
2315 lines
62 KiB

/* -*- js-indent-level: 8 -*- */
* Copyright the Collabora Online contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* L.Control.NotebookbarCalc - definition of notebookbar content in Calc
/* global _ _UNO */
L.Control.NotebookbarCalc = L.Control.NotebookbarWriter.extend({
getTabs: function() {
return [
'id': 'File-tab-label',
'text': _('File'),
'name': 'File',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'F', de: null }
'id': this.HOME_TAB_ID,
'text': _('Home'),
'name': 'Home',
'context': 'default|Cell|Text|DrawText',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'H', de: null }
'id': 'Insert-tab-label',
'text': _('Insert'),
'name': 'Insert',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'N', de: null }
'id': 'Layout-tab-label',
'text': _('Layout'),
'name': 'Layout',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'P', de: null }
'id': 'Data-tab-label',
'text': _('Data'),
'name': 'Data',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'A', de: null }
'id': 'Review-tab-label',
'text': _('Review'),
'name': 'Review',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'R', de: null }
'id': 'Format-tab-label',
'text': _('Format'),
'name': 'Format',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'M', de: null }
'id': 'Draw-tab-label',
'text': _('Draw'),
'name': 'Draw',
'context': 'Draw|DrawLine|3DObject|MultiObject|Graphic|DrawFontwork',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'D', de: null }
'id': 'View-tab-label',
'text': _('View'),
'name': 'View',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'W', de: null }
'id': 'Help-tab-label',
'text': _('Help'),
'name': 'Help',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'Y1', de: null }
getFullJSON: function(selectedId) {
return this.getNotebookbar(
], selectedId);
getFileTab: function() {
var content = [];
if (!this._map['wopi'].HideSaveOption) {
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'file-save',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _('Save'),
'command': '.uno:Save',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'S', de: null }
if (!this._map['wopi'].UserCanNotWriteRelative) {
(window.uiDefaults && window.uiDefaults.saveAsMode === 'group') ? {
'id': 'saveas:SaveAsMenu',
'command': 'saveas',
'class': 'unosaveas',
'type': 'exportmenubutton',
'text': _('Save As'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'A', de: null }
'id': 'file-saveas',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SaveAs', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:SaveAs',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'A', de: null }
if (!this._map['wopi'].UserCanNotWriteRelative) {
'id': 'exportas:ExportAsMenu',
'command': 'exportas',
'class': 'unoexportas',
'type': 'exportmenubutton',
'text': _('Export As'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'E', de: null }
'id': 'file-shareas-rev-history',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
this._map['wopi'].EnableShare ?
'id': 'ShareAs',
'class': 'unoShareAs',
'type': 'customtoolitem',
'text': _('Share'),
'command': 'shareas',
'inlineLabel': true,
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'Z', de: null }
} : {},
L.Params.revHistoryEnabled ?
