compilade c2101a2e90
llama : support Mamba Selective State Space Models (#5328)
* mamba : begin working on support for Mamba SSM

* mamba : begin figuring out how to (ab)use the kv cache for Mamba

* mamba : recurrent inference almost works, but incoherent

* mamba : recurrent inference WORKS!!!

* convert : optionally use d_conv and d_state from config.json for Mamba

* mamba : refactor recurrent conv, resulting in 20% perf increase

It's still slower than I'd like, but I did not really optimize `ggml_exp` yet.

I also refactored `ggml_exp` to work with tensors with more than 2 dimensions.

* ggml : parallelize ggml_exp

This results in 8% faster token generation for Mamba-130M.

* mamba : simplify the conv step with a self-overlapping view

Turns out the conv_state can be made smaller by one column.
Note that this breaks existing GGUFs of Mamba,
because the key_value_length field is tied to the conv_state size.

Convolution with a self-overlapping view is cool!
And it's much simpler than what I initially thought would be necessary
to make the convolution step work with more than 1 token at a time.

Next step is to make the SSM step work on batches of tokens too,
and thus I need to figure out a way to make a parallel selective scan
which will keep the ssm_state small and won't make it bigger
by a factor of (n_layer * batch_size).

* llama : fix Mamba KV self size wrongly displaying as f16 instead of f32

Relatedly, I also tried to see if other types than f32 worked for the states,
but they don't, because of the operators used.
It's probably better anyway to keep lots of precision there,
since the states are small anyway.

* mamba : fix self-overlapping view depth stride

* mamba : handle batches of more than 1 token

This means running Mamba no longer crashes when using the default settings!
And probably also slightly faster prompt processing.
Both batched and non-batched processing yield the same output.

Previously, the state was not cleared when starting a sequence.
Next step is to make the KV cache API work as expected for Mamba models.

* ggml: add ggml_ssm_scan to help with parallel selective scan

If the selective scan was implemented without a custom operator,
there would be waaay too many nodes in the graph. For example,
for Mamba-130M, with a batch size of 512 (the default),
a naive selective scan could add at least 24*512=12288 nodes,
which is more than LLAMA_MAX_NODES (8192),
and that's only for the smallest Mamba model.
So it's much cleaner with a custom operator.
Not sure about the name, though.

* ggml : in ggml_ssm_scan, merge multiple rows in the same vec operation

This will help with performance on CPU if ggml_vec_mul_f32
and ggml_vec_add_f32 are ever optimized with SIMD.

* mamba : very basic quantization support

Mostly works, but there is currently no difference
between the variants of a k-quant (e.g. Q4_K_S and Q4_K_M are the same).
Most of the SSM-specific weights can be kept in f32 without affecting
the size that much, since they are relatively small.
(the linear projection weights are responsible for most of Mamba's size)

Too much quantization seems to make the state degrade quite fast, and
the model begins to output gibberish.
It seems to affect bigger models to a lesser extent than small models,
but I'm not sure by how much.

Experimentation will be needed to figure out which weights are more important
for the _M (and _L?) variants of k-quants for Mamba.

* convert : fix wrong name for layer norm weight of offical Mamba models

I was using Q-bert/Mamba-* models before, which have a slighlty different
naming scheme for the weights.
(they start with "model.layers" instead of "backbone.layers")

* mamba : fuse more steps of the SSM scan in the ggml_ssm_scan operator

This increases performance on CPU by around 30% for prompt processing,
and by around 20% for text generation.

However, it also makes the ggml_exp and ggml_soft_plus operators unused.
Whether or not they should be kept will be decided later.

* convert : for Mamba, also consider the "MambaLMHeadModel" arch name

It's the name of the class of the official implementation,
though they don't use it (yet) in the "architectures" field of config.json

* mamba : fix vocab size problems with official models

The perplexity was waaaay to high for models with a non-round vocab size.
Not sure why, but it needed to be fixed in the metadata.

Note that this breaks existing GGUF-converted Mamba models,
but **only if** the vocab size was not already rounded.

* ggml : remove ggml_exp and ggml_soft_plus

They did not exist anyway outside of this branch,
and since ggml_ssm_scan fused operations together, they are unused.
It's always possible to bring them back if needed.

* mamba : remove some useless comments

No code change.

* convert : fix flake8 linter errors

* mamba : apply suggestions from code review

* mamba : remove unecessary branch for row-wise ssm_state and C multiplication

It was previously done to avoid permuting when only one token is processed
at a time (like when generating text), but permuting is cheap,
and dynamically changing the compute graph is not future-proof.

* ggml : in ggml_ssm_scan, use more appropriate asserts

* ggml : rename the destination pointer in ggml_compute_forward_ssm_scan_f32

* mamba : multiple sequences, but one at a time

This is a step towards making this Mamba implementation usable
with the server example (the way the system prompt is kept when clearing
the client slots will need to be changed before this can work, though).

The KV cache size for this kind of model is tied to the maximum number
of sequences kept at any single time.
For now, this number is obtained from n_parallel (plus one,
to have an extra sequence to dedicate to the system prompt),
but there might be a better way to do this which won't also
make the main example use 2 cells even if only 1 is really used.
(for this specific case, --parallel 0 helps)

Simultaneous sequence processing will probably require changes to
ggml_ssm_scan, and possibly a new operator for the conv step.

* mamba : support llama_kv_cache_seq_cp

This (mis)uses the logic around K shifts, because tokens in a state
can't be shifted anyway, and because inp_K_shift has the right shape and type.
Using ggml_get_rows is a nice way to do copies, but copy chains can't work.
Fortunately, copy chains don't really seem to be used in the examples.

Each KV cell is dedicated to the sequence ID corresponding to its own index.

* mamba : use a state mask

It's cleaner than the previous heuristic of
checking for the pos of the first token in the batch.

inp_KQ_mask could not be re-used for this, because it has the wrong shape
and because it seems more suited to the next step of
simultaneous sequence processing (helping with the problem of
remembering which token belongs to which sequence(s)/state(s)).

* llama : replace the usage of n_ctx with kv_self.size in many places

* mamba : use n_tokens directly instead of n_tok

* mamba : in comments, properly refer to KV cells instead of slots

* mamba : reduce memory usage of ggml_ssm_scan

From 290.37 MiB to 140.68 MiB of CPU compute buffer size
with Mamba 3B with a batch size of 512.

The result tensor of ggml_ssm_scan was previously a big part
of the CPU compute buffer size. To make it smaller,
it does not contain the intermediate ssm states anymore.
Both y and the last ssm state are combined in the result tensor,
because it seems only a single tensor can be returned by an operator
with the way the graph is built.

* mamba : simultaneous sequence processing

A batch can now contain tokens from multiple sequences.

This is necessary for at least the parallel example, the server example,
and the HellaSwag test in the perplexity example.

However, for this to be useful, uses of llama_kv_cache_seq_rm/cp
will need to be changed to work on whole sequences.

* ggml : add ggml_ssm_conv as a new operator for the conv step of Mamba

This operator makes it possible to use and update the correct states
for each token of the batch in the same way as ggml_ssm_scan.
Other solutions which use existing operators would need loops which would
add too many nodes to the graph (at least the ones I thought of).

Using this operator further reduces the size of the CPU compute buffer
from 140.68 MiB to 103.20 MiB with Mamba 3B with a batch size of 512.
And (at least on CPU), it's a bit faster than before.

Note that "ggml_ssm_conv" is probably not the most appropriate name,
and it could be changed if a better one is found.

* llama : add inp_s_seq as a new input tensor

The most convenient implementation to select the correct state (for Mamba)
for each token is to directly get the correct index from a tensor.
This is why inp_s_seq is storing int32_t and not floats.

The other, less convenient way to select the correct state would be
to have inp_KQ_mask contain 1.0f for each state used by a token
and 0.0f otherwise. This complicates quickly fetching the first used
state of a token, and is also less efficient because a whole row
of the mask would always need to be read for each token.

Using indexes makes it easy to stop searching when there are
no more sequences for a token, and the first sequence assigned
is always very quickly available (it's the first element of each row).

* mamba : support llama_kv_cache_seq_cp copy chains

* mamba : support shifting and dividing the kv cache pos

* mamba : make the server and parallel examples work with whole sequences

A seq_id is dedicated to the system prompt in both cases.

* llama : make llama_kv_cache_seq_rm return whether it succeeded or not

* mamba : dedicate an input tensor for state copy indices

This is cleaner and makes it easier to adapt when/if token positions
(and by extension, inp_K_shift) are no longer integers.

* mamba : adapt perplexity, batched, and batched-bench examples

* perplexity : limit the max number of sequences

This adapts to what the loaded model can provide.

* llama : add llama_n_max_seq to get the upper limit for seq_ids

Used by the perplexity example.

* batched : pass n_parallel to the model's context params

This should have been there already, but it wasn't.

* batched-bench : reserve sequences to support Mamba

* batched-bench : fix tokens being put in wrong sequences

Generation quality isn't what's measured in there anyway,
but at least using the correct sequences avoids using non-consecutive
token positions.

* mamba : stop abusing attention metadata

This breaks existing converted-to-GGUF Mamba models,
but will allow supporting mixed architectures like MambaFormer
without needing to break Mamba models.

This will also allow changing the size of Mamba's states
without having to reconvert models in the future.
(e.g. using something else than d_conv - 1 columns for the conv_states
 will not require breaking existing converted Mamba models again)

* gguf-py : add new KV metadata key-value pairs for Mamba

* llama : add new metadata key-value pairs for Mamba

* llama : guard against divisions by zero when n_head is 0

* mamba : rename "unlimited" KV cache property to "recurrent"

* mamba : more correctly update the "used" field of the KV cache

* ggml : in ggml_ssm_scan, use a threshold for soft_plus

This is how the official Mamba implementation does it,
and it's also what torch.nn.Softplus does.

* convert : for Mamba, fallback to internal NeoX tokenizer

The resulting models are exactly the same
as if the tokenizer.json and tokenizer_config.json of GPT-NeoX were there.

* mamba : support state saving and restoring

* ggml : implicitly pass src tensors through dst for Mamba-related ops

* mamba : clarify some comments

* server : fix cache_tokens not getting correctly resized

Otherwise, when the "we have to evaluate at least 1 token" special case
was triggered, an extra token was kept in cache_tokens even if it was
removed from the KV cache.

For Mamba, this caused useless prompt reprocessing when the previous
request triggered the above case.

* convert-hf : support new metadata keys for Mamba

For the models available at

* mamba : rename metadata to be more similar to transformers library

This breaks existing converted-to-GGUF models,
but the metadata names are more "standard".

* mamba : support mamba-*-hf models

These models share their token_embd.weight with their output.weight

* mamba : add missing spaces

This is purely a formatting change.

* convert-hf : omit output.weight when identical with token_embd.weight

Only for Mamba for now, but it might be relevant for other models eventually.
Most Mamba models actually share these two tensors, albeit implicitly.

