
1122 lines
36 KiB

/* -*- js-indent-level: 8 -*- */
* Copyright the Collabora Online contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* L.Control.LokDialog used for displaying LOK dialogs
/* global app $ L Hammer brandProductName UNOModifier */
L.WinUtil = {
var firstTouchPositionX = null;
var firstTouchPositionY = null;
var previousTouchType = null;
function updateTransformation(target) {
if (target !== null && target !== undefined) {
var value = [
'translate3d(' + target.transformation.translate.x + 'px, ' + target.transformation.translate.y + 'px, 0)',
'scale(' + target.transformation.scale + ', ' + target.transformation.scale + ')'
value = value.join(' '); = value; = value; = value;
if (target.transformation.origin) {[L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM_ORIGIN] = target.transformation.origin;
var draggedObject = null;
var zoomTargets = [];
function findZoomTarget(id) {
for (var item in zoomTargets) {
if (zoomTargets[item].key === id || zoomTargets[item] === id) {
return zoomTargets[item];
return null;
function removeZoomTarget(id) {
for (var item in zoomTargets) {
if (zoomTargets[item].key === id || zoomTargets[item] === id) {
delete zoomTargets[item];
function toZoomTargetId(id) {
return id.replace('-canvas', '');
L.Control.LokDialog = L.Control.extend({
dialogIdPrefix: 'lokdialog-',
hasDialogInMobilePanelOpened: function() {
return window.mobileDialogId !== undefined;
onPan: function (ev) {
if (!draggedObject)
var id = toZoomTargetId(;
var target = findZoomTarget(id);
if (target) {
var newX = target.initialState.startX + ev.deltaX;
var newY = target.initialState.startY + ev.deltaY;
// Don't allow to put dialog outside the view
if (window.mode.isDesktop() &&
(newX < -target.width/2 || newY < -target.height/2
|| newX > window.innerWidth - target.width/2
|| newY > window.innerHeight - target.height/2)) {
var dialog = $('.lokdialog_container');
var left = parseFloat(dialog.css('left'));
var top = parseFloat(dialog.css('top'));
newX = Math.max(newX, -left);
newY = Math.max(newY, -top);
target.transformation.translate = {
x: newX,
y: newY
target.transformation.translate = {
x: newX,
y: newY
onPinch: function (ev) {
var id = toZoomTargetId(;
var target = findZoomTarget(id);
if (target) {
if (ev.type == 'pinchstart') {
target.initialState.initScale = target.transformation.scale || 1;
if (target.initialState.initScale * ev.scale > 0.4) {
target.transformation.scale = target.initialState.initScale * ev.scale;
onAdd: function (map) {
map.on('window', this._onDialogMsg, this);
map.on('windowpaint', this._onDialogPaint, this);
map.on('docloaded', this._docLoaded, this);
map.on('closepopup', this.onCloseCurrentPopUp, this);
map.on('closepopups', this._onClosePopups, this);
map.on('editorgotfocus', this._onEditorGotFocus, this);
// Fired to signal that the input focus is being changed.
map.on('changefocuswidget', this._changeFocusWidget, this);
L.DomEvent.on(document, 'mouseup', this.onCloseCurrentPopUp, this);
_dialogs: {},
hasOpenedDialog: function() {
return Object.keys(this._dialogs).length > 0;
getCurrentDialogContainer: function() {
if (this._currentId)
return document.getElementById(this._dialogs[this._currentId].strId);
return null;
// method used to warn user about dialog modality
blinkOpenDialog: function() {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 600);
_docLoaded: function(e) {
if (!e.status) {
_getParentId: function(id) {
id = parseInt(id);
for (var winId in this._dialogs) {
if (this._dialogs[winId].childid && this._dialogs[winId].childid === id) {
return winId;
return null;
_isOpen: function(id) {
return (id in this._dialogs) && this._dialogs[id] &&
$('#' + this._toStrId(id)).length > 0;
isCursorVisible: function(id) {
return (id in this._dialogs) && this._dialogs[id].cursorVisible;
_isSelectionHandle: function(el) {
return L.DomUtil.hasClass(el, 'text-selection-handle-start') ||
L.DomUtil.hasClass(el, 'text-selection-handle-end');
// Given a prefixed dialog id like 'lokdialog-323', gives a raw id, 323.
