Markus Armbruster 4e99f4b12c qapi: Drop simple unions
Simple unions predate flat unions.  Having both complicates the QAPI
schema language and the QAPI generator.  We haven't been using simple
unions in new code for a long time, because they are less flexible and
somewhat awkward on the wire.

The previous commits eliminated simple union from the tree.  Now drop
them from the QAPI schema language entirely, and update mentions of
"flat union" to just "union".

Signed-off-by: Markus Armbruster <armbru@redhat.com>
Reviewed-by: Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com>
Message-Id: <20210917143134.412106-22-armbru@redhat.com>
2021-09-27 08:23:25 +02:00

350 lines
12 KiB

# *-*- Mode: Python -*-*
# vim: filetype=python
# This file is a stress test of supported qapi constructs that must
# parse and compile correctly.
# Whitelists to permit QAPI rule violations
{ 'pragma': {
# Types whose member names may use '_'
'member-name-exceptions': [
# Commands allowed to return a non-dictionary:
'command-returns-exceptions': [
'guest-sync' ] } }
{ 'struct': 'TestStruct',
'data': { 'integer': {'type': 'int'}, 'boolean': 'bool', 'string': 'str' } }
# for testing enums
{ 'struct': 'NestedEnumsOne',
'data': { 'enum1': 'EnumOne', # Intentional forward reference
'*enum2': 'EnumOne', 'enum3': 'EnumOne', '*enum4': 'EnumOne' } }
# An empty enum, although unusual, is currently acceptable
{ 'enum': 'MyEnum', 'data': [ ] }
# Likewise for an empty struct, including an empty base
{ 'struct': 'Empty1', 'data': { } }
{ 'struct': 'Empty2', 'base': 'Empty1', 'data': { } }
# Likewise for an empty union
{ 'union': 'Union',
'base': { 'type': 'EnumOne' }, 'discriminator': 'type',
'data': { } }
{ 'command': 'user-def-cmd0', 'data': 'Empty2', 'returns': 'Empty2' }
# for testing override of default naming heuristic
{ 'enum': 'QEnumTwo',
'prefix': 'QENUM_TWO',
'data': [ 'value1', 'value2' ] }
# for testing nested structs
{ 'struct': 'UserDefOne',
'base': 'UserDefZero', # intentional forward reference
'data': { 'string': 'str',
'*enum1': 'EnumOne' } } # intentional forward reference
{ 'enum': 'EnumOne',
'data': [ 'value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4' ] }
{ 'struct': 'UserDefZero',
'data': { 'integer': 'int' } }
{ 'struct': 'UserDefTwoDictDict',
'data': { 'userdef': 'UserDefOne', 'string': 'str' } }
{ 'struct': 'UserDefTwoDict',
'data': { 'string1': 'str',
'dict2': 'UserDefTwoDictDict',
'*dict3': 'UserDefTwoDictDict' } }
{ 'struct': 'UserDefTwo',
'data': { 'string0': 'str',
'dict1': 'UserDefTwoDict' } }
{ 'struct': 'UserDefThree',
'data': { 'string0': 'str' } }
# dummy struct to force generation of array types not otherwise mentioned
{ 'struct': 'ForceArrays',
'data': { 'unused1':['UserDefOne'], 'unused2':['UserDefTwo'],
'unused3':['TestStruct'] } }
# for testing unions
# Among other things, test that a name collision between branches does
# not cause any problems (since only one branch can be in use at a time),
# by intentionally using two branches that both have a C member 'a_b'
{ 'struct': 'UserDefA',
'data': { 'boolean': 'bool', '*a_b': 'int' } }
{ 'struct': 'UserDefB',
'data': { 'intb': 'int', '*a-b': 'bool' } }
{ 'union': 'UserDefFlatUnion',
'base': 'UserDefUnionBase', # intentional forward reference
'discriminator': 'enum1',
'data': { 'value1' : {'type': 'UserDefA'},
'value2' : 'UserDefB',
'value3' : 'UserDefB'
