::URI requestURI(request.getUrl());
if (requestURI.getPath() == FORKIT_URI)
if (socket->getPid() != COOLWSD::ForKitProcId)
LOG_WRN("Connection request received on "
<< FORKIT_URI << " endpoint from unexpected ForKit process. Skipped");
COOLWSD::ForKitProc = std::make_shared<ForKitProcess>(COOLWSD::ForKitProcId, socket, request);
LOG_ASSERT_MSG(socket->getInBuffer().empty(), "Unexpected data in prisoner socket");
if (requestURI.getPath() != NEW_CHILD_URI)
LOG_ERR("Invalid incoming child URI [" << requestURI.getPath() << ']');
const auto duration = (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - LastForkRequestTime);
const auto durationMs = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(duration);
LOG_TRC("New child spawned after " << durationMs << " of requesting");
// New Child is spawned.
const Poco::URI::QueryParameters params = requestURI.getQueryParameters();
const int pid = socket->getPid();
std::string jailId;
for (const auto& param : params)
if (param.first == "jailid")
jailId = param.second;
else if (param.first == "version")
COOLWSD::LOKitVersion = param.second;
if (pid <= 0)
LOG_ERR("Invalid PID in child URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(request.getUrl())
<< ']');
if (jailId.empty())
LOG_ERR("Invalid JailId in child URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(request.getUrl())
<< ']');
LOG_ASSERT_MSG(socket->getInBuffer().empty(), "Unexpected data in prisoner socket");
LOG_INF("New child [" << pid << "], jailId: " << jailId);
pid_t pid = 100;
std::string jailId = "jail";
LOG_TRC("Calling make_shared<ChildProcess>, for NewChildren?");
auto child = std::make_shared<ChildProcess>(pid, jailId, socket, request);
_pid = pid;
_socketFD = socket->getFD();
_childProcess = child; // weak
// Remove from prisoner poll since there is no activity
// until we attach the childProcess (with this socket)
// to a docBroker, which will do the polling.
[this, child](const std::shared_ptr<Socket>&)
LOG_TRC("Calling addNewChild in disposition's move thing to add to NewChildren");
catch (const std::bad_weak_ptr&)
// Using shared_from_this() from a constructor is not good.
assert(!"Got std::bad_weak_ptr. Are we using shared_from_this() from a constructor?");
catch (const std::exception& exc)
// Probably don't have enough data just yet.
// TODO: timeout if we never get enough.
/// Prisoner websocket fun ... (for now)
virtual void handleMessage(const std::vector<char> &data) override
if (UnitWSD::isUnitTesting() && UnitWSD::get().filterChildMessage(data))
auto message = std::make_shared<Message>(, data.size(), Message::Dir::Out);
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = getSocket().lock();
if (socket)
assert(socket->getFD() == _socketFD && "Socket FD changed unexpectedly");
LOG_TRC("Prisoner message [" << message->abbr() << ']');
LOG_WRN("Message handler called but without valid socket. Expected #" << _socketFD);
std::shared_ptr<ChildProcess> child = _childProcess.lock();
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker =
child && child->getPid() > 0 ? child->getDocumentBroker() : nullptr;
if (docBroker)
assert(child->getPid() == _pid && "Child PID changed unexpectedly");
_associatedWithDoc = true;
else if (child && child->getPid() > 0)
const std::string abbreviatedMessage = COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData ? "..." : message->abbr();
LOG_WRN("Child " << child->getPid() << " has no DocBroker to handle message: ["
<< abbreviatedMessage << ']');
const std::string abbreviatedMessage = COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData ? "..." : message->abbr();
LOG_ERR("Cannot handle message with unassociated Kit (PID " << _pid << "): ["
<< abbreviatedMessage);
int getPollEvents(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point /* now */,
int64_t & /* timeoutMaxMs */) override
return POLLIN;
void performWrites(std::size_t /*capacity*/) override {}
/// For clipboard setting
class ClipboardPartHandler : public PartHandler
std::shared_ptr<std::string> _data; // large.
std::shared_ptr<std::string> getData() const { return _data; }
ClipboardPartHandler() { }
virtual void handlePart(const MessageHeader& /* header */, std::istream& stream) override
std::istreambuf_iterator<char> eos;
_data = std::make_shared<std::string>(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(stream), eos);
LOG_TRC("Clipboard stream from part header stored of size " << _data->length());
/// Constructs ConvertToBroker implamentation based on request type
static std::shared_ptr<ConvertToBroker> getConvertToBrokerImplementation(const std::string& requestType,
const std::string& fromPath,
const Poco::URI& uriPublic,
const std::string& docKey,
const std::string& format,
const std::string& options,
const std::string& lang,
const std::string& target)
if (requestType == "convert-to")
return std::make_shared<ConvertToBroker>(fromPath, uriPublic, docKey, format, options, lang);
else if (requestType == "extract-link-targets")
return std::make_shared<ExtractLinkTargetsBroker>(fromPath, uriPublic, docKey, lang);
else if (requestType == "get-thumbnail")
return std::make_shared<GetThumbnailBroker>(fromPath, uriPublic, docKey, lang, target);
return nullptr;
/// Handles incoming connections and dispatches to the appropriate handler.
class ClientRequestDispatcher final : public SimpleSocketHandler
static void InitStaticFileContentCache()
StaticFileContentCache["discovery.xml"] = getDiscoveryXML();
/// Does this address feature in the allowed hosts list.
static bool allowPostFrom(const std::string &address)
static bool init = false;
static Util::RegexListMatcher hosts;
if (!init)
const auto& app = Poco::Util::Application::instance();
// Parse the host allow settings.
for (size_t i = 0; ; ++i)
const std::string path = "[" + std::to_string(i) + ']';
const auto host = app.config().getString(path, "");
if (!host.empty())
LOG_INF_S("Adding trusted POST_ALLOW host: [" << host << ']');
else if (!app.config().has(path))
init = true;
return hosts.match(address);
static bool allowConvertTo(const std::string& address, const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request)
std::string addressToCheck = address;
std::string hostToCheck = request.getHost();
bool allow = allowPostFrom(addressToCheck) || HostUtil::allowedWopiHost(hostToCheck);
if (!allow)
LOG_WRN_S("convert-to: Requesting address is denied: " << addressToCheck);
return false;
LOG_TRC_S("convert-to: Requesting address is allowed: " << addressToCheck);
// Handle forwarded header and make sure all participating IPs are allowed
if (request.has("X-Forwarded-For"))
const std::string fowardedData = request.get("X-Forwarded-For");
StringVector tokens = StringVector::tokenize(fowardedData, ',');
for (const auto& token : tokens)
std::string param = tokens.getParam(token);
addressToCheck = Util::trim(param);
if (!allowPostFrom(addressToCheck))
hostToCheck = Poco::Net::DNS::resolve(addressToCheck).name();
allow &= HostUtil::allowedWopiHost(hostToCheck);
catch (const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_ERR_S("Poco::Net::DNS::resolve(\"" << addressToCheck
<< "\") failed: " << exc.displayText());
// We can't find out the hostname, and it already failed the IP check
allow = false;
if (!allow)
LOG_WRN_S("convert-to: Requesting address is denied: " << addressToCheck);
return false;
LOG_INF_S("convert-to: Requesting address is allowed: " << addressToCheck);
return allow;
/// Set the socket associated with this ResponseClient.
void onConnect(const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket) override
_id = COOLWSD::GetConnectionId();
_socket = socket;
LOG_TRC("Connected to ClientRequestDispatcher");
/// Called after successful socket reads.
void handleIncomingMessage(SocketDisposition &disposition) override
std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> socket = _socket.lock();
if (!socket)
LOG_ERR("Invalid socket while handling incoming client request");
if (!COOLWSD::isSSLEnabled() && socket->sniffSSL())
LOG_ERR("Looks like SSL/TLS traffic on plain http port");
HttpHelper::sendErrorAndShutdown(http::StatusCode::BadRequest, socket);
Poco::MemoryInputStream startmessage(&socket->getInBuffer()[0],
#if 0 // debug a specific command's payload
if (Util::findInVector(socket->getInBuffer(), "insertfile") != std::string::npos)
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Debug - specific command:\n";
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request;
StreamSocket::MessageMap map;
if (!socket->parseHeader("Client", startmessage, request, map))
LOG_DBG("Handling request: " << request.getURI());
// We may need to re-write the chunks moving the inBuffer.
Poco::MemoryInputStream message(&socket->getInBuffer()[0],
// update the read cursor - headers are not altered by chunks.
message.seekg(startmessage.tellg(), std::ios::beg);
// re-write ServiceRoot and cache.