_toIntId: function(id) {
if (typeof(id) === 'string')
return parseInt(id.replace(this.dialogIdPrefix, ''));
return id;
// Converts a raw dialog id like 432, to 'lokdialog-432'.
_toStrId: function(id) {
return this.dialogIdPrefix + id;
// Create a rectangle string of form "x,y,width,height"
// if params are missing, assumes 0,0,dialog width, dialog height
_createRectStr: function(id, x, y, width, height) {
if (!width && id !== null)
width = this._dialogs[parseInt(id)].width;
if (!width || width <= 0)
return null;
if (!height && id !== null)
height = this._dialogs[parseInt(id)].height;
if (!height || height <= 0)
return null;
if (!x)
x = 0;
if (!y)
y = 0;
// pre-multiplied by the scale factor
return [x * app.roundedDpiScale, y * app.roundedDpiScale, width * app.roundedDpiScale, height * app.roundedDpiScale].join(',');
_sendPaintWindowRect: function(id, x, y, width, height) {
this._sendPaintWindow(id, this._createRectStr(id, x, y, width, height));
// TODO: Extract to tool in Debug.js
_debugPaintWindow: function(id, rectangle) {
var strId = this._toStrId(id);
var canvas = document.getElementById(strId + '-canvas');
if (!canvas)
return; // no window to paint to
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var rect = rectangle.split(',');
ctx.rect(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)';
_sendPaintWindow: function(id, rectangle) {
if (!rectangle)
return; // Don't request rendering an empty area.
rectangle = rectangle.replace(/ /g, '');
if (!rectangle)
return; // Don't request rendering an empty area.
//'_sendPaintWindow: rectangle: ' + rectangle + ', dpiscale: ' + dpiscale);
app.socket.sendMessage('paintwindow ' + id + ' rectangle=' + rectangle + ' dpiscale=' + app.roundedDpiScale);
if (this._map._debug.debugOn)
this._debugPaintWindow(id, rectangle);
_sendCloseWindow: function(id) {
app.socket.sendMessage('windowcommand ' + id + ' close');
// CSV and Macro Security Warning Dialogs are shown before the document load
// In that state the document is not really loaded and closing or cancelling it
// returns docnotloaded error. Instead of this we can return to the integration
if (!this._map._docLoaded && !window._firstDialogHandled) {
_isRectangleValid: function(rect) {
rect = rect.split(',');
return (!isNaN(parseInt(rect[0])) && !isNaN(parseInt(rect[1])) &&
parseInt(rect[2]) >= 0 && parseInt(rect[3]) >= 0);
_onDialogMsg: function(e) {
//'onDialogMsg: id: ' + + ', winType: ' + e.winType + ', action: ' + e.action + ', size: ' + e.size + ', rectangle: ' + e.rectangle);
if (e.winType != undefined &&
e.winType !== 'dialog' &&
e.winType !== 'calc-input-win' &&
e.winType !== 'child' &&
e.winType !== 'deck' &&
e.winType !== 'tooltip' &&
e.winType !== 'dropdown') {
} = parseInt(;
var strId = this._toStrId(;
var width = 0;
var height = 0;
if (e.size) {
width = parseInt(e.size.split(',')[0]);
height = parseInt(e.size.split(',')[1]);
var left;
var top;
if (e.position) {
left = parseInt(e.position.split(',')[0]);
top = parseInt(e.position.split(',')[1]);
if (e.title && typeof brandProductName !== 'undefined') {
e.title = e.title.replace('Collabora Office', brandProductName);
if (e.action === 'created') {
if ((e.winType === 'dialog' || e.winType === 'dropdown') && !window.mode.isMobile()) {
// When left/top are invalid, the dialog shows in the center.
this._launchDialog(, left, top, width, height, e.title, null, e.unique_id);
} else if (e.winType === 'child' || e.winType === 'tooltip') {
var parentId = parseInt(e.parentId);
if (!this._isOpen(parentId))
// In case of tooltips, do not remove the previous popup
// only if that's also a tooltip.
if (e.winType === 'tooltip' &&
this._dialogs[parentId].childid !== undefined &&
this._dialogs[parentId].childistooltip !== true)
if (!left)
left = 0;
if (!top)
top = 0;
this._dialogs[parentId].childid =;
this._dialogs[parentId].childwidth = width;
this._dialogs[parentId].childheight = height;
this._dialogs[parentId].childx = left;
this._dialogs[parentId].childy = top;
if (e.winType === 'tooltip')
this._dialogs[parentId].childistooltip = true;
this._dialogs[parentId].childistooltip = false;
this._createDialogChild(, parentId, top, left);
this._sendPaintWindow(, this._createRectStr(null, 0, 0, width, height));
// All other callbacks don't make sense without an active dialog.
