#!/usr/bin/env python import glob import os.path import re warnings = 0 def report(rule, location, description): global warnings warnings += 1 print(f'{warnings:3}. {location}: {description} [{rule}]') def check_structure(): expected_sections = [ 'Template parameters', 'Specializations', 'Iterator invalidation', 'Requirements', 'Member types', 'Member functions', 'Member variables', 'Static functions', 'Non-member functions', 'Literals', 'Helper classes', 'Parameters', 'Return value', 'Exception safety', 'Exceptions', 'Complexity', 'Possible implementation', 'Default definition', 'Notes', 'Examples', 'See also', 'Version history' ] required_sections = [ 'Examples', 'Version history' ] files = sorted(glob.glob('api/**/*.md', recursive=True)) for file in files: with open(file) as file_content: section_idx = -1 existing_sections = [] in_initial_code_example = False previous_line = None h1sections = 0 for lineno, line in enumerate(file_content.readlines()): line = line.strip() if line.startswith('# '): h1sections += 1 # there should only be one top-level title if h1sections > 1: report('structure/unexpected_section', f'{file}:{lineno+1}', f'unexpected top-level title "{line}"') h1sections = 1 # Overview pages should have a better title if line == '# Overview': report('style/title', f'{file}:{lineno+1}', 'overview pages should have a better title than "Overview"') # lines longer than 160 characters are bad (unless they are tables) if len(line) > 160 and '|' not in line: report('whitespace/line_length', f'{file}:{lineno+1}', f'line is too long ({len(line)} vs. 160 chars)') # check if sections are correct if line.startswith('## '): current_section = line.strip('## ') existing_sections.append(current_section) if current_section in expected_sections: idx = expected_sections.index(current_section) if idx <= section_idx: report('structure/section_order', f'{file}:{lineno+1}', f'section "{current_section}" is in an unexpected order (should be before "{expected_sections[section_idx]}")') section_idx = idx else: report('structure/unknown_section', f'{file}:{lineno+1}', f'section "{current_section}" is not part of the expected sections') # code example if line == '```cpp' and section_idx == -1: in_initial_code_example = True if in_initial_code_example and line.startswith('//'): if any(map(str.isdigit, line)) and '(' not in line: report('style/numbering', f'{file}:{lineno+1}', 'number should be in parentheses: {line}') if line == '```' and in_initial_code_example: in_initial_code_example = False # consecutive blank lines are bad if line == '' and previous_line == '': report('whitespace/blank_lines', f'{file}:{lineno}-{lineno+1}', 'consecutive blank lines') # check that non-example admonitions have titles untitled_admonition = re.match(r'^(\?\?\?|!!!) ([^ ]+)$', line) if untitled_admonition and untitled_admonition.group(2) != 'example': report('style/admonition_title', f'{file}:{lineno}', f'"{untitled_admonition.group(2)}" admonitions should have a title') previous_line = line for required_section in required_sections: if required_section not in existing_sections: report('structure/missing_section', f'{file}:{lineno+1}', f'required section "{required_section}" was not found') def check_examples(): example_files = sorted(glob.glob('../../examples/*.cpp')) markdown_files = sorted(glob.glob('**/*.md', recursive=True)) # check if every example file is used in at least one markdown file for example_file in example_files: example_file = os.path.join('examples', os.path.basename(example_file)) found = False for markdown_file in markdown_files: content = ' '.join(open(markdown_file).readlines()) if example_file in content: found = True break if not found: report('examples/missing', f'{example_file}', 'example file is not used in any documentation file') if __name__ == '__main__': print(120 * '-') check_structure() check_examples() print(120 * '-')