* readme : add Mamba to supported models, and add recent API changes

* mamba : move state_seq and state_mask views outside layer loop

A few tensors were also missing `struct` in front of `ggml_tensor`.
2024-03-08 17:31:00 -05:00

3402 lines
135 KiB

#include "utils.hpp"
#include "common.h"
#include "llama.h"
#include "grammar-parser.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
// crash the server in debug mode, otherwise send an http 500 error
// increase max payload length to allow use of larger context size
#include "httplib.h"
#include "json.hpp"
// auto generated files (update with ./deps.sh)
#include "index.html.hpp"
#include "index.js.hpp"
#include "completion.js.hpp"
#include "json-schema-to-grammar.mjs.hpp"
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <cstddef>
#include <set>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <signal.h>
using json = nlohmann::json;
bool server_verbose = false;
bool server_log_json = true;
enum stop_type {
enum slot_state {
enum slot_command {
enum server_state {
SERVER_STATE_LOADING_MODEL, // Server is starting up, model not fully loaded yet
SERVER_STATE_READY, // Server is ready and model is loaded
SERVER_STATE_ERROR // An error occurred, load_model failed
enum server_task_type {
struct server_task {
int id = -1; // to be filled by server_queue
int id_multi = -1;
int id_target = -1;
server_task_type type;
json data;
bool infill = false;
bool embedding = false;
struct server_task_result {
int id = -1;
int id_multi = -1;
json data;
bool stop;
bool error;
struct server_task_multi {
int id = -1;
std::set<int> subtasks_remaining;
std::vector<server_task_result> results;
struct slot_params {
bool stream = true;
bool cache_prompt = false; // remember the prompt to avoid reprocessing all prompt
uint32_t seed = -1; // RNG seed
int32_t n_keep = 0; // number of tokens to keep from initial prompt
int32_t n_predict = -1; // new tokens to predict
std::vector<std::string> antiprompt;
json input_prefix;
json input_suffix;
struct server_params {
int32_t port = 8080;
int32_t read_timeout = 600;
int32_t write_timeout = 600;
int32_t n_threads_http = -1;
std::string hostname = "";
std::string public_path = "examples/server/public";
std::string chat_template = "";
std::string system_prompt = "";
std::vector<std::string> api_keys;
bool slots_endpoint = true;
bool metrics_endpoint = false;
struct server_slot {
int id;
int id_task = -1;
int id_multi = -1;
struct slot_params params;
slot_state state = SLOT_STATE_IDLE;
slot_command command = SLOT_COMMAND_NONE;
// used to determine the slot that has been used the longest
int64_t t_last_used = -1;
// generation props
int32_t n_ctx = 0; // context size per slot
int32_t n_past = 0;
int32_t n_decoded = 0;
int32_t n_remaining = -1;
int32_t i_batch = -1;
int32_t n_predict = -1;
int32_t n_prompt_tokens = 0;
int32_t n_prompt_tokens_processed = 0;
json prompt;
// when a task is submitted, we first tokenize the prompt and store it here
std::vector<llama_token> prompt_tokens;
std::string generated_text;
std::vector<llama_token> cache_tokens;
std::vector<completion_token_output> generated_token_probs;
bool infill = false;
bool embedding = false;
bool has_next_token = true;
bool truncated = false;
bool stopped_eos = false;
bool stopped_word = false;
bool stopped_limit = false;
bool oaicompat = false;
std::string oaicompat_model;
std::string stopping_word;
// sampling
llama_token sampled;
struct llama_sampling_params sparams;
llama_sampling_context * ctx_sampling = nullptr;
int32_t ga_i = 0; // group-attention state
int32_t ga_n = 1; // group-attention factor
int32_t ga_w = 512; // group-attention width
int32_t n_past_se = 0; // self-extend
// stats
size_t n_sent_text = 0; // number of sent text character
size_t n_sent_token_probs = 0;
int64_t t_start_process_prompt;
int64_t t_start_generation;
double t_prompt_processing; // ms
double t_token_generation; // ms
void reset() {
n_prompt_tokens = 0;
generated_text = "";
truncated = false;
stopped_eos = false;
stopped_word = false;
stopped_limit = false;
stopping_word = "";
n_past = 0;
n_sent_text = 0;
n_sent_token_probs = 0;
infill = false;
ga_i = 0;
n_past_se = 0;
bool has_budget(gpt_params &global_params) {
if (params.n_predict == -1 && global_params.n_predict == -1) {
return true; // limitless
n_remaining = -1;
if (params.n_predict != -1) {
n_remaining = params.n_predict - n_decoded;
} else if (global_params.n_predict != -1) {
n_remaining = global_params.n_predict - n_decoded;
return n_remaining > 0; // no budget
bool available() const {
return state == SLOT_STATE_IDLE && command == SLOT_COMMAND_NONE;
bool is_processing() const {
return (state == SLOT_STATE_IDLE && command == SLOT_COMMAND_LOAD_PROMPT) || state == SLOT_STATE_PROCESSING;
void add_token_string(const completion_token_output & token) {
if (command == SLOT_COMMAND_RELEASE) {
void release() {
t_token_generation = (ggml_time_us() - t_start_generation) / 1e3;
json get_formated_timings() const {
return json {
{"prompt_n", n_prompt_tokens_processed},
{"prompt_ms", t_prompt_processing},
{"prompt_per_token_ms", t_prompt_processing / n_prompt_tokens_processed},
{"prompt_per_second", 1e3 / t_prompt_processing * n_prompt_tokens_processed},
{"predicted_n", n_decoded},
{"predicted_ms", t_token_generation},
{"predicted_per_token_ms", t_token_generation / n_decoded},
{"predicted_per_second", 1e3 / t_token_generation * n_decoded},
size_t find_stopping_strings(const std::string & text, const size_t last_token_size, const stop_type type) {
size_t stop_pos = std::string::npos;
for (const std::string & word : params.antiprompt) {
size_t pos;
if (type == STOP_TYPE_FULL) {
const size_t tmp = word.size() + last_token_size;
const size_t from_pos = text.size() > tmp ? text.size() - tmp : 0;
pos = text.find(word, from_pos);
} else {
pos = find_partial_stop_string(word, text);
if (pos != std::string::npos && (stop_pos == std::string::npos || pos < stop_pos)) {
if (type == STOP_TYPE_FULL) {
stopped_word = true;
stopping_word = word;
has_next_token = false;
stop_pos = pos;
return stop_pos;
void print_timings() const {
char buffer[512];
double t_token = t_prompt_processing / n_prompt_tokens_processed;
double n_tokens_second = 1e3 / t_prompt_processing * n_prompt_tokens_processed;
snprintf(buffer, 512, "prompt eval time = %10.2f ms / %5d tokens (%8.2f ms per token, %8.2f tokens per second)",
t_prompt_processing, n_prompt_tokens_processed,
t_token, n_tokens_second);
LOG_INFO(buffer, {
{"id_slot", id},
{"id_task", id_task},
{"t_prompt_processing", t_prompt_processing},
{"n_prompt_tokens_processed", n_prompt_tokens_processed},
{"t_token", t_token},
{"n_tokens_second", n_tokens_second},
t_token = t_token_generation / n_decoded;
n_tokens_second = 1e3 / t_token_generation * n_decoded;
snprintf(buffer, 512, "generation eval time = %10.2f ms / %5d runs (%8.2f ms per token, %8.2f tokens per second)",
t_token_generation, n_decoded,
t_token, n_tokens_second);
LOG_INFO(buffer, {
{"id_slot", id},
{"id_task", id_task},
{"t_token_generation", t_token_generation},
{"n_decoded", n_decoded},
{"t_token", t_token},
{"n_tokens_second", n_tokens_second},
snprintf(buffer, 512, " total time = %10.2f ms", t_prompt_processing + t_token_generation);
LOG_INFO(buffer, {
{"id_slot", id},
{"id_task", id_task},
{"t_prompt_processing", t_prompt_processing},
{"t_token_generation", t_token_generation},
{"t_total", t_prompt_processing + t_token_generation},
struct server_metrics {
const int64_t t_start = ggml_time_us();
uint64_t n_prompt_tokens_processed_total = 0;
uint64_t t_prompt_processing_total = 0;
uint64_t n_tokens_predicted_total = 0;
uint64_t t_tokens_generation_total = 0;
uint64_t n_prompt_tokens_processed = 0;
uint64_t t_prompt_processing = 0;
uint64_t n_tokens_predicted = 0;
uint64_t t_tokens_generation = 0;
void on_prompt_eval(const server_slot &slot) {
n_prompt_tokens_processed_total += slot.n_prompt_tokens_processed;
n_prompt_tokens_processed += slot.n_prompt_tokens_processed;
t_prompt_processing += slot.t_prompt_processing;
t_prompt_processing_total += slot.t_prompt_processing;
void on_prediction(const server_slot &slot) {
n_tokens_predicted_total += slot.n_decoded;
n_tokens_predicted += slot.n_decoded;
t_tokens_generation += slot.t_token_generation;
t_tokens_generation_total += slot.t_token_generation;
void reset_bucket() {
n_prompt_tokens_processed = 0;
t_prompt_processing = 0;
n_tokens_predicted = 0;
t_tokens_generation = 0;
struct server_queue {
int id = 0;
bool running;
// queues
std::vector<server_task> queue_tasks;
std::vector<server_task> queue_tasks_deferred;
std::vector<server_task_multi> queue_multitasks;
std::mutex mutex_tasks;
std::condition_variable condition_tasks;
// callback functions
std::function<void(server_task &)> callback_new_task;
std::function<void(server_task_multi &)> callback_finish_multitask;
std::function<void(void)> callback_run_slots;
// Add a new task to the end of the queue
int post(server_task task) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_tasks);
if (task.id == -1) {
task.id = id++;
LOG_VERBOSE("new task id", {{"new_id", task.id}});
return task.id;
// Add a new task, but defer until one slot is available
void defer(server_task task) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_tasks);
// Get the next id for creating anew task
int get_new_id() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_tasks);
int new_id = id++;
LOG_VERBOSE("new task id", {{"new_id", new_id}});
return new_id;
// Register function to process a new task
void on_new_task(std::function<void(server_task &)> callback) {
callback_new_task = std::move(callback);
// Register function to process a multitask when it is finished
void on_finish_multitask(std::function<void(server_task_multi&)> callback) {
callback_finish_multitask = std::move(callback);
// Register the function to be called when all slots data is ready to be processed
void on_run_slots(std::function<void(void)> callback) {
callback_run_slots = std::move(callback);
// Call when the state of one slot is changed
void notify_slot_changed() {
// move deferred tasks back to main loop
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_tasks);
for (auto & task : queue_tasks_deferred) {
// end the start_loop routine
void terminate() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_tasks);
running = false;
* Main loop consists of these steps:
* - Wait until a new task arrives
* - Process the task (i.e. maybe copy data into slot)
* - Check if multitask is finished
* - Run all slots
void start_loop() {
running = true;
while (true) {
LOG_VERBOSE("new task may arrive", {});
while (true) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_tasks);
if (queue_tasks.empty()) {
server_task task = queue_tasks.front();
LOG_VERBOSE("callback_new_task", {{"id_task", task.id}});
LOG_VERBOSE("update_multitasks", {});
// check if we have any finished multitasks
auto queue_iterator = queue_multitasks.begin();
while (queue_iterator != queue_multitasks.end()) {
if (queue_iterator->subtasks_remaining.empty()) {
// all subtasks done == multitask is done
server_task_multi current_multitask = *queue_iterator;
// remove this multitask
queue_iterator = queue_multitasks.erase(queue_iterator);
} else {
// all tasks in the current loop is processed, slots data is now ready
LOG_VERBOSE("callback_run_slots", {});
LOG_VERBOSE("wait for new task", {});
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_tasks);
if (queue_tasks.empty()) {
if (!running) {
LOG_VERBOSE("ending start_loop", {});
condition_tasks.wait(lock, [&]{
return (!queue_tasks.empty() || !running);
// functions to manage multitasks
// add a multitask by specifying the id of all subtask (subtask is a server_task)
void add_multitask(int id_multi, std::vector<int> & sub_ids) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_tasks);
server_task_multi multi;
multi.id = id_multi;
std::copy(sub_ids.begin(), sub_ids.end(), std::inserter(multi.subtasks_remaining, multi.subtasks_remaining.end()));
// updatethe remaining subtasks, while appending results to multitask
void update_multitask(int id_multi, int id_sub, server_task_result & result) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_tasks);
for (auto & multitask : queue_multitasks) {
if (multitask.id == id_multi) {
struct server_response {
typedef std::function<void(int, int, server_task_result &)> callback_multitask_t;
callback_multitask_t callback_update_multitask;
// for keeping track of all tasks waiting for the result
std::set<int> waiting_task_ids;
// the main result queue
std::vector<server_task_result> queue_results;
std::mutex mutex_results;
std::condition_variable condition_results;
// add the id_task to the list of tasks waiting for response
void add_waiting_task_id(int id_task) {
LOG_VERBOSE("waiting for task id", {{"id_task", id_task}});
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_results);
// when the request is finished, we can remove task associated with it