if (!(this._isOpen( || this._getParentId( {
if (e.action == 'close' && window.mobileDialogId == {
window.mobileDialogId = undefined;
// We don't want dialogs on smartphones, only calc input window is allowed
if (window.mode.isMobile())
if (e.action === 'invalidate') {
this.wasInvalidated = true;
var parent = this._getParentId(;
var rectangle = e.rectangle;
if (parent) { // this is a floating window
if (e.rectangle && this._dialogs[parent].childistooltip === true) {
// resize tooltips on invalidation
left = this._dialogs[parent].childx;
top = this._dialogs[parent].childy;
width = parseInt(e.rectangle.split(',')[2]);
height = parseInt(e.rectangle.split(',')[3]);
this._dialogs[parent].childwidth = width;
this._dialogs[parent].childheight = height;
this._createDialogChild(, parent, top, left);
rectangle = this._createRectStr(null, 0, 0, this._dialogs[parent].childwidth, this._dialogs[parent].childheight);
} else if (rectangle) { // this is the actual dialog
if (this._isRectangleValid(rectangle)) {
rectangle = e.rectangle.split(',');
x = parseInt(rectangle[0]);
y = parseInt(rectangle[1]);
width = parseInt(rectangle[2]);
height = parseInt(rectangle[3]);
rectangle = this._createRectStr(null, x, y, width, height);
} else {
} else {
rectangle = this._createRectStr(;
this._sendPaintWindow(, rectangle);
} else if (e.action === 'size_changed') {
// FIXME: we don't really have to destroy and launch the dialog again but do it for
// now because the size sent to us previously in 'created' cb is not correct
$('#' + strId).remove();
this._launchDialog(, null, null, width, height, this._dialogs[parseInt(].title, null, e.unique_id);
if (this._map._docLayer && this._map._docLayer._docType === 'spreadsheet') {
if (app.sectionContainer.doesSectionExist( {
} else if (e.action === 'cursor_invalidate') {
if (this._isOpen( && !!e.rectangle) {
rectangle = e.rectangle.split(',');
var x = parseInt(rectangle[0]);
var y = parseInt(rectangle[1]);
height = parseInt(rectangle[3]);
this._updateDialogCursor(, x, y, height);
} else if (e.action === 'text_selection') {
if (this._isOpen( {
var rectangles = [];
var startHandleVisible, endHandleVisible;
if (e.rectangles) {
var dataList = e.rectangles.match(/\d+/g);
if (dataList != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < dataList.length; i += 4) {
var rect = {};
rect.x = parseInt(dataList[i]);
rect.y = parseInt(dataList[i + 1]);
rect.width = parseInt(dataList[i + 2]);
rect.height = parseInt(dataList[i + 3]);
if (e.startHandleVisible) {
startHandleVisible = e.startHandleVisible === 'true';
if (e.endHandleVisible) {
endHandleVisible = e.endHandleVisible === 'true';
this._updateTextSelection(, rectangles, startHandleVisible, endHandleVisible);
} else if (e.action === 'title_changed') {
if (e.title && this._dialogs[parseInt(]) {
this._dialogs[parseInt(].title = e.title;
$('#' + strId).dialog('option', 'title', e.title);
} else if (e.action === 'cursor_visible') {
// cursor_visible implies focus has changed, but can
// be misleading when it flips back on forth on typing!
var visible = (e.visible === 'true');
this._dialogs[].cursorVisible = visible;
if (visible) {
$('#' + strId + '-cursor').css({display: 'block'});'changefocuswidget', {winId:, dialog: this, acceptInput: true}); // Us.
else {
$('#' + strId + '-cursor').css({display: 'none'});
} else if (e.action === 'close') {
parent = this._getParentId(;
if (parent)
this._onDialogClose(, false);
} else if (e.action === 'hide') {
$('#' + strId).parent().css({display: 'none'});
} else if (e.action === 'show') {
$('#' + strId).parent().css({display: 'block'});
_updateDialogCursor: function(dlgId, x, y, height) {
var strId = this._toStrId(dlgId);
var dialogCursor = L.DomUtil.get(strId + '-cursor');
var cursorVisible = this.isCursorVisible(dlgId);
L.DomUtil.setStyle(dialogCursor, 'height', height + 'px');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(dialogCursor, 'display', cursorVisible ? 'block' : 'none');
// set the position of the cursor container element
L.DomUtil.setStyle(this._dialogs[dlgId].cursor, 'left', x + 'px');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(this._dialogs[dlgId].cursor, 'top', y + 'px');
// Make sure the keyboard is visible if there is a cursor.