RequestDetails requestDetails(request, COOLWSD::ServiceRoot);
// LOG_TRC("Request details " << requestDetails.toString());
// Config & security ...
if (requestDetails.isProxy())
if (!COOLWSD::IsProxyPrefixEnabled)
throw BadRequestException("ProxyPrefix present but net.proxy_prefix is not enabled");
else if (!socket->isLocal())
throw BadRequestException("ProxyPrefix request from non-local socket");
// Routing
if (UnitWSD::isUnitTesting() && UnitWSD::get().handleHttpRequest(request, message, socket))
// Unit testing, nothing to do here
else if (requestDetails.equals(RequestDetails::Field::Type, "browser") || requestDetails.equals(RequestDetails::Field::Type, "wopi"))
// File server
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
constexpr auto ProxyRemote = "/remote/";
constexpr auto ProxyRemoteLen = sizeof(ProxyRemote) - 1;
constexpr auto ProxyRemoteStatic = "/remote/static/";
const auto uri = requestDetails.getURI();
const auto pos = uri.find(ProxyRemoteStatic);
if (pos != std::string::npos)
if (Util::endsWith(uri, "lokit-extra-img.svg"))
uri.substr(pos + ProxyRemoteLen), socket,
const Poco::URI unlockImageUri =
if (!unlockImageUri.empty())
const std::string& serverUri =
unlockImageUri.getScheme() + "://" + unlockImageUri.getAuthority();
ProxyRequestHandler::handleRequest(uri.substr(pos + sizeof("/remote/static") - 1),
socket, serverUri);
COOLWSD::FileRequestHandler->handleRequest(request, requestDetails, message, socket);
else if (requestDetails.equals(RequestDetails::Field::Type, "cool") &&
requestDetails.equals(1, "adminws"))
// Admin connections
LOG_INF("Admin request: " << request.getURI());
if (AdminSocketHandler::handleInitialRequest(_socket, request))
disposition.setMove([](const std::shared_ptr<Socket> &moveSocket){
// Hand the socket over to the Admin poll.
else if (requestDetails.equals(RequestDetails::Field::Type, "cool") &&
requestDetails.equals(1, "getMetrics"))
// See metrics.txt
std::shared_ptr<Poco::Net::HTTPResponse> response =
if (!COOLWSD::AdminEnabled)
throw Poco::FileAccessDeniedException("Admin console disabled");
/* WARNING: security point, we may skip authentication */
bool skipAuthentication = COOLWSD::getConfigValue<bool>("security.enable_metrics_unauthenticated", false);
if (!skipAuthentication)
if (!COOLWSD::FileRequestHandler->isAdminLoggedIn(request, *response))
throw Poco::Net::NotAuthenticatedException("Invalid admin login");
catch (const Poco::Net::NotAuthenticatedException& exc)
//LOG_ERR("FileServerRequestHandler::NotAuthenticated: " << exc.displayText());
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::Unauthorized);
httpResponse.set("Content-Type", "text/html charset=UTF-8");
httpResponse.set("WWW-authenticate", "Basic realm=\"online\"");
response->add("Last-Modified", Util::getHttpTimeNow());
// Ask UAs to block if they detect any XSS attempt
response->add("X-XSS-Protection", "1; mode=block");
// No referrer-policy
response->add("Referrer-Policy", "no-referrer");
response->set("Server", http::getServerString());
response->add("Content-Type", "text/plain");
response->add("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff");
[response](const std::shared_ptr<Socket> &moveSocket){
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket> streamSocket =
Admin::instance().sendMetrics(streamSocket, response);
else if (requestDetails.isGetOrHead("/"))
handleRootRequest(requestDetails, socket);
else if (requestDetails.isGet("/favicon.ico"))
handleFaviconRequest(requestDetails, socket);
else if (requestDetails.equals(0, "hosting"))
if (requestDetails.equals(1, "discovery"))
handleWopiDiscoveryRequest(requestDetails, socket);
else if (requestDetails.equals(1, "capabilities"))
handleCapabilitiesRequest(request, socket);
else if (requestDetails.isGet("/robots.txt"))
handleRobotsTxtRequest(request, socket);
else if (requestDetails.equals(RequestDetails::Field::Type, "cool") &&
requestDetails.equals(1, "media"))
handleMediaRequest(request, disposition, socket);
else if (requestDetails.equals(RequestDetails::Field::Type, "cool") &&
requestDetails.equals(1, "clipboard"))
// Util::dumpHex(std::cerr, socket->getInBuffer(), "clipboard:\n"); // lots of data ...
handleClipboardRequest(request, message, disposition, socket);
else if (requestDetails.isProxy() && requestDetails.equals(2, "ws"))
handleClientProxyRequest(request, requestDetails, message, disposition);
else if (requestDetails.equals(RequestDetails::Field::Type, "cool") &&
requestDetails.equals(2, "ws") && requestDetails.isWebSocket())
handleClientWsUpgrade(request, requestDetails, disposition, socket);
else if (!requestDetails.isWebSocket() &&
(requestDetails.equals(RequestDetails::Field::Type, "cool") ||
requestDetails.equals(RequestDetails::Field::Type, "lool")))
// All post requests have url prefix 'cool', except when the prefix
// is 'lool' e.g. when integrations use the old /lool/convert-to endpoint
handlePostRequest(requestDetails, request, message, disposition, socket);
else if (requestDetails.equals(RequestDetails::Field::Type, "wasm"))
if (COOLWSD::WASMState == COOLWSD::WASMActivationState::Disabled)
LOG_ERR("WASM document request while WASM is disabled: "
<< requestDetails.toString());
// Bad request.
HttpHelper::sendErrorAndShutdown(http::StatusCode::BadRequest, socket);
// Tunnel to WASM.
_wopiProxy = std::make_unique<WopiProxy>(_id, requestDetails, socket);
_wopiProxy->handleRequest(*WebServerPoll, disposition);
#endif // !MOBILEAPP
LOG_ERR("Unknown resource: " << requestDetails.toString());
// Bad request.
HttpHelper::sendErrorAndShutdown(http::StatusCode::BadRequest, socket);
catch (const BadRequestException& ex)
LOG_ERR('#' << socket->getFD() << " bad request: ["
<< COOLProtocol::getAbbreviatedMessage(socket->getInBuffer())
<< "]: " << ex.what());
// Bad request.
HttpHelper::sendErrorAndShutdown(http::StatusCode::BadRequest, socket);
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR('#' << socket->getFD() << " Exception while processing incoming request: [" <<
COOLProtocol::getAbbreviatedMessage(socket->getInBuffer()) << "]: " << exc.what());
// Bad request.
// NOTE: Check _wsState to choose between HTTP response or WebSocket (app-level) error.
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::BadRequest);
httpResponse.set("Content-Length", "0");
// if we succeeded - remove the request from our input buffer
// we expect one request per socket
Poco::Net::HTTPRequest request;
#ifdef IOS
// The URL of the document is sent over the FakeSocket by the code in
// -[DocumentViewController userContentController:didReceiveScriptMessage:] when it gets the
// HULLO message from the JavaScript in global.js.
// The "app document id", the numeric id of the document, from the appDocIdCounter in
char *space = strchr(socket->getInBuffer().data(), ' ');
assert(space != nullptr);
// The socket buffer is not nul-terminated so we can't just call strtoull() on the number at
// its end, it might be followed in memory by more digits. Is there really no better way to
// parse the number at the end of the buffer than to copy the bytes into a nul-terminated
// buffer?
const size_t appDocIdLen = (socket->getInBuffer().data() + socket->getInBuffer().size()) - (space + 1);
char *appDocIdBuffer = (char *)malloc(appDocIdLen + 1);
memcpy(appDocIdBuffer, space + 1, appDocIdLen);
appDocIdBuffer[appDocIdLen] = '\0';
unsigned appDocId = std::strtoul(appDocIdBuffer, nullptr, 10);
request, std::string(socket->getInBuffer().data(), space - socket->getInBuffer().data()),
disposition, socket, appDocId);
request, RequestDetails(std::string(socket->getInBuffer().data(),
disposition, socket);
int getPollEvents(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point /* now */,
int64_t & /* timeoutMaxMs */) override
return POLLIN;
void performWrites(std::size_t /*capacity*/) override {}
void handleRootRequest(const RequestDetails& requestDetails,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
LOG_DBG("HTTP request: " << requestDetails.getURI());
const std::string mimeType = "text/plain";
const std::string responseString = "OK";
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::OK);
httpResponse.set("Content-Length", std::to_string(responseString.size()));
httpResponse.set("Content-Type", mimeType);
httpResponse.set("Last-Modified", Util::getHttpTimeNow());
httpResponse.set("Connection", "close");
if (requestDetails.isGet())
LOG_INF("Sent / response successfully.");
static void handleFaviconRequest(const RequestDetails &requestDetails,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
LOG_TRC_S("Favicon request: " << requestDetails.getURI());
http::Response response(http::StatusCode::OK);
std::string faviconPath = Path(Application::instance().commandPath()).parent().toString() + "favicon.ico";
if (!File(faviconPath).exists())
faviconPath = COOLWSD::FileServerRoot + "/favicon.ico";
HttpHelper::sendFileAndShutdown(socket, faviconPath, response);
void handleWopiDiscoveryRequest(const RequestDetails &requestDetails,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
LOG_DBG("Wopi discovery request: " << requestDetails.getURI());
std::string xml = getFileContent("discovery.xml");
std::string srvUrl =
((COOLWSD::isSSLEnabled() || COOLWSD::isSSLTermination()) ? "https://" : "http://")
+ (COOLWSD::ServerName.empty() ? requestDetails.getHostUntrusted() : COOLWSD::ServerName)
+ COOLWSD::ServiceRoot;
if (requestDetails.isProxy())
srvUrl = requestDetails.getProxyPrefix();
Poco::replaceInPlace(xml, std::string("%SRV_URI%"), srvUrl);
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::OK);
httpResponse.setBody(xml, "text/xml");
httpResponse.set("Last-Modified", Util::getHttpTimeNow());
httpResponse.set("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff");
LOG_TRC("Sending back discovery.xml: " << xml);
LOG_INF("Sent discovery.xml successfully.");
void handleCapabilitiesRequest(const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
LOG_DBG("Wopi capabilities request: " << request.getURI());
const std::string capabilities = getCapabilitiesJson(request, socket);
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::OK);
httpResponse.set("Last-Modified", Util::getHttpTimeNow());
httpResponse.setBody(capabilities, "application/json");
httpResponse.set("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff");
LOG_INF("Sent capabilities.json successfully.");
static void handleClipboardRequest(const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request,
Poco::MemoryInputStream& message,
SocketDisposition &disposition,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
LOG_DBG_S("Clipboard " << ((request.getMethod() == HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET) ? "GET" : "POST")
<< " request: " << request.getURI());
Poco::URI requestUri(request.getURI());
Poco::URI::QueryParameters params = requestUri.getQueryParameters();
std::string WOPISrc, serverId, viewId, tag, mime;
for (const auto& it : params)
if (it.first == "WOPISrc")
WOPISrc = it.second;
else if (it.first == "ServerId")
serverId = it.second;
else if (it.first == "ViewId")
viewId = it.second;
else if (it.first == "Tag")
tag = it.second;
else if (it.first == "MimeType")
mime = it.second;
if (serverId != Util::getProcessIdentifier())
LOG_ERR_S("Cluster configuration error: mis-matching serverid ["
<< serverId << "] vs. [" << Util::getProcessIdentifier() << "] with tag ["
<< tag << "] on request to URL: " << request.getURI());
// we got the wrong request.
