Georgi Gerganov 438c2ca830
server : parallel decoding and multimodal (#3677)
* implementing parallel decoding in server example

* crash fixed

* save dev progress

* refactored sampling function

* completion endpoint working

* multiple client support

* grammar + no stream completion

* cached prompt support

* chat.mjs support cached prompt + some fixes

* server ui now support multiple clients

* unused change reverted

* fixed timings per slot

* add context swap

* add changes to README.md

* llava multimodal integration

* fixed tokens probs

* add multimodal input - alfa

* refactor code + remove unused comments + improved README.md

* fix compilation errors with llvm

* notify the user from server ui that multimodality is unavialable

* some ci fixes

* fix ci make build undefined ref errors

* fix long prompt than ctx proposed in #3639

* fixed premature end due stop word

* context shift fixed

* fix llava implementation

* sync README.md changes

* readme change

* update api like OpenAI

* multimodal support enabled by default

* fix make bui;d errors

* fix multiple clients

* fix zig build

* new sampling API

* latest changes of sampling API

* server : coding-style normalization

* server : coding-style normalization (part 2)

* server : remove beam-search functionality

* server : bug fix in ingest_images

n_tokens is incremented internally by llama_batch_add

* server : use refs + use llama_batch_clear()

* server : snake case

* server : minor sync

* added thread safe pipeline

* server : bach has to be allocated for n_parallel sequences

* server : no need for atomic int - already using mutex

* server : logs + minor code style

* server : fix multibyte handle in partial response (#3706)

* fix image load + view image in chat

* make : silence stb warnings

* clip : link to ggml, not to llama

* server : fix switch fallthrough

* server : fix crash in Debug on macOS (I have no idea why this fixes it!?)

* server : refactor ctx_sampling init + n_ctx + names

* server : bug fix for prompt caching

* Do not save/load image_data to localStorage

* editorconfig : new line in index.html

* server : completion requests remember slot_id

* Update readme to document multimodal in server

* server : minor style

* Update readme to document multimodal in server

* server : hide ctx_sampling->prev behind API (#3696)

* server : apply fix from #3722

* server : fix slot reuse

* server : add comment about changing slot_state to bool


Co-authored-by: FSSRepo <go778sgt@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Damian Stewart <d@damianstewart.com>
Co-authored-by: Steward Garcia <57494570+FSSRepo@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jhen-Jie Hong <iainst0409@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: M. Yusuf Sarıgöz <yusufsarigoz@gmail.com>
2023-10-22 22:53:08 +03:00