// But don't hide the keyboard otherwise.
// At least the formula-input hides the cursor after each key input.
if (cursorVisible)
_createDialogCursor: function(dialogId) {
var id = this._toIntId(dialogId);
this._dialogs[id].cursor = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-cursor-container', L.DomUtil.get(dialogId));
var cursor = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-cursor lokdialog-cursor', this._dialogs[id].cursor); = dialogId + '-cursor';
L.DomUtil.addClass(cursor, 'blinking-cursor');
_updateTextSelection: function(dlgId, rectangles, startHandleVisible, endHandleVisible) {
var strId = this._toIntId(dlgId);
var selections = this._dialogs[strId].textSelection.rectangles;
var handles = this._dialogs[strId].textSelection.handles;
var startHandle, endHandle;
if (startHandleVisible) {
startHandle = this._dialogs[strId].textSelection.startHandle;
} else if (handles.start) {
handles.start = null;
if (endHandleVisible) {
endHandle = this._dialogs[strId].textSelection.endHandle;
} else if (handles.end) {
handles.end = null;
if (!handles.start && !handles.end)
handles.draggingStopped = true;
if (!rectangles || rectangles.length < 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < rectangles.length; ++i) {
var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-text-selection-container', selections);
var selection = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-text-selection', container);
var rect = rectangles[i];
L.DomUtil.setStyle(selection, 'width', rect.width + 'px');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(selection, 'height', rect.height + 'px');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(container, 'left', rect.x + 'px');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(container, 'top', rect.y + 'px');
var startPos;
if (startHandle) {
var startRect = rectangles[0];
if (startRect.width < 1)
startRect = {x: startRect.x, y: startRect.y, width: 1, height: startRect.height};
startPos = L.point(startRect.x, startRect.y + startRect.height);
startPos = startPos.subtract(L.point(0, 2));
startHandle.lastPos = startPos;
startHandle.rowHeight = startRect.height;
var endPos;
if (endHandle) {
var endRect = rectangles[rectangles.length - 1];
if (endRect.width < 1)
endRect = {x: endRect.x + endRect.width - 1, y: endRect.y, width: 1, height: endRect.height};
endPos = L.point(endRect.x, endRect.y + endRect.height);
endPos = endPos.subtract(L.point(0, 2));
endHandle.lastPos = endPos;
endHandle.rowHeight = endRect.height;
if (startHandle && handles.draggingStopped) {
if (!handles.start)
handles.start = handles.appendChild(startHandle);
//'lokdialog: _updateTextSelection: startPos: x: ' + startPos.x + ', y: ' + startPos.y);
startHandle.pos = startPos;
L.DomUtil.setStyle(startHandle, 'left', startPos.x + 'px');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(startHandle, 'top', startPos.y + 'px');
if (endHandle && handles.draggingStopped) {
if (!handles.end)
handles.end = handles.appendChild(endHandle);
//'lokdialog: _updateTextSelection: endPos: x: ' + endPos.x + ', y: ' + endPos.y);
endHandle.pos = endPos;
L.DomUtil.setStyle(endHandle, 'left', endPos.x + 'px');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(endHandle, 'top', endPos.y + 'px');
focus: function(dlgId, acceptInput) {
if (dlgId in this._dialogs) {
_setCanvasWidthHeight: function(canvas, width, height) {
var newWidth = width * app.roundedDpiScale;
var changed = false;
if (canvas.width != newWidth) {
L.DomUtil.setStyle(canvas, 'width', width + 'px');
canvas.width = newWidth;
changed = true;
var newHeight = height * app.roundedDpiScale;
if (canvas.height != newHeight) {
L.DomUtil.setStyle(canvas, 'height', height + 'px');
canvas.height = newHeight;
changed = true;
return changed;
_launchDialog: function(id, leftTwips, topTwips, width, height, title, type, uniqueId) {
if (window.ThisIsTheiOSApp &&'closemobile', false);
var dialogContainer = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'lokdialog', document.body);
L.DomUtil.setStyle(dialogContainer, 'padding', '0px');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(dialogContainer, 'margin', '0px');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(dialogContainer, 'touch-action', 'manipulate');