'id': 'Rev-History',
'class': 'unoRev-History',
'type': 'customtoolitem',
'text': _('See history'),
'command': 'rev-history',
'inlineLabel': true,
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RV', de: null }
} : {},
'vertical': 'true'
if (!this._map['wopi'].HidePrintOption) {
'id': 'Data-Print:Print',
'type': 'menubutton',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Print', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:Print',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PT', de: null }
if (!(window.enableMacrosExecution === 'false')) {
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'runmacro',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:RunMacro', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:RunMacro',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'M', de: null }
if (!this._map['wopi'].HideExportOption) {
'id': 'downloadas:DownloadAsMenu',
'command': 'downloadas',
'class': 'unodownloadas',
'type': 'exportmenubutton',
'text': _('Download'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DA', de: null }
if (!this._map['wopi'].HideRepairOption) {
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'repair',
'class': 'unorepair',
'type': 'bigmenubartoolitem',
'text': _('Repair'),
'command': _('Repair'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RP', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'properties',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _('Properties'),
'command': '.uno:SetDocumentProperties',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PR', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'renamedocument',
'class': 'unoRenameDocument',
'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem',
'text': _('Rename'),
return this.getTabPage('File', content);
getHomeTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'home-undo-redo',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'home-undo',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Undo'),
'command': '.uno:Undo',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'ZZ', de: null }
'id': 'home-redo',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Redo'),
'command': '.uno:Redo',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'O', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'home-paste:PasteMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Paste'),
'command': '.uno:Paste',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'V', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-cut',
'type': 'customtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Cut', true),
'command': '.uno:Cut',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'X', de: null }
'id': 'home-format-paint-brush',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatPaintbrush'),
'command': '.uno:FormatPaintbrush',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FP', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-copy',
'type': 'customtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Copy', true),
'command': '.uno:Copy',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'C', de: null }
'id': 'home-reset-attributes',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ResetAttributes'),
'command': '.uno:ResetAttributes',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'E', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'Home-Section-Format',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'box76',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'fontnamecombobox',
'type': 'combobox',
'text': 'Carlito',
'entries': [
'selectedCount': '1',
'selectedEntries': [
'command': '.uno:CharFontName',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FF', de: null }
'id': 'fontsizecombobox',
'type': 'combobox',
'text': '10 pt',
'entries': [
'10 pt'
'selectedCount': '1',
'selectedEntries': [
'command': '.uno:FontHeight',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FS', de: null }
'id': 'home-grow',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Grow'),
'command': '.uno:Grow',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FG', de: null }
'id': 'home-shrink',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Shrink'),
'command': '.uno:Shrink',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FK', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'id': 'GroupB11',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'home-bold',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Bold'),
'command': '.uno:Bold',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '1', de: null }
'id': 'home-italic',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Italic'),
'command': '.uno:Italic',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '2', de: null }
'id': 'home-underline',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Underline'),
'command': '.uno:Underline',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '3', de: null }
'id': 'home-strikeout',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Strikeout'),
'command': '.uno:Strikeout',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '4', de: null }
'id': 'home-subscript',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SubScript'),
'command': '.uno:SubScript',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '5', de: null }
'id': 'home-superscript',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SuperScript'),
'command': '.uno:SuperScript',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '6', de: null }
'id': 'home-set-border-style:BorderStyleMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'noLabel': true,
'text': _UNO('.uno:SetBorderStyle'),
'command': '.uno:SetBorderStyle',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'B', de: null }
'id': 'home-background-color:ColorPickerMenu',
'noLabel': true,
'class': 'unospan-BackgroundColor',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:BackgroundColor'),
'command': '.uno:BackgroundColor',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'H', de: null }
'id': 'home-color:ColorPickerMenu',
'noLabel': true,
'class': 'unospan-FontColor',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Color'),
'command': '.uno:Color',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FC', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'Home-Section-Align',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'GroupB15',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'first6',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-align-top',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignTop', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:AlignTop',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AT', de: null }
'id': 'home-align-vertical-center',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignVCenter', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:AlignVCenter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AM', de: null }
'id': 'home-align-bottom',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignBottom', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:AlignBottom',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AB', de: null }
'id': 'home-increment-indent',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:IncrementIndent'),
'command': '.uno:IncrementIndent',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '7', de: null }
'id': 'home-decrement-indent',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DecrementIndent'),
'command': '.uno:DecrementIndent',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '8', de: null }
'id': 'home-para-left-to-right',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ParaLeftToRight'),
'command': '.uno:ParaLeftToRight',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RL', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'id': 'GroupB16',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'second6',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-align-left',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignLeft', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:AlignLeft',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AL', de: null }
'id': 'home-align-horizontal-center',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignHorizontalCenter', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:AlignHorizontalCenter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AC', de: null }
'id': 'home-align-right',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignRight', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:AlignRight',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AR', de: null }
'id': 'home-align-block',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignBlock', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:AlignBlock',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AO', de: null }
'id': 'home-wrap-text',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:WrapText', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:WrapText',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'W', de: null }
'id': 'home-para-right-to-left',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ParaRightToLeft'),
'command': '.uno:ParaRightToLeft',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RR', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'Home-Section-Number',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'numbertype',
'type': 'listbox',
'entries': [
_('Boolean Value'),
'selectedCount': '1',
'selectedEntries': [
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'N', de: null }
'id': 'GroupB22',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'WeldedToolbar', // has to match core .ui file toolbox id!