void remove_waiting_task_id(int id_task) {
LOG_VERBOSE("remove waiting for task id", {{"id_task", id_task}});
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_results);
// This function blocks the thread until there is a response for this id_task
server_task_result recv(int id_task) {
while (true) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_results);
condition_results.wait(lock, [&]{
return !queue_results.empty();
for (int i = 0; i < (int) queue_results.size(); i++) {
if (queue_results[i].id == id_task) {
assert(queue_results[i].id_multi == -1);
server_task_result res = queue_results[i];
queue_results.erase(queue_results.begin() + i);
return res;
// should never reach here
// Register the function to update multitask
void on_multitask_update(callback_multitask_t callback) {
callback_update_multitask = std::move(callback);
// Send a new result to a waiting id_task
void send(server_task_result result) {
LOG_VERBOSE("send new result", {{"id_task", result.id}});
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_results);
for (const auto & id_task : waiting_task_ids) {
// LOG_TEE("waiting task id %i \n", id_task);
// for now, tasks that have associated parent multitasks just get erased once multitask picks up the result
if (result.id_multi == id_task) {
LOG_VERBOSE("callback_update_multitask", {{"id_task", id_task}});
callback_update_multitask(id_task, result.id, result);
if (result.id == id_task) {
LOG_VERBOSE("queue_results.push_back", {{"id_task", id_task}});
struct server_context {
llama_model * model = nullptr;
llama_context * ctx = nullptr;
gpt_params params;
llama_batch batch;
bool clean_kv_cache = true;
bool add_bos_token = true;
int32_t n_ctx; // total context for all clients / slots
// system prompt
bool system_need_update = false;
std::string system_prompt;
std::vector<llama_token> system_tokens;
std::string name_user; // this should be the antiprompt
std::string name_assistant;
// slots / clients
std::vector<server_slot> slots;
json default_generation_settings_for_props;
server_queue queue_tasks;
server_response queue_results;
server_metrics metrics;
~server_context() {
if (ctx) {
ctx = nullptr;
if (model) {
model = nullptr;
bool load_model(const gpt_params & params_) {
params = params_;
// dedicate one sequence to the system prompt
params.n_parallel += 1;
std::tie(model, ctx) = llama_init_from_gpt_params(params);
params.n_parallel -= 1; // but be sneaky about it
if (model == nullptr) {
LOG_ERROR("unable to load model", {{"model", params.model}});
return false;
n_ctx = llama_n_ctx(ctx);
add_bos_token = llama_should_add_bos_token(model);
return true;
bool validate_model_chat_template() const {
llama_chat_message chat[] = {{"user", "test"}};
const int res = llama_chat_apply_template(model, nullptr, chat, 1, true, nullptr, 0);
return res > 0;
void initialize() {
const int32_t n_ctx_slot = n_ctx / params.n_parallel;
LOG_INFO("initializing slots", {{"n_slots", params.n_parallel}});
for (int i = 0; i < params.n_parallel; i++) {
server_slot slot;
slot.id = i;
slot.n_ctx = n_ctx_slot;
slot.n_predict = params.n_predict;
LOG_INFO("new slot", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"n_ctx_slot", slot.n_ctx}
const int ga_n = params.grp_attn_n;
const int ga_w = params.grp_attn_w;
if (ga_n != 1) {
GGML_ASSERT(ga_n > 0 && "ga_n must be positive"); // NOLINT
GGML_ASSERT(ga_w % ga_n == 0 && "ga_w must be a multiple of ga_n"); // NOLINT
//GGML_ASSERT(n_ctx_train % ga_w == 0 && "n_ctx_train must be a multiple of ga_w"); // NOLINT
//GGML_ASSERT(n_ctx >= n_ctx_train * ga_n && "n_ctx must be at least n_ctx_train * ga_n"); // NOLINT
LOG_INFO("slot self-extend", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"ga_n", ga_n},
{"ga_w", ga_w}
slot.ga_i = 0;
slot.ga_n = ga_n;
slot.ga_w = ga_w;
default_generation_settings_for_props = get_formated_generation(slots.front());
default_generation_settings_for_props["seed"] = -1;
batch = llama_batch_init(n_ctx, 0, params.n_parallel);
std::vector<llama_token> tokenize(const json & json_prompt, bool add_bos) const {
// TODO: currently, we tokenize using special tokens by default
// this is not always correct (see https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/4160#issuecomment-1824826216)
// but it's better compared to completely ignoring ChatML and other chat templates
const bool TMP_FORCE_SPECIAL = true;
// If `add_bos` is true, we only add BOS, when json_prompt is a string,
// or the first element of the json_prompt array is a string.
std::vector<llama_token> prompt_tokens;
if (json_prompt.is_array()) {
bool first = true;
for (const auto & p : json_prompt) {
if (p.is_string()) {
auto s = p.template get<std::string>();
std::vector<llama_token> p;
if (first) {
p = ::llama_tokenize(ctx, s, add_bos, TMP_FORCE_SPECIAL);
first = false;
} else {
p = ::llama_tokenize(ctx, s, false, TMP_FORCE_SPECIAL);
prompt_tokens.insert(prompt_tokens.end(), p.begin(), p.end());
} else {
if (first) {
first = false;
prompt_tokens.push_back(p.template get<llama_token>());
} else {
auto s = json_prompt.template get<std::string>();
prompt_tokens = ::llama_tokenize(ctx, s, add_bos, TMP_FORCE_SPECIAL);
return prompt_tokens;
server_slot * get_slot(int id) {
int64_t t_last = ggml_time_us();
server_slot * last_used = nullptr;
for (server_slot & slot : slots) {
if (slot.id == id && slot.available()) {
return &slot;
// among all available slots, find the one that has been least recently used
if (slot.available() && slot.t_last_used < t_last) {
last_used = &slot;
t_last = slot.t_last_used;
return last_used;
bool launch_slot_with_data(server_slot & slot, json data) const {
slot_params default_params;
llama_sampling_params default_sparams;
if (data.count("__oaicompat") != 0) {
slot.oaicompat = true;
slot.oaicompat_model = json_value(data, "model", std::string(DEFAULT_OAICOMPAT_MODEL));
} else {
slot.oaicompat = false;
slot.oaicompat_model = "";
slot.params.stream = json_value(data, "stream", false);
slot.params.cache_prompt = json_value(data, "cache_prompt", false);
slot.params.n_predict = json_value(data, "n_predict", default_params.n_predict);
slot.sparams.top_k = json_value(data, "top_k", default_sparams.top_k);
slot.sparams.top_p = json_value(data, "top_p", default_sparams.top_p);
slot.sparams.min_p = json_value(data, "min_p", default_sparams.min_p);
slot.sparams.tfs_z = json_value(data, "tfs_z", default_sparams.tfs_z);
slot.sparams.typical_p = json_value(data, "typical_p", default_sparams.typical_p);
slot.sparams.temp = json_value(data, "temperature", default_sparams.temp);
slot.sparams.dynatemp_range = json_value(data, "dynatemp_range", default_sparams.dynatemp_range);
slot.sparams.dynatemp_exponent = json_value(data, "dynatemp_exponent", default_sparams.dynatemp_exponent);
slot.sparams.penalty_last_n = json_value(data, "repeat_last_n", default_sparams.penalty_last_n);
slot.sparams.penalty_repeat = json_value(data, "repeat_penalty", default_sparams.penalty_repeat);
slot.sparams.penalty_freq = json_value(data, "frequency_penalty", default_sparams.penalty_freq);
slot.sparams.penalty_present = json_value(data, "presence_penalty", default_sparams.penalty_present);
slot.sparams.mirostat = json_value(data, "mirostat", default_sparams.mirostat);
slot.sparams.mirostat_tau = json_value(data, "mirostat_tau", default_sparams.mirostat_tau);
slot.sparams.mirostat_eta = json_value(data, "mirostat_eta", default_sparams.mirostat_eta);
slot.sparams.penalize_nl = json_value(data, "penalize_nl", default_sparams.penalize_nl);
slot.params.n_keep = json_value(data, "n_keep", slot.params.n_keep);
slot.params.seed = json_value(data, "seed", default_params.seed);
slot.sparams.grammar = json_value(data, "grammar", default_sparams.grammar);
slot.sparams.n_probs = json_value(data, "n_probs", default_sparams.n_probs);
slot.sparams.min_keep = json_value(data, "min_keep", default_sparams.min_keep);
if (slot.params.cache_prompt && slot.ga_n != 1) {
LOG_WARNING("cache_prompt is not supported with group-attention", {});
slot.params.cache_prompt = false;
if (slot.n_predict > 0 && slot.params.n_predict > slot.n_predict) {
// Might be better to reject the request with a 400 ?
LOG_WARNING("Max tokens to predict exceeds server configuration", {
{"params.n_predict", slot.params.n_predict},
{"slot.n_predict", slot.n_predict},
slot.params.n_predict = slot.n_predict;
// infill
slot.params.input_prefix = json_value(data, "input_prefix", default_params.input_prefix);
slot.params.input_suffix = json_value(data, "input_suffix", default_params.input_suffix);
slot.prompt = json_value(data, "prompt", std::string(""));
// penalize user-provided tokens
slot.sparams.use_penalty_prompt_tokens = false;
const auto & penalty_prompt = data.find("penalty_prompt");
if (penalty_prompt != data.end()) {
if (penalty_prompt->is_string()) {
const auto penalty_prompt_string = penalty_prompt->get<std::string>();
slot.sparams.penalty_prompt_tokens = llama_tokenize(model, penalty_prompt_string, false);
if (slot.params.n_predict > 0) {
slot.sparams.penalty_prompt_tokens.reserve(slot.sparams.penalty_prompt_tokens.size() + slot.params.n_predict);
slot.sparams.use_penalty_prompt_tokens = true;
LOG_VERBOSE("penalty_prompt_tokens", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"tokens", slot.sparams.penalty_prompt_tokens},
else if (penalty_prompt->is_array()) {
const auto n_tokens = penalty_prompt->size();
slot.sparams.penalty_prompt_tokens.reserve(n_tokens + std::max(0, slot.params.n_predict));
const int n_vocab = llama_n_vocab(model);
for (const auto & penalty_token : *penalty_prompt) {
if (penalty_token.is_number_integer()) {
const auto tok = penalty_token.get<llama_token>();
if (tok >= 0 && tok < n_vocab) {
slot.sparams.use_penalty_prompt_tokens = true;
LOG_VERBOSE("penalty_prompt_tokens", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"tokens", slot.sparams.penalty_prompt_tokens},
if (json_value(data, "ignore_eos", false)) {
slot.sparams.logit_bias[llama_token_eos(model)] = -INFINITY;
const auto & logit_bias = data.find("logit_bias");
if (logit_bias != data.end() && logit_bias->is_array()) {
const int n_vocab = llama_n_vocab(model);
for (const auto & el : *logit_bias) {
if (el.is_array() && el.size() == 2) {
float bias;
if (el[1].is_number()) {
bias = el[1].get<float>();
} else if (el[1].is_boolean() && !el[1].get<bool>()) {
bias = -INFINITY;
} else {
if (el[0].is_number_integer()) {
llama_token tok = el[0].get<llama_token>();
if (tok >= 0 && tok < n_vocab) {
slot.sparams.logit_bias[tok] = bias;
} else if (el[0].is_string()) {
auto toks = llama_tokenize(model, el[0].get<std::string>(), false);
for (auto tok : toks) {
slot.sparams.logit_bias[tok] = bias;
const auto & stop = data.find("stop");
if (stop != data.end() && stop->is_array()) {
for (const auto & word : *stop) {
if (!word.empty()) {
const auto & samplers_sequence = data.find("samplers");
if (samplers_sequence != data.end() && samplers_sequence->is_array()) {
std::vector<std::string> sampler_names;
for (const auto & sampler_name : *samplers_sequence) {
if (sampler_name.is_string()) {
slot.sparams.samplers_sequence = sampler_types_from_names(sampler_names, false);
} else {
slot.sparams.samplers_sequence = default_sparams.samplers_sequence;
if (slot.ctx_sampling != nullptr) {
slot.ctx_sampling = llama_sampling_init(slot.sparams);
llama_set_rng_seed(ctx, slot.params.seed);
LOG_INFO("slot is processing task", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"id_task", slot.id_task},
return true;
void kv_cache_clear() {
LOG_VERBOSE("clearing KV cache", {});
// clear the entire KV cache
clean_kv_cache = false;
void system_prompt_update() {
LOG_VERBOSE("system prompt update", {
{"system_prompt", system_prompt},
if (!system_prompt.empty()) {
system_tokens = ::llama_tokenize(ctx, system_prompt, add_bos_token);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)system_tokens.size(); ++i) {
llama_batch_add(batch, system_tokens[i], i, { 0 }, false);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < (int32_t) batch.n_tokens; i += params.n_batch) {
const int32_t n_tokens = std::min(params.n_batch, (int32_t) (batch.n_tokens - i));
llama_batch batch_view = {
batch.token + i,
batch.pos + i,
batch.n_seq_id + i,
batch.seq_id + i,
batch.logits + i,
0, 0, 0, // unused
if (llama_decode(ctx, batch_view) != 0) {
LOG_TEE("%s: llama_decode() failed\n", __func__);
// assign the system KV cache to all parallel sequences
for (int32_t i = 1; i <= params.n_parallel; ++i) {
llama_kv_cache_seq_cp(ctx, 0, i, -1, -1);
system_need_update = false;
void system_prompt_set(const json & sys_props) {
system_prompt = sys_props.value("prompt", "");
name_user = sys_props.value("anti_prompt", "");
name_assistant = sys_props.value("assistant_name", "");
LOG_VERBOSE("system prompt process", {
{"system_prompt", system_prompt},
{"name_user", name_user},
{"name_assistant", name_assistant},
// release all slots
for (server_slot & slot : slots) {
system_need_update = true;