var strId = this._toStrId(id); = strId;
if (uniqueId)
dialogContainer.dataset.uniqueId = uniqueId;
var dialogCanvas = L.DomUtil.create('canvas', 'lokdialog_canvas', dialogContainer);
this._setCanvasWidthHeight(dialogCanvas, width, height); = strId + '-canvas';
var dialogClass = 'lokdialog_container';
if (!title)
dialogClass += ' lokdialog_notitle';
var that = this;
var size = $(window).width();
minWidth: Math.min(width, size.x),
width: Math.min(width, size.x),
maxHeight: $(window).height(),
height: 'auto',
title: title ? title : '',
modal: false,
closeOnEscape: true,
draggable: false,
resizable: false,
dialogClass: dialogClass,
close: function() {
that._onDialogClose(id, true);
if (leftTwips != null && topTwips != null) {
// magic to re-calculate the position in twips to absolute pixel
// position inside the #document-container
var pixels = this._map._docLayer._twipsToPixels(new L.Point(leftTwips, topTwips));
var origin = this._map.getPixelOrigin();
var panePos = this._map._getMapPanePos();
var left = pixels.x + panePos.x - origin.x;
var top = pixels.y + panePos.y - origin.y;
if (left >= 0 && top >= 0) {
$(dialogContainer).dialog('option', 'position',
{ my: 'left top',
at: 'left+' + left + ' top+' + top,
of: type === 'dropdown' ? '#map' :
'#document-container' });
// don't show the dialog surround until we have the dialog content
// Override default minHeight, which can be too large for thin dialogs.
L.DomUtil.setStyle(dialogContainer, 'minHeight', height + 'px');
// Title bar may overflow due to range name. So we should have max width
var titleBar = dialogContainer.previousSibling;
var leftPadding = window.getComputedStyle(titleBar).getPropertyValue('padding-left').slice(0, -2);
var rightPadding = window.getComputedStyle(titleBar).getPropertyValue('padding-right').slice(0, -2);
L.DomUtil.setStyle(titleBar, 'maxWidth', width - (+leftPadding + +rightPadding) + 'px');
this._dialogs[id] = {
id: id,
strId: strId,
width: width,
height: height,
cursor: null,
title: title
// don't make 'TAB' focus on this button; we want to cycle focus in the lok dialog with each TAB
$('.lokdialog_container button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').attr('tabindex', '-1').blur();
this._setupWindowEvents(id, dialogCanvas/*, dlgInput*/);
this._setupGestures(dialogContainer, id, dialogCanvas);
this._currentId = id;
this._sendPaintWindow(id, this._createRectStr(id));
_postLaunch: function(id, panelContainer, panelCanvas) {
if (window.mode.isDesktop()) {
this._setupWindowEvents(id, panelCanvas/*, dlgInput*/);
// Render window.
_setupWindowEvents: function(id, canvas/*, dlgInput*/) {
L.DomEvent.on(canvas, 'contextmenu', L.DomEvent.preventDefault);
L.DomEvent.on(canvas, 'mousemove', function(e) {
var pos = this._isSelectionHandle( ? L.DomEvent.getMousePosition(e, canvas) : {x: e.offsetX, y: e.offsetY};
this._postWindowMouseEvent('move', id, pos.x, pos.y, 1, 0, 0);
}, this);
L.DomEvent.on(canvas, 'mousedown mouseup', function(e) {
if (this._map.uiManager.isUIBlocked())
if (canvas.lastDraggedHandle)
canvas.lastDraggedHandle = null;
var buttons = 0;
if (this._map['mouse']) {
buttons |= e.button === this._map['mouse'].JSButtons.left ? this._map['mouse'].LOButtons.left : 0;
buttons |= e.button === this._map['mouse'].JSButtons.middle ? this._map['mouse'].LOButtons.middle : 0;
buttons |= e.button === this._map['mouse'].JSButtons.right ? this._map['mouse'].LOButtons.right : 0;
} else {
buttons = 1;
var modifier = 0;
var shift = e.shiftKey ? UNOModifier.SHIFT : 0;
var ctrl = e.ctrlKey ? UNOModifier.CTRL : 0;
var alt = e.altKey ? UNOModifier.ALT : 0;
var cmd = e.metaKey ? UNOModifier.CTRLMAC : 0;
modifier = shift | ctrl | alt | cmd;
// 'mousedown' -> 'buttondown'
var lokEventType = e.type.replace('mouse', 'button');
var pos = this._isSelectionHandle( ? L.DomEvent.getMousePosition(e, canvas) : {x: e.offsetX, y: e.offsetY};
this._postWindowMouseEvent(lokEventType, id, pos.x, pos.y, 1, buttons, modifier);
}, this);
L.DomEvent.on(canvas, 'click', function(ev) {
// Clicking on the dialog's canvas shall not trigger any
// focus change - therefore the event is stopped and preventDefault()ed.