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::BadRequest);
httpResponse.set("Content-Length", "0");
// Verify that the WOPISrc is properly encoded.
if (!HttpHelper::verifyWOPISrc(request.getURI(), WOPISrc, socket))
const auto docKey = RequestDetails::getDocKey(WOPISrc);
LOG_TRC_S("Clipboard request for us: [" << serverId << "] with tag [" << tag
<< "] on docKey [" << docKey << ']');
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
auto it = DocBrokers.find(docKey);
if (it != DocBrokers.end())
docBroker = it->second;
// If we have a valid docBroker, use it.
// Note: there is a race here as DocBroker may
// have already exited its SocketPoll, but we
// haven't cleaned up the DocBrokers container.
// Since we don't care about creating a new one,
// we simply go to the fallback below.
if (docBroker && docBroker->isAlive())
std::shared_ptr<std::string> data;
DocumentBroker::ClipboardRequest type;
if (request.getMethod() == HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET)
if (mime == "text/html")
type = DocumentBroker::CLIP_REQUEST_GET;
type = DocumentBroker::CLIP_REQUEST_SET;
ClipboardPartHandler handler;
HTMLForm form(request, message, handler);
data = handler.getData();
if (!data || data->length() == 0)
LOG_ERR_S("Invalid zero size set clipboard content with tag ["
<< tag << "] on docKey [" << docKey << ']');
// Do things in the right thread.
LOG_TRC_S("Move clipboard request tag [" << tag << "] to docbroker thread with "
<< (data ? data->length() : 0)
<< " bytes of data");
[docBroker, type, viewId, tag, data](const std::shared_ptr<Socket>& moveSocket)
auto streamSocket = std::static_pointer_cast<StreamSocket>(moveSocket);
docBroker->handleClipboardRequest(type, streamSocket, viewId, tag, data);
LOG_TRC_S("queued clipboard command " << type << " on docBroker fetch");
// fallback to persistent clipboards if we can
else if (!DocumentBroker::lookupSendClipboardTag(socket, tag, false))
LOG_ERR_S("Invalid clipboard request to server ["
<< serverId << "] with tag [" << tag << "] and broker [" << docKey
<< "]: " << (docBroker ? "" : "not ") << "found");
std::string errMsg = "Empty clipboard item / session tag " + tag;
// Bad request.
HttpHelper::sendErrorAndShutdown(http::StatusCode::BadRequest, socket, errMsg);
static void handleRobotsTxtRequest(const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
LOG_DBG_S("HTTP request: " << request.getURI());
const std::string responseString = "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n";
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::OK);
httpResponse.set("Last-Modified", Util::getHttpTimeNow());
httpResponse.set("Content-Length", std::to_string(responseString.size()));
httpResponse.set("Content-Type", "text/plain");
httpResponse.set("Connection", "close");
if (request.getMethod() == Poco::Net::HTTPRequest::HTTP_GET)
LOG_INF_S("Sent robots.txt response successfully");
static void handleMediaRequest(const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request,
SocketDisposition& /*disposition*/,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
LOG_DBG_S("Media request: " << request.getURI());
std::string decoded;
Poco::URI::decode(request.getURI(), decoded);
Poco::URI requestUri(decoded);
Poco::URI::QueryParameters params = requestUri.getQueryParameters();
std::string WOPISrc, serverId, viewId, tag, mime;
for (const auto& it : params)
if (it.first == "WOPISrc")
WOPISrc = it.second;
else if (it.first == "ServerId")
serverId = it.second;
else if (it.first == "ViewId")
viewId = it.second;
else if (it.first == "Tag")
tag = it.second;
else if (it.first == "MimeType")
mime = it.second;
LOG_TRC_S("Media request for us: [" << serverId << "] with tag [" << tag << "] and viewId ["
<< viewId << ']');
if (serverId != Util::getProcessIdentifier())
LOG_ERR_S("Cluster configuration error: mis-matching serverid ["
<< serverId << "] vs. [" << Util::getProcessIdentifier()
<< "] on request to URL: " << request.getURI());
// we got the wrong request.
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::BadRequest);
httpResponse.set("Content-Length", "0");
// Verify that the WOPISrc is properly encoded.
if (!HttpHelper::verifyWOPISrc(request.getURI(), WOPISrc, socket))
const auto docKey = RequestDetails::getDocKey(WOPISrc);
LOG_TRC_S("Looking up DocBroker with docKey [" << docKey << "] referenced in WOPISrc ["
<< WOPISrc
<< "] in media URL: " + request.getURI());
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
auto it = DocBrokers.find(docKey);
if (it == DocBrokers.end())
LOG_ERR_S("Unknown DocBroker with docKey ["
<< docKey << "] referenced in WOPISrc [" << WOPISrc
<< "] in media URL: " + request.getURI());
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::BadRequest);
httpResponse.set("Content-Length", "0");
docBroker = it->second;
// If we have a valid docBroker, use it.
// Note: there is a race here as DocBroker may
// have already exited its SocketPoll, but we
// haven't cleaned up the DocBrokers container.
// Since we don't care about creating a new one,
// we simply go to the fallback below.
if (docBroker && docBroker->isAlive())
// Do things in the right thread.
LOG_TRC_S("Move media request " << tag << " to docbroker thread");
std::string range = request.get("Range", "none");
docBroker->handleMediaRequest(std::move(range), socket, tag);
static std::string getContentType(const std::string& fileName)
static std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> aContentTypes{
{ "svg", "image/svg+xml" },
{ "pot", "application/" },
{ "xla", "application/" },
// Writer documents
{ "sxw", "application/vnd.sun.xml.writer" },
{ "odt", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" },
{ "fodt", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-flat-xml" },
// Calc documents
{ "sxc", "application/vnd.sun.xml.calc" },
{ "ods", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet" },
{ "fods", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-flat-xml" },
// Impress documents
{ "sxi", "application/vnd.sun.xml.impress" },
{ "odp", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation" },
{ "fodp", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-flat-xml" },
// Draw documents
{ "sxd", "application/vnd.sun.xml.draw" },
{ "odg", "application/" },
{ "fodg", "application/" },
// Chart documents
{ "odc", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart" },
// Text master documents
{ "sxg", "application/" },
{ "odm", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master" },
// Math documents
// In fact Math documents are not supported at all.
