Niels Lohmann fe71e7df1f
📝 overworked documentation
Replacing references to std exceptions with user-defined exceptions.
Also changed some examples to the new exceptions.
2017-03-08 21:03:19 +01:00

28 lines
520 B

#include <json.hpp>
using json = nlohmann::json;
int main()
// create JSON object
json object =
{"the good", "il buono"},
{"the bad", "il cattivo"},
{"the ugly", "il brutto"}
// output element with key "the ugly"
std::cout << object.at("the ugly") << '\n';
// try to read from a nonexisting key
std::cout << object.at("the fast") << '\n';
catch (json::out_of_range)
std::cout << "out of range" << '\n';