DEPMAKER ======== A GNU MAKE Helper for building binaries with automatic dependency handling.   DEPMAKER uses a simple directory structure for finding sources, every module may contain the following directories and/or files: | ./include | Include files here, Directory will automatically be added to Compilers Search Path | |-------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ./src | Source files here | | Makefile | Simple makefile (optional), may use DEPENDS=… to inform about other modules, needed to compile | | global.make | Global flags for Compilers can go here |   DEPMAKER will first build a list of needed dependencies by walking over the DEPEND=… vars to find all needed modules and setup the correct compiler flags and prefixes (e.g. COMPILER_PREFIX=„avr-„). Dependency modules are built first and static libraries are composed, which will then be linked to the start module.   Usage ----- - Place in project subdirectory, e.g. depmaker - Create Makefile in your Project directory like this example:   `CFLAGS+=-DF_CPU=16000000` `DEPENDS=module1 ../some_extern_code lib/libmoda lib/libmodc`   `%:` `$(MAKE) -f depmaker/Makefile $@`