// See:
{ "sxm", "application/vnd.sun.xml.math" },
{ "odf", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula" },
// Text template documents
{ "stw", "application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template" },
{ "ott", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template" },
// Writer master document templates
{ "otm", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master-template" },
// Spreadsheet template documents
{ "stc", "application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template" },
{ "ots", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template" },
// Presentation template documents
{ "sti", "application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template" },
{ "otp", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template" },
// Drawing template documents
{ "std", "application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template" },
{ "otg", "application/" },
// MS Word
{ "doc", "application/msword" },
{ "dot", "application/msword" },
// MS Excel
{ "xls", "application/" },
// MS PowerPoint
{ "ppt", "application/" },
// OOXML wordprocessing
{ "docx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" },
{ "docm", "application/" },
{ "dotx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template" },
{ "dotm", "application/" },
// OOXML spreadsheet
{ "xltx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template" },
{ "xltm", "application/" },
{ "xlsx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" },
{ "xlsb", "application/" },
{ "xlsm", "application/" },
// OOXML presentation
{ "pptx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation" },
{ "pptm", "application/" },
{ "potx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template" },
{ "potm", "application/" },
// Others
{ "wpd", "application/vnd.wordperfect" },
{ "pdb", "application/x-aportisdoc" },
{ "hwp", "application/x-hwp" },
{ "wps", "application/" },
{ "wri", "application/x-mswrite" },
{ "dif", "application/x-dif-document" },
{ "slk", "text/spreadsheet" },
{ "csv", "text/csv" },
{ "dbf", "application/x-dbase" },
{ "wk1", "application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3" },
{ "cgm", "image/cgm" },
{ "dxf", "image/vnd.dxf" },
{ "emf", "image/x-emf" },
{ "wmf", "image/x-wmf" },
{ "cdr", "application/coreldraw" },
{ "vsd", "application/vnd.visio2013" },
{ "vss", "application/vnd.visio" },
{ "pub", "application/x-mspublisher" },
{ "lrf", "application/x-sony-bbeb" },
{ "gnumeric", "application/x-gnumeric" },
{ "mw", "application/macwriteii" },
{ "numbers", "application/x-iwork-numbers-sffnumbers" },
{ "oth", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-web" },
{ "p65", "application/x-pagemaker" },
{ "rtf", "text/rtf" },
{ "txt", "text/plain" },
{ "fb2", "application/x-fictionbook+xml" },
{ "cwk", "application/clarisworks" },
{ "wpg", "image/x-wpg" },
{ "pages", "application/x-iwork-pages-sffpages" },
{ "ppsx", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow" },
{ "key", "application/x-iwork-keynote-sffkey" },
{ "abw", "application/x-abiword" },
{ "fh", "image/x-freehand" },
{ "sxs", "application/vnd.sun.xml.chart" },
{ "602", "application/x-t602" },
{ "bmp", "image/bmp" },
{ "png", "image/png" },
{ "gif", "image/gif" },
{ "tiff", "image/tiff" },
{ "jpg", "image/jpg" },
{ "jpeg", "image/jpeg" },
{ "pdf", "application/pdf" },
const std::string sExt = Poco::Path(fileName).getExtension();
const auto it = aContentTypes.find(sExt);
if (it != aContentTypes.end())
return it->second;
return "application/octet-stream";
static bool isSpreadsheet(const std::string& fileName)
const std::string sContentType = getContentType(fileName);
return sContentType == "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"
|| sContentType
== "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"
|| sContentType == "application/";
void handlePostRequest(const RequestDetails &requestDetails,
const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request,
Poco::MemoryInputStream& message,
SocketDisposition& disposition,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
LOG_INF("Post request: [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(requestDetails.getURI()) << ']');
if (requestDetails.equals(1, "convert-to") ||
requestDetails.equals(1, "extract-link-targets") ||
requestDetails.equals(1, "get-thumbnail"))
// Validate sender - FIXME: should do this even earlier.
if (!allowConvertTo(socket->clientAddress(), request))
LOG_WRN("Conversion requests not allowed from this address: " << socket->clientAddress());
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::Forbidden);
httpResponse.set("Content-Length", "0");
ConvertToPartHandler handler;
HTMLForm form(request, message, handler);
std::string format = (form.has("format") ? form.get("format") : "");
// prefer what is in the URI
if (requestDetails.size() > 2)
format = requestDetails[2];
bool hasRequiredParameters = true;
if (requestDetails.equals(1, "convert-to") && format.empty())
hasRequiredParameters = false;
const std::string fromPath = handler.getFilename();
LOG_INF("Conversion request for URI [" << fromPath << "] format [" << format << "].");
if (!fromPath.empty() && hasRequiredParameters)
Poco::URI uriPublic = RequestDetails::sanitizeURI(fromPath);
const std::string docKey = RequestDetails::getDocKey(uriPublic);
std::string options;
if (form.has("options"))
// Allow specifying options as-is, in case only data + format are used.
options = form.get("options");
const bool fullSheetPreview
= (form.has("FullSheetPreview") && form.get("FullSheetPreview") == "true");
if (fullSheetPreview && format == "pdf" && isSpreadsheet(fromPath))
//FIXME: We shouldn't have "true" as having the option already implies that
// we want it enabled (i.e. we shouldn't set the option if we don't want it).
options = ",FullSheetPreview=trueFULLSHEETPREVEND";
const std::string pdfVer = (form.has("PDFVer") ? form.get("PDFVer") : "");
if (!pdfVer.empty())
if (strcasecmp(pdfVer.c_str(), "PDF/A-1b") && strcasecmp(pdfVer.c_str(), "PDF/A-2b") && strcasecmp(pdfVer.c_str(), "PDF/A-3b")
&& strcasecmp(pdfVer.c_str(), "PDF-1.5") && strcasecmp(pdfVer.c_str(), "PDF-1.6"))
LOG_ERR("Wrong PDF type: " << pdfVer << ". Conversion aborted.");
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::BadRequest);
httpResponse.set("Content-Length", "0");
options += ",PDFVer=" + pdfVer + "PDFVEREND";
std::string lang = (form.has("lang") ? form.get("lang") : std::string());
std::string target = (form.has("target") ? form.get("target") : std::string());
// This lock could become a bottleneck.
// In that case, we can use a pool and index by publicPath.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
LOG_DBG("New DocumentBroker for docKey [" << docKey << "].");
auto docBroker = getConvertToBrokerImplementation(requestDetails[1], fromPath, uriPublic, docKey, format, options, lang, target);
DocBrokers.emplace(docKey, docBroker);
LOG_TRC("Have " << DocBrokers.size() << " DocBrokers after inserting [" << docKey << "].");
if (!docBroker->startConversion(disposition, _id))
LOG_WRN("Failed to create Client Session with id [" << _id << "] on docKey [" << docKey << "].");
LOG_INF("Missing parameters for conversion request.");
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::BadRequest);
httpResponse.set("Content-Length", "0");
else if (requestDetails.equals(2, "insertfile"))
LOG_INF("Insert file request.");
ConvertToPartHandler handler;
HTMLForm form(request, message, handler);
if (form.has("childid") && form.has("name"))
const std::string formChildid(form.get("childid"));
const std::string formName(form.get("name"));
// Validate the docKey
const std::string decodedUri = requestDetails.getDocumentURI();
const std::string docKey = RequestDetails::getDocKey(decodedUri);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
auto docBrokerIt = DocBrokers.find(docKey);
// Maybe just free the client from sending childid in form ?
if (docBrokerIt == DocBrokers.end() || docBrokerIt->second->getJailId() != formChildid)
throw BadRequestException("DocKey [" + docKey + "] or childid [" + formChildid + "] is invalid.");
// protect against attempts to inject something funny here
if (formChildid.find('/') == std::string::npos && formName.find('/') == std::string::npos)
const std::string dirPath = COOLWSD::ChildRoot + formChildid
+ JAILED_DOCUMENT_ROOT + "insertfile";
const std::string fileName = dirPath + '/' + form.get("name");
LOG_INF("Perform insertfile: " << formChildid << ", " << formName << ", filename: " << fileName);
// Cleanup the directory after moving.
const std::string dir = Poco::Path(handler.getFilename()).parent().toString();
if (FileUtil::isEmptyDirectory(dir))
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::OK);
httpResponse.set("Content-Length", "0");
else if (requestDetails.equals(2, "download"))
LOG_INF("File download request.");
// TODO: Check that the user in question has access to this file!
// 1. Validate the dockey
const std::string decodedUri = requestDetails.getDocumentURI();
const std::string docKey = RequestDetails::getDocKey(decodedUri);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
auto docBrokerIt = DocBrokers.find(docKey);
if (docBrokerIt == DocBrokers.end())
throw BadRequestException("DocKey [" + docKey + "] is invalid.");
std::string downloadId = requestDetails[3];
std::string url = docBrokerIt->second->getDownloadURL(downloadId);
std::string jailId = docBrokerIt->second->getJailId();
bool foundDownloadId = !url.empty();
std::string decoded;
Poco::URI::decode(url, decoded);
const Path filePath(COOLWSD::ChildRoot + jailId + JAILED_DOCUMENT_ROOT + decoded);
const std::string filePathAnonym = COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(filePath.toString());
if (foundDownloadId && filePath.isAbsolute() && File(filePath).exists())
LOG_INF("HTTP request for: " << filePathAnonym);
const std::string& fileName = filePath.getFileName();
const Poco::URI postRequestUri(request.getURI());
const Poco::URI::QueryParameters postRequestQueryParams = postRequestUri.getQueryParameters();
bool serveAsAttachment = true;
const auto attachmentIt = std::find_if(postRequestQueryParams.begin(),
[](const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& element) {
return element.first == "attachment";
if (attachmentIt != postRequestQueryParams.end())
serveAsAttachment = attachmentIt->second != "0";
http::Response response(http::StatusCode::OK);
// Instruct browsers to download the file, not display it
// with the exception of SVG where we need the browser to
// actually show it.
const std::string contentType = getContentType(fileName);
if (serveAsAttachment && contentType != "image/svg+xml")
response.set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + '"');
HttpHelper::sendFileAndShutdown(socket, filePath.toString(), response);
catch (const Exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Error sending file to client: " << exc.displayText() <<
(exc.nested() ? " (" + exc.nested()->displayText() + ")" : ""));
if (foundDownloadId)
LOG_ERR("Download file [" << filePathAnonym << "] not found.");
LOG_ERR("Download with id [" << downloadId << "] not found.");
http::Response httpResponse(http::StatusCode::NotFound);
httpResponse.set("Content-Length", "0");
else if (requestDetails.equals(1, "render-search-result"))
RenderSearchResultPartHandler handler;
HTMLForm form(request, message, handler);
const std::string fromPath = handler.getFilename();
LOG_INF("Create render-search-result POST command handler");
if (fromPath.empty())
Poco::URI uriPublic = RequestDetails::sanitizeURI(fromPath);
const std::string docKey = RequestDetails::getDocKey(uriPublic);
// This lock could become a bottleneck.