# 'value4' defaults to empty
} }
{ 'struct': 'UserDefUnionBase',
'base': 'UserDefZero',
'data': { 'string': 'str', 'enum1': 'EnumOne' } }
# this variant of UserDefFlatUnion defaults to a union that uses members with
# allocated types to test corner cases in the cleanup/dealloc visitor
{ 'union': 'UserDefFlatUnion2',
'base': { '*integer': 'int', 'string': 'str', 'enum1': 'QEnumTwo' },
'discriminator': 'enum1',
'data': { 'value1' : 'UserDefC', # intentional forward reference
'value2' : 'UserDefB' } }
{ 'struct': 'WrapAlternate',
'data': { 'alt': 'UserDefAlternate' } }
{ 'alternate': 'UserDefAlternate',
'data': { 'udfu': {'type': 'UserDefFlatUnion'}, 'e': 'EnumOne', 'i': 'int',
'n': 'null' } }
{ 'struct': 'UserDefC',
'data': { 'string1': 'str', 'string2': 'str' } }
# for testing use of 'number' within alternates
{ 'alternate': 'AltEnumBool', 'data': { 'e': 'EnumOne', 'b': 'bool' } }
{ 'alternate': 'AltEnumNum', 'data': { 'e': 'EnumOne', 'n': 'number' } }
{ 'alternate': 'AltNumEnum', 'data': { 'n': 'number', 'e': 'EnumOne' } }
{ 'alternate': 'AltEnumInt', 'data': { 'e': 'EnumOne', 'i': 'int' } }
# for testing use of 'str' within alternates
{ 'alternate': 'AltStrObj', 'data': { 's': 'str', 'o': 'TestStruct' } }
{ 'struct': 'ArrayStruct',
'data': { 'integer': ['int'],
's8': ['int8'],
's16': ['int16'],
's32': ['int32'],
's64': ['int64'],
'u8': ['uint8'],
'u16': ['uint16'],
'u32': ['uint32'],
'u64': ['uint64'],
'number': ['number'],
'boolean': ['bool'],
'string': ['str'],
'*sz': ['size'],
'*any': ['any'],
'*user': ['Status'] } } # intentional forward ref. to sub-module
# for testing sub-modules
{ 'include': 'include/sub-module.json' }
# testing commands
{ 'command': 'user-def-cmd', 'data': {} }
{ 'command': 'user-def-cmd1', 'data': {'ud1a': 'UserDefOne'} }
{ 'command': 'user-def-cmd2',
'data': {'ud1a': {'type': 'UserDefOne'}, '*ud1b': 'UserDefOne'},
'returns': 'UserDefTwo' }
{ 'command': 'cmd-success-response', 'data': {}, 'success-response': false }
{ 'command': 'coroutine-cmd', 'data': {}, 'coroutine': true }
# Returning a non-dictionary requires a name from the whitelist
{ 'command': 'guest-get-time', 'data': {'a': 'int', '*b': 'int' },
'returns': 'int' }
{ 'command': 'guest-sync', 'data': { 'arg': 'any' }, 'returns': 'any' }
{ 'command': 'boxed-struct', 'boxed': true, 'data': 'UserDefZero' }
{ 'command': 'boxed-union', 'data': 'UserDefFlatUnion', 'boxed': true }
{ 'command': 'boxed-empty', 'boxed': true, 'data': 'Empty1' }
# Smoke test on out-of-band and allow-preconfig-test
{ 'command': 'test-flags-command', 'allow-oob': true, 'allow-preconfig': true }
# For testing integer range flattening in opts-visitor. The following schema
# corresponds to the option format:
# -userdef i64=3-6,i64=-5--1,u64=2,u16=1,u16=7-12
# For simplicity, this example doesn't use [type=]discriminator nor optargs
# specific to discriminator values.
{ 'struct': 'UserDefOptions',
