""" Crypto logic for RFC3414. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3414 """ from pysnmp.crypto import backend, CRYPTODOME, CRYPTOGRAPHY, generic_decrypt, generic_encrypt if backend == CRYPTOGRAPHY: from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import algorithms, Cipher, modes elif backend == CRYPTODOME: from Cryptodome.Cipher import DES def _cryptodome_cipher(key, iv): """Build a Pycryptodome DES Cipher object. :param bytes key: Encryption key :param bytes IV: Initialization vector :returns: DES Cipher instance """ return DES.new(key, DES.MODE_CBC, iv) def _cryptography_cipher(key, iv): """Build a cryptography DES(-like) Cipher object. .. note:: pyca/cryptography does not support DES directly because it is a seriously old, insecure, and deprecated algorithm. However, triple DES is just three rounds of DES (encrypt, decrypt, encrypt) done by taking a key three times the size of a DES key and breaking it into three pieces. So triple DES with des_key * 3 is equivalent to DES. :param bytes key: Encryption key :param bytes IV: Initialization vector :returns: TripleDES Cipher instance providing DES behavior by using provided DES key :rtype: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.Cipher """ return Cipher( algorithm=algorithms.TripleDES(key * 3), mode=modes.CBC(iv), backend=default_backend() ) _CIPHER_FACTORY_MAP = { CRYPTOGRAPHY: _cryptography_cipher, CRYPTODOME: _cryptodome_cipher } def encrypt(plaintext, key, iv): """Encrypt data using DES on the available backend. :param bytes plaintext: Plaintext data to encrypt :param bytes key: Encryption key :param bytes IV: Initialization vector :returns: Encrypted ciphertext :rtype: bytes """ return generic_encrypt(_CIPHER_FACTORY_MAP, plaintext, key, iv) def decrypt(ciphertext, key, iv): """Decrypt data using DES on the available backend. :param bytes ciphertext: Ciphertext data to decrypt :param bytes key: Encryption key :param bytes IV: Initialization vector :returns: Decrypted plaintext :rtype: bytes """ return generic_decrypt(_CIPHER_FACTORY_MAP, ciphertext, key, iv)