// In that case, we can use a pool and index by publicPath.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
LOG_DBG("New DocumentBroker for docKey [" << docKey << "].");
auto docBroker = std::make_shared<RenderSearchResultBroker>(fromPath, uriPublic, docKey, handler.getSearchResultContent());
DocBrokers.emplace(docKey, docBroker);
LOG_TRC("Have " << DocBrokers.size() << " DocBrokers after inserting [" << docKey << "].");
if (!docBroker->executeCommand(disposition, _id))
LOG_WRN("Failed to create Client Session with id [" << _id << "] on docKey [" << docKey << "].");
throw BadRequestException("Invalid or unknown request.");
void handleClientProxyRequest(const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request,
const RequestDetails &requestDetails,
Poco::MemoryInputStream& message,
SocketDisposition &disposition)
//FIXME: The DocumentURI includes the WOPISrc, which makes it potentially invalid URI.
const std::string url = requestDetails.getLegacyDocumentURI();
LOG_INF("URL [" << url << "] for Proxy request.");
const auto uriPublic = RequestDetails::sanitizeURI(url);
const auto docKey = RequestDetails::getDocKey(uriPublic);
const std::string fileId = Util::getFilenameFromURL(docKey);
Util::mapAnonymized(fileId, fileId); // Identity mapping, since fileId is already obfuscated
LOG_INF("Starting Proxy request handler for session [" << _id << "] on url [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(url) << "].");
// Check if readonly session is required
bool isReadOnly = false;
for (const auto& param : uriPublic.getQueryParameters())
LOG_DBG("Query param: " << param.first << ", value: " << param.second);
if (param.first == "permission" && param.second == "readonly")
isReadOnly = true;
LOG_INF("URL [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(url) << "] is " << (isReadOnly ? "readonly" : "writable") << '.');
(void)request; (void)message; (void)disposition;
std::shared_ptr<ProtocolHandlerInterface> none;
// Request a kit process for this doc.
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker = findOrCreateDocBroker(
none, DocumentBroker::ChildType::Interactive, url, docKey, _id, uriPublic);
if (docBroker)
// need to move into the DocumentBroker context before doing session lookup / creation etc.
docBroker->setupTransfer(disposition, [docBroker, id = _id, uriPublic,
isReadOnly, requestDetails]
(const std::shared_ptr<Socket> &moveSocket)
// Now inside the document broker thread ...
LOG_TRC_S("In the docbroker thread for " << docBroker->getDocKey());
const int fd = moveSocket->getFD();
auto streamSocket = std::static_pointer_cast<StreamSocket>(moveSocket);
id, uriPublic, isReadOnly,
requestDetails, streamSocket);
catch (const UnauthorizedRequestException& exc)
LOG_ERR_S("Unauthorized Request while starting session on "
<< docBroker->getDocKey() << " for socket #" << fd
<< ". Terminating connection. Error: " << exc.what());
catch (const StorageConnectionException& exc)
LOG_ERR_S("Storage error while starting session on "
<< docBroker->getDocKey() << " for socket #" << fd
<< ". Terminating connection. Error: " << exc.what());
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR_S("Error while starting session on "
<< docBroker->getDocKey() << " for socket #" << fd
<< ". Terminating connection. Error: " << exc.what());
// badness occurred:
HttpHelper::sendErrorAndShutdown(http::StatusCode::BadRequest, streamSocket);
auto streamSocket = std::static_pointer_cast<StreamSocket>(disposition.getSocket());
LOG_ERR("Failed to find document");
// badness occurred:
HttpHelper::sendErrorAndShutdown(http::StatusCode::BadRequest, streamSocket);
// FIXME: send docunloading & re-try on client ?
void handleClientWsUpgrade(const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request,
const RequestDetails &requestDetails,
SocketDisposition& disposition,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket,
unsigned mobileAppDocId = 0)
const std::string url = requestDetails.getDocumentURI();
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
// must be trace for anonymization
LOG_TRC("Client WS request: " << requestDetails.getURI() << ", url: " << url << ", socket #" << socket->getFD());
// First Upgrade.
auto ws = std::make_shared<WebSocketHandler>(socket, request);
// Response to clients beyond this point is done via WebSocket.
if (COOLWSD::NumConnections >= COOLWSD::MaxConnections)
LOG_INF("Limit on maximum number of connections of " << COOLWSD::MaxConnections << " reached.");
LOG_INF("URL [" << url << "] for WS Request.");
const auto uriPublic = RequestDetails::sanitizeURI(url);
const auto docKey = RequestDetails::getDocKey(uriPublic);
const std::string fileId = Util::getFilenameFromURL(docKey);
Util::mapAnonymized(fileId, fileId); // Identity mapping, since fileId is already obfuscated
LOG_INF("Starting GET request handler for session [" << _id << "] on url [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(url) << "].");
// Indicate to the client that document broker is searching.
static const std::string status("statusindicator: find");
LOG_TRC("Sending to Client [" << status << "].");
LOG_INF("Sanitized URI [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(url) << "] to [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(uriPublic.toString()) <<
"] and mapped to docKey [" << docKey << "] for session [" << _id << "].");
// Check if readonly session is required
bool isReadOnly = false;
for (const auto& param : uriPublic.getQueryParameters())
LOG_TRC("Query param: " << param.first << ", value: " << param.second);
if (param.first == "permission" && param.second == "readonly")
isReadOnly = true;
LOG_INF("URL [" << COOLWSD::anonymizeUrl(url) << "] is "
<< (isReadOnly ? "readonly" : "writable"));
// Request a kit process for this doc.
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker = findOrCreateDocBroker(
DocumentBroker::ChildType::Interactive, url, docKey, _id, uriPublic, mobileAppDocId);
if (docBroker)
std::shared_ptr<ClientSession> clientSession =
docBroker->createNewClientSession(ws, _id, uriPublic, isReadOnly, requestDetails);
if (clientSession)
// Transfer the client socket to the DocumentBroker when we get back to the poll:
docBroker->setupTransfer(disposition, [docBroker, clientSession, ws]
(const std::shared_ptr<Socket> &moveSocket)
auto streamSocket = std::static_pointer_cast<StreamSocket>(moveSocket);
// Set WebSocketHandler's socket after its construction for shared_ptr goodness.
LOG_DBG_S('#' << moveSocket->getFD() << " handler is "
<< clientSession->getName());
// Add and load the session.
// Users of development versions get just an info
// when reaching max documents or connections
sendLoadResult(clientSession, true, "");
catch (const UnauthorizedRequestException& exc)
LOG_ERR_S("Unauthorized Request while starting session on "
<< docBroker->getDocKey() << " for socket #"
<< moveSocket->getFD()
<< ". Terminating connection. Error: " << exc.what());
const std::string msg = "error: cmd=internal kind=unauthorized";
ws->shutdown(WebSocketHandler::StatusCodes::POLICY_VIOLATION, msg);
catch (const StorageConnectionException& exc)
LOG_ERR_S("Storage error while starting session on "
<< docBroker->getDocKey() << " for socket #"
<< moveSocket->getFD()
<< ". Terminating connection. Error: " << exc.what());
const std::string msg = "error: cmd=storage kind=loadfailed";
ws->shutdown(WebSocketHandler::StatusCodes::POLICY_VIOLATION, msg);
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR_S("Error while starting session on "
<< docBroker->getDocKey() << " for socket #"
<< moveSocket->getFD()
<< ". Terminating connection. Error: " << exc.what());
const std::string msg = "error: cmd=storage kind=loadfailed";
ws->shutdown(WebSocketHandler::StatusCodes::POLICY_VIOLATION, msg);
LOG_WRN("Failed to create Client Session with id [" << _id << "] on docKey [" << docKey << "].");
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot create client session for doc " + docKey);
throw ServiceUnavailableException("Failed to create DocBroker with docKey [" + docKey + "].");
catch (const std::exception& exc)
LOG_ERR("Error while handling Client WS Request: " << exc.what());
const std::string msg = "error: cmd=internal kind=load";
ws->shutdown(WebSocketHandler::StatusCodes::ENDPOINT_GOING_AWAY, msg);
/// Lookup cached file content.
static const std::string& getFileContent(const std::string& filename)
const auto it = StaticFileContentCache.find(filename);
if (it == StaticFileContentCache.end())
throw Poco::FileAccessDeniedException("Invalid or forbidden file path: [" + filename + "].");
return it->second;
/// Process the discovery.xml file and return as string.