_setupGestures: function(dialogContainer, id, canvas) {
var targetId = toZoomTargetId(;
var zoomTarget = $('#' + targetId).parent().get(0);
var titlebar = $('#' + targetId).prev().children().get(0);
var ratio = 1.0;
var width = this._dialogs[id].width;
var height = this._dialogs[id].height;
var offsetX = 0;
var offsetY = 0;
if ((window.mode.isMobile() || window.mode.isTablet()) && width > window.screen.width) {
ratio = window.screen.width / (width + 40);
offsetX = -(width - window.screen.width) / 2;
offsetY = -(height - window.screen.height) / 2;
var state = {
startX: offsetX,
startY: offsetY,
initScale: ratio
var transformation = {
translate: { x: offsetX, y: offsetY },
scale: ratio,
angle: 0,
rx: 0,
ry: 0,
rz: 0
// on mobile, force the positioning to the top, so that it is not
// covered by the virtual keyboard
if (window.mode.isMobile()) {
$(dialogContainer).dialog('option', 'position', { my: 'center top', at: 'center top', of: '#document-container' });
transformation.origin = 'center top';
transformation.translate.y = 0;
if (findZoomTarget(targetId) != null) {
zoomTargets.push({key: targetId, value: zoomTarget, titlebar: titlebar, transformation: transformation, initialState: state, width:width, height: height});
var that = this;
var hammerTitlebar = new Hammer(titlebar);
hammerTitlebar.add(new Hammer.Pan({ threshold: 20, pointers: 0 }));
hammerTitlebar.add(new Hammer.Pinch({ threshold: 0 })).recognizeWith([hammerTitlebar.get('pan')]);
hammerTitlebar.on('panstart', this.onPan);
hammerTitlebar.on('panmove', this.onPan);
hammerTitlebar.on('pinchstart pinchmove', this.onPinch);
hammerTitlebar.on('hammer.input', function(ev) {
if (ev.isFirst) {
draggedObject =;
if (ev.isFinal && draggedObject) {
var id = toZoomTargetId(;
var target = findZoomTarget(id);
if (target) {
target.initialState.startX = target.transformation.translate.x;
target.initialState.startY = target.transformation.translate.y;
draggedObject = null;
var hammerContent = new Hammer(canvas);
hammerContent.add(new Hammer.Pan({ threshold: 20, pointers: 0 }));
hammerContent.add(new Hammer.Pinch({ threshold: 0 })).recognizeWith([hammerContent.get('pan')]);
hammerContent.on('panstart', this.onPan);
hammerContent.on('panmove', this.onPan);
hammerContent.on('pinchstart pinchmove', this.onPinch);
hammerContent.on('hammer.input', function(ev) {
if (ev.isFirst) {
that.wasInvalidated = false;
draggedObject =;
else if (that.wasInvalidated) {
draggedObject = null;
that.wasInvalidated = false;
if (ev.isFinal && draggedObject) {
var id = toZoomTargetId(;
var target = findZoomTarget(id);
if (target) {
target.initialState.startX = target.transformation.translate.x;
target.initialState.startY = target.transformation.translate.y;
draggedObject = null;
_postWindowMouseEvent: function(type, winid, x, y, count, buttons, modifier) {
app.socket.sendMessage('windowmouse id=' + winid + ' type=' + type +
' x=' + x + ' y=' + y + ' count=' + count +
' buttons=' + buttons + ' modifier=' + modifier);
_postWindowGestureEvent: function(winid, type, x, y, offset) {
//'x ' + x + ' y ' + y + ' o ' + offset);
app.socket.sendMessage('windowgesture id=' + winid + ' type=' + type +
' x=' + x + ' y=' + y + ' offset=' + offset);
_closeChildWindows: function(dialogId) {
// child windows - with greater id number
var that = this;
var foundCurrent = false;
Object.keys(this._dialogs).forEach(function(id) {
if (foundCurrent)