bool process_token(completion_token_output & result, server_slot & slot) {
// remember which tokens were sampled - used for repetition penalties during sampling
const std::string token_str = llama_token_to_piece(ctx, result.tok);
slot.sampled = result.tok;
// search stop word and delete it
slot.generated_text += token_str;
slot.has_next_token = true;
if (slot.ctx_sampling->params.use_penalty_prompt_tokens && result.tok != -1) {
// we can change penalty_prompt_tokens because it is always created from scratch each request
// check if there is incomplete UTF-8 character at the end
bool incomplete = false;
for (unsigned i = 1; i < 5 && i <= slot.generated_text.size(); ++i) {
unsigned char c = slot.generated_text[slot.generated_text.size() - i];
if ((c & 0xC0) == 0x80) {
// continuation byte: 10xxxxxx
if ((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) {
// 2-byte character: 110xxxxx ...
incomplete = i < 2;
} else if ((c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) {
// 3-byte character: 1110xxxx ...
incomplete = i < 3;
} else if ((c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) {
// 4-byte character: 11110xxx ...
incomplete = i < 4;
// else 1-byte character or invalid byte
if (!incomplete) {
size_t pos = std::min(slot.n_sent_text, slot.generated_text.size());
const std::string str_test = slot.generated_text.substr(pos);
bool is_stop_full = false;
size_t stop_pos = slot.find_stopping_strings(str_test, token_str.size(), STOP_TYPE_FULL);
if (stop_pos != std::string::npos) {
is_stop_full = true;
slot.generated_text.begin() + pos + stop_pos,
pos = std::min(slot.n_sent_text, slot.generated_text.size());
} else {
is_stop_full = false;
stop_pos = slot.find_stopping_strings(str_test, token_str.size(), STOP_TYPE_PARTIAL);
// check if there is any token to predict
if (stop_pos == std::string::npos || (!slot.has_next_token && !is_stop_full && stop_pos > 0)) {
// no send the stop word in the response
result.text_to_send = slot.generated_text.substr(pos, std::string::npos);
slot.n_sent_text += result.text_to_send.size();
// add the token to slot queue and cache
if (slot.params.stream) {
send_partial_response(slot, result);
if (incomplete) {
slot.has_next_token = true;
// check the limits
if (slot.n_decoded > 0 && slot.has_next_token && !slot.has_budget(params)) {
slot.stopped_limit = true;
slot.has_next_token = false;
LOG_VERBOSE("stopped by limit", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"n_decoded", slot.n_decoded},
{"n_predict", slot.params.n_predict},
if (result.tok == llama_token_eos(model)) {
slot.stopped_eos = true;
slot.has_next_token = false;
LOG_VERBOSE("eos token found", {});
LOG_VERBOSE("next token", {
{"token", result.tok},
{"token_text", tokens_to_output_formatted_string(ctx, result.tok)},
{"has_next_token", slot.has_next_token},
{"n_remain", slot.n_remaining},
{"n_decoded", slot.n_decoded},
{"stopped_eos", slot.stopped_eos},
{"stopped_word", slot.stopped_word},
{"stopped_limit", slot.stopped_limit},
{"stopping_word", slot.stopping_word},
return slot.has_next_token; // continue
json get_formated_generation(const server_slot & slot) const {
const auto eos_bias = slot.sparams.logit_bias.find(llama_token_eos(model));
const bool ignore_eos = eos_bias != slot.sparams.logit_bias.end() && eos_bias->second < 0.0f && std::isinf(eos_bias->second);
std::vector<std::string> samplers_sequence;
for (const auto & sampler_type : slot.sparams.samplers_sequence) {
return json {
{"n_ctx", slot.n_ctx},
{"n_predict", slot.n_predict},
{"model", params.model_alias},
{"seed", slot.params.seed},
{"temperature", slot.sparams.temp},
{"dynatemp_range", slot.sparams.dynatemp_range},
{"dynatemp_exponent", slot.sparams.dynatemp_exponent},
{"top_k", slot.sparams.top_k},
{"top_p", slot.sparams.top_p},
{"min_p", slot.sparams.min_p},
{"tfs_z", slot.sparams.tfs_z},
{"typical_p", slot.sparams.typical_p},
{"repeat_last_n", slot.sparams.penalty_last_n},
{"repeat_penalty", slot.sparams.penalty_repeat},
{"presence_penalty", slot.sparams.penalty_present},
{"frequency_penalty", slot.sparams.penalty_freq},
{"penalty_prompt_tokens", slot.sparams.penalty_prompt_tokens},
{"use_penalty_prompt_tokens", slot.sparams.use_penalty_prompt_tokens},
{"mirostat", slot.sparams.mirostat},
{"mirostat_tau", slot.sparams.mirostat_tau},
{"mirostat_eta", slot.sparams.mirostat_eta},
{"penalize_nl", slot.sparams.penalize_nl},
{"stop", slot.params.antiprompt},
{"n_predict", slot.params.n_predict},
{"n_keep", params.n_keep},
{"ignore_eos", ignore_eos},
{"stream", slot.params.stream},
{"logit_bias", slot.sparams.logit_bias},
{"n_probs", slot.sparams.n_probs},
{"min_keep", slot.sparams.min_keep},
{"grammar", slot.sparams.grammar},
{"samplers", samplers_sequence}
void send_error(const server_task & task, const std::string & error) {
LOG_TEE("task %i - error: %s\n", task.id, error.c_str());
server_task_result res;
res.id = task.id;
res.id_multi = task.id_multi;
res.stop = false;
res.error = true;
res.data = { { "content", error } };
void send_partial_response(server_slot & slot, completion_token_output tkn) {
server_task_result res;
res.id = slot.id_task;
res.id_multi = slot.id_multi;
res.error = false;
res.stop = false;
res.data = json {
{"content", tkn.text_to_send},
{"stop", false},
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"multimodal", false}
if (slot.sparams.n_probs > 0) {
const std::vector<llama_token> to_send_toks = llama_tokenize(ctx, tkn.text_to_send, false);
const size_t probs_pos = std::min(slot.n_sent_token_probs, slot.generated_token_probs.size());
const size_t probs_stop_pos = std::min(slot.n_sent_token_probs + to_send_toks.size(), slot.generated_token_probs.size());
std::vector<completion_token_output> probs_output;
if (probs_pos < probs_stop_pos) {
probs_output = std::vector<completion_token_output>(
slot.generated_token_probs.begin() + probs_pos,
slot.generated_token_probs.begin() + probs_stop_pos);
slot.n_sent_token_probs = probs_stop_pos;
res.data["completion_probabilities"] = probs_vector_to_json(ctx, probs_output);
if (slot.oaicompat) {
res.data["oaicompat_token_ctr"] = slot.n_decoded;
res.data["model"] = slot.oaicompat_model;
void send_final_response(const server_slot & slot) {
server_task_result res;
res.id = slot.id_task;
res.id_multi = slot.id_multi;
res.error = false;
res.stop = true;
res.data = json {
{"content", !slot.params.stream ? slot.generated_text : ""},
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"stop", true},
{"model", params.model_alias},
{"tokens_predicted", slot.n_decoded},
{"tokens_evaluated", slot.n_prompt_tokens},
{"generation_settings", get_formated_generation(slot)},
{"prompt", slot.prompt},
{"truncated", slot.truncated},
{"stopped_eos", slot.stopped_eos},
{"stopped_word", slot.stopped_word},
{"stopped_limit", slot.stopped_limit},
{"stopping_word", slot.stopping_word},
{"tokens_cached", slot.n_past},
{"timings", slot.get_formated_timings()}
if (slot.sparams.n_probs > 0) {
std::vector<completion_token_output> probs;
if (!slot.params.stream && slot.stopped_word) {
const std::vector<llama_token> stop_word_toks = llama_tokenize(ctx, slot.stopping_word, false);
probs = std::vector<completion_token_output>(
slot.generated_token_probs.end() - stop_word_toks.size());
} else {
probs = std::vector<completion_token_output>(
res.data["completion_probabilities"] = probs_vector_to_json(ctx, probs);
if (slot.oaicompat) {
res.data["oaicompat_token_ctr"] = slot.n_decoded;
res.data["model"] = slot.oaicompat_model;
void send_embedding(const server_slot & slot, const llama_batch & batch) {
server_task_result res;
res.id = slot.id_task;
res.id_multi = slot.id_multi;
res.error = false;
res.stop = true;
const int n_embd = llama_n_embd(model);
for (int i = 0; i < batch.n_tokens; ++i) {
if (!batch.logits[i] || batch.seq_id[i][0] != slot.id + 1) {
const float * embd = llama_get_embeddings_seq(ctx, batch.seq_id[i][0]);
if (embd == NULL) {
embd = llama_get_embeddings_ith(ctx, i);
if (embd == NULL) {
LOG_ERROR("failed to get embeddings", {
{"token", batch.token [i]},
{"seq_id", batch.seq_id[i][0]}
res.data = json {
{"embedding", std::vector<float>(n_embd, 0.0f)},
res.data = json {
{"embedding", std::vector<float>(embd, embd + n_embd)},
void request_completion(int id_task, int id_multi, json data, bool infill, bool embedding) {
server_task task;
task.id = id_task;
task.id_multi = id_multi;
task.id_target = 0;
task.data = std::move(data);
task.infill = infill;
task.embedding = embedding;
// when a completion task's prompt array is not a singleton, we split it into multiple requests
// otherwise, it's a single-prompt task, we actually queue it
// if there's numbers in the prompt array it will be treated as an array of tokens
if (task.data.count("prompt") != 0 && task.data.at("prompt").size() > 1) {
bool numbers = false;
for (const auto & e : task.data.at("prompt")) {
if (e.is_number()) {
numbers = true;
// NOTE: split_multiprompt_task() does not handle a mix of strings and numbers,
// it will completely stall the server. I don't know where the bug for this is.
// if there are numbers, it needs to be treated like a single prompt,
// queue_tasks handles a mix of strings and numbers just fine.
if (numbers) {
} else {
split_multiprompt_task(id_task, task);
} else {
void request_cancel(int id_task) {
server_task task;
task.id_target = id_task;
void split_multiprompt_task(int id_multi, const server_task & multiprompt_task) {
const int prompt_count = multiprompt_task.data.at("prompt").size();
if (prompt_count <= 1) {
send_error(multiprompt_task, "error while handling multiple prompts");
// generate all the ID for subtask
std::vector<int> subtask_ids(prompt_count);
for (int i = 0; i < prompt_count; i++) {
subtask_ids[i] = queue_tasks.get_new_id();
// queue up the multitask so we can track its subtask progression
queue_tasks.add_multitask(id_multi, subtask_ids);
// add subtasks
for (int i = 0; i < prompt_count; i++) {
json subtask_data = multiprompt_task.data;
subtask_data["prompt"] = subtask_data["prompt"][i];
// subtasks inherit everything else (infill mode, embedding mode, etc.)
request_completion(subtask_ids[i], id_multi, subtask_data, multiprompt_task.infill, multiprompt_task.embedding);
void process_single_task(const server_task & task) {
switch (task.type) {
server_slot * slot = get_slot(json_value(task.data, "id_slot", -1));
if (slot == nullptr) {
// if no slot is available, we defer this task for processing later
LOG_VERBOSE("no slot is available", {{"id_task", task.id}});
if (task.data.contains("system_prompt")) {
for (server_slot & slot : slots) {
slot.n_past = 0;
slot.n_past_se = 0;
slot->id_task = task.id;
slot->id_multi = task.id_multi;
slot->infill = task.infill;
slot->embedding = task.embedding;
if (!launch_slot_with_data(*slot, task.data)) {
// send error result
send_error(task, "internal_error");
} break;
// release slot linked with the task id
for (auto & slot : slots) {
if (slot.id_task == task.id_target) {
} break;
// do nothing
} break;
json slots_data = json::array();
int n_idle_slots = 0;
int n_processing_slots = 0;
for (server_slot & slot : slots) {
json slot_data = get_formated_generation(slot);
slot_data["id"] = slot.id;
slot_data["id_task"] = slot.id_task;
slot_data["state"] = slot.state;
slot_data["prompt"] = slot.prompt;
slot_data["next_token"] = {
{"has_next_token", slot.has_next_token},
{"n_remain", slot.n_remaining},
{"n_decoded", slot.n_decoded},
{"stopped_eos", slot.stopped_eos},
{"stopped_word", slot.stopped_word},
{"stopped_limit", slot.stopped_limit},
{"stopping_word", slot.stopping_word},
if (slot_data["state"] == SLOT_STATE_IDLE) {
} else {
LOG_INFO("slot data", {
{"id_task", task.id},
{"n_idle_slots", n_idle_slots},
{"n_processing_slots", n_processing_slots}
LOG_VERBOSE("slot data", {
{"id_task", task.id},
{"n_idle_slots", n_idle_slots},
{"n_processing_slots", n_processing_slots},
{"slots", slots_data}
server_task_result res;
res.id = task.id;
res.id_multi = task.id_multi;
res.stop = true;
res.error = false;
res.data = {
{ "idle", n_idle_slots },
{ "processing", n_processing_slots },
{ "deferred", queue_tasks.queue_tasks_deferred.size() },
{ "t_start", metrics.t_start},
{ "n_prompt_tokens_processed_total", metrics.n_prompt_tokens_processed_total},
{ "t_tokens_generation_total", metrics.t_tokens_generation_total},
{ "n_tokens_predicted_total", metrics.n_tokens_predicted_total},
{ "t_prompt_processing_total", metrics.t_prompt_processing_total},
{ "n_prompt_tokens_processed", metrics.n_prompt_tokens_processed},
{ "t_prompt_processing", metrics.t_prompt_processing},
{ "n_tokens_predicted", metrics.n_tokens_predicted},
{ "t_tokens_generation", metrics.t_tokens_generation},
{ "kv_cache_tokens_count", llama_get_kv_cache_token_count(ctx)},
{ "kv_cache_used_cells", llama_get_kv_cache_used_cells(ctx)},
{ "slots", slots_data },
if (json_value(task.data, "reset_bucket", false)) {
} break;
void on_finish_multitask(const server_task_multi & multitask) {