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-number-format-currency',
'type': 'toolitem',
'dropdown': true,
'text': _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatCurrency', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:NumberFormatCurrency',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'P', de: null }
'id': 'home-number-format-percent',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatPercent', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:NumberFormatPercent',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AN', de: null }
'id': 'home-number-format-decimal',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatDecimal', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:NumberFormatDecimal',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'K', de: null }
'id': 'second2',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-number-format-increment-decimals',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatIncDecimals', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:NumberFormatIncDecimals',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '0', de: null }
'id': 'home-number-format-decrement-decimals',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatDecDecimals', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:NumberFormatDecDecimals',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: '9', de: null }
'vertical': 'false'
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'home-merge-cells',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:MergeCells', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:ToggleMergeCells',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'M', de: null }
'id': 'Home-Section-Cell1',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'LineA10',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-insert-rows-before',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertRowsBefore', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:InsertRowsBefore',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RB', de: null }
'id': 'home-insert-rows-after',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertRowsAfter', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:InsertRowsAfter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RA', de: null }
'id': 'home-delete-rows',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DeleteRows', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:DeleteRows',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RD', de: null }
'id': 'home-row-operations',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:RowOperations', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:RowOperations'
'id': 'LineB11',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-insert-columns-before',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertColumnsBefore', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:InsertColumnsBefore',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'UB', de: null }
'id': 'home-insert-columns-after',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertColumnsAfter', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:InsertColumnsAfter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'UA', de: null }
'id': 'home-delete-columns',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DeleteColumns', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:DeleteColumns',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'UD', de: null }
'id': 'home-column-operations',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ColumnOperations', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:ColumnOperations'
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'home-conditional-format-menu:ConditionalFormatMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ConditionalFormatMenu', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:ConditionalFormatMenu',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'L', de: null }
'id': 'Home-Section-Style2',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'SectionBottom102',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'StyleApplyDefault',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Default'),
'command': '.uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Default&FamilyName:string=CellStyles',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AD', de: null }
'id': 'StyleApplyHeading1',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Heading 1'),
'command': '.uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Heading 1&FamilyName:string=CellStyles',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'D1', de: null }
'id': 'StyleApplyHeading2',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Heading 2'),
'command': '.uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Heading 2&FamilyName:string=CellStyles',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'D2', de: null }
'id': 'SectionBottom7',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'StyleApplyGood',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Good'),
'command': '.uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Good&FamilyName:string=CellStyles',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TG', de: null }
'id': 'StyleApplyNeutral',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Neutral'),
'command': '.uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Neutral&FamilyName:string=CellStyles',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TN', de: null }
'id': 'StyleApplyBad',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Bad'),
'command': '.uno:StyleApply?Style:string=Bad&FamilyName:string=CellStyles',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TB', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-search',
'class': 'unoSearch',
'type': 'menubartoolitem',
'text': _('Search'),
'command': _('Show Status Bar'),
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'SS', de: 'SS' }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-search-dialog',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SearchDialog'),
