HXCOMM Keep the list of subcommands sorted by name. HXCOMM Use DEFHEADING() to define headings in both help text and texi HXCOMM Text between STEXI and ETEXI are copied to texi version and HXCOMM discarded from C version HXCOMM DEF(command, callback, arg_string) is used to construct HXCOMM command structures and help message. HXCOMM HXCOMM can be used for comments, discarded from both texi and C STEXI @table @option ETEXI DEF("amend", img_amend, "amend [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-p] [-q] [-f fmt] [-t cache] -o options filename") STEXI @item amend [--object @var{objectdef}] [--image-opts] [-p] [-q] [-f @var{fmt}] [-t @var{cache}] -o @var{options} @var{filename} ETEXI DEF("bench", img_bench, "bench [-c count] [-d depth] [-f fmt] [--flush-interval=flush_interval] [-n] [--no-drain] [-o offset] [--pattern=pattern] [-q] [-s buffer_size] [-S step_size] [-t cache] [-w] [-U] filename") STEXI @item bench [-c @var{count}] [-d @var{depth}] [-f @var{fmt}] [--flush-interval=@var{flush_interval}] [-n] [--no-drain] [-o @var{offset}] [--pattern=@var{pattern}] [-q] [-s @var{buffer_size}] [-S @var{step_size}] [-t @var{cache}] [-w] [-U] @var{filename} ETEXI DEF("check", img_check, "check [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-q] [-f fmt] [--output=ofmt] [-r [leaks | all]] [-T src_cache] [-U] filename") STEXI @item check [--object @var{objectdef}] [--image-opts] [-q] [-f @var{fmt}] [--output=@var{ofmt}] [-r [leaks | all]] [-T @var{src_cache}] [-U] @var{filename} ETEXI DEF("commit", img_commit, "commit [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-q] [-f fmt] [-t cache] [-b base] [-d] [-p] filename") STEXI @item commit [--object @var{objectdef}] [--image-opts] [-q] [-f @var{fmt}] [-t @var{cache}] [-b @var{base}] [-d] [-p] @var{filename} ETEXI DEF("compare", img_compare, "compare [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-f fmt] [-F fmt] [-T src_cache] [-p] [-q] [-s] [-U] filename1 filename2") STEXI @item compare [--object @var{objectdef}] [--image-opts] [-f @var{fmt}] [-F @var{fmt}] [-T @var{src_cache}] [-p] [-q] [-s] [-U] @var{filename1} @var{filename2} ETEXI DEF("convert", img_convert, "convert [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [--target-image-opts] [-U] [-c] [-p] [-q] [-n] [-f fmt] [-t cache] [-T src_cache] [-O output_fmt] [-B backing_file] [-o options] [-s snapshot_id_or_name] [-l snapshot_param] [-S sparse_size] [-m num_coroutines] [-W] filename [filename2 [...]] output_filename") STEXI @item convert [--object @var{objectdef}] [--image-opts] [--target-image-opts] [-U] [-c] [-p] [-q] [-n] [-f @var{fmt}] [-t @var{cache}] [-T @var{src_cache}] [-O @var{output_fmt}] [-B @var{backing_file}] [-o @var{options}] [-s @var{snapshot_id_or_name}] [-l @var{snapshot_param}] [-S @var{sparse_size}] [-m @var{num_coroutines}] [-W] @var{filename} [@var{filename2} [...]] @var{output_filename} ETEXI DEF("create", img_create, "create [--object objectdef] [-q] [-f fmt] [-b backing_file] [-F backing_fmt] [-u] [-o options] filename [size]") STEXI @item create [--object @var{objectdef}] [-q] [-f @var{fmt}] [-b @var{backing_file}] [-F @var{backing_fmt}] [-u] [-o @var{options}] @var{filename} [@var{size}] ETEXI DEF("dd", img_dd, "dd [--image-opts] [-U] [-f fmt] [-O output_fmt] [bs=block_size] [count=blocks] [skip=blocks] if=input of=output") STEXI @item dd [--image-opts] [-U] [-f @var{fmt}] [-O @var{output_fmt}] [bs=@var{block_size}] [count=@var{blocks}] [skip=@var{blocks}] if=@var{input} of=@var{output} ETEXI DEF("info", img_info, "info [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-f fmt] [--output=ofmt] [--backing-chain] [-U] filename") STEXI @item info [--object @var{objectdef}] [--image-opts] [-f @var{fmt}] [--output=@var{ofmt}] [--backing-chain] [-U] @var{filename} ETEXI DEF("map", img_map, "map [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-f fmt] [--output=ofmt] [-U] filename") STEXI @item map [--object @var{objectdef}] [--image-opts] [-f @var{fmt}] [--output=@var{ofmt}] [-U] @var{filename} ETEXI DEF("measure", img_measure, "measure [--output=ofmt] [-O output_fmt] [-o options] [--size N | [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-f fmt] [-l snapshot_param] filename]") STEXI @item measure [--output=@var{ofmt}] [-O @var{output_fmt}] [-o @var{options}] [--size @var{N} | [--object @var{objectdef}] [--image-opts] [-f @var{fmt}] [-l @var{snapshot_param}] @var{filename}] ETEXI DEF("snapshot", img_snapshot, "snapshot [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-U] [-q] [-l | -a snapshot | -c snapshot | -d snapshot] filename") STEXI @item snapshot [--object @var{objectdef}] [--image-opts] [-U] [-q] [-l | -a @var{snapshot} | -c @var{snapshot} | -d @var{snapshot}] @var{filename} ETEXI DEF("rebase", img_rebase, "rebase [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-U] [-q] [-f fmt] [-t cache] [-T src_cache] [-p] [-u] -b backing_file [-F backing_fmt] filename") STEXI @item rebase [--object @var{objectdef}] [--image-opts] [-U] [-q] [-f @var{fmt}] [-t @var{cache}] [-T @var{src_cache}] [-p] [-u] -b @var{backing_file} [-F @var{backing_fmt}] @var{filename} ETEXI DEF("resize", img_resize, "resize [--object objectdef] [--image-opts] [-q] [--shrink] filename [+ | -]size") STEXI @item resize [--object @var{objectdef}] [--image-opts] [-q] [--shrink] @var{filename} [+ | -]@var{size} ETEXI STEXI @end table ETEXI