// all subtasks done == multitask is done
server_task_result result;
result.id = multitask.id;
result.stop = true;
result.error = false;
// collect json results into one json result
std::vector<json> result_jsons;
for (const auto & subres : multitask.results) {
result.error = result.error && subres.error;
result.data = json {
{ "results", result_jsons }
bool update_slots() {
if (system_need_update) {
// release slots
for (auto & slot : slots) {
if (slot.command == SLOT_COMMAND_RELEASE) {
slot.state = SLOT_STATE_IDLE;
slot.command = SLOT_COMMAND_NONE;
slot.t_last_used = ggml_time_us();
LOG_INFO("slot released", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"id_task", slot.id_task},
{"n_ctx", n_ctx},
{"n_past", slot.n_past},
{"n_system_tokens", system_tokens.size()},
{"n_cache_tokens", slot.cache_tokens.size()},
{"truncated", slot.truncated}
// check if all slots are idle
bool all_idle = true;
for (auto & slot : slots) {
if (slot.state != SLOT_STATE_IDLE || slot.command != SLOT_COMMAND_NONE) {
all_idle = false;
if (all_idle) {
LOG_INFO("all slots are idle", {});
if (system_prompt.empty() && clean_kv_cache) {
return true;
server_task task;
task.id_target = -1;
// apply context-shift if needed
// TODO: simplify and improve
for (server_slot & slot : slots) {
if (slot.ga_n == 1) {
if (slot.is_processing() && (int) system_tokens.size() + slot.n_past >= slot.n_ctx - 1) {
// Shift context
const int n_keep = slot.params.n_keep + add_bos_token;
const int n_left = (int) system_tokens.size() + slot.n_past - n_keep;
const int n_discard = n_left / 2;
LOG_INFO("slot context shift", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"id_task", slot.id_task},
{"n_keep", n_keep},
{"n_left", n_left},
{"n_discard", n_discard},
{"n_ctx", n_ctx},
{"n_past", slot.n_past},
{"n_system_tokens", system_tokens.size()},
{"n_cache_tokens", slot.cache_tokens.size()}
llama_kv_cache_seq_rm (ctx, slot.id + 1, n_keep , n_keep + n_discard);
llama_kv_cache_seq_add(ctx, slot.id + 1, n_keep + n_discard, system_tokens.size() + slot.n_past, -n_discard);
if (slot.params.cache_prompt) {
for (size_t i = n_keep + n_discard; i < slot.cache_tokens.size(); i++) {
slot.cache_tokens[i - n_discard] = slot.cache_tokens[i];
slot.cache_tokens.resize(slot.cache_tokens.size() - n_discard);
slot.n_past -= n_discard;
slot.truncated = true;
// start populating the batch for this iteration
// frist, add sampled tokens from any ongoing sequences
for (auto & slot : slots) {
if (slot.state == SLOT_STATE_IDLE) {
slot.i_batch = batch.n_tokens;
const int32_t slot_npast = slot.n_past_se > 0 ? slot.n_past_se : slot.n_past;
// TODO: we always have to take into account the "system_tokens"
// this is not great and needs to be improved somehow
llama_batch_add(batch, slot.sampled, system_tokens.size() + slot_npast, { slot.id + 1 }, true);
slot.n_past += 1;
if (slot.params.cache_prompt) {
LOG_VERBOSE("slot decode token", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"id_task", slot.id_task},
{"n_ctx", n_ctx},
{"n_past", slot.n_past},
{"n_system_tokens", system_tokens.size()},
{"n_cache_tokens", slot.cache_tokens.size()},
{"truncated", slot.truncated}
// process in chunks of params.n_batch
int32_t n_batch = params.n_batch;
// next, batch any pending prompts without exceeding n_batch
if (params.cont_batching || batch.n_tokens == 0) {
for (auto & slot : slots) {
const bool has_prompt = slot.prompt.is_array() || (slot.prompt.is_string() && !slot.prompt.get<std::string>().empty());
// empty prompt passed -> release the slot and send empty response
// note: infill mode allows empty prompt
if (slot.state == SLOT_STATE_IDLE && slot.command == SLOT_COMMAND_LOAD_PROMPT && !has_prompt && !slot.infill) {
slot.command = SLOT_COMMAND_NONE;
// this slot still has a prompt to be processed
if (slot.state == SLOT_STATE_IDLE && slot.command == SLOT_COMMAND_LOAD_PROMPT) {
auto & prompt_tokens = slot.prompt_tokens;
// we haven't tokenized the prompt yet - do it now:
if (prompt_tokens.empty()) {
LOG_VERBOSE("tokenizing prompt", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"id_task", slot.id_task}
slot.t_start_process_prompt = ggml_time_us();
slot.t_start_generation = 0;
if (slot.infill) {
bool suff_rm_leading_spc = true;
if (params.input_suffix.find_first_of(' ') == 0 && params.input_suffix.size() > 1) {
params.input_suffix.erase(0, 1);
suff_rm_leading_spc = false;
auto prefix_tokens = tokenize(slot.params.input_prefix, false);
auto suffix_tokens = tokenize(slot.params.input_suffix, false);
const int space_token = 29871; // TODO: this should not be hardcoded
if (suff_rm_leading_spc && !suffix_tokens.empty() && suffix_tokens[0] == space_token) {
prefix_tokens.insert(prefix_tokens.begin(), llama_token_prefix(model));
prefix_tokens.insert(prefix_tokens.begin(), llama_token_bos(model)); // always add BOS
prefix_tokens.insert(prefix_tokens.end(), llama_token_suffix(model));
prefix_tokens.insert(prefix_tokens.end(), suffix_tokens.begin(), suffix_tokens.end());
prompt_tokens = prefix_tokens;
} else {
prompt_tokens = tokenize(slot.prompt, system_prompt.empty() && add_bos_token); // add BOS if there isn't system prompt
slot.n_past = 0;
slot.n_prompt_tokens = prompt_tokens.size();
if (slot.embedding) {
// this prompt is too large to process - discard it
if (slot.n_prompt_tokens > n_batch) {
slot.command = SLOT_COMMAND_NONE;
} else {
if (slot.params.n_keep < 0) {
slot.params.n_keep = slot.n_prompt_tokens;
slot.params.n_keep = std::min(slot.n_ctx - 4, slot.params.n_keep);
// if input prompt is too big, truncate it (if group attention self-extend is disabled)
if (slot.ga_n == 1 && slot.n_prompt_tokens >= slot.n_ctx) {
const int n_left = slot.n_ctx - slot.params.n_keep;
const int n_block_size = n_left / 2;
const int erased_blocks = (slot.n_prompt_tokens - slot.params.n_keep - n_block_size) / n_block_size;
std::vector<llama_token> new_tokens(
prompt_tokens.begin() + slot.params.n_keep);
prompt_tokens.begin() + slot.params.n_keep + erased_blocks * n_block_size,
prompt_tokens = std::move(new_tokens);
slot.truncated = true;
slot.n_prompt_tokens = prompt_tokens.size();
LOG_VERBOSE("input truncated", {
{"n_ctx", slot.n_ctx},
{"n_keep", slot.params.n_keep},
{"n_left", n_left},
{"prompt_tokens", tokens_to_str(ctx, prompt_tokens.cbegin(), prompt_tokens.cend())},
GGML_ASSERT(slot.n_prompt_tokens < slot.n_ctx);
if (!slot.params.cache_prompt) {
slot.n_past_se = 0;
slot.ga_i = 0;
} else {
GGML_ASSERT(slot.ga_n == 1);
// reuse any previously computed tokens that are common with the new prompt
slot.n_past = common_part(slot.cache_tokens, prompt_tokens);
// push the prompt into the sampling context (do not apply grammar)
for (int i = 0; i < slot.n_past; ++i) {
llama_sampling_accept(slot.ctx_sampling, ctx, slot.cache_tokens[i], false);
if (slot.n_past == slot.n_prompt_tokens && slot.n_past > 0) {
// we have to evaluate at least 1 token to generate logits.
LOG_INFO("we have to evaluate at least 1 token to generate logits", {
{ "id_slot", slot.id },
{ "id_task", slot.id_task }
if (slot.ga_i > 0) {
slot.n_prompt_tokens_processed = 0;
if (slot.embedding) {
// cannot fit the prompt in the current batch - will try next iter
if (batch.n_tokens + slot.n_prompt_tokens > n_batch) {
// keep only the common part
int p0 = (int) system_tokens.size() + slot.n_past;
if (!llama_kv_cache_seq_rm(ctx, slot.id + 1, p0, -1)) {
// could not partially delete (likely using a non-Transformer model)
llama_kv_cache_seq_rm(ctx, slot.id + 1, -1, -1);
p0 = (int) system_tokens.size();
if (p0 != 0) {
// copy over the system prompt when there is one
llama_kv_cache_seq_cp(ctx, 0, slot.id + 1, -1, -1);
// there is no common part left (except for the system prompt)
slot.n_past = 0;
slot.n_past_se = 0;
slot.ga_i = 0;
// TODO: is the system prompt ever in the sampling context?
// remove the non-common part from the cache
LOG_INFO("kv cache rm [p0, end)", {
{ "id_slot", slot.id },
{ "id_task", slot.id_task },
{ "p0", p0 }
int32_t slot_npast = slot.n_past_se > 0 ? slot.n_past_se : slot.n_past;
int32_t ga_i = slot.ga_i;
int32_t ga_n = slot.ga_n;
int32_t ga_w = slot.ga_w;
// add prompt tokens for processing in the current batch
// TODO: the self-extend stuff here is a mess - simplify and/or abstract it somehow
for (; slot.n_past < slot.n_prompt_tokens && batch.n_tokens < n_batch; ++slot.n_past) {
if (slot.ga_n != 1) {
while (slot_npast >= ga_i + ga_w) {
const int bd = (ga_w/ga_n)*(ga_n - 1);
slot_npast -= bd;
ga_i += ga_w/ga_n;
llama_batch_add(batch, prompt_tokens[slot.n_past], system_tokens.size() + slot_npast, { slot.id + 1 }, false);
if (slot.params.cache_prompt) {
LOG_VERBOSE("prompt processing progress", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"n_past", slot.n_past},
{"n_ctx", n_ctx},
{"n_tokens", batch.n_tokens},
{"progress", (float) slot.n_prompt_tokens_processed / slot.n_prompt_tokens},
// entire prompt has been processed - start decoding new tokens
if (slot.n_past == slot.n_prompt_tokens) {
slot.command = SLOT_COMMAND_NONE;
GGML_ASSERT(batch.n_tokens > 0);
// extract the logits only for the last token
batch.logits[batch.n_tokens - 1] = true;
slot.n_decoded = 0;
slot.i_batch = batch.n_tokens - 1;
LOG_VERBOSE("prompt done", {
{"id_slot", slot.id},
{"n_past", slot.n_past},
{"n_ctx", n_ctx},
{"n_tokens", batch.n_tokens},
if (batch.n_tokens >= n_batch) {
if (batch.n_tokens == 0) {
LOG_VERBOSE("no tokens to decode", {});
return true;
LOG_VERBOSE("decoding batch", {
{"n_tokens", batch.n_tokens},
// process the created batch of tokens
for (int32_t i = 0; i < (int32_t) batch.n_tokens; i += n_batch) {
const int32_t n_tokens = std::min(n_batch, batch.n_tokens - i);
for (auto & slot : slots) {
if (slot.ga_n != 1) {
// context extension via Self-Extend
// TODO: simplify and/or abstract this
while (slot.n_past_se >= slot.ga_i + slot.ga_w) {
const int ib = (slot.ga_n * slot.ga_i) / slot.ga_w;
const int bd = (slot.ga_w / slot.ga_n) * (slot.ga_n - 1);
const int dd = (slot.ga_w / slot.ga_n) - ib * bd - slot.ga_w;
LOG_TEE("shift: [%6d, %6d] + %6d -> [%6d, %6d]\n", slot.ga_i, slot.n_past_se, ib * bd, slot.ga_i + ib * bd, slot.n_past_se + ib * bd);
LOG_TEE("div: [%6d, %6d] / %6d -> [%6d, %6d]\n", slot.ga_i + ib * bd, slot.ga_i + ib * bd + slot.ga_w, slot.ga_n, (slot.ga_i + ib * bd) / slot.ga_n, (slot.ga_i + ib * bd + slot.ga_w) / slot.ga_n);
LOG_TEE("shift: [%6d, %6d] + %6d -> [%6d, %6d]\n", slot.ga_i + ib * bd + slot.ga_w, slot.n_past_se + ib * bd, dd, slot.ga_i + ib * bd + slot.ga_w + dd, slot.n_past_se + ib * bd + dd);
llama_kv_cache_seq_add(ctx, slot.id + 1, slot.ga_i, slot.n_past_se, ib * bd);
llama_kv_cache_seq_div(ctx, slot.id + 1, slot.ga_i + ib * bd, slot.ga_i + ib * bd + slot.ga_w, slot.ga_n);
llama_kv_cache_seq_add(ctx, slot.id + 1, slot.ga_i + ib * bd + slot.ga_w, slot.n_past_se + ib * bd, dd);
slot.n_past_se -= bd;
slot.ga_i += slot.ga_w / slot.ga_n;
LOG_TEE("\nn_past_old = %d, n_past = %d, ga_i = %d\n\n", slot.n_past_se + bd, slot.n_past_se, slot.ga_i);
slot.n_past_se += n_tokens;
llama_batch batch_view = {
batch.token + i,
batch.pos + i,
batch.n_seq_id + i,
batch.seq_id + i,
batch.logits + i,
0, 0, 0, // unused
const int ret = llama_decode(ctx, batch_view);
if (ret != 0) {
if (n_batch == 1 || ret < 0) {
// if you get here, it means the KV cache is full - try increasing it via the context size
LOG_TEE("%s : failed to decode the batch, n_batch = %d, ret = %d\n", __func__, n_batch, ret);
return false;
LOG_TEE("%s : failed to find free space in the KV cache, retrying with smaller n_batch = %d\n", __func__, n_batch / 2);
// retry with half the batch size to try to find a free slot in the KV cache
n_batch /= 2;
i -= n_batch;
for (auto & slot : slots) {
if (slot.state != SLOT_STATE_PROCESSING || slot.i_batch < (int) i || slot.i_batch >= (int) (i + n_tokens)) {
// prompt evaluated for embedding
if (slot.embedding) {
send_embedding(slot, batch_view);
slot.i_batch = -1;
completion_token_output result;
const llama_token id = llama_sampling_sample(slot.ctx_sampling, ctx, NULL, slot.i_batch - i);
llama_sampling_accept(slot.ctx_sampling, ctx, id, true);
slot.n_decoded += 1;
if (slot.n_decoded == 1) {
slot.t_start_generation = ggml_time_us();
slot.t_prompt_processing = (slot.t_start_generation - slot.t_start_process_prompt) / 1e3;
llama_token_data_array cur_p = { slot.ctx_sampling->cur.data(), slot.ctx_sampling->cur.size(), false };
result.tok = id;
const int32_t n_probs = slot.sparams.n_probs;
if (slot.sparams.temp <= 0 && n_probs > 0) {
// for llama_sample_token_greedy we need to sort candidates
llama_sample_softmax(ctx, &cur_p);
for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(cur_p.size, (size_t) n_probs); ++i) {
if (!process_token(result, slot)) {
slot.i_batch = -1;
LOG_VERBOSE("slots updated", {});
return true;
json model_meta() const {
return json {
{"vocab_type", llama_vocab_type (model)},
{"n_vocab", llama_n_vocab (model)},
{"n_ctx_train", llama_n_ctx_train (model)},
{"n_embd", llama_n_embd (model)},