that._onDialogClose(id, true);
if (id == dialogId)
foundCurrent = true;
_onDialogClose: function(dialogId, notifyBackend) {
if (window.ThisIsTheiOSApp &&'closemobile', true);
if (notifyBackend)
$('#' + this._toStrId(dialogId)).remove();
// focus the main document'editorgotfocus');
delete this._dialogs[dialogId];
this._currentId = null;
_onClosePopups: function() {
for (var dialogId in this._dialogs) {
this._onDialogClose(dialogId, true);
if (this.hasDialogInMobilePanelOpened()) {
this._onDialogClose(window.mobileDialogId, true);
onCloseCurrentPopUp: function() {
// for title-less dialog only (context menu, pop-up)
if (this._currentId && this._isOpen(this._currentId) &&
this._onDialogClose(this._currentId, true);
_onEditorGotFocus: function() {
// We need to lose focus on any dialogs currently with focus.
for (var winId in this._dialogs) {
$('#' + this._dialogs[winId].strId + '-cursor').css({display: 'none'});
// Focus is being changed, update states.
_changeFocusWidget: function (e) {
if (e.winId === 0) {
// We lost the focus.
} else {
this.focus(e.winId, e.acceptInput);
if (this._map.formulabar)
_paintDialog: function(parentId, rectangle, img) {
var strId = this._toStrId(parentId);
var canvas = document.getElementById(strId + '-canvas');
if (!canvas)
return; // no window to paint to
this._dialogs[parentId].isPainting = true;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var that = this;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
if (rectangle) {
rectangle = rectangle.split(',');
x = parseInt(rectangle[0]);
y = parseInt(rectangle[1]);
var container = L.DomUtil.get(strId);
ctx.drawImage(img, x, y);
// if dialog is hidden, show it
if (container)
if (parentId in that._dialogs) {
// We might have closed the dialog by the time we render.
that._dialogs[parentId].isPainting = false;'changefocuswidget', {winId: parentId, dialog: that});
// Binary dialog msg recvd from core
_onDialogPaint: function (e) {
var id = parseInt(;
var parentId = this._getParentId(id);
if (parentId) {
this._paintDialogChild(parentId, e.img);
} else {
this._paintDialog(id, e.rectangle, e.img);
// Dialog Child Methods
_paintDialogChild: function(parentId, img) {
var strId = this._toStrId(parentId);
var canvas = L.DomUtil.get(strId + '-floating');
if (!canvas)
return; // no floating window to paint to
// Make sure the child is not trimmed on the right.
var width = this._dialogs[parentId].childwidth;
var left = parseInt(;
var leftPos = left + width;
if (leftPos > window.innerWidth) {
var newLeft = window.innerWidth - width - 20;
L.DomUtil.setStyle(canvas, 'left', newLeft + 'px');
// Also, make sure child is not trimmed on bottom.
var top = parseInt(;
var height = this._dialogs[parentId].childheight;
var bottomPos = top + height;
if (bottomPos > window.innerHeight) {
var newTop = top - height - 20;
L.DomUtil.setStyle(canvas, 'top', newTop + 'px');
// The image is rendered per the HiDPI scale we used
// while requesting rendering the image. Here we
// set the canvas to have the actual size, while
// the image is rendered with the HiDPI scale.
this._setCanvasWidthHeight(canvas, this._dialogs[parentId].childwidth,
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
_onDialogChildClose: function(dialogId) {
$('#' + this._toStrId(dialogId) + '-floating').remove();
// Remove any extra height allocated for the parent container (only for floating dialogs).
