# # This file is part of pysnmp software. # # Copyright (c) 2005-2018, Ilya Etingof # License: http://snmplabs.com/pysnmp/license.html # import random try: from hashlib import md5, sha1 except ImportError: import md5 import sha md5 = md5.new sha1 = sha.new try: from pysnmpcrypto import des3, PysnmpCryptoError except ImportError: PysnmpCryptoError = AttributeError des3 = None from pysnmp.proto.secmod.rfc3414.priv import base from pysnmp.proto.secmod.rfc3414.auth import hmacmd5, hmacsha from pysnmp.proto.secmod.rfc3414 import localkey from pysnmp.proto.secmod.rfc7860.auth import hmacsha2 from pysnmp.proto import errind, error from pyasn1.type import univ from pyasn1.compat.octets import null random.seed() # 5.1.1 class Des3(base.AbstractEncryptionService): """Reeder 3DES-EDE for USM (Internet draft). https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-reeder-snmpv3-usm-3desede-00 """ serviceID = (1, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 10, 1, 2, 3) # usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol keySize = 32 _localInt = random.randrange(0, 0xffffffff) def hashPassphrase(self, authProtocol, privKey): if authProtocol == hmacmd5.HmacMd5.serviceID: hashAlgo = md5 elif authProtocol == hmacsha.HmacSha.serviceID: hashAlgo = sha1 elif authProtocol in hmacsha2.HmacSha2.hashAlgorithms: hashAlgo = hmacsha2.HmacSha2.hashAlgorithms[authProtocol] else: raise error.ProtocolError( 'Unknown auth protocol %s' % (authProtocol,) ) return localkey.hashPassphrase(privKey, hashAlgo) # 2.1 def localizeKey(self, authProtocol, privKey, snmpEngineID): if authProtocol == hmacmd5.HmacMd5.serviceID: hashAlgo = md5 elif authProtocol == hmacsha.HmacSha.serviceID: hashAlgo = sha1 elif authProtocol in hmacsha2.HmacSha2.hashAlgorithms: hashAlgo = hmacsha2.HmacSha2.hashAlgorithms[authProtocol] else: raise error.ProtocolError( 'Unknown auth protocol %s' % (authProtocol,) ) localPrivKey = localkey.localizeKey(privKey, snmpEngineID, hashAlgo) # now extend this key if too short by repeating steps that includes the hashPassphrase step while len(localPrivKey) < self.keySize: # this is the difference between reeder and bluementhal newKey = localkey.hashPassphrase(localPrivKey, hashAlgo) localPrivKey += localkey.localizeKey(newKey, snmpEngineID, hashAlgo) return localPrivKey[:self.keySize] # def __getEncryptionKey(self, privKey, snmpEngineBoots): # des3Key = privKey[:24] preIV = privKey[24:32] securityEngineBoots = int(snmpEngineBoots) salt = [ securityEngineBoots >> 24 & 0xff, securityEngineBoots >> 16 & 0xff, securityEngineBoots >> 8 & 0xff, securityEngineBoots & 0xff, self._localInt >> 24 & 0xff, self._localInt >> 16 & 0xff, self._localInt >> 8 & 0xff, self._localInt & 0xff ] if self._localInt == 0xffffffff: self._localInt = 0 else: self._localInt += 1 # salt not yet hashed XXX return (des3Key.asOctets(), univ.OctetString(salt).asOctets(), univ.OctetString(map(lambda x, y: x ^ y, salt, preIV.asNumbers())).asOctets()) @staticmethod def __getDecryptionKey(privKey, salt): return (privKey[:24].asOctets(), univ.OctetString(map(lambda x, y: x ^ y, salt.asNumbers(), privKey[24:32].asNumbers())).asOctets()) # def encryptData(self, encryptKey, privParameters, dataToEncrypt): snmpEngineBoots, snmpEngineTime, salt = privParameters des3Key, salt, iv = self.__getEncryptionKey( encryptKey, snmpEngineBoots ) privParameters = univ.OctetString(salt) plaintext = dataToEncrypt + univ.OctetString((0,) * (8 - len(dataToEncrypt) % 8)).asOctets() try: ciphertext = des3.encrypt(plaintext, des3Key, iv) except PysnmpCryptoError: raise error.StatusInformation( errorIndication=errind.unsupportedPrivProtocol ) return univ.OctetString(ciphertext), privParameters # def decryptData(self, decryptKey, privParameters, encryptedData): snmpEngineBoots, snmpEngineTime, salt = privParameters if len(salt) != 8: raise error.StatusInformation( errorIndication=errind.decryptionError ) des3Key, iv = self.__getDecryptionKey(decryptKey, salt) if len(encryptedData) % 8 != 0: raise error.StatusInformation( errorIndication=errind.decryptionError ) ciphertext = encryptedData.asOctets() try: plaintext = des3.decrypt(ciphertext, des3Key, iv) except PysnmpCryptoError: raise error.StatusInformation( errorIndication=errind.unsupportedPrivProtocol ) return plaintext