static std::string getDiscoveryXML()
// not needed for mobile
return std::string();
std::string discoveryPath = Path(Application::instance().commandPath()).parent().toString() + "discovery.xml";
if (!File(discoveryPath).exists())
// http://server/hosting/discovery.xml
discoveryPath = COOLWSD::FileServerRoot + "/discovery.xml";
const std::string action = "action";
const std::string favIconUrl = "favIconUrl";
const std::string urlsrc = "urlsrc";
const std::string rootUriValue = "%SRV_URI%";
const std::string uriBaseValue = rootUriValue + "/browser/" COOLWSD_VERSION_HASH "/";
const std::string uriValue = uriBaseValue + "cool.html?";
LOG_DBG_S("Processing discovery.xml from " << discoveryPath);
InputSource inputSrc(discoveryPath);
DOMParser parser;
AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Document> docXML = parser.parse(&inputSrc);
AutoPtr<NodeList> listNodes = docXML->getElementsByTagName(action);
for (unsigned long it = 0; it < listNodes->length(); ++it)
Element* elem = static_cast<Element*>(listNodes->item(it));
Element* parent = elem->parentNode() ? static_cast<Element*>(elem->parentNode()) : nullptr;
if(parent && parent->getAttribute("name") == "Capabilities")
elem->setAttribute(urlsrc, rootUriValue + CAPABILITIES_END_POINT);
elem->setAttribute(urlsrc, uriValue);
// Set the View extensions cache as well.
if (elem->getAttribute("name") == "edit")
const std::string ext = elem->getAttribute("ext");
if (COOLWSD::EditFileExtensions.insert(ext).second) // Skip duplicates.
LOG_DBG_S("Enabling editing of [" << ext << "] extension files");
else if (elem->getAttribute("name") == "view_comment")
const std::string ext = elem->getAttribute("ext");
if (COOLWSD::ViewWithCommentsFileExtensions.insert(ext).second) // Skip duplicates.
LOG_DBG_S("Enabling commenting on [" << ext << "] extension files");
// turn "images/img.svg" into "http://server.tld/browser/12345abcd/images/img.svg"
listNodes = docXML->getElementsByTagName("app");
for (unsigned long it = 0; it < listNodes->length(); ++it)
Element* elem = static_cast<Element*>(listNodes->item(it));
if (elem->hasAttribute(favIconUrl))
elem->setAttribute(favIconUrl, uriBaseValue + elem->getAttribute(favIconUrl));
const auto& proofAttribs = GetProofKeyAttributes();
if (!proofAttribs.empty())
// Add proof-key element to wopi-discovery root
AutoPtr<Element> keyElem = docXML->createElement("proof-key");
for (const auto& attrib : proofAttribs)
keyElem->setAttribute(attrib.first, attrib.second);
std::ostringstream ostrXML;
DOMWriter writer;
writer.writeNode(ostrXML, docXML);
return ostrXML.str();
/// Create the /hosting/capabilities JSON and return as string.
std::string getCapabilitiesJson(const Poco::Net::HTTPRequest& request,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamSocket>& socket)
assert(socket && "Must have a valid socket");
// Can the convert-to be used?
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr convert_to = new Poco::JSON::Object;
Poco::Dynamic::Var available = allowConvertTo(socket->clientAddress(), request);
convert_to->set("available", available);
if (available)
convert_to->set("endpoint", "/cool/convert-to");
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr capabilities = new Poco::JSON::Object;
capabilities->set("convert-to", convert_to);
// Supports the TemplateSaveAs in CheckFileInfo?
// TemplateSaveAs is broken by design, disable it everywhere (and
// remove at some stage too)
capabilities->set("hasTemplateSaveAs", false);
// Supports the TemplateSource in CheckFileInfo?
capabilities->set("hasTemplateSource", true);
// Hint to encourage use on mobile devices
capabilities->set("hasMobileSupport", true);
// Set the product name
capabilities->set("productName", config::getString("product_name", APP_NAME));
// Set the Server ID
capabilities->set("serverId", Util::getProcessIdentifier());
std::string version, hash;
Util::getVersionInfo(version, hash);
// Set the product version
capabilities->set("productVersion", version);
// Set the product version hash
capabilities->set("productVersionHash", hash);
// Set that this is a proxy.php-enabled instance
capabilities->set("hasProxyPrefix", COOLWSD::IsProxyPrefixEnabled);
// Set if this instance supports Zotero
capabilities->set("hasZoteroSupport", config::getBool("zotero.enable", true));
// Set if this instance supports WASM.
capabilities->set("hasWASMSupport", COOLWSD::WASMState != COOLWSD::WASMActivationState::Disabled);
#endif // !MOBILEAPP
std::ostringstream ostrJSON;
return ostrJSON.str();
// The socket that owns us (we can't own it).
std::weak_ptr<StreamSocket> _socket;
std::string _id;
/// WASM document request handler. Used only when WASM is enabled.
std::unique_ptr<WopiProxy> _wopiProxy;
/// Cache for static files, to avoid reading and processing from disk.
static std::map<std::string, std::string> StaticFileContentCache;
std::map<std::string, std::string> ClientRequestDispatcher::StaticFileContentCache;
class PlainSocketFactory final : public SocketFactory
std::shared_ptr<Socket> create(const int physicalFd, Socket::Type type) override
int fd = physicalFd;
if (SimulatedLatencyMs > 0)
int delayfd = Delay::create(SimulatedLatencyMs, physicalFd);
if (delayfd == -1)
LOG_ERR("DelaySocket creation failed, using physicalFd " << physicalFd << " instead.");
fd = delayfd;
return StreamSocket::create<StreamSocket>(
std::string(), fd, type, false,
class SslSocketFactory final : public SocketFactory
std::shared_ptr<Socket> create(const int physicalFd, Socket::Type type) override
int fd = physicalFd;
if (SimulatedLatencyMs > 0)
fd = Delay::create(SimulatedLatencyMs, physicalFd);
return StreamSocket::create<SslStreamSocket>(std::string(), fd, type, false,
class PrisonerSocketFactory final : public SocketFactory
std::shared_ptr<Socket> create(const int fd, Socket::Type type) override
// No local delay.
return StreamSocket::create<StreamSocket>(std::string(), fd, type, false,
/// The main server thread.
/// Waits for the connections from the cools, and creates the
/// websockethandlers accordingly.
class COOLWSDServer
COOLWSDServer(COOLWSDServer&& other) = delete;
const COOLWSDServer& operator=(COOLWSDServer&& other) = delete;
// allocate port & hold temporarily.
std::shared_ptr<ServerSocket> _serverSocket;
: _acceptPoll("accept_poll")
, _admin(Admin::instance())
void findClientPort()
_serverSocket = findServerPort();
void startPrisoners()
static void stopPrisoners()
void start()
coolwsd_server_socket_fd = _serverSocket->getFD();
void stop()
if (WebServerPoll)
void dumpState(std::ostream& os) const
// FIXME: add some stop-world magic before doing the dump(?)
Socket::InhibitThreadChecks = true;
SocketPoll::InhibitThreadChecks = true;
std::string version, hash;
Util::getVersionInfo(version, hash);
os << "COOLWSDServer: " << version << " - " << hash
<< "\n Kit version: " << COOLWSD::LOKitVersion
<< "\n Ports: server " << ClientPortNumber << " prisoner " << MasterLocation
<< "\n SSL: " << (COOLWSD::isSSLEnabled() ? "https" : "http")
<< "\n SSL-Termination: " << (COOLWSD::isSSLTermination() ? "yes" : "no")
<< "\n Security " << (COOLWSD::NoCapsForKit ? "no" : "") << " chroot, "
<< (COOLWSD::NoSeccomp ? "no" : "") << " api lockdown"
<< "\n Admin: " << (COOLWSD::AdminEnabled ? "enabled" : "disabled")
<< "\n RouteToken: " << COOLWSD::RouteToken
<< "\n TerminationFlag: " << SigUtil::getTerminationFlag()
<< "\n isShuttingDown: " << SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag()
<< "\n NewChildren: " << NewChildren.size()
<< "\n OutstandingForks: " << OutstandingForks
<< "\n NumPreSpawnedChildren: " << COOLWSD::NumPreSpawnedChildren
<< "\n ChildSpawnTimeoutMs: " << ChildSpawnTimeoutMs
<< "\n Document Brokers: " << DocBrokers.size()
<< "\n of which ConvertTo: " << ConvertToBroker::getInstanceCount()
<< "\n vs. MaxDocuments: " << COOLWSD::MaxDocuments
<< "\n NumConnections: " << COOLWSD::NumConnections
<< "\n vs. MaxConnections: " << COOLWSD::MaxConnections
<< "\n SysTemplate: " << COOLWSD::SysTemplate
<< "\n LoTemplate: " << COOLWSD::LoTemplate
<< "\n ChildRoot: " << COOLWSD::ChildRoot
<< "\n FileServerRoot: " << COOLWSD::FileServerRoot
<< "\n ServiceRoot: " << COOLWSD::ServiceRoot
<< "\n LOKitVersion: " << COOLWSD::LOKitVersion
<< "\n HostIdentifier: " << Util::getProcessIdentifier()
<< "\n ConfigFile: " << COOLWSD::ConfigFile
<< "\n ConfigDir: " << COOLWSD::ConfigDir
<< "\n LogLevel: " << COOLWSD::LogLevel
<< "\n AnonymizeUserData: " << (COOLWSD::AnonymizeUserData ? "yes" : "no")
<< "\n CheckCoolUser: " << (COOLWSD::CheckCoolUser ? "yes" : "no")
<< "\n IsProxyPrefixEnabled: " << (COOLWSD::IsProxyPrefixEnabled ? "yes" : "no")
<< "\n OverrideWatermark: " << COOLWSD::OverrideWatermark
<< "\n UserInterface: " << COOLWSD::UserInterface
os << "\nServer poll:\n";
os << "Web Server poll:\n";
os << "Prisoner poll:\n";
os << "Admin poll:\n";
// If we have any delaying work going on.
os << "Document Broker polls "
<< "[ " << DocBrokers.size() << " ]:\n";
for (auto &i : DocBrokers)
os << "Converter count: " << ConvertToBroker::getInstanceCount() << '\n';
Socket::InhibitThreadChecks = false;
SocketPoll::InhibitThreadChecks = false;
class AcceptPoll : public TerminatingPoll {
AcceptPoll(const std::string &threadName) :
TerminatingPoll(threadName) {}
void wakeupHook() override
/// This thread & poll accepts incoming connections.