{"n_params", llama_model_n_params(model)},
{"size", llama_model_size (model)},
static void server_print_usage(const char * argv0, const gpt_params & params, const server_params & sparams) {
printf("usage: %s [options]\n", argv0);
printf(" -h, --help show this help message and exit\n");
printf(" -v, --verbose verbose output (default: %s)\n", server_verbose ? "enabled" : "disabled");
printf(" -t N, --threads N number of threads to use during computation (default: %d)\n", params.n_threads);
printf(" -tb N, --threads-batch N number of threads to use during batch and prompt processing (default: same as --threads)\n");
printf(" --threads-http N number of threads in the http server pool to process requests (default: max(hardware concurrency - 1, --parallel N + 2))\n");
printf(" -c N, --ctx-size N size of the prompt context (default: %d)\n", params.n_ctx);
printf(" --rope-scaling {none,linear,yarn}\n");
printf(" RoPE frequency scaling method, defaults to linear unless specified by the model\n");
printf(" --rope-freq-base N RoPE base frequency (default: loaded from model)\n");
printf(" --rope-freq-scale N RoPE frequency scaling factor, expands context by a factor of 1/N\n");
printf(" --yarn-ext-factor N YaRN: extrapolation mix factor (default: 1.0, 0.0 = full interpolation)\n");
printf(" --yarn-attn-factor N YaRN: scale sqrt(t) or attention magnitude (default: 1.0)\n");
printf(" --yarn-beta-slow N YaRN: high correction dim or alpha (default: %.1f)\n", params.yarn_beta_slow);
printf(" --yarn-beta-fast N YaRN: low correction dim or beta (default: %.1f)\n", params.yarn_beta_fast);
printf(" --pooling {none,mean,cls} pooling type for embeddings, use model default if unspecified\n");
printf(" -b N, --batch-size N batch size for prompt processing (default: %d)\n", params.n_batch);
printf(" --memory-f32 use f32 instead of f16 for memory key+value (default: disabled)\n");
printf(" not recommended: doubles context memory required and no measurable increase in quality\n");
if (llama_supports_mlock()) {
printf(" --mlock force system to keep model in RAM rather than swapping or compressing\n");
if (llama_supports_mmap()) {
printf(" --no-mmap do not memory-map model (slower load but may reduce pageouts if not using mlock)\n");
printf(" --numa TYPE attempt optimizations that help on some NUMA systems\n");
printf(" - distribute: spread execution evenly over all nodes\n");
printf(" - isolate: only spawn threads on CPUs on the node that execution started on\n");
printf(" - numactl: use the CPU map provided my numactl\n");
if (llama_supports_gpu_offload()) {
printf(" -ngl N, --n-gpu-layers N\n");
printf(" number of layers to store in VRAM\n");
printf(" -sm SPLIT_MODE, --split-mode SPLIT_MODE\n");
printf(" how to split the model across multiple GPUs, one of:\n");
printf(" - none: use one GPU only\n");
printf(" - layer (default): split layers and KV across GPUs\n");
printf(" - row: split rows across GPUs\n");
printf(" -ts SPLIT --tensor-split SPLIT\n");
printf(" fraction of the model to offload to each GPU, comma-separated list of proportions, e.g. 3,1\n");
printf(" -mg i, --main-gpu i the GPU to use for the model (with split-mode = none),\n");
printf(" or for intermediate results and KV (with split-mode = row)\n");
printf(" -m FNAME, --model FNAME\n");
printf(" model path (default: %s)\n", params.model.c_str());
printf(" -a ALIAS, --alias ALIAS\n");
printf(" set an alias for the model, will be added as `model` field in completion response\n");
printf(" --lora FNAME apply LoRA adapter (implies --no-mmap)\n");
printf(" --lora-base FNAME optional model to use as a base for the layers modified by the LoRA adapter\n");
printf(" --host ip address to listen (default (default: %s)\n", sparams.hostname.c_str());
printf(" --port PORT port to listen (default (default: %d)\n", sparams.port);
printf(" --path PUBLIC_PATH path from which to serve static files (default %s)\n", sparams.public_path.c_str());
printf(" --api-key API_KEY optional api key to enhance server security. If set, requests must include this key for access.\n");
printf(" --api-key-file FNAME path to file containing api keys delimited by new lines. If set, requests must include one of the keys for access.\n");
printf(" -to N, --timeout N server read/write timeout in seconds (default: %d)\n", sparams.read_timeout);
printf(" --embeddings enable embedding vector output (default: %s)\n", params.embedding ? "enabled" : "disabled");
printf(" -np N, --parallel N number of slots for process requests (default: %d)\n", params.n_parallel);
printf(" -cb, --cont-batching enable continuous batching (a.k.a dynamic batching) (default: disabled)\n");
printf(" -spf FNAME, --system-prompt-file FNAME\n");
printf(" set a file to load a system prompt (initial prompt of all slots), this is useful for chat applications.\n");
printf(" -ctk TYPE, --cache-type-k TYPE\n");
printf(" KV cache data type for K (default: f16)\n");
printf(" -ctv TYPE, --cache-type-v TYPE\n");
printf(" KV cache data type for V (default: f16)\n");
printf(" --log-format log output format: json or text (default: json)\n");
printf(" --log-disable disables logging to a file.\n");
printf(" --slots-endpoint-disable disables slots monitoring endpoint.\n");
printf(" --metrics enable prometheus compatible metrics endpoint (default: %s).\n", sparams.metrics_endpoint ? "enabled" : "disabled");
printf(" -n, --n-predict maximum tokens to predict (default: %d)\n", params.n_predict);
printf(" --override-kv KEY=TYPE:VALUE\n");
printf(" advanced option to override model metadata by key. may be specified multiple times.\n");
printf(" types: int, float, bool. example: --override-kv tokenizer.ggml.add_bos_token=bool:false\n");
printf(" -gan N, --grp-attn-n N set the group attention factor to extend context size through self-extend(default: 1=disabled), used together with group attention width `--grp-attn-w`\n");
printf(" -gaw N, --grp-attn-w N set the group attention width to extend context size through self-extend(default: 512), used together with group attention factor `--grp-attn-n`\n");
printf(" --chat-template JINJA_TEMPLATE\n");
printf(" set custom jinja chat template (default: template taken from model's metadata)\n");
printf(" Note: only commonly used templates are accepted, since we don't have jinja parser\n");
static void server_params_parse(int argc, char ** argv, server_params & sparams, gpt_params & params) {
gpt_params default_params;
server_params default_sparams;
std::string arg;
bool invalid_param = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
arg = argv[i];
if (arg == "--port") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
sparams.port = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--host") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
sparams.hostname = argv[i];
} else if (arg == "--path") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
sparams.public_path = argv[i];
} else if (arg == "--api-key") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
} else if (arg == "--api-key-file") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
std::ifstream key_file(argv[i]);
if (!key_file) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to open file '%s'\n", argv[i]);
invalid_param = true;
std::string key;
while (std::getline(key_file, key)) {
if (key.size() > 0) {
} else if (arg == "--timeout" || arg == "-to") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
sparams.read_timeout = std::stoi(argv[i]);
sparams.write_timeout = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "-m" || arg == "--model") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.model = argv[i];
} else if (arg == "-a" || arg == "--alias") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.model_alias = argv[i];
} else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") {
server_print_usage(argv[0], default_params, default_sparams);
} else if (arg == "-c" || arg == "--ctx-size" || arg == "--ctx_size") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.n_ctx = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--rope-scaling") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
std::string value(argv[i]);
/**/ if (value == "none") { params.rope_scaling_type = LLAMA_ROPE_SCALING_TYPE_NONE; }
else if (value == "linear") { params.rope_scaling_type = LLAMA_ROPE_SCALING_TYPE_LINEAR; }
else if (value == "yarn") { params.rope_scaling_type = LLAMA_ROPE_SCALING_TYPE_YARN; }
else { invalid_param = true; break; }
} else if (arg == "--rope-freq-base") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.rope_freq_base = std::stof(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--rope-freq-scale") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.rope_freq_scale = std::stof(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--yarn-ext-factor") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.yarn_ext_factor = std::stof(argv[i]);
else if (arg == "--yarn-attn-factor") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.yarn_attn_factor = std::stof(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--yarn-beta-fast") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.yarn_beta_fast = std::stof(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--yarn-beta-slow") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.yarn_beta_slow = std::stof(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--pooling") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
std::string value(argv[i]);
/**/ if (value == "none") { params.pooling_type = LLAMA_POOLING_TYPE_NONE; }
else if (value == "mean") { params.pooling_type = LLAMA_POOLING_TYPE_MEAN; }
else if (value == "cls") { params.pooling_type = LLAMA_POOLING_TYPE_CLS; }
else { invalid_param = true; break; }
} else if (arg == "--threads" || arg == "-t") {
if (++i >= argc)
invalid_param = true;
params.n_threads = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--grp-attn-n" || arg == "-gan") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.grp_attn_n = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--grp-attn-w" || arg == "-gaw") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.grp_attn_w = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--threads-batch" || arg == "-tb") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.n_threads_batch = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--threads-http") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
sparams.n_threads_http = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "-b" || arg == "--batch-size") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.n_batch = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "--gpu-layers" || arg == "-ngl" || arg == "--n-gpu-layers") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
if (llama_supports_gpu_offload()) {
params.n_gpu_layers = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else {
"Not compiled with GPU offload support, --n-gpu-layers option will be ignored. "
"See main README.md for information on enabling GPU BLAS support",
{{"n_gpu_layers", params.n_gpu_layers}});
} else if (arg == "--split-mode" || arg == "-sm") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
std::string arg_next = argv[i];
if (arg_next == "none") {
params.split_mode = LLAMA_SPLIT_MODE_NONE;
} else if (arg_next == "layer") {
params.split_mode = LLAMA_SPLIT_MODE_LAYER;
} else if (arg_next == "row") {
params.split_mode = LLAMA_SPLIT_MODE_ROW;
} else {
invalid_param = true;
fprintf(stderr, "warning: llama.cpp was compiled without cuBLAS. Setting the split mode has no effect.\n");
} else if (arg == "--tensor-split" || arg == "-ts") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
#if defined(GGML_USE_CUBLAS) || defined(GGML_USE_SYCL)
std::string arg_next = argv[i];
// split string by , and /
const std::regex regex{R"([,/]+)"};
std::sregex_token_iterator it{arg_next.begin(), arg_next.end(), regex, -1};
std::vector<std::string> split_arg{it, {}};
GGML_ASSERT(split_arg.size() <= llama_max_devices());
for (size_t i_device = 0; i_device < llama_max_devices(); ++i_device) {
if (i_device < split_arg.size()) {
params.tensor_split[i_device] = std::stof(split_arg[i_device]);
} else {
params.tensor_split[i_device] = 0.0f;
LOG_WARNING("llama.cpp was compiled without cuBLAS. It is not possible to set a tensor split.\n", {});
} else if (arg == "--main-gpu" || arg == "-mg") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
#if defined(GGML_USE_CUBLAS) || defined(GGML_USE_SYCL)
params.main_gpu = std::stoi(argv[i]);
LOG_WARNING("llama.cpp was compiled without cuBLAS. It is not possible to set a main GPU.", {});
} else if (arg == "--lora") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.lora_adapter.emplace_back(argv[i], 1.0f);
params.use_mmap = false;
} else if (arg == "--lora-scaled") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
const char * lora_adapter = argv[i];
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.lora_adapter.emplace_back(lora_adapter, std::stof(argv[i]));