'data': {
'*i64' : [ 'int' ],
'*u64' : [ 'uint64' ],
'*u16' : [ 'uint16' ],
'*i64x': 'int' ,
'*u64x': 'uint64' } }
# testing event
{ 'struct': 'EventStructOne',
'data': { 'struct1': {'type': 'UserDefOne'}, 'string': 'str', '*enum2': 'EnumOne' } }
{ 'event': 'EVENT_A' }
{ 'event': 'EVENT_B',
'data': { } }
{ 'event': 'EVENT_C',
'data': { '*a': 'int', '*b': 'UserDefOne', 'c': 'str' } }
{ 'event': 'EVENT_D',
'data': { 'a' : 'EventStructOne', 'b' : 'str', '*c': 'str', '*enum3': 'EnumOne' } }
{ 'event': 'EVENT_E', 'boxed': true, 'data': 'UserDefZero' }
{ 'event': 'EVENT_F', 'boxed': true, 'data': 'UserDefFlatUnion' }
{ 'event': 'EVENT_G', 'boxed': true, 'data': 'Empty1' }
# test that we correctly compile downstream extensions, as well as munge
# ticklish names
# also test union and alternate with just one branch
{ 'enum': '__org.qemu_x-Enum', 'data': [ '__org.qemu_x-value' ] }
{ 'struct': '__org.qemu_x-Base',
'data': { '__org.qemu_x-member1': '__org.qemu_x-Enum' } }
{ 'struct': '__org.qemu_x-Struct', 'base': '__org.qemu_x-Base',
'data': { '__org.qemu_x-member2': 'str', '*wchar-t': 'int' } }
{ 'alternate': '__org.qemu_x-Alt1', 'data': { '__org.qemu_x-branch': 'str' } }
{ 'struct': '__org.qemu_x-Struct2',
'data': { 'array': ['__org.qemu_x-Union'] } }
{ 'union': '__org.qemu_x-Union', 'base': '__org.qemu_x-Base',
'discriminator': '__org.qemu_x-member1',
'data': { '__org.qemu_x-value': '__org.qemu_x-Struct2' } }
{ 'alternate': '__org.qemu_x-Alt',
'data': { '__org.qemu_x-branch': '__org.qemu_x-Base' } }
{ 'event': '__ORG.QEMU_X-EVENT', 'data': '__org.qemu_x-Struct' }
{ 'command': '__org.qemu_x-command',
'data': { 'a': ['__org.qemu_x-Enum'], 'b': ['__org.qemu_x-Struct'],
'c': '__org.qemu_x-Union', 'd': '__org.qemu_x-Alt' } }
# test 'if' condition handling
{ 'struct': 'TestIfStruct',
'data': { 'foo': 'int',
'bar': { 'type': 'int', 'if': 'TEST_IF_STRUCT_BAR'} },
'if': 'TEST_IF_STRUCT' }
{ 'enum': 'TestIfEnum',
'data': [ 'foo', { 'name' : 'bar', 'if': 'TEST_IF_ENUM_BAR' } ],
'if': 'TEST_IF_ENUM' }
{ 'union': 'TestIfUnion',
'base': { 'type': 'TestIfEnum' },
'discriminator': 'type',
'data': { 'foo': 'TestStruct',
'bar': { 'type': 'UserDefZero', 'if': 'TEST_IF_ENUM_BAR'} },
'if': { 'all': ['TEST_IF_UNION', 'TEST_IF_STRUCT'] } }
{ 'command': 'test-if-union-cmd',
'data': { 'union-cmd-arg': 'TestIfUnion' },
'if': { 'all': ['TEST_IF_UNION', 'TEST_IF_STRUCT'] } }
{ 'alternate': 'TestIfAlternate',
'data': { 'foo': 'int',
'bar': { 'type': 'TestStruct', 'if': 'TEST_IF_ALT_BAR'} },
'if': { 'all': ['TEST_IF_ALT', 'TEST_IF_STRUCT'] } }
{ 'command': 'test-if-alternate-cmd',
'data': { 'alt-cmd-arg': 'TestIfAlternate' },
'if': { 'all': ['TEST_IF_ALT', 'TEST_IF_STRUCT'] } }
{ 'command': 'test-if-cmd',
'data': {
'foo': 'TestIfStruct',
'bar': { 'type': 'TestIfEnum', 'if': 'TEST_IF_CMD_BAR' } },
'returns': 'UserDefThree',
'if': { 'all': ['TEST_IF_CMD', 'TEST_IF_STRUCT'] } }