AcceptPoll _acceptPoll;
Admin& _admin;
/// Create the internal only, local socket for forkit / kits prisoners to talk to.
std::shared_ptr<ServerSocket> findPrisonerServerPort()
std::shared_ptr<SocketFactory> factory = std::make_shared<PrisonerSocketFactory>();
auto socket = std::make_shared<LocalServerSocket>(*PrisonerPoll, factory);
const std::string location = socket->bind();
if (!location.length())
LOG_FTL("Failed to create local unix domain socket. Exiting.");
return nullptr;
if (!socket->listen())
LOG_FTL("Failed to listen on local unix domain socket at " << location << ". Exiting.");
LOG_INF("Listening to prisoner connections on " << location);
MasterLocation = location;
if(!socket->link(COOLWSD::SysTemplate + "/0" + MasterLocation))
LOG_FTL("Failed to hardlink local unix domain socket into a jail. Exiting.");
constexpr int DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT_NUMBER = 9981;
std::shared_ptr<ServerSocket> socket
= ServerSocket::create(ServerSocket::Type::Public, DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT_NUMBER,
ClientPortProto, *PrisonerPoll, factory);
COOLWSD::prisonerServerSocketFD = socket->getFD();
LOG_INF("Listening to prisoner connections on #" << COOLWSD::prisonerServerSocketFD);
return socket;
/// Create the externally listening public socket
std::shared_ptr<ServerSocket> findServerPort()
std::shared_ptr<SocketFactory> factory;
if (ClientPortNumber <= 0)
// Avoid using the default port for unit-tests altogether.
// This avoids interfering with a running test instance.
ClientPortNumber = DEFAULT_CLIENT_PORT_NUMBER + (UnitWSD::isUnitTesting() ? 1 : 0);
if (COOLWSD::isSSLEnabled())
factory = std::make_shared<SslSocketFactory>();
factory = std::make_shared<PlainSocketFactory>();
std::shared_ptr<ServerSocket> socket = ServerSocket::create(
ClientListenAddr, ClientPortNumber, ClientPortProto, *WebServerPoll, factory);
const int firstPortNumber = ClientPortNumber;
while (!socket &&
LOG_INF("Client port " << (ClientPortNumber - 1) << " is busy, trying "
<< ClientPortNumber);
socket = ServerSocket::create(ClientListenAddr, ClientPortNumber, ClientPortProto,
*WebServerPoll, factory);
if (!socket)
LOG_FTL("Failed to listen on Server port(s) (" << firstPortNumber << '-'
<< ClientPortNumber << "). Exiting");
LOG_INF('#' << socket->getFD() << " Listening to client connections on port "
<< ClientPortNumber);
LOG_INF("Listening to client connections on #" << socket->getFD());
return socket;
void COOLWSD::processFetchUpdate()
const std::string url(INFOBAR_URL);
if (url.empty())
return; // No url, nothing to do.
Poco::URI uriFetch(url);
uriFetch.addQueryParameter("product", config::getString("product_name", APP_NAME));
uriFetch.addQueryParameter("version", COOLWSD_VERSION);
LOG_TRC("Infobar update request from " << uriFetch.toString());
std::shared_ptr<http::Session> sessionFetch = StorageBase::getHttpSession(uriFetch);
if (!sessionFetch)
http::Request request(uriFetch.getPathAndQuery());
request.add("Accept", "application/json");
const std::shared_ptr<const http::Response> httpResponse =
if (httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() == http::StatusCode::OK)
LOG_DBG("Infobar update returned: " << httpResponse->getBody());
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(COOLWSD::FetchUpdateMutex);
COOLWSD::LatestVersion = httpResponse->getBody();
LOG_WRN("Failed to update the infobar. Got: "
<< httpResponse->statusLine().statusCode() << ' '
<< httpResponse->statusLine().reasonPhrase());
catch(const Poco::Exception& exc)
LOG_DBG("FetchUpdate: " << exc.displayText());
catch(std::exception& exc)
LOG_DBG("FetchUpdate: " << exc.what());
LOG_DBG("FetchUpdate: Unknown exception");
std::string COOLWSD::getServerURL()
return getServiceURI(COOLWSD_TEST_COOL_UI);
int COOLWSD::innerMain()
# ifdef __linux__
// down-pay all the forkit linking cost once & early.
setenv("LD_BIND_NOW", "1", 1);
# endif
std::string version, hash;
Util::getVersionInfo(version, hash);
LOG_INF("Coolwsd version details: " << version << " - " << hash << " - id " << Util::getProcessIdentifier() << " - on " << Util::getLinuxVersion());
// Fetch remote settings from server if configured
RemoteConfigPoll remoteConfigThread(config());
#ifndef IOS
// We can open files with non-ASCII names just fine on iOS without this, and this code is
// heavily Linux-specific anyway.
// Force a uniform UTF-8 locale for ourselves & our children.
char* locale = std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "C.UTF-8");
if (!locale)
// rhbz#1590680 - C.UTF-8 is unsupported on RH7
LOG_WRN("Could not set locale to C.UTF-8, will try en_US.UTF-8");
locale = std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");
if (!locale)
LOG_WRN("Could not set locale to en_US.UTF-8. Without UTF-8 support documents with non-ASCII file names cannot be opened.");
if (locale)
LOG_INF("Locale is set to " + std::string(locale));
::setenv("LC_ALL", locale, 1);
// We use the same option set for both parent and child coolwsd,
// so must check options required in the parent (but not in the
// child) separately now. Also check for options that are
// meaningless for the parent.
if (LoTemplate.empty())
LOG_FTL("Missing --lo-template-path option");
throw MissingOptionException("lotemplate");
if (FileServerRoot.empty())
FileServerRoot = Util::getApplicationPath();
FileServerRoot = Poco::Path(FileServerRoot).absolute().toString();
LOG_DBG("FileServerRoot: " << FileServerRoot);
LOG_DBG("Initializing DelaySocket with " << SimulatedLatencyMs << "ms.");
Delay delay(SimulatedLatencyMs);
const auto fetchUpdateCheck = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
std::chrono::hours(std::max(getConfigValue<int>("fetch_update_check", 10), 0)));
// Allocate our port - passed to prisoners.
assert(Server && "The COOLWSDServer instance does not exist.");
TmpFontDir = ChildRoot + JailUtil::CHILDROOT_TMP_INCOMING_PATH;
// Start the internal prisoner server and spawn forkit,
// which in turn forks first child.
// No need to "have at least one child" beforehand on mobile
if (!Util::isKitInProcess())
// Make sure we have at least one child before moving forward.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(NewChildrenMutex);
// If we are debugging, it's not uncommon to wait for several minutes before first
// child is born. Don't use an expiry timeout in that case.
const bool debugging = std::getenv("SLEEPFORDEBUGGER") || std::getenv("SLEEPKITFORDEBUGGER");
if (debugging)
LOG_DBG("Waiting for new child without timeout.");
NewChildrenCV.wait(lock, []() { return !NewChildren.empty(); });
int retry = (COOLWSD::NoCapsForKit ? 150 : 50);
const auto timeout = std::chrono::milliseconds(ChildSpawnTimeoutMs);
while (retry-- > 0 && !SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag())
LOG_INF("Waiting for a new child for a max of " << timeout);
if (NewChildrenCV.wait_for(lock, timeout, []() { return !NewChildren.empty(); }))
// Check we have at least one.
LOG_TRC("Have " << NewChildren.size() << " new children.");
if (NewChildren.empty())
if (SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag())
LOG_FTL("Shutdown requested while starting up. Exiting.");
LOG_FTL("No child process could be created. Exiting.");
assert(NewChildren.size() > 0);
if (LogLevel != "trace")
LOG_INF("WSD initialization complete: setting log-level to [" << LogLevel << "] as configured.");
if (Log::logger().getLevel() >= Poco::Message::Priority::PRIO_INFORMATION)
LOG_ERR("Log level is set very high to '" << LogLevel << "' this will have a "
"significant performance impact. Do not use this in production.");
// Start the remote font downloading polling thread.
std::unique_ptr<RemoteFontConfigPoll> remoteFontConfigThread;
// Fetch font settings from server if configured
remoteFontConfigThread = std::make_unique<RemoteFontConfigPoll>(config());
catch (const Poco::Exception&)
LOG_DBG("No remote_font_config");
// URI with /contents are public and we don't need to anonymize them.