var canvas = document.getElementById(dialogId + '-canvas');
if (!canvas) {
canvas = document.getElementById(this._toStrId(dialogId) + '-canvas');
if (!canvas)
var canvasHeight = canvas.height;
$('#' + dialogId).height(canvasHeight + 'px');
this._dialogs[dialogId].childid = undefined;
this._dialogs[dialogId].childx = undefined;
this._dialogs[dialogId].childy = undefined;
_removeDialogChild: function(id) {
$('#' + this._toStrId(id) + '-floating').remove();
this._dialogs[id].childid = undefined;
this._dialogs[id].childx = undefined;
this._dialogs[id].childy = undefined;
_createDialogChild: function(childId, parentId, top, left) {
var strId = this._toStrId(parentId);
var dialogContainer = L.DomUtil.get(strId);
var floatingCanvas = L.DomUtil.create('canvas', 'lokdialogchild-canvas', dialogContainer);
$(floatingCanvas).hide(); // Hide to avoid flickering while we set the dimensions. = strId + '-floating';
L.DomUtil.setStyle(floatingCanvas, 'position', 'fixed');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(floatingCanvas, 'z-index', '11');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(floatingCanvas, 'width', '0px');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(floatingCanvas, 'height', '0px');
Some notes:
* Modal windows' child positions are relative to page borders.
* So this code adapts to it.
// Add header height..
var addition = 40;
L.DomUtil.setStyle(floatingCanvas, 'margin-inline-start', left + 'px');
L.DomUtil.setStyle(floatingCanvas, 'top', (top + addition) + 'px');
// attach events
this._setupChildEvents(childId, floatingCanvas);
_setupChildEvents: function(childId, canvas) {
L.DomEvent.on(canvas, 'contextmenu', L.DomEvent.preventDefault);
L.DomEvent.on(canvas, 'touchstart touchmove touchend', function(e) {
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
var touchX = (e.type === 'touchend') ? e.changedTouches[0].clientX : e.targetTouches[0].clientX;
var touchY = (e.type === 'touchend') ? e.changedTouches[0].clientY : e.targetTouches[0].clientY;
touchX = touchX - rect.x;
touchY = touchY - rect.y;
if (e.type === 'touchstart')
firstTouchPositionX = touchX;
firstTouchPositionY = touchY;
this._postWindowGestureEvent(childId, 'panBegin', firstTouchPositionX, firstTouchPositionY, 0);
else if (e.type === 'touchend')
this._postWindowGestureEvent(childId, 'panEnd', firstTouchPositionX, firstTouchPositionY, firstTouchPositionY - touchY);
if (previousTouchType === 'touchstart') {
// Simulate mouse click
if (this._map['mouse']) {
this._postWindowMouseEvent('buttondown', childId, firstTouchPositionX, firstTouchPositionY, 1, this._map['mouse'].LOButtons.left, 0);
this._postWindowMouseEvent('buttonup', childId, firstTouchPositionX, firstTouchPositionY, 1, this._map['mouse'].LOButtons.left, 0);
} else {
this._postWindowMouseEvent('buttondown', childId, firstTouchPositionX, firstTouchPositionY, 1, 1, 0);
this._postWindowMouseEvent('buttonup', childId, firstTouchPositionX, firstTouchPositionY, 1, 1, 0);
firstTouchPositionX = null;
firstTouchPositionY = null;
else if (e.type === 'touchmove')
this._postWindowGestureEvent(childId, 'panUpdate', firstTouchPositionX, firstTouchPositionY, firstTouchPositionY - touchY);
previousTouchType = e.type;
}, this);
L.DomEvent.on(canvas, 'mousedown mouseup', function(e) {
var buttons = 0;
if (this._map['mouse']) {
buttons |= e.button === this._map['mouse'].JSButtons.left ? this._map['mouse'].LOButtons.left : 0;
buttons |= e.button === this._map['mouse'].JSButtons.middle ? this._map['mouse'].LOButtons.middle : 0;
buttons |= e.button === this._map['mouse'].JSButtons.right ? this._map['mouse'].LOButtons.right : 0;
} else {
buttons = 1;
var lokEventType = e.type.replace('mouse', 'button');
this._postWindowMouseEvent(lokEventType, childId, e.offsetX, e.offsetY, 1, buttons, 0);
}, this);
L.DomEvent.on(canvas, 'mousemove', function(e) {
this._postWindowMouseEvent('move', childId, e.offsetX, e.offsetY, 1, 0, 0);
}, this);
L.DomEvent.on(canvas, 'contextmenu', function() {
return false;
L.control.lokDialog = function (options) {
return new L.Control.LokDialog(options);