'command': '.uno:SearchDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'FD', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'Home-Section-Find',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'LineA17',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-data-sort',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DataSort', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:DataSort',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'S', de: null }
'id': 'LineB19',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'home-data-filter-auto-filter',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DataFilterAutoFilter', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:DataFilterAutoFilter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FI', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
return this.getTabPage('Home', content);
getLayoutTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'layout-page-format-dialog',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:PageFormatDialog', 'spreadsheet', true),
'command': '.uno:PageFormatDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FD', de: null }
'id': 'layout-sheet-right-to-left',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SheetRightToLeft', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:SheetRightToLeft',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RL', de: null }
'id': 'Data-PrintRangesMenu:MenuPrintRanges',
'class': 'unoData-PrintRangesMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'text': _UNO('.uno:PrintRangesMenu', 'spreadsheet'),
'enabled': 'true',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PR', de: null }
'id': 'Data-RowMenuHeight:MenuRowHeight',
'class': 'unoData-RowMenuHeight',
'type': 'menubutton',
'text': _('Row Height'),
'enabled': 'true',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RH', de: null }
'id': 'Data-ColumnMenuWidth:MenuColumnWidth',
'class': 'unoData-ColumnMenuWidth',
'type': 'menubutton',
'text': _('Column Width'),
'enabled': 'true',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CW', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'layout-insert-rows-before',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Insert Rows Above'),
'command': '.uno:InsertRowsBefore',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RB', de: null }
'id': 'layout-insert-columns-before',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Insert Columns Before'),
'command': '.uno:InsertColumnsBefore',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CB', de: null }
'id': 'layout-delete-rows',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Delete Rows'),
'command': '.uno:DeleteRows',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RD', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'layout-insert-rows-after',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Insert Rows Below'),
'command': '.uno:InsertRowsAfter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'RA', de: null }
'id': 'layout-insert-columns-after',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Insert Columns After'),
'command': '.uno:InsertColumnsAfter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CA', de: null }
'id': 'layout-delete-columns',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _('Delete Columns'),
'command': '.uno:DeleteColumns',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'CD', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'layout-select-all',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SelectAll'),
'command': '.uno:SelectAll',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SA', de: null }
'id': 'Layout-Section-Align',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'Layout-ObjectAlignLeft-ObjectAlignRight',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'layout-object-align-left',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectAlignLeft', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectAlignLeft',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AL', de: null }
'id': 'layout-align-center',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignCenter', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:AlignCenter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AC', de: null }
'id': 'layout-align-right',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectAlignRight', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectAlignRight',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AR', de: null }
'id': 'Layout-AlignUp-AlignDown',
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'vertical': 'true'
return this.getTabPage('Layout', content);
getViewTab: function() {
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'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FreezePanes', 'spreadsheet', true),
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'vertical': 'true'
(window.mode.isTablet()) ?
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return this.getTabPage('View', content);
getInsertTab: function() {
var content = [
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'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DataDataPilotRun', 'spreadsheet'),
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'id': 'LineB162',
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'text': _UNO('.uno:DeletePivotTable', 'spreadsheet'),
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'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'I2', de: null }
(this._map['wopi'].EnableRemoteLinkPicker) ? {
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'class': 'unoremotelink',
'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem',
'text': _('Smart Picker'),
'command': 'remotelink',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'LR', de: null }
} : {},
'type': 'container',
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// Fontwork export/import not supported in other formats.