Util::mapAnonymized("contents", "contents");
// Start the server.
// It is not at all obvious that this is the ideal place to do the HULLO thing and call onopen
// on TheFakeWebSocket. But it seems to work.
/// The main-poll does next to nothing:
SocketPoll mainWait("main");
std::cerr << "Ready to accept connections on port " << ClientPortNumber << ".\n" << std::endl;
if (SignalParent)
kill(getppid(), SIGUSR2);
const std::string postMessageURI =
getServiceURI("/browser/dist/framed.doc.html?file_path=" DEBUG_ABSSRCDIR
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "\nLaunch one of these in your browser:\n\n"
<< " postMessage: " << postMessageURI << std::endl;
const std::string adminURI = getServiceURI(COOLWSD_TEST_ADMIN_CONSOLE, true);
if (!adminURI.empty())
oss << "\nOr for the admin, monitoring, capabilities & discovery:\n\n"
<< adminURI << '\n'
<< getServiceURI(COOLWSD_TEST_METRICS, true) << '\n'
<< getServiceURI("/hosting/capabilities") << '\n'
<< getServiceURI("/hosting/discovery") << '\n';
oss << std::endl;
std::cerr << oss.str();
const auto startStamp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto stampFetch = startStamp - (fetchUpdateCheck - std::chrono::milliseconds(60000));
#ifdef __linux__
if (getConfigValue<bool>("stop_on_config_change", false)) {
std::shared_ptr<InotifySocket> inotifySocket = std::make_shared<InotifySocket>();
while (!SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag())
// This timeout affects the recovery time of prespawned children.
std::chrono::microseconds waitMicroS = SocketPoll::DefaultPollTimeoutMicroS * 4;
if (UnitWSD::isUnitTesting() && !SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag())
// More frequent polling while testing, to reduce total test time.
waitMicroS =
std::min(UnitWSD::get().getTimeoutMilliSeconds(), std::chrono::milliseconds(1000));
waitMicroS /= 4;
// Wake the prisoner poll to spawn some children, if necessary.
const auto timeNow = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
const std::chrono::milliseconds timeSinceStartMs
= std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(timeNow - startStamp);
// Unit test timeout
if (UnitWSD::isUnitTesting() && !SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag())
const std::chrono::milliseconds durationFetch
= std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(timeNow - stampFetch);
if (fetchUpdateCheck > std::chrono::milliseconds::zero() && durationFetch > fetchUpdateCheck)
stampFetch = timeNow;
if (careerSpanMs > std::chrono::milliseconds::zero() && timeSinceStartMs > careerSpanMs)
LOG_INF("Setting ShutdownRequestFlag: " << timeSinceStartMs << " gone, career of "
<< careerSpanMs << " expired.");
// Stop the listening to new connections
// and wait until sockets close.
LOG_INF("Stopping server socket listening. ShutdownRequestFlag: " <<
SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag() << ", TerminationFlag: " << SigUtil::getTerminationFlag());
if (!UnitWSD::isUnitTesting())
// When running unit-tests the listening port will
// get recycled and another test will be listening.
// This is very problematic if a DocBroker here is
// saving and uploading before shutting down, because
// the test that gets the same port will receive this
// unexpected upload and fail.
// Otherwise, in production, we should probably respond
// with some error that we are recycling. But for now,
// don't change the behavior and stop listening.
// atexit handlers tend to free Admin before Documents
LOG_INF("Exiting. Cleaning up lingering documents.");
if (!SigUtil::getShutdownRequestFlag())
// This shouldn't happen, but it's fail safe to always cleanup properly.
LOG_WRN("Setting ShutdownRequestFlag: Exiting WSD without ShutdownRequestFlag. Setting it "
// Wait until documents are saved and sessions closed.
// Don't stop the DocBroker, they will exit.
constexpr size_t sleepMs = 200;
constexpr size_t count = (COMMAND_TIMEOUT_MS * 6) / sleepMs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
if (DocBrokers.empty())
LOG_DBG("Waiting for " << DocBrokers.size() << " documents to stop.");
// Give them time to save and cleanup.
if (UnitWSD::isUnitTesting() && !SigUtil::getTerminationFlag())
LOG_INF("Setting TerminationFlag to avoid deadlocking unittest.");
// Disable thread checking - we'll now cleanup lots of things if we can
Socket::InhibitThreadChecks = true;
SocketPoll::InhibitThreadChecks = true;
// Wait for the DocumentBrokers. They must be saving/uploading now.
// Do not stop them! Otherwise they might not save/upload the document.
// We block until they finish, or the service stopping times out.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
for (auto& docBrokerIt : DocBrokers)
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker = docBrokerIt.second;
if (docBroker && docBroker->isAlive())
LOG_DBG("Joining docBroker [" << docBrokerIt.first << "].");
// Now should be safe to destroy what's left.
if (TraceEventFile != NULL)
// If we have written any objects to it, it ends with a comma and newline. Back over those.
if (ftell(TraceEventFile) > 2)
(void)fseek(TraceEventFile, -2, SEEK_CUR);
// Close the JSON array.
fprintf(TraceEventFile, "\n]\n");
TraceEventFile = NULL;
if (!Util::isKitInProcess())
// Terminate child processes
LOG_INF("Requesting forkit process " << ForKitProcId << " to terminate.");
constexpr auto signal = SIGTERM;
constexpr auto signal = SIGKILL;
SigUtil::killChild(ForKitProcId, signal);
if (UnitWSD::isUnitTesting())
// Terminate child processes
LOG_INF("Requesting child processes to terminate.");
for (auto& child : NewChildren)
if (!Util::isKitInProcess())
// Wait for forkit process finish.
LOG_INF("Waiting for forkit process to exit");
int status = 0;
waitpid(ForKitProcId, &status, WUNTRACED);
ForKitProcId = -1;
#endif // !MOBILEAPP
const int returnValue = UnitBase::uninit();
LOG_INF("Process [coolwsd] finished with exit status: " << returnValue);
// At least on centos7, Poco deadlocks while
// cleaning up its SSL context singleton.
return returnValue;
std::shared_ptr<TerminatingPoll> COOLWSD:: getWebServerPoll ()
return WebServerPoll;
void COOLWSD::cleanup()
// Finally, we no longer need SSL.
if (COOLWSD::isSSLEnabled())
Socket::InhibitThreadChecks = true;
SocketPoll::InhibitThreadChecks = true;
// Delete these while the static Admin instance is still alive.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
catch (const std::exception& ex)
LOG_ERR("Failed to uninitialize: " << ex.what());
int COOLWSD::main(const std::vector<std::string>& /*args*/)
#if MOBILEAPP && !defined IOS
int returnValue;
try {
returnValue = innerMain();
catch (const std::exception& e)
LOG_FTL("Exception: " << e.what());
} catch (...) {
returnValue = UnitBase::uninit();
LOG_INF("Process [coolwsd] finished with exit status: " << returnValue);
return returnValue;
int COOLWSD::getClientPortNumber()
return ClientPortNumber;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>> COOLWSD::getBrokersTestOnly()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> docBrokersLock(DocBrokersMutex);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker>> result;
for (auto& brokerIt : DocBrokers)
return result;
std::set<pid_t> COOLWSD::getKitPids()
std::set<pid_t> pids;
pid_t pid;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(NewChildrenMutex);
for (const auto &child : NewChildren)
pid = child->getPid();
if (pid > 0)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(DocBrokersMutex);
for (const auto &it : DocBrokers)
pid = it.second->getPid();
if (pid > 0)
return pids;
#if !defined(BUILDING_TESTS)
namespace Util
void alertAllUsers(const std::string& cmd, const std::string& kind)
alertAllUsers("error: cmd=" + cmd + " kind=" + kind);
void alertAllUsers(const std::string& msg)
void dump_state()
std::ostringstream oss;
if (Server)
const std::string msg = oss.str();
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg.c_str());
void forwardSigUsr2()
if (Util::isKitInProcess())
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> newChildLock(NewChildrenMutex);
if (COOLWSD::ForKitProcId > 0)
LOG_INF("Sending SIGUSR2 to forkit " << COOLWSD::ForKitProcId);
::kill(COOLWSD::ForKitProcId, SIGUSR2);
for (const auto& child : NewChildren)
if (child && child->getPid() > 0)
LOG_INF("Sending SIGUSR2 to child " << child->getPid());
::kill(child->getPid(), SIGUSR2);
for (const auto& pair : DocBrokers)
std::shared_ptr<DocumentBroker> docBroker = pair.second;
if (docBroker)
LOG_INF("Sending SIGUSR2 to docBroker " << docBroker->getPid());
::kill(docBroker->getPid(), SIGUSR2);
// Avoid this in the Util::isFuzzing() case because libfuzzer defines its own main().
int main(int argc, char** argv)
SigUtil::setFatalSignals("wsd " COOLWSD_VERSION " " COOLWSD_VERSION_HASH);
return, argv);
catch (Poco::Exception& exc)
std::cerr << exc.displayText() << std::endl;
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