224 lines
9.7 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, Response
import urllib.parse
import requests
import time
import json
app = Flask(__name__)
slot_id = -1
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="An example of using server.cpp with a similar API to OAI. It must be used together with server.cpp.")
parser.add_argument("--chat-prompt", type=str, help="the top prompt in chat completions(default: 'A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant follows the given rules no matter what.\\n')", default='A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant follows the given rules no matter what.\\n')
parser.add_argument("--user-name", type=str, help="USER name in chat completions(default: '\\nUSER: ')", default="\\nUSER: ")
parser.add_argument("--ai-name", type=str, help="ASSISTANT name in chat completions(default: '\\nASSISTANT: ')", default="\\nASSISTANT: ")
parser.add_argument("--system-name", type=str, help="SYSTEM name in chat completions(default: '\\nASSISTANT's RULE: ')", default="\\nASSISTANT's RULE: ")
parser.add_argument("--stop", type=str, help="the end of response in chat completions(default: '</s>')", default="</s>")
parser.add_argument("--llama-api", type=str, help="Set the address of server.cpp in llama.cpp(default:", default='')
parser.add_argument("--api-key", type=str, help="Set the api key to allow only few user(default: NULL)", default="")
parser.add_argument("--host", type=str, help="Set the ip address to listen.(default:", default='')
parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, help="Set the port to listen.(default: 8081)", default=8081)
args = parser.parse_args()
def is_present(json, key):
buf = json[key]
except KeyError:
return False
if json[key] == None:
return False
return True
#convert chat to prompt
def convert_chat(messages):
prompt = "" + args.chat_prompt.replace("\\n", "\n")
system_n = args.system_name.replace("\\n", "\n")
user_n = args.user_name.replace("\\n", "\n")
ai_n = args.ai_name.replace("\\n", "\n")
stop = args.stop.replace("\\n", "\n")
for line in messages:
if (line["role"] == "system"):
prompt += f"{system_n}{line['content']}"
if (line["role"] == "user"):
prompt += f"{user_n}{line['content']}"
if (line["role"] == "assistant"):
prompt += f"{ai_n}{line['content']}{stop}"
prompt += ai_n.rstrip()
return prompt
def make_postData(body, chat=False, stream=False):
postData = {}
if (chat):
postData["prompt"] = convert_chat(body["messages"])
postData["prompt"] = body["prompt"]
if(is_present(body, "temperature")): postData["temperature"] = body["temperature"]
if(is_present(body, "top_k")): postData["top_k"] = body["top_k"]
if(is_present(body, "top_p")): postData["top_p"] = body["top_p"]
if(is_present(body, "max_tokens")): postData["n_predict"] = body["max_tokens"]
if(is_present(body, "presence_penalty")): postData["presence_penalty"] = body["presence_penalty"]
if(is_present(body, "frequency_penalty")): postData["frequency_penalty"] = body["frequency_penalty"]
if(is_present(body, "repeat_penalty")): postData["repeat_penalty"] = body["repeat_penalty"]
if(is_present(body, "mirostat")): postData["mirostat"] = body["mirostat"]
if(is_present(body, "mirostat_tau")): postData["mirostat_tau"] = body["mirostat_tau"]
if(is_present(body, "mirostat_eta")): postData["mirostat_eta"] = body["mirostat_eta"]
if(is_present(body, "seed")): postData["seed"] = body["seed"]
if(is_present(body, "logit_bias")): postData["logit_bias"] = [[int(token), body["logit_bias"][token]] for token in body["logit_bias"].keys()]
if (args.stop != ""):
postData["stop"] = [args.stop]
postData["stop"] = []
if(is_present(body, "stop")): postData["stop"] += body["stop"]
postData["n_keep"] = -1
postData["stream"] = stream
postData["cache_prompt"] = True
postData["slot_id"] = slot_id
return postData
def make_resData(data, chat=False, promptToken=[]):
resData = {
"id": "chatcmpl" if (chat) else "cmpl",
"object": "chat.completion" if (chat) else "text_completion",
"created": int(time.time()),
"truncated": data["truncated"],
"model": "LLaMA_CPP",
"usage": {
"prompt_tokens": data["tokens_evaluated"],
"completion_tokens": data["tokens_predicted"],
"total_tokens": data["tokens_evaluated"] + data["tokens_predicted"]
if (len(promptToken) != 0):
resData["promptToken"] = promptToken
if (chat):
#only one choice is supported
resData["choices"] = [{
"index": 0,
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": data["content"],
"finish_reason": "stop" if (data["stopped_eos"] or data["stopped_word"]) else "length"
#only one choice is supported
resData["choices"] = [{
"text": data["content"],
"index": 0,
"logprobs": None,
"finish_reason": "stop" if (data["stopped_eos"] or data["stopped_word"]) else "length"
return resData
def make_resData_stream(data, chat=False, time_now = 0, start=False):
resData = {
"id": "chatcmpl" if (chat) else "cmpl",
"object": "chat.completion.chunk" if (chat) else "text_completion.chunk",
"created": time_now,
"model": "LLaMA_CPP",
"choices": [
"finish_reason": None,
"index": 0
slot_id = data["slot_id"]
if (chat):
if (start):
resData["choices"][0]["delta"] = {
"role": "assistant"
resData["choices"][0]["delta"] = {
"content": data["content"]
if (data["stop"]):
resData["choices"][0]["finish_reason"] = "stop" if (data["stopped_eos"] or data["stopped_word"]) else "length"
resData["choices"][0]["text"] = data["content"]
if (data["stop"]):
resData["choices"][0]["finish_reason"] = "stop" if (data["stopped_eos"] or data["stopped_word"]) else "length"
return resData
@app.route('/chat/completions', methods=['POST'])
@app.route('/v1/chat/completions', methods=['POST'])
def chat_completions():
if (args.api_key != "" and request.headers["Authorization"].split()[1] != args.api_key):
return Response(status=403)
body = request.get_json()
stream = False
tokenize = False
if(is_present(body, "stream")): stream = body["stream"]
if(is_present(body, "tokenize")): tokenize = body["tokenize"]
postData = make_postData(body, chat=True, stream=stream)
promptToken = []
if (tokenize):
tokenData = requests.request("POST", urllib.parse.urljoin(args.llama_api, "/tokenize"), data=json.dumps({"content": postData["prompt"]})).json()
promptToken = tokenData["tokens"]
if (not stream):
data = requests.request("POST", urllib.parse.urljoin(args.llama_api, "/completion"), data=json.dumps(postData))
resData = make_resData(data.json(), chat=True, promptToken=promptToken)
return jsonify(resData)
def generate():
data = requests.request("POST", urllib.parse.urljoin(args.llama_api, "/completion"), data=json.dumps(postData), stream=True)
time_now = int(time.time())
resData = make_resData_stream({}, chat=True, time_now=time_now, start=True)
yield 'data: {}\n'.format(json.dumps(resData))
for line in data.iter_lines():
if line:
decoded_line = line.decode('utf-8')
resData = make_resData_stream(json.loads(decoded_line[6:]), chat=True, time_now=time_now)
yield 'data: {}\n'.format(json.dumps(resData))
return Response(generate(), mimetype='text/event-stream')
@app.route('/completions', methods=['POST'])
@app.route('/v1/completions', methods=['POST'])
def completion():
if (args.api_key != "" and request.headers["Authorization"].split()[1] != args.api_key):
return Response(status=403)
body = request.get_json()
stream = False
tokenize = False
if(is_present(body, "stream")): stream = body["stream"]
if(is_present(body, "tokenize")): tokenize = body["tokenize"]
postData = make_postData(body, chat=False, stream=stream)
promptToken = []
if (tokenize):
tokenData = requests.request("POST", urllib.parse.urljoin(args.llama_api, "/tokenize"), data=json.dumps({"content": postData["prompt"]})).json()
promptToken = tokenData["tokens"]
if (not stream):
data = requests.request("POST", urllib.parse.urljoin(args.llama_api, "/completion"), data=json.dumps(postData))
resData = make_resData(data.json(), chat=False, promptToken=promptToken)
return jsonify(resData)
def generate():
data = requests.request("POST", urllib.parse.urljoin(args.llama_api, "/completion"), data=json.dumps(postData), stream=True)
time_now = int(time.time())
for line in data.iter_lines():
if line:
decoded_line = line.decode('utf-8')
resData = make_resData_stream(json.loads(decoded_line[6:]), chat=False, time_now=time_now)
yield 'data: {}\n'.format(json.dumps(resData))
return Response(generate(), mimetype='text/event-stream')
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(args.host, port=args.port)