'visible': (L.LOUtil.isFileODF(this._map)) ? 'true' : 'false',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IF', de: null }
'id': 'LineB163',
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'vertical': 'true'
return this.getTabPage('Insert', content);
getDataTab: function() {
var content = [
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'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:DataSort', 'spreadsheet'),
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'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'R', de: null }
'type': 'container',
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'text': _UNO('.uno:StatisticsMenu', 'spreadsheet'),
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'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DS', de: null }
return this.getTabPage('Data', content);
getReviewTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'review-spell-dialog',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SpellDialog'),
'command': '.uno:SpellDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'S', de: null }
'id': 'LanguageMenu',
'type': 'bigcustomtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:LanguageMenu'),
'command': 'languagemenu',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'L', de: null }
'id': 'Review-Section-Language1',
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'children': [
'id': 'LineA19',
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'id': 'LineB20',
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'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'H', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'review-insert-annotation',
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'text': _UNO('.uno:InsertAnnotation'),
'command': '.uno:InsertAnnotation',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'IA', de: null }
'id': 'Review-Section-Annotation2',
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'text': _UNO('.uno:Protect', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:Protect',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DP', de: null }
return this.getTabPage('Review', content);
getFormatTab: function() {
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'id': 'format-font-dialog',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FontDialog'),
'command': '.uno:FontDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FD', de: null }
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'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatMenu', 'spreadsheet'),
'command': '.uno:FormatMenu',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FM', de: null }
'id': 'format-paragraph-dialog',
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'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'PD', de: null }
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'id': 'Format-SparklineMenu:FormatSparklineMenu',
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'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatSparklineMenu', 'spreadsheet'),
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'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ThemeDialog'),
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'accessibility': { focusBack: false, combination: 'J', de: null }
return this.getTabPage('Format', content);
getDrawTab: function() {
var content = [
'id': 'draw-transform-dialog',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:TransformDialog', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:TransformDialog',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'TD', de: null }
'type': 'container',
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'type': 'toolbox',
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'text': _UNO('.uno:WrapThrough', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:WrapThrough',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'WT', de: null }
'id': 'draw-wrap-right',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:WrapRight', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:WrapRight',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'WR', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-object-align-left',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectAlignLeft'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectAlignLeft',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AL', de: null }
'id': 'draw-align-center',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignCenter'),
'command': '.uno:AlignCenter',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AC', de: null }
'id': 'draw-object-align-right',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectAlignRight'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectAlignRight',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AR', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-align-up',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignUp'),
'command': '.uno:AlignUp',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AU', de: null }
'id': 'draw-align-middle',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignMiddle'),
'command': '.uno:AlignMiddle',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AM', de: null }
'id': 'draw-align-down',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:AlignDown'),
'command': '.uno:AlignDown',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'AD', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-bring-to-front',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:BringToFront'),
'command': '.uno:BringToFront',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BF', de: null }
'id': 'draw-send-to-back',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:SendToBack'),
'command': '.uno:SendToBack',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'SB', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-object-forward-one',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectForwardOne'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectForwardOne',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FO', de: null }
'id': 'draw-object-back-one',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:ObjectBackOne'),
'command': '.uno:ObjectBackOne',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BO', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'draw-format-group',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FormatGroup'),
'command': '.uno:FormatGroup',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FG', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-enter-group',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:EnterGroup'),
'command': '.uno:EnterGroup',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'EG', de: null }
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-leave-group',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:LeaveGroup'),
'command': '.uno:LeaveGroup',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'LG', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'draw-text',
'type': 'bigtoolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Text'),
'command': '.uno:Text',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DT', de: null }
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'LineA6',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-basic-shapes:InsertShapesMenu',
'type': 'menubutton',
'noLabel': true,
'text': _('Shapes'),
'command': '.uno:BasicShapes',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'BS', de: null }
'id': 'LineB7',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-line',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:Line', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:Line',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DL', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
'id': 'Insert-Text-Fontwork',
'type': 'container',
'children': [
'id': 'LineA153',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-font-work-gallery-floater',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater'),
'command': '.uno:FontworkGalleryFloater',
// Fontwork export/import not supported in other formats.
'visible': (L.LOUtil.isFileODF(this._map)) ? 'true' : 'false',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'FW', de: null }
'id': 'LineB163',
'type': 'toolbox',
'children': [
'id': 'draw-vertical-text',
'type': 'toolitem',
'text': _UNO('.uno:VerticalText', 'text'),
'command': '.uno:VerticalText',
'accessibility': { focusBack: true, combination: 'DV', de: null }
'vertical': 'true'
return this.getTabPage('Draw', content);
L.control.notebookbarCalc = function (options) {
return new L.Control.NotebookbarCalc(options);