{ 'command': 'test-cmd-return-def-three', 'returns': 'UserDefThree' }
{ 'event': 'TEST_IF_EVENT',
'data': { 'foo': 'TestIfStruct',
'bar': { 'type': ['TestIfEnum'], 'if': 'TEST_IF_EVT_BAR' } },
'if': { 'all': ['TEST_IF_EVT', 'TEST_IF_STRUCT'] } }
{ 'event': 'TEST_IF_EVENT2', 'data': {},
'if': { 'not': { 'any': [ { 'not': 'TEST_IF_EVT' },
{ 'not': 'TEST_IF_STRUCT' } ] } } }
# test 'features'
{ 'struct': 'FeatureStruct0',
'data': { 'foo': 'int' },
'features': [] }
{ 'struct': 'FeatureStruct1',
'data': { 'foo': { 'type': 'int', 'features': [ 'deprecated' ] } },
'features': [ 'feature1' ] }
{ 'struct': 'FeatureStruct2',
'data': { 'foo': 'int' },
'features': [ { 'name': 'feature1' } ] }
{ 'struct': 'FeatureStruct3',
'data': { 'foo': 'int' },
'features': [ 'feature1', 'feature2' ] }
{ 'struct': 'FeatureStruct4',
'data': { 'namespace-test': 'int' },
'features': [ 'namespace-test', 'int', 'name', 'if' ] }
{ 'struct': 'CondFeatureStruct1',
'data': { 'foo': 'int' },
'features': [ { 'name': 'feature1', 'if': 'TEST_IF_FEATURE_1'} ] }
{ 'struct': 'CondFeatureStruct2',
'data': { 'foo': 'int' },
'features': [ { 'name': 'feature1', 'if': 'TEST_IF_FEATURE_1'},
{ 'name': 'feature2', 'if': 'TEST_IF_FEATURE_2'} ] }
{ 'struct': 'CondFeatureStruct3',
'data': { 'foo': 'int' },
'features': [ { 'name': 'feature1',
'if': { 'all': [ 'TEST_IF_COND_1',
'TEST_IF_COND_2'] } } ] }
{ 'struct': 'CondFeatureStruct4',
'data': { 'foo': 'int' },
'features': [ { 'name': 'feature1',
'if': {'any': ['TEST_IF_COND_1',
'TEST_IF_COND_2'] } } ] }
{ 'enum': 'FeatureEnum1',
'data': [ 'eins', 'zwei', 'drei' ],
'features': [ 'feature1' ] }
{ 'union': 'FeatureUnion1',
'base': { 'tag': 'FeatureEnum1' },
'discriminator': 'tag',
'data': { 'eins': 'FeatureStruct1' },
'features': [ 'feature1' ] }
{ 'alternate': 'FeatureAlternate1',
'data': { 'eins': 'FeatureStruct1' },
'features': [ 'feature1' ] }
{ 'command': 'test-features0',
'data': { '*fs0': 'FeatureStruct0',
'*fs1': 'FeatureStruct1',
'*fs2': 'FeatureStruct2',
'*fs3': 'FeatureStruct3',
'*fs4': 'FeatureStruct4',
'*cfs1': 'CondFeatureStruct1',
'*cfs2': 'CondFeatureStruct2',
'*cfs3': 'CondFeatureStruct3',
'*cfs4': 'CondFeatureStruct4' },
'returns': 'FeatureStruct1',
'features': [] }
{ 'command': 'test-command-features1',
'features': [ 'deprecated' ] }
{ 'command': 'test-command-features3',
'features': [ 'feature1', 'feature2' ] }
{ 'command': 'test-command-cond-features1',
'features': [ { 'name': 'feature1', 'if': 'TEST_IF_FEATURE_1'} ] }
{ 'command': 'test-command-cond-features2',
'features': [ { 'name': 'feature1', 'if': 'TEST_IF_FEATURE_1'},
{ 'name': 'feature2', 'if': 'TEST_IF_FEATURE_2'} ] }
{ 'command': 'test-command-cond-features3',
'features': [ { 'name': 'feature1',
'if': { 'all': [ 'TEST_IF_COND_1',
'TEST_IF_COND_2'] } } ] }
{ 'event': 'TEST_EVENT_FEATURES0',
'data': 'FeatureStruct1' }
{ 'event': 'TEST_EVENT_FEATURES1',
'features': [ 'deprecated' ] }