params.use_mmap = false;
} else if (arg == "--lora-base") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.lora_base = argv[i];
} else if (arg == "-v" || arg == "--verbose") {
LOG_WARNING("server.cpp is not built with verbose logging.", {});
server_verbose = true;
} else if (arg == "--mlock") {
params.use_mlock = true;
} else if (arg == "--no-mmap") {
params.use_mmap = false;
} else if (arg == "--numa") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
} else {
std::string value(argv[i]);
/**/ if (value == "distribute" || value == "" ) { params.numa = GGML_NUMA_STRATEGY_DISTRIBUTE; }
else if (value == "isolate") { params.numa = GGML_NUMA_STRATEGY_ISOLATE; }
else if (value == "numactl") { params.numa = GGML_NUMA_STRATEGY_NUMACTL; }
else { invalid_param = true; break; }
} else if (arg == "--embedding" || arg == "--embeddings") {
params.embedding = true;
} else if (arg == "-cb" || arg == "--cont-batching") {
params.cont_batching = true;
} else if (arg == "-np" || arg == "--parallel") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.n_parallel = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "-n" || arg == "--n-predict") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
params.n_predict = std::stoi(argv[i]);
} else if (arg == "-spf" || arg == "--system-prompt-file") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
std::ifstream file(argv[i]);
if (!file) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to open file '%s'\n", argv[i]);
invalid_param = true;
std::string system_prompt;
sparams.system_prompt = system_prompt;
} else if (arg == "-ctk" || arg == "--cache-type-k") {
params.cache_type_k = argv[++i];
} else if (arg == "-ctv" || arg == "--cache-type-v") {
params.cache_type_v = argv[++i];
} else if (arg == "--log-format") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "json") == 0) {
server_log_json = true;
} else if (std::strcmp(argv[i], "text") == 0) {
server_log_json = false;
} else {
invalid_param = true;
} else if (arg == "--log-disable") {
LOG_INFO("logging to file is disabled.", {});
} else if (arg == "--slots-endpoint-disable") {
sparams.slots_endpoint = false;
} else if (arg == "--metrics") {
sparams.metrics_endpoint = true;
} else if (arg == "--chat-template") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
if (!verify_custom_template(argv[i])) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: the supplied chat template is not supported: %s\n", argv[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "note: llama.cpp does not use jinja parser, we only support commonly used templates\n");
invalid_param = true;
sparams.chat_template = argv[i];
} else if (arg == "--override-kv") {
if (++i >= argc) {
invalid_param = true;
char * sep = strchr(argv[i], '=');
if (sep == nullptr || sep - argv[i] >= 128) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: Malformed KV override: %s\n", argv[i]);
invalid_param = true;
struct llama_model_kv_override kvo;
std::strncpy(kvo.key, argv[i], sep - argv[i]);
kvo.key[sep - argv[i]] = 0;
if (strncmp(sep, "int:", 4) == 0) {
sep += 4;
kvo.int_value = std::atol(sep);
} else if (strncmp(sep, "float:", 6) == 0) {
sep += 6;
kvo.float_value = std::atof(sep);
} else if (strncmp(sep, "bool:", 5) == 0) {
sep += 5;
if (std::strcmp(sep, "true") == 0) {
kvo.bool_value = true;
} else if (std::strcmp(sep, "false") == 0) {
kvo.bool_value = false;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "error: Invalid boolean value for KV override: %s\n", argv[i]);
invalid_param = true;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "error: Invalid type for KV override: %s\n", argv[i]);
invalid_param = true;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown argument: %s\n", arg.c_str());
server_print_usage(argv[0], default_params, default_sparams);
if (!params.kv_overrides.empty()) {
params.kv_overrides.back().key[0] = 0;
if (invalid_param) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: invalid parameter for argument: %s\n", arg.c_str());
server_print_usage(argv[0], default_params, default_sparams);
static void log_server_request(const httplib::Request & req, const httplib::Response & res) {
// skip GH copilot requests when using default port
if (req.path == "/v1/health" || req.path == "/v1/completions") {
LOG_INFO("request", {
{"remote_addr", req.remote_addr},
{"remote_port", req.remote_port},
{"status", res.status},
{"method", req.method},
{"path", req.path},
{"params", req.params},
LOG_VERBOSE("request", {
{"request", req.body},
{"response", res.body},
std::function<void(int)> shutdown_handler;
std::atomic_flag is_terminating = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT;
inline void signal_handler(int signal) {
if (is_terminating.test_and_set()) {
// in case it hangs, we can force terminate the server by hitting Ctrl+C twice
// this is for better developer experience, we can remove when the server is stable enough
fprintf(stderr, "Received second interrupt, terminating immediately.\n");
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
// own arguments required by this example
gpt_params params;
server_params sparams;
// struct that contains llama context and inference
server_context ctx_server;
server_params_parse(argc, argv, sparams, params);
if (!sparams.system_prompt.empty()) {
if (params.model_alias == "unknown") {
params.model_alias = params.model;
LOG_INFO("build info", {
{"commit", LLAMA_COMMIT}
LOG_INFO("system info", {
{"n_threads", params.n_threads},
{"n_threads_batch", params.n_threads_batch},
{"total_threads", std::thread::hardware_concurrency()},
{"system_info", llama_print_system_info()},
httplib::Server svr;
std::atomic<server_state> state{SERVER_STATE_LOADING_MODEL};
svr.set_default_headers({{"Server", "llama.cpp"}});
// CORS preflight
svr.Options(R"(.*)", [](const httplib::Request & req, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.get_header_value("Origin"));
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST");
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");
svr.Get("/health", [&](const httplib::Request & req, httplib::Response & res) {
server_state current_state = state.load();
switch (current_state) {
// request slots data using task queue
server_task task;
task.id = ctx_server.queue_tasks.get_new_id();
task.id_target = -1;
// get the result
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(task.id);
const int n_idle_slots = result.data["idle"];
const int n_processing_slots = result.data["processing"];
json health = {
{"status", "ok"},
{"slots_idle", n_idle_slots},
{"slots_processing", n_processing_slots}
res.status = 200; // HTTP OK
if (sparams.slots_endpoint && req.has_param("include_slots")) {
health["slots"] = result.data["slots"];
if (n_idle_slots == 0) {
health["status"] = "no slot available";
if (req.has_param("fail_on_no_slot")) {
res.status = 503; // HTTP Service Unavailable
res.set_content(health.dump(), "application/json");
res.set_content(R"({"status": "loading model"})", "application/json");
res.status = 503; // HTTP Service Unavailable
} break;
res.set_content(R"({"status": "error", "error": "Model failed to load"})", "application/json");
res.status = 500; // HTTP Internal Server Error
} break;
if (sparams.slots_endpoint) {
svr.Get("/slots", [&](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response & res) {
// request slots data using task queue
server_task task;
task.id = ctx_server.queue_tasks.get_new_id();
task.id_multi = -1;
task.id_target = -1;
// get the result
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(task.id);
res.set_content(result.data["slots"].dump(), "application/json");
res.status = 200; // HTTP OK
if (sparams.metrics_endpoint) {
svr.Get("/metrics", [&](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response & res) {
// request slots data using task queue
server_task task;
task.id = ctx_server.queue_tasks.get_new_id();
task.id_multi = -1;
task.id_target = -1;
task.data.push_back({{"reset_bucket", true}});
// get the result
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(task.id);
json data = result.data;
const uint64_t n_prompt_tokens_processed = data["n_prompt_tokens_processed"];
const uint64_t t_prompt_processing = data["t_prompt_processing"];
const uint64_t n_tokens_predicted = data["n_tokens_predicted"];
const uint64_t t_tokens_generation = data["t_tokens_generation"];
const int32_t kv_cache_used_cells = data["kv_cache_used_cells"];
// metrics definition: https://prometheus.io/docs/practices/naming/#metric-names
json all_metrics_def = json {
{"counter", {{
{"name", "prompt_tokens_total"},
{"help", "Number of prompt tokens processed."},
{"value", (uint64_t) data["n_prompt_tokens_processed_total"]}
}, {
{"name", "prompt_seconds_total"},
{"help", "Prompt process time"},
{"value", (uint64_t) data["t_prompt_processing_total"] / 1.e3}
}, {
{"name", "tokens_predicted_total"},
{"help", "Number of generation tokens processed."},
{"value", (uint64_t) data["n_tokens_predicted_total"]}
}, {
{"name", "tokens_predicted_seconds_total"},
{"help", "Predict process time"},
{"value", (uint64_t) data["t_tokens_generation_total"] / 1.e3}
{"gauge", {{
{"name", "prompt_tokens_seconds"},
{"help", "Average prompt throughput in tokens/s."},
{"value", n_prompt_tokens_processed ? 1.e3 / t_prompt_processing * n_prompt_tokens_processed : 0.}
{"name", "predicted_tokens_seconds"},
{"help", "Average generation throughput in tokens/s."},
{"value", n_tokens_predicted ? 1.e3 / t_tokens_generation * n_tokens_predicted : 0.}
{"name", "kv_cache_usage_ratio"},
{"help", "KV-cache usage. 1 means 100 percent usage."},
{"value", 1. * kv_cache_used_cells / params.n_ctx}
{"name", "kv_cache_tokens"},
{"help", "KV-cache tokens."},
{"value", (uint64_t) data["kv_cache_tokens_count"]}
{"name", "requests_processing"},
{"help", "Number of request processing."},
{"value", (uint64_t) data["processing"]}
{"name", "requests_deferred"},
{"help", "Number of request deferred."},
{"value", (uint64_t) data["deferred"]}
std::stringstream prometheus;
for (const auto & el : all_metrics_def.items()) {
const auto & type = el.key();
const auto & metrics_def = el.value();
for (const auto & metric_def : metrics_def) {
const std::string name = metric_def["name"];
const std::string help = metric_def["help"];
auto value = json_value(metric_def, "value", 0.);
prometheus << "# HELP llamacpp:" << name << " " << help << "\n"
<< "# TYPE llamacpp:" << name << " " << type << "\n"
<< "llamacpp:" << name << " " << value << "\n";
const int64_t t_start = data["t_start"];
res.set_header("Process-Start-Time-Unix", std::to_string(t_start));
res.set_content(prometheus.str(), "text/plain; version=0.0.4");
res.status = 200; // HTTP OK
svr.set_exception_handler([](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response & res, std::exception_ptr ep) {
const char fmt[] = "500 Internal Server Error\n%s";
char buf[BUFSIZ];
try {
} catch (std::exception &e) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, e.what());
} catch (...) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, "Unknown Exception");
res.set_content(buf, "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
res.status = 500;
svr.set_error_handler([](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response & res) {
if (res.status == 401) {
res.set_content("Unauthorized", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
if (res.status == 400) {
res.set_content("Invalid request", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
if (res.status == 404) {
res.set_content("File Not Found", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
// set timeouts and change hostname and port
svr.set_read_timeout (sparams.read_timeout);
if (!svr.bind_to_port(sparams.hostname, sparams.port)) {
fprintf(stderr, "\ncouldn't bind to server socket: hostname=%s port=%d\n\n", sparams.hostname.c_str(), sparams.port);
return 1;
// Set the base directory for serving static files
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> log_data;
log_data["hostname"] = sparams.hostname;
log_data["port"] = std::to_string(sparams.port);
if (sparams.api_keys.size() == 1) {
log_data["api_key"] = "api_key: ****" + sparams.api_keys[0].substr(sparams.api_keys[0].length() - 4);
} else if (sparams.api_keys.size() > 1) {
log_data["api_key"] = "api_key: " + std::to_string(sparams.api_keys.size()) + " keys loaded";
// load the model
if (!ctx_server.load_model(params)) {
return 1;
} else {
LOG_INFO("model loaded", {});
const auto model_meta = ctx_server.model_meta();
if (sparams.chat_template.empty()) { // custom chat template is not supplied
if (!ctx_server.validate_model_chat_template()) {
LOG_ERROR("The chat template that comes with this model is not yet supported, falling back to chatml. This may cause the model to output suboptimal responses", {});
sparams.chat_template = "chatml";
// Middleware for API key validation
auto validate_api_key = [&sparams](const httplib::Request &req, httplib::Response &res) -> bool {
// If API key is not set, skip validation
if (sparams.api_keys.empty()) {
return true;
// Check for API key in the header
auto auth_header = req.get_header_value("Authorization");
std::string prefix = "Bearer ";
if (auth_header.substr(0, prefix.size()) == prefix) {
std::string received_api_key = auth_header.substr(prefix.size());
if (std::find(sparams.api_keys.begin(), sparams.api_keys.end(), received_api_key) != sparams.api_keys.end()) {
return true; // API key is valid
// API key is invalid or not provided
res.set_content("Unauthorized: Invalid API Key", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
res.status = 401; // Unauthorized
LOG_WARNING("Unauthorized: Invalid API Key", {});
return false;
// this is only called if no index.html is found in the public --path
svr.Get("/", [](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_content(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&index_html), index_html_len, "text/html; charset=utf-8");
return false;
// this is only called if no index.js is found in the public --path
svr.Get("/index.js", [](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_content(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&index_js), index_js_len, "text/javascript; charset=utf-8");
return false;
// this is only called if no index.html is found in the public --path
svr.Get("/completion.js", [](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_content(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&completion_js), completion_js_len, "application/javascript; charset=utf-8");
return false;
// this is only called if no index.html is found in the public --path
svr.Get("/json-schema-to-grammar.mjs", [](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_content(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&json_schema_to_grammar_mjs), json_schema_to_grammar_mjs_len, "application/javascript; charset=utf-8");
return false;
svr.Get("/props", [&ctx_server](const httplib::Request & req, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.get_header_value("Origin"));
json data = {
{ "user_name", ctx_server.name_user.c_str() },
{ "assistant_name", ctx_server.name_assistant.c_str() },
{ "default_generation_settings", ctx_server.default_generation_settings_for_props },
{ "total_slots", ctx_server.params.n_parallel }
res.set_content(data.dump(), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
const auto completions = [&ctx_server, &validate_api_key](const httplib::Request & req, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.get_header_value("Origin"));
if (!validate_api_key(req, res)) {
json data = json::parse(req.body);
const int id_task = ctx_server.queue_tasks.get_new_id();
ctx_server.request_completion(id_task, -1, data, false, false);
if (!json_value(data, "stream", false)) {
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(id_task);
if (!result.error && result.stop) {
res.set_content(result.data.dump(-1, ' ', false, json::error_handler_t::replace), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
} else {
res.status = 500;
res.set_content(result.data["content"], "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
} else {
const auto chunked_content_provider = [id_task, &ctx_server](size_t, httplib::DataSink & sink) {
while (true) {
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(id_task);
if (!result.error) {
const std::string str =
"data: " +
result.data.dump(-1, ' ', false, json::error_handler_t::replace) +
LOG_VERBOSE("data stream", {
{ "to_send", str }
if (!sink.write(str.c_str(), str.size())) {
return false;
if (result.stop) {
} else {
const std::string str =
"error: " +
result.data.dump(-1, ' ', false, json::error_handler_t::replace) +
LOG_VERBOSE("data stream", {
{ "to_send", str }
if (!sink.write(str.c_str(), str.size())) {
return false;
return true;
auto on_complete = [id_task, &ctx_server] (bool) {
// cancel
res.set_chunked_content_provider("text/event-stream", chunked_content_provider, on_complete);
svr.Post("/completion", completions); // legacy
svr.Post("/completions", completions);
svr.Post("/v1/completions", completions);
svr.Get("/v1/models", [&params, &model_meta](const httplib::Request & req, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.get_header_value("Origin"));
json models = {
{"object", "list"},
{"data", {
{"id", params.model_alias},
{"object", "model"},
{"created", std::time(0)},
{"owned_by", "llamacpp"},
{"meta", model_meta}
res.set_content(models.dump(), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
const auto chat_completions = [&ctx_server, &validate_api_key, &sparams](const httplib::Request & req, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.get_header_value("Origin"));
if (!validate_api_key(req, res)) {
json data = oaicompat_completion_params_parse(ctx_server.model, json::parse(req.body), sparams.chat_template);
const int id_task = ctx_server.queue_tasks.get_new_id();
ctx_server.request_completion(id_task, -1, data, false, false);
if (!json_value(data, "stream", false)) {
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(id_task);
if (!result.error && result.stop) {
json result_oai = format_final_response_oaicompat(data, result.data);
res.set_content(result_oai.dump(-1, ' ', false, json::error_handler_t::replace), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
} else {
res.status = 500;
res.set_content(result.data["content"], "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
} else {
const auto chunked_content_provider = [id_task, &ctx_server](size_t, httplib::DataSink & sink) {
while (true) {
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(id_task);
if (!result.error) {
std::vector<json> result_array = format_partial_response_oaicompat(result.data);
for (auto it = result_array.begin(); it != result_array.end(); ++it) {
if (!it->empty()) {
const std::string str =
"data: " +
it->dump(-1, ' ', false, json::error_handler_t::replace) +
LOG_VERBOSE("data stream", {{"to_send", str}});
if (!sink.write(str.c_str(), str.size())) {
return false;
if (result.stop) {
} else {
const std::string str =
"error: " +
result.data.dump(-1, ' ', false, json::error_handler_t::replace) +
LOG_VERBOSE("data stream", {{"to_send", str}});
if (!sink.write(str.c_str(), str.size())) {
return false;
return true;
auto on_complete = [id_task, &ctx_server](bool) {
// cancel request
res.set_chunked_content_provider("text/event-stream", chunked_content_provider, on_complete);
svr.Post("/chat/completions", chat_completions);
svr.Post("/v1/chat/completions", chat_completions);
svr.Post("/infill", [&ctx_server, &validate_api_key](const httplib::Request & req, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.get_header_value("Origin"));
if (!validate_api_key(req, res)) {
json data = json::parse(req.body);
const int id_task = ctx_server.queue_tasks.get_new_id();
ctx_server.request_completion(id_task, -1, data, true, false);
if (!json_value(data, "stream", false)) {
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(id_task);
if (!result.error && result.stop) {
res.set_content(result.data.dump(-1, ' ', false, json::error_handler_t::replace), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
} else {
res.status = 404;
res.set_content(result.data["content"], "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
} else {
const auto chunked_content_provider = [id_task, &ctx_server](size_t, httplib::DataSink & sink) {
while (true) {
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(id_task);
if (!result.error) {
const std::string str =
"data: " +
result.data.dump(-1, ' ', false, json::error_handler_t::replace) +
LOG_VERBOSE("data stream", {
{ "to_send", str }
if (!sink.write(str.c_str(), str.size())) {
return false;
if (result.stop) {
} else {
return true;
auto on_complete = [id_task, &ctx_server] (bool) {
res.set_chunked_content_provider("text/event-stream", chunked_content_provider, on_complete);
svr.Options(R"(/.*)", [](const httplib::Request &, httplib::Response & res) {
return res.set_content("", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
svr.Post("/tokenize", [&ctx_server](const httplib::Request & req, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.get_header_value("Origin"));
const json body = json::parse(req.body);
std::vector<llama_token> tokens;
if (body.count("content") != 0) {
tokens = ctx_server.tokenize(body["content"], false);
const json data = format_tokenizer_response(tokens);
return res.set_content(data.dump(), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
svr.Post("/detokenize", [&ctx_server](const httplib::Request & req, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.get_header_value("Origin"));
const json body = json::parse(req.body);
std::string content;
if (body.count("tokens") != 0) {
const std::vector<llama_token> tokens = body["tokens"];
content = tokens_to_str(ctx_server.ctx, tokens.cbegin(), tokens.cend());
const json data = format_detokenized_response(content);
return res.set_content(data.dump(), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
svr.Post("/embedding", [&params, &ctx_server](const httplib::Request & req, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.get_header_value("Origin"));
if (!params.embedding) {
res.status = 501;
res.set_content("This server does not support embeddings. Start it with `--embeddings`", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
const json body = json::parse(req.body);
json prompt;
if (body.count("content") != 0) {
prompt = body["content"];
} else {
prompt = "";
// create and queue the task
const int id_task = ctx_server.queue_tasks.get_new_id();
ctx_server.request_completion(id_task, -1, { {"prompt", prompt}, { "n_predict", 0} }, false, true);
// get the result
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(id_task);
// send the result
return res.set_content(result.data.dump(), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
svr.Post("/v1/embeddings", [&params, &ctx_server](const httplib::Request & req, httplib::Response & res) {
res.set_header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.get_header_value("Origin"));
if (!params.embedding) {
res.status = 501;
res.set_content("This server does not support embeddings. Start it with `--embeddings`", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
const json body = json::parse(req.body);
json prompt;
if (body.count("input") != 0) {
prompt = body["input"];
if (prompt.is_array()) {
json data = json::array();
int i = 0;
for (const json & elem : prompt) {
const int id_task = ctx_server.queue_tasks.get_new_id();
ctx_server.request_completion(id_task, -1, { {"prompt", elem}, { "n_predict", 0} }, false, true);
// get the result
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(id_task);
json embedding = json{
{"embedding", json_value(result.data, "embedding", json::array())},
{"index", i++},
{"object", "embedding"}
json result = format_embeddings_response_oaicompat(body, data);
return res.set_content(result.dump(), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
} else {
prompt = "";
// create and queue the task
const int id_task = ctx_server.queue_tasks.get_new_id();
ctx_server.request_completion(id_task, -1, { {"prompt", prompt}, { "n_predict", 0}}, false, true);
// get the result
server_task_result result = ctx_server.queue_results.recv(id_task);
json data = json::array({json{
{"embedding", json_value(result.data, "embedding", json::array())},
{"index", 0},
{"object", "embedding"}
json root = format_embeddings_response_oaicompat(body, data);
return res.set_content(root.dump(), "application/json; charset=utf-8");
if (sparams.n_threads_http < 1) {
// +2 threads for monitoring endpoints
sparams.n_threads_http = std::max(params.n_parallel + 2, (int32_t) std::thread::hardware_concurrency() - 1);
log_data["n_threads_http"] = std::to_string(sparams.n_threads_http);
svr.new_task_queue = [&sparams] { return new httplib::ThreadPool(sparams.n_threads_http); };
LOG_INFO("HTTP server listening", log_data);
// run the HTTP server in a thread - see comment below
std::thread t([&]() {
if (!svr.listen_after_bind()) {
return 1;
return 0;
&server_context::process_single_task, &ctx_server, std::placeholders::_1));
&server_context::on_finish_multitask, &ctx_server, std::placeholders::_1));
&server_context::update_slots, &ctx_server));
shutdown_handler = [&](int) {
#if defined (__unix__) || (defined (__APPLE__) && defined (__MACH__))
struct sigaction sigint_action;
sigint_action.sa_handler = signal_handler;
sigemptyset (&sigint_action.sa_mask);
sigint_action.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction(SIGINT, &sigint_action, NULL);
#elif defined (_WIN32)
auto console_ctrl_handler = +[](DWORD ctrl_type) -> BOOL {
return (ctrl_type == CTRL_C_EVENT) ? (signal_handler(SIGINT), true) : false;
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(reinterpret_cast<PHANDLER_ROUTINE>(console_ctrl_